hdpe jeomembran

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  • 8/10/2019 HDPE Jeomembran


    General Specification for HDPE Liner

    1. Scope of works

    The scope of works covered by this specification is for the supply, installation and testing of a(thickness)mm, High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) geomembrane,

    The scope of work includes the following items

    !upply, Delivery and "nstallation of the !pecified Premium #rade HDPEgeomembrane liner$

    Provide all %dministration, &anagement, !upervision, 'abour and Euipment to

    perform the installation of the HDPE geomembrane lining to the manufacturersrecommendations$

    !upply of all approved High Density Polyethylene geomembrane elding and *%+*testing euipment$

    Provision of *%+* ertificates for -aw materials, &anufactured materials, !ite worksand !ite Testing as detailed in this specification$

    "nstallation, Testing, submittals for approval and commissioning of all High DensityPolyethylene geomembrane lining as detailed in this specification$

    2. Experience

    The "nstaller shall, at the time of tendering, provide evidence of his ability and e.perience tosupply and install the specified HDPE geomembrane lining$ The "nstaller at a minimum musthave at least five (/) years continuous e.perience in the installation of HDPE sheet$ 0ulldetails of e.perience must be lodged at the time of tender for approval by the Principal$0ailure to demonstrate prior use and vast e.perience with the specified materials will begrounds for re1ection of any tender$

  • 8/10/2019 HDPE Jeomembran


    3. Membrane Manufacturer an Suppl!

    3.1 Material Specifications

    The geomembrane shall be Premium #rade High Density Polyethylene or euivalent$ Themembrane shall be manufactured by flat2cast e.trusion process only, and consist of single

    resin being one hundred percent 3irgin and of a narrow molecular distribution$ arbon blackshall be added to the -esin for ultraviolet resistance$ The fle.ible membrane shall bemanufactured to the following appro.imate ratios4 HDPE 56$/7 2 arbon 8lack 9$/7$

    %ll membrane shall be provided in rolls of a minimum width of :$; metres$ Each roll shall belabelled to provide the following identifying data

  • 8/10/2019 HDPE Jeomembran


    3.3 "#$"% &e'uirements for Membrane Manufacturin(

    The manufacturing process shall be a fully automated 0lat2ast e.trusion process controlledby a fully computerised system$ The control system shall provide for the continuousmonitoring of the following parameters4 Temperature, Pressure and !peed$

    The manufacturing process must also provide for the automated continuous monitoring ofthickness and sheet uality$

    )*ickness+ Each roll shall be tested automatically and evenly over its entire surface area$The minimum parameters acceptable for testing each roll shall be :,>>> thickness pointchecks$ The acceptable thickness for each roll shall not be greater than ? =>7 of thespecified material thickness$

    S*eet "ualit!+ Each roll shall be tested automatically High 3oltage over it entire surfacearea for any point of Electrical ontinuity through (across) the thickness of the sheet$ The

    high voltage scanner shall be capable of detecting any pinhole, and void or significantreduction of the electrical resistance$ %ny roll detected to have holes or electricallyconductive inclusions shall be re1ected and not sent to the site$

    Each roll delivered to site shall be provided with a roll test date report$ These reports mustprovide the following information and test results as per the specified %!T& standards$-eports must also carry the manufacturers laboratory *%+* approval seal$

    ,. Sub(rae Preparation

    %ll subgrade surfaces, over which the HDPE 0le.ible &embrane shall be placed, will beprepared as follows4 mm$

    The membrane liner shall terminate within an anchor trench located $/ metre away from thetop of the embankment$ @nce the membrane is in place the anchor trench must be backfilledand suitably compacted to prevent slippage of the membrane$

    The &embrane "nstaller shall be responsible for making allowances considered necessary toaccommodate variations in temperature and weather conditions$

  • 8/10/2019 HDPE Jeomembran


    0. /iel welin( of /lexiable Membrane

    %ll welds reuire a minimum of />mm overlap$ Two types of welding methods shall beapproved for this pro1ect$

    0.1 Primar! elin( Met*o

    %ll primary welds shall utilise the !plit Hot2edge 0usion welding method$ The !plit Hot2edge welder shall be a fully automated device comprising of a heated copper wedge,pressure rollers and electronic controls$ The copper wedge shall be controlled andconstantly monitored by a programmable controller with an audible off2temperature alarmand a variable speed drive unit$ The copper wedge shall create two contact fusion areas of aminimum width of=>mm and a 9mm minimum wide void between each of the separateparallel weld Aones$ This void shall be created over the entire seam length to allow for fieldweld pressure testing$

    0.2 Seconar! elin( Met*o

    %ll secondary welds shall utilise the manufacturersB surface E.trusion Hand elders$ Theminimum width of the surface e.truded bead shall be =/mm$ The surface e.trusion weldershall be semi2automated and euipped with electronic controls which constantly monitoroutputs for both preheat and HDPE e.trudate$ The unit shall be capable of pre2heating thesheet 1ust prior to the casting of HDPE e.trudate over the upper and lower section of theweld Aone$

    The e.trusion rod for the surface e.truding welding shall be manufactured from the sameresin type used in the manufacture of the membrane$ %ll physical properties shall beidentical to those possessed by the membrane raw material$ The manufacturer shall providecertified test data with each batch of welding rod$ %ll rod supplied shall be packed to preventthe ingress of moisture and other contaminates$ "f necessary the "nstaller shall also employan apparatus specifically built for drying rod to ensure weld uality$

    0.3 General Site elin(

    The "nstaller shall be responsible for regularly checking, calibrating and recording the

    following items2

    Preheat temperature at the noAAle

    "nternal barrel temperature

    !plit opper wedge temperature

    !plit opper wedge speed$

  • 8/10/2019 HDPE Jeomembran


    0., el Preparation

    The "nstaller shall ensure prior to any primary or secondary welding that weld Aones beclean, free from moisture, dust, and any other foreign matter$ %ll weld Aone surfaces shall beeither cleaned or abraded no more that :> minutes prior to the commencement of weldingany seam$ "n e.tremely bad conditions it may be necessary for the installer to clean and+orabrade the weld Aone areas only minutes prior to the reuired weld$

    0.- )rial els

    Trial welds shall be made on fragment pieces of membrane to verify that welding machineparameters are set to produce satisfactory welds$ !uch trial welds shall be made prior toactual field welds at the beginning of each working day$ !amples shall be cut from the trialweld using a calibrated die cutter and tested on a calibrated tensiometer in shear and peel todetermine whether the test welds have passed or failed$

    . )estin( of we(e fusion wel

    Destructive Testing ? Prior to actual field welding, the machine technician will run trialwelds on fragment pieces of membrane$ !uch trial welds shall be made at the beginning ofeach working day$ The trial weld sample shall be at a minimum =$>m long by >$Cm wide withthe weld centered lengthways$ 0our 9/mm wide samples shall be cut from the trial weldsample using a calibrated die cutter$ Test will be in shear and peel using a calibratedtensiometer to determine whether the test welds have passed$

    Destructive seam tests shall also be performed at random selected locations during theinstallation by the Principal and "nstaller, at a minimum of one sample every C>>m$ Thepurpose of these tests shall be to confirm and evaluate seam strength and continuity duringthe field seaming$ Each sample shall be cut using a calibrated die cutter into two 9/mm widepieces and shall be tested in shear and peel$

    "n the event of a failure, all prior welds shall be tested back to the last test which passed$ "twill be the responsibility of the "nstaller to repair and make good the seam+seams to thesatisfaction of the Principal$

    Non-Destructive Testing+ =>>7 of all wedge welds will be tested$ The air pressure testingkit reuired, shall be an apparatus consisting of a hollow needle attached to a pressuregauge and air fitting$ %ir pressure can generally be provided by manual or mechanicalpumps$ The testing unit shall be capable of withstanding and maintaining pressures between9> to / P!"$

    The following procedure for air channel testing shall be followed

    a$ !eal both ends of the seam to be tested$b$ "nsert needle into the channel created by the wedge welder$c$ onnect air pump and pressuriAe the channel to a minimum of 9>P!" and

    maintain the pressure for appro.imately two (9) minutesd$ "f loss of pressure e.ceeds =>7 or does not stabiliAe, locate faulty area,

    repair with surface e.trusion weld and re2test seam$e$ -emove the %PT kit$

  • 8/10/2019 HDPE Jeomembran


    7.1 Testing of Surface Extrusion Welding

    Destructive Testing: - Prior to actual field welding, the &achine Technician will run trialwelds on fragment pieces of membrane$ !uch trial welds shall be made at the beginning ofeach welding period$ The trial weld sample shall be at a minimum $/mm long by >$Cm widewith the weld centered lengthways$

    0our 9/mm wide samples shall be cut from the trial weld sample and tested in shear andpeel using a field tensile tester to determine whether the test welds have passed$

    Non-Destructive Testing: -=>>7 of all surface e.trusion welds will be tested$ The High3oltage !park #un unit reuired for testing will be supplies by installer$

    The procedure for High 3oltage !park Testing shall be as follows2

    a$ %rea of well must be clean and dry$b$ Patch is to be heat tacked firm

    c$ @verlap of area to be abraded (min =>mm)d$ opper wire to be inserted at overlap of materiale$ !urface weld to be carried outf$ %llow to coolg$ Point H$3$!$T at weld moving slowly over welded areah$ "f a spark shows repair and retest$

    4. "#$"% %ertificates an recors for material an installation

    The installer shall provide the Principal with the following listed Test ertificates and -ecordsprior to, during and+or at the completion of the works as each report and record is reuired$

    ertification and Test results of -aw &aterials from -aw &aterials !upplier

    ertification and Test results of -aw &aterials from &embrane &anufacturer

    -oll Test Data -eports for Each -oll of &aterial

    HDPE elding rod Test -eports

    Daily "nstallation -eports for each welder and technician2

    2 Trial Test weld -ecord2 edge eld -ecords2 !urface E.trusion eld -ecords2 eld Peel and Tensile Test -ecords2 edge %ir hannel Pressure Test -ecords2 Patch, -epair and H3T -ecords

    ompleted as 8uilt Drawing, including roll numbers, panel layout, seam locations and

    repair locations$

  • 8/10/2019 HDPE Jeomembran


    5. nepenent testin(

    The Principal at his own discretion and cost may reuire the "nstaller to e.tract randomsamples of sheet from each roll and from welded seams to ualify the &anufacturers and"nstallers test results$ !amples shall be kept to a minimum and the following freuency ofsamples shall apply

    &aterial samples = ? sample per roll

    eld !amples from !ite ? = sample for every C>> metres, of seam$

    %ll subseuent independent tests shall be undertaken by an approved testing authoritye.perienced in the testing and evaluation of HDPE 0le.ible &embrane liners$ The tests andresults shall be sub1ect to review and+or confirmation by the &embrane &anufacturer$

    &oll ientification an imensions

    2 -oll number 2 Production Date2 %rea of !heet on -ollF2 -oll 'ength2 -oll idth2 -oll eight

    &esin lot information

    8atch 8rittleness D6:&elt "nde. D=9C;@$"$T$ DC;5/

  • 8/10/2019 HDPE Jeomembran


    MEM6E P&8PE&)9: #S)M ME)H8D: M7M;M SPE%S #7D

    &8LL &ES) =/

    arbon 8lack ontent D=:>C#eomembrane Density D659E!- D=:5C28Thickness ? =+9>:/

    The following items shall be tested in both machine and cross direction


    Tensile Gield !trength D:C;Gield Elongation D:C;Tensile 8reak !trength D:C;8reak Elongation D:C;Tensile "mpact !trength D=;99Tensile "mpact Elongation D=;99Tear -esistance D=>>Dimensional !tability D=9>

    %ny material re1ected on site by the Principal shall be 1ointly inspected by the Principal, theinstaller and the manufacturer$ "f reuired, the material shall be tested, and if the material isunable to meet the specification, it shall be replaced by the manufacturer+installer at his cost$