hdpe chemical resistance guide - home - silver …€¦ · hdpe chemical resistance guide these ......

HDPE CHEMICAL RESISTANCE GUIDE These abbreviations are used in the following chemical resistance guide: R = Generally Resistant - Swelling was less than 3% or observed weight loss less than 0.5%, and elongation was not changed significantly. C = Has limited resistance only and many be suitable for some conditions - Swelling between 3% and 8%, and/or observed weight loss between 0.5% and 5%, and/or elongation at break decreased less than 5%. N = Is not resistant - Swelling greater than 8% or observed weight loss greater than 5% and/or elongation at break decreased to greater than 5% D = Discoloration. The terms R to C, C to N, and R to N are used where significant disagreement exists in the literature. Where no concentrations are given, the relatively pure material is indicated except in the case of solids, where saturated aqueous solutions are indicated. * Indicates that this chemical resistance does not apply for weld joints. Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F Acetaldehyde & Acetic Acid R - - Barium hydroxide (aqueous) all R R R Acetaldehyde (aque- ous) all R to C C C to N Barium salts all R R R Acetamide R - R Battery acid R - R Acetic acid 100% glacial R C to N C to N Beater Glue R - R Acetic acid 50-80% R C R to C Beer R R R Acetic acid 10%, 20%” R - R Beeswax R C C to N Acetic acid vapor R R Beet Sugar Liquor R - - Acetic anhydride 100% R - C Benzaldehyde 10% R - C Acetoacetic acid R - - Benzaldehyde in isopropyl alcohol 1% R - R Acetone, 100% R to C C C Benzene pure C C to N C to N Acetopheone R - - Benzene Sulfonic Acid all R to C - R to C CHEMICAL RESISTANCE OF HDPE PIPE RESINS

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Post on 02-Jul-2018




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HDPE CHEMICAL RESISTANCE GUIDE These abbreviations are used in the following chemical resistance guide: R = Generally Resistant - Swelling was less than 3% or observed weight loss less than 0.5%, and elongation was not changed significantly. C = Has limited resistance only and many be suitable for some conditions - Swelling between 3% and 8%, and/or observed weight loss between 0.5% and 5%, and/or elongation at break decreased less than 5%. N = Is not resistant - Swelling greater than 8% or observed weight loss greater than 5% and/or elongation at break decreased to greater than 5% D = Discoloration. The terms R to C, C to N, and R to N are used where significant disagreement exists in the literature. Where no concentrations are given, the relatively pure material is indicated except in the case of solids, where saturated aqueous solutions are indicated. * Indicates that this chemical resistance does not apply for weld joints.

Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F

Acetaldehyde & Acetic Acid

R - - Barium hydroxide (aqueous)

all R R R

Acetaldehyde (aque-ous)

all R to C C C to N Barium salts all R R R

Acetamide R - R Battery acid R - R

Acetic acid 100% glacial

R C to N C to N Beater Glue R - R

Acetic acid 50-80% R C R to C Beer R R R

Acetic acid 10%, 20%”

R - R Beeswax R C C to N

Acetic acid vapor R R Beet Sugar Liquor R - -

Acetic anhydride 100% R - C Benzaldehyde 10% R - C

Acetoacetic acid R - - Benzaldehyde in isopropyl alcohol

1% R - R

Acetone, 100% R to C C C Benzene pure C C to N C to N

Acetopheone R - - Benzene Sulfonic Acid

all R to C

- R to C


Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F

Acetylene R - - Benzoic acid (aque-ous)

all R R R

Acids Aromatic R - R Benzoyl chloride C - N


R - C Bichromate sulfuric acid

concen. R - N

Acronitrile tech. pure

R - R Bismuth salts R - R

Acrylic and emul-sions

R - R Bisulphite solution R - R

Adiptic acid ester R - C Bitumen R - C

Adiptic acid, satau-rated sol.

R - R Black liquor-paper R R -

Aktivin® (chlori-mine) aq.

1% R - R Bleach liquor (12.5% active chl)


Alcohol, (2-butanol) R R - Bleach liquor (5.5% active chl.)


Alcohol, (n-butanol) R R R Bone oil R - R

Alcohol, allyl R C R Borax R R R

Alcohol, amyl tech. pure

R C R to C Boric acid (aque-ous)

all R R R

Alcohol, benzyl R to C C R Boric acid methy-lester

R - C to N

Alcohol, ethyl R C R to C Boron triflouride R C C

Alcohol, hexyl R R R Brake fluid R - R

Alcohol, isopropyl (2-propanol)

R R to C R to N Brandy-wine R - -

Alcohol, methyl R R R to C Brine saturated R R R

Alcohol, propyl (1-propanol)

R R R Bromic acid R N -

Allyl acetone R - R to C Bromine (aqueous) C N N

Aluminum salts (chloride, flouride, hydroxide, met-aphosphate, sul-phate)

R R R Bromine (gas) N N N

Alums (aqueous) all R R R Bromine (liquid) N N N

Amino acids R - R Bromochlorometh-ane

N - -

Ammonia (aqueous) R R R Butadione R C -

Ammonia gas R R R Butane tetrol (cryth-ritol)

N N -

Ammonia liquid R - R Butane, gas R R R


Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F

Ammonium salts (acetate, carbonate chloride, flouride 10-25%, hydrosul-phide, hydroxide, metaphosphate nitrate, phosphate, sulphate, sulphide, thiocyanate)

R R R Butanediol (aque-ous)

all R - R

Amyl acetate tech. pure

R to C C to N C Butanetriol (aque-ous)

all R - R

Amyl chloride 100% C - N Butaxyl® (methox-ylbutyl acet.)

R - C

Amyl phthalate R - C Butter R - R

Analine chlorhydrate C - - Butyl acetate R to C

C C to N

Analine dyes C - - Butyl acrylate R - C

Analine hydrochlo-ride (aq.)

all R to C - R Butyl benzyl phthal-ate

R - R

Analine, aqueous all R C to N C to N Butyl phenol R to C


Animal oils R - R to C Butyl(n) acetate R - C

Aniseed oil C - N Butylene R R -

Anisole C - C to N Butylene glycol R - R

Anthraquinone C - - Butyric acid (aque-ous)

all R C C

Anthraquinone sul-fonic acid

R - R Calcium chloride R R -

Antifreeze R - R Calcium hydroxide R R R

Antimony chloride, pentachlor.

R - R Calcium salts (aqueous)

R R R to C

Antimony tricholride R R R Camauba wax R - R

Aqua Regia N N N Camphor (crystals) R C C

Arsenic Acid (anhy-dride)

R - R Camphor oil N - N

Arsenic Acid (aque-ous)

R R R Cane Sugar liquors R R R

Aryl sulfonic acid R - - Carbolic acid R - R

Ascorbic acid R - R Carbolineum for fruit trees (aq)

R - C

Asphalt R - C Carbon bisulfide C to N



Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F

Aspirin R - R Carbon dioxide (wet or dry)


Carbon monoxide R R R Crude oil C C -

Carbon tetrachloride C to N N N Cyclohexane R C R to N

Carbonic acid (aqueous)

all R R R Cyclohexanol R to C

C to N N

Casein R C - Cyclohexanone R to C

R to C C to N

Caster oil R C R to C Cylanone usual comm concen.

R - R

Caustic potash (dry & solution)

R R R DDT (powder) R - R

Caustic soda (dry & solution)

R R R Decalin pure R - R

Cellosolve C C - Detergents R R R

Cellosolve acetate C C - Developer solutions (photog)


Cetyl alcohol (hexa-decanol)

R - R Dextrin R R R

chloral hydrate (aqueous)

all R R RD Dextrose R R R

Chloramine R - - Di (2-ethylexyl) phthalate (DOP)

R - C

Chloric acid 20% R N - Diazo salts R C R

Chlorine, gasseous, dry

C to N N N dibroethane(1,2) C - N

Chlorine, gasseous, moist

C to N N N Dibutyl acetate R C C

Chlorine, liquid N N N Dibutyl ether R to C


Chlorine, water R to C C C to N Dibutyl phthalate pure R C C

Chloroacetic acid R to C R to N R to N Dichloroacetic acid pure R R CD

Chlorobenzene C to N N N Dichloroacetic acid 50% R - CD

Chlorobenzyl chlo-ride

C C C Dichloroacetic acid methylesther

R - R

Chlorocarbonic acid R - C Dichlorobenzene C C to N N

chloroethanol pure R - RD Dichloroethylene C to N

C to N N

chloroform pure C to N C to N N Dichloromethane C - C

chloromethane 100% C - N Dichloropropane C - N

chloropicrin R to C - N Dichloropropene C - N

Chlorosulphonic acid

100% C to N C to N N Diesel fuel R C C

Chrome alum R R R Diethyl amine C C -

Chrome anode mud R - R Diethyl ether R to C

C C to N


Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F

Chrome salts (aque-ous)

all R - R Diethyl ketone R - C

Chromic acid 10-50% R R to C C to N Diethylene glycol R R R

Chromic acid 80% R R to C N Diglycolic acid (aqueous)

30% R R R

Chromium trioxide (aqueous*)

up to 50%

R - Diisobutyl ketone pure R R C to N

Chromosulphuric acid

R C N Diisopropyl ether R to C

- N

Cider R - R Dimethyl formamide pure R R R to C

Citirc acid (aque-ous)

saturated R R R Dimethyl sulphoxide R - R

Clophen® A50 & A60

R - C to N Dimethylamine R to C


Coal-tar oil RD - CD Dioctyl phthalate R to C

C C to N

Coconut oil R R to C R to C Dioxane 1,4 R R R

Cod liver oil R - R to C Diphenyl oxide R - C

Coffee extract R - R Diphenylamine R - C

Cognac R - - Disodium phos-phate


Coke oven gas (ben-zene free)

R R R Disodium sulfate R - R

Cola concentrate R - R Dodecylbenzenesul-phonic acid

R - C

Copper chloride (aqueous)

R R R Drinking water R - R

Copper cyanide R - R Dyes RD - RD

Copper flouride (aqueous)

R R R Electrolyte baths R to C

- C

Copper nitrate (aqueous)

R R R Emulsifiers R - R

Copper salts (aque-ous)

R R R Emulsions (acrylic) R - R

Copper sulfate (aqueous)

all R - R Emulsions (photo-graphic)

R - R

Corn oil R R to C C Ephetin (aqueous) 10% R - R

Corn syrup R R R Epichlorohydrin R - R

Cottonseed oil R C R Epsom salts all R - R

Coumarone resins R - R Esters, alphatic pure R R R to C


Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F

Cranberry sauce R - R Ethane R - R

Creosote R R RD Ether R to C


Cresol 100% R to C R to N CD Ethyl acetate pure R C C to R

Cresol (aqueous) diluted R - RD Ethyl chloride pure C - N

Cresylic acid 50% C - - Ethyl dibromide C - N

Crotonaldehyde pure R to N N C Ethyl esters R C -

Ethyl ether R to C - C to N Honey R - R

Ethyl halides R C - Hydraulic fluid R - C

Ethylbenzene pure C - - Hydrazine hydrate R - R

Ethylene R - C Hydrobromic acid (aqueous)

up to 50%


Ethylene chloride C - C Hydrobromic acid (aqueous)

100% R - R

Ethylene diamine pure R - R Hydrochloric acid up to 100%


Ethylene di-amine-tetraacetic acd

R - R Hydrocyanic acid 10% R R R

Ethylene dichloride C to N N N Hydrofluoric acid 40% R R C

Ethylene glycol R R R Hydrofluosilicic acid (aqueous)

all R - R

Ethylene oxide (gas) R to C C R Hydrogen 100% R R R

Ethylhexanol(2) R - C Hydrogen chl. gas wet & dry

R - R

Euron® B C - C Hydrogen peroxide (aqueous)

10% R R R

Euron® C R - R Hydrogen peroxide (aqueous)

30% R - R

Fatty acids R R R to C Hydrogen peroxide (aqueous)

50% R R R

Fatty acids amides R - C Hydrogen peroxide (aqueous)

90% R N N

Fatty alchohols R - C Hydrogen phos-phide

R - R

Ferric & ferrous salts (aqueous)

R R R Hydrogen sulphide dry R R R

Ferric chloride (aqueous)

all R R R to C Hydroquinone RD D RD

Fertilizer salts (aqueous)

all R - R Hydrosulphite up to 10%

R - R

Film solutions R R R Hydroxylamine sul-phate(aqueous)

12% R R R

Fir wood oil R - C Hypochlorous acid R R R to C

Fish solubles R - R Ink R - R


Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F

Fluoboric acid R R R to C Iodine (aqueous) 10% C C -

Fluorine, dry gas C to N N N Iodine alcohol solution

C C to N N

Fluorine, wet gas N N N Iodine-in KI 3% (aq) R R R

Fluorosilic acid 30%-40%

R R R Iron III chloride (aqueous)

all R - R

Formaldehyde to 40% R R R Isobutyl alcohol R - R

Formamide R - R Isooctane R to C


Formic acid (aque-ous)


R R to N R Isopropanol pure R C R to N

Formic acid (aque-ous)


R - R Isopropyl acetate 100% R - C

Freon- 21, F22 C C - Isopropyl ether pure R to C


Freon- F11, 12, 113, 114

R to C C C to N Jam, jellies R - R

Fruit juices & pulp & fractose

all R R R Jet fuels, JP-4 & JP-5

R C -

Fuel oil R C C Kerosene C C to N C to N

Furfural C C to N C to N Ketones R to C

C C to N

Furfuryl alcohol R - R to C Kraft paper liquor R R -

Gallic acid R - - Labarraque’s solu-tion

R to C


Gas, coal, manufac-tured

R R R Lacquer thinners C C -

Gas, natural, meth-ane

R R - Lactic acid 10%-96%


Gasoline R to C C to N C to N Lactose R - R

Gelatin R R R Lanolin (wool fat) R - R

Genantin® R - R Lard oil R R -

Glucose R R R Latex R - R

Glue R R R Lauric acid R R -

Glycerine (glycerol) (aqueous)

to 100% R R R Lauryl chloride R R -

Glycerol chlorohy-drin

R - R Lauryl sulphate R R -

Glycine R - R Lead acetate (aque-ous)

all R R R

Glycol R R R Lead salts R R -


Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F

Glycolic acid (aque-ous)

up to 70%

R R R Lead tetraethyl R R -

Glycolic acid butyl ester

R - R Lime R - R

Glysantin R - R Lime sulphur R R -

Grisiron 8302 C - C Lime water R - R

Grisiron 8702 R - R Linoleic acid R R -

Halothane C - C to N Linseed oil R to C

C R to N

Heating oil C C - Liqueur R to C


Heptane R C C to N Liquid manure R - R

Hexane R C C Liquid paraffin R - R

Hexanetriol R - R Liquid soaps R - R

Hexanol R R Liquor R R R

Lithium bromide R - R Molasses R R R

Lithium salts R R - Monochloroacetic acid

R - R

Lubricating oils R to C C C Monochloroacetic acid ethyl es

R - R

Lysol R - C Monochloroacetic acid methyl e

R - R

Machine oil R R C Monochlorobenzene C to N

C to N N

Magnesium carbon-ate

R R R Monoethanolamine - - -

Magnesium chloride R R R Morpholine R - R

Magnesium fluosil-icate

R - R Motor oil R R R to C

Magnesium hydrox-ide

R - R Mowilith® polymer emulsions

R - R

Magnesium hydrox-ide

R R R Mustard R - R

Magnesium iodide R - R Nail varnish remov-er

R - C

Magnesium nitrate R R R Naptha R to C

C to N C to N

Magnesium salts R R R Napthalene R C C

Magnesium sulphate R R R Nickle chloride R R R

Maleic acid 50%-100%

R R R Nickle nitrate R R R

Malic acid 50% R R R Nickle salts R R R

Manganese sulphate R to C R to C R Nickle sulphate (aqueous)

all R - R


Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F

Margarine R - R Nicotine R - R

Mash R - R Nicotine acid diluted sol.

R - R

Mayonnaise R - - Nitric acid 0-30% R R to C R

Menthol R R C Nitric acid 30%-50%

R to C


Mercuric chloride R R R Nitric acid 60% C N N

Mercuric cyanide R R R Nitric acid 70% C to N


Mercuric salts R R R Nitric acid 80% N N N

Mercurous nitrate R R R Nitric acid 90% N N N

Mercury R R R Nitric acid 100% N N N

Metallic mordants R - - Nitric acid fuming N N N

Metallic soaps R R R Nitrobenzene R to C


Methacrylate R - R Nitrocellulose R - -

Methacrylic acid R - R Nitroglycerine R C -

Methane R R - Nitroglycol - - -

Methanol pure R R R Nitropropane - - -

Methoxy butanol R - C Nitrotoluene R C N

Methoxybutyl ace-tate (Butozyl)

R - C Nitrous acid R N -

Methyl acetate C C - Nitrous oxide, gas R N -

Methyl benzene C - N Nonyl alcohol R - R

Methyl bromide C C to N N Octyl cresol C N -

Methyl cellosolve C C - Oils and fats R R to C C to N

Methyl chloride C C to N N Oils, vegetable R to C


Methyl chloroform C C - Oleic acid R to C


Methyl cyclohexa-none

R C - Oleum N N N

Methyl cylohexane C C N Olive oil R R R

Methyl ethyl ketone R to N R N Optical brighteners R - R

Methyl glycol R - R Orange juice R - R

Methyl isobutyl ketone

R - C to N Orthophoporic acid 50% R R R

Methyl methacrylate R C R Orthophoporic acid 85% R R C

Methyl propyl ke-tone

R - C Oxalic acid R R R

Methyl salicylate R - C Oxygen, gas R R R

Methyl sulfate 50% R - R Ozone, gas C N N

Methyl sulfuric acid R - R Palm kernel oil R - R


Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F


R - R to CD

Palmitic acid 10% R R R to C

Methyl(n) pyrroli-done

R - R Palmitic acid 70% R R -

Methylene bromide C C - Palmityl alcohol R - R

Methylene chloride* C C C to N Paraffin R to C


Methylene iodide C C - Paraformaldehyde R - R

Milk R R R Pentane C C -

Mineral oil R to C C C to N Pentanol R - R

Mixed acids (sulfu-ric & phosph)

R C - Peppermint oil R - -

Mixed acids (sulfu-ric and nitric)

N N - Peracetic acid R - -

Perchloric acid (aqueous)

up to 20%

R R R Potassium nitrate R R R

Perchloric acid (aqueous)


R R C Potassium ortho-phosphate

saturated R - R

Perchloric acid (aqueous)

70% R R to C N Potassium perbo-rate


Perchloroethylene C C N Potassium perchlo-rate


Perfume oils C - C to N Potassium perman-ganate

up to 25%


Petroleum (sour, refined)

R C C Potassium persul-fate (aqueous)

all R R R

Petroleum ether R - C Potassium salts R R -

Phenol R C RD Potassium sulfate R R R

Phenolic resin mold-ing mat.

R - R Potassium sulfide R R R

Phenyethylalcohol R - R Potassium sulfite R - R

Phenylcarbinol - - - Potassium tetracya-nocuprate

R - R

Phenylhydrazine C C C to N Potassium thiosul-fate

R - R

Phenylhydrazine hydrochloride

R to C C R Potassuim bicar-bonate (aq)

all R - R

Phenylsulphonate R - R Propane, gas R R R

Phenylsulphonate R - R Propargyl alcohol (aqueous)

7% R - R

Phosgene gas C to N C - Propionic acid (aqueous)

all R - R to C

Phosgene liquid N N - Propylene dichlo-ride

100% C to N

- N


Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F

Phosphates (aque-ous)

all R R R Propylene glycol R R R

Phosphoric acid 50% R R R Propylene oxide R - R

Phosphoric acid 80%-100%

R - CD Prussic acid R R R

Phosphorus oxychlo-ride

R R C Pseudocumene C - C

Phosphorus pem-toxide

R R R Pulp mill water (red & black liq.)

R R -

Phosphorus trichlo-ride

R R C Pyridine R C C

Phosphorus, red - - - Pyrogallic acid - - -

Phosphorus, yellow - - - Quinine R - R

Photographic devel-opers

RD - RD Quinol (hydroqui-none)

R - R

Phthalic acid (aque-ous)

50% R R R Rayon coagulating bath

R - R

Phthalic acid ester R - R to C Rubber dispersions (latexes)

R - R

Picirc acid (aque-ous)

R R to C C Salicylaldehyde R R -

Pineapple juice R - R Salicylic acid R R R

Pine-needle oil R - C Salinec acid (aque-ous)

R - C

Plasticizers R - C Sargrotan® R - C

Plating solution, metals (many)

R C R Saturated steam concentrate

R - R

Polyester plasticiz-ers

R - R to C Sauerkraut R - R

Polyester resins C - R Sea Water R R R

Polyglycols R - R Selenic acid R R R

Potash R R R Sewage, residential R R -

Potash aluminum (aqueous)

R - R Silicic acid (aque-ous)

all R R R

Potassium alkyl xanthates

- - - Silicone, oil R R to C R to C

Potassium bichro-mate

40% R - R Silver salts R R R

Potassium bisulfate (aqueous)

all R - R Silver, acetate R R R

Potassium borate (aqueous)

1% R R R Silver, cyanide R R R

Potassium bromate (aqueous)

up to 10%

R R R Silver, nitrate R R R


Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F

Potassium bromide (aqueous)

all R R R Soap sol. (stress cracking ag)


Potassium carbon-ate (aqueous)

all R R R Sodium acetate (aqueous)

all R R R

Potassium chlorate (aqueous)

all R R R Sodium aluminum phosphate

R - R

Potassium chloride (aqueous)

all R R R Sodium benzoate R R R

Potassium chromate (aqueous)

40% R R R Sodium bicarbonate R R R

Potassium cyanide (aqueous)

all R R R Sodium bisulphate R R R

Potassium dichro-mate (aq)

all R R R Sodium bisulphite (aqueous)

all R R R

Potassium ferricya-nide (aq)

all R R R Sodium borate R R R

Potassium ferrocya-nide (aq)

all R R R Sodium bromide R R R

Potassium fluoride (aqueous)

all R R R Sodium carbonate (aqueous)

all R R R

Potassium hydrogen carbonate

R - R Sodium chlorate saturated R R R

Potassium hydrogen sulfate

saturated R - R Sodium chloride (aqueous)

salt R R R

Potassium hydrogen sulfide

R - R Sodium chlorite R R R

Potassium hydroxide (aqueous)

all R R R Sodium chromate R - R

Potassium hypo-chlorite

R R C Sodium cyanide R R R

Potassium iodide R - R Sodium dichromate R - R

Sodium dichromate, acid

R C - Tetrachloromethy-lene

- - -

Sodium dodecylben-zenesulph.

R - R Tetraethyl lead - - -

Sodium ferricyanide R R R Tetrahydrofuran C to N


Sodium ferrocyanide R R R Tetrahydronaphtha-lene

R - C to N

Sodium fluoride R R R Thioglycolic acid R - R

Sodium hexacyano-ferrate

R - R Thionyl chloride N N N

Sodium hydrogen carbonate

R - R Thiophene C - N

Sodium hydrogen phosphate

R - R Thread cutting oil - - -


Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F

Sodium hydrogen sulfite

R - R Titanium tetrachlo-ride

R R -

Sodium hydroxide, aqueous and solid

all R R R Toluene C to N

C to N N

Sodium hypochlorite all R R R Toluene - kerosene 25%-75%

C - N

Sodium nitrate (aqueous)

R R R Transformer oil R R to C R to C

Sodium orthophos-phate

R - R Tri-B-chloroethyl phosphate

R - R

Sodium perborate (aqueous)

all R - R Tributyl citrate C C -

Sodium perchlorate (aqueous)

R R - R Tributyl phosphate R to C


Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F

Sodium peroxide 10% R - R Trichloroacetic acid pure R R C to N

Sodium peroxide (aqueous)

saturated C - - Trichloroacetic acid 50% R C R

Sodium phosphate (aqueous)

saturated R - R Trichlorobenzene N - N

Sodium salts (aque-ous)

R R - Trichloroethylene pure C to N

C to N N

Sodium silicate R - R Tricresyl phosphate R to C


Sodium sulfide R R R Triethanolamine R C R to CD

Sodium sulfite R - R Triethyl borate R - C to N

Sodium sulphate R R R Triethylamine R C -

Sodium thiosulfate R R R Triethylene glycol R - R

Soft soap R - R Trimethyl propane C C -

Soybean oil R - R Trimethyl propane (aqueous)

R - R

Spindle oil R to C - C Trioctyl phosphate R - C

Stain removers R to C - C Trisodium phos-phate

R - R

Stannic chlorides R R R Turpentine C C to N N

Stannous chloride R R R Tutogen® U R - R

Starch (aqueous) up to 100%

R R R Tween® 20 & 80 R - N

Stearic acid R R R to C Two stroke engine oil

R - C

Stoddard solvent R C - Urea 33% R R R

Styrene C - N Uric acid R - R

Succinic acid 50% R - R Urine R R R


Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F Chemical Name Concen. 73 F 120 F 140 F

Sulfite liquor R R - Vaseline R to C


Sulfur R R R Vegetable oils R R R

Sulfur dioxide, dry R R R Vinegar R R R

Sulfur dioxide, wet R R R to C Vinyl acetate R - R

Sulfur trioxide N N N Walnut oil R - C

Sulfuric acid up to 50%

R R R Water, dis., fresh, mine, salt,tap


Sulfuric acid 50%-70%

R R R Wax alcohols C - C

Sulfuric acid 70%-90%

R C to N C Waxes R - R to C

Sulfuric acid 90% C to N N N Whey R - R

Sulfuric acid fuming N N N Whiskey R R R

Sulfuric ether R to C - C Wine R R R

Sulfurous acid R R R Wood stains R - R to C

Sulfuryl chloride N - - Xylene C to N

C to N N

Syrups and Sugars R R R Yeast R R R

Tall oil R R - Zinc carbonate R R R

Tallow pure R R R Zinc chloride R - R

Tannic acid R R R Zinc oxide R - R

Tanning liquors R R - Zinc salts all R R R

Tartaric acid (aque-ous)

R R R Zinc sludge R - R

Terpineol - - - Zinc stearate R - R

Tetrabromoethane N N N Zinc sulfate R - R

Tetrachloroethane C to N C to N N