he just disappeared newspaper report

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Post on 26-Feb-2018




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  • 7/25/2019 He Just Disappeared Newspaper Report


    Former Cheltenham rugby player Nathan was only wearing his beige swimming shorts

    when he disappeared near to Calico Jack's bar on Seven Mile Beach on Saturday night.

    !" #more description$% !&& (N) !&N *+ !(,,&N-

    ( massive police search /or Mr Clarke% who has lived in 0rand Cayman /or /our years

    and works at Cayman ,rep and !igh School% is being carried out on land and at sea.

    !" 1"N0 has he been working at the school- !(+ )*) +!&2 )" +" F*N) !*M-

    ( Facebook page has also been set up to help raise awareness and /und helicopter

    search teams

    !(+ )*) +!&2 )" +" F*N) !*M #more in/ormation$

    ,olice search coordinator Jack !orner said the nearest mobile phone tower picked up a

    signal /rom 345year5old Mr Clarke6s mobile phone early on Monday morning.

    !&N (S +!& 1(S+ +*M& !& (S S&&N7!&()-

    !e said8 9+he last signal was at about 4am Monday morning. From there% the battery6s

    gone dead or the phone6s been broken.:

    +!& &;(C+ +*M& !& (S 1(S+ S&&N7!&()-

    )istraught 1isa said that Nathan wasn't drunk and wouldn't walk o// on his own without

    /irst saying goodbye.

    *S !& !(,,2 *+! !*S 1*F&- *S *+ Specting that he6s gonna walk in

    the door.

    !*S *F& !",& !& *11 B& B(C? !"M&-

    :*6m =ust really worried that he6s in=ured somewhere and we really need to get help to

    him @uickly.:

  • 7/25/2019 He Just Disappeared Newspaper Report


    *S !& *NJ