hc newsletter sepoct 2013

HEIGHTS SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2013 Feature Article pg. 3

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Feature Article pg. 3

Page 2: HC Newsletter SepOct 2013

ABOUT HIGHLAND Highland Church is a non-denominational congregation. Our

motto, “The Spirit Anointing the Word” speaks of our commitment

to uphold Biblical doctrine while recognizing the present-day

working of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. We strive to

make a positive impact upon the borough of Queens by creating a

multinational family center where all can grow in faith and dis-

cover God’s plan for their lives. We are also dedicated to Christian

outreach, and have founded missions in North Carolina, London,

India, Panama, Costa Rica and Dubai. We welcome and invite you

to be a part of what God is doing here.




03 - Back To School

05 - Evangelism Article

06 - Things To Know For School

11 - Ebenezer Budhnagar Bihar, India

Highland Church


04 - Costa Rica Mission Trip Recap


06 - Back 2 School Weekend 2013

07 - VBS Recap

- Night of Drama

- Hallelujah Party

08 - I.C.C. 2013


09,10 - Ministry Schedule

12 - Ministry Ad’s


13 - Building Schedule

- Broadcast Schedule

- Advertisement Rate Ad

BUSINESS SECTION 14, 15 - Business Ads



BUILDING CLOSURE 9.3.2013 (Labor Day)

Church Building Closed in observance of Labor Day.

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The end of August and the beginning of September mark the beginning of the back-to-school season. This is the time of the year when we make the transition from summer leisure to shopping and preparing for the new academic year and all the pressures it brings. We experience a mixed bag of emotions with dread, relief, anticipa-tion and excitement, all rolled into one! Vacations have come to an end and school buses begin to run. Young and old start to hit the books once again and there are many things to be done. This is a time that can have an important impact on anyone’s life and future. Traditionally, Labor Day signifies the end of summer and beginning of school life. Vacation time is over and reality is inescapable – it is time to go back to school. Our “Back to School Seminar” is an affirmation of the value our congregation places on aca-demics. In an age of advancements in technology and science and in the face of strong international competition, we need to have strong, effective and dy-namic education. The discipline of schooling comes from God. Our ca-pacity to think, learn and acquire wis-dom and knowledge emanates from Him. The Bible speaks primarily about redemption and does not neces-sarily teach history, geography, science or mathematics; nevertheless it con-tains all of these. There is a Book of Proverbs that instills the virtue of seek-ing wisdom, knowledge and under-standing. To ignore education would be what this book calls “foolishness”. “Back to School” entails more than a new set of clothes, sneakers, books or pencils. Gaining knowledge and edu-cation helps us acquire worldly wealth and success. A good education ad-vances the cause of wisdom and our betterment. It teaches us to think crea-tively, while directing our skills and knowledge toward higher ideals. God doesn’t take a vacation and neither

does Satan. While modern science has progressively "freed" us from su-perstitions and vain philosophies, we must beware lest it should cause us to mock God. Although academic learning is an im-portant part of life, there is the need for real-life principles, peace and powerful truths to be grasped and de-veloped that is beyond any curriculum of reading, writing or arithmetic. Our lives are often significantly shaped in the quietness-- out of sight but ever before the One who sees and knows it all (Genesis 16:13). We need not just have a resolution but a “Copernican revolution” that would orient our life around God. We need someone greater than ourselves to be there for us and see us through every challenge and obstacle that is before us. While we may one day finish our earthly studies, we must always see ourselves as students open to God, because He always has more to teach us. We never come to the end of the final truth, or as Paul said in Philippi-ans 3:12, “ Not as though I had al-ready attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.”

The Person of Jesus Christ and the principles enshrined in the scriptures are the most important and significant factors that shape our real-life educa-tion and our future. What does it mean to be wise? It means that the head and the heart are working together. Wisdom is so much more than knowledge; however we need both. You may be an academi-cian with a head full of books, and a pen that can reign in the kingdom of letters, and yet be devoid of spiritual truth and eternity. On the other hand, you may have eternity in your heart and yet be devoid of real-life under-standing or earthly progress. We should advocate receiving a good col-lege or university education while be-ing careful to avoid believing in vain philosophies of godless men and pre-ferring academic knowledge to spiri-tual knowledge. The true knowledge of God through Christ Jesus our Lord brings spiritual blessings and salvation in the kingdom of God. Remember, loving Him, who is heavenly Knowl-edge and Wisdom personified, is our supreme priority for eternity. At the same time, we must value education because it is vital to healthy, wealthy and efficacious living for God here on earth.

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“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Photos taken by: Jose Tanoy & Andre Walker


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The latest news, testimonies and break-throughs By: Marie Santiago

hen the Holy Spirit placed this scripture on my heart, I knew He was up to something extraordinary.

And truly, this year’s Week of Evan-gelism was different than years before. The saints who participated were vig-orous and forceful. They reached out to lost souls with love, brotherly (and sisterly) kindness and understanding. They were not stopped by the hot weather, but went forth in unity, full speed ahead. You may ask why we dedicated an entire week to evangelism. It is be-cause we feel compassion for those who are without Christ Jesus in their lives. They are empty and confused and they are heading to a cruel place called hell. We must tell them that hell was not meant for people, but for Satan and his fallen demons; and that Jesus came to offer them eternal life if they will believe in Him and confess Him as Lord. On the streets, at the subway stations and the park, people from various na-tions and backgrounds were touched by the love of Almighty God. Many gave their hearts to the Lord. One young man who was involved in the occult was touched by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our neighbors in the community opened their doors as we went sharing the gospel door-to-door and received the tracts and the word of God.

The staff of Highland Church was su-perb. They served food to the teams who went out on the streets and they ministered to people who came from the streets to the church for prayer. At the prayer stations, especially the one facing Hillside Avenue, people came for salva-tion and received Bibles. The saints of Highland Church, including many min-istry leaders, experienced the joy of winning souls as they presented the gos-pel to the people in the community of Jamaica and led them to accept Christ as Savior and Lord. Are you a debtor to anyone who does not have Christ as Lord and Savior? I say, yes, you are! In Romans 1:14, Paul declared, “I am a debtor, both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise and to the unwise.” He felt the burden of Christ’s command to tell others about Him. If you are not helping to win others to Christ, you are not being obedient to Christ’s com-mands. “Go ye therefore”… “Go” means to move, to pursue. “Ye” means every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Listening, obeying and adhering to the voice of God and relying totally on the Holy Spirit’s guidance are the keys to effective evangelism. God calls us to spread the Good News and trust Him to bring in the harvest. Nothing is too hard for Him! To God be the glory for all that He has done.

“Behold, I am the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me.” Jeremiah 32:27

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Things To Know For School t's school time again! You're probably feeling excited and maybe a little sad that summer is over. Going from a hazy, lazy summer where the only thing

scheduled is scratching a mosquito bite and literally trying to keeping cool, yeah this summer was a scorcher. I tell you I was thanking God everyday for Jesus and that I was saved because this weather convinced me that I did not want to go to the hot place. Now having to rise with the sun, look re-motely human, and pay attention all day can be a major shock. For parents back to school may mean, you have to work too. Because the more you actively engage in supporting your children during the aca-demic year, the greater their chances of suc-cess. The transition from August to Septem-ber can be difficult for both children and parents. But here are some simple practical steps to accomplishing this. 1. Reset Your Child’s Body Clock- Odds are, all summer your child has been up late and then sleeping in all morning. Easing them back to a school-year schedule will ensure their success academically. Plan to re-establish the bedtime and mealtime routines (especially breakfast) at least 1 week before school starts. Prepare your child for this change by talking with your child about the

Younger children usually need an area set aside in the family room or kitchen to facilitate adult monitoring, supervision, and encouragement. This month, we will be having a Back To School Youth Seminar that will empower both Parents and Youth giving them practical steps in having a successful school year. Friday, September 6th will kick off the Seminar with Church wide prayer service for all the Chil-dren, Youth and Young Adults. Saturday, Sep-tember 7th their will be workshops for Parents, Children and Youth. Registration for Saturday will be $8.00 per person. Sunday, September 9th will be Youth Takeover Sunday. The Youth will be ministering at the 3 PM Service.. I am looking forward to this seminar but mostly looking forward to all of our youth moving in excellence in their academics.

benefits of school routines in terms of not be-coming over tired or overwhelmed by school work and activities. Include pre-bedtime read-ing and household chores if these were sus-pended during the summer. 2. Buy School Supplies Early- Try to pur-chase the supplies as early as possible and fill the backpacks a week or two before school starts. Older children can help do this, but make sure they use a checklist that you can review. Some teachers require specific sup-plies, so save receipts for items that you may need to return later. College students do this as well go online and look for sales on your text books. You can always buy used text books that are a little cheaper. 3. Minimize Clothes Shopping - Buy only the essentials. Summer clothes are usually fine during the early fall, but be sure to have at least one pair of sturdy shoes. Check with your school to confirm dress code guidelines. Com-mon concerns include extremely short skirts and shorts, low rise pants, bare midriffs, spa-ghetti straps or halter tops, exposed undergar-ments, and clothing that sends a bad message. 4. Designate a clear place to do homework - Older children should have the option of study-ing in their room or a quiet area of the house. Minister Emmanuella Young

Youth Minister

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International Christmas Celebration nce again, Highland Church is inviting our members and friends to come together from all corners of the globe to

celebrate the miracle of our Lord Jesus’ birth. Last year’s International Christ-mas Celebration was awesome, and we are expecting that 2013 will be even better. We are looking for performances of all kinds-songs, instrumental music, dances, poems, skits, etc., that reflect your culture and pertain to an aspect of the story of Christmas, such as (but not limited to) the Annunciation; the birth of Jesus; the shepherds; the Wise Men. As we all bring our pieces together, they will weave a multinational tapestry that tells the marvelous story of Christ-mas. You may ask, How can I be a part of this great event? 1) Get together with others from your country or region. Individual perform-

ances will be considered, but groups are preferred. 2) Prepare and practice your perform-ance-include colorful costumes, props, etc. Be creative! 3) Audition in ONE of the following

ways: Live Auditions will be held on Satur-day, September 14, 21 and 28 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the Chapel. Upload a video of your performance (maximum 5 minutes long) at drop-box.com and send a link to [email protected] no later than Wednesday, September 26. Submit your performance on a DVD (maximum 5 minutes long) no later than Wednesday, September 26. Please note, deadlines cannot be ex-tended.

I’m not a performer. Can I still be in-volved? Pastor Valerie Surrett,

Worship Pastor

It takes much more than great perform-ances to make a great production. The people behind the scenes are just as neces-sary as the ones in the spotlight. We need helping hands in the following areas: Lighting/ Sound/ Media/ Stage managers Wardrobe and makeup/ Sewing/ Costumes Stage design and decoration/ Set construction/ Prop making For more information, please contact Pas-tor Valerie Surrett at [email protected] or call the church office at (718) 297-7475.

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MINISTRY schedule



Parent-Child Dedication Class 6:00 - 7:00 pm (1st Wednesday only) Room 13/Second Fl. Neil Ramsuchit

Mid-Week Service 7:00 pm Chapel Ps. Subash Cherian


Mid-Day Service 12:00 noon Chapel Ps. Subash Cherian

Team Valiant Self-Defense 4:30 - 8:30 pm Activity Room, Third Fl. Jose Morales

Band Rehearsal for 8:00 AM Worship 6:00 - 7:30 pm Chapel Ps. Valerie Surrett

Youth Catechism (Ages 16 and up) 6:00 - 7:45 pm Room 3/Third Fl. Min. Mary Daniels

Drama Ministry 7:00 - 9:00 pm Room 2/Third Fl. Valtina Sylvain

Usher Ministry 7:00 - 9:00 pm (4th Thursday only) Room 1/Third Fl. Min. Felix Idamien

Youth Praise Team Rehearsal 8:00 - 9:30 pm Chapel Min. Emmanuella Young


Youth Choir 4:30 - 6:30 pm Chapel Min. Mary E. Daniels

Fruit of the Spirit Dance 6:00 - 9:00 pm Activity Room, Third Fl. Tina Atterbury

Deliverance 7:00 - 10:00 pm (1st, 3rd & 5th Friday ) Room 8/Third Fl. Hyacinth Campbell

Intercessors Prayer 7:00 - 10:00 pm Prayer Tower Min. Silvia Jimenez

Men’s Choir 7:30 - 9:00 pm (2nd, 3rd, 4th Friday) Room 6/Third Fl. Wendell Gabriel

Joshua Generation Youth Service

7:00 - 9:30 pm Chapel Min. Emmanuella Young


Little Bitties Dance 9:00 - 10:30 am Activity Room Sharon James

Lower Juniors Dance 10:30 - 12:00 pm Activity Room Sharon James

Vessels of Honor 9:00 - 1:30 pm (3rd Saturday only) Fellowship Hall Sandra Rawling

Gift of Love Ministry (Crochet Class)) 10:00 - 12:00 pm (1st, 2nd Saturday only) Room 1/Third Fl. Edith Summers

Continued on pg. 10

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Seniors In Touch 10:00 - 12:00 pm (4th Saturday only) Room 2/Third Fl. Gladys Frederique

Young Men of Promise (Prince Min.) 10:00 - 12:00 pm (4th Saturday only) Room 7,20/ Lower Level Ps. Hantz Andre

H.O.P.E. Ministry 10:00 - 12:00 pm (4th Saturday only) Room 1/Third Fl. Yanick Andre

Marriage Enrichment Ministry 10:00 - 12:30 pm (2nd Saturday only) Room 2/Third Fl. Errol & Cheryl Franklin

Evangelism Ministry 10:30 - 1:30 pm Room 13/Second Fl. Marie Santiago

Team Valiant Self-Defense 12:00 - 4:00 pm Activity Room, Third Fl. Jose Morales

Youth Catechism 12:00 - 2:00 pm (Ages 7-12 & 13-15 ) Room 3/Third Fl. Min. Mary E. Daniels


Pre Marital Class 9:30 - 10:15 am (Registration req’d) Room 13/Second Fl. Errol & Cheryl Franklin

Adult Bible Study 9:30 - 10:15 am Room 2/Third Fl. Kevin Revell

Nursery 10:30 - 12:30 pm Room 15/Lower Level Deborah Speller

Children’s Church 11:30 - 12:30 pm All Rooms/Lower Level Elly Morales

Spanish Fellowship 1:00 - 2:30 pm Prayer Tower Min. Silvia Jimenez

Homeless Shelter Ministry 1:00 - 2:30 pm (Last Saturday only) Room 13/Second Fl. Florence Johnson

Chaplaincy Ministry 1:00 - 2:30 pm (3rd Sunday only) Room 4/Third Fl. Lurline Williams

Band and Choir Rehearsal 1:30 - 2:45 pm Chapel Ps. Valerie Surrett

Young Ladies of Character– Gen E’s 1:00 - 2:30 pm (2nd & 4th Sunday) Room 2,4/Third Fl . Pamela Damon

Seasons Ministry 1:00 - 2:30 pm (2nd Sunday only) Rooms 6,7,8/Third Fl. Geraldine Francis

God’s Anointed Dance Ministry 1:00 - 2:45 pm Activity Room/ Third Fl. Ingrid Lovinsky

Membership Class (every other month) 9:30 - 10:25 am Room 1/Third Fl. Min. Caren Weinberg

upcoming events

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Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am so excited to share a brief synopsis of what we do at Ebenezer Highland Church in Budhnagar Bihar, India and the many activities that are done in several villages, so that you at Highland Church New York will know under what circumstances we serve the Lord. The people in Budhnagar are very poor and live in dalit communi-ties, they are known by different caste names such as Mushaar, Handi, Chamaar, etc. These communities are found in many areas. They remain ostracized due to many reasons-- lack of education, basic facilities, illiteracy and so on. It is very difficult to share the Good News with the people as they persist in many supersti-tious activities, including child marriage at a very young age. Due to this, girls give birth to premature, unhealthy children and they themselves are unhealthy which leads to the death rate being high. They con-stantly fight among themselves, and the females and children are forced into labor which in turn leads to drinking and drug consumption. Because of this, they feel that life is miserable and they think there is no hope for them. STARTING OF THE CHURCH Praise be to God, when I was in 7th grade I gave my heart to the Lord. He gave me a vision that I would be used among the dalit people to share the Good News. In order to fulfill what Matthew 28:19-20 and Psalm 72:13 says, I believe God placed me in O.M. (Operation Mobilization) to learn His word and to obtain hands on experi-ence in the mission field. Under very dif-ficult circumstances God helped me start a church. Many families accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. But life was not without struggles. It was during this time that Pastor Denzil and Sister Lorraine were very instrumental in encour-aging me with prayer and support. They understood my vision and the burden that I carried for this people. Praise God for His

love. Today we have 30 members plus many unbelievers and children who come for our services.

ACTIVITIES OF THE MISSION We visit different villages; have Bible study, prayer meetings, weekly prayer and fasting, early morning prayer for the sick and needy. For the youth, we have Bible study and Sun-day school. For the children we provide a hostel or orphanage. My heart use to pain to see the condition the children would live in. They lived like orphans as their parents used to desert them due to their poverty condition and even the children of the believers faced the same fate. We were praying for God to make a way for these children. Truly, He heard our prayers. We started receiving some help from Highland Church where we are able to take care of 10 kids. My family has had to sacrifice much to fulfill the needs of the ministry, but its worth but it’s worth it all to see so much of joy in the eyes of the children receiving Jesus Christ as their per-sonal Lord and Saviour. Many are going to school now; some are in their intermediate level which is 11th and 12th grade while oth-ers have finished High School. They are a living testimony to the church, to the fami-lies and to their community. We can see the tears of joy and that gives us every reason to thank God for His love and for using High-land Church to be a blessing to us here.

SOCIAL WORK There are still needs which we have to take care of like: taking the sick to the hospital, obtaining clothes for the children during winter time, making sure they don’t go back to their bad habits. We continue to encour-age them in the word when they are mis-treated by their employers as they work in the farms of the upper class. We help pro-vide jobs for the women so they can take care of themselves, we teach them health and hygiene.


1. For believers to be strengthen in the Lord through the His word. 2. To have a spiritual atmosphere in spite of the difficult situations that we live in.

3. To provide daily needs for more chil-dren. 4. For health and good jobs for the dalit families. 5. For a vehicle so that we can go as a team to minister in different villages. 6. For the children to be able to attend Eng-lish medium schools. 7. To establish churches in different com-munities and villages. 8. To train the youth for evangelism. 9. To help the sick and the needy. 10. Pray for my family, wife and two sons. 11. For our church and orphanage build-ings. We want to thank the pastors, ministers and all of the Highland Church family for supporting us through your prayers and finances. Me and my family remember you daily in our prayers.


EBENEZER HIGHLAND Budhnagar Bihar, India Highland India has several churches in the various states – this is from the state of Bihar.

Pastor Mahendran Singh Kumar

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ministry ads


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TUESDAYS 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

WEDNESDAYS 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.

THURSDAYS 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.

FRIDAYS 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

SATURDAYS 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

SUNDAYS 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

QUEENS, NY | QPTV Monday 4 PM | Channel 79 Thursday 3:30 PM | Channel 34 BRONX, NY| BRONXNET Tuesday 11:00 AM | Channel 70 MANHATTAN, NY| MNN Sunday 12:30 PM | Channel 3 WOODBURY, NY Sunday 7:00 AM | Channel 20

Broadcast Schedule

Info. Highland

Building Hours

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business section


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business section


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