he shin :--'-|p · abc. " hut i won't prnmue to buy. wo got a very pretty ckromo...

HE SHIN VOLUME XVI. WASHINGTON, WABREN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, JOL^o*. 1883. :--'-|P NIL 'BER 28. PllOl'ESSIONAL. Tyll. A. STKVKEU, Civil and Criminal Law Practitioner, WASHINGTON, M. J. T011X M. VAN 1IYKK, WiiMlilnutitn. N..I.. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Solicitor mil Mutter in Cli'tncrri/, 'PRACTITIONER IN' TIIK UNITKI) And-i 'sfATKS COURTS, till the Coiiri* ot AW ,Ur>f>j. TOSlfi'Il II. WILSON, ., . Solicitor in Chancery, Commissioner or Deeds. Office over King's New Drug Start-, cor- ner or Front A- Miuisilchi Sis., Belvi- t!cro,N..T. Transact nil branched of lpj.nl buBincss. fimnyly _____ . _ _, KL'INIK'iytttfSTI:*!, "\V»HUIii|£ton, -N.".I. With nil the latest improvements, L am prepared to doih'.t-cUisa work*. I'ine UtilA and extra Silver Fillings at rcilu pricrfl. Alargo assortment u[ Uic 1 Artiikial 'IVctli thnt nnj made. KllKSU QAS KVKUY DAY. All branches of the profession rnrefiiily A performed. All - cheap for cash. e profession efiy ork warranted, ami XT K. M'CKMAN, IW3XT lit; SOllTIIAMlToS STI1KKT. JwlSTOX, /M. hl K.-t* IHHILHTU- in:ult> mi Olliil'.li] U1V dVlllL* 1hl- t.Wt Sit of unv nuiU'riiiUn use. ]u;oiall; M). miliis U'i'i Arillli- Mlfi: 8U liclriilcrc, Wntreu County, Xe« Jfirfi'j' JIO'MIZJ.S. QT.Cl.OUP IIO'l'Kl,, WAriHTN<:mX AVB., WASMINli TON", \. J. in Location, Aijcoiniiiodntiou niui .Miiiinge- inent. l'ermunont 'ami Transient- UucsU well entertained.' A New BILLIARD PARLOR Attached ;.. C. l-\ STAA'fES, I'nynfhr: rpirKWiNHsou HOOSK, ('(lit. WASlIIXliTOS AND 1IKI.V1HKRK .Wl!., Wawlilngtou, N. ,i. "" V"TlieTmest'lmtel' itr Northern-\'ew .ier- Epy, centrnllv located, Satisfaction gimr. . anteed to all [jin'.aia.iipnimiiL'uL nr-lruu- ~*si(;nl. . Billiard Room-and Barber .Slu)_i -'in coii'iiiciiuirivllltlliu.Iiaic!;';:;„„;:.;-.•'-;;•;;••• V. K.UOAGLANl), ZV-vnV/w. THE LITTLE WK1TE DEGGARS. w frollctlnff in from tlie l rite wnntl wnvwenn iiw ilio ooks w re Hm j ilio rooks nre K Snowy fn?stn toalnp, BO prowl to lw frci', Jtnclnn and cliailnu In luby-Uke IIU 1 ^ U_> tlio 8anO slo_>e to Uio U-acli WWII tlwr. Throned on Hie i»09t ot tlio KCii-inokln'.; b'ato. Sate In tho (olJ of myhliclU-rlns nun, .«iltrw-ycar old Hick', Utonklitf in ''It M Mttle feet tlruiiunlni; a! miniirous ratP- t<iiMll Klni; Canute, tlutin.' wav.w own charm; ( iuBlilns eyes, bluo as Iho Uuc Uushini; w-'n Sinit«i rljitninn over iwin coral and JWOTIS; i).ilnij- wliito arms tosHni: up la their nice, llaby voloo slioulliig iwmerry niul frw l b tumbling ttmsc ymsl o itk'liartl, my kln_, wlial ilo liablw* Wuc cyra ULwcrn ol the Iwauiy oc sea, an J or slmrc; ,.H mucii as tiio Ilitie sandpiper thai iiU's Where the crisp rippled curve, or the s:n;ill waves Hint rise, wjien iho Hoods clip tliclr hand* and rejoice overmen:. 1)61 ulan Jer tlie soul ot in)- small" human boy I" iMk out, then, my Dick, over oaMn's blue floor. And tell mo what ratifies thow \hvp tliou^iits employ. . Hal litck-.scctticnu'Oinul Do juu join in the Joy Ol llic Ullle while horses all racing fur sUorot flic tiny uplifted nnn luiiaM In the nlr, The lilue oyfH grew tliou_j1uiui. tlie \twrx 1 - toiuliMl head '"". Sliool; smiiwaios arouad, ami 11m sw,vi little pair Of coi ;il tips, irMuMLnR with iiltiTane" ran* •• biijse Isn't while liorsea," lie earnestly said. What, not little liorsps Kljft? we lion- tiicj Alt tlu'ircurly whiw manes iluiilinti tweh on D.UlllII,,' tlltMllOpS 11 |l lO SlllllC 111 111? K'tll, lUi'Lii!! ami th!isliij;-vrhiit jrlwlum fim! " So, no : do/.c la 'lttlo wlittt; ih^'W H -> 1 '1 hi*. '• *l»to "vlille iH^'garx," lie murmured again. Oil, lititowliliy breakers you nmiti. I _u_»_iO!i«\ " Not "utlu wtilic b'aftira "—siwstimi was \aln. My wisdom ri>]«tfJ willi Ixmy 1IU1UI11- •' 'Ittle white lwf(fiirs iley w: 1 knon a." Little white b-^cars-wcll, tlinty an idea I Then pcrluuM you t'rtn tell to we'll all umlcr BtnnU, What these, little while bi__,'ars conic tx^Bln] lor Here? And tlio soit tKipj 1 lips wlilspcrc"l,elose to my car, " Dey Twi;a lorrtowoukfl, an 1 do sea-vreea at/ ttko ber bam painted to inmcb tbo now houso." I amgrcntly obliged to you," enld the young wan, toying with n particularly largo berry, "but I Jo not execute orders in tbat branch. I mn nn Artist." "A—which,*/" said Aunt Jrnn. : " Au artist. Khali I ttluw you souio of iv Bkfllchotf V •" Aunt Jean nut on nor Kpcctacic. nt'onco. " Well, I don't objoct to look at 'cm," said abc. " Hut I won't prnmUe to buy. Wo got a very pretty ckromo witb tho lust pound V ten wo bought, nmt Kitty, eutH pictures tut of the illustrated paper* niul pantos 'itxx on to slore-jars!" Mr. Uigh laughed. " Ob, I don't expect to make a nnlo t" sold he. "AU theso nro merely firel ideas, jotted down in tho crudest of fashions. To Bpeak truth, my real olject iu calling hero this nionting win to n«k tiormiKfilon to ukotcb thoso picturesque ruins down by tha old rond." " Oh!" said Aunt Jean; " tho old smilby, Dear, dear! there niu't nothin'but a tumble* down Ktunwnll nnd n few luullciu-Etalks left there. Ef you could wait till next spring, Eliliu Lovit means to put up n Urst-cIaRS s shop, llut you'ro welcome to do nil the bkctchiif you want! 11 Oly'Hoytia sparkled. • •. " • " I wish I wns (in nrlist," fifiid ehe, iw BU Inrnr-d over the l>iU of mili-bonrd, nil which wore instinct with life nnd benmy. " Well," «iid Aunt .K' why shouldn't yon be? h Into a hearty pen great iiiVhlitlcnlii) Oh, nuuty," Laii{_hiaglou, hecki bandied parasol. "You that I wont to ace. Sly com P HQUKST nOU'faK, HtXVlDKUK, S. J. The undersigned wishes to inrorm llic triivoitn'f; iiublifi that he has removal into new building just uowplaied,. on. Market street, on the situ of the olil "Washington Hotel," Kdvidero, where lie ia "fully prc- '(Torcdto furnisli t holiest •accomiiiodat ions his past frler.da mid the pultlic in gen- eral. This hotel:: io ba kaown beu'iifter . ua the ' lVi_uest House.'.. Feeling grate- tu ' r ? v P asl P^tvunaKC.'he kindly solicits u "ti rihii6i:ii;« : btitbles inthevenr. l \V3[. A. ClUMKK. Wackettstown ••REV. GEO/H. WHITNEY, D.D. IJIJIVH 1 college, Prepai'tiis j'fiiny nion for college. Host faeilitiea f»r music, art mill commercial-liRiiicliear' Thorotiglmess "•""every tlqiiirliiii:nl..;"lScfitbBililiiig of-I la 'lass, wiiU sleam-healCT, !:as, lint and o l d "wiit'er; ejeV nin^.iilfwilmii.ai) .uiann :' rmira I i t. It ml ^lj c il 111 i.7. L..I -c i:":i ti ui r i •! o.i f n t I L, ;\ n ft. .healthful, Giitnlogtie'sent {'rets ou appli- •t p iilion.:- Yeur opens Heptcinlier •>. . HACKETTSTOWN. H; AUNT JEAN'S MISTAKE. "Oil, dear! it ia too [ilensutit lo etny iu the hoiHo to-day!" nuitl Kitty Ford. "Aunt Jcnn, conlilu't I gobcnyhig, up inHie past- ure.lot?" ~ , "Kouseuso!" said Auut Jean, >'\Vitb tho biiek bed.rtom to bu wbitowtisl tbo cbiiruing to bo done, nnd Ihe qnilt to bo got ready for tbo fumes? I'm surprised you, Catherine!" , Kitty looked with longing eyes nt the croppiuy tides ot suushiuo on tbo bill, tbi grunt tibnilfitvt) tb:tl ttio u_i|ili;.[rcu l>ou_liS mndo, tTAnying, ou tUo gran. Tbcro wns a cntbird Binding in the Kitty wished tbnt—just for uwbile—slit ^iild iu tLit 'C2'.b;:-d, r.Li ;!~:" : - ". s'.ori led region of green lcnves, where clmroing, vhitawaab [miUamlqiiilting-bc.cn, ^ero uu- knon'u. . . She knew tbnt oven now tho scarlet jinp- pics were nodding along the stone walls liks. iokliow, tbo wild-roses openiug in eoli* tary uoolu," tbo strawberries ri|ieiiing in frngratii wood-openitigs on tho bill. A9 theeo tempting tbouglits passed sicrosa licr mind, nho heard Auu^ Jenu'n shrill voice it the biwk door, tilkiog to some oue. "A paiilftr- iti'<" «ud Bbe. "Ob, yes, you're welcome to a dfliiiC. ot water. You draw it," fresb "nud cooT^.'or: yourself. Tlie well's out under Iho big birtternut-trce. A painter, didyou say? P'rnps Tou-PSS -L"".ViTSrW^H, -hitewasU, too?" ' " Certainly, nin HI, couiplnccully, I dnrd say thU n can show you how ho does it.' Jilly lotikedftl the young muu ; theyoune ii tuokfd ut Kitty, nud thru both bun^ of luiiglitvr, to Auut Jeau'i i. ii'id Kitty, still choking be bind her pocket-bnndkereblef, "that isn't the wny thnt nrlUtfi nro made 1" Unit nu iiour Inter, Kitty Ford wns out on the jjreeu. fecdiug her litllc downy duct Hugs with scnldcd uie-il, wheu Judge Laugh- ing ton's carriage drove- np. Kitty let tho tiu pan fall in her dismay. To her, MUs Lnughiugton, In her summer silks nud diamouiH long white plumes nnd eighl-buttoned kid.glovcs, represented oil that was elognut nnd ndorablo. Uow she regretted tbnt sho stil! wora her old Hue gingham _<>•"». •""* lllBl u " cutIs wero nil tniiglo'l by tho sweet, soit wind! " Don't runnwny, Kitty, dear." Enid Miss TRACE'S lCpMERCWL SOKOpL ' Preparnlory to college, busi FOR YOUNG WEN AND UD1.ES wllU her Wory- ho very girl , Mr. Leich, Is comicg down this wny, tn.ilay, tn hketch. I bnvo told him about 'hewe pretty, old ruin! of the blnekiniith'.i shop; KO, if bo comei past here—" " Oh, Mis* iJiiigiiiuRton," cried Kitty, turuing as scnrlet as tho big bunch of pcouics ct the corner of tho bouse, ." hi has come ftlrcmlyl And Aunt Jean set him to white- washing, and paid him a quarter of nud his dinner. Oh, bny could we hnvo Miss Laugbington lutiyhfd. "Dluadar, child:" Miiil ahe. "Where's tho blunder?. If Ilortou 'wants to do a Lbiug, he'll .lo it. " uot.tho whole world couldn't compel him." ; > And nfter tho glistening carriage lino rolled nway, Killy Ford eat down mid cried. Jmlgo Lft'ighingtou's daughter "drove on to tbo ruined smithy, where Mr. Leigh was composedly "pcltiiis in" the lights nnd shadows of tho old chimmey and the unit A WHITE SLAVE. to-day, but ho hasn't come, liwe it isnino o'clock! -t don't li'll in!' 1 Knid a deep, pleas- -\Hitty leaned" forward'to get i peop'itt tlio possessor of that clear, soft tenor. He was a young mini, witb a uort of pack strapped on bis Lick,. nud something re- sembled n ningnilieduinbrella iu his bnnd. ".Ob," said Kitty, to beriielf^ "a peddler! Aunt Jean ia getting harder nud barder of hoariug every tiny!" .".Well," Haul.Aunt. Joan, " I do b'lieve Providence lias sent y'oii! I'd engaged Per- kins Polk towhitewash tho back bed-room And ra.lio moans to come to-day. lVrkins Jms took to drink dreadful of Into—poor erccturl P'raps, sir,- you* could . whitewash tha back bf?dj-_)Otn '/ l'J bo ivillin' to givo. yon "your dinner and ri"«iuarter'6r If d6ll:ir"for Ibo job"I* And I can't any more liberal than that!" 1 Aunt Jean was nwfiiting _tho d'oeision of tho young ninu, with otio hnnd back of her ear, wben Kilty walked in, hfir" bright "eye's sparkling witb mirth, her chucks rosy, nud her lips purseO up in tho dcri.ici'iUe attempt not to Binilo. " You'll please excuse Aunt Jean, my. good man," said Bbe. " Wo do7, ; {wnnt anything to-day. There was a peddler along on Sat- DOUUP ciilrc llmi 1^"" nn clvcu on Or- ' Jk'ElioroH^li Sut-iriiu- , ren.la Ihe Uer- , •'••pnr catalogue aiid" furihtir inforinalion apply'to or aiWrcM,"- : •- H. H. TRACH, Principal .. yiSly 133 Sontli Sixth StrtM-l, KASTOS, l'A. ^lwTski n rt.e"r_sj" A Full lino ViC choice coiircctioncry nlwayg ,-;; : .:•••••,•.•• •••- . "on ltaiul.-. : ; : QNU '1'JHAI. WITJTJ Snow T|I,\T._,..' lhcae Goods m*e~'ih<}"jie$k, name atatnped iu gilt lottery ou tho iusido of hia color.bos—looked from grim Aunt Jsan to pretty Kitty, aud made up bia miud'Vt 'd. ' ; -. 'Pardon mo," ho Bnid, "but I am not peddler. And it yon will allow.mo I sbal 1 bo yery glad to undertake tho job." " Tho sooner tho better," snid Aunt Joan, briftkly. " I s'poso you aiu't got your over- alls with you. . Thut.don't.mnkq no differ, once.' There's a pair up KlnirG na belonged Ilirain.nnvknpRS, who worked f< oll^andViuinperia'clcet^aV-itilly re,jv)i__^_ ll __:V';ay and johiod.tbo gipsies, TiTontim ngor"ltilty," ruu"up" fetch,..cm,- And tho yonug man can po into tho barn nud put 'iavoiV:; Well, I "db^ciTii 7 thU a Etrcak o 1 luck I" , " J - : ^ .-', -:: And in leaa thau.flvo miuutcfl the "young man " wns mounted onftlttddei',' brandishing a good-sized 'WhltWnsh tiusbj^Kitty Fo;il wan churuin.}.. aud Aunt'Jean was,tacking tlio qiiilt ontbo frames in tho host rooiu._ There's uothin' lilto getliu'ft"good, early i id AtJ lint sho vent back to tlia slaluly "Court with a bent brow and au ill-pleased oiprM. MMntrIe!" i: wid Tliure'd no knowing what ridiculous ho will tuke up next." Th« following ronmrknblo story might, roll ho set down a* belonging tc tho ram*! luce of fletiou wero It uot that thero Is In-; dispnlable oridcuce to show that U belong! to that still more remarkable romance ot fad. II. L. Benedick tamo to Sun Francis- co In September, 1830, tmfferiug from chill* and fever. lie accepted on offer to go. to TIouolulu to do " light work " on a plnnta- tion for 921 a month. Ho was to roturn to San Francisco wben be plenied. Judge, then, of his eurpriso when, on ar- riving at Honolulu, ho wns Informed, fa common with hU compnnlous of voyogo, that bo was uuiler a contrast for two years. Along with bis companion*), Benedick was mnrchod down to tbo Uuding, shipped on board a Email steamer, and tiiken to Fahala Kan, Tho ofuco of thu plantation, was firo uiileB up from tbo nboro, and when be ar- rived (hero he was shown for tbo first time tho contract. IJy'its terms be found him- self bound to labor for ono year, counting twenty-six working dnys iu each tnoutb, and paid at tha rate of twolro dollars a month. It ia also stated that ho agroed to livo ou Csb aud rice, and wan, In return, to bo provided with house room while at work. Tho document was an infamous forgery, of course, nnd Benedick vehemently repudiat- ed It, All tho satisfaction ho rccoivod in reply win that tho contract waa thero in black nud white; that ho would find the task ot disproving its authenticity no oasj oue, p.ml that for his future comfort it would bo well for him to make a virluo ont of ne- cessity aud go to work. Ho took tho advico with a mental reservation that ho would csenjio aa EOOU as possible. It was on Friday night wben tho plantation was reach- ed, nui bo was informed by tho managor (Goodell) thnt unlil Monday ho could " lay oil" and mako himself acquainted witb his now homo. lie was couductcd to tho slave quarters aud found them to bo a two utory bouso, thi) lower floor dovoted to cooking purposes and tho upper used as a dormitory. But such a bedroom! On tbo bare floor there wcro closo upon three hundred humnn beings stretched out—negroon, Chinese, 1 Knuknkas, Portuguese andmen of other nationalities, huddled together In filthy pro- miscuity. The only covering. uieil was u dirly blanket, ono of which Bonediok was told would ba provided him aud the prico charged agniuBt bis nhr.r account. Vermin wcro BO thick thnt they could bo sccu crawl ing over everything. , Ho ran away, but was captured nnd thrown into tho clave pen, and tho ncit day set to work on tbo ro.-ubj. His bourn were made tou a day. For food bo was given a bag of raw rice, which be cooked by making a fire of dried twigs and boiling a small quantity ia au old can. So ho labored for tbirty.two days at twcnty-lkc cents a day until tho fine of $3 was worked out. Onco moro bo wiu brought beforo the shorltl and asked if he wouM go bask to the plantation, acd again he refused..,. Tho samo dny howan led down o a boat and sent down to Honolulu, con ligncd to Assistant Warden Malay, together with the contract ant! it'note requesting Unlay to "tieat thisumn roughens wo enn ;ot no work out of him." Tha letter and spirit of the messngo wcro both carriod out ind the "roucb" treatment becan without •lay. - - : ... . ..._.... At length, npparontly exiispornted out of ill season by Bonediuk'n persistency, Malay had him stripped aud triced up to four steel riiigliolts scra\f cd into tho wall. There this unu, a frco American citizen, treacherously inirod iolo shivery, was whipped like a dog, May layiiig on fifteen lushes with a black- K READY BUYER. It k Ihocosloa ol anciJoucrs lo Iflterpret A sod of tho head or a Blight movement ot the hand as a bid. Usually this method worka well, but camctinicc it begets a ludi- crous mistako, such a one as. tho following Incident shows s . An Auctioneer. Belling pictures iu an ari- gallcry, with Iho buyers seated beforo him, called out,— ,; " Gentlemen, hero is a fino painting by Wiggins, a pupil of Gcromo, foremoat* of modem paintera. Now, how much am I offered to Btart this lovely painting 7 Don't bo baflhfal, gentlemen; th.oro'8 no Bin In starting a bid. How much am I offered ? "Ah, thanlcyoul Tou dollars, I'm bid 1 Tea dolimbid; going at tea dollars, who'll giro mo flfteon ? - Fiftcen'II yer mako it ? Oointendols, teudobmoffered—drcartheQf* toon? Fifteen, I'moffered; who'll gimmo twenty ? Oolntfiftccn dollars,—twtmty 1 ! yortnako It?" Thus he went on, increasing his figures until ho could get no higher prico. Then tho painting was Btruck off with. "Sold foi sixty.flvo dollars to tho gentleman In tho cor- ner." Each plcturo wan praised without stint. "Gentlemen, tbia ia ODO of the finest paintings In the city—rat au ' out' nbout it —worth twice tbo money, onsyl Wliyl I cold a canvax last weok of linlf tho BUO foi thrco timcn as much as I'm offered—yeB, sir, for throe times as much nud cheap al that 1 DIME NOVEL HEROES. Onaof tho common delusions of theaa practical days Is that tho ago of chivalry U post. Not a bit of it. Tboro Is just-as much rotnarco f n thn world MI over, if ono knows how and whore to look f< aier, - u tor it.'"' Tho •him ,._l'nr Mr. Leigh had declined to, accept.tin pitalities'or thTCoiirl 1 ''"V 11 " ':"•—"""""?: •'You always havo such loada of compituy there, Antoutii," said he, "and I prefer quiet. No—I'll come up to see you when tbo Hjjirit tiiovcis m e ; but I'll pitch my tcuts in this secluded dale. It will, ho butter'ft? •eal, sternly work." I'm Kitty Ford's deep, liquid eyes Ktill banntcd his brain. . . ' "Tbo prettiest girl I over saw!" ho,(kepl Tcpcating to himself. " A puro spirit, dwelling in a lily-like templol. I must i moro uf horj'I must sketch her-us ' Una, . Habowont hack, .that nigbt.t-jttEt-.it3 -the dew was fnlling and the whip-poor-wills hc- tjiumng to siiig, and nsltcd AuuL Jcau if he sou!'i._ocoiipy..i:.t!io_:littliv_-.roniii;_.-oycr kilchon, where tbo brick chinmiey porket\ itself out, nnd tho one little window. looked directly into the boughs of tbo old pear-tree. •--••'' Oii,-I don't earo," said good Aunt. Joim. -," It's Kitty that dons thnbqUROWork. '^Sh'e must decide." •' " Wo aro plain people," (.aid Kilty, invol autnrilybhishir._"j "but— 1 ! "Then I may come," said ITortou Leigb. : 'People wore very much surprised. when Uortou_I_yighJ>i-niir._t;t>.-b!uscyed co«! _. iiinitleb to presido over his city uinusionj. tb« uextfall. '• • . . ' .•.. '..•' •';:••"- -•• . v . - 1 Hut Kitty Ford, eccme, in ber iunocat hap pinCBS, ncvorjjknow how many teai Antouia Laughiugtou. bad died over her .cousin's weddiug-card. • Aud.. Auut.'.'.Je'ftu makes her boast tbat Kitty hns "stored carpets " in ovory ono of her rooms aud a (1:arringc of her own. v " He's a pnintcr," said Auut Jeau. to hoi frieuds, "Not -a'^hotuo-paiutcr, but picture-painter. And ho known how U whitewash n ccinng equal to Pcrkiun Polk. I.guoss thoro niu't no fear but thiit bo'lliiink» bis'way'in" thw world." Anyhow, Kilty' trim, aud that's enough."—Htlcn Forrest 'riiusyniptouis urn moisture, like per- »pirnlion, intense itcliinc,-. iucreaatd |b." scratching, Ycry distropsing, particularly a. night, scenis aa if pin-worms wore crawling iu aud abolit Uio rectum; tlio private parts etimeg nJleclc<l, If allowed to con- l fli nro Hometimeg nJleclc<l, llowed •timiB .-vcrysocrioHS - results may folio' "SWAYNE'SOlNTMRNT'ls a pirn Al fr TttIth Sa "Aud I'monly offered thirty dollars tot this elcgnut painting E Goint thirty dollars; thirty dolsnioffcrcd-tho five, doI fctar it ? p People were surprised nt tho Inrgo numbei " knocked duwu " to " tlio geutlemnn in tbo coruer," nnd at the high prices pnid. Many turned to sco who he was, but nous seemed to know him. Thero be sat, however, unmoved by Ihe attention bo attracted. In frout of him were sovorul Indies with largo bonnctx which ciit off bin view of tho pictures, and bo WOE obliged to lean n littla on ona ftida in ordci to sco them, which brought him iu view ol tha auctioneer, who could sco tho nodding of hi* head. At tho closo of the wilo the auctioneer met .ho Htrnni*pr nnd saw nn old inau poorly [rcsoed nuu tthakiuf* with tho pnUy, Fine lot of paiiitingtt you bought, sir/ said tho hUud salbsmnu. Eh?" inquired tbo old man, putting bii hnud to his cnr. Au awful thought struck the other, but he iswered calmly, in a loud voice, "A fini ot of pnlntings, sir." "Oh! yes, yes; R fiuo'•tiny. Vrtn 'bi n little html of henriug nnd you'll 1 to Epcnk loud." Mercy! tho man was denf and hadn't icnrda word that the nuctioneer bad said! ;t was tlio ptdsy, au.l not be, tbnt had hi as bis shaking bead plainly slit ed.-' •••-••- . . . . . Tbnt auctioueer was mad. He. tore _,?GUud tho gallery ea-though he would destroy every. pictnro in it,_aud bo talked loud enough for tho tteul uinu to-bear-' •ly my halidom " businees and all that Eort of thing is played out, bat it tho gallant knlgbta and trusty squires of yo oldon Umo '.iftvo passed In thoir chips, as tha army boys 'used lo nay, wa havo nowadays Iota of chlialry of tho Buffalo Bill, Jamca Boys and Tord Brothers kind, and it seems to fill the bill pretty veil ia coma "respects. Tho youngsters, at emy rate, tako to It amazingly, upoctaUy thoso whoso literary tastes run ia "a ditno novel direction. SoTerol cases illustration of: tbia hnvo lately occurred ircabouts. Qaitti » number of fiory youths 5,10,12, and so on, have been intercept- ed by thoir parents or tha police on their ray to the wild West to slay Indlaus and ilscollaneous bandits, and bada brilliant iroer as noblo arougcra prematurely cat iff. An especially striking casa was that of m ontorpriuiug Infant wlio~fell A'victim to [gnominioas capturo at the door of a Bowory variety theatro a foir nights ago. He: had absconded from tha parental domicile- with Ihe earn of $70, iolonioasly appropriated, and out of that vast wealth ho had provided liimself with a second-hand shot-gun, nolees lhan thrca revolvers and'ft gleaming bowie :nifc, which ho donbtloss intended for scalp- •g purposes. So many cases of thi? kind, mbject to various modifications, bavJ hap- pooed lately that a singla ono uow gets only pausing notice. Parents noed to be, con. lanlly on tho watch to sco that their child- ren don't start off to elay brigands aud ex. crmhinto Indians on a stolon capita! of ten ir fifteen cents. If n boy of 10 or 1!! >pt Bunko whip. This—these forov Bifftkes—brnko poo l after fiU^£ degrad- 'Ueuediek's spirit, n_reed to go back to tho plantation. From his labcijaccount, ho..,found...hojhad^ 2CUMnys to work, and when.fatter counting tho'tlays and h'ouie, as a schoolboy doeabe- [ore vacation, tho day of delivcraneo camo near, ho did not need to"bu''told ha was a At half-past eight o'clock, onthe morning of tho 23lb of June, 1882, Ilauediok walked ip to tho office and secured his discharge. Ho asketlfor the cancelled contract, but it VOB denied him; whilo tho rmoney aocoui yielded him nbsolntety nothing, everythir. having gone in supplieH, nues, littlo coui- rorts, etc. When Hoiiodiek left on, tho ,W. H.Myer lio.t^-,withJniH,^tnp i.rwhottjio returned lo San Pra'uciseo on the ConKuelo ^b^_htwitb"liini 1 Slia'^Srt« 1 '/W^JM_ AMEftlCA'S TALLEST MAN. I'cot 1U«1I lu Nn. in lloors." Being at'thb bonso of Mr. Franklm, Titus county, - mention was mado'^of tho Toxns ginnt, and I learned t\nt,bo|wns a nenrneighbor of.-my_bost,:rOffr..:JP.'.iktt: " - consented to nocouipnny mo to hi£|hoi After catering I obaorved windows 'as..well nsuobrs wero nslo'w~or - lower nbany usual,- but the loft was quite high, boing HBO with tbo" floor,' tbu uudu of tba^pliinks. resting upon the mdo plates of tho room and two joists, which rested on tho eudj^platoH, the houso having tho gnbles wealheivboard- ;d. j Tbo giant sat smoking his'i pipi Wbilo I ruminated on tho modo of approach' ing him I took notice that hodid not appuai ory tn)l as bo sat. yet iny friend, who sai lest to him, a man of usual height, iscorned only ns a linlf-grgwu boy. ' Pencil in"biind, I said to him: "Mr. Franklin said you would bo willing to givo inoitonifl of'intercut iu regard to., yourself., in. which, tho,. publii will tako aiTiuioroRt ?" "•""'"' ~" v: "Oh, corltiiuly; I w«s homjiv: Soiitl LCaroli!ia;'-Gi > e6iivill(j' J JiiiU i iott"Mfty.v5i'i8SC My- father- rcmnydd ,to : Missouri, Morgan county, iu 16^!!. ' In 18.10 I wont to Cn'li forilin by tho ovcrlaud route. I relitru from California by wator—froin OhagWH ti No\v Oilcans• on tlio l'V.lcou? ; ~Frorii^N i Orleans 11 returned, to Missouri _nn?l_jH buBy farming mostly till tho war bmlc'ii b March'.8,_18r.a, I ninrriocL MIIM Mary T. ThurBton;-iuy tlrst cousin". Sho has bom ino four children, all boys. Only oi p Also for Tetter,.Itch, Sa »lart on Moniln; moruiug," said Aimt.Jean,- Clvothom'fa^TrlaL - Jf -9- ic'iiid Hcuti, Erysipclae, Barbora chca; nil Bcaly, : cruaty•"Skiu'Di» VVAl.twclvo,p'eioelrrth<>Jwfc bed-roohi wftB whiter ancf sweeter than auy lily, Iho uultor l g ii'foot 7 inGheg'higbV" My" father was onl Sent by mail fot 50 conlej Adl G foot 2 inches. Mother was a liltloovi avorago hoight. My fnther was twice mn Ilis 15 children wero 10 boys and gl'ls. Tho boys wore- all over C foct.. I he oiio couBiii'who wns II feet 6 J:""\Vhat nuinber.i-j.ynnr.bootV" I inquire! lii; _iij_i foot is 13 iuobefl long aii "t'lll! II.tllUSEBK OP ItUMAK IUtll.—Th •• ifeeftanfeal Engineer tella a curious story the effect .produced onVroughUron forgi by limnan hair.. Tho forcing VM iu a pow 'crful cold1 press for fiulsbiiig,riyhero.-U & to.a prcEKuroof -200^ tone, to (li ro inch. .;„A.bair taken from tho head "" !Oirnt>$ J"? andthoXnU v proBsuro applied." A 1'rh6 OP TilK ItllHF.I >y tuoRt liloi nf tlio spy nndsecret ca.vSl.2r), 1 (in stamps). 1 K SON hoto family Eat dowu to n p) SON, Philadelphia, P Nwn.viii!*N lMilN^Coiiil'nrlliiir lo tiloSlcl ThousanilH dio from neglect to": proper Iront Impure Bloml, Conelipatioh, Dyi liii"ljiLl;ICid g savory meal ot fried chicken, ^ white broad, p cess nndi'rcstoro the original color, elegant drcsalnR.'-froo froraigronsC.j :,;:;^.. aud strawberry shortcake._____ ;.... .... ••-."You Booin-iAu-.ba-R'-Vb'ry-.rcspcclablo" young man," BaidAant.Joan, critically Bur- v'bying'thoVtmB^ : ;•: sTyW.-I.irF. bud T.ABWKN ol V. 11. NI'llll- #,?U¥MS,' llic-srwjft •I.«i"l«i"_._P«_«!«cl»_p_« ".—A Btrikiui* woru'uu:.' A jolly old. unclp hfiB-boon-relating. FOmo .incidonls.^of H...his ffomen"~ybtrevor im'otj" uncle'," "sa"ya'thTy : oiiibg p p p 7 p y y Heart Diseases, Dropsy, and Blionmatis Uut to^ho debilitated, burdened j with sue liB sickness,^ woconscisniiGaslV '3 WAYNE'S TILLS.' 1 i 7 might sloop iu tho bnru-chambcr, aud I could recommend you to' do whitownshing jobs for lho g & i now coat o 1 'paint, badly, - and. I'm iraro thnt Widow;Elnntban Tmeby. your lint ?" it,is ' jyhat.is. xp.nr height. ?"__,.;;-^;i : .:„ r., I hafo''Vceii ^inenaufod,!';.; foot 7Hnchca in ordiiinry .boots _ E UiitTnicdioinal properties "possessed by i 25 mas,."by which wero yon rooiilfwas that tlio hair wns dri d ibdad iJt th from-a Irecataboynnd iundod.iu t bili ^Th iiJlb^ , y y ^ By your aunt, my boy,' J b]r your nuntl pp p y other remedy. Sont V>y mail for ,25 cen Cb Sl'(i t and imbeddodin;.it,: the_v 1* uninjured nud 7 being y ot boilinir Bnp^jaTho iioy.BAysJlb y y box o£ 30 pills; ;C.boxes.; Sl_'.(in Bt canSjfed'back'ftthim'afl'sho'slnrted'ifT al- (i: J most meUotl bis fart.—Detroit Free Preu. •^m^smmm ATENDERFOOT AT TOMBSTONE. Setllr . In Cri A few days nf_o aflnab youug 'wan from i Eastern collcgo anived at Tombstone, ri/onn, and - rcgiaterod bis imiuo at tbo •iucipnl hotel. Asocially iuclined person in a blue shirt nud wide-rimmed-bat, whe ihiinccd to in the ofltee, good-naturedly :ry question and volunteered a t of intorodting information tboutArizouu in genornlaud Tqiubatoi in particular. 'Do yousee theu* bills ?" ,'asked tho Tomhstouer pointing through ouo of th{ " Well, them hills isi chock lull of^pay dirt.' tr The- young man from ibockod, • • 11 My denr sir," ho said, proudly, but ;indly,"you should fiay tboso hills_aro—not, them hills is I"- '" " : - ' • • Tho Tombstoner was silent for n moment. Io looked tho young man from tho East xiticnlly over as if he was estimating tho ;izo of coffin bo would wear;;? Then draw- ing out au ivory-stocked BOven-Bhootor of ilaborulo stylo and finish, ho said in a noft, mild, musical tone of voice thnt sounded iko n wildwood brook coursing o'er its. peb. bio bed:, ..J!My,Rcntlo ,uusaltod..tenderfoot ftom'the"iftud it tho rtsiug snorthirhero'; pint that yon and'mo disagrccB.ou and. wt light as well hnvo H Bottled right no< " haveu't looked in'a gram ; ' lately, but 1 Bay ' them hills is' ia correct, and I'm going to fitaiid bythat opiniou whilo I've got a shoi loft. I'll give you jest threo minutes ti think calmly over tbo subject, for you pro- bably spoke in haste> Iho first timo. hndthi I'll hear your decision." Thoyoiiiif* man from tbo' Kist; looki down tho dclicatoly-chnsod barrel of tho re- volver into tbo plncld depths of tho eyi' tltn~M^iiO|iKtnnnr...aafl..Jiegai^to;::.fcel» inaiiy'poiiits'in gramninr nro ,uucortain : liuil liublo to grow moroEO. .-Theuobe_ though o' the Coroner's inquest "and"of" the verdict, iiio to hU death by standing Iu frout ol Colorado Tom's sovou-shooter," and of 'tin long piuo box going East by express w $00 charges ouit, and, before half iho thi minutas wiw up ho was ready to nckuow- lodge his error. "Since ho badthought* oyorjjnlmly," . ho BBHI,' "bo believed . th 'them hills ia,' U right. Ho had Kpobeu oi tbo spur of tho moiueut," "ho added, • "ami 'begB«d> LhOdsauiViui'iJous for-hisprccuui tuous effort to HtiliHtilnto bad grammar.; foi gOOd.":- -::-:;-;-r^-^^f ^™™™2£™ ..ThoTombdl' nor forjinvo him frpely," an grasping bio lmuil.wtid:,,.-.. ;- r " I know'd you'd say you wns wrong nit you thought-a'"'moment'.-' 1 "-1ndmiru it ^'uit who gives right" iii'-'- witbiiui. "iii-_jiuii-j -• wlit ho kuow's bo's wrong..;.VOnnin'iuitl inignto. 1 . And.thoy ii-ri(_utud.__ "'"' " Tho ouuco provention nml potiml curti''ififound in Mason «t Polliird'a Pilli in unfnlliiiB pioveutnlive anil positive cur for. "nnluria and fevor, and .'nfttic. ThcJ, ctibii is mild and ccrtaiui They rcator o.tliOPVRloiii its full vigor.-JlJr_K_istH.__.: tha y nisiiug from the family circl pp neliisinn U Hint brt hn<t tnrnnd bis fac iward tho domnlu of redskins nud roaj joufc), nnd probably got as fur as ouo ol iio Jersey ferries on route. Tho literature bat produces this sort of thing Htill flourish- s like tho proverbial green bay tree. Ivery news Btaud dmplayu a largo variety of . Tbo " libraries " and " boys' weeklion 'hlch contain it arc sold at live cents each, ind their circulation is said to bo very largo. Che dime novels, too, aro Ktill iu tho field, mt their ealo hnu greatly diminished tjiuc tho flanb wcelilics, with their thrilling aai ;j)ostcrous pictures, and tho HO-called ibmrios. of tho snmo goncml character, itcrcd it us rivaiu. Thnt these- publications do au immense deal of mischief thero is, of possiblo doubt; but they mnk< nonoy for the men who run them, and that'. reason enough, I suppose, for keeping them )ing.—H'c.o It'i Prt*» corrt#pontlenc€ Detroit 1NSANF. KISSING, mo tell you au incident. that. hap- pened not very long nco. On ono of •UOB but of Chicago wo had on bonrd an old lady who was insane, aud such n weird look- ing aoul I uevur nut oytm ou befuru,uud bopo never, shall, again.,.. Old, ..wrinkled, nud wild.eyed, yet very strong.'aud'lively ns a iricket, almost, as wo found out afterward." "Sho was, of conrso, iu charga of a ;copcr, but bobad her in tho smoker where aho could do no harm, and lot, her roam nt will. Well, wo had, also, inthe smoker, a ln-do-dab youug chap, you know, ono who ;new everything, and Bmokcd cigarettes. Well, tho old U<ly caught eight-of. him on me of her trips upand dowu tho aislo, aud ;ho stopped short and looked at him for a imo, attracting everybody's attontiou, mnk- ig them think something was up. " Well, tha old lady stood there for some [oVminutca and then aho' cried, 'Here's a' protty boy. I must km him.' If you had iceu tho look of astonishment nud dictnay •Well camo over . the. faco of that young iprout, you would hnve dono tho samo that ill tho.rest^of us_did—ypll till tho no'io could heard ui tho"ncit "tair. Everybody was so by Eurpriiw>,.you see, thnt for half a !^ •"•]"* beard a pin drop. ST. JOHN'S HIVER Hi FLORIDA, Tho sem!*tropical scenery of tbo lower St. Johns ia written up and paintod up annually and may bo found paintod and engraved in evory "wintar touristn' guido'•or >'Florida land circular." Abovo Lake Monroo, how* | over tho river narrows rapidly andU as tortnous as the trail of tho old serpent through sinful earth. For twenty-fiva miles below Poinsolt it poosca Uiroagh pralrio marsh, overgrown with saw-gross and etudded vith islanda of pulmotto anil mosa-grown liveoak. Tho lovel londscopo dipaaway in tho. hori. zou, as though verging to tho final jtuupiug- off place, nnd the St. John.: dwindled ia proportions nntil it reminds ono of tho Arkansas tampiko which a wayfarer traced until it turned into a squirrel track and ran up a troo. Its channel is GO narrow and crooked that a high wind sweeping the pralrio is a serious impediment to navigation. Thero aro thoso'living who remember bow upon ono occasion a fierce norther set tho steamer Volusla upon a point in a critical passage, and how alt tbo brains and physical strength of a distinguished Florida land- owner and of Bouicbcr of Philadelphia officeholders nud politicians wcro required for hours iu nid of tho deck-bauds to start her on her winding way. Tho chntmel is deep, howovor, averaging from eight to tcjlvofcct, nnd the river flown with n cur- rent fairly, strong. Along I'IH batik' the alligator bjsks and waterfowl abound, tbo 'boron nnd Ibis make night vocnl, nml black- birds, meadow.larks and other Northern birds, gone South in pursuit of health, flock to- gether iu tho adjacent meadows, Formerly a constant fusilado was inniiitiiiiu-d from tho docks of the boats at tho alligators mid gamo iloug sboro, but frequently.recurring ao- cidcn'.s bavo occa^iuiiedan ubsohilo probibi- ttou of tho inn of tiroanu ttnek bans, pounds, i lino nnd K[>iu of 'hem weighing fight to ro »:iwily •akt-ti with trolling icr from the stern of lbontca:ii. Hock Lcdgp, on the bnul; of the Indian river, is upon tho threshold ot wiM Florida, tho Uowcry laud of 1'ouce do Leon aud the Somlnolc, of Osocola ami Jtilly Uowlegs. At thia point tho outlawry Intent iu nil healthy humnuity coiuiiienoo^ to develop and thenceforth one i* incliiuul to siiocr at tho comforts and amenitiot of c ready to "rough it" us ncoaaioi quire. life nud nny ro- Then tho fun pftEa*lilI"SJW'o in .'>lJ < 'everji hoily as'soon as'tbey couhi-gl' Uidr.hreajh, l h h t t TJS? IlOvcr y mil such ,a shout went heard. Tlio old lady wns not dn Uho went'for, that, fellow, dotcruiineS-J iuu carrying out hor iusnno freak. * Then e fuu really comineneod. Kip and tuck. Firut one and tboa the other. You BOO, fiho wcut right into the snat witb him nud ho had all ho could do to keep her back. Sho ! more ctrengtb thnii'auy woman. I over ', and would try to .;et ueur him. to put anus nround-him,-whiU«- bo --would- bo' "utiiiig'ali" hisTiitroiigUi' lo-.kjjp-hor.'iiway..; Finally, bo snw , tliat *bi only way to got rid. if her was to get out of tho. cnr, and ho mnilo a.divo pnst her into the ai«le, and fllarted toward tho door. ' Tho old ludy was into that racket aud "nwny slid wcut at tor lim. Well, sir, would you beliovo it? Bo- foro horeached tbo dooi-, aud bo wag on a good run too, she hadrtiised him throp times. l'ea, sir, I moan eh« kissed him throe timflB, md if ho didn't get out of tbnt door in pretty iULuk^Oi'uot;-lboii~Iriii J u^7riistairon_''-^//ifcr^ iteic with'~a conductor 6_y the" Cleveland WORTH KNOWING. """An- Intcrcntingr lwlnra WBB:, dolivorej jrostoiilay boforo tho teaoht'M of "Ward School No. : 7 by..¥olico] t} 'Sar«eou Wntor- a. Tho subject "was tho treatment of ipla wouUuS,' Bpuiotlilng thnt ovory pevsou ntlil know. Surgeon Watonuau showed Ilio rtimedioa used by physicaud tliomsolvos .-their instruments aro not c.t hand, AVhoro an artory iiitbft'Ana or lB_"is"Eovorod, »id Surgeon. Watornian^ the^homorrbago diust' bo'stopped",by presHiug Iho-.thumb forcibly upo'n tho. artory. out or upon the ^oning of tho wouudr" \Vhuro~groar pvoB- Hir« -waa.__requirerlj.. as -in tho.\oaBO. of _tho foinornl artery,"-'a Biniplo "tourniquet' might bo i^iprovised with a handkorQbiof : und a biiL'"B:--Aa:to fniuting fltfl, whlob may occur iirsuliboi^tho buKt wny iy'to plnea'tho'"child 111 it recumbent position, throw water on tho luce, audopen. if'io windows. "Somelimcs Jyueopo is \cry- dun^ivoua | if it List loug enough if.iR donth. It may beuocosjaiy to indiicOj artiflcial 1 res{Mn\tion by raising tbo ^d,_(ind^worin£___t____ein., oipolling Ibo lur.fr^aTlu'o^mi^raiia" ilug"n vacnnni,'-whioh 6ucka tho ,air io Apoplexy is primarily duo to " tUgenerft' tiuns" in tha walls of tho arteries of the brain. These nllow them to bo ruptured by ihe. blood pressure which Ihu beating : of tba henrt cnuses, but ospucially whea the heart Is unusually excitrd. Tho blood may trickle out from numerous pin-head enlargement ol tho capillaries, or bo poured from largo rup- tures. Guilefully i % post-mortem - cbora roundish clots, averaging the *i7»*nf_a mar- blo, iu the contros of which aro the minute openings of tho ruptured arteries. Tho most common scat ot the hemorrhngo ism the vicinity of -tho, " basal ganglia','— ;reat nerve centres specially" related' to_' mo- 1 tioa and sensation. The clot may bo (I) absorbed, (2) become irrounded with a sac (cyst), gradually dcrga fatty degouoration, and bu absorbed in about two .years;"(;!) niay^.iullamo tba adjacent brain substance, and (,'ive rise to the softening of tho latter; (i) may i deguuuration of the nerves aud give rim to atrophy, or decay of the brain, resulting in ootupleto imbecility. In tho first nud second ciscs recovery mny tako placo. Tho tendency to Benflo apoplexy begins iftcr about forty, and increases with tho ad-, vanco of age. Tho predisposing causes may bo degeneration of tho cerebral arterice irgcuieut of tho heart and softening o iraiu.' . : Tho. tendency to degeneration of the arteries, nudthus to apoplexy.- may..,be, ireditory. Meu arc more liable to it than women. Cold weather disposeujto it. An itltick maybo .brought ou by whnttirot BtimuiatcH tho lieart~ascitcmcut,;rmmit)", r-exertion, improper" food,. alcoholic liquors, or by n cold bnlh which toruott'thu blood in from t? Hi surface. x T h c nttaok m.;y como on'citliLT with or wiftiffjt^remonitory''symptoms. -'Some ot tho lattorarelOBs tJS.moniory," diflleutty of J M p , gS ness or pricking. . It jnayJi»_BO Blight n t o only n mementary nncouaciouaness..-- ''Tlio older and moro feeble',lhs patient, tho greater tho tlnuger. Kv'eV'it ho recovora, there is some loss of mL-iital:powerv.-In: tho troatmeut, all'caiises of cxuitcmutil mUHt.be guarded against; tho diet bo nourishing, easy of digestion and moderate, nud tha goncral health be Hpticihlly cured for.— YtJift Comvanion. ; PERPLEXITIES OF POLYGAMY. Tho individual who attempts to keep np with domestic news in Utah fiuds.bim oi borsolf bndly perplexed ntjiuies. - Onrpja s wliiio there irn"iioticb'"6f7tlio'ninrringa' of Bocie'vouog lady,-who is heralded ns tho .'jaughter.of fiomo man pvominout In the ilovtnon Church; but the'"'publicr is:" left in thVdnrlcns to who bar motbor is; which one of tho half a dozen wives tho man has is entitled to tho honor of being called mother by the bride. ;i In enso of a "death in thi hnrcmjliero is often still moro, annoying perplexity. For instance, w^ saw in a* Mor- p p r the other dny a notice of tli funeral of a small boy, tho son of a certali elder. Now, thoso acquainted with tho ei ten&ivo family aio left in doubt wbothor thin' boy was tho son ot tho old" ladyjfot one. of her.two (UughtoiB,vtt6_.tho-icldcr..ola|mB^!tlI throe as his, and 'ttio'miraeronCprojj'Q'n'y'arc .30 mixed up as roRardaittieir^truq. rolallon.' ship to ench othor thnt thoy compromise tbi matter by calling oacb brother .or Bistorts.!! around, including . tho old . elder himsolt Whntnn occasi6u^ihat.-funerHl;inu8t hav< been, conductedripit.. wfifl_by_._fivo_polyai mistsj all of yhoui spoko their pioocs, nnd then, as the pnper Bnyu, tho rouminii woi carried by psll-bonrcra,' consisting of sY brothers of the deconsod. Such incidonl would bo novelties nuywhero else outside f Utah, hut hero tho Mormrn Ohuroh ia'.p y tofi«tup ykid^ ti Salt Lake 1'ribune. iTEMS OP IHTERESTV ttrnt\as Faclm Culle.t Fram lirro nai There* ' .• —Franco Is building forty-six war vessel! —Don't remark to a man that "history !peats itself "just nfter ho hits fallen down - ilighlofstaim .', . , —Tliero aro over fifty sheep farmers in llnga, Kow Zealand, with flocks of not less 30,000 each. . —Thero oromoro mites of railroad in thau In nil tho New England [ates pnt together. .."'•• —English gold coin has becu so worn that will cost $4,000,000 to rcstora Iho $275,- . 00,000 iu circulntion. ' —Chtcn^o has about '1,000 drink uhopu, aa io local papers call them, 3,709 of them ' iiug liccused tosell intoxicating liquors. : —Tho klo Governor Stephens never oc- ipicd auy other rooms at Washington than IOSO iu which Henry Clay hod onco lived. . —Idaho aud Colorado are to be tho new ~ ron States of tho future. Oren carrying CC 9. 1 ) per cent, of metal hnvo been found in ie first Slate. . —Great Britain produced l,C73,CiU tons ' Bessemer tteel ingots last yenr, nn invt ; ease of nu eighth, and of these seventy r cent, wero rolled into rails. —A number of capitolistc at Portland, regon, are talklig about building a covered half-mild track, so that horsca can get the . exercise during tho long wlntenf. —A California Board ot SaparvUora ap. iropriated a sum to purehaat a '«oodeu leg a citizen and charged tba amount to : ermauout repairs andimprovement.! 1 " "When, Ifazegood, .who. la. a bachelor, ;- rns asked why honever married, he replied, :oauothcr CiOear: "I would rather b4 io nrut man ia a bachelor's hall than num. two ia a family establishment." —Vermont produces more marble than iy other Stata ia the Union. LaBt year tho mount produced aggregated 1,000,000 *-io feel. Nearly 31,000,000 was paid for labor required to quarry thofitonoand take it to market. —A Montreal young man attempted to kiss •.„__ pretty daughter of a cornergrocer. Sho ipped her lily white hand up to tho wrist gallon of molasses and passed it rapidly icross tho ardent lover's ambrosial beard. Is what might bo caUednswootrovcuge. —A compositor who has travelled all ovot country ID of the opinion that the bad lanuiicript of clergymen has increased the imber of patients iu lunatic asylumit. - 'hero is no disguising tho fact that tho gen. ioman of tha cloth, da, writo ".onconimou ' —A young lady of Philadelphia snug <i ng to hgrWeatern lover, tho refrain of hich waS^^^2____H_____________________^th<_>rffrS^iug' inds,''indwlllillJuU'^Uf Iliougb he em.' mlluully r«iuurked.--. l 'l6iiy, sis, jC'aCUght . como ont to our section andoxperienco a Bheloue.";..^ . .'• '.-.^_..:. ' •._ \ .. : —Justice Britt, of Unitah eonoty,. Utnh, id email trisghl^icfarc:!::' o found him guilly, sentenced him tp four tars'imprisonment nnd further sentenced im to work four years for the man whese mildinge bo had burned.' This is a novel ipplicntioii of justice, —Acolobratod physician recently was the s icipiout of a letter from n, bdy asking mer.-l;,V ical adVice, and giving a detailed account ,01^ difieasee. Tlie lotUr waa written on BCY-; ' irnl sheets of foolscap paper very, cloeoly, :: " mil by actual measurement contained four, ; jrnrds of symptoms for tho doctor's perusal. IllinoiH Judge baa decided "that tho ;; ; ;, lirectors of an insolvent bank* wo' personal. ("! _ ,_ iho bank'B debli to depoeitore. IU the ground that' it is their business ,te juowita condition. Snob, BfinsibJeSffR**? :hat. oughtJo r "Etaucl7"^Konpit will "rebW i :ho office of bnnk director somewhat of its irnnuicntal charactor, - • ' • - ame is not such. : a voiy sure thing. llarsboll'u lost words, as he turned, bia nee toward a window j wore: ."This is tha md 1 I am dying on a borrowed bed,' un- borrowed blanket, in a houso-built by ublie charity I Bury. me. under, .that oak whore there ia plonty of_room. I have >oeu crowded all my life." : • . ^.—Point Reyes, a peninfluU thirty mlleB aorlh of San Frano'^-'- on tha Pacific coast. istnVgreat dairy distriot olf GnlifcrnBr •_ :onsisU:of about 100,000 acres/ on; which : l e gnisti is kept greon all winter by tbo sea —.; gs. The bnttar from Point Royoa brings .! iree"«nt9 ; a'-'pound:mnro^in;:thQ markets:;;.,^;i;- mu that froni the district."""."'"! ,'.',':"":"" —K Georgia paper stntes as a singular In.; jidont thalal the 'outbreak:, of- t h o ^ a r . h y o ^ :otnpnnics" fronr Goorgit, .ttaitobb "infantry '.•::: .;.;•;• and tbo Oilmoro BIUCB, started out -with tho^X - ; ' uimo number of men, badtho samo number" : Lillatl, tbo snmo number woundod,*tbo eamo •- nirubor dead fcom natuml.causes, nud the . nuio number dead from wounds.:;,.: : y; : : p'rpfitnblo bUBiness, although o band" cnr..-. ntl a push car" constitute ita ontiro equip- icnt.:. ThoL^a3,'1,'K'hich is about fiva'inilea ^ . mgj "waa"fbrmely"aaed"by7 tho" Utter Coal : ' ••*"" Company, but upon its suspenflion 0, fow 'ears'ago the engine was taken off, a luiod - nt substituted and a luorativo business in .. iroight and pOBBenger carringo built up, the : ohargo being $2. CO a ton tot freightV aud ,.:• fifty conta for passenger. . ;;'"'.• . r.—Tho MiflHonri Supremo Court hnadocldod, ;, •;. tbat information obtained 'by "a" phyeicinu.' '"•'"' from a patient must bo disclosed on tho w i U ^ ^ noss Btnnd, though^ tho' physioiari declares ^r that tbo i;:formntioa .wuB^aeqairod while :: '.;: . acting .iu,n:'profeKBlonai,capaoily,^,aa3~wa:^iii uocer>sary.to ftnablohim .'to .presoribo as a 7 ' phyGiciftn-or : ;operatoi«9"'.ft~.fiiirgcon.-=-Tha^L- :; ;pourt hflld tliat it would not.'^o; whilo the" th'oi*pHysioinn is closuilus to tho talk.'-^-S- of a pati£int,^_lo open it as to knoyiedgprac •"•• : -' i -"~ quired from hitfovmdiagnosis of the caso. 1 •.-.'Man3f luen.dnily polish', thoir boots who ; noverlpivu a thought.to the condition of tlieir-Knir,"except to liftrr,owitcnaually; ith hruali and'comb,-flr submit it to ;• iiws- pnvalyzing attentions of tho average bnr : bor. : \yhiit.iri\ppcii8 ?^Why, ,tlii9,:_From 'neglflut7mentnlrtinxietyi or nny of." a score of onuses, tlio liuir UmiB prematurely gray and begins - to fall out. Pntker'a- HairV Balsam will at onco atop the latter -"-^ cess nndi'rcstoro the original color

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Page 1: HE SHIN :--'-|P · abc. " Hut I won't prnmUe to buy. Wo got a very pretty ckromo witb tho lust pound V ten wo bought, nmt Kitty, eutH pictures tut of the illustrated paper* niul pantos



NIL 'BER 28.


T y l l . A. STKVKEU,

Civil and Criminal Law Practitioner,WASHINGTON, M. J.


WiiMlilnutitn. N..I..

Attorney and Counsellor at Law,Solicitor mil Mutter in Cli'tncrri/,



' sfATKS COURTS,till the Coiiri* ot AW ,Ur>f>j.


., . Solicitor in Chancery, Commissioneror Deeds.

Office over King's New Drug Start-, cor-ner or Front A- Miuisilchi Sis., Belvi-t!cro,N..T. Transact nil branched oflpj.nl buBincss. fimnyly

_ _ _ _ _ . _ _,• KL'INIK'iytttfSTI:*!,

" \V»HUIi i |£ ton, -N.".I.With nil the latest improvements, L am

prepared to do ih'.t-cUisa work*. I'ineUtilA and extra Silver Fillings at rcilupricrfl. A largo assortment u[ Uic 1Artiikial 'IVctli thnt nnj made.

KllKSU QAS KVKUY DAY.All branches of the profession rnrefiiilyA

performed. All- cheap for cash.

e profession e f i york warranted, ami



h l K.-t* IHHILHTU- in:ult> mi Olliil'.li]U1V dVlllL* 1hl- t.Wt Sitof unv nuiU'riiiUn use.]u;oiall; M). mi l i i s U'i'i



8 U

liclriilcrc, Wntreu County, Xe« Jfirfi'j'


WAriHTN<:mX AVB., WASMINli TON", \ . J.

in Location, Aijcoiniiiodntiou niui .Miiiinge-inent. l'ermunont 'ami Transient-

UucsU well entertained.'

A New BILLIARD PARLOR Attached;.. C. l-\ STAA'fES, I'nynfhr:

rpirKWiNHsou HOOSK,

('(lit. WASlIIXliTOS AND 1IKI.V1HKRK .Wl!.,Wawlilngtou, N. ,i.

"" V"TlieTmest'lmtel' i t r Northern-\'ew .ier-Epy, centrnllv located, Satisfaction gimr.

. anteed to all [jin'.aia.iipnimiiL'uL nr-lruu-~*si(;nl. . Billiard Room-and Barber • .Slu)_i

-'in coii'iiiciiuirivllltlliu.Iiaic!;';:;„„;:.;-.•'-;;•;;•••V. K.UOAGLANl), ZV-vnV/w.


w frollctlnff in from tlielrite wnntl wnvwenn

iiw ilio ooks w re Hmj ilio rooks n r e KSnowy fn?stn toalnp, BO prowl to lw frci',Jtnclnn and cliailnu In luby-Uke IIU1^

U_> tlio 8anO slo_>e to Uio U-acli WWII tlwr.Throned on Hie i»09t ot tlio KCii-inokln'.; b'ato.

Sate In tho (olJ of my hliclU-rlns nun,.«iltrw-ycar old Hick', Utonklitf in ''It M

Mttle feet tlruiiunlni; a! miniirous r a t P -t<iiMll Klni; Canute, tlu tin.' wav.w own

charm; ( •

iuBlilns eyes, bluo as Iho Uuc Uushini; w-'nSinit«i rljitninn over iwin coral and JWOTIS;

i).ilnij- wliito arms tosHni: up la their nice,llaby voloo slioulliig iw merry niul frw

l b tumbling ttmsc ymsl

o itk'liartl, my kln_, wlial ilo liablw* Wuc cyraULwcrn ol the Iwauiy oc sea, an J or slmrc;

,.H mucii as tiio Ilitie sandpiper thai iiU'sWhere the crisp rippled curve, or the s:n;ill waves

Hint rise,wjien iho Hoods clip tliclr hand* and rejoice

overmen:.1)61 ulan Jer tlie soul ot in)- small" human boy I"

iMk out, then, my Dick, over oaMn's bluefloor.

And tell mo what ratifies thow \hvp tliou^iitsemploy. .

Hal litck-.scctticnu'Oinul Do juu join in theJoy

Ol llic Ullle while horses all racing fur sUorot

flic tiny uplifted nnn luiiaM In the nlr,The lilue oyfH grew tliou_j1uiui. tlie \twrx1-

toiuliMl head '"".Sliool; smiiwaios arouad, ami 11m sw,vi little

pairOf coi ;il tips, irMuMLnR with iiltiTane" ran*

•• biijse Isn't while liorsea," lie earnestly said.

What, not little liorsps Kljft? we lion- tiicj

Alt tlu'ircurly whiw manes iluiilinti tweh on

D.UlllII,,' tlltMllOpS 11 |l lO SlllllC 111 111? K'tll,lUi'Lii!! ami th!isliij;-vrhiit jrlwlum fim!" So, no : do/.c la 'lttlo wlittt; i h ^ ' W •H->1'1 hi*.'• *l»to "vlille iH^'garx," lie murmured again.

Oil, lititowliliy breakers you nmiti. I _u_»_iO!i«\" Not "utlu wtilic b'aftira "—siwstimi was \aln.My wisdom ri>]«tfJ willi Ixmy 1IU1UI11-

•' 'Ittle white lwf(fiirs iley w : 1 knon a."

Little white b-^cars-wcll, tlinty an idea IThen pcrluuM you t'rtn tell to we'll all umlcr

BtnnU,What these, little while bi__,'ars conic tx^Bln]

lor Here?And tlio soit tKipj1 lips wlilspcrc"l,elose to my car,

" Dey Twi;a lor rto woukfl, an1 do sea-vreea at/

ttko ber bam painted to inmcb tbo nowhouso."

I am grcntly obliged to you," enld theyoung wan, toying with n particularly largoberry, "but I Jo not execute orders in tbatbranch. I mn nn Artist."

"A—which,*/" said Aunt Jrnn. :

" Au artist. Khali I ttluw you souio ofiv Bkfllchotf V •"Aunt Jean nut on nor Kpcctacic. nt'onco." Well, I don't objoct to look at 'cm," said

abc. " Hut I won't prnmUe to buy. Wogot a very pretty ckromo witb tho lust poundV ten wo bought, nmt Kitty, eutH picturestut of the illustrated paper* niul pantos 'itxxon to slore-jars!"

Mr. Uigh laughed.

" Ob, I don't expect to make a nnlo t" soldhe. "AU theso nro merely firel ideas, jotteddown in tho crudest of fashions. To Bpeaktruth, my real olject iu calling hero thisnionting win to n«k tiormiKfilon to ukotcbthoso picturesque ruins down by tha oldrond."

" Oh!" said Aunt Jean; " tho old smilby,Dear, dear! there niu't nothin'but a tumble*down Ktunwnll nnd n few luullciu-Etalks leftthere. Ef you could wait till next spring,Eliliu Lovit means to put up n Urst-cIaRS

s shop, llut you'ro welcome todo nil the bkctchiif you want!11

Oly'Hoytia sparkled. • •. " •" I wish I wns (in nrlist," fifiid ehe, iw BU

Inrnr-d over the l>iU of mili-bonrd, nilwhich wore instinct with life nnd benmy.

" Well," «iid Aunt .K'why shouldn't yon be?


Into a hearty pengreat iiiVhlitlcnlii)

Oh, nuuty,"

Laii{_hiaglou, heckibandied parasol. "Youthat I wont to ace. Sly com


The undersigned wishes to inrorm llictriivoitn'f; iiublifi that he has removal intonew building just uowplaied,. on. Marketstreet, on the situ of the olil "Washington

Ho te l , " Kdvidero, where lie ia "fully prc-'(Torcdto furnisli t holiest •accomiiiodat ions

his past frler.da mid the pultlic in gen-eral. This hotel:: io ba kaown beu'iifter

. ua the ' lVi_uest House.'.. Feeling grate-• t u ' r?v Pa s l P^tvunaKC.'he kindly solicits u" t i r i h i i 6 i : i i ; « : btitbles


\V3[. A. ClUMKK.



IJIJIVH1 college, Prepai'tiis j ' f i iny nion

for college. Host faeilitiea f»r music, a r t

mill commercial-liRiiicliear' Thorotiglmess

"•""every tlqiiirliiii:nl..;"lScfitbBililiiig of- • I la

'lass, wiiU sleam-healCT, !:as, lint and o l d

"wiit'er; ejeV n in^ . i i l fwi lmi i . a i ) .uiann

:' rmira I i t. It ml lj c il 111 i.7. L..I -c i:":i ti ui r i •! o.i f n t I L, ;\ n ft.

.healthful, Giitnlogtie'sent {'rets ou appli-

•tpiilion.:- Yeur opens Heptcinlier •>. .



"Oil, dear! it ia too [ilensutit lo etny iuthe hoiHo to-day!" nuitl Kitty Ford. "AuntJcnn, conlilu't I go bcnyhig, up in Hie past-ure.lot?" ~ ,

"Kouseuso!" said Auut Jean, >'\Vitbtho biiek bed.rtom to bu wbitowtisltbo cbiiruing to bo done, nnd Ihe qnilt to bogot ready for tbo fumes? I'm surprisedyou, Catherine!"

, Kitty looked with longing eyes nt thecroppiuy tides ot suushiuo on tbo bill, tbigrunt tibnilfitvt) tb:tl ttio u_i|ili;.[rcu l>ou_liSmndo, tTAnying, ou tUo gran.

Tbcro wns a cntbird Binding in theKitty wished tbnt—just for uwbile—slit^iild iu tLit 'C2'.b;:-d, r.Li ;!~:" : - ". s'.oriled region of green lcnves, where clmroing,vhitawaab [miUamlqiiilting-bc.cn, ^ero uu-knon'u. . .

She knew tbnt oven now tho scarlet jinp-pics were nodding along the stone walls liks.

iokliow, tbo wild-roses openiug in eoli*tary uoolu," tbo strawberries ri|ieiiing infrngratii wood-openitigs on tho bill.

A9 theeo tempting tbouglits passed sicrosalicr mind, nho heard Auu^ Jenu'n shrill voiceit the biwk door, tilkiog to some oue.

"A paiilftr- iti'<" «ud Bbe. "Ob, yes,you're welcome to a dfliiiC. ot water. You

draw it," fresb "nud cooT^.'or: yourself.Tlie well's out under Iho big birtternut-trce.A painter, did you say? P'rnps Tou-PSS -L"" .ViTSrW^H,-hitewasU, too?" '

" Certainly, nin

HI, couiplnccully,I dnrd say thU

n can show you how ho does it.'Jilly lotikedftl the young muu ; theyouneii tuokfd ut Kitty, nud thru both bun^

of luiiglitvr, to Auut Jeau'ii.

ii'id Kitty, still choking b ebind her pocket-bnndkereblef, "that isn'tthe wny thnt nrlUtfi nro made 1"

Unit nu iiour Inter, Kitty Ford wns out onthe jjreeu. fecdiug her litllc downy ductHugs with scnldcd uie-il, wheu Judge Laugh-ing ton's carriage drove- np.

Kitty let tho tiu pan fall in her dismay.To her, MUs Lnughiugton, In her summersilks nud diamouiH long white plumes nndeighl-buttoned kid.glovcs, represented oilthat was elognut nnd ndorablo.

Uow she regretted tbnt sho stil! wora her

old Hue gingham _<>•"». •""* l l l B l u" c u t I s

wero nil tniiglo'l by tho sweet, soit wind!" Don't run nwny, Kitty, dear." Enid Miss


lCpMERCWL SOKOpL' Preparnlory to college, busi


wllU her Wory-ho very girl, Mr. Leich,

Is comicg down this wny, tn.ilay, tn hketch.I bnvo told him about 'hewe pretty, old ruin!of the blnekiniith'.i shop; KO, if bo comeipast here—"

" Oh, Mis* iJiiigiiiuRton," cried Kitty,turuing as scnrlet as tho big bunch of pcouicsct the corner of tho bouse, . " hi has comeftlrcmlyl And Aunt Jean set him to white-washing, and paid him a quarter ofnud his dinner. Oh, bny could we hnvo

Miss Laugbington lutiyhfd."Dluadar, child:" Miiil ahe. "Where's

tho blunder?. If Ilortou 'wants to do aLbiug, he'll .lo it. " I£ uot.tho whole worldcouldn't compel him." ; >

And nfter tho glistening carriage linorolled nway, Killy Ford eat down mid cried.

Jmlgo Lft'ighingtou's daughter "drove onto tbo ruined smithy, where Mr. Leigh wascomposedly "pcltiiis in" the lights nndshadows of tho old chimmey and the unit


to-day, but ho hasn't come,liwe it isnino o'clock! -t don't li'll

in!'1 Knid a deep, pleas-

-\Hitty leaned" forward'to get i peop'itt tliopossessor of that clear, soft tenor.

He was a young mini, witb a uort of packstrapped on bis Lick,. nud something re-sembled n ningnilieduinbrella iu his bnnd.

".Ob," said Kitty, to beriielf " a peddler!Aunt Jean ia getting harder nud barder ofhoariug every tiny!"

.".Well," Haul.Aunt. Joan, " I do b'lieveProvidence lias sent y'oii! I'd engaged Per-kins Polk to whitewash tho back bed-room


moans to come to-day. lVrkins Jms took todrink dreadful of Into—poor erccturlP'raps, sir,- you* could . whitewash tha backbf?dj-_)Otn '/ l 'J bo ivillin' to givo. yon "yourdinner and ri"«iuarter'6r If d6ll:ir"for Ibo job"I*And I can't any more liberal than that!"1 Aunt Jean was nwfiiting _tho d'oeision oftho young ninu, with otio hnnd back of herear, wben Kilty walked in, hfir" bright "eye'ssparkling witb mirth, her chucks rosy, nudher lips purseO up in tho dcri.ici'iUe attemptnot to Binilo.

" You'll please excuse Aunt Jean, my. goodman," said Bbe. " Wo do7,;{wnnt anythingto-day. There was a peddler along on Sat-

• DOUUP ciilrc llmi


nn clvcu on Or- 'Jk'ElioroH^li Sut-iriiu- ,ren.la Ihe Uer- ,

•'••pnr catalogue aiid" furihtir inforinalionapply'to or aiWrcM,"- : • • •-

H. H. TRACH, P r i n c i p a l.. yiSly 133 Sontli Sixth StrtM-l, KASTOS, l'A.

^ l w T s k i n rt.e"r_sj"

A Full lino ViC choice coiircctioncry nlwayg,-;; : .:•••••,•.•• •••- . " o n l t a i u l . - .

: ; : QNU '1'JHAI. WITJTJ Snow T|I,\T._,.. '

lhcae Goods m*e~'ih<}"jie$k,

name atatnped iu gilt lottery ou tho iusido ofhia color.bos—looked from grim Aunt Jsanto pretty Kitty, aud made up bia miud'Vt

'd. ' ; -.'Pardon mo," ho Bnid, "bu t I am not

peddler. And it yon will allow.mo I sbal1

bo yery glad to undertake tho job."" Tho sooner tho better," snid Aunt Joan,

briftkly. " I s'poso you aiu't got your over-alls with you. . Thut.don't.mnkq no differ,once.' There's a pair up KlnirG na belonged

Ilirain.nnvknpRS, who worked f<oll^andViuinperia'clcet^aV-itillyre,jv)i__^_ll__:V';ay and johiod.tbo gipsies,TiTontim ngor"ltilty," ruu"up"

fetch,..cm,- And tho yonug man can po intotho barn nud put 'iavoiV:; Well, I "db^ciTii7

thU a Etrcak o1 luck I" , " J - : ^ .-', -::And in leaa thau.flvo miuutcfl the "young

man " wns mounted on ft lttddei',' brandishinga good-sized 'WhltWnsh tiusbj^Kitty Fo;ilwan churuin.}.. aud Aunt'Jean was,tackingtlio qiiilt on tbo frames in tho host rooiu._

There's uothin' lilto getliu' ft "good, earlyi id A t J

lint sho vent back to tlia slaluly "Courtwith a bent brow and au ill-pleased oiprM.

MMntrIe!"i:widTliure'd no knowing what ridiculous

ho will tuke up next."

Th« following ronmrknblo story might,roll ho set down a* belonging tc tho ram*!luce of fletiou wero It uot that thero Is In-;dispnlable oridcuce to show that U belong!to that still more remarkable romance otfad. II. L. Benedick tamo to Sun Francis-co In September, 1830, tmfferiug from chill*and fever. lie accepted on offer to go. toTIouolulu to do " light work " on a plnnta-tion for 921 a month. Ho was to roturn toSan Francisco wben be plenied.

Judge, then, of his eurpriso when, on ar-riving at Honolulu, ho wns Informed, facommon with hU compnnlous of voyogo,that bo was uuiler a contrast for two years.Along with bis companion*), Benedick wasmnrchod down to tbo Uuding, shipped onboard a Email steamer, and tiiken to FahalaKan, Tho ofuco of thu plantation, was firouiileB up from tbo nboro, and when be ar-rived (hero he was shown for tbo first timetho contract. IJy'its terms be found him-self bound to labor for ono year, countingtwenty-six working dnys iu each tnoutb,and paid at tha rate of twolro dollars amonth. I t ia also stated that ho agroed tolivo ou Csb aud rice, and wan, In return, tobo provided with house room while at work.Tho document was an infamous forgery, ofcourse, nnd Benedick vehemently repudiat-ed It, All tho satisfaction ho rccoivod inreply win that tho contract waa thero inblack nud white; that ho would find thetask ot disproving its authenticity no oasjoue, p.ml that for his future comfort it wouldbo well for him to make a virluo ont of ne-cessity aud go to work. Ho took tho advicowith a mental reservation that ho wouldcsenjio aa EOOU as possible. It was onFriday night wben tho plantation was reach-ed, nui bo was informed by tho managor(Goodell) thnt unlil Monday ho could " layoil" and mako himself acquainted witb hisnow homo. lie was couductcd to tho slavequarters aud found them to bo a two utorybouso, thi) lower floor dovoted to cookingpurposes and tho upper used as a dormitory.But such a bedroom! On tbo bare floorthere wcro closo upon three hundred humnnbeings stretched out—negroon, Chinese,1

Knuknkas, Portuguese and men of othernationalities, huddled together In filthy pro-miscuity. The only covering. uieil was udirly blanket, ono of which Bonediok wastold would ba provided him aud the pricocharged agniuBt bis nhr.r account. Verminwcro BO thick thnt they could bo sccu crawling over everything. ,

Ho ran away, but was captured nnd throwninto tho clave pen, and tho ncit day set towork on tbo ro.-ubj. His bourn were madetou a day. For food bo was given a bag ofraw rice, which be cooked by making a fireof dried twigs and boiling a small quantityia au old can. So ho labored for tbirty.twodays at twcnty-lkc cents a day until tho fineof $3 was worked out. Onco moro bo wiubrought beforo the shorltl and asked if hewouM go bask to the plantation, acd againhe refused..,. Tho samo dny ho wan led downo a boat and sent down to Honolulu, conligncd to Assistant Warden Malay, togetherwith the contract ant! it'note requestingUnlay to "tieat thisumn roughens wo enn;ot no work out of him." Tha letter and

spirit of the messngo wcro both carriod outind the " roucb" treatment becan without

•lay. - - : ... . ..._....At length, npparontly exiispornted out of

ill season by Bonediuk'n persistency, Malayhad him stripped aud triced up to four steelriiigliolts scra\f cd into tho wall. There thisunu, a frco American citizen, treacherouslyinirod iolo shivery, was whipped like a dog,May layiiig on fifteen lushes with a black-


It k Ihocosloa ol anciJoucrs lo IflterpretA sod of tho head or a Blight movement otthe hand as a bid. Usually this methodworka well, but camctinicc it begets a ludi-crous mistako, such a one as. tho followingIncident shows s .

An Auctioneer. Belling pictures iu an ari-gallcry, with Iho buyers seated beforo him,called out,— ,;

" Gentlemen, hero is a fino painting byWiggins, a pupil of Gcromo, foremoat* ofmodem paintera. Now, how much am Ioffered to Btart this lovely painting 7 Don'tbo baflhfal, gentlemen; th.oro'8 no Bin Instarting a bid. How much am I offered ?

"Ah, thanlcyoul Tou dollars, I'm bid 1Tea dolimbid; going at tea dollars, who'llgiro mo flfteon ? - Fiftcen'II yer mako it ?Oointendols, teudobmoffered—drcartheQf*toon? Fifteen, I'm offered; who'll gimmotwenty ? Oolntfiftccn dollars,—twtmty1!yortnako It?"

Thus he went on, increasing his figuresuntil ho could get no higher prico. Thentho painting was Btruck off with. "Sold foisixty.flvo dollars to tho gentleman In tho cor-ner."

Each plcturo wan praised without stint."Gentlemen, tbia ia ODO of the finest

paintings In the city—rat au ' out ' nbout it—worth twice tbo money, onsyl Wliyl Icold a canvax last weok of linlf tho BUO foithrco timcn as much as I'm offered—yeB,sir, for throe times as much nud cheap althat 1


Onaof tho common delusions of theaapractical days Is that tho ago of chivalry Upost. Not a bit of it. Tboro Is just-asmuch rotnarco f n thn world MI over, if onoknows how and whore to look f<aier, - u

tor it.'"'Tho

•him,._l'nr Mr. Leigh had declined to, accept.tin

pitalities'or thTCoiirl1''"V11 " ':"•—"""""?:•'You always havo such loada of compituy

there, Antoutii," said he, "and I preferquiet. No—I'll come up to see you whentbo Hjjirit tiiovcis me; but I'll pitch my tcutsin this secluded dale. It will, ho butter'ft?•eal, sternly work."

I'm Kitty Ford's deep, liquid eyes Ktillbanntcd his brain. . .

' "Tbo prettiest girl I over saw!" ho,(keplTcpcating to himself. " A puro spirit,dwelling in a lily-like templol. I must imoro uf horj'I must sketch her-us ' Una,. Ha bo wont hack, .that nigbt.t-jttEt-.it3 -thedew was fnlling and the whip-poor-wills hc-tjiumng to siiig, and nsltcd AuuL Jcau if hesou!'i._ocoiipy..i:.t!io_:littliv_-.roniii;_.-oycrkilchon, where tbo brick chinmiey porket\itself out, nnd tho one little window. lookeddirectly into the boughs of tbo old pear-tree.•--••'' Oii,-I don't earo," said good Aunt. Joim.

-," It's Kitty that dons thn bqUROWork. ' Sh'emust decide." •'

" Wo aro plain people," (.aid Kilty, involautnrilybhishir._"j "but—1!

"Then I may come," said ITortou Leigb.:'People wore very much surprised. when

Uortou_I_yighJ>i-niir._t;t>.-b!uscyed co«! _.iiinitleb to presido over his city uinusionj. tb«u e x t f a l l . '• • . . ' . • . . ' . . • ' •';:••"- -•• . v . -

1 Hut Kitty Ford, eccme, in ber iunocathap pin CBS, ncvorjjknow how many teaiAntouia Laughiugtou. bad died over her

.cousin's weddiug-card. • Aud.. Auut.'.'.Je'ftumakes her boast tbat Kitty hns "storedcarpets " in ovory ono of her rooms aud a

(1:arringc of her own.v " He's a pnintcr," said Auut Jeau. to hoifrieuds, "Not -a'^hotuo-paiutcr, butpicture-painter. And ho known how Uwhitewash n ccinng equal to Pcrkiun Polk.I.guoss thoro niu't no fear but thiit bo'lliiink»bis'way'in" thw world." Anyhow, Kilty'trim, aud that's enough."—Htlcn Forrest

„ 'riiusyniptouis urn moisture, like per-»pirnlion, intense itcliinc,-. iucreaatd |b."scratching, Ycry distropsing, particularly a.night, scenis aa if pin-worms wore crawlingiu aud abolit Uio rectum; tlio private parts

etimeg nJleclc<l, If allowed to con-l f l i

nro Hometimeg nJleclc<l, llowed•timiB .-vcrysocrioHS - results may • folio'"SWAYNE'SOlNTMRNT' l s a pirn

Al f r T t t I t h Sa

"Aud I'm only offered thirty dollars totthis elcgnut painting E Goint thirty dollars;thirty dolsnioffcrcd-tho five, do I fctar it ?p

People were surprised nt tho Inrgo numbei" knocked duwu " to " tlio geutlemnn in tbocoruer," nnd at the high prices pnid. Manyturned to sco who he was, but nous seemedto know him.

Thero be sat, however, unmoved by Iheattention bo attracted. In frout of himwere sovorul Indies with largo bonnctx whichciit off bin view of tho pictures, and bo WOEobliged to lean n littla on ona ftida in ordcito sco them, which brought him iu view oltha auctioneer, who could sco tho noddingof hi* head.

At tho closo of the wilo the auctioneer met.ho Htrnni*pr nnd saw nn old inau poorly[rcsoed nuu tthakiuf* with tho pnUy,

Fine lot of paiiitingtt you bought, s i r /said tho hUud salbsmnu.

Eh?" inquired tbo old man, putting biihnud to his cnr.

Au awful thought struck the other, but heiswered calmly, in a loud voice, "A fini

ot of pnlntings, sir."" O h ! yes, yes; R fiuo'•tiny. Vrtn

'bi n little html of henriug nnd you'll 1to Epcnk loud."

Mercy! tho man was denf and hadn'ticnrda word that the nuctioneer bad said!;t was tlio ptdsy, au.l not be, tbnt had hi

as bis shaking bead plainly slited.-' • • • - • • - . . . . .

Tbnt auctioueer was mad. He. tore_,?GUud tho gallery ea-though he woulddestroy every. pictnro in it,_aud bo talkedloud enough for tho tteul uinu to-bear-'

•ly my halidom " businees and all that Eortof thing is played out, bat it tho gallantknlgbta and trusty squires of yo oldon Umo

'.iftvo passed In thoir chips, as tha army boys'used lo nay, wa havo nowadays Iota of

chlialry of tho Buffalo Bill, Jamca Boys andTord Brothers kind, and it seems to fill thebill pretty veil ia coma "respects. Thoyoungsters, at emy rate, tako to It amazingly,upoctaUy thoso whoso literary tastes run ia"a ditno novel direction. SoTerol cases

illustration of: tbia hnvo lately occurredircabouts. Qaitti » number of fiory youths5,10,12, and so on, have been intercept-

ed by thoir parents or tha police on theirray to the wild West to slay Indlaus andilscollaneous bandits, and bad a brilliantiroer as noblo arougcra prematurely cat

iff. An especially striking casa was that ofm ontorpriuiug Infant wlio~fell A'victim to[gnominioas capturo at the door of a Boworyvariety theatro a foir nights ago. He: hadabsconded from tha parental domicile- withIhe earn of $70, iolonioasly appropriated,and out of that vast wealth ho had providedliimself with a second-hand shot-gun, no leeslhan thrca revolvers and'ft gleaming bowie:nifc, which ho donbtloss intended for scalp-•g purposes. So many cases of thi? kind,mbject to various modifications, bavJ hap-pooed lately that a singla ono uow gets only

pausing notice. Parents noed to be, con.lanlly on tho watch to sco that their child-

ren don't start off to elay brigands aud ex.crmhinto Indians on a stolon capita! of tenir fifteen cents. If n boy of 10 or 1!!

• >pt

Bunko whip. This—these forovBifftkes—brnko poo

l after fiU^£

• degrad-'Ueuediek's spirit,

n_reed to go back to tho plantation.From his labcijaccount, ho..,found...hojhad^2CUMnys to work, and when.fatter countingtho'tlays and h'ouie, as a schoolboy doea be-[ore vacation, tho day of delivcraneo camonear, ho did not need to"bu''told ha was a

At half-past eight o'clock, on the morningof tho 23lb of June, 1882, Ilauediok walkedip to tho office and secured his discharge.Ho asketlfor the cancelled contract, but itVOB denied him; whilo tho rmoney aocouiyielded him nbsolntety nothing, everythir.having gone in supplieH, nues, littlo coui-rorts, etc. When Hoiiodiek left on, tho ,W.H.Myer lio.t^-,withJniH,^tnp i.rwhottjioreturned lo San Pra'uciseo on the ConKuelo^b^_htwitb"l i ini 1Slia '^Srt« 1 ' /W^JM_


I'cot 1U«1I lu Nn. in lloors."

Being at'thb bonso of Mr. Franklm,Titus county, - mention was mado'^of thoToxns ginnt, and I learned t\nt,bo|wns anenrneighbor of.-my_bost,:rOffr..:JP.'.iktt: " -consented to nocouipnny mo to hi£|hoiAfter catering I obaorved windows 'as..wellnsuobrs wero nslo'w~or- lower nbany usual,-but the loft was quite high, boing

HBO with tbo" floor,' tbu uudu of tba^pliinks.resting upon the mdo plates of tho room andtwo joists, which rested on tho eudj^platoH,the houso having tho gnbles wealheivboard-;d.j Tbo giant sat smoking his'i pipiWbilo I ruminated on tho modo of approach'ing him I took notice that ho did not appuaiory tn)l as bo sat. yet iny friend, who sailest to him, a man of usual height, iscorned

only ns a linlf-grgwu boy. ' Pencil in"biind,I said to him: "Mr. Franklin said youwould bo willing to givo inoitonifl of'intercutiu regard to., yourself., in. which, tho,. publii

will tako aiTiuioroRt ?" "•""'"' ~"v:

"Oh, corltiiuly; I w«s homjiv: SoiitlLCaroli!ia;'-Gi>e6iivill(j'JJiiiUiiott"Mfty.v5i'i8SCMy- father- rcmnydd ,to : Missouri, Morgancounty, iu 16^!!. ' In 18.10 I wont to Cn'liforilin by tho ovcrlaud route. I relitrufrom California by wator—froin OhagWH tiNo\v Oilcans• on tlio l'V.lcou?;~Frorii^Ni

Orleans 11 returned, to Missouri _nn?l_jHbuBy farming mostly till tho war bmlc'ii bMarch'.8,_18r.a, I ninrriocL MIIM Mary T.ThurBton;-iuy tlrst cousin". Sho has bomino four children, all boys. Only oi

pAlso for Tetter,.Itch, Sa»lart on Moniln; moruiug," said Aimt.Jean,-Clvothom'fa^Tr laL - Jf -9-

ic'iiid Hcuti, Erysipclae, Barborachca; nil Bcaly, :cruaty•"Skiu'Di»

VVAl.twclvo,p'eioelrrth<>Jwfc bed-roohi wftBwhiter ancf sweeter than auy lily, Iho uultor


gii'foot 7 inGheg'higbV" My" father was onlSent by mail fot 50 conlej

Adl G foot 2 inches. Mother was a liltlo oviavorago hoight. My fnther was twice mn

Ilis 15 children wero 10 boys andgl'ls. Tho boys wore- all over C foct.. I heoiio couBiii'who wns II feet 6J:""\Vhat nuinber.i-j.ynnr.bootV" I inquire!

lii; _iij_i foot is 13 iuobefl long aii

"t'lll! II.tllUSEBK OP ItUMAK IUtll.—Th•• ifeeftanfeal Engineer tella a curious storythe effect .produced on VroughUron forgiby limn an hair.. Tho forcing VM iu a pow'crful cold1 press for fiulsbiiig,riyhero.-U

& to.a prcEKuroof -200^ tone, to (liro inch. .;„A.bair taken from tho head

"" !Oirnt>$ J " ?andthoXnUvproBsuro applied."A


OP T i l K ItllHF.I>y tuoRt

liloi nf tlio spy nnd secret

ca.vSl.2r),1 (in stamps).1

K SONhoto family Eat dowu to np )

SON, Philadelphia, P Nwn.viii!*N lMilN^Coiiil'nrlliiir lo tiloSlclThousanilH dio from neglect to": proper

Iront Impure • Bloml, Conelipatioh, Dyil i i i " l j i L l ; I C i d

gsavory meal ot fried chicken, ^ white broad, p

cess nndi'rcstoro the original color,elegant drcsalnR.'-froo froraigronsC.j :,;:; ..

aud strawberry shortcake._____ ;.... ....••-."You Booin-iAu-.ba-R'-Vb'ry-.rcspcclablo"young man," BaidAant.Joan, critically Bur-


: ;•: sTyW.-I.irF. bud T.ABWKN ol V. 11. NI ' l l l l -#,?U¥MS,' llic-srwjft •I.«i"l«i"_._P«_«!«cl»_p_« ".—A Btrikiui* woru'uu:.' A jolly old. unclp

hfiB-boon-relating. FOmo .incidonls.^of H...his

ffomen"~ybtrevor im'otj" uncle'," "sa"ya'thTy:oiiibg

p p p 7 p y yHeart Diseases, Dropsy, and BlionmatisUut to^ho debilitated, burdened j with sue

l iB sickness,^ woconscisniiGaslV'3 WAYNE'S TILLS.'1i7

might sloop iu tho bnru-chambcr, aud I couldrecommend you to' do whitownshing jobs forlho g &i now coat o1 'paint, badly, - and. I'miraro thnt Widow;Elnntban Tmeby.

your lint ?"it,is 'jyhat.is. xp.nr height. ?"__, . ; ;-^; i : .:„ r.,I hafo''Vceii ^inenaufod,!';.;foot 7Hnchca in ordiiinry .boots

_ EUiitTnicdioinal properties "possessed by

i 25m a s , . " b y which wero yon

rooiilfwas that tlio hair wns drid i b d a d i J t th

from-a Irecataboynnd iundod.iut bili ^ T h i i J l b ^

, y y ^By your aunt, my boy,'Jb]r your nunt l

p p p yother remedy. Sont V>y mail for ,25 cen

Cb S l ' ( i tand imbeddodin;.it,: the_v 1*uninjured nud7 being

yot boilinir Bnp^jaTho iioy.BAysJlb

y ybox o£ 30 pills; ;C.boxes.; Sl_'.(in BtcanSjfed'back'ftthim'afl'sho'slnrted'ifT al-

(i:J most meUotl bis fart.—Detroit Free Preu.



Setllr. In Cri

A few days nf_o aflnab youug 'wan fromi Eastern collcgo anived at Tombstone,ri/onn, and - rcgiaterod bis imiuo at tbo•iucipnl hotel. A socially iuclined person

in a blue shirt nud wide-rimmed-bat, wheihiinccd to b« in the ofltee, good-naturedly

:ry question and volunteered at of intorodting information

tboutArizouu in genornlaud Tqiubatoiin particular.

'Do you see theu* bills ?" ,'asked thoTomhstouer pointing through ouo of th{

" Well, them hills isi chock

lull of^pay dirt.'tr

The- young man • fromibockod, • •

11 My denr sir," ho said, proudly, but;indly,"you should fiay tboso hills_aro—not,them hills is I"- '" ":- ' • •Tho Tombstoner was silent for n moment.

Io looked tho young man from tho Eastxiticnlly over as if he was estimating tho;izo of coffin bo would wear;;? Then draw-

ing out au ivory-stocked BOven-Bhootor ofilaborulo stylo and finish, ho said in a noft,mild, musical tone of voice thnt soundediko n wildwood brook coursing o'er its. peb.

bio bed:, ..J!My,Rcntlo ,uusaltod..tenderfootftom'the"iftud it tho rtsiug snor thi rhero ' ;

pint that yon and'mo disagrccB.ou and. wtlight as well hnvo H Bottled right no< "

haveu't looked in'a gram ; ' lately, but 1Bay ' them hills is' ia correct, and I'm goingto fitaiid by that opiniou whilo I've got a shoiloft. I'll give you jest threo minutes tithink calmly over tbo subject, for you pro-bably spoke in haste> Iho first timo. hndthiI'll hear your decision."

Thoyoiiiif* man from tbo' Kist; lookidown tho dclicatoly-chnsod barrel of tho re-volver into tbo plncld depths of tho eyi'tltn~M^iiO|iKtnnnr...aafl..Jiegai^to;::.fcel»inaiiy'poiiits'in gramninr nro ,uucortain:liuilliublo to grow moroEO. .-Theuobe_ though o'the Coroner's inquest "and"of" the verdict,i i i o to hU death by standing Iu frout ol

Colorado Tom's sovou-shooter," and of 'tinlong piuo box going East by express w$00 charges ou it, and, before half iho thiminutas wiw up ho was ready to nckuow-lodge his error. "Since ho bad thought*oyorjjnlmly," . ho BBHI,' "bo believed . th

'them hills ia,' U right. Ho had Kpobeu oitbo spur of tho moiueut," "ho added, • "ami'begB«d> LhOdsauiViui'iJous for-hisprccuuituous effort to HtiliHtilnto bad grammar.; foigOOd.":- - : : - : ; - ; - r ^ - ^ ^ f ^ ™ ™ ™ 2 £ ™..ThoTombdl' nor forjinvo him frpely," angrasping bio lmuil.wtid:,,.-.. ; - r

" I know'd you'd say you wns wrong nityou thought-a'"'moment'.-'1"-1ndmiru it 'uitwho gives right" iii'-'- witbiiui. "iii-_jiuii-j -• wlitho kuow's bo's wrong..;.VOnnin'iuitl inignto.1

. And.thoy ii-ri(_utud.__

"'"' " Tho ouuco o£ provention nml potimlcurti''ififound in Mason «t Polliird'a Pilliin unfnlliiiB pioveutnlive anil positive cur

for. "nnluria and fevor, and .'nfttic. ThcJ,ctibii is mild and ccrtaiui They rcatoro.tliOPVRloiii its full vigor.-JlJr_K_istH.__.:


nisiiug from the family circl ppneliisinn U Hint brt hn<t tnrnnd bis faciward tho domnlu of redskins nud roajjoufc), nnd probably got as fur as ouo oliio Jersey ferries on route. Tho literaturebat produces this sort of thing Htill flourish-s like tho proverbial green bay tree.Ivery news Btaud dmplayu a largo variety of. Tbo " libraries " and " boys' weeklion'hlch contain it arc sold at live cents each,ind their circulation is said to bo very largo.Che dime novels, too, aro Ktill iu tho field,mt their ealo hnu greatly diminished tjiuc

tho flanb wcelilics, with their thrilling aai;j)ostcrous pictures, and tho HO-called

ibmrios. of tho snmo goncml character,itcrcd it us rivaiu. Thnt these- publications

do au immense deal of mischief thero is, ofpossiblo doubt; but they mnk<

nonoy for the men who run them, and that'.reason enough, I suppose, for keeping them

)ing.—H'c.o It'iPrt*»

corrt#pontlenc€ Detroit


mo tell you au incident. that. hap-pened not very long nco. On ono of•UOB but of Chicago wo had on bonrd an oldlady who was insane, aud such n weird look-ing aoul I uevur nut oytm ou befuru,uud bopo

never, shall, again.,.. Old, ..wrinkled, nudwild.eyed, yet very strong.'aud'lively ns airicket, almost, as wo found out afterward."

"Sho was, of conrso, iu charga of a;copcr, but bo bad her in tho smoker where

aho could do no harm, and lot, her roam ntwill. Well, wo had, also, in the smoker, aln-do-dab youug chap, you know, ono who;new everything, and Bmokcd cigarettes.Well, tho old U<ly caught eight-of. him onme of her trips up and dowu tho aislo, aud;ho stopped short and looked at him for aimo, attracting everybody's attontiou, mnk-ig them think something was up.

" Well, tha old lady stood there for some[oVminutca and then aho' cried, 'Here's a'protty boy. I must km him.' If you hadiceu tho look of astonishment nud dictnay•Well camo over . the. faco of that young

iprout, you would hnve dono tho samo thatill tho.rest^of us_did—ypll till tho no'io could

heard ui tho"ncit "tair. Everybody wass o by Eurpriiw>,.you see, thnt for half a

!^ •"•]"* beard a pin drop.


Tho sem!*tropical scenery of tbo lower St.Johns ia written up and paintod up annuallyand may bo found paintod and engraved inevory "wintar touristn' guido'•or >'Floridaland circular." Abovo Lake Monroo, how* |over tho river narrows rapidly and U astortnous as the trail of tho old serpent throughsinful earth. For twenty-fiva miles belowPoinsolt it poosca Uiroagh pralrio marsh,overgrown with saw-gross and etudded vithislanda of pulmotto anil mosa-grown liveoak.Tho lovel londscopo dipaaway in tho. hori.zou, as though verging to tho final jtuupiug-off place, nnd the St. John.: dwindled iaproportions nntil it reminds ono of thoArkansas tampiko which a wayfarer traceduntil it turned into a squirrel track and ranup a troo. Its channel is GO narrow andcrooked that a high wind sweeping thepralrio is a serious impediment to navigation.Thero aro thoso'living who remember bowupon ono occasion a fierce norther set thosteamer Volusla upon a point in a criticalpassage, and how alt tbo brains and physicalstrength of a distinguished Florida land-owner and of B ouicbcr of Philadelphiaofficeholders nud politicians wcro requiredfor hours iu nid of tho deck-bauds to starther on her winding way. Tho chntmel isdeep, howovor, averaging from eight totcjlvofcct, nnd the river flown with n cur-rent fairly, strong. Along I'IH batik' thealligator bjsks and waterfowl abound, tbo'boron nnd Ibis make night vocnl, nml black-birds, meadow.larks and other Northern birds,gone South in pursuit of health, flock to-gether iu tho adjacent meadows, Formerlya constant fusilado was inniiitiiiiu-d from thodocks of the boats at tho alligators mid gamoiloug sboro, but frequently.recurring ao-

cidcn'.s bavo occa^iuiiedan ubsohilo probibi-ttou of tho inn of tiroanu

ttnek bans,pounds, i

lino nnd K[>iu

of 'hem weighing fight toro »:iwily •akt-ti with trollingicr from the stern of lbontca:ii.

Hock Lcdgp, on the bnul; of the Indianriver, is upon tho threshold ot wiM Florida,tho Uowcry laud of 1'ouce do Leon aud theSomlnolc, of Osocola ami Jtilly Uowlegs.At thia point tho outlawry Intent iu nilhealthy humnuity coiuiiienoo^ to developand thenceforth one i* incliiuul to siiocr attho comforts and amenitiot of cready to "rough it" us ncoaaioiquire.

life nudnny ro-

Then tho fun pftEa*lilI"SJW'oin.'>lJ<'everji

hoily as'soon as'tbey couhi-gl' Uidr.hreajh,l h h t t TJS? IlOvcry

mil such ,a shout wentheard. Tlio old lady wns not dn

Uho went'for, that, fellow, dotcruiineS-Jiuu carrying out hor iusnno freak. * Thene fuu really comineneod. Kip and tuck.

Firut one and tboa the other. You BOO, fihowcut right into the snat witb him nud hohad all ho could do to keep her back. Sho

! more ctrengtb thnii'auy woman. I over', and would try to .;et ueur him. to putanus nround-him,-whiU«- bo --would- bo'

"utiiiig'ali" hisTiitroiigUi' lo-.kjjp-hor.'iiway..;Finally, bo snw , t l i a t *bi only way to got rid.if her was to get out of tho. cnr, and ho

mnilo a.divo pnst her into the ai«le, andfllarted toward tho door. ' Tho old ludy wasinto that racket aud "nwny slid wcut at torlim. Well, sir, would you beliovo it? Bo-

foro ho reached tbo dooi-, aud bo wag on agood run too, she hadrtiised him throp times.l'ea, sir, I moan eh« kissed him throe timflB,md if ho didn't get out of tbnt door in prettyiULuk^Oi'uot;-lboii~IriiiJu^7riistairon_''-^//ifcr^iteic with'~a conductor 6_y the" Cleveland


"""An- Intcrcntingr lwlnra WBB:, dolivorejjrostoiilay boforo tho teaoht'M of "WardSchool No. : 7 by..¥olico]

t}'Sar«eou Wntor-a. Tho subject "was tho treatment ofipla wouUuS,' Bpuiotlilng thnt ovory pevsountlil know. Surgeon Watonuau showed

Ilio rtimedioa used by physicaud tliomsolvos.-their instruments aro not c.t hand,

AVhoro an artory iiitbft'Ana or lB_"is"Eovorod,»id Surgeon. Watornian^ the^homorrbagodiust' bo'stopped",by presHiug Iho-.thumbforcibly upo'n tho. artory. out or upon the^oning of tho wouudr" \Vhuro~groar pvoB-Hir« -waa.__requirerlj.. as -in tho.\oaBO. of _thofoinornl artery,"-'a Biniplo "tourniquet' mightbo i^iprovised with a handkorQbiof:und abiiL'"B:--Aa:to fniuting fltfl, whlob may occuriirsuliboi^tho buKt wny iy'to plnea'tho'"child111 it recumbent position, throw water on tholuce, aud open. if'io windows. "SomelimcsJyueopo is \cry- dun^ivoua | if it List lougenough if.iR donth. It may be uocosjaiy toindiicOj artiflcial1 res{Mn\tion by raising tbo

^d,_(ind^worin£___t____ein.,oipolling Ibo lur.fr^aTlu'o^mi^raiia"

ilug"n vacnnni,'-whioh 6ucka tho ,air io

Apoplexy is primarily duo to " tUgenerft'tiuns" in tha walls of tho arteries of thebrain. These nllow them to bo ruptured byihe. blood pressure which Ihu beating: of tbahenrt cnuses, but ospucially whea the heartIs unusually excitrd. Tho blood may trickleout from numerous pin-head enlargement oltho capillaries, or bo poured from largo rup-tures. Guilefully i% post-mortem - cboraroundish clots, averaging the *i7»*nf_a mar-blo, iu the contros of which aro the minuteopenings of tho ruptured arteries.

Tho most common scat ot the hemorrhngoism the vicinity of - tho ," basal ganglia','—;reat nerve centres specially" related' to_' mo-1

tioa and sensation.The clot may bo (I) absorbed, (2) becomeirrounded with a sac (cyst), gradually

dcrga fatty degouoration, and bu absorbedin about two .years;"(;!) niay^.iullamo tbaadjacent brain substance, and (,'ive rise tothe softening of tho latter; (i) may ideguuuration of the nerves aud give rim toatrophy, or decay of the brain, resulting inoo tuple to imbecility. In tho first nud secondciscs recovery mny tako placo.

Tho tendency to Benflo apoplexy beginsiftcr about forty, and increases with tho ad-,

vanco of age. Tho predisposing causes maybo degeneration of tho cerebral artericeirgcuieut of tho heart and softening oiraiu.' • . :

Tho. tendency to degeneration of thearteries, nud thus to apoplexy.- may..,be,

ireditory. Meu arc more liable to it thanwomen. Cold weather disposeujto it. Anitltick may bo .brought ou by whnttirotBtimuiatcH tho lieart~ascitcmcut,;rmmit)",

r-exertion, improper" food,. alcoholicliquors, or by n cold bnlh which toruott'thublood in from t? Hi surface.

x T h c nttaok m.;y como on'citliLT with orwiftiffjt^remonitory''symptoms. -'Some ottho lattorarelOBs tJS.moniory," diflleutty of

J M p , gSness or pricking. . It jnayJi»_BO Blight nto only n mementary nncouaciouaness..--''Tlio older and moro feeble',lhs patient, tho

greater tho tlnuger. Kv'eV'it ho recovora,there is some loss of mL-iital:powerv.-In: thotroatmeut, all'caiises of cxuitcmutil mUHt.beguarded against; tho diet bo nourishing,easy of digestion and moderate, nud thagoncral health be Hpticihlly cured for.—YtJift Comvanion.


• Tho individual who attempts to keep npwith domestic news in Utah fiuds.bim oiborsolf bndly perplexed ntjiuies. - Onrpja swliiio there irn"iioticb'"6f7tlio'ninrringa' ofBocie'vouog lady,-who is heralded ns tho

.'jaughter.of fiomo man pvominout In theilovtnon Church; but the'"'publicr is:" left inthVdnrlcns to who bar motbor is; whichone of tho half a dozen wives tho man has isentitled to tho honor of being called motherby the bride. ;i In enso of a "death in thihnrcmjliero is often still moro, annoyingperplexity. For instance, w^ saw in a* Mor-

p p r the other dny a notice of tlifuneral of a small boy, tho son of a certalielder. Now, thoso acquainted with tho eiten&ivo family aio left in doubt wbothor thin'boy was tho son ot tho old" ladyjfot one. ofher.two (UughtoiB,vtt6_.tho-icldcr..ola|mB^!tlIthroe as his, and 'ttio'miraeronCprojj'Q'n'y'arc.30 mixed up as roRardaittieir^truq. rolallon.'ship to ench othor thnt thoy compromise tbimatter by calling oacb brother .or Bistorts.!!around, including . tho old . elder himsoltWhntnn occasi6u^ihat.-funerHl;inu8t hav<been, conducted rip it.. wfifl_by_._fivo_polyaimistsj all of yhoui spoko their pioocs, nndthen, as the pnper Bnyu, tho rouminii woicarried by psll-bonrcra,' consisting of sYbrothers of the deconsod. Such incidonlwould bo novelties nuywhero else outside fUtah, hut hero tho Mormrn Ohuroh ia'.py to fi«t up y k i d ^ ti

Salt Lake 1'ribune.


ttrnt\as Faclm Culle.t Fram lirro naiThere* ' .•

—Franco Is building forty-six war vessel!

—Don't remark to a man that "history!peats itself " just nfter ho hits fallen down -ilighlofstaim .', . ,

—Tliero aro over fifty sheep farmers inllnga, Kow Zealand, with flocks of not less

30,000 each. .—Thero oro moro mites of railroad in

thau In nil tho New England[ates pnt together. . . " ' • •—English gold coin has becu so worn thatwill cost $4,000,000 to rcstora Iho $275,- .

00,000 iu circulntion. '—Chtcn^o has about '1,000 drink uhopu, aaio local papers call them, 3,709 of them 'iiug liccused to sell intoxicating liquors. :—Tho klo Governor Stephens never oc-ipicd auy other rooms at Washington thanIOSO iu which Henry Clay hod onco lived. .—Idaho aud Colorado are to be tho new ~

ron States of tho future. Oren carrying CC9.1) per cent, of metal hnvo been found in

ie first Slate. .

—Great Britain produced l,C73,CiU tons 'Bessemer tteel ingots last yenr, nn inv t ;ease of nu eighth, and of these seventyr cent, wero rolled into rails.—A number of capitolistc at Portland,regon, are talklig about building a covered

half-mild track, so that horsca can get the .exercise during tho long wlntenf.

—A California Board ot SaparvUora ap.iropriated a sum to purehaat a '«oodeu leg

a citizen and charged tba amount to :ermauout repairs and improvement.!1 "

—"When, Ifazegood, .who. la. a bachelor, ; -rns asked why ho never married, he replied,:oauothcr CiOear: " I would rather b4io nrut man ia a bachelor's hall than num.

two ia a family establishment."—Vermont produces more marble thaniy other Stata ia the Union. LaBt year thomount produced aggregated 1,000,000

* -io feel. Nearly 31,000,000 was paid forlabor required to quarry tho fitono and

take it to market.—A Montreal young man attempted to kiss •.„__

pretty daughter of a cornergrocer. Shoipped her lily white hand up to tho wrist

gallon of molasses and passed it rapidlyicross tho ardent lover's ambrosial beard.

Is what might bo caUednswootrovcuge.—A compositor who has travelled all ovot

country ID of the opinion that the badlanuiicript of clergymen has increased theimber of patients iu lunatic asylumit. -

'hero is no disguising tho fact that tho gen.ioman of tha cloth, d a , writo ".onconimou '

—A young lady of Philadelphia snug <ing to hgrWeatern lover, tho refrain ofhich waS ^ 2____H_____________________ th<_>rffrS iug''inds, ' ' indwllli l lJuU'^Uf Iliougb he e m . 'mlluully r«iuurked.--. l ' l6iiy, sis, jC'aCUght .como ont to our section and oxperienco a

Bheloue ." ; . .^ . .'• '.-. _..:. ' •._ \ .. :—Justice Britt, of Unitah eonoty , . Utnh,id email trisghl^icfarc:!::'o found him guilly, sentenced him tp fourtars'imprisonment nnd further sentencedim to work four years for the man whese

mildinge bo had burned.' This is a novelipplicntioii of justice,

—Acolobratod physician recently was the sicipiout of a letter from n, bdy asking mer.-l;,V

ical adVice, and giving a detailed account ,01^difieasee. Tlie lotUr waa written on BCY-; '

irnl sheets of foolscap paper very, cloeoly, :: "mil by actual measurement contained four, ;jrnrds of symptoms for tho doctor's perusal.

IllinoiH Judge baa decided "that tho ;;;;,lirectors of an insolvent bank* wo' personal.("! _ ,_ iho bank'B debli to depoeitore.IU the ground that' it is their business ,tejuowita condition. Snob, BfinsibJeSffR**?:hat. oughtJor"Etaucl7"^Konpit will "rebW


:ho office of bnnk director somewhat of itsirnnuicntal charactor, - • ' • -

ame is not such.: a voiy sure thing.llarsboll'u lost words, as he turned, bia

nee toward a window j wore: ."This is thamd 1 I am dying on a borrowed bed, ' un-

borrowed blanket, in a houso-built byublie charity I Bury. me. under, .that oak

whore there ia plonty of_room. I have>oeu crowded all my life." : • .^.—Point Reyes, a peninfluU thirty mlleBaorlh of San Frano'^-'- on tha Pacific coast.istnVgreat dairy distriot olf GnlifcrnBr •_:onsisU:of about 100,000 acres/ on; which :

l e gnisti is kept greon all winter by tbo • sea —.;gs. The bnttar from Point Royoa brings . !iree"«nt9;a'-'pound:mnro^in;:thQ markets:;;.,^;i;-mu that froni the district."""."'"! , ' . ' , ' : " " : " "—K Georgia paper stntes as a singular In.;

jidont thalal the 'outbreak:, of- t h o ^ a r . h y o ^:otnpnnics" fronr Goorgit, .ttaitobb "infantry '.•::: .;.;•;•and tbo Oilmoro BIUCB, started out -with tho^X - ; 'uimo number of men, bad tho samo number" :

Lillatl, tbo snmo number woundod,*tbo eamo •-nirubor dead fcom natuml.causes, nud the .nuio number dead from wounds.:;,.: : y; : :

p'rpfitnblo bUBiness, although o band" cnr..-.ntl a push car" constitute ita ontiro equip-icnt.:. ThoL^a3,'1,'K'hich is about fiva'inilea ^ .mgj "waa"fbrmely"aaed"by7 tho" Utter Coal: '••*""

Company, but upon its suspenflion 0, fow'ears'ago the engine was taken off, a luiod -nt substituted and a luorativo business in ..

iroight and pOBBenger carringo built up, the :ohargo being $2. CO a ton tot freightV aud ,.:•fifty conta for passenger. . • ; ; ' " ' . • .r.—Tho MiflHonri Supremo Court hnadocldod, ;, •;.tbat information obtained 'by "a" phyeicinu.' '"•'"'from a patient must bo disclosed on tho w i U ^ ^noss Btnnd, though^ tho' physioiari declares ^rthat tbo i;:formntioa .wuB^aeqairod while :: '.;:

. acting .iu,n:'profeKBlonai,capaoily,^,aa3~wa:^iiiuocer>sary.to ftnablohim .'to .presoribo as a 7 'phyGiciftn-or :;operatoi«9"'.ft~.fiiirgcon.-=-Tha^L-:;

;pourt hflld tliat it would not.'^o; whilo t h e "

th'oi*pHysioinn is closuilus to tho talk.'-^-S-of a pati£int, _lo open it as to knoyiedgprac •"••:-'i-"~quired from hitfovmdiagnosis of the caso.1

•.-.'Man3f luen.dnily polish', thoir boots who ;

noverlpivu a thought.to the condition oftlieir-Knir,"except to liftrr,owitcnaually;

ith hruali and'comb,-flr submit it to ;• iiws-pnvalyzing attentions of tho average bnr:

bor. : \yhiit.iri\ppcii8 ?^Why, ,tlii9,:_From'neglflut7mentnlrtinxietyi or nny of." a scoreof onuses, tlio liuir UmiB prematurely grayand begins - to fall out. Pntker'a- HairVBalsam will at onco atop the latter - " - ^cess nndi'rcstoro the original color

Page 2: HE SHIN :--'-|P · abc. " Hut I won't prnmUe to buy. Wo got a very pretty ckromo witb tho lust pound V ten wo bought, nmt Kitty, eutH pictures tut of the illustrated paper* niul pantos

e-©tar.JJA.ZIOX3 «X=


$1.60 per Yssr, in Advance.


f"; Tho oiiginal of tho followiug

; - qunint article was recently foiuul in

•• an old tower in the very ancient town

•of Chester, England, 'It WAS among

: a lot of old "books, papers and divers-

;; iflod rubbish that had just been un-

i ; carfhod by spmo repairs that wore

;!„.' hci( £ made upon Iho building.


•jr""-Mr. A!drinks bucauHu liia-duclur

•;*:, recommonda him to "tal:o a little."

••;;•• Mv. B, becauso his doctor orders

him uot to drink, nnd he hates


Mr. C takes a drop because Iio's


"Mi*. D because he'tt dry,

,."' Mr. E because he feels something

V . r a i u g . ; . ' • • • . . . . • . • ' ' ' , •

"Mr. P because ho iocls a sinking.

Mi'." G becauso he wont Lo seo a

I friend off to America.

Mr. II became he's got a friend

jjust come from Australia.

v Mr. J because he's so warm in tho


Mr. K becauso lie's so cold in the

' morning.

Mi1, L becauHQ he has :t pain iu his


Mr. M because lie hasu pain inliis

" • f i i d e . . ; " - "" • • • • • • ' ••' • " "

'•••: Mi1. N bpcauso lie lias ;i pniii in hi;

•:.. back.

Mr. O because he lias a ]i:uii in h i s

chest. .

... Mr. P bet'aust'' lie lias a juiiu ul

-.OTor him.

; J[r . 'Q^licniuaci ' he fuels so light

a n d Iiai^jy,*""""1'

-•••Ml'. 11 bOcitllatt'-hi) IW-lr* su

and inireVaVie.

Ifr. S'^pame he's married.

"Mr. T became he isn't.

Mr. V becauso 'lie likes to sec


Mr. "\V because he's got no frieuds.

Ti'.'X because his uncle loft him


Mr. Y because his aunt, trut him oil

with a shillinj

Mr. Z because he went to Lland-

, : iidno* yesterday.• . 'This refers tit a ndijli boring t' l ing, long iijfo was a famous resort f>

• loaldug-, eli1.


That tlie time of Christ's crucifixion

nsy be approximate^ •"'•;^

"j-.h-y.rastrosrSE "

:.;:. paying due r

data which we possess, is asserted by

--Judge Joseph r.'Bi'iuUy of the Su-

_prenie..Court. of,the. United States.

""' Tlio'cardHial conditions required are,

first, that the time must be brought

pvithiu the ProeuratbrsUip of; Ponti-

"UB Pilate ; secondly, it must be aftci

the fifteenth year of the reigu of Ti

berius/and after the 30th yea:

Christ's ago; thirdly, it must occur

;*.' on tlie 15tli of the Jewish mouth 3sTi

. fian (or Abib), and on the sixth day

".- of tho weci, or Friday. After a closi

:,:; and extended calculatiouj his Honor

" reaches "this conclusion: "Then

• were only three years from A. D. 27

to A. D. 35. inclusive, in which the

1st ofvWituii,*^iutLjiDns£queiitl^' the

•™»15th of "NisaUj hftppdiied on ;Fi'May,

;; and these were A. D. 27, 30, and 33,

r"'the-last of whicli" is very doubtful.

.''•'But tlie crucillidon -could :not -havo

~ happened before A, D. 2S, and prob-

;' \ ably not later .than A. J>. 31. Therc-

^ :fore, the year 30 is the only one

£;1: which satisfies all the conditions of

the problem. It does satisfy them,

,.«;;becaiise,it gives opportunity for- Je-

isaeii-.ptibUciy for about "three"

••.years and to attend three Passovers

^•during his ministry, o*' lour^-accord-

i n g as'it communcod before:: or.. ..after

AprU3, A. D. 27., Now, since in A.


tho N«w York mercliiiiits nrorcfuBuigi

to taleo trado dollaia for any more!

tlwu 85 conta, their valuo ns bullion.

This makes n loss of 15 cents on any

trade dollar that one gets left on.

Thero arc $35,000,000 of thorn in

circulation and at tho above rate of

discount the holders of them -will bo

compelled to loso the mini of $5,250,

000; or in other words lh« 'govern-

ment, by tho issue of Ibis illegitimate

piece has aided a set * of rascals in

robbing the pcoplo of that immense


!4th oUIarcli, tho 15th, .fcllon

.Friday, the 7t&*bTXpnl, which was

the clay of the, crucifixion."

; Vv Is IT A SWINDLE?—There is a scheini

••: afoot for building a "peoples railway"

'^of-gTanclproportions.;;It.is.to bo n

^double; track narrow gauge "road,

TBing the country, from-; east-to

between New York and-San

I'"Francisco, and from north to south

i; between Chicago arid Now Orleans,

D new company is to be known as

^the "Peoplo'a Railroad.. Company, of

'/America." Every employe of the

company is to bc ;a stocliholdor, and

is said that California, capitalists

uig.to^advance the: rnoney^to

t the colossal scheme, in. aatiyc pp-

tion;- Th e articles"' of "association

vido-for over 11,000,milc£3,pf.:.nar-

wgauge road^iSvith a capital stock

jgffi.crf $360,000,00a •

"WHO KNOWS Hu^—AKew York pa-

ir says that last week Tuesday "\Vm.

Ken*,' a school*teacher at Stanhopo,

;Jii?whUeiinT.JTcw--.y6rk. city- bc-

icame^into^xicated_andfoll asleep, on a

^ 5 l ¥ 6 i E l i b b t l i ' t r i b

that condition he. was robbed 61

Lia wateh'and $10 in money by two

" " r s j i y tho names of .Rogers, and

j ^ A . man who saw tho robbery

Eyo tho alarm and tho thieves dash-

| g : away'the watch 'wiiicli' vas"••ijii

Is rccovei^jdrr- The7thioves";were

ggglnVby.an .officer; iiud^akenio.Uie

•omFsr'Tliepaper doesn't say what

icnine of the school; teacher. ; .,


duel was fought on Saturday morn-

ing nt six o'clock, betweou Sir. Bcimo

of Iho Eiulnuojid (Vii.) "Slutts, and Mr.

Elam of Iho Whiff, near a place call-

ed Xow Hope, in Virginia.. Mr. Elam

ivas nearsighted and could not hit

iiis opponent, but ..Mr. Bcirnc, who

was a dead shot, wounded Mi.* 33. in

ono leg at the second shot. Both

parties remained perfectly cool dur-

ing the whole proceeding. The

wounded man will recover.

MUST PAV.—A peremp-

tory mandamus was granted last

Thursday in tho "United St'ites Cir-

cuit CoiirL ut Trenton directing the

City of Elizabeth to include in its an

nualtax levy u sum sutlicient to cover

the judgement of the iEtna Insur-

ance Compcny against tho ciiy. As

thoro are only four assessors holding

lice it is believed the vacancies will

have to bo filled by election. I t i:

reported the pcoplo Mill give up thu

property rather than pay tlio tax.

Tho total deficiency of L. 1). J»r-

rard, the missing ex-County Collector

of Middlesex amounts to SM,000, as

shown by tho report of the expert.

lie most rvl tnMc. *arofiiM.v i»r«-|>»rctl mul tii-Hl piircntivi! u( tilt!

l>rc>><ciit n^-e INHUAMUtKTIk'.N lMI.I.S.

They nro cnmpnnnili'd nf Roof",: Merli-ami Gums of the most healing uiul benolicnl kind.

As a l'Vraily Medicine Ihcynronnrivall-ed, curing IIcDilacbc, Constijmlion, LiverComplaint, lllieutnatimn, Iivsi^psia—clojring tlie blood of nil impunities—nct-ing on tlio Liver, Kidneys nnd other im-portnnt organs, removing tlio waste tissue,nnd adding years to tliu lives of all whouse them.

Kor fifty years they Imve been used bytlie American public, mitt tbi'ir constmitlyincrensing sales sliow how they are nji-preciated.

A l ' o r f cc l I t i 'nici l j - in SU I1N<VIN(>N.AiiltriKLD, J I A P S .

I am verging.on eighty ye 3,amltleoiit my duty to sultei'ing liumnnity to saythat my long life is duo to Brundrethsl'ills wbidi have been my sole medicinefor half a century. I know the las', fortythree of my life is owing solely to theiruse. Your l'ills Btved uiu many timespftcr tlie best medical skill iu severalSlates li'ail ijiven me ' up ns ho.itlcss. T

bavG.Iintt many converts to purgatioiwith Uramlretli's JJiIls, ami "have seenthem perform. almost miracles • of. cure.For children, ft lew doses have^cumdmeasles, scarlet, fever, and ,. whoopingcough. In all female troubles and wenJc-u e s s I hnvo neve: known.themjo.fiul. ,Inndnlt males litavo Kno^ir itiein to eurjthe worst enscs ordys^;i)sm. rheumatism,kidney diseases, dysentery nnd diiirrhfen;even dropsy, paralysis, nnd apoplexy haveyielded to a persistent course .of Brand-retlfs Pills. Jn fact I have found themtlie true Life Elixir. They act as con-tinual preventive1! again*: the effects oftime, disease, und labor.

Issciio—VASSVCKi.n.—AL Vicuna, June liOlli.ISSt, bv ltev. AV. II. Jlnaxurtv. J.uvl V>'. In-helm, o'r Skwartsvillc, to I.v'diii Vansycklc.of IiitlepcuilciiL'c.

FISH—VASDVSJ:.—June 27th, tit Grace V,\<\A-copal Kcetory. .Terscv Cilv, l»y Jtcv. W. It.SnulciltiL', I). I)., liaiiiitln'irFisli, of Helvl-

•aerc, ami Mutrdu A. VauUin-iie, of JtsrimyCity.ioiiTiN-OAi.s—ATWOOH.—Iti-Pliillijieljurg,"altii^ Tjri(lc16""fo"r"Idciiec. IJV ]{uv. f .K . Miller,Frank NL'litinicnle, of "Easton. mul LizzieAiwood..:.... ~. .- , ..- ..-_.' -. - . ..-.. —tsE—CASWEB.—June 10,1SS3, at" the M. E.'parsoniiirc, Gleti Oaniiicrvby tho Rev. J. L.I In vw. fir." Sftimiel I.. Finn tinil JIIM I.imr-J.Castuur, all of ML BctUd, HimU'rdoti &

TAPLES—BitusitAGi:.—June SStli,' ISS3,'• atJunction, bv the Itev. J. H. Knsrler, Win A.Slimles."of ."Junction. N. J.. ami .Mrs. Eller-It. JJrunila^. of l'lttsloii. Pu.

KK-i.vscif.-At SL JiwdphV; l t ^ - e t e n s u ;W nslilngttm, >'• J-. OHJiin!>ijOTl8S3. »iy Itov.

, IJcniarili- it^jjUfijj^tlioiims Ku, of Oxford,ft"tUtfeB"Hury I.vucli of Wmliluaton. ,

D I I ; I > .

VASSKSS.—Ayjlaeketlstown. .Junedli. 1SS3.•••Htnrv .T. Vnnuessjii.^d SI vuars. n months;:...and lS.flnys.™ z~ti'^L,~i.-i:J:~:: : • ...::..:.D A Y . — A H racket 1st own. June 28,1SS1, "Mary

]inbcrtsoii Day, (igwl 00 years, -I nioiitlis.iiiiU. rnltiyS.-._..- •,.-••-./_' ..:-•.-. .;.•;./. .-,rr::-\M-:...,iiiAlu'.—At Oxford,:N..]. , on Tlmr^la j \ June

138th, 13S3, iKiiac Sharp, uged ftj yturs;- ' .U T K B . — I n Washington. July S. 188U, Mamlo,Infant daughter oiTPatrick unil JJIlu.Jliiyctf.

Home Items.• —A.1I your own fault . \"

"•"•:- * rK you"r(jinalii',eiek wlieii you canGet hop Ijittcrs that'll ever—KAIL.

~''riic"weulit!»l'Woiii3n;.:::ii!ai]i'«t.. d i l ld . -nmlikkuBt invalid can «BU hop Utters"wltlt"safetymid Kruat good. _ _- — Ulit-incirtottcrliijr riromid irom llhcinnu-tlsin. kidney trouble, or iinj' weiiknefid will beutmost new by iiBinar hop blt le«. •'

'—My wifoaml daughter wcru iiimleliealtliyy the me of Imp hitters uiul I recoriimcndicm_ to my people—Metliodist Clurjjyniiiii.*• Ask any good doctor if hop.,

Hitters uru uut tliu LIOKI family mi'dicineOn earth. . .. •,

—Malurlal fever, ague" nuiVblllotiBiiess willIcuve overy ncl^hliorliood iirt soon us Imp Ml-.lora arrive. •• ! _ • - . . •

"—My mother drove the pnralyc!s:an!!-iicu-nilj-lii nirout of lier system ivlsh' licp-Utteri;."—Ed. O6wei!o Sun.

—Keep the kiilnnyp licnltliy ivlth lion hittersid you need not fcur ulck.icft!..—Ice water is renrlercdjiarnilesa anil more

refreshing' and reviving wllh hop billcrs Iu:af;!i druupht ..-.., • . : . . . , ,••'.-,.•

of youth for Ihe-'iiijcd and Inllrin


contains an itntlilolo. for.Rll.mnlnrial «1I*- -"orclorH wliicli, to tar us kiiownj is"nseil In no''Other TOtncrly,_*Tti;iirntaliisjtq.5)nIiMiWi- nnr-..Any minemVno'r deleterious siilistanco wlint^'...cvur, mid consequently produce* no inlurioUB.'.cITiict,upon UipjConstUutipn, Imt lonves llio,

'system us hcaltiiv,*aB It wns liEteo tho attack',.--

WE WARRANT AYER'S AQDE CUREto euro evory cn'aoof Fever ntnl^gno,Inter-•jnlttent or Clilll rover, Ilomittent Foyer,Jiarab Ague, Billons Forer, nml Uvor 'Com-^]ilaint caused by ninlariniviiTciiao""or'f«iluTu,--'ftHer iluo UJM, dcalort~arfl"ftU*lliOrl«!ilj liy.nur";

"clrcniar dated-July 16^,1662/to'roriiutl t l iu-money. '' ' t .':'•• .---*!• ". ^


A NOTED DIVINE SAYS:VB.'Xvni-DearSin jfoT ten JCUI I ham

U t r t j r to I))ftvepsla, ConstlpaUoii sadto mo; 1 used them (Imt witU ttttlo faltli). Ismnow n irdl man, tuvo (jood nppttilu, dfgeitloa]<effeet, reitulat •tool«, ii|l« «oiu, atnl I lm*»trnlncil fortypouinitioUlllMli. Tntynrowotllitheir weight in BOU. !

HEY. R. I*. SUIPfiO^, Loulitille. ICy.-•SYMPTOIVIS O F .

A TORPID LIVER.^s^fAp^^Kn«BCft,B?wolae.oiitIvo,



TUTT'S HAIR DYE,(ii-ny IltilrniullVliltliciiHiliniiiteiUini

(;io-i«y Klaok b r « hlnulo njipllent Imt oftill* I»v«". It iimmilH ii lmrmnl rolnr, .nil* insimitiiiiciniily. huh I tiy liruii-H\*ti. HI- Kci.t!.-- <-tt>i-ciiH >ni Vfd-fiit of 81.

DllUt^ JIS .llin-rnr tit.. Xnw ~i «irk.

. A l e o h o i l - H I ,iff, TlliPumntUui, Siu-rnintnr-

iiit*. or prinniit! WeulcnPfm. uu<l fifty 4tt1i<Ti.ini.Iiiiiii!.;-'' Wu chini It n tpecljlc, vlm-U-. r»-i-:iii-<- til" virus nf nil iti«i'ii;r- ur l -v ftutillublfiuil. llsNorvliie," '

by Hit.' tcstnrutlosirif'.nctlviiyiotliijtioiiincliniutLikrvutH Kv>lt'iJi, wlipr^tpy tiic br:iln i.4 rfliovt'tlof niorliW fancico. wlilta uto crwtwl ly Uiucucfcs nb»VL' rt'ft'trctl to.

To Cli'rsriucn. Lawyer?. LJIrmry men. Mcr-clmnt •>, HaiLkrr.'', Lmlloa nnd ."ill lluiije wtuijo seu-

irrr^uturitiOH cif iho bloo'l, Kinniuch. tiuAs't'N or

'I'liutfiiiKh [irtichlm It tlie mit/t WOIUUTFIII luvltf-iirnnt tbnt ever x!i«tnlu«l lliu Milking i-v-ttm,Sl.SO. SoliUwnllDrncctittH. Tli«lHt.S. A.'HICll-JIONI) J1KI). CO.. I'rojiiletOf. St.J(nMih,.Mo.

ChM. It. CrlKiits:, i j t i t , Bw Tcrl Cit7. (t;





UKUTINK l-UATKIJ. ^(illKKAIIlK TO TAKK.COLD i)T"i1iit,'oo;sTtf."Ui;-u"rr .'2 J o u i OT. "IS. Y L

great superiority ^""TysC


j allother cough remedies is attested

'"'}£*£• immense popular demand

r that old established remedy.

For the Cire of Cotiglis,"Colds, jHoarscnCj, Croup, Asthma, Bron-1cliitisj Whooping Cough, Incipient |^ohsiiniptioiraiKllor the relief oi' gconsumptive persons in advanced Fstages "of "tlie Disease.v~TJ"oYvSale |byall Druggists.—Price, 25 cents. J

NOTICE. v =In. the matter of the Jixhitc'of John

Baker deccmed—JittU to liar Creditors.pUIlHUANTTOTIIKOHnEK OP TUB HUB-JT .roeato ot iho Comity .nf Warren, mnde on tlioflfilidayorWny.A.D;,"6n*-lliuii»ttH!i;uliilit-h»iii-dicd nut] o l s n t y U r c i t l t i h h l tflfilidayorWny.A.dicd nut] olsnty.UnilrcffnnBli!tvlns


*lliuii»ttH!i;uliilit-h»iiiiiiJtlteiiahorehyBlvo to-asalRStlJic:EBtatcronilrcffnnB.li!tvlnsCl»ia)!.asalRSt-lJic:EBtatcrof.

John Baker, Into of the Couniy of Wnrron, accens-n •> rcsenl ll>o fame la the pubecrlbor, lib cx-jr, on or before the llltli dny tifl'ebruary,

A.I) , ciizlilocn hundred mid clttitj'.ronr, boltii;IIQU montlin (rum the ilatu u\ em urdor; atiU any'realtor nogtuctlnj; to.brln;; lnnnil.qxhibit hln orier clnlraf, under ontli or nOlrmatloiVr wttblu •-tli*•IIIIU-HU -Mmlk-'J, -will- liv fureviT biirwd of Ills or"lornctioiittKaliisl tlio said (ixreutor.- . . . .:....-..., „ _ . . __ . . . __ J W B A K K R

A plinrmnoy: nbuiuiniitly Htodedwith drugs, cliemicala, oxtntcts, elix-irs, tincturoH, of tlio utmost reliabil-ity, with competent dniggiHls nt lmiidto compoumt pi'OHcriptioiiH with ah-solute ncctiracv. r

A fftmily iirug ctoro whero ono canbo always suro to fiml pure Bpicos,uoda, croam tnrtitr, ilavoriiig extracts,[lye-Htufl's, ]>ot(isli, horhs, pills, patentmeilicinea, toilet articles, perfumes,'brush on, comb.4, Kjioii^cftj clinmoiH,

A paint storo whero to purclir.Hemntci'inl by the pound or tho ton nt

paint, gluss, putty, bronzoH, gold loaf,lU'tlHtti' HUppliC'H

; i o u x tA book titoi'o 'with low prices mulioriiHy Helected stoclc. Goods

promptly ordered if not nt hand. Acomplete .stationery stock in all lines.

A picture store where frames andpictures, separately or together, iirom groat variety at nlisurdly Ion-prices for Boine of tho articles olVered.

A fiuicy store whero majolica ware,Dresden mid - Vienna cliinn, cut andengraved glass, comb cases, n l b u ,writing desks, pocket knives, stereo-scopes and views ami several thingsbeside tire on sale.

' $ • • • •

This is'the Warren County Drug Store.


l i T n l l c o l « TrcHimsNoi-M.i .V Notice In licrclivclvcii._ tltnt nil per"HUBwho elmll Irnin lUia dnle bu'apprchciiElcl In trcH-paB6lnj;onUic]nndB of the auliacrlbcrs. or citheroltbcm, in llic County of Wnrrcn, wliothcrtolimit, FI*Ii, Tick I'm ft, Bcrrico or 'JInta.orfor

lh purpouo for which Ibeyhavo no linvfulant or tlio content oflho In ml owner, will lio

proocctilcd to Iho full exmnf-or tlio.BOvurn inwprovided for euch ollciiac-UatciI Octcbor 0,1S31JACOB SMITH JOHN MOUDEIt•JO1IM-11AK3--—••••-•-'--—A O-VAKSI(lh"I/K • '••]UlwofDBV.'ITTllAMSEY~:7"l'11II'HAHMCALVIN N lntlTTM WM'SKINNCALVlNNliAM03 FiSlIKltJACOB VUSSLF.ll



• \ copy of ST£WAnT'aipiGESrl':'iri'uvo"Yot-i tnus u i i d •'•"•,.' y'^^^zf-^-"1 •••-••"•• •-'--• '•".. ••-'

1 copy of REVISED STATUTES In one vol-

: Tlicso books nvo ns CJOIKI ns new, and will boeold n tn very'rctiiiomrtilc priced In w i r e nl theflTJUtoffice : ' i: ; ; ' • S -

How Shall W e Describe I t ?

Great Excitement—AT—

WASHINGTON.McOrackcH nt W'nshingtoit, Now

Jersey, has \\U dopoaitory near-ly lilleil with litio enrriagea

of the latest style—

PIANO BOX BODIES,Dexter Queen, Elliptic .V-Ilrcn'HlvrSidvblir, Sircilc

Hivcl, Uil-tonipcrcilC , anil ,'


Upholstered anil Painted,for iiie Spring Trade.

^^"Anyunf. wishing t<> /mi\liiiscrhtge ijotteii vp with nrntiwit*, proportionand h'ujhjinL-h will s<tcemom:)/ /•// callingat ftntfticiorv unit making a thorowjk ex-amination be/ore purehft,iitnj elmrhere.

Factory near AViliter's LumberYard, "

.K AVK., ;

"Washington; N.j,

Custom Dress ShirtsTo iiieaHiire," mndc from selected-Waiu^PtitUi muslin, with extra lino, " "~linen liosoms reinfovcfid^J.^^.^

^dini t ja l on the tab. Fit;ITiUworkmanship RUftmntecd.


J . T. R6bey>29 South 3d St., EASTON, Pa-


orsSoroll timl J

Rijjp'iiijr"' and j?Iaiiirig' iluiiu lo orilci" nt the.Organ Factor /of

- C . P . - B o w l b y . ' ;•••••" -near llic*cniiii]);~All work done ut low jirlecilid ut verj' Bliort imtlco. •,- ii.

5 OentsAnyone In ivimt of IUI Orcnn will do well liy

cnlllnii at If. W. Al.LKOKlVa Factory, wliorcyou will flml tmtatimtlul Iiistriumjiits* t'ontnlti-rnjr from B lo 11 &O\M.

B o g u s S t o p s a t E C e n t s E a c hUvTCuliUo^imrrcctoiill.

• - i i . w. AU,I<:GKU,20ly ' W u l i t o i i N 1

Drowned in Beer.

iTlio fur.t le, «lr, mid you mny slick n nln lliero.

Hint,tlio pcoplo nl this country mo likely to hebrowned In a Hood of lufior fcacr," PIIO uteil an cn-' lasUctuctotnlcr theol t iar dayinlo the oar of

,w,.r cornered oorroeiionilciit. "Tlint ..Oormniidrink Us •Irnck'iifl tuinl. H Is tlio second del-

. . . ._ llmt It Rote ni..IndralBMliuiwdvc.,. ,Who hnd a knowledge of tlio tlmsa ami n. tendon-

r to mcMjuior. J'Thd mlfliticlit 'schocnur' leavcBihlnd'U * wnko'of fnrrcd toncnce.lioiKjaciier,

.jrpld livers', naapoa, nnd nil that, unaiaynlliofOlinil&llOll Of Ur'sllt'a PlBC«FO." :.::..;..•..„/•.-.:.-.. TWs mclftooholy.factnjjJoitntB In Dim for tho

Hymptorng. l'rlco B5 cents'. . / ITyour j liyntcUn

Ses.barv & Jolmaon, ChemlBlB, KciyYur];.^'

If you wish to keep cool,

go to the

Tlila.: One-Price Clothins Houseand ask for one of their


BLACK ALPACA.They r.lso keep a full variety of

Straw Hats at 30c.Great bargains now going on

in "summer'wear- ^——AT THE— 1

Philadelphia One PriceClothing House,

230 "Northampton St., Easton,Pa.{for. SHiircavcd St., below cticlu.)

\V. , \ . Csirltii^'. J h

.11.1)1 UHan. Mcyciv, -Suiit.

)KT O F ' M I K CONDITION Ofllr^tt Nniloiuil lUiilt (if Wnfllilm-tftti, nt

.iluii, In tlmtttatovr S«w Jorsoy, UL tliot'li^uot biinliio^, Juno S3. Ifl8:[.

KESOUUCIW •:. . . . .

(m-Mrfift^.^.'"....'...'.V.'.'.'.'.'.'.".''.'.'.'.''.'.?"Jl lit i iV. H. ll-iii'l* t" "pcui'o clrciilutl'jii liM.OiII. s. lionth un luinil is,ixO i l - . . .

Itvul ostnio, fiirnl

M.:»!P 51

oiiri.'kd mill iitliur viuii itunm '. :t!:tsH '•Ijlllnof otlicr lliinkH u,397 <

liciiiiloa ', .',... fei 11Sji.'Olo 10.1 :L'i IOl^uiil tcmlpr iwtfi* c(:t 'llu.!ciii|iiloti funit with I", a. TiviiiuriT

jKircetit. ri-'iriniitl'fii fun-l !l!

TOT.U.....,;.. iSl40,S; '•" LIAUIM-I'IKH.

til st«U )<al<l 111 I0O.IKW M

I l | l i |Di'tiiri'.Kl curllllcuK-a u l

lil>'.l d i - ' c k siu o t h e r NittLutiul

iiH 'Jl,W!l

t l W , 8 W 20

I. Vhlll|i II. Iliimi, Cu-lilcr of Dm Vlr-i Kailnn..I limikol Wnb!iln^i-»i, i|.j Glumly »irvar Uiutlm ntiuvu fitnt *-tit la tiln-t(i tliu IK-Ht of my

vli»mr>nnil bfllci. 1'. H.HASS, Chiller.twcrltii'il nml sworn lo Uclvtv me, lliln atfth

rnvt—Attocti A. J, Siirnyj;e, AUB. K Ilnnu,

philadolphla &_Roadlng R. R.-J

Now Jersey Central Dlv.

TIMB TAlluTjliMi « , ls¥).

Trains Leave Junction

, .»1 . \ . ( M.—Exiiresn, coniitetliif* nt Somei

I.SHA'.M^-UilnnrctliiBatHiclt Ilridcc h r High

nnd I'lilladdpiila, nt HIlnaiictLfott for LOEHllraacb. Ocean Qrovc, etc... n.:m A. M. — Connect in? i t Uleh IMJsa lotSchootoy's MountalnrlUeirlSrldse Branch, &cnt Soniervllle lor Klcmln ruin ; Rt DnunU llrookfnr-Tirnluii anil I'lillnrlfliililit,-nt KlUnlifltinnrtlor l-ooc Itrandi," Uccan (irovc, etc. " ~ " "

l.STI'.M.—Coiinccltii" nt tiomtfrvlllo Tor Kitinulun; at Hound Urook for Truntou, mid 1'b!lU'lpliU. TlirouHh car for I.onj: Ur;incb, Oc<drove, etc.

I.HT-i'.M.CoiinucUnc.'ktlll^li Urldgi! for Hid)Hrldee Branch, nt Sonirrvlllu for Flumlnuto- 'Kountl llrook for Trenton and Phllmlc'irtiliiKllziioothiioit for I.ont; Urmich, Ocertn (Jrove

.-7*30 IV .M'—Way.'S IJ S D A T S :

^ Late Phillipsburtj.

' ~'.15.\. M.—For Mnneh L'litink.'.tc.'.M.W A. SI.—for tcranton, &c. .

11 MIA, M.—Fur Scnm'iit], 4o, " :

'LIT 1'. M.-Kiir Munch Chunk, Jtc.5.M I'. .M.-For Scriinton, Ac.3 111'. M.-I-'uraiftucli Chiink, Ac.


. I.eiva Sc'iv York, loot of IJherty Street -6 .43(MM A. M.; 1 00, •! ft), B M) I*. .M. SmiJayp, .1 MO p.tn

Kawnrk, llroud Street Stullou. U 30, 0 OS, i . w.105, 4 00. a 35 p . m . - Sllllilflr«3 30i».ra. . . . -

Bll«atietli.7.'J0, 9.30 a. w. 1.37,4.ST, tJ.USp DI, SUU-duynUl.'ip. in.

l-lnlnfleld, 7.411, B.5S, ». W, S.04.,0.04, .6.M f,. in.

SoiBervlila,.'i'.:«*8.H, 10.1S,a, m. 3.29, 3.32. 0.07p. ui. HuuJayn .1.S2 n..m. 7.10 |>. m

•- ilnBlfu, 7.S0, 9.30 a. tti. 1.15,4.35 p. tn._ Kor .unhoriuforiiiatlutt sea Tlmu TibUa at

C. {). HANCOCK, Cen. I'tmi. It Tkt. Agt.•V. W.STEAKM3, Snpl.

. . HANCOK, en. Itmi.W. W.STEAKM3. Snpl.J. a. WOOTBS, Ucn. Man.



EARM, &ARDEN & FlowerSeeftsAlffnyH true \i nitmo nu J of l!:o lien <|!i*l!ty.

p{S"T1II-HC tea)* 1 l>ity outright mid limy should

uot IJI3 cunroiuiilud with (Uoue lull uii comuila-llilrli occasion ui) much dltuupoliitm'enl. Use

I.AM>Uiri ' l I ' .S.Si : i : i )S oncu and youiso hem nlivay*.

Cabbage, Popper, Egg, Tomato, Oel-

orjr,.SwO9il Potato, and.Straw-

; berry Plants in Season," ! ' l a J G

Have Eomothing to Say to' You I

Wo havo iii our market.on ]Iolvidovc Ave~nuo a largo RiiJ choico selection of •'.

which we arc soiling at jiricea that cannot1

bo bcnlen, AVo can plonao tho moat fns-tuliotiB.-.Givo'r.us a call. Wb also visitt o ' onnoiinco that ou Tuosday, tlio27th nit., wo : ;bogan riinulng' a wngonRbimt town, nnd hereafter rrill visit' our

iBluiiiuVa"tnrcu"uUiC-ii"uHuU"wCck7~Oiiuoailfiy, ThBTsflny- K fttli; Satiivtlny, -; and

fiipply it'licm ivilii meat at tht i r tloora,

-No.' 18Bdvidcro^AVeiiue,' "




Washington. N.


MCavl>le Ac G-i-auite


(3"A\\ kinds of work dono


Arlistically and TromptlyExecuted.

-cmrioryl'lol* cnclo'cd with Mflrbk' or O. Vast* nail (talvanlzod Iron ItalllnL',

wltliMnrliluno'l Granite Carblni;.11KST PAOIUTIRS k MACHINERY

tlnc titAj tlio UrncK nml h en v I eft monti•ncDtsandoctn l r i

JUST SEE HERE!The Wasliiiistmi Meat Market!

Our Motto is " Good stockand square dealing," and wewill not l>e undersold by anyone. We keep constantly onhand a full supply of choicemeals of all kinds ; also fruitsand vegetables, and for theaccommodation of our cus-tomers we are preparing torun a wagon about the firstof April, and will call at ti-eirdoors with meat Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays ofeach week, saving them thetrouble of coming to the mar-ket.

fSfPlease call and see foryourselves. •

POOL&I-IANOE,• Eelvidere Avpauo, . . . . . . .

One WIodernTerror-UTi-dsliic in Fr4>t|iifiiry uiul Vtauv*

Whut Cnu lin Done to S(o|> Hit'I 'roirrcsHortlic K U n c y ami

loin; more curtiiiu "not to get well of Itscll," th"

clana too frcinsoutlr fall to rcco 'Dlxu wliat tb(, and even if kuDiriugtliatii, lack tUo iklll lorIt |>ro|>t.T troiitmcat. So thai they am Ual>]

-vJlIoived ptoj;r«i8 nntU lliey are almost uidurable, and their victims arc made to cnJorcmost frielitlil tortnroaor a fureict'l operat!Tliu only medicine that dece nrt'rrtl ^[iccd/ relief

J i 1* not a net!

•eOTStiior, temiKtrarlly, of pain; lint by Itsictloji puriiks tbi! blood, rt store J a bealthfuleoditioa to thu dlaeaectl or^atii!, ^nd cvea aUi;olv<and Mtiscs tlia expulaton of gravel and stone ttotho kidneys and bladder.. TliotceUiuoiiy of lin...drc^i who bavu been cured by It vouches for this".'If you liavo weaknees, or pain in the back overiho kidneys, or if your nriue-lit dark-colored,' do

it delay trcaluWt'tor a aiiiRla day, but haitcionce to arrest-the prosrons of thiidlseaea bj

« iiwof Ur. Kennedy's FAVORITE REMEDYr. Kennedy aseures tbe public, by a rcpfitntloi

lvhlch hu cannot iifforil to forfeit ot Imperil, tlLuttho PAVOKITE IIGMEDV does Invlcorato theblood, curod Uvcr. kidney iind blaudar complalnrtis well as UIOEO diicaaca mid wcaknufnud pccull:to female*. .

S A L E •• : : • ,g wood cut to" convenient sKi'vu"*!**!!1

ry ulco it tor enlc'al Doatly's Slanufac-

I f FOR LARGE LOADDolivorod to any Part of tho City-


fLive..:: Gounty Paper,Ami contniiiB weekly n coinpcndiuin of

news wliicli ia of interest to all-•" -. ;i.ngaa and classes.' • '

V'ill lio scut lo niiy fiil(1rc.')S:in llio United


Tim ~ SIABH: is: inibllshc-u-.c-vcry-'! -".iTimoriHDg ut Waaliiiigtoi)',' N . J . , by



The reason why we can offer special inducemenls to our pa-irons cs our carrying nearly $200,000 worlh of .,

,:. merchandise in our four-stores. . .'.

The Largest Stock of Silks,The largest Stock of Dress Goods,

The Largest Stock of Domestics,• The Largest Stock of Hosiery,

Th&LargestStoBk of Untlerwear,The Largest Stock of Gloves.

.:. : • . ' . •• . - - — I N - — . . , , • . • :

Eastern Pennsylvania.

305, 307 £ 309 KortUainpton St., Ka'stoij, Pa.



3dl 3Vortliamx">toii Street, JEftston,

Pint—llMinso we smniifactiira (In nn«lori) all nnr lic«t t-n^lf.Mvlnit frelcbt, llmu Bud exiKnicSftcond-Ik-cauiu wo have no <tniib]« proilt to i»oy iho m u mi fuel iirur and Jobber, e*!""" ' .

iITi?lrBia!e9*i'r:il*t!dAW*"U it"** c? 1 "blll*'ulJ t o ' ' ' ^ *H«f* » lnrKc stuck to keep un asiorlm-ut [at we M

.MSX'H:*0™'1'"-''1""'1'*11.1"1*"'0"'?!!'™1. ".' ""•!" "»»» "* s"«

Custom Work a Specialty.AllonruooJa Warranted, call antl ice ua nt

_ JSfo. 321 MToi'thampion Stree t .


TheJai'O'est line of jMillineiy and Fan-cy Goods, and afc tlie lowest prices int o w n . • • • . - • ' • • • - . - • • • . - : : : ^



Wo soil a baiturgratle orciolliiiis for loss money iliau :iny one .else in ( a

Mu 23 8.1-ly.

" M, IimSHFTELD, .Cm-acr Minim! Xortinmplm fill., EA'ST.ON, Pj'.-\"

Being Determined to Attract the Attention of -

BUYERS OF CLOTHirMQ,I am ollorir!" ono. ol t!io l.irgcst and best selelectocl Stock of SfEN'S


13 SOUTH THIRD STREET,.. 'L'Juj OJILV Clotimijr Sti»ro 111 x»ortor's JJloclc.

N, Ji.—The liiii]iliiii,r faces tlie Square. Only six doors from UIH conior

This is no Sham Advertisement,ft " •

i/l-'oi- lliu pasL twtslve years with Johnston .t Soil1," ' ~" "'•"

hel ical Tinsmith&Sheet Iron Work"ALL KISDS OF PUMPS OiV HAND AND REPAIRED.


.Repairs and Grates and Bricfes for all Kinds of Stoves and Heaters.

TIN l i O O F I W •«&•;• SPOt?rXN*G.*•'•'•• Hot Air riimacos a Specialty.

All «r<lure vtrlml or by null rocolvniiromianltniiiliiur'TrkuH low ami PiUls'faetliiiicuiirnuIei'dOlvomcncall. WATTS'OLDBTAN1J, WASIiraCTON, N. J. ailma*



reUVoareatplt/isnte in Introducing to tbo.trndo our vnrloiia crailns orMaclilnory andollnv OLIH. TIH'BU coudB nfo ninnnlACturod [>y HR nt onr worlcb, cmkPc(]U0ntly wu clvo thcitt the bc&

price, nr nofftlo.Hika Engine Oil,T*Hotv Eucioo Oil,^o. 1 EnglnK,}n:k Snslno Oil,

n MEichloory 011-Machinery Oil.

Dark LnbriCRtlDg Oil,HaHroad Lubricator,ShaiUnKLnbrlalor,

aa'.C Cyl-

Stulnlcsa Splmllo oil,No. ISpiadloOll.Brick PrcHned Oil,... B. Sperm Oil,W, B.Whala.Oll, 'I ' l N t r t O

W.i'nro Salmi Oil, .W.WliltoCotlnuQtcdOll\V. Yellow Cotton Seed

Oil • - • - uDnrk'OarOil, ••• . .'Sperm I'ncklnf; Oil,Bxirii l'siiklnc OilI'ntntorn' Oil, ' "•'^Orown'^Lt. Conipnnml, O'lBollne, RU°,:i

TllomnRMIliGr^e 'VorTvuilrs?'

Axle OreH)ierm Signal Olt,'->-.'- •B. IieadliRht Oil, 150°It. Hcndllcht O1I.1WP Walor VfhUe Oil, 120Prime White. 115* - 'asMiinBm° "


Page 3: HE SHIN :--'-|P · abc. " Hut I won't prnmUe to buy. Wo got a very pretty ckromo witb tho lust pound V ten wo bought, nmt Kitty, eutH pictures tut of the illustrated paper* niul pantos


• • > * - . •


The Star.Iinterttlat the J'ont-OjHcc nt Wanh

toitf N. «/,, a* *cc<md-i.l<ttM witter.


rttovi.. .MinT(.'liesimil H.S3 per ton.I'M........ .vaporton.£W~ l\vtl 'innlltlo* nlwajfi on Imnil dry (unac


n waeuui,. .WM. SHIELDS, Jr., Agent.

air DhcktmUliliiK—ilttumliioac—f5.10 |>ur ton.Mar.13.lBO.



—Now Icjivi! your chctkKRlinni»lo58.—Tlio Rlrawberry is cane; ilia rn?i,ne

" • " r y n e s t . " : . " . • - . • : . • • • ' • • . . . . • : . .

—Now jewvlry, boiiuliltil iwltems, juatreceived at French's, Iti

• , — Mr. .T. W. Xutsu/of the JtetUa eoit-fpotionory, has swung to the breeze a neat

• tee cream itign.—A itoat new feiico has 1'i'on built n-

rnund tho yard iu front ot Mr. J . K. Ful-: per's residence,

—Tho work or excavating llio vellnr of= the new chape! 1ms begun nnd is progress-

ing satisfactorily, .--^r-Tlif t heavy ruin lu«l Wednesday did; conaidcralilo damage nt "Portland ntul "1st

neighboring tosvna.:::™:.-;,—The trnde dollar wiw::insuli! In lip usoil

in the trade with China, and it, as well.:... .™\)}$ Oliineo, mit3t go.

—Kov. 0 . D.Nott prenched a most ex-cellent sermon .Inst Sunday morning ouiho immortality of the soul.

—U'was Miss Lizzie- 'Welter, instead oi^Hsa AiniEu, who was iujurc*l by tho fall-inc piaster in tho l'rcshyteruui ohurch onthe 23d inst.

—All kinds of, tin work ami plumbingdone promptly by llulsizei* k Mcrshon.,

—Justice Bcnslcy, of tho supreme court,tlccitlcjt that nn outgoing hoard of Free-holder aanuot fill nn oftico whoso termdoes not expire during ita ollicinl life.

—John F. Reynolds Post, No. li(J, 0 ., A. 11., attended the I I . 13.'.church in n

body last Sunday evening to listen to anational uermou, by special inyitntiou frontitev.Mr. Tunison.

—REMOVAL. —Tlio utulorsijMieil wouldrespectfully inform hia jintroiis'ami friendsthat he has removed temporarily to thoGardner building, on Bolvidere avenue.

M, CiruKiiit.

•—Tlio heading on the New Jersey Cen-tral R. It. tiiuc-t»bto iu this paper linshcen cliaugcd to thu Philadelphia Jb Rend-ing R. R., nnd u Eew clian&os in the run-ning of train" nnd in train connectionsliavB been made.

• V —Tho building now occupied l>y Sir. M.UypuctS m a tailor shop ia to be torndown and a throe-story brick building putin its plnce. During tho time mud inerecting llio new structure Mr. Cypherswill occupy the Gardner building on Hel-virtoro avenue.

. "•—Three accidents occurred iu Health'sfactory laat week in which three persons

. received more or loss injury tn their lin-gers. Mr. l'etor Myers bad n. finger nud

1."..thumb, cut.'.off, Mr.' AVhitmore uiitiRermashed, nnd Sir. Joua.lt . Dalrymple afinger nearly severed.

—A sure remedy for hilling caterpillarsthat are. destroying tho Mirrant busiies

:.,. may l>e prnvidpi) by pimply'stinking an .'•'"-* iful of tobacco sterna in a tub' full of j

" ' water over night, and in the moriiiny IIJI- •plying the decoction to the affected plantswith a sprinkling pot. A singly doso willin every enso aullkii 'Ut" destroy llio de-

,.,.,strncUve..pests,,howem^. iiumerous tliey_ may oe. \ • *" " .'":""' " '

—The Following aro tlie ofliccrs elvctodby tho Washington lleform Uhili, onThursday evening.last: President, F. I'.McKinstrey; 1st Vieo President, H. U.Miller; 2nd Vice President, Tlios. Kelloy;3d Vice President, Frank Johnson; EL1-

•'cording Secretary, George T. 11 ay ward;Financial-Secretary, Henry Johnston, Jr.;

•'•"- Treasure:-, Frank Kase: Stowncl, CharlesMiller; 1st Marshal. K. Ii. Wublij 2ndMarshal, "Win. McKiuney; Sgt. at Arms,II. A. Itorriok.

: . —Latry O'Donncll, a Howerville shoo-•_:-.maker, formerly, of.: r'leniiugton, has. jusl

completed a puir of mammoth shoes tor a.'" colored rcsideut of Hnnterdon county.

- ._'*)« shoes are U\ inches long.ntideach one* weiglie'd two pounds nnd tun ounces ntul

reciuircil live feet and ten inches oil^ . stitching _aronnd',. the. solo.—/ft*. Tliia'. "leaves the Chicago girhT'in" tlie" lurch..*-They.have olwnys susiaintHl their wputa-; • • tion'for bi1^ loot but Il'intfirdon, county.".ia

now abont n foot ahead.—A niun Belling patent buttons appeav-

. od in toivii on Friday. • In the 'evening ho.••: employed some " home"3 talent" and set

him up in the button business and a wag-on with a torch on it, nt tho corner near

. the National Bank. The man thus sud-- denly elevated proceeded to harangue the

; " boys." Thoy listened to him until they" 'apparently thonght lie might to- be..* through • his discouiBc^and then they

turned the wagon around nntl iau him out~~of.town and.out.of .the,wagon..^ ,,~;';..ir-'11iR'ncw>fttes"_fdr'yo'sl"arnioney''brtler's7"., which tool; effect'on'the 2nd inst,. are.'as•-—-follows :~:TeiiW!<;]liud:..or...le33, fee eight

cents; SlOto gis, ten cents: $15to$:iO,•:;-;: fifteen cents; ^iiOio ,8-iO, twenty, cents;

S-10 to §i>0, twenty-five cents•• S50 to SSO,• thirty cents; SCO to 70, thirty-five cents;

SiOloSSO, forty cents;,SSO to §100, for-ty-five cents. On September 1st the pos-

<• tal orders fbr'any nniount under $<> will'. . bo issued for three contH. ' Formerly the u-

'. mount to be forwarded was restricted to$00; by the now regulations it is extend-ed to$100.

^^;;vi'-.Thc:CSO'jl1sioit;cf^th(>i("iM^lV:WlH<'!l. was advertised for Wednesday last was,

i--t::.oil-.account.of.,the storm, posipnitcd until~r>T!iuraday. Tbat 0ay.wa3;ii.Iav6rable one

• hut'"notwithstanding this<"Uic,!excursion'&m*S*ffiytfy'-Vn\X2}}y/$&, as such thingsa'lly aro i r they have to be : postponed.

•:. About twenty.ivho would have patronizccl•the oxc.irsion had it gono bii - Weduesdiiy,hnviiig made their arrangements, could

^iot delay llieir trip until the next Oay.;, Thus mainly on account of Iho unpropi-

tious weather the oxoiuHioH.of lhe"3Joyrin blue" was far frbm.beihg aauccces—so

'•'far," thai; hud it not been for-'tha-'-niagna-•Vriimity of tho 11. Ii, & W. railrnnd-compa-

ny, they would lmvo,. lost n considerableV.autn of jnoncy ; ns j t IR they loso a small

Camount;^—^"—"1-"'>- ^ ^ - • W e &poke in our , « ; . « „ , „ . , ^_ . , ^•~ pipe. boin2:..Iaid.froui.tliQ.'\yind3pr House

tlowh" Broad strc,Ql-'to' tlio yhabbocong( creek. Soon afteri,tho work-began tlio•Board of Jlo.pJvh took htitico of the ; ma t-

- -ter iuid,Coiisi(lwing.the: creek insufficieyt-,-to'earry ofr.thd^cposits of such a sowerv resolved to.prevcnl tlie laying of.-.it if posr: Biblti. The Jjoard Bcrvci] a notice ou the

owners of the hotel to stiip^kyiugthcpipe, but it waa not heeded, no- they hadlo have a rccourso to some- other means ofDroycnting it. Accordingly, on Thnrsday

—last'lh"oy"iiiH)licii:lo^TicQ'.CIimicellur-Bird,'at Trenton, by tlieir attorney, Mr. J . MVnn.pyke, and obtained a temporary in;

junction against tho Building and Loan\.s3ocialion,y tiwner of,; tho hotel, stay-—he laying of pipe liutil further order

Jio : coart.; T]iu jitjuHctiou was servedThuradny evening nnd tho work stopped

~i"ifidiiyiiH7wqi'«"lfi'Iicnnprcpafatory".to.ar':.liii fftiio'* case; "tmd oii -Tik-cilay •, niorning

mo"aUorncyB in the casorcpinrcdio Tron-Jton. for tho purpose of making the argu--mont and.obtnlninR a^tlceision; citlier con-" firming llftftempomry iQjnricUdn antiBak-

ing it pcrpetunl or^ dismissing itii,;Oscai.Teffery," Esq:, represented"ulie: BniWin;

.aii'IJ^nn Aswcifttlpn.'1 : -]t.

—Special term of Orplianu court nci<Vriday.

—Ilnckcllstown public school closetlast I'ridny.

—Now Jersey Im* • l(^." .fimlor Amerl

cim mechanics.—Tho postofllce will be closed on tin

Fourth from 2 to C o'clock i\ St.—For a good, clonu sliuvo go to Ktweu.

bcrgo? Uros.'i just belo«' tho ]K>st ofllce. J

* —The reportofttio First National IJanliof tliis placa nppcars in another column.

—All kinds of tinwork nnd plutnbinj*doau promplly by .Tolnwlon &. Son. l'Jtr

—Ho9cnhcrgcrBroK., tonGorinl mnear P . O . Shavi'i»,halrcutltng,elc. [25!; —Tho individmd deposits Iu tho I'hil-lipaburg National llnnk, stilijret to check,amount to Sift,! 10.88.

•J)r. C'oitelJ )m rrflii'iioil tlio 1'rosl-. . . !y on.afnyotte Oollogc. Ill henltli

tlie caiuc of hia resignation.,:—Mr. A. XI. Laro, of Antinudale, U

'poken o( in connection «itli the nomina-tion fur County Cleric of Himlcrdoti Co.

—Tfyouwnnt to know how to "keepcool" just look nt th« advertiitement ofthe I'lithdolpliin onopriccclotliiiif,'house1.

—A fine line of gold Imtitinpr nnd openfiicn watcher, now hlyles. Call and tecthem. I,ow«r than the lowest nt French's.

—Mr. ]).nvitt Stout of Tort .Murray lim_his ley badly broken, a little over n, weekago, while engaged in ,i scntlls'with " 'Kon-in-law,

—Mr. ir»tiiilu»ii l^tnli, mi eniployo olthe ihnnutl oflici1, was married to lliswMnggio A. Van Uyiui, of J:rscy City, lastWednesday.

'—The president of Lafayette college hasreceived'10,000 toward* the endowmentol the V. A. Mnrcli chair of 'philologythat institution.

—Tho gnme ot base ball played at tinsplace last Satimlny between u Uelvideroclub nnd n club oE our town boys resultedin n victory for the former by u snoro of10 to 8. ' '

—Mr..I. CAIVIU Ituali, Into teacher utKoxburg lias been employe) ns principleof the Juucliou ptiblie school for the com-ing school year, lie is highly spoken ofus a teacher.

—Wo made an im fortunate mistake Instweek in niiuouueing Unit the KnrrsvilleSunday school would hold a picnic onJuly 4ill. It should have been a festivalou June oOtlt. ,'."••

—In Ilia report of Children'^ JUy last_flc .Mr. F. 1". Jackson was mentioned us

being from Junction. His home itNewcastle, I'ii., nnd \i'u liead([iiaitoK arein this place ut present.

We received last week fryin 1C. St. John,jL'n'l. ticket and passenger »(jent of the

Chicago, II 1. k Vncilic lJnilway Ct»., ftpicture of Sheridan at Winehcstvi". It is

handsome piece ol Kailway iidvortUin^'.—The only pain we can saftly nuiko

Hgl:t oi', is the window-p.uio. but lliu pairthat racks our fnuue and tears our . lunj;is a mutter of ferioits coiisc'iurnce. Toalleviate the latter and ellVcl a pcrnuni'iiteuro. .Dr. JSull'a Cou^h Syrup is idled on">y nil sensible people.

—Tliey are nil fcfllinif badly—the boysA"C mean—because the hiv prohibithi^thosalfl of tobacco to thorn went into cf-.jctlsi=t Sunday.' When the supply onhand h exhausted they will fuel vorsu butwill really be beuciitted, unless they canfind some one menu enough to procure it"or them...,

—The cadetship nt -West l'uint ii againopen to an a])pointment from this county.Frederick Tulles, who was iippointed byex-Congressman Jl. 9. llnrria, failed oniis exauiinaiion in history, nllhough iuilhiir bramihes he stood high. Ii.howli>vol\vs on Hon. IS. F. ' llowoy to malio,u appoiutmont. ' '.\ • • . .

buried in.._ „.... .;o to inarkilio grave one will bo furnislied by the•*iQvern!!i|1!it-fw of-("enensi*. if. date... ofiilistuient, discharge or denth be given,

.'or further pariiciiluvs t'luitiirc of Johni'. Lanjjatafl", Com.' J - li\ Hoyuolda Tost.<o. UG, 0. A.K.

—Wq are receiving bad news from the


—If uny soldier or K;iil"i- L-

inch growers. rjT.ifeclcd with what is k

me 'said to bethe "curl

. if" and the yonnjj fruit is rapidly di'op-lnng uft" iti consequence. The crop, it in;tiougiit, will he n. light one. 'This is unisfortune, as there is no more iMicious,,ir healltiful fruit than the pouch. I

—A vciy pleasing incident (uok placeit a late meeting of-l'e.Motay.t.'ommand-:fy""'iit' 'liitir'" rooms "in " this city,.1 when \:encraiUe Sir Vnight Tliomas Sltictds was>

_,. _..,lly but pleasingly surprised.vith :i very -beautiful buttonhole bouquet, i•j.V some unknown lady friend, winch afterlite presentation lie wore vr y becominglymd with great pi ensure -'™.»v~-~- i.."-:.:-'::-_i

—We havo li'cciveil from Mr. C. l'.lonitsli, of lJartlo3,ville, -Indian, Territory,

.Jims heads of wheat, which wero taken;rom a one thouamiti acre fluid ot the same':iud fit gniiti on the farm of Sir. .J . . II .

Bartles. Tho head3 received average over51 inches in length except ono which is ofa'beanllcss variety and measures GJ inches.Mr. Hurtles also has a fiyo liuuOred acreHeld of corn in\which the stalks averagedsi feet in height on the 10th of June.

—The ivor ngninst the trade dollnr.•cached this place last Friday, when mostof our merchants announced thnt (hey'•would not rocciye the-coin-oxwpf-nt-.iidiscount cf 15 per cent!. MiCJ. W.Pitls,'lowevcr, did not agree with the othcni in»ho. u'Killiiv,'and issttcil-a. circular statini;that ho would continue to' receive thecondenmeil dollars in trado.nt 100 ^cents'each. The Wni'fcn county drug stoicalsoreceives thorn for their fneo value as usual.

—The Mt. Holly Mirrov says ; "A Mt.Holly partyiecently wrote to tien.Schenckrelative to the report Unit he had been re-stored to health by rigidly adhering to a.liet oE skimmed milk, nnd. received ncourteous reply from the Gencrnl confirm-ing Hits statement substantially ns publisli-bil.™F6Talony whiiij:li0-subs:sle!l,o!v.1iyf!pints ofsitiimnud milk daily. His U'oaWuwns-]Jrii,'lit'H.di8cnsQ of tlio. kklueya.,-- Ilialicalth" \$" n'jipnr'ently fully restored, "liestill uses 'the skimmed milk largely, in-dulging but lightly iu meats. Then; ismore value to tskiinmud milk than Hudsonand'-liisox1 statesmen . appear .to .compre-"iciid, they having mude it IL crime lo eellthe article in their couutieai" • .

-—When the Water (Jompnny laid thoii-pipes front .Urnss Castle, it Iiappeued tlithe lowest place along iho line wns atbrook"on -tlio: property ot luiln Stewart;The company proposed running a short linoof pipo a. fow.yonls down this brook for thepurposo of 'cleaning out tho main linewhenever necessary. They talked, to Mr.StnwartTMiWiilXiMiiitJhey consideredJiiaucmundrunfeiiaonnblc, andicfiiseil;to payil.'-' As tlicy. could not.ogreo.nftnv 'sy;praldiscussions in regard to'tlie matter, thoydecided to do the work and let tho'^icohn decided in_Uie courts. AfterU^yasdone Mr. Stewart" went to Allanuir.h^-""1

sued thenvbefore,a justice there, in 6:

'"get" lin'"unbiased, decision. .AVheii thecaso caino up tlie company plead tliat theyc cnino up the c p y p ahad a rijjht to tho property, a qiieBtiowliich could not bo decided in u juatico'

rt,* oSusequoutly'tlir*t put an end tot i H i i c x t t o o H J M o t h o c o n n t yhat .cnsici^Heiicxt . tooHJotho^cnty

ourt, butTthe deputy slieritr.scrvcii thot* " " '"""' " ' 'noti*

it to onoice outtui wrong man, he having giveno ono of tho directors instead of tho

president us ho properly should have done.Tho law requires that ifc olinli be served

i the prcafJcnirior-BiibMUiry: if. they aroi the State, Mr. Vtmhorne,( tlio preai-

—Thanks for a handsome bunch of wa-ter lilies on Tncaday,

—A hand of Gipsies passed thioug'itown iMonday afternoon.

—Heatty'fl factory run until Ii.i1fpn.st nilo'clock last Fridny aiglit,

—('orniah'u factory ia closed during thepresent wftolt for vacation, ,

—House nnd lot for nalo apply to «T. V.Crewliug, Washington, K. J .

—Rev. J . II, Ktiglcr, <or the Ynlloychuicli will address tho ti'inpcrnnco meet-ing next Sunday afternoon.

—Store room, to let; formerly occupiedby Charles Kdgertott a* n rlfjnr (ttnro,j^sonbarn. Inquire of O.lt. LuNflKn,

—A party from this placo who v;enl loChatige-vatcr lnnt Friday wish to thankthose persons who BO kimlly gave up thepoExcsflon of A bout far tlieir benefit. \ , "

—Tlie Coiuincn Councilor tlio Boroughof Wellington itavL* declnr^i timt no per-aons will bo nllowcil to sell or>\p!nt1o llre-crackora or fire works of nuy ki..«l iu theborough on July 4 tli.

—Prof, Sharp lias finished tint crayonporlnilt of Mayor Beatty tliat lio wast

evidence ofan exact

UKnliiiif,'up. It now NIIOWK ethe Profit skillful touch in boiiilikenesa of the JInyor.

A ton-Km etiivi!Of vt'lUiw inn;, •

A Mcivu-i>li)(ilinl,A Hmttiiilck uli'H'

A ftvllxli coat,A ' l l l U l

A tirtiniKiiIiiiirj' A •• t lmlu 'Mrtl l iK' . • • '

1 ' ' Anil nothing more ." ; •• • -•The trustees of our public school have

employed,'for tho coming year, tlio an meprincipal nnd corps of teachcra that havohad charge of our school during tho pnstyear, and in this we think they have donewell. Mr. Tcrwilligcr lias proven a faith.[ill and eftlcient principal, devoted to: theimprovement of his school and the nd-VAuccmcnt of I113.pupils,- Ami his corpsof teachera deserve a. liko commendation.They stand well in their profession undaro jiglily esteemed by their principal.

"—The followiug are the ofllcers olcctedast Wi'iini/ailuy uvuniug ul the - meeting

jf Warren Uouncii, No. Ifi, Jr. 0 . U. A. M,,of this place: .1.11. llrynnt. O.j Gco, (J.Camiiholl, V. C; J. H. Hampton, It. S,;

Win.H. Cooko. A. II. S.i J. 1>. GroiV,V. S.; 11. W. Allcgcr, Trens.; J. 0 . Carter,Con.; Samuel Beavers, W.; Wm. McKin-noy, l .S . :H.A. 11 orrich, O.S.; JnmesA.Gievoling, Trustee; A. A. Thompson andJ. w.Shropc, Itoprcdcutfttives to StateCouncil. Theofliccrs will be ImUilcdPriday evening by ,T. 0. Hush, I). S. U.

—lsa^u Sharp, Sr. of Oxford wan foundtying ou the ground dead, near a Htiloonin that place, lust Thursday. Mr. SliurpliiuI beensufioring from heart difci.su Tornnumber of years uml it would huvo beensuppoEed that hia death was caused bythitt disease had it not liceti for tlie.ftictthitt there was a deep cut in his foreheadmd his pocketbnok was missing. Fromihcsc tircumstiineeH li!s friends suspect,'old pluv, and will no iloubt investi^alc:he matter. The funeral took placo ut,Oxford ou Sunday afternoon, intermentt Asbury. Deceased waa n brother ofIr. G. W. Sharp, of New Hiunptott.

Keport of \VashJ-igloit Public Schoolfor the year : •

Ueforc going ioto detail allow me'rmujii yinir columns, to thank you ua ,a

inner for your courtesy in publishing our.•eporU from time to ifmo ; and for yourwords of praise nnd good cheer. Our-re-•iort given below ia ilia best, in the historyif our school; b u l l do not wish to ac--redit only'ft small povtinn of this poodshowing i<> wyiwir, r«f very ianch Is.doeo :nv tried nnd true corps of teachers,'.vlirt have not only carried out my plansmd Mr,'stations, but have invented for.hcmselves, and suggested to mo inaiij

idvauccinent; and riijht here I wish to.hank thein, and earnestly wish them a

Titc beauty of Canton's locution, its ox-teuslvo mnnufacturinc intcrcHtn and theartistic cleg nco oi itH atreots. • lawns am*residences n o worthy of a careful deaerip

, Uon, wliicli requires time to viow as wellOH write up the same, and as but a shortlime thua far has been passed in this city,a description of tho name will bo dcfcrrcJuntil next week.

ArriThiff hero on Friday evening, tholath inst, n drive was arranged for Satur-day and the point of interest was ono ot'Shirk county s fuvorito watering places—Myurit Lak«, Wo reached there atKntfive o'clock in tho 'afternoon and were-soon comfortably quartered ottlm ''StycraIfougc,'1 Kitiinte iu a beautiful grovo on thobanks of tlie lotto. It is n favorite resortfor tho people of Canton, being easy of

'access anil a most (leligMful place o t whichto pas3 a fin miner evening, Tiio lake issituato in the midst of beautiful Iiill3 whichlook so lovely in tbeir robo of Rroon. IIIK about one. mile in lenglh and half a milein breadth. .Wo had a pleasant nail uponita placid waters, dined at Uio hold witha largo party of Unntou frieudd and la to intho evening wended our way homeward.Another favorite resort of tho "Buckeyes"i that t d t i n g l Congr

avorite resotthat n«ted wateringk h i h h i


Theret vacation.arc others, patrons, have

ooked'Fn, and sympathized with us during

Oar honest trustees loo have dealt lion-by Hie tenclierM, .and lioiiembly by

.lie"district. •Our school wnt, I:ept open tori inonthrf,

•ro*i""children attended during tli.. 'J attended every day. The aver-daily tttteruluuec ivas. i(07. 2f> chil-

Jren nttowletl privatcseliool..There are.in.he Disit. OOu children, hence the reportshows l:!l as having attended no schoolliirtujr tho,year. Uut then it mu • tfw•emeinbercd that we are. ruling hcrof\lm-.wecn the nges of f> k' 18, whereas thelav,* i:i its compulsory iwiiistrucUon^uftmea:lie ages 7 & 1-1.' L think' it" "sale"" to aiiy" nt not over £>5 violated the law.The others not iiceounteti;for wero cither

inder seven and considered-too younpr ovor 1-1 and doing tlieir part,: perhaps;'ii maintaining thei family.1 • " " '•'"•" -":v;

Our. school house seats comfortably 000n i p i l s . ' ' , - • . - - • •

Wchnvc75aub.prad03 or clnsses. nnd

lear V-i lessons or classes each,nay. ,.'i'heru were suspcnilcil during the yeai'l

Ipu.ila. None we're expelled. ' • • -Tlie trustees 'visited 8 linies, and tho Go.

J i i ] ) t . V i l i m e s . - •'-' • ' • ' - ' • • - • • • - • - . • • '

The niiiri'icd tcucherfi liold. First CraduliceiiBCsr-ancl-Uib'MiMM-lmvo.-w^wi'"Jnulu, thus lio luAiilifcr iu\our. schoul.isvorkinp under a third (jrade. • .."'Tlio following pupils intended evtry day

[luring tho year.' Thoiirst six r™ •"'""-liers "of tlio highest ulutt."-•.;• - ^

Kmily llaitpencc, Annio Mdiei-.^ aJSvrno Gortie Itiissctl, Anini Gerard, J>oll«Skmncr, Rosa Nolnn, Colla Unvis, Oerlte' • • . o i l .

1 forgot to say our lurdy casca aro ra-diiceafrom-30adfiy.nl...the begmjung •i•cars ago, tb'au iivcraga of 1 Ti-(i thisyuar.

All respectfully presented,•TOR. L. TmnTii.i.KJKii Principal.

b lost to e Ta genial man, fond of jokes Vail 13 a groatHtnry teller. In li:s ptcauiico ono cannot,help but feel at home.1 ''_;'";• - •• . ,;T;-

I t is "Convention Duy" uud llie pooplohave coma from far and noar. Congrcss-iuau I'nige presents me with a stage ticketand we proceed to the convention, whichis to-be held in the Opera House. H ialiiiud.io :-6vc'rno"|i»'iua."-Ui>i'i.*—Jollu~Mc-~Sweeny is called to the cliair. Me makes.1 lloweiy speech and tbe convention pro-ceeds to business. Now the battle begins.I cannot describo it. I t surpassed any-thing of the kind 1 ever witnessed or everaspect to Again. A great part of thVUiriutheTioiae nnd confusion was so great thatit seemed as though the convention wouldbreak up in a row. Tho pitper3 havefully described the various scenes thereemtctcd ami I will UiiTfifore leave lhcsubject.

A few days later wo visit New Philadel-phia, Ohio, the county seat of Tusearawnscoiinly. I had previously been" informedt h t th T i b o d d i

y pthat the Tusc.irawa

, The following pree-'.ulioiis against smi-ttroko were publinhcil by the New YorkBouniaMleaHU:- ' • "•-• :

SuiiBlrokc is caustud by. excessive heat,and especially if tlio ivoiither is "muggy.''I t is more apt to occur on tho second,third or fourth day ol a heated terra thanon tlio first. Loss of sleep, exoitsiiicnl,closo sleeping roniiiai debility, nbuao ofitimulants, predispose to ,it. It is inoroipt to nttuck tboBC worliingiiiUICBUII, and

espooially betweun tlinliours^of.:olcyen-inthu morning and four in tlio~afternboii.On hut days wear Him clothing,. Havoan

bl_plpcp.mg_roomjw possible. Avoidof sleep1 Vrairi!iiirccessy"iatigu6i'

hake, which we Iia>c visited on two occna-Bions. It is now owned hy llio UoiuiotioiiVulloy IliLilruutl Co., uml 13 aitnato. abouttwelve miles from Canton. I t is abonttwice tho size of Slyera Lako nud theImildingg upon its borders nro more on-icnsivc. To give nn idea ns to ita p.tron-i#Q would pay Hint on the evening wovisited the lake, there were four hundred

MOHH on the grounds from Canton.Kccciving an invitation to attend tho

Democratic State Convention' nt Uoluni-liiis, the Capital of Ohio, wo concluded tonccept the same mid consequently enjoyeda pleaannt trip of ono hundred and twentymiles across the rich grain ilohls of Ohio,arriving thero at 3 p. ii. Wo at onco>rocccded to the "NeJ1. IIouso,"an eleganttructuro opposite : iho Capital. After

dining we tnko ii' stroll about.the city.1 ike nil other western cities wo lind it up

i lhc times iu every improvement. .Tho Capitol is a largo stone structure,

with.'domain'centre. I t isoftho old butubatantinl style of architecture. Entcr-ng ila stately walls we visit Iho libraryitid public odiccHiuid viow the paintings,)f Ohio's governors from the first downas they hang upon tlio walls nt tho mainentrance. The building is situate, in thecentre of u bountiful green lawn which?ovcfs im cnliro square. Tlio publicImildfngs of the city arc many und cx-

iisivcTt is evening anil the hotel is crowded

with delegates who have come hither toittoml to-raorrowd convention. AM thoi)einocratiu "war-horses" are also* presentindicating n struggle* fur supremacythe convuntioii.

I havo liad the honor of 'making the.cquuiutanco of United ytatcs Senator'cndlcton, Ks-Houiitor Tliiirtnan, (jencral•Van!, Judge lloadly, Congressman Paige,nd other prominent Democratic politicians.

L have just reluriicil front tlie privateifitiiL'H uf Governor l-'oster, huviug passed, pleasant hour with him, iu which we en-

joyed a aocial smoke. 1 usfeci Iho Gover-nor na to what would be the filial result oftho coming campaign. He replied: "TheRepublicans-will, undoubtedly curry theStnte. The Democrats would be ull rightif they could keep on tho trnck, but theyalways switch off. They remind me of thoman after tlio-btsar—ho saw it in sight,but cominy to it rabbits' track whichcrossed the trail he left llio bear und wentafter the rabbit and when Im returned thebear was lost to ucw." Tho Governor is

een i r mabounded

1 hthat the Tusc.irawa r e r , a d inlarge lisli and I found such to 1)0 the ense.ttefom we had been there three days afishing party was formed and the next daywo tried our skill as fisherman. Tbo firstfish-fciidcd-; was a ;ten-- poom!,--.'V'nt.nVJ-Snlnion, piko and perch abound in largeqimntiea.. The salmon weigh from five 10twenty pounds and the catfish from iliimto twenty pounds. Seems ;iiko~ a 8shstory to V/arrcn county people, but suchis the case; "As"we "were' enjoying "thissport I thought of Dr. "Bairu, Col. anilUapt. Johnston, Dr. Nott and ex-Oqllcctorllornbakcr and wished they wore with usfor centainly there is no belter sport thanlanding a ten or fifteen pounder. Wewere favored with good luck ami returnedamply rewarded for our trip to the banksof t h e Ttisearawas.*" '1"— • •• •• • • . - . : •'•'^,

,._,„ u [TO .HE yC0NTWDCO..l _ ' " |

• •; • : : , ; , i V ' - i L ; i ' i - ; u . s o x A i J . , :„•.

j T l i o y'i<s&-miiWM j l i / c o i M / t v p u b l i s h e d u ^New Philadelphia, Ohio, on tho '.JSlli ult.containe'l -t lift following .personal notice :•]'. H; Shields',- wifoaiid liitle""daiigliter, ofCanton, nnd Mr. and .Mrs. Strykcr, ofWashington, N'ow. Jersey, • tho -Jailor,- Mr.Sliields' sister,' spent 11 few days this weekat the residence of Judgo Iliince. Mr.Stryker is City Solicitor of bis city, and inquite a iishqnuiin, by the way, find yankeda ten nouml catfish oul of the Tnsciirawasltivcr Alonilay evening- -..._,,—Mr, Samnel W^Anncss.-nnil fainily,or'.Iersriy'CityriirriVGd-hcrciou-Satiiwliiylusi ancl hiivo.tnken tha house of • Mrs.-''J.Dusonbiiry.fontlie Hummer, months.'

—Miss Florence Scluck, of Kustoii'," Hjju'iiVa few days in town thia*w<!ult,V-visiUng atthe residence or Mr. i\t. K. ltauU'"*""" r,'.;•—Mrs. '.rohu Sargciiut, with her daugh-ter, of Chicago, ia visiting at Mr. Jos. a.Carter's, her: brother-in, law.

—Mra. Dill, Miss Will anil Misa Goblc,of iracltctlstown, wero in town last Satur-a»y. • 1)

—In staling in our last letter tliat tboife nnd daughter of Potcr Chandler werol i K i t l f e

lieiit—laundries etc;'see troom is well ventilated. If a reeling, of&ir.-zinoss, headache or exhaustion occurs,,cease work iniiiicdiatcly|; lie down In a I"hady and cool place; upply cold cloths

d ld t ver head and neck.h

to pour and colit water c _If anyone is overcomo.by the Itont send im-;medistoly for the nearest good pliyalcian.1

•While waiting for the physician, givo thoperson cool drinks of water, or cold Mucktci\rif...al)lii.-to-. swallow. ..^.If tho.'eldn, iahot nnd dryrBiibngc'or""pour "cold; watorover tlio liuiba, apply to llie bend pound-ed ico wrapped iu a towel or other, cloth.If there is no ico at, hand keep cloth'onthe head, and pour cold water on it s.s wellns on lh.9 body. If tlicpuriioii isjMleyvery

. , , faint ainl the pulso feeble, lot'him inlinlocity,nt_Uip Unio. nntijjiuiiaonia for a few second!) or givo him a

. ^ .mvo Boiil tlie wife and daughter" of^-l-SttuitwlrMinuicilr, :

—The Fourth of July is expected hereabout Wednesday,

—Our summer boarders nre bei;iuniugto arrivei

—Messrs. John S, I'rall Jb Son. aroMessrs. q S. V l l onbusily engoged raising tho.framo work oftheir UCM/building, Mr, Uohn S. Prall ofthe the linn is slowly regaining t l i M fhis a;;;::H>ir.':Williftiu. Ablftjiasj mowii'. nL- finocrop ol liny from th» meadow, udiohiiiijhis blacksmilli Bhop., :v—-r^~,

,' —Mr. Suydam, of tho firm of Putney A*.Suydam, and hia wife have gone to Longlirmicli to fipuiul tliu summer.

—Thc'suiall boy now Iwnga avouiid" tuccherry tree.; , ,. Strmis;


—Tho trado dollar mnitgo I Tho'jraLlio haft &o decreed nnd Uiti 1; w of thi"Modesandrerainos" cannot bo disrognrded, Tho brcozo atrack Bolvidere qiyatarday last, and our bDrough was B'en from cae're to oircnmfcrcoco. Pe_ r._hunted up tho (juprcduled coins And has-tcaod to liquidate long-standing accounts,I t was wonderful how their memories werejofcgedby « cvanoBCOnt" coin. Tlio ex-citement rail high in the ovening, and ourmerchants took the dollars over their countors for 8.1 cents. Peoplo seemed bent oigatting rid of them at sorao price. ' Theimpression f(ot abroad that they woreaiiout to becoma worthless; that the (JOT-ernmenthnd "shutdown" onthemalto;gother, and that consequently they wouk'be a dead loss to tlio holders. I t vraidangoroua to ask tbo change of a fivedollar bill, for tho clinnccs were you T/ODIIget one or two of tlio disroputaula t. d'swe raw a mean transaction; ono. that WLthought overshadowed all our own effortsat nieauncsi A gentleman presented tilvc'doliar bill for change.' Ho was givenfour trade dollars and one VI and iii ex-change for hi3 V. He returned the monoy to his employer, who immediately :' i-structed him to "take It back." Tho em-ploye obeyed, but the man of whom ho re-ceived the hard dollars refused to receivethem. Iu a few momenta tho employe:himself presented tho dollars and demand-ed tho return of hia paper money. :"Woulyou boliove it?—tho man refused pintblank to take tho silver dollars bac't, amiafter a fbw complimentary (?) remarks thigentleman wns obliged to return to liiiplaco of busincs with the ono Bland dol-lar nnd thu four trade?, tho luttur worth afraction over 85 cent? each- Timt struckns an being tho meanest transaction siurotho little, garden affair away back in tinbeginning of time. When you wantimean man send to ISelvidcre.

—Ono of our business niiMi, on fjoinghome n few ovontuga pince, ca^o near be-ing waylaid and robted. At n, point onono uf our rpiict streets, wlioro thatdtndiia almost impenetrable, he became couscioua of tlio prescuco of highwaymen, uuithe next moment a Ktono, or a meteor, oia can of dynnmito, ho didn't know which,.mssed in uncomfortable proximity to hie

icnd. Ilo didn't wait for tlio. explosion,'mt' nil nt onco remembered that hewas wanted ut home. Tlio distance notbciug far, and tlie air brr _etf being out olorder, our friend came mighty near run-niiiR into tho Delaware river. Thoso whosaw him Buy that his speed was liko the"swift Heeling meteor or the fast lyingcloud.". Wheu he re .died homo his uoun-tenuuee wui changed BO strikingly that howas barely recognized by tlio companionof his bosom. Sutliec it to nay, lie wasuninjured, lie now carries ft Colt's im-proved, nn alarm bell, u life preserver nnda cojn* of " The Heroes of Hull l tm ," byBob lugerHoll. He suys ho 'a bound notto be caught away Irom homo again with-out anything in his pockets.

—Tlio news of the finding uf tlio 'bodyaf lsnac Sharp, of Oxford furnace, witli'iviOcnces of violeuco mllictcd doubtless>y unknown parlies, reached ltclvidcre, on(•'riilny hist, nnd caused a shudder of fearmd horror over the possibility of u cold-ilooded inui'dcr iu Warren county. ThoIccenscd was favorably known to many ofijir citizens, who learn with deep regret of;iis-sad tuid untimely death. Tno feoliug[hat he wns foully dealt with is growingin public belief, und notl/ng short of

" ' "' ill satisfy the

ones must bo

to become Oiitiur uf tlio" establishment, ifpossible, instead of tenant.

—The festival held by tho Episcopaliiirch^ a week from last Friday waa

continued on the following Saturday even*ing. About $78 wero realized, .which wasa'ly well considering tho fact tliat attruc-.ions ot tlio mime nature were in progressut Vienna and Uealtystowu the sameivenings.

—Wo are glKd to umioiinco thnt thedd corps of teachers at the public schoolshave been engaged for next year. Prof,Uichnrdsou T«t3 been principal of tucichool for two years, ntd his donation tothe interest of the school ha-s • won him

1 thorough investigation wpublic mind. The guiltyironght' inicnt.

bprompt and severe puniah-

—The editorial party arrived homo aafe-,y, 011 Saturday lust, completely ravishedwith tho pleasures mid delights of Newport life, I'iitty became so accusluinud- tiiiiciety with the Ealt-oea waves, niid little"irtationa on tho bc.\ch, that somo uf thuottng men were Been'/'wandcriLS aimlesslyver tho sands that cover*the rocky shores)[ our own beautiful - Delaware","•"uii~Su'ii'-lny,last._. Force ot.habit,^yoi^know." —"L*iiu"wiirror"the late joliii lioil' is tobe contested by two sous of tlio deceased,Abel nnd Benjamin, who live in Harmony»p. They will also.contest tbo validityif two certain deeds, given to -Mra. E. J .ilackcy,- a daughter of tho deceased,vhereby she came into pos?essicn of two,arms, lying in Oxford tap. Messrs. J. G.Ihipman & Son have been employed on'10 part ot tho cootestants.'-,.;-: •. •

—Our cigar dealers say Unit there was:

,uite a diminution iu the sale of cigar-ettes, ou.S'Miday last, that being the day

11' whicii-(:!!<j/new law-'ing•11L i tinto e

Ionic of th't> boys, HB iwnal, wore on hiuidir their Suuday allowance of the weed.I ouc form or another, but they were metith ii decisive "No, sir, yen can't haveiiytliitig more over my counter until you

irrive to mitturcr years.";::,rrllain]ltori'*Pi9li7rv-niPmh^rof:^.'<nTtpreservative," tiring of "single bltssediiesslias went and gone nnd done it. ile wnsiarrieu''io':ii Misa TuiiDyno, of Jersos

.il;',,'ou Wednesday of lasr. week. Theyipeut'a portion "or their1 honeymoon inJelvidero.-'Wo congratulate HuniiUoii «uiis life-long "take," and trust ho willlever wont for "solid" enjoyment.

—Our nino feel good over their nr.btevc-ncnt on the baseball fiehl, nt Washiugton,n Saturday last. They came home in;ood spirits and will eudoavor to win;r.eater laurels before the season clones.

—MivGV-W. Ilolstine, who has an in-erest-Jn ,ii .chopp ranch down inthe '.'1'Onojtar State1,",, arrived hbnierrofrr'that'set:-.tiotrono day last WL'ok.'" '.'.;-,

-Edward Shaw", ii liulvidiTo.buy,' is :ancniber of tho New York police force,Io was homo on n visit lust week.

—A airload of-brawny •' Italians ./passedlown tho 11. D. road, a few days since, or

ute to 1

™—Sundays wo have-one passenger, twin*rom anil to New York, which runs to the

Taltr Gap and Stiondaburg. Last Srin-iy it had tlirco coaches lilled.— X[r.:F.-r..Bunno!)^rfiCfiiyed ,_word_of

iho death of liis'BiEtor',MU":N1c\vtoiv"Moif-day.moniinjrt July 2d. „ ilia store.will bocro^dlill-T.liUid'Jdy.'?y:.^^^^~a!,^i-^:b;-. — The missionary coniferl'iii tlie 1'rea:jytcrian church lust Sunday evening wasjytoria crcry""' interesting. SV i a n Id ians

Sunday evening was,_,_, „. jiibjcct, the NorthtVuicricau Indians. .

—Out sidewalks are iu ii bad conditionu many places. The wnlk crossing thenidge ia hablo to full at uny mobiont.' ''" —There uro scvou city boarders nt'Ce-LirLake, and iliey'acom toboenjoyiiijrliomselves very much. •• •—Mrs , JVI. Ulnir fainted ut tho closeof,

the services in the ricshyterinu cuurch otiSabbath_morning. , . • •.- —RoyrTrAv 'iSiirisoii™ was "at home


—Atlaatwonro'cJlSdnpon.to iw»Hthat which Vo t i d oipectad wmU lmpwibeloro, namely, a boy hurt whllo-jumplnjon 11 coal train.4 Wm,' McCoanoll, ngei

i.'son ol Wm. JtcConnoll, nigh-U yearn,watchma:lima'n at the

lo the

e boy liI, nud i*

life he hold variousfilch l.o ilNcdVto. the

jpot, wont to Staaliopiwitli a companion to gather wat^r lilfelast Thursday. McComieH had beentlio habit of gathcrlug lilies them ' -morning nnd returning homo outrab in timo to sell them a t tho depot iitho afternoon. Tiio boys had secured tlililies nnd when a train camo along ths;attempted to board It. Tfio tram WQtraveling faster than usual, and evidentlytoo fast lor tlio boyn to get OD. MCCOU-noil attempted to get on the cnbooso, bufwri thrown under tho wheels oud bin legwn« horribly crushed. JIo WM broughihomo aud aevernl doctors aummoncd,Amputation above tho' kneo was fouoJnecessary and tlto operation por/brmed brDre. Cook and VauByckle. The "doing as well as can be expected,likely to recover.

—Hit. Henry Van Ness died early lastWednesday morning, at tlio' ripe old ngrof 8L years. In epositions of trust,complotu satlsfuction of all. Ho liad bee,ft resident of Hackcttatotvn for 29-yearsand n member of tho M. K. Ohurch for 3:years. For several years •- paat ho haabeen repeatedly confined to hia home, orChurch street, by his iir.hcalth.. 1'unernservices wero held on Friday nt hU Innresidence. ;

—"No Trnde Dollars Itecoivcdl1

gn that greets ones even on enteringsomo stores, and if we have heard this ex

Srfission onco wo have heard it one huD-red times. Tlio fact is that our business

men rcfuso to take thorn for less than Sicents and tho bank refuses them ut allSeveral persons havo entered ia the specu-lation of buying all tlioy enn for 3.') centsor lees, in hopes of disposing of themidvnnccd prices in tho fature.

—Tlio second animal commencement>xerciscs took plnco at the school houselast Friday. Tlio graduating class num-bers eleven—Xellio Ivory, Jessie Ward,Kosc Kgbcrt, Virginir. Muuu, CarrieMcnngh, Currio Osiimn, Aimiu Stowurt,Ucrlbu N'uiiii, IIurbotL Marktt, Augus-tus Mctller, Cliaa Strykur. The boy3~de-livered orations and the girU read essays.

—Jacob Ilcdingcr has beon iinprovingtho looks and adding to tho con veil iencojf his barber shop. Jake is young in''Cars, but old ami rich in thu experienceif his business. Ho shows a couiuicndu-do spirit In a*- rt»"Jioghia detcrminatiou

iiany friends, bothn

pupils nnd

-Hurrah for the young peoplo ol tit.ilury'a It, 0 , Church! When everybody

else would let tlio anniversary of-ourjouutry'a independence pass by unnoticed.nese young people step; forward- and an-1011r.ee"a festival and dance, to tako placom their grotuulT'nt tho head of "Jlighilreet. ••'

—Our Methodist fdemla havo at laatompleted the flag stone walk in front ofhu- church. Tim walk, presents a very

neat appearance ami is a grent improve-ment ou tlio bid onu. Paiului» liiivu vuiii-nienced operations on tho needy outside.

.-—llackottstown^ocms to_ funiiMi thoa good many employees, l lr .


To-day, tho booming of ennuon, thofluttering of; flags, and the soap ot thetoys remind us that 107 years ago our na-tional fathers proclaimed tho thirteen colo-nies " freo and Independent states." Withwhat feelings of joy imd thaukfulncja worothoso tidings received. • How tho bosomof every citizen ot tho colonies swelled•vitli an enthusiasm which said, " Wo'll seethis through or dio In tlio attempt." Andas WQ look over tho history ot the Kovo-lutionnry war,' wo ece bow bravuty uoilhow Loroicatly tlicsa men stood up to tliofltnudardof "liberty and union/' And

i^bnt was tho result? Tlio result was LUlm 1783 tho empcrory and thoso in author-ity in Mother England wero forced to signa treaty of peace with •. tho then InfantUnited States, and then It was that thojowho Imd used tho iron heel of tyrannyagainst the settlers hero wero breed ioverify the statement made by tbeao per-sona fieven years before, that they werebound to CDJoy the political and religiousliberty which really and rightfully belong-ed to them. Iinngiuo yourself at the oldIndependence hall in Philadelphia on July-Ith, I77i). Sco tho bo3oni3 of all swellwith patriotic prido as that grand old heroof liis timo, Thomas Jefferson, rose autlread the Declaration of Independence,which owned its its author the man whowas then presenting it to tlio people. Andyet mark the seeming ImliWircnce on lliopart of somo at the proposal of such ascheme, litit, after tho act had boonpassed, and the old independence bell rang>ut tho glad tiiiingfi and it was caught tipiy hundreds of spectators p.nd carried toho corners of tho earth, mark ye how

these bravo men stood up to the standardwhich had been formed by tlio perso iswhom they had chosen to lead t'tcm, nnilmany a mnn gave his life-blood for hisdear country und the homes of others.

Wo watch tho prosperity of the coltnew, and sue acecssions hero and yonderthrough this part of North America, tilllo-duy wo stand a great nation, second tolone now iu existence. Now, on this daynf glorious national, rejoicing and prosper-ity, let us not forget tlio giver of nil theseileasurea and privileges. Though Iho

jrosperily, of somo ha3 been slightlymarred by tlio failure of crops and thocalling in ol llio trade dollars, yet whatlation can show n more prosperous recordhnn woY Lot us ever tako for our mottoiio utterance of it great statesman wlioias long stneo mouldered in . hia grave:1 Liberty und union, now und forever, oaend luaeperublo."

—Union meeting was hold in the 51. —luirch last Hundny evening. The Ber-;ion wa3 preached by tlie Rev. Mr. King,if tho Ulen Oarducr Lutheriin chnrch.

—Wanted: A reporter who can reporti accident in which Eomcbody had liisnb.'i cut olf by the curs, nnd not use the

xprcHsion "slipped and fell."

— \V. It. Buker, ono of our druggists,ias put Koine lino lettering on his frontIy net doors. He says his store was oa-[iblLshcd in 185-1.

—Dr. G. W. Evcritt, our popular dent-il, IH recruiting his health ut Atlanticlity.

—Trado dollars nro worth only 8"i cents..'iMiiiy, isn't it 1 DKI-

Put a Brandon Him."Women aro a nccwiiary evil," ho laJtli'

-'—'-w dowu tiU flit Uard ou - tlio counter Utho tho licartlcn^ remark. It won Iu thu

- illago More nt V/cat Mlltou, Saratoga County,and Uto »p*",Aer was tlio central flguro of ui,'rnut>p,' of liiietiollo phllOBOphcra. Ho wmLoiiiely, slovenly and olxty.' "Tl.erc'awlioroldlfrcrfromyoualtogctlier,"»nlil Mr. GcorKoT. Uraliaut, ofthu vaino place.' " " - - - *•"-- -That men muko 'cm.

_. itca wives will fill Intoor mnko lionm hot for tlm'tucii: and

lliey'ro unnatural In cither character. LoveUicui, and capcclallr bo good to them ivlicntlicyVa eluk, and' you 11 navo no trouble. '.There's my own wlfu, now. Shu'n endured a.good ileal with ilytncpeln, ncrroun projtmt'oiimid other all menu that took tlio bloom ofT herchucks ami tho spring out of her ttcp*. Well,who rtuw uu aJvcitiouiueuL uf 1'iilKr.n's \Tostc, nntl thought It would bo just the thingfur her uusu. Ovtitlcmuu, I scut Uvo inllcu of tcra. home. Site took It. I scut again aftormore. So eevcrat ttmcu. Trouble? Why, If «you cotiM ECU how iiiiicli gooi it has Joue heryou n-oulil say that women aru tho grcatont ufKtnW lilnjBttiifj !,nd 1'AltKEIl's TOSIC l« tltU

This 'preparation, which liiwlwm known n*PAtiKEii'ji <lisoEii TONIC, will licrcuftcr IJC ~ ...,,-,called simply I'AUKEH'9 TOXIC. Thi* cluugu. ••----Iui3 been rcuclcrtd neccnitnry liy su!)9tltiitc» lin-jiOHcd upon tlieir customera by unprincipledUculcrH niiilcr tliu'uaiuu of ginger; and an jjln-iicr U reully an unimportant lluvorlug IngrudUml. wotlroi> tho mufcadliu; W o r d . . . .

Tliuru Ia no chQiigu, Imwcvur, In the nrcpuru-i>u Itself, unil all bottlM r^mnltiln^ In tluiimiiU of i|j .lent, wrapped under thu tiainu of

»'ARKEII" vlNOKiiTuNiu tuuiuins tlicpcnulnc:medic1 ;,iniHi fneflinlle rieuatutru o( RMCOX•- " J ° • • it tlie linttoin of tho outside wrapper.

fit A T IVK K.VOIV n ; , i ' r r v ,

Daniel F. Beatty, MayororWitahiugton,/ J . , a n d tho largest maker of reedrguns in the world, has advertised con-iuuully iu T/tc UoUeit Huh for the puatiree years. Ho never fllcips The Goldentile when hu sends out his advertisements,id as a direct result n very fair propor->a of our edition ia rend lo the music of10 licntty Organ.• Wlml"we started to say, however is this:.[though the ilemanit tor tlieso organs isIways grent, souietimes there comesa rush* orders all nt onco, lino a run on a bank.

Fashionable Millinery


fltliuv C.mnh, uiluntud tl( theSl'UlN'H A SUMMF.lt

S E A S O N .

•Ir utoi'k IH entirely new—Just rwi-WeJ from

tho c l t y -inid Uoftln)ljwt(|im|.

Ity, ami their nrieM defy earn-iiutltliiu. Tlicv have now on hand :i

full line of L'MM, tVitthers Flowers, tie., etc.

it. Spec fall //.'—

try-full and cxumlnu their nt««k bofon- p'ur-iuKiii-,'. Von oiiiinof full to bu sittlsncd.

HAMPTON iOBERLYirW8'i-!iin WiiHltlncton, V. J


o arc seized with -ihe s

painiiiiractnrcil \>f itiu

American Watch Co,Waltham, Mass.

Thm case is formed in one solid piccA ,without joint or aetim, opening \n front only;bus Avoiding tlie usual Cup, and cctirin^

greater strength and durability.These watches arc all opm/uee. The bezel,into which uu extra strong crystal is fittedilti un esiwcally prepared water-proof 'e'e- '

went, id attiicljcd to tho case by screwingIt thcreoTr, SQWBBBMlriifi^ JVJC*'.ion with tha^tRHfjhBSB^SKBTwMch is

oof ng.ii»at cluat and moisture.To railroad men, travelers, miners,

luinbei-inen, and other) wli'o me aluiost 1:011 •'itontly exposed and who have to moke frc-imith Dereincrjs the; lustL vlcti'm ol the | id'oa all at'onceftlioy want a Beatty orgiw;

aitroud lever, "•"•iie lias eecurud;_u(jiusiuuu j and cnn'i wait more liilih - im:- hour -«"iu itl" u

ume j quout rei'crencft to tiie wat «jnul--

s firemna on the Scran ton special.

—Mr. Louis Post made a flying visit toiis place lust week. Wo hear that heid a number of prominent lawyers ofew York intend to spend their su-nnu-r

•ovation ittlludiTB Lake.

—Miss Mary It. Day died at her homo1 Cbiinli street l u t : Thursday. Deeeos-I was iO yct-rs of age. Funeml servicesher late residence last Saturday.—Mr. Robert S.'.rrice, of this place,

ms been re-npDointed County Superiu-ndent of tho public schools of Warren..

—Tho M. E. Sunday school have "made•rungements to hold a basket picnic on

he 4th o£ July in Eeinplo's grov«.—Mr.:L. B.Gibbs haa laid a very neat

lone wnlli about his residence on theM i l C t t

^ o « ^ ^ e ^ u ^ ^ i h,t tlie Institute darin? vacation, to ,;workhair way 'through' next term.-..:, :.•• -: '--' .-

—Madison Porter, of Lafayette College,,astcn, bis returned i iome^^si iend, his

riicotiou, •" , "• • '

—Kev. Mr. Vroudfit and family leftnvn last Tuesday on a two months' v.ica-011. • • . *' •,—Judge Win. A. Porter, of PhiludeU

.iia, visited this place last week.^': •"' X ' '"' " N

half Tor it at tlio outside. Before tlie let-tor containing their remittance 1ms lefttho village post-oilier, they half, expecttlie expressman will drivs up to the doorwith the much talked of. and now im-patiently longed for organ, Taking in thesituation, Mr. Ueatty doubles \,is force ofmen, works nif>lita, and slowly but surelyforces, up the supply to ctjual tho demand.In tho meantime purchasers become indig-nant, nud write lojg Ieltcrsi to Mr. Beattynnd their, respective papers, denouncingthe former, and accusing the publisherswith aiding nnd aba tt ing a frnud. Tlientho publisher sits down and wrilrs twoletters, one to Mr. Ueatty, ursiug his im-mediate attention, and ono to the injuredparty, with iho assurance that tlie mattershall be sifted to tho very bottom, and

I justice done though the heavens fall and'-Aii>lH'iaiy'rf:ft»iitory-t)d-bI(>wB-to-iilt">iii3'with dynamite..... Ultimately the .organarrives, nnt vfiry mucli behind time; ihe"••rchasor \sdeliijhted, and writes only two

>re letter, ono of thanks to SJ!r. Ucattynntl nno of npnlogv to tlio pnltlisher. ..Wonever knew of uny other "thhi'f ultimataperfectly satisfactory resulla from tradingwitli Mr. Beatty,—GoUkii} Jlttlt, Boston,AlaK5.,.runc:!rt, ISSX

—W ir. Thompson has beoii overrunwith work in hia line.1 lioiiso puiuting and; - - • • •] with work in his linn, house- painting anil

fimmcil met in regular scasiou Mondnyvoniiig....Tlio ineinberB,.wcTe all: present.The Mayor being absent-Mr.1 Milroy -wasAppointed: chairmnti; Jlinutes of lasttesting read nnd rtpjiroyed..::.;Tlie following bills'wore,presc'iited iiuid

•efmedto Finnnce Cqramittco: ; 'i. C. Thompson, police, ctu., for .Time $50 M' " 'imp lighter (or June... . t!350•

,payrollltii 'Juii(!.,. . . . . . .-2in. . . . . . J, coal for stciuner -.. - IEolm K. Cooke, Ucuilzcil bill 121ilui 11:Uiuer,• repulrliig steamer....,, Iin. Jinnies, for curling , 12

.»*. Loscv, Itemized lillf. .V, ffll.'Jfacob L. Jiryaut, repairing Uoro. Uau&a .. 5 -1

.-..On motioii.of..Thompson and'jWintcr.tbc,ules^ero 8nBpoiidc(l"aniirtlraft3 orUcredor tho above bills. '•* • i: - - : " • - . . •.-jTliinioHnn "of-Thouipaon and Winter alinf twos ordered in favor of the Wash-ington Board of Health for $50.

Mr. Milroy asked perniisdiou to use thotort room'of tlio Town Hall to hold Bap-iatscrvico in on Sunday cvouings for.while or uutil further ordained. -.Granted.

On motion the insurance policy on thobotougk building for 85,000 was renewed.,,Gu motion the draft for ino.dental ex-

ijeosoa %wna mado payabto to Koyatoneof Excelsior*1.; com-

"6Vmotion of Winter mid Stewart alllip property,, .belonging, to tlio .Fire/ '.pa-

Quiot roigi-_.—WhereJ3.p!ibli_u1sitjrttin^l).?v.,.,..™.^,m._,.:^._l.,.^;^i^..


Tlie. following prenmble.ni'td. n'snlnlionsvcro tuloplcd by aunaiiimona voto of thejflicers and teachers ,of tlio. Wnfliingtiii:M./E. Si a;•; nt mnwting lield'.riilyj, 'p;WiiKaRAS, The Hun.JD.'P. Dcattyriniad-

diiton to his former numerous and gen-'crona gifts to our church IUIJ tJimdnyschool, has rccenily'prisonted to thelatter dnei of his beautiful chnpol orgnns.

• i - ' l ' h b r o f o r f l r - - " - - - ' " 1 ' . " • : " " ' • ' ' •-.-'"• • • • " -••:• • •

Jiaolved, That our sincere" and hcurty,tli.icli9.nro.iluo and nro'hereby.leudorejil.tijoiu*>fricnd'iind^lji'othci'• f'»r his'-'valuablo

i[tW^;-^-^------'-::-,;."f- --''; •"- .11.'.-..".' v=7.', limited, That wo will devoledlv prav.hat fie onyionjoy hutto toniporal.. una

^ | i i t h ^

Poison nnd Geo;-.C-omp*'-o'';Wfir« njipocial polico for July 4tb, - . •:_Ou motion.of Stownrt. and Lynn it wns

orderi'd tlint'the " liiibc'ock bu udy&rliscdnnd sold at public sale on Saturday, July21, al 2 i*. si. Notico to go in" STA«.";

On motion of Winter'and liowcra dliowork on atrectajvaa suspended for mouth0/ Jul."j,uilles£ orderad by'tlwStreelOomj"l i t i s i oue i

1/ ' - ' • • ' • ' •" - • ''•{" ••*-• • ;;.•-• -'..•.;•,:-:.'••;•, -..

Utceived of A. II; Stewart as rent-foe-.borough honao toi" April, and'May: §10;

'* license from ucll ringera 85- ; •A d i t n v n o d . • •' • : , — . . . - * & ' • . • • • • • . - .

*s~£{- J . U. TMlroiiiitt, Clerk.;^

OieiiVftouthitsTiniebed-bugs, '"flltriiiksj" e

iroaft1*esl_flie3,unlflilipiniiulis^ gopiiors;

iffh of HIo wliich fadctKuot away." * unj watches if you watit them rcpiiiTva lo »<

" • - • ' . ™ . • •r

' ' ( ' ' - • ' ? • ? - • • .' • • . • ' • ' ; • • ' " i i . '• . • , • ! • • • • •. . I , " • : • • • / - • " ' • ' ' . . . - • ' • • ; ' ''•• •••'" ' ' • . * - • ' r f o . v ' • • • ' • '

aper.Iiai_ „. ...... . . .nd\vc "are iiitonned thtit there ia no

sfition in .the demandTorjiis services. liehag employedr.HO.voral;.n»si»tiint9.-li'qiiryalways docs first-class work, hbiico liis"popularity. " • • . ,-t

• •"^_0ur public HCIIOO! closed with: a.' pic-nic at Cox's woods. The liltlo folks hada"grnmi" timo. Ico urcum, lomonado,stttulies,'swings, hammocks, croquet'midtho good tilings tlioy brought in a host ofbiuikcls ciuibled tiicm to put iu a wboliidny in the most cnjoynblo'manucr.

—TliCi lecture room oE tho Ptesbytovhuichurch is to be improved <hy wainscotingit.ss'—Tlis-notiwceeeda.or.UinfcsMyal at the.M.,E.Cbiireh. arc reported;tb.lift SU7;r".".:

—We learn of the death at Gliinngo ofBfra. Gertrudo Sntphin formerly of this

-—Children's Day was appropriately ob-served at I'nrt Coulen last Sunday. Theplaco of worship was handsomely decorat-ed." -An order of services was prepared for.tho morning entitled ''The fadeless flow^era" in which llio congregation and schoolparticipated. Tlio Rev. Mr: Tunison, of-Washington;addressed thoHabbatiischoolin tho afternoon,. .The house, was crowdedall day, hnt'in the evening it was flllcilitooverflowing, thore were a grent many whocould hot bo accommodated.TAu; ordt'r-t.yT.services was ptoparodfor -the;1 evening en-titled "Tho Lord is risen,1' whieli was wellperformed by the/children of.:;ihe~Snndny'school.'" A collection.waa talten through-out the dny in favor of tho children's edu-cational fund of thu M. K. ohuroh, wiiicliRavo eiuiru Batiafaction.' • ,-;\*

A DA«««HOIJM'<-'»«STERPI3IT..There arc ilangcrous counterfeits in

circulation purporting tubo"\ValitutLeafHuir Restorer."1. The strongest ovidencpbfitti great yaliio is tho fact that.mrUesJknowing its groat ellicacy. try to' imitate |

E h b t l f th i ' \Aiknowing i s groa y yil. , Each bottle- of tho gcniime'iil f l t '

aarv torestoro-lifo,:, vigor,, growth'aridicolor to tho • hair;- Purchase only, from:remnnibte parties. Ask yoiir druggist for:it. Each bottle is warranted, .: Johnston,

'ties are of,the utmost iniportanco.;.,__ . . ^ ^ L , . ^ . ^

YALDOSTA, GEOIKIIA, July 20 1882.I sold one of your Patent Pusit Proof

Un.ses'about ten inontlis ago, nnd the otherday it camo back to me with tho requestto mnko it wind easier. On examinationT found that the ste'a was rusty, and I in-quired into the cr.rso of it. The gentlemanstated''mo that he v>m\ starting acmesaw.kgs that had lodged in the bend ofIho river, r^'m his chain caught in a buahand threw 1.8 watch into about twelve footof water, and he was about two hours find-ing: it. Wbeti he got it out it wasand he thought alt right. In "months he found that'tlTe" 'tc'Mirn and sontfit to mei._

1 can Bay that the watch is nil that thecompan^claiinajnr it and -recommend : it .to all railroad and mill iueh.'""' " ' "." "*?


CbiXTOii, IOWA, APRU.^9, 1331." I wisti yon would KOtid a upriuL' for the

Wm;:-Bllery Watoli7«"*,*'JBy^Le'iwfty^this Ellery is a watch I sold in your Screw, •Bezel Case to a farmer luat fall. The firstof JaniiE.ry he lost tho watch in the woods, ,and fotvjd it this week in a'oout ono footof water. It had lain three months andover in anow and water, with but slightinjury to tho 'watch—only a Iwir-sjHn; ~'

0, S, T'...Thoabovc wero very severe testaj\ _,*dembii9trate b"oyond n. doubt; tliat tor" ai»-/-:


reasonable length of time during which a*watch might be under watet it wuuld te-"eive no injury whatever. ,

.: •We uiuke these, cases'itf uotisilver and as a PBKI'ECTI.T DOST-PHOOF -



For Mule by ull Flrut-ClrisN J«MC1*II%N

You can see them 0 . G. Fronclt'f. r „ ;....v. -

Music Lessons.miics subscriber would ru'sjiuetfiilly aimouneitHJLT-W.UIC pcojilo of-Wnsliliietou^ttiHl vluiullv •—that he Ia now rua(ly"to'gWc'rrrttrT;;-'--"™^;:~"^;;-

Instructlons In Music : .OH piano or orgim; lcasniiB given ut hiB homeor at. tlni residence of tho pupil. Terms rea-Bnnnlilo. JAMES l;.-]tO8ENBEIUlY,SMiii... . BrouilStreet, Washington, N..I.. •

BOOKS.-125 TONS,[ StatuUril l ioX" pnuv.ol.ihom tlie fcwt edj-i-cholcc sonl for ex im I-tonl for cxi

able oyldco-„ „„ teturnedntonecit iiut»fttti<rnclory." Special borEiilDb i liioiilli. KcwpnhMcJtlona cvory.wcclc.' Pri

u , »,«.h- Tyiie.to $15 loriho lirueBtiinaij'iBt -^ncilirtii CycluntJIa. XOL told liy dealers— v

iitcc^ ton low, CltciiUtu frci>. Mcnilon thle p». --icr. JOii« ». ALDEN, I'uVUsher, :.IS Vesey. St., ' v

wotice; tb Trespassers.' \ f OTICK IS HEREBV GTVftN THAT Al.l.l \ Huraram who shall front, this ilalobonii-

£clicnde«Hrc«miwhiff<mthevftlley funu bc-nrlnir t»llio New. Vorlc Life Insurance Co..4.. °._...i. -*«"-->•' --'.on, will bo nr(wemtt«u

,iv proyldcu for "U/1!

((ini'lnK t« Iho New. V1 niilb W u of.Wnnblto the full uxtcntol

Tonse.' — - •• ' •Datcil Junoaptli,li

inhhiKtoif tho la'

; "Ho.UorthefarWest. . • :. /For Western tickets, First cUien, Second, and

Emigrant.rates, apply:to, s. Innon, Western'ticket ngunt:-ut tbo ulu ruUiiUu-W^ntoi*n;tkkct:"AofflcC, LclUgU Valley. Depot,'Kaaton,

'Unggago chcckca to'destluaU

LADIES OU YOUNG MEN Iu city or coun?;

try to tnku nice, light, and pleasant work,,at their own homes; $'J to $!> a <lay easily nnunuleUyiiiuae;.work wilt. l>y nitll; nn.rBtiynM-: ,iiiir no ntainii for romy. I'leaHO nudrcBH Be- *,•Iii5)le JluiVf'a 00.,-Plmlailclpiilii, Pa.; ^Drawer"


Page 4: HE SHIN :--'-|P · abc. " Hut I won't prnmUe to buy. Wo got a very pretty ckromo witb tho lust pound V ten wo bought, nmt Kitty, eutH pictures tut of the illustrated paper* niul pantos


FRCU Culled Proi' 7*:--There..

Here and

" '.*~A girl of rlxteon bos juflC isnrriod a mnoof over eoventy at OlaejTillo, R. I.

; —Dr. Marcus Whitman, (ho most notedof t la pioneers of Oregon, la to linvo o$12,000 monument at Portland.

I : —Tho Gomlor of (ho Andes U said to kill\uyvvy with [(s bill. MilliucH aro trying

' llie aamo game on tho inanriofl men.—A man iu WlntUrop, Mo., pluya tho

ptnuo, orgtin, violin, banjo, cornet, fifo,xylophone, bonos and fjullnr, ami whistle;Ilka a nlghtlngolo. \

. —Holland, in IBOC, offered 25,000 guild.. era for tho discovery or a NortLest passage to,,Chinn, and Nordeustjold liui just formally• claimod tho mouoy.

: — "Don't pall mo around eo," said thethjof to tho policomen, "Ihnro afelon onmyflngorl" "And Ihavo my fluger uponWeloa," "marked tho policomn, with a

l o i i l ["

,—''You wouldn't tako mu for ft marriedman, would yoa?" naked a collogo studentofagirl. "Jmtl ier think I would if you

' ibonld ask mu," wan tlio response. Ho::: bought a ring noxl day.

—After Da enthusiastic lover cpuuils two; houra1 hard labor ovor o lotter-to hia girl,

A d then mara its bcanf by spilling a drop:: of Ink on it, he Bimply draws n circlo nronnd'.'. tho blot and tolls licr itiu & kiss. *

—A pensant in tho Department of tho- Onrd, residing at Avignon, Franco, find 102

years of ago, got married ngnin five yearsTllgo. His wifo is forty-oight yours oU.

Tho ..couple aro in srfollont. Ixc-alth nnd[perils. '"'•--

.„„,.—At one of tho Bchools In Cornwall, Eog-land, tho children wero asked if thoy couldqnoto any text of Scripture, which forbado a

•; man haling two wives. Ono of tha childrensagely quoted la reply tho text; "No man

—.can Borvo twoniastcrs.". —A rich Chinaman of Rock Springs,. Wyoming, to whom his wifo littcly preaent-

; «d a fino boy, bus .boon entertaining liEsfriends with no, exubemuco correspondingto his joy. Ho invited COO guests, in do.tnehments of lfiO, to a feast which cost{il,000, and mado everybody "drunk." i

—A bronzo mortar, weighing sixty poitude,which wna used at tho scigu of .Louisville,Canada, iu 174.', V>MI fount! a short time agoBtndiig tho old junk of A br.«s foundry atBaugor. It \VM purchased by tho (I. A. II,pout of that p..ice, nnd 'u to bo mounted nndplaced In theirhnll.

—William Shclsuu, a young man of• elyhtepn nnd of industrious Unbils nnd ox.

emphry character, dime to his death ro.Scntly ou thu farm of an uuclo with whomho was living, ou Turkey Creek, uefir Lai.crater, in Ashoville county, N. C , in a sud-don and shocking innnner. Ho was clearingtobacco laud, alouc, and iu attempting to

—jnovo n log which by oa n stoop hillside; ground, being on the lower nido of it, hisfoot slipped as tho log wns uiovod and ho fellhacfewnrds. As ho fell the log rolled downover his body aud dowu to his necfc, pinning

• ; aim down to tho ground.—Tho fnnious Walled Lake iu the Slato ol

.; . lown, 150 miles west of l)ubii.|iv>, has re-'• cently attracted much n!L>ntion. It in in

' : tha midst of prairie land, mill is two or throe. feet above the earth's surlnce. Xtirf eueloa-* ed by a wall of ston->s in some plaies t<

feel Ligh; fifteen taut • wjdo at' Iho bottom__~ o foot wide at tho top. Tho stones

faeo of tho ground within mu miles of the-.--:. Isfco. - A faw years ago tho ice-on - tho Uaka

broke tho wall in soveral plnces, and thefarmere were obliged to repair it to prorentInundation.

""""Tered tho office of tho Commissioner'of'•"In"'dia» Affairs, at Washington, the other morn-

. ing, and eaid ho had just arrived fromMuskovy, Indian Territory, and had comofor tho purpose of getting his instructions itsagent ot tho Union Agency, io that Terri.

. tory. Ho was informed that au ngeut wo?;:.,. Already thero and that noracaucieii existed.

/''•':'• Upon bearing this ho seemed to be very. raucu overcomo, and said that bis friendi

- bad told him. that ho had been appointee: Indian ageutj and all that was necessary foi^bimto.do was to go to 'Washington and

- ~::—recoWe his instructions.- Ho was told thatn made tho victim of a practical

has_vifiited Floridaheight years,'EHys: " ]

"'."through'tho "oountry".;' Thoro'V'more con'-'tentmont now than then, and a greater nutc-

; bet'of whito pooplo are at work; tbo coloredpeople appear to bo all at work, nnd have

^mproycdimmonsqlyin their Bovcntoon or'eighteen years of froedom. Apparently•they aro in better condition than ever bo.

fore; thoy aro acquiring property, living- bettor, dressing better, and their childrei

oro going'to fachool very generally. It is* my opinion that moro than one-half of al

^££""'the colored children in tho South over tenland under twenty, of both HOXOD,?nnd write." ;

f sanitary measures tho ..HawitiiauBPboen:'prudent and: strong7enough toito'thcir ioporu.; Everyoue afflicted with

a loathsome disease is secluded on theR I Island of Molokai.,_ About fifteen hundred

-j Bonioin tho last* HlagoBI of diseasoi Tho leper settlement is a vil-

. jlago on a grassy plain, cut off from tho rest*• al tho island by mountains 2,001) feet high,

-' -. tntf. exposed lo the trade winds. There is a'/,'-:: doctor, a superintendent aud o native •: pas.':-.„.,, tor, and Gomcrattompt has bees mado to"<• enliven this terrlblo bauishmont by forming

tbo lopora into volunteers and giving thorn'vrl'^band. ' Tho' leprosy'" is ""described1 as thi



er Wliow A«r-

I nnked & tiar-tonder aa to tho prevaloncoif drinking in Washington to-day. Ho re-plied! "Host of tho CougrcEsmon and3euulorH driuk, though tboro aro a great

my inoro total abstainers now than for*incrly. Tlio Southern members drink uiorothan thrt KortUcruerfl nud they alwaya takowhiskc-y, whilo your Northern niea »ow audlUon indiilgo iu boor. ' Nearly every Senatorfrom tha South drinks and I have, to carryevery one who buya hia Uijuora lioro overytow nvA then to his room, ilo commenceslrinking iutcniliug to tako only n h'ttlo, butho likes tbo tasto of tbo liquors EO well thatb can't slop, nud tho result Is ho geta boozymd Ins to bo aided off to MM room. Tho.'oreijju MiuiRtcra an ndo drink, but thoy ecl-J i coino to tho bar.

Wo havo some curious drinkers amongtbo members of tho present House," coutin-ned tho bar-tender. " A member fromSouth Carolina takes on nn nvcmgo aboutforty drinks n day. lie fills his glass to thabrim every timo and tells tho bar-tender hisBight is bad and bo can't tell bow muchthere is in the glass till it gets too full. Likell f tho Uouthern members ho alwaysdrinks

whiskey and ho takes it straight. A mem-ber of tho House from Koctuckey want!three lumps of sugar, n tablespoon of waterand a pint of whisky for 1I:J' usual dram,Dust a little nutmeg over thm and, says he,It wakes a drink for tho gods.'• Ho can

stand this several times a day and can re-pent it during tho ovontug." • -; -

"Any others?" asked I.."YOB," rcepondotl tho drink-mixer, nud

went on: " Iha to toBcoa Bneab, and thety Bomo Congressmen tako drinks on the

ily and Hlink out wbon thoy thiuk thoy arebeing seen makes ino sick. There U a mem-ber from North Carolina, a namby-pamby,utterly-utter, (esthetic Senator, who Ibiuksall ihu woincu aro m love with hiui and jiro-tends to bo pious. Ilo never driuto whfekyThen any of his friends aro in tho bur. Ho

•ill como in, look around, nnd if lie KCCS any-oue he knows ho will march up W mo nndask for change for a quarter and then slipont. In half an hour ho will como buckigaiu, and, if his frieud nro gone, ho willcall for 'n very pretty cocktail, but ho dcu'tmind if I make it a h'ltlo utiH.' Ho is nn ras-thoto, you know, and ho wants his cocktailpretty.' He will drink three of thoso, and

then, filling his vost-pockot with cloves, hogoes off chowiog them to bide his breath.Thoro are a number liko him, but ho | is tlio

dy ono I kuow from tho South.-- HWii'fljf.rt Utter in the (JUcttand leader.

"como red, tho eyes glassy and tha fe'otu-,., distorted. But the worst form is that of

blaak Bpots on tho iikm and rank corruption-•• {nfeotina and mining all beneath." '

Yo ofilictuil—wiiy Bufibr longer from..tarrh, hay fever nnd cold in the hau l when

a sure euro can be had in E!ys'»-CrcamBnlm? Price 50 cents.

ApDly into nostrils with little fuiRor.u ^ . ...r 1RJy8'..Oreftm Iiftlin. I aclviso »«flerers

from catarrfi to lay other remedies nsulc.: I^be l iovoi t ia the only remedy iliat willeuro tm'a disease, from ivhirix I huvc suf-

r feretl twpnty years. • Thn- Balm is doing-iwomleri? for" me. Cliarlea Garraljiant,

BiiiSr.'m^uboto^antJ "EhocB|K" 885 Brontl St.','

_ , , . ' I have been'troubled'witir'chtnrrh'"'for:-=== a-number of years;.-.was induced to try«vfesElyBVOream Balm. When my head 13I''•"•' ntoppctl'Dp I use tho Bnlm, and in a littlo~v.: while I nin nil right. Henry Uook, pub-

Hsher Elizabeth Herald, Elizabeth, N . J .

aliasiotfABT WOBK i s WEST VIHOISIA;—"

." Is your husband at homo ??-v" No; lio ifl'coon hunting. He killed two whopping big

Lord?". .'VI guess ho doos"; 'cause ho ftlwaya taltea his gun with him.". "Have you

Presbyloriaus arouudhero?" • " I don'tif.ho_basliilled nny orinot. Yon can

go behind tho house,aud look at tho pilo-ofhidesto Eco-if yoiii^iln-'flnd nny of thoireliiii8."r7'I'soo that ypif' arc;living in .thi

= i3nri.**-r7i1* YeVbut my husband1 ingoing' to

'«• sut oui a winder f\oori.*--Whtelitig Register*

a no other medicinal preparation haveinsu l t s of ti\c;moat mtylligeiit studyjBcicntifloinquiry.boon so Eteatlilynnd

"Sively .utilized as in Ayer'a Bnrsn-'*Tt leads tha Kst a? a trnly scicn-

mtion for ;hll Wood dii


aw IUI Atnntciit ICIcrirlrliin i:mi>''>y» Hit

An electrician who put his knowlodgo tomost ingonius uses 1ms lately boon starlingGorroantown with somo uniquo electric bur-glar alarms, sneaktbtef killers and "propertyprotectors in general. His name isLaliochtand hia workshop adjoins Iho Slain streetdepot. His reputation is no extensive thatdozens of young men visit hU pliWO aud re-quest to bo "shocked " by ouo of the num-erous currents which tho uetwork of wiresbsido tho houss carry. . '

A reporter called upon, him yesterday.Ilo was engaged in completeing n machmowhich will came his store door to t!y openae BOOH as auy ouo roaches tho 'rOuL Btops.The pressure ot n foot an tho step will movea spring, an electric current will bo brougbJinto action and tbo visitor will enter withouttaking his hands from his pockets- " Vorjhandy when a fellow forgeU his night key~~'".n'fflnil "tho keybole,"~Slr. La Hnciio

•uggectcd jokingly. "Is this my only iiiven.tion? No. I hare made a great many bur.glar alarms. Just look at that showcase a

those cases of cigarettes aud tolinc co plugire dimonds rings nnd watches; tbat this is a[owulry store nud that you havo broken in

'•I won't chimo in with nay such hynolhis' tho reporter remonstrated."Pardon mo. I should not havo indulged

In that hind of imagination. Anyhow I caswith a battery keep peoplo at a respectfuldiatanco from tho case." Saying this howont to a littlo aggregation of stops nndhandles, and, touching one, exclaiming :—"Now, gnitsp the case." Tho wpo_rtor difBO and roceiveda light shock. Mr." La Kocluexclaimed tbat tho current- could bo madestrong enough to knock an intruder down.It charged tho metal work onthocaseuwbicha burglar would inevitably touch. Ho next'proaBacil'&a'epparfttnsbsariagai'fiSeuiHto an old-timo spinning wheel, which, h«said, was tho opening step toward an auto-matic doctrio'organ.

Soveral other infentionp ho prefers not UIkabost -yof—PX«o&6)M='21&acL- ••-•"-


Bnt, Btarting now with tho leaf as cored,we find It packed ready for tho band of thecigar manufacturer. When wanted for nsrtbo bands aro shaken opeu and blown, oifinely Bprinklod with water—In eoraa cases ahoarfly claret known as Spanish wine is usoti—aud. aro rolled up In n cloth until a molnturobiw dissorainatcd Itself equally throughouttbo leaf, whon it is ready for stripping.And juflt hero It may bo remarked that a, to*bacco leaf will nbeorb water anil distributeIt ovonly throughout, iU eubstanco morereadily than almost any other artlclo known.Tho liiaf Id Liiudud U> (lia ulrijipor, who de-prives it of its stem, from which, by theway, Gnttu* Is mado; and if it is to bo usedfor wrappers ia carefully booked, that Is,spread open nnd rolled up with n lot of itsfollows into a little pad, which with others is(ben Plowed away, gouerally fu nn old milkcan, till wanted. If to bo used for Oilers thobookiug process is dispensed witb, exceptamong tho Cuban manufacturers, who bookall thoir tobacco, for a reason to bu explain-od further on. But in tlio American andGornun factories tho filler Bind after strip.ping Is thrown on tbo floor and eprend out,uutil it driuu to suuli A condition that It canbetaken up and used without danger ofbreaking—for In a dry otmosphoro tobaccobecomes exceedingly brittle, and may bo re-duced to powder by a pinch of tho finger.Small boaps of it thon aro placed upon tboworking tables, and tbo men selecting piecedaf bad wrappers, or largo pieces of tho flllei!ay thorn down as a bindor, somo using onlj)ne, and others ofton throo pieces for thifpiirpoao. Upon this binder tbo filler Is laidin quantities commensurate with tho eizo oftho cigar to bo produced, nnd the wholo isrolled tightly together—if too tightly, the:igar will not draw when finished, and thisis sulllcient explanation of tho comic plctarosIn Gomo shops representing tho fellow whoQoror can rnnoko tho oigarfl bo gots (n GOraoother (thopn without n plaster on tho back ofnU neck: if rolled jnst tightly enough, th(:lgnr will dmw nicely whon dry.

Itut tho form being now attained thoro itnothing to do bnt to put on the. wrapper,

iako tbo point and trim off tho butt or openend with tho kuife, so tbat tha cigar shall boo( tho required length. A good workman

iakos up tho bunch at tho utart, so thaticro Is very little to trim off, making very

Ittlo scrap, as it is tormod. And this is anmportant point In most factories, for thaicrap is Hold at comparatively cheap rates.

Tho ability to mako a good point Is ona:est of tho onpablo workman, aud really ro-

inxj much ukill. It iu done by cutting outieint-circular picco of tho wrapper and

winding tho end around itself so that therejust enough to como to a point and nona

lo spare. To approciato this, that is, tc"soo tho point," ono should havo an ocular

uonstration of it. Tbo putting on of aB-rnppor itself Is also a nice picco of work-lauship, for it must bo stretched and

imootlied out by tho fingers whilo being puton, and by any but careful handling, wouldcertainly be torn so tbat it would bo only fitfor tillers; and, as tho wrapper staff costsinywhero from threo to six times tbo pric*>£ fillent, a eignr maker needs* bo careful how10 bandies it. Sometimes "workiug upitiiH" is obtainable, which means that tbojalo will yield enough binders and wrapperso cover all tho cigars tbat can bo mado'rom the Oilers it contains. Aud here seema

o tlio jimprr plnen tn eny why theCubans book thcii fillers as well as wrappors. The CnL-nn .vorkmen do not roll and

M their bundles us tho Germans do.They lake the requisite quauity of leaf andtoll it up deftly between tho fingers,:"bring-;ing it into stmpo by a roll or two betwoontboprihii"s"6f the hnudiiand, perhapspaddiuga gentla roll on the table; and, tho fillerbeing spread out by:the booking process, nojinder is needed; at least, not as extensive

leaves arc rolled Into ouo another, and theouo tbat happens to be on the outsido willlap over sufficiently to form all tho bindertbat is required for a buncb mado in thisyay. Au expert can tell by opening a:.cigarvbother it was mado by a Cnban or by somo>ther workman. Cigars mado in tho Cubanfashion always smoke freely, because by thatmethod tlio filler is seldom twisted, aud isnever wrapped together as tightly as by thoDtber method.—Brooklyn Ka^le.

No injurious effects can follow'', the useof Ayer's'Ague Cure in the treatment ofmalarial disensus. I t contains,, besides aspecific and unfailing nntiilntc ' o r mias-matic poison, oilier ranediul ngents whichunito to expel the jwisonoug humors, puri-fy tlio system, nnd leave it in a Healthyand rein vigornted condition.

•• • FATTY H E A R T . ; ; :

Wo have spoken of the tendency in oliage to both fjlly nud calcareous dogeiicm.tiou,- Tho formoris tho uioro counnon.Tho greutuat liability to it ia in tho heart nudtho arteries of tho brain, where also thejequeuces aro tho most serious.

In tlio corpulent, fat may bo depositedaround tho heart so m to enea'so it, or withinthe cavities of tho heart, orbclwocn its tans-cultirfibres."*This, howovor, is "fatty i/i.filtration." In fatty degeneration the mu*cular fibre itself is transformed to fat, Vhougbit rotainsits propor size. ...^ . -

i=iThs heett is" r-rstreag1;-;"tonghi •.'linre'stiag'muscle, by whoso vigorous action tho bloodis driven.through tho fasten), furnishingorory part with food and bearing away thowaste. If this organ is weakened, ovaryother suffers. It will bo readily aoen how

greatly it must bo weakened if, to any con-sidc-niblo extent, fat takes the'placu of tough,clastic fibre. -..--.. \

Tho degeneration may bo' general or:partiaL—Tho latter is • the more-common.And yet persons havo died instantly by rup:.turo of tho heart, when tho diseaso hnduotoven been suspected.,-lThe dlsoaseprogreEccs ntesdily, it aayibsfor yoars,~tho"poftiOavboooming" moru nutmore foqWo, until ho suddenly;.tliO9. in a(ninting-fit—from the loibih'tj'of the bear!to throw Bufnoient blood to Uw Jin»'i |from the tho heart's rupture. Sometimes npatient bocomos gradually weaker, generaldropsy BQtainf and ho dies of debility, v_

. Even i t nn early stage, slight exertionsor oxcitemonts or.impropor, food ..causo pal-pitation and difflcnlty: of brcathlngi and ofteniicnio pains in1 tlio breast, ringing in'thoears, giddiness and falotnoss. Attacks offalntnoss bocomd tnoro froquont with tho in-creasing woakncBH of tho heart. The spiritsnro apt to bocomo depressed and the feelingIrritnblo and moroso.. |(/

: Tho system' noods to bo suelalnod with ngonorp^s bat casily-digOBtcddlot, and broccd

:iritlitjnios nnd oirt-dooralr.r lnst&atanoogBtWtli iiiij' be lbs prioa o; any vlolfeat^eier.xiso,^offort or p'oBsion,—anything that usltcsIho heart.—Truth's Companion. "

; . HlUmiy Men, ,"Wells ' Hcnllh Konowor"'restores licallhand victor, cures I>yspepsin, Impotonoo,'SexMll)ejgll!y/.-$l. iJ2J


Tbe following is the explanation given bjLuln, the fimioiii gymnast,. of. tbo way iu

done, be sitid, by means of n mechani-cal device. - v " t stood in full view of thespectators on an iron phto about a foot indiameter, which wa9; attached to n spindle

ig down through a : framework. ThisSpindle was thrown up a distance of sevenfeet abovo tho etago by moans of rubbersprings, carrying tbo plate witb it. Thosprings were powerful enough to send mybody through tbo air like a shot. Anotherset of rubber bands jerked thctRpindlo backas quickly as it shot out, so that tho motionboth ways was too quick .'or tho flight Onreaching my distauco I caught bold of ropes.

is necessary to'pbso my body so tbat itwould bo exactly in lino with tho modianlino'bf tbo 6piudlo.'-"Oue uight'ul Diil-lin ilidoiacbiao was imperfect and tho spring bo-;amo telenseil before I was ready, _ throwing

my Iiead nnd shoulders in tho orches-tra circle. Ifcllasif tbe earth had sudden-ly fallen from undor me. Uut thoro is reallyno time for thought. I am at tbo ropes in

instant. • I gavo up this performance ho-mo I grow too stout. Ono day my .body

was almost telescoped by tho Bhock. I tboisot to work to deviso a machine that wouldinablo mo to distributo tb'o force ovor mywholo body. Tbo result was the catapult,after Eoyeral monih Gpout iu making .oxper-.

incuts. """"* ' "This machino is very simple in its con-'

itruction. An iron plnno About fifteen foot'long is suspended ou un nxlo at a alight an.^lo. lUibbor springs are mado to act eo atto throw tho piano forward suddenly into aposition uearly perpendicular."^ This move*went throws my body, which is lying at fulllength at tho "upper end of tho piano,I describe an^ arc aud, alight in a.not ..about,sixty feet f:"om tho machine. ' I "was noarly-:|killed two or- threos tiraofl.. Tho first tiwivi'

IDS thrown I lost all SOUS'OG of what I was/joiugor whoru I was going. . I was uttorly-A'iielp.loss and cnino.dowu into tliejiot on ^yljpnc

id fnca.J My hoad was GO out^nud- bruisedthnt-niy-ltnir coma put-iu bimcherr, •'•—

Iu London I maWttio oxporimont of us-ig a machino much tho samo ns tho cata-

pult, but suspended in mid-air. ^ThoBpringsworo so adjusted""th'Sftlio' iron beiim onwhich I lay, •when rclip.Bcd,"'described al-most a soini-ckcle. Bo'lbat when my bodyloft it I was uudornoalh instead of ou top olit. TnL^machino thaw mo a distance of 20ftfoot in almost n straight lino. My reave-

mnt.waq KO Bfrnfgbt and EO'awift'thutitwonimost impossible.fo^'ino lo turn my body,rbn onbo.^Intact, I'did not recover con-

sciouBnoss until my; foreo was nearly.- bpont,Tba -. priiicipla^Sfi tho cannon' from whiohgymnasts aro eomotimen hurled is tho same,tho only difforcnoo being (that Iho body issent iu an obli^ns lino upward, iuitaad o(

ito ^ e oirVtAB;: tborpor-'former o'lJ'gat hiB"pbsition"witn*porf«itsafo.ty, thio^feat is not attendod with much dan-ger. TboBpring is rolciiBod in this InBtru-mont by moau of a trigger sot off by (ho ox-plosion of ptfwder.L ' • '; • .., • ' . ' .

lOSiini., $1.00, , t ,


Defeated Conareumea gtcUlnjr Apyolut*mcijt—An III mini lion of the Vps and


With tho closo of congress over half oltho members of tho Honso of Representslives stop out of public life. How ill oqnip<pod tho majority of theso men aro to takoup tha tbroads of privnto business again,may bo Jndgcd'from tho great demand forappointments within tbo gift ot tho Frcsi-

it, Jlidiioug aud cousubihipH, bind agon-cics and Tcrrilorlal jutigcships nro amongIho prizes to la secured, and thoro aro manymembers' hands in tlio government grali*bag. Tlmro aro very few of tho defeatedCongrcssmon who aro in flrst-rato fihapo togo homo and rosuuio former business. Intho case of lawyen), tins is especially Iruo.JIoBt of them aro middle-aged men who, six

ofgbt years ago, left a fair practico tocomo lo Congress. In tbo mcautlmo freshblood has como into thoir towns, youngeraian have osUibUshed tbcmsolvco, nnd gntli-3red up tho practice, aud It Is not easy, fu-docd it Is almost impossible, to uupplanlthem. . . , " - ' • . '

It would soem Ibat men with n growingw practice, men who depend ou thoir uwnsources for a livelihood, would anticipate

tbo result of a suspension of privnto businessduring years Hpont in tho public service.TLo partner wlio Is loft at home to looliafter the Congrcssiuau's interests retains onljtlio clients wlio rely on him; tba romalndei^urn to otbor lawyers, and wbon tha defeat.

> niombcr returns lo his homo ho fludimsolf practically out of work.Ilowover, tho poor lawyer who aspires to

bo a legislator shuts Ills eyos to tbo futureand decides to enter politics. F ran thatmoment expenses begin. Ho must coutri-bnto to tbe campaign fund, and contributeliberally, or ho will not be carried through.It may bo that tho contest Is BO closo thaiho is obliged to mortgage his homo to raisefunds. Ills freodom of cpccch is at onctjurtailcd.

He is no longer a free man. I ts is wor.ried r.ud harwtsctl on every flitlo. Dut thereis a partial recompense. Tito fatal day ar.Hves.' Our candidate Is successful and bc--eomes A niambor-olect. Can ho now givehimself up to intoxicating dreams of his owneloquooco In tho halls of tho Nation's Cap-itol? Can his loiauro hours bo fillod witbimaginings of his own speeches on (us" burning issues " of tho day ? Not at nil,Iha election debris Is no sooner cleared awaythan tbo wrangle for office bepins. Tberuaro collectorehips and clerkships and post-offices to ba fought over, with tho suretythat a vast majority of tho applicants rou=.*lbe disappointed iu tbo end—and thus cou.•ertedfrom friends'into working autago.

nists, and tho struggle does not stop whou tbeunhappy member finally csicapCB to \ Wash-ington, Tbero titior disappointment awaitshim. He is placed on an unimportant com-mittee. His speeches aro not listoued t<with deferenco or nttcntion; ho )s not soquickly recognized by tho Speaker of tho.House \"; tbo older members; hisj mfluonain tho (lopnrtmoats is email; bo is not iidemand in society. Our Congressmangrows dosporate. His prido is touched andhe resolves to " conqueror die," Ho studioifinance, no examines ono branch of thisubjeat In Its minutest detail and biding histimo bursts Into tbo arena with nn array offacts aud A command of language that eur.priflos tho nouso into listening. They atonco discover tho tnio ring of his speech andgivohim their undivided attention. Theyipplaud him, congratulato him, shako hisband; bo Is tbo hero of tho hour. His starIs now in the necendent. He no longer talksSo:.empty, beaches.-.; His:„constituents.whc"lavo followed him to Washington for clerfc

hins nro pnnlnallv n'nu«l «wv. iiv l\\$ dopartmcut i«j,cou" boicii.' li'j: vrtto - Knydaughters become moro porniinent as social- , . - . . • : . . . : • . - „ , : . . . - , . , . t_ _ ^ ,ii(;tliun, Hint -uio ..U>IU-|JIIOU4«.U. io-i , , . .hu.demand at dinner parties. Our Representlive hns now clear Bailing. Ho goes home,secures his re-election and roturns, and bo-?ius work to seciiro a good commilteo posi-tion for the next Congress. Ho succeed?md is given a prominent place ou a prom-inent committco. In this way ho become*iutimatu with tbu " k'uduni" of tho House,is occasionally Bpoken of himself as a leader,and from tbat boenmes an object of interestto the galleries. His affairs aro now at floodtide and'thc ebb is so gradual that ho doci

ilizoit.. Tberanppears on tbe clea:horizon a littlo dUturbanco over a postofficein bis district. A numerously signed poti-•ion to removo the present incumbent isto him. This he refuses to do, as tho 1'ost-master is ono of .his-owa appointments, ^p.s1

in many respects a euitablo person fo' theofilco. Then there is some dissalisfniitiouamong the uiercliautK about tbu iument of tho Csistoin House, and a. dologationVisit Wmbiugtou to nrgo tho collector'smoyal. This our lleprcsentativo will nol3o;'but promises not to recommend his ro-appointment and the dologatioa goes boineonly half saliutied. •.- "-Z-

Timo goes on and tlio next election coniceirouud and our Representative wakerdrcarj- November morning to find himselfdefeated. Tbo Fostoflico and Collectorship.have.spread discontent..-. Ilis rival is a youngmaii'wilh clean bands aud a. clear bead, avigorous, self-confident man.sure to succeed,Our llopresciitativo Las nothing moro to~ ex-pect "troni llmt" dialriut. Ho rctuiiis to'Washington sore iu spirit to petvo. out liisrfltitaining thron months.in CongrnKH. Jliswifo nnd daughters accompany him to takoa last taste of the brilliant Etooioly to whichthey havo become so attached. ' l ie tries toput on a brave front and go nn with hislegislative work, but bis heart Is not in it.Hia future constantly obtnulcn itself betwoonhim and bis duties. His law practice,should ho resume it after tho -1th. of March,insures him no immodlato rotorn of roadymoney, and, of course, ho Lap eavod nothingfrom his Balary qfy^jflfift.^T!.1?':A™1;-,.%'°-^.eshaustod i>y tho douian;ls of Washington

EOciety. Tho OUUOOR IS uut uti^u>. —gins to consider what an unjust thing it isfor tho government, nftor takiug tho hostyears out of a mau'iHifCy to Got him adrift toshift for himself. HoreUcctson tlio ingrat-itude of tho peoplo whom ho has served eofaithfully and determines uovcr to lhako hisbomo among tueni again. Ho is now try-ing to decide whether it would bo bolter lo

:|'go West ns a judgo or land agent whoro thoprospect of making a. fortune iu speculationis good, or try to got a mission or consul-ship with a higher salary and moro glory,;bo it ever: BO; transient... In:-tho-meantimehis' inlluence is -hlfiailily duclhilng m -theflouso. Ellis ' : counsel "i5J.'iiaithcr~ Boyptten-Bought nor his adylco so ofton Inkcn. OuoOf his appointees in tbo depaitmcuts has Aicady boon discharged to make room foreomebody OIRO. His wifn and daunhtora aronot iuvilud an much an tboy woro hist wiutor,Auu'ukHiijL! utiu ""cou s id oral ion with' anotherIhodofoatod Hoproseutntivo's "lifo is iiot_B.boppy one."—Detroit Free Press.-

Business DirectorvI>niilol X1* HoHtt-y,

MANUPACTUnErt OP PIANOS AKD OltOANOlllcci—Wn»lilnRton Avo, Cor. Droad St,Fnciorr-llallroBd Avo. for. Ucntty 81.

A.U1UO O i ' u r n n ulW THE WORLD. HCV ONH AND UBHAl'l'V. For clrculati aud urlct-a

Addrcia II. W. ALLEOER. ,


UlrUiJny ami Wctlillnc GirtB.AHRBM COUNTY DltUQ 8TO1IE.

nstantly oa hand.


No. 11 Uclvliluro Aye -

r tho bt. John Hcwttii; Mncliloe, Denier indx. UO'itx & 8h»c», llutt* & Cn|)», d t

ir.I'wU.Out^ nud Uuiud Hay. Cout a k i i l i i K O


Crevcilinsr «Sc Co . ,Dry'(lomN, ItnnliA Slior-n. Him ,V,r«]iP,Tiill^rlnL'Jtwiily Almlf UlolhlDL'. Mtltintrv , l Urt«n Mnldnif;C,iri>vti>. (irucctk-*, llarilwflrc, Ktovc*. Lnmbur,T,\\nu, Oils, QUft, CuiiiL-nt, Itrick, &c, Ac.



Vtlet,.1 llltOAD STRBET.



FANCY G0OD8.J!tlckS(orc,Cor.WnBlilD,;toaAvc.ni]d Broad Ht.

Iluiivy Wlnio!',UUi* OM VftnDorcn Lumber Yard. u

BMlo,'iffic?' him"l0Ucinc°ilt,dl8"nJ "lalo, JltlcK,'loivn iin.l 1'I

ldlrma, Satli, Uoow,ut, HanU and rinxlur.

LOWE3T 1'niL'ES.


J-'. n i . u o i . i o i n ,oicialo nna itctall Uakcrf and CunfcclloiMnnufictarcrol Ftcncii ntul Amtiilcmi

•Uiiilkr. Wathlamon Avo.

C.vi*I tor« 'JCIio 'Z 'u t ior .nocr of Modern to Trices. Foreign nnd Uo-m»tic Fabtlcs mnda to order. PnnU {

lo »10. Suits $13 to $|Q.

.rotiiiHL(>n,l*S= H O J I ,Ucalcrit In Ktrdwari:, Stoves, Hcalccf, I 'up*,

Tltiwnrc, Timothy and Clover Bc&l.11,;..:;t3f KdoiliiK anil I'lumblns ilnnu lo order..

J o l l i l X . X J U I I K H I I I U ,U-rln fine (Iroccrioz. Uppoallo Post oniec

Also ARCDI tor n. L. & W. Exjircei,

ThB Moot Atthtle Culler in Town. I'rlces HiDefy Comiiblltlou, Cull licforo ordering.

Osmund Post Ofiice.

i . '»ol* Jlnno«)7Ilutclicn and J)eolurs In oil kind* of McaU, Vi's

IIII'ICJ! ana Kni[li>. liclvldcre Avfntu-,Oj)|ioaitu Wlniiiior llnute.

is of teeth for ftup. Extra iilv

O H C I I I 1 .TCOU.NSBr.()I[-AT-f,A\V.

C o u n t y j>ruic Wtorcn I* Ooi'iilsh Ari'ix STOCK or ' I New llrlck Omnn (ind I'ln


itrof nil Vtyloiu liar DcxUTlInlk'ltliluri) Ayuut tnTlmraln

n p n n y .mo Factory now In full

T l i u Tv'iiHlilOHO ol tho inaB L wldc-nw

Only J i .Wn j - .l


JEII^KV. J .K. lloaclaiid. rroprlotor.

IS. XV. A . l lU(£Ui ' ( .,t»li, lllinjn, Duorx, MUUWIUK*. ° " h ^ i

HulldhiK Mutcrlni, Turn I tin of every dc-fctlption. Factory— Uroait St.

..Joliii »tvonH»ti,tlf' Old Smtui. rmct lcul Tlpatiilth and Klioin Wotki-r, Tin Rnuillnff, Spout Ins, I'lnmhlmnvnrc, I'nm|iii, UrdtuM tc Hrlcki* f»r ptove* anii-icc*. U ycjird with .'oiinslon & Son.



.i>i'iitc Htoro,

oasto Order. TUrl claia Milcrlalrkmnnsl.ip, 'A'BBIIIncton Avc.

Cor. School Street.

Una Ju i t purchased ImproTcd nccwuorln^ 1 ]>»<BrnnniN, forcK"inn<l", rock", lenec. Htupa, p.iril1

wall, nisl lc Wiilk, lulu simile, l.rU^o, &c.


ln». . Jeweler ..ocit Watclitiiiikui

u r l u H 1*. 3!<MVli*y


UHll l l lKt<>Ii : i t«V]OM'.ete wllh Local, Slato and Porclcn Ktvit

Terms Ono Dollar a Year. Mimjilo• • • •: Copies free. "

'ft*. A". BOM'OI'M.nn.'uciurcr of Vlowt, See One. Try Ono

UiiyOnc. Accnt for Uiickoyo Self TwlnoHinder . Coma nod too It work. '

Hf.CloiuUC. V. STAATS,




lttillur.il linplftncntH, I.IKlit nnd U^vv1 ! WAGONS.

Ai. 'ar . .& JL..-.J. « o . s « i i o i ' o i «iftantly on hand llal*, IJnunuW, Fenlhcrjf'lniior«iiiitit fullllna of Fane/ (ICIOIIM,

HtniDplnR and ICmiiroldcrj malcrlnlf.

cry, Hivlo ai.d xchnnRfl Stnblca. CnrrlnceiAllylit wjj-onn fuinlihcdou Short Xollco

tiny or nli;ht. Itcar Windsor Home _

DunlolX*l t t<Miixe i*T A l i c m . , ,'.Till Una of mil-nlnDilal Fnriilturc. Oou dnor

liulow HI. Clond Hotel.


OF ICE CREAM, . . ' • . "

.7 oil ii I*r. Van :i>ylcoCOUNSELLOU-AT-LAW'. WASHINGTON AVB

J*ICLlU.aOH l l l l t l I T l U l l i f H


«f W i J ™ v Tlfoii • a ^'i111?!1.1?11 l ° -!S tIlP t)tlsi"eS3 CCntrc Of W l i r r e n C o m i t J ' » i s locnlC(1 il1 U l° l l l o s t fwtilc antl beautiful sectionMt ™ T iwki IV P • buiigias progperpiu Cluirc!i«H ami a good Seliool,™ excellent supply, of W'ator.a Stoam Fire Kngino.Low Taxc8|t!ie

? ? ' I o. r o- H-e omnn r,°, m ' n( |

e 8 ' It l l 0

1I j e? t o"aoilitioa for sl.ippin^ goods by railroad oreanal. I.i aU'rosPoctn a aerirablo location for maniifaotur.

\\i*n"fbu i.i«« inon <fo« " ?X "i "I1?60*!?11 °|.>o1

riltl011- ^ . a I>omo no moro dosirable.placc. Strangers cordially welcomed. Theabovahbt ol business men does not, represent nil, bnt ia a list ot thoso who are not afraid to SUIVOIUHC. :


Fur ull tlio'o I'Dlnfut CumpinUU n»J UVukurJal" .o turuoiuntuourbtNt ftuiBlcpon.il.tloii.

A .Medicine for Worn n i i V l n rente it Itj a Wumail'rciiarcd l.)f ft IVomaii.

n thii drooping i«[ilrltj, lovl^ie orBftitlc fiim'tlutL.-i, KITM uli

huitop, n»ton.4thit natural lu

nd Prescribe It FfCelr *

tTTlt ri-


») thi* Compound I* upsurpuued .

I .TDtA f- P I S K I I A M ^ TIT.O(I1> F l H t l f l O twin prnilicdto every Tcallk-u *>< Hmiims (ruru lli«Mlouil.nndKl"« timo anil Mivnclli io iho ijst*1"' OiEIAUwouiftO^rclilld. Jualetva liwvlngit, -• - ••

Until tlio Compnnnd anil Wood PiirlQer nro iirorrtn'Ji t lUwnlKS Wiswrn ATcnuo, I.ynn, ILaa. VrUeut•Ithur, II. S111»HI« for C- S l ' n t • ' / null in thu (orsnoriillU. or of Intellect, an rcevlpt of | i r i« . $1 i»*r li.it-lor cltltcr. " " • HnUinm (woly uiuwurs nil Kttcrti utInquiry. llDtlosolk't. stamp. SvidfuriiatuiilikU

Nof1,m1K*ouMI)owitho»H'7,HIA E. PINKKAMSL1VRTI I'll.l^. Thi-T euro Ct>nstij>all.iri. lijilun. n*>-H,u i a lurl'liUty of tiio llrur. i'' <:<•-»" I>ur buv.

Gherry Pectoral.

JOSEPH L08EYHas made a ncucr.U r


Full Set of Crockery, U iilcceB $3.50Toilet or Cliambor Set 2.50Olasa Tea Sob from 00 ranis to 2.00Clobluts, from 73 cents to S2.50 per Joz*Tumblers, from 00 ccnU to JOS " "


LAMP GOODSon l iatid.- Also ult k

OILS,Always on l iatid.- Also ult kiiiJs of

Neatsfoot and...,..! -Machine Oila


Great American. Lamp, Class and Crocker; Store,

.TOS11VII ZOSHY, J'ro'p.

Clcara out nvtfl, mice, rotichcs^UuH, ftfilrtb skunlis, cliipmunks, l

i l «

S a m a r i t a n X e t v i n e . , ,t tlruggiafa., §1.00 it***'

Notions, Fancy Goods Bootsand Shoes, Wall Paper, Hatsand Caps, Window Shades,5£cd Holland, Fashionable .Dress Making,Butt&rick's Pat-terns, Groceries and Provis-ions. Shields' Building.


Be:tlt.v IJuililinj;, next ilonr 10 tlic post olTico. Itooms lurpo !m,tl (inmiiioiliniis. Tubleiinew iiml maniilWtiiri'il by tire ccldmiteil J. M. Utitidwiclc 1- Balke Co. , -N. Y.. noJarc ptoiiouncoil by gooi] jiidgca lo IJG the best in thu world. Come nnd Hue even if yondon't iiluy. Nopay l Knom Tor ull. llcst bramu^fi-iijiirs always on Imnrt. :

JOHW S. GASTOM .Proorietos'.

W.'Gk Greveling 8s Bro.,

GrroceriesAN" Pro visions,Family rnd Patent New Process Flour, Feed, Meal and Grain. ••'•

Ci lOICK> r j l l t lKTIES OF FORKIG.V AND HOMESTro PRUr i ' g^ 'ALWAyS: ON JIAXD. • .-: ••:.. .•:.-...._.. I" ; ' - ' - - - r t


lil'inCIU.N'C AT-_KXTnKMKLV I.OW J'HlOiiS IN" l'ACECA-ftKS Oil UY Till-! ;



SALT MACKEREL and N.O. MOLASSES a Specialty.,17/ Produce tttit-isii in exchaiif/e at ?*«>' Value.



miTALLia. comuus

«ft«rlryl.i« mniiywm«!].*w1U. tmmicecRi, I wnacurwl by tlm usuof AVI:I;'.SLIII;I:IIV IN-IU-I-OUAL,

J .!(isi:i-ii\V/#,»i:.s-,"..Kyliall" I ouinn'l say tumiaii l

'r.cTiiiiAi., itJliovhiB us I ilo that Uit1 shoulil long aiiwij havu Uli'd.from

111,,,, triillblw- ]•:. itltACDoS."l-al*Htliiii', Toxas, April 2J, 1W».Xn i-nsu or «» airuirlliM' *'f Hie tliroatorlungs

exists whtuluJtmtiotiw greatlyveliisveil by lltousoof Avi:n'« CIII:IIHV J'ECTIHIAN, ami it will «/rr«.v*cMMWliun lliuillwaau Is imliilrwuly bujuiiJtho


Dolmans, IPaletots.CBICA&O, ROCK ISLMD &PACIH&RTSJ.RI.f°ff?te'

ia in Union Depots with nil tho' vond botwocn Xha AUanlio nnd t. Ito oqulpmont Is un rival od nn<

bthiH ooinpoaod of Moat Comforla

-.Chni;-,, uara, I 'u l luauu ICatfl, Qnd thn ,Hcat LIDD

DP. J. 0. Ayor &Co., LoweThrco Traluc not

rFoinls. Two Trnlni betcarolinr.aaat.r-uI.vl-lL

W 0 W .Sii.;.;im I.VS« HU-1)YEn'mil lieutoM .iiditftietorily dutjiuj •

Ihc Summer. " •

"ALBERT LEA ROUTE.Direct Line, via Scncea snd KauUa.tl

Taken.on Storage for tlio .Summernml insured against ALL loss