hda brochure 2015

 HD A  Holistic Dental Associ ation Since 1978 Alternative Dentistry for the 21st Century THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TMJ TREATMENT  How to Incorpor ate Holistic Modalities with Standard of Care TMJ DIAGNOSIS & TREATMENT FOR PHASE l AND PHASE ll CARE 38th Annual Symposium April 16-18, 2015 Tuscany Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada FRIDAY & SATURDAY SYMPOSIUM FRIDAY Craig Zunka DDS, a Past President of the HDA, will cover a comprehensive approach to TMJ diagnosis and treatment beginning with inial exam and stan- dard of care, x-rays, MRI and Doppler occultaon. In addion, he will show the value and use of comple- mentary modalies for diagnosis and for treatment. Dr. Zunka will demonstrate how to treat (2) two TMJ paents through Phase l Treatment: 1. Myofascial pain and dysfuncon 2. Anterior disc displacement He will discuss the use of tradional TMJ treatment, including mouth appliance and diet modicaon. He will explain how to incorporate holisc diagnosis and treatment, including the use of Cranial Osteopathy, Kinesiology, Homeopathy, vitamin and mineral supple- mentaon, Biomodulator, anodyne infrared technology, cold laser, hormones, acupuncture, biomagnesm, Lyme’s, yeast, eyes, and allergies. SATURDAY James Kennedy DDS “TMJ for the General Praconer” This presentaon will cover basic TMJ diagnosc prin- ciples to incorporate into your oral exam. Dental signs and symptoms and oral condions that provide clues to underlying TMJ problems will be covered for both adults and children. The progression of TMJ dysfunc- on from infancy through adulthood will be explained with strate- gies given to intercept problems early in development. Waing to treat will only allow the problems to worsen. The explanaon of the interrelaonship between TMJ dysfuncon and obstrucve sleep apnea (OSA) will be covered. Many paents have both condions. Examples of how t o priorize treatment and resolve both problems for the paent will be shown Stephen Broderson DDS “Stabilizaon Modalies for the TMJ/Myofascial Pain Paent” Stabilizing the TMJ/myofascial pain paent requires establishing and then maintaining a physiological mandibular posion. In most cases, this three di- mensional posion is developed by reposioning the mandible down and forward relieving pressure in the TMJ, and through pas- sive tension on the suspensory ligaments of the mandible, provides for balance/health of the cranial sacral system. This presentaon will present the following: 1. Upper/lower arch development with soldered wire ap pliances, in conjuncon with a May Pivotal appliance. 2. Sequencing anterior/posterior teeth reconstrucon. 3. Sequencing treatment for the denture pain paent with severe lost VD. 4. An overdenture case presentaon of treatment for a paent with severe pathological mandibular posion with ulmate eects on gait and posture. PROGRAM Thursday, April 16th 7:45AM Registraon All Day Workshops 8:30AM – 5:30 PM Lunch Served 12-1:30 PM 1. George Eversaul APH, “Praccal Wellness Tools for Densts & Their Paents” AM &“AquaStretch” PM 2. Chris Shade PhD, “Mechanisms & Applicaons in Hg Intoxicaon & Detoxicaon” 3. Gerry Smith DDS, “Nutrion 101” 4. Rolando Nunez DDS,“Cementao n Protocols —From A to Z” Thursday Evening Session 6:00 – 7:30PM Friday, April 17th 7:45AM Registraon 8:15 Introducon & Welcome HDA President Madelyn Pearson DDS 8:30 10:30 Craig Zunka DDS “Phase 1: TMJ Diagnosis & Treatment” 10:30 11:15 Break 11:15 12:15 TMJ connued 12:15 12:30 HDA General Meeng 12:30 1:30 Lunch included 1:30 3:30 TMJ connued 3:30 4:00 Break 4:00 5:00 TMJ connued Saturday, April 18th 7:00 8:00 Women In Denstry 8 :0 0 8: 30 C ha rl ie B r own JD “Consumers for Dental Choice” 8:30 10:30 Stephen Broderson DDS “Stabilizaon Modali es for the TMJ/Myofas cial Pain Paent” 10:30 11:00 Break 11 : 00 12 :3 0 St ep hen Bro de rson DD S 12:30 1:30 Lunch Time 1:30 3:30 Ja me s Ke nned y DD S “TMJ for the General Praconer” 3:30 4:00 Exhibitors 4:00 5:30 James Kennedy DDS CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS  

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HDA Brochure 2015


  • HDAHolistic Dental Association

    Since 1978 Alternative Dentistry for the 21st Century


    How to Incorporate Holistic Modalitieswith Standard of Care


    38th Annual Symposium April 16-18, 2015

    Tuscany HotelLas Vegas, Nevada


    Craig Zunka DDS, a Past President of the HDA, willcover a comprehensive approach to TMJ diagnosisand treatment beginning with initial exam and stan-dard of care, x-rays, MRI and Doppler occultation. Inaddition, he will show the value and use of comple-mentary modalities for diagnosis and for treatment.

    Dr. Zunka will demonstrate how to treat (2) two TMJ patients throughPhase l Treatment:

    1. Myofascial pain and dysfunction2. Anterior disc displacement

    He will discuss the use of traditional TMJ treatment, including mouthappliance and diet modication. He will explain how to incorporateholistic diagnosis and treatment, including the use of CranialOsteopathy, Kinesiology, Homeopathy, vitamin and mineral supple-mentation, Biomodulator, anodyne infrared technology, cold laser,hormones, acupuncture, biomagnetism, Lymes, yeast, eyes, andallergies.

    SATURDAYJames Kennedy DDSTMJ for the General PractitionerThis presentation will cover basic TMJ diagnostic prin-ciples to incorporate into your oral exam. Dental signsand symptoms and oral conditions that provide cluesto underlying TMJ problems will be covered for bothadults and children. The progression of TMJ dysfunc-

    tion from infancy through adulthood will be explained with strate-gies given to intercept problems early in development. Waiting totreat will only allow the problems to worsen.The explanation of the interrelationship between TMJ dysfunctionand obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) will be covered. Many patientshave both conditions. Examples of how to prioritize treatment andresolve both problems for the patient will be shown

    Stephen Broderson DDSStabilization Modalities for the TMJ/Myofascial Pain PatientStabilizing the TMJ/myofascial pain patient requiresestablishing and then maintaining a physiologicalmandibular position. In most cases, this three di-

    mensional position is developed by repositioning the mandibledown and forward relieving pressure in the TMJ, and through pas-sive tension on the suspensory ligaments of the mandible, providesfor balance/health of the cranial sacral system. This presentationwill present the following:

    1. Upper/lower arch development with soldered wire appliances, in conjunction with a May Pivotal appliance.

    2. Sequencing anterior/posterior teeth reconstruction.3. Sequencing treatment for the denture pain patient with severe

    lost VD.4. An overdenture case presentation of treatment for a patient

    with severe pathological mandibular position with ultimateeects on gait and posture.

    PROGRAm Thursday, April 16th 7:45Am Registration

    All Day Workshops 8:30AM 5:30PMLunch Served 12-1:30 PM

    1. George Eversaul APH, Practical Wellness Tools for Dentists & Their Patients AM &AquaStretch PM 2. Chris Shade PhD, Mechanisms & Applications in

    Hg Intoxication & Detoxication3. Gerry Smith DDS, Nutrition 101

    4. Rolando Nunez DDS,Cementation ProtocolsFrom A to Z

    Thursday Evening Session 6:00 7:30PM

    Friday, April 17th 7:45Am Registration8:15 Introduction & Welcome

    HDA President Madelyn Pearson DDS8:30 10:30 Craig Zunka DDS

    Phase 1: TMJ Diagnosis & Treatment10:30 11:15 Break11:15 12:15 TMJ continued 12:15 12:30 HDA General Meeting12:30 1:30 Lunch included

    1:30 3:30 TMJ continued3:30 4:00 Break4:00 5:00 TMJ continued

    Saturday, April 18th 7:00 8:00 Women In Dentistry 8:00 8:30 Charlie Brown JD

    Consumers for Dental Choice8:30 10:30 Stephen Broderson DDS

    Stabilization Modalities for theTMJ/Myofascial Pain Patient

    10:30 11:00 Break11:00 12:30 Stephen Broderson DDS 12:30 1:30 Lunch Time

    1:30 3:30 James Kennedy DDS TMJ for the General Practitioner

    3:30 4:00 Exhibitors4:00 5:30 James Kennedy DDS



    Practical Wellness Tools for Dentists & TheirPatients & AquaStretch

    George Eversaul APH has advocated an inter-disci-plinary approach for the treatment of TMJ problemsby creating patient specic programs combining equi-

    libration after the short term use of dental splints; nutrition includingbasic diet testing and individualized nutritional supplementation; andphysical medicine such as osteopathic manipulative therapy (OMT),physical therapy, cranial osteopathy and AquaStretch, since the1970s. His Workshop discusses practical wellness toolsdiet, nutri-tion, improving communicationthat may help Dentists, their fami-lies, sta and patients achieve better health. His Workshop includeshis AquaStretch protocol in the afternoonBring your bathing suit.

    Mechanisms & Applications in Mercury Intoxication & Detoxication

    Christopher Shade PhD has developed specic clin-ical techniques for measuring mercury exposure andused his understanding of mercury and glutathionechemistry to design a unique system with analyticalapproaches, diagnostic tools and detoxication

    strategies for mercury intoxication. With his patented technology formercury speciation analysis, he founded Quicksilver Scientic, oer-ing products that incorporate a unique system for detoxication whichrepairs and then maximizes the bodys natural detoxication system.

    Nutrition 101 - Integrating nutritional supplements and other healing modalities

    into the dental practiceGerry Smith DDS, a Past President of the HDA, is arecognized international authority on cranio-mandibular somatic disorders with a focus on re-solving chronic pain. Dr. Smiths forty-ve years of

    clinical research has uncovered several of the major missing links thatfocus on the dental whole body connection regarding the treatmentof cancer, chronic pain, and somatic structural instability. HIs Work-shop is designed to help dene the underlying causes of common den-tal problems, evaluate the most eective natural remedies, andresolve the problems non-invasively

    Cementation ProtocolsFrom A to ZRolando Nunez DDS, Manager of Clinical Aairs forBISCO Inc., has worked in the Research and Deve-lopment Department, developing innovative pro-ducts since 2005. Dierent types of restorativematerials require dierent surface treatments inorder to achieve a positive clinical outcome.

    In this hands-on presentation, Dr. Nunez will detail the dierences be-tween indirect restorative materials and the optimum ways to sur-face treat them during a cementation procedure. Dr. Nunez suggeststhe dentist should bring magnication loupes to the Workshop.


    Welcome to the 38th Annual Meeting of theHolistic Dental Association, the oldestexisting alternative dental organization. Learnhow to incorporate holistic therapeutics withstandard of care for TMJ diagnosis.

    Meet and share your knowledge with like-minded practition-ers and exhibitors, continuing your friendships and addingmore. Welcome. Learn and enjoy!

    Charles R. Martinez DDSProgram Chairman


    Date: ____________HDA Member: __Yes __No New Member:___Degree______Name:____________________________________________Address:___________________________________________City____________________State________Zip____________Phone:____________________________________________Email:_____________________________________________Names of Auxiliaries accompanying Doctor(Name tags required for admission.)1_________________________________________________2_________________________________________________REGISTRATION FEES Workshop Thursday, April 16 HDA Member $300 Non-Member $350 Auxiliaries $175Regular meeting, Friday Saturday April 17 & 18 HDA Member $500 Non-Member $575 Auxiliaries $2753 Day Symposium, Thursday Friday Saturday HDA Member $695 Non-Member $775 Auxiliaries $375

    Fees Include lunch, served Thursday & Friday

    WORKSHOP ATTENDEES CHOOSE AND CIRCLE ONE1) Practical Wellness Tools for Dentists & Their Patients AM

    & AquaStretch PM2) Mechanisms & Applications in Hg Intoxication & Detoxication

    3) Nutrition 1014) Cementation ProtocolsFrom A to Z

    A Hands-On Workshop


    TO REGISTER: EMAIL [email protected] CALL 305-904-4346 FAX 305-468-6359

    OR MAIL TO: Holistic Dental Association1825 Ponce de Leon Blvd #148 Coral Gables, Florida 33134

    Payment___________Credit Card: Visa MasterCard American ExpressCard Number: _____________________________________

    Expiration Date:___________ CV code_________Signature __________________________________



    255 E. Flamingo Road Las Vegas, Nevada 891691-702-947-5925

    www.tuscanylv.comSunday through Thursday - Single or Double $65

    Friday & Saturday - Single or Double $125 + TaxesRate guaranteed to March 19, 2015

    CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITSThis activity has been planned and implemented inaccordance with the standards of the Academy of GeneralDentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education (PACE)through the joint program provider approval of AmericanCollege of Bio-Compatible Health and HDA. American Collegeof Bio-Compatible Health is approved for awarding FAGD/MAGD credit. AGD ID# 340170

    For more information about the CE courses and speakers at this event, please visit:



    Mercury VaporInvisible, Odorless, Toxic

    A feature length documentary about the devastating eects of dental mercury on

    patients, sta and the environment.

    Presented by Randall Mooreyouputwhatinmymouth.com