hawaii’s 10...~ivana nesco, healer “shani is truly an intuitive who walks her talk and her...

humanity’s journey to wellness Hawaii’s F R E E SPRING 2 0 1 3 10 th Anniversary Issue A JOURNAL FOR THE MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT

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Page 1: Hawaii’s 10...~Ivana Nesco, Healer “Shani is truly an intuitive who walks her talk and her honest, straight-forward, no-nonsense approach to working with you is delightfully refreshing

h u m a n i t y ’ s j o u r n e y t o w e l l n e s s

H awaii ’s

F r e e S p r i n g 2 0 1 3

10th Anniversary Issue





Page 2: Hawaii’s 10...~Ivana Nesco, Healer “Shani is truly an intuitive who walks her talk and her honest, straight-forward, no-nonsense approach to working with you is delightfully refreshing
Page 3: Hawaii’s 10...~Ivana Nesco, Healer “Shani is truly an intuitive who walks her talk and her honest, straight-forward, no-nonsense approach to working with you is delightfully refreshing

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“I love working with Shani! I can count on her honesty, straightforwardness and “no-holds-barred” mannerism in all she does. She is a heartfelt intuitive who might just kick your butt. Be careful what you ask for, she delivers!” ~Char Ravelo, Wellness Coach/Editor, Inspiration Journal

“Shani is truthful, straightforward, honest, brave, and so funny. Honoring your path and free will, she delivers messages and guidance with love and deep respect. She brings you back in touch with who you really are. I am grateful and blessed to have her in my life.” ~Ivana Nesco, Healer

“Shani is truly an intuitive who walks her talk and her honest, straight-forward, no-nonsense approach to working with you is delightfully refreshing. She is an incredible listener and guide...You will find yourself both laughing and crying (sometimes at the same time) when you work with Shani because she has an uncanny ability to help you see the truth with humor, love, and acceptance. If you are ready to experience your own magic, don’t wait another minute to work with Shani. You won’t be disappointed.” ~Nancy Miller; Founder of Conscious Romance,

Relationship Coach and Matchmaker

“Shani has a soft bubbly personality, tremendous wit and humor that fuses with a razor sharp intuition. She is a powerful light to guide you out of the darkness.”

~Paul E. Harrison, Singer/Songwriter

“How would you like to be guided so that you can remember the answers you are looking for? Having this understanding will move you forward in Life. This is what Shani did for me.”

~Al Diaz, Motivational Speaker, Author and Radio Host

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Transitions for the Heart Mankind’sfinalfrontieristheheartspace.Lately,peoplearefindingthemselvesfacedwithlife-changingdecisions,experiencinghugeshiftsindirectionandfocus,experiencingsituationsthatareforcingthemtochooseanddeclaretheirpriorities,andultimatelysearchingforwhatreallymattersineverymoment. Forsome,it’sanunendingsearch-findingtruehome.Butnowtheintensityandurgencyhasrampedupaswebegintounderstandthesimpletruthinthesayinghome is where your heart is. Haveyoueverfelttheneedtogobacktoyourroots,connectwithyour`ohana,andfindaspiritualconnectiontoyourancestors?Visualizelyingonthegrassorsandofyourhomeland,yourarmsopenwide,yourbellyontheground,yourcheekfeelingthe

vibrationandwarmthoftheearth:connectingwiththepulseoflife,listeningtotheheartbeatofMotherNature.Atthatmomentofrealityandtruth,youfeelyourheartandareyourtrueself-yourauthenticself! Butwhatifyoucan’tfindyourheart?Orhearyourownheartbeating?Andwheredoyoustartlearninghowtoopenupyourheart? Thisspecial10thAnniversaryIssueoffersyouseveralperspectivesongettingrighttothe“heart”ofitall.DaisyLee’s“WhenMenareFromMars”isafun-lovingobservationoftheqiinrelationships.ShaniWongremindsustopayattentiontoour“selves.”TobyChristensenoffersinsighttofindingyourlife’spurpose,andPunaDawsonislivingproofthatyoucanthriveandsucceedwhenoperatingcompletelyfromyourheart. Remember-whenyou’researching,it’stheprocessthatmatters-thetransition,thestriving,thejourney-andwhatyoudiscoveraboutyourselfandlifealongtheway. AtInspiration,wehavehadanexcitingtenyearsofadventures,searchingandseekingforwaystomakeapositiveimpactonourcommunity.Weareheretodaybecausewewerewillingtotransition-observetheflow,askquestions,listenquietlyand,intheend,followourhearts.Intheprocess,we’vejoinedourheartseverclosertoourhomecommunity,andhavethusreachedthisincrediblemilestoneanniversary. WearehonoredtohavethisopportunitytosayMahalo Nui Loa for readingthestories,participatinginourendeavorsandbeingloyalfriends.Mahaloforsupportingthewellnesscommunityofinspiredleaders,teachersandhealerswhopassionatelyhelpourislandsbecomeahealthierplacetolive.

Fromourhometoyours,mekealoha,Char, Sally, Todd, Ganshet, Richard, Tammi, Tek, Kecia, Mark, Shani and Rae - the Inspiration `Ohana

Our MissionTo inspire, engage and challenge humanity to

expand its consciousness so that each individual may share his or her highest contribution of service to self and

others for a joyful and balanced life.

Happy 10th Anniversary Inspiration!

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“Of all the Qualities of Being that are Esteemed and Revered in Heaven, none shines with greater Brilliance than . . . LOVING KINDNESSThus, All Sentient Beings who choose to live in the Clear Light of Loving Kindness will know Life without Fear and Experience Depths

of Love beyond description that is their/Our True Birthright.” ~ Richard Diamond

“Of all the Qualities of Being that are Esteemed and Revered in Heaven, none shines with greater Brilliance than . . . LOVING KINDNESSThus, All Sentient Beings who choose to live in the Clear Light of Loving Kindness will know Life without Fear and Experience Depths

of Love beyond description that is their/Our True Birthright.” ~ Richard Diamond

Contents Sp r i ng 2013 Vo l ume 11 , I s s u e 1

White Skin, African Heart: Finding my Life’s ................ 8 Purpose through the Power of Drum Healing

When Men are from Venus and Women are .............. 9 from Mars...or The Qi of Relationships

Brenda’s Story - Start Saving Your Life Today .............. 10

Are You Paying Regular Visits to Yourself? .................. 11

CROSSFIT - Keeping the Body Prepared ................... 12 for Life’s Challenges

Preventing Yoga and Stretching Injuries ..................... 13

In the Name of Aloha with Puna ............................. 14

Change Your Coffee, Change Your Life .................... 16

Hukilau’s Candied Ahi .......................................... 17

Editor’s Review ..................................................... 18

Hotel Heaven ...................................................... 28

Shamanic Immersion on Kaua`i!! July 10th -16th

In the beauty and grace of the mountains and jungle of Kaua`i, immerse yourself in a rich exploration of ceremony, ritual and healing that will expand your horizons and Shamanic skill level.

In this extraordinary 7-day Shamanic workshop you will learn methods for: • Safe, Protected Shamanic Journey • Powerful and effective Extraction • Create your Personal Medicine Wheel

• Remarkably reclaiming Power • Techniques for personal energy maintenance • Session Protocol

Sound Healing Certification Intensive July 24th -30th

Join Toby in paradise for this dynamic workshop on the fundamentals of Sound Healing!Incorporate different sound instruments into your healing regime, helping you to provide immediate permanent balance and realignment to you and your clients.

• Learn techniques for many sound healing tools: Hoop drum, Djembe or hand drum, rattle or shaker, tuning forks, and voice • Develop skills in treatment protocol to

effectively and systematically apply the techniques acquired

Aportalintoprofoundlifetransformations.Thepowerofsoundtofacilitatehealingissomethingto experience,tobegintounderstand–aHUGErecommend.~Dr.PL,Peachland,BC

Magical!NotonlydidIlearnhowtoeffectivelyusesoundtohelphealothers,Ireceivedsomuch healingmyself.Transformational!~Janet,KY

Tuition for each program: $1895, 50% non- refundable deposit due by May 15th. Includes: All daily activities, shamanic teachings, drumming and sound experiences, all on-island transportation, guest presentations, two celebration dinners and more. Group size limited to 12.

Contact Toby at [email protected] • www.healingdrummer.com

TOby CHrISTenSen 7-dAy InTenSIve prOgrAMS On KAuA`I

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stumpedmyemergingtalentsforafewmoreyears.Ireconnectedwiththedrumattheageofsixandfoundittobeaplaceofpeaceinaverytumultuousworld. In1991,ImettheDagarashamanMalidomaSome’.Ibecamehisstudentandbegantorebuildmylifebyembracingshamanicpracticesandprinciplesinmypersonalandprofessionallife.ThroughMalidomaIwasreintroducedtomyfirstlove,thedrum.Playingthedjembe(aWestAfricandrum)withmyhands

Iexperiencedthesamesenseofdelight,power,andfreedomIfirstfeltonthatwindowsillsomanyyearsago.Irealizedthatitwasthroughthedrumthatmylife’spurposewouldbefulfilled.Malidomausedtosay,“Youlooklikeawhiteman,butyouplaylikeanAfrican.” Whilededicatingone’slifetodrummingmightsoundlikeanoddcareerchoice,inAfricaitisawell-respectedprofession.Drummingispartofnearlyeveryritualamongmanyotherindigenousculturesaswell.Peopledrumwhenababyisborn,whensomeoneissick,whenthereismaritalorfamilydiscordorwhensomeonedies. Inthetribalcontextitdrawspeopletogetherbyremovingorsmoothingoutconflictingenergiesthatthreatenfamilyorvillageunity,restoringorreaffirmingtheenergeticsenseofself.Asaresulttheyarebetterprotectedandlesssusceptibletodisease.Bythesametoken,ifillnessisalreadypresentinaperson,drummingcanhelpdriveitout.AsMalidomaexplains,“Inthemindoftheindigenous,illnessislikeanunwelcomeguestthatwantstheplaceithastakenovertoremainthesamesothatitcanbecomfortable.Certainhealingpractices...involvealteringtheenergystructureoftheperson.Bydoingthis,theillness,ifthereisany,becomes“irritated”attherudehospitalityandmovesawayinsearchofanotherplace.”(Some’1999:26) Ihaveseenampleevidenceofthedrum’shealingpower.Forexample,anursepractitionersufferedforyearsfromlowenergy,poorhealthduetoadrenalglandfailureandathyroidimbalance.Doctorswereabletocontroltheconditionwithmedication,butofferednopermanentcure.Afteronlythreehealingdrumsessions,heradrenalsystemwascompletelyregeneratedandthethyroidimbalancehadbeencorrected.Shewasabletogooffhermedicationandresumeanormallife,muchtotheamazementofherdoctors.AnotherclientstrickenwithAIDSwassoweakthathecouldhardlygetoutofbedwhenhefirstcametoseeme.Aftertwomonthsofweeklytreatments,hisenergylevelwastothepointhecouldcutbackonhismedications,returntofulltimeemployment,andresumanactivesocialschedule. Thesestoriesandmanyothersinspiremebecausetheyareeloquentproofofthepowerofthedrum.Soundpenetratesdeeplyintoourphysicaltissues,clearingawaynegativeemotions,improvingmentalclarityandstrengtheningourconnectiontospirit. Afewwordsaboutmyethnicity:SomepeoplewonderhowsomeoneofScandinaviandescentcandeemhimselfqualifiedtospeakaboutdrummingandothershamanicpracticesofindigenousAfrica.Ihavenodefenseexcepttosaythatshamanism,likeenergy,isuniversal.Itcannotbeownedexclusivelybyanindividualoraparticularculture.WhenItraveledtoAfricawithMalidomaIwasnotjudgedbythecolorofmyskin,butbythestrengthandintegrityofmyconnectiontospirit.Iwasincludedinalltheritualsandmadetofeelapartofthecommunity.Myskincolorwassuchanon-issuethattheonlytimeIrememberitbeingreferredtowasonenightafterwedrummedforthevillageeldersanoldmancameuptomeandstartedrubbingtheskinonmyarm.Hewassayingsomethingashedidit.IaskedMalidomatotranslate.Malidomabegantolaughashesaid,“Theelderiswonderingwhythewhitedoesnotruboff-youareinawhitebodybutyouhaveanAfricanheart.”

For more information visit Toby Christensen at www.healingdrummer.com.

White Skin, African Heart: Finding my Life’s Purpose through the Power of Drum Healing

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When Men are from Venus and Women are from Mars...or The Qi of Relationships by Daisy Lee

’m in a relationship. I have little idea of how it happened...perhaps I was blind-sided by the brilliance of his disarming Venusian

smile. At the time, I was too busy being a nomadic teacher to consider anything but teaching, so intent was I on seeding countries with the ancient self-healing art of Qigong. Even so, I couldn’t help but notice this human earthling of finest quality. He was

open and clear, sensitive yet strong, and besides, he didn’t seem to mind my clumsy mispronunciations of his mother tongue. Before we met, my attempts at Spanish were reduced to a few choice phrases: where the nearest toilet was, or how to order una cafe con leche, largo de cafe - a coffee with cream, long on the coffee, por favor. My language teachers, Pimsleur and Rosetta Stone weren’t in town yet, so I had to rely on the only form of communication I knew: Qigong. If you know and practice this art, there is little need for talk, for the wisdom comes from feeling into the silence, where the very texture of the air and the pauses between the breaths become palpable. The truth is, people have always read each other energetically long before words formed in their minds. When you enter into a foreign culture, your primal, animal senses resurface...the eyes look deeper, the ears listen harder...the very pores of your body open to sense either possibility or danger. In my case, it was both, because I knew in the marrow of my bones that there was no turning back once I entered through the hurricane door marked “Amor.” Though hardly a word had been spoken between us, volumes had passed through us, from the shy smiles and surreptitious glances to the quickened heartbeats and eager desire to understand the other. What is Qigong anyway, but the oldest art of energy communication? At 5,000-years young, Qigong remains heart-opening, stress-relieving, friendship-building, and peace-making. In fact, every man, woman and child should learn it...every prison, corporation, and family...heck - every government should incorporate Qigong into their political strategies for conflict resolutions. Imagine playing Qigong instead of war games when lives are in the balance; what would happen if our president, our military, service people and civilians were all taught how to breathe deeply, gently and slowly...if every person waited for balanced thinking to reassert itself in their frontal cortex before making a radical, non-sensical decision that could affect the health and well-being of their country and our world. Imagine moving with grace and stability through conflict, feeling such a deep connection to each other and to the earth and the sky, that war would be rewritten in the history books as an early form of human barbarism manifested by ignorant, restless homo-sapiens. We might even hope to live as the peaceful blue people do in the Avatar movie, where one can plug into consciousness in an instant! In all seriousness, there are numerous and scientific reasons why Qigong has survived the test of time. One is how it re-calibrates the body, brain and emotions to synchronize into a sense of order and harmonious balance through the gentle, graceful movements timed with slow, long breaths. We all need to breathe more

consciously, to learn how to adapt to and discharge stress before it takes us down the wrong road. Qigong has been proven to reduce high blood pressure and hypertension, to improve blood circulation, mental acuity, physical immunity and emotional balance, amongst a litany of science-based outcomes. And besides, Qigong increases endorphins, the pleasure hormone that brings up our joy and gives us feelings of hope to realize future potential. How could it not improve our love for life, if not our love life? In the matter of my burgeoning new love with the Venusian Spaniard, Qigong would speak for us when words failed to fully express what was in our hearts, because no matter how eloquent the spoken language can be during times of peace, chaos is sure to ensue during moments of inevitable conflict. Qigong is sensitivity training for couples, for those times when negotiations to meet at the peace bridge fail and you storm off ready to prepare the missile launch or unwittingly step onto a forgotten land mine that was buried in the crevices of your unconscious. No lives may be lost, but hurt feelings can trigger a nightmare of a mess that may takes eons to clean up. Qigong helps us to observe where our triggers come from...to stop and breathe more deeply through them so that we can make peace with ourselves before we act regrettably. It allows us to listen to the deeper knowing of our hearts instead of running in endless circles in our mind. That’s how it’s possible that a sensitive, open-hearted Spaniard from Venus can find happiness with a Chinese woman warrior from Mars. We might have come from different planets, but armed with Qigong as our weapon of choice, it is possible we can bring love and peace to our worlds - with a good chance at living together happily ever after.

Daisy Lee is the founder Radiant Lotus Qigong. Visit her website www.RadiantLotusQigong.com.

Page 12: Hawaii’s 10...~Ivana Nesco, Healer “Shani is truly an intuitive who walks her talk and her honest, straight-forward, no-nonsense approach to working with you is delightfully refreshing

n 2007, I was already vertically challenged at 5’-2”, but should have been 7’-2” based on my 232 pounds. I was under-tall for my weight and off the BMI chart. I was a snowball with arms and legs. I

was morbidly obese. At size 24, plantar fasciitis in my heels and knee pain made walking difficult. The pain was so severe I began to make arrangements for knee replacement surgery. My aches and pains made me feel like I was 20 years older than my 59 years. I had no quality of life. I was depressed. I had tried every diet out there to lose weight and failed at all of them. I even gained 10 pounds in six months on Weight Watchers. In desperation, I ask God for a catastrophic illness so that I

could lose some of my obnoxious fluff. I had given up all hope of ever feeling and looking good. Life did not seem

worth living. Obesity is the last big acceptable prejudice out there. I had many very successful projects as a mechanical engineer, but people who did not know my work did not see a hard-working, detail oriented, get-r-done person. They saw a fat person with no motivation. I can go on and on about how hard it is to be respected when a person is obese, but then that would be another article... In 2008, I decided to try one more time. On May 1, I started a program with a goal to reach size 14, and to my amazement IT WORKED! By September I was size 12, losing weight, inches and reclaiming my quality of life. In October, I was a size 8 and was

ecstatic. I had gone from size 24 to size 8 in less than 6 months. It was hard to believe that I was working 10 to 12 hours a day at a very high stress mechanical engineering job 6 to 7 days a week and losing weight. On my new Medifast program, my first meal was within half an hour of rising in the morning followed by meals every two to three hours all day long. I had five medically formulated portion-controlled meals - one meal of a lean protein, and three servings of low-carb veggies. By continually fueling my body all day, I was never hungry because my blood sugar was stable and did not have the usual crashes. I felt good and had lots of energy. This was so easy and simple that it fit my busy schedule. By the time I reached my healthy weight, I had changed my relationship with food to learn how to eat to live and not live to eat. I learned portion control with having six small meals a day and having the not-so-healthy foods in moderation. And I learned how to feel good about myself because I was giving my body what it needed to perform like a well-maintained machine. Shortly after getting to a size 8, I noticed a lump on my tummy that my doctor had not felt 9 months earlier when I had 75 pounds of “fluff” around my middle. When I finally had it checked out, my doctor had me in surgery a week later. I was diagnosed with Stage III ovarian cancer. What a shock! Not knowing a lot about cancer, I started researching ovarian cancer on the Internet. That was not helpful and I ended up very depressed and frightened. I ended up working with an American Cancer Society patient advocate who became my friend. She was well-trained and guided me through the myriad issues from treatment options, financial assistance, transportation, the Look Good & Feel Good Class, to name a few. She took the time to explain all these new experiences, how to get the system to work for me at a time when I desperately need all the caring help I could get. I call cancer my little miracle. Once you hear those words “You have cancer” your life is never again the same. The biggest change in my life is that now I know God hears and answers my prayers. With all the catastrophes happening around the world, I felt like a tiny grain of sand on an expansive beach of life whose little wants would not be heard. Now I know that is not true. He hears all our prayers. Remember, I had wished for a catastrophic disease so I could lose weight. Well, I got to my goal weight in October 2008 and I forgot to say, “Thank you, God.” Be careful what you ask for. On June 4, 2009 I got what I had asked for. One thing I learned from my fumbling for answers was that a majority of cancers are caused by stress and obesity. I had both in excess and am sure that it was just a matter of time before I would have been sick. I consider myself very lucky that my ovarian cancer was diagnosed at Stage III. Had I not lost the weight, I would not have found the lump on my tummy which meant the cancer was at a treatable stage.

Losing weight saved my life. For your health, learn how to manage stress as much as is possible and how to get to your healthy weight. Your health and your quality of life depend on you making changes today. God gave us this wonderful creation that we call our body and we use our free will to mess it up with nutritionally deficient or high-fat foods, and by not taking care of ourselves, not exercising, and many other abuses. Today, I am a health coach so that I can help people change their lives with this simple and easy program. A year from now you will wish you had made changes today. Do not wait for a medical emergency to get to your healthy weight. Make the commitment to improve your health and your quality of life TODAY!

For more information visit www.YouCanDoThis.tsfl.com/explore. 10 w w w. h a w a i i s i n s p i r a t i o n . c o m

Brenda’s StoryStart Saving Your Life Today

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Are You Paying Regular Visits to Yourself?

by Shani Momi Odo

n my work as an intuitive consultant and life stylist, I often prescribe this to my clients: the importance of taking time to reconnect in silence with yourself. The answer I receive is often the same. “I know, I know. It’s important for me to

take time for myself! I will.” Unfortunately, many of them don’t take this route as a first choice. Why?

It’s ironic. We all claim to want peace and quiet, yet when feeling a bit overwhelmed, we go for the quick and easy fix…outside things - shopping, snacking, watching reality TV…

whatever. These things make us feel better instantly, but their therapeutic effect wears off as soon as we walk out of the store, finish that bag of chips, or turn the TV off. None of these fixes helps us; we simply distract ourselves with a different busy-ness. The end result? The same cluttered state of mind and the same to-do lists. Paying regular visits to ourselves (i.e. getting centered) is crucial to our authentic health, well-being and quality of life. In the past, when I would speak about my challenges in dealing with daily stress, many people suggested meditation. I’m amazed at how many people suggest this, but don’t actually DO it themselves. Meditation is amazing and very powerful, but there are very few people for whom it is natural or easy. As I write about this, I am reminded of a scene in the movie “Eat Pray Love.” Julia Roberts is sitting in the meditation chamber at an ashram in India, determined to clear her mind. Her mind wanders and she begins planning and visualizing how to decorate her own mediation room at home. “Stop that,” she says to herself, “clear your mind.” Ok, she is back in peace and harmony. But just for a moment. A buzzing fly begins to irritate her. She peeks at the clock. She’s only been sitting there for a minute. ARGH! Here’s my simple and incredibly easy suggestion - you just have to make the time to do it! Start with baby steps through simple meditative activities. It worked for me. I can’t begin to express to you how powerfully centering it was for me to take an hour walk 3-4 times a week! Something so simple was my only link to sanity at times. Now, walking is vital to my peace of mind and my ability to handle daily stress. Do an activity that is simple and natural for you, one that you can do almost without thinking and you enjoy doing. Some people like to garden, wash their cars or clean their bathrooms. The activity should take place in a relatively peaceful, quiet setting; in the beginning, you should perform this activity for 1-2 hours every time you do it. Why so long? Because, in the beginning, it will take time for your mind to stop swirling with thoughts before you get into the eventual Zen-like state we’re shooting for. You’ll know when you get there. Remember what it feels like? You are doing something peaceful and easy, flowing with it, not thinking about any one thing and, all of a sudden, you are at peace… totally calm and flowing easily. Ahhhhhh…now that’s a Zen moment! After you finish your activity, sit for a minute and take a moment to reflect. Try to retain the same mindset you had when you were in your Zen moment. This is important because it allows you to transition back into your life, kind of like merging back onto a freeway smoothly. As you continue on in your day, you will probably notice that there is a different energy surrounding you. You are less easily caught up in the things swirling around in your life. Affectionately, I call this the Eye of the Storm and THAT is the goal of paying regular visits to yourself - the ability to see all the things happening around you and handling each smoothly, peacefully and gracefully. It’s a beautiful thing when we can flow with life and not attach to reactive feelings of drama, anxiety and angst. This is just a start, and it may awaken a desire within you to take more steps in this direction…especially when you see what an amazing impact it has on your daily life. One step at a time….

Shani Momi Odo is an Intuitive Consult and Life Stylist who supports and guides others as they embark

on their personal journey of self discovery. For information visit Shani at www.becomemagic.com.

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n any given morning or evening, while walking, running or bicycling along the bike path in Old Kapaa Town, you will begin to feel a vibration, a pulsing, a shaking of the earth as you near the

Kapaa pool by the sea. This rhythmic cadence is accompanied by a medley of high-octane music, animalistic grunts and groans, followed by chants of encouragement, and the enthusiastic slapping of palms. It makes you want to stop to watch. And, I did. This workout seemed to have a bit of everything, and observing was an awesome experience: bodies of every shape and size were stretching, flexing, and sweating. The energy was uplifting, positive and emotional. The camaraderie was moving: men and women of all ages, sizes and levels of fitness were cheering one another on. After watching from the sidelines for a while, I went over to inquire. I met Jerome Hromiak, a tall, good-looking guy with an easy smile. He introduced himself as the owner of Kauai CrossFit, and was quick to give me information. I told him I was interested in trying something that offered me a challenge, as well as, cardio, strength and endurance training. He suggested that I give it a try, assuring me that anyone could benefit from the program. Jerome has been a lifelong athlete. He ran track at Virginia Tech, and played competitive basketball and volleyball. Because of a poorly executed ACL reconstruction back when he was 23, he started having severe knee arthritis by his early 30s. After undergoing experimental knee replacement surgery in 2007 at the Stone Clinic in San Francisco, Jerome was introduced to CrossFit by Kelly Starrett. “Kelly was my physical therapist following my procedure, and he led a CrossFit in San Francisco. He assured me that I would be back on my feet, and that I should give it a try. It was a great decision, one that has allowed me to be much more physically active. To some degree, CrossFit helped me get my life back. I decided I needed to share the power of this program with others.” There are a lot of exercise and endurance training programs available. Not everyone is going to be comfortable with the same program. A person doesn’t have to be an extreme athlete or weightlifter to improve his or her strength and conditioning. Having the patience to learn proper technique and get to know your body will prevent injury during workouts, and in general. “One should be flexible, strong, have endurance, power, speed, agility, and balance, but also have the ability to understand their body, especially when the body is put under stress. Soccer is known to create more injuries in the US than any other sport, yet kids still play the sport by the millions. But, soccer is a game and doesn’t focus on one’s ability to handle life better. CrossFit is a

game to those who can play it, but it is much more than that: it is looking deep into our being and understanding what our physical limitations are, understanding and learning to thrive with them. If a person never wants to risk getting injured, they should stay on the couch. But in a way, that can cause much more injury to a person.” “We have a saying in the CrossFit community: CrossFit will make the ‘invisible visible’. This basically means: Anything going on in your body that is not functioning within its normal realms will be exposed. You are training for full body awareness.” I have an interest in nutrition and was curious about how to maximize my results through diet. Jerome’s view is that nutrition is pretty much the backbone of health...the most important ingredient to optimal health is to have proper nutrition, and everyone’s needs are not the same. There is no one-size-fits-all nutritional model. He says, “We instructors are with the athlete one hour at a time and focus on improving physical capacities, but nutrition is something that needs to be focused on around the clock.” The CrossFit nutritional prescription follows the Zone approach, a calculated balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. A healthy diet should primarily consist of fresh vegetables (especially greens), lean meats, nuts and seeds. The paleo, or hunter-gatherer, approach to nutrition is popular, as well. It is based on the philosophy that we should eat like our great ancestors, the cavemen. Jerome says, “The process of mass agriculture and food processing is not healthy and not suited for our genetic composition. There are countless resources online on both approaches and I personally like the keep it simple approach to nutrition. I just try to eat fresh, locally, and with the least amount of processing.”

I asked Jerome to describe CrossFit in a few sentences: “There is an old samurai expression that I read in a book once. Paraphrasing, it said ‘Left unattended the mind will head to negativity and the body to waste.’ I keep that statement with me all the time. One needs to focus on the positives mentally and on keeping the body prepared for the challenges of life. CrossFit prepares you for the challenges of life.” My personal experience with CrossFit has been a positive one. After eight months of training I can run farther, lift heavier and

jump higher. I have made many new friends and am proud to be part of the gang. I encourage everyone to stop by and check it out. Just follow the pulse…

Jerome Hromiak can be reached at [email protected], or (808) 755-5446. Pamela can be contacted at [email protected].

CROSSFIT Keeping the Body Prepared for Life’s Challenges By Pamela Salibi

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Preventing Yoga and Stretching Injuries

lexibility Can Be a LiabilityThere were

almost 400,000 hip replacement surgeries in the US in 2012

and the majority of them were women. Why? One reason is that women have looser ligaments to allow the pelvis to open for the act of childbirth, but this flexibility can be a liability and women must practice strengthening exercises to stabilize the hip rather than stretching the hip joint ‘open.’ Ligaments do not have a lot of sensory nerves and so we cannot feel when they are being compromised. It takes years for pathology in the hip joints to show up, but a continuous tugging on the SI (sacral/hip) joint that occurs in yoga position straight knee forward bends from sitting and standing, undermines the curving forces in the spine needed for shock absorption and hip stability. Watch how any toddler bends over and you will see hips back, bent knees and spine in neutral. When we keep the knees straight and instead ask

the spine to bend, we are overriding our natural functions. It starts with groin pain and tenderness when you walk or maybe a sharp pain when doing a pose like triangle or a deep lunge. This is the beginning of the tragic hip destabilizations and replacements that are rocking the yoga world. Lady Gaga, a yoga enthusiast recently cancelled her tour with serious hip pain that may need surgery. There are many other famous yoga teachers like Beryl Bender, Judith Lasater, George Purvis, and Rudrani Farbman-Brown who have had hip replacements and sadly the numbers are adding up.

Yoga for posture, not poses The human body cannot achieve a functional balance of strength and flexibility by stretching individual parts and most people only get temporary shifts in flexibility by doing toe touching yoga poses and stretches. These forward bending positions, which are so prevalent in yoga practice, override the fascia tensegrity of our natural curving structures and ligament forces needed for joint stabilization in real life movement. In YogAlign, we focus on postures that align the spine in various primal movement positions rather than doing poses focused on stretching parts at the expense of the integrity of the spinal column and hip joint. Focusing on improving an overall balance of strength and flexibility needed for

daily movements ensures the integrity of our natural infrastructure is preserved and also allows for the deep diaphragm movements that are the cornerstone of a yoga practice. The word pose or poser is sometimes used in slang vernacular to describe people who are acting fake, wearing a façade or trying to put on an air to be something possibly better than others. Do the yoga poses or postures we do contribute to our deeper body value system, which are our own unique and inherent postural patterns? If we really focus on what the value of a pose is rather than buying into the belief that it is “good” for you because it’s yoga and it’s “traditional,” I think we can avoid many of the repetitive strain and even more serious joint pathologies that are occurring in the practice of yoga asana.

The Key to Healthy Alignment is Accommodating Your Breath Breathing dynamics provide the best tool for checking the actual value of a yoga pose versus the belief. If you cannot take a full breath that allows your rib cage to expand, then the pose is activating externalized forces in your body that override the body’s natural and essential infrastructure. For instance, a pose like crow and many other balance poses are impressive to an onlooker and certainly require a lot of strength but how does the pose contribute to the overall functions of natural life movement. The shortened abdominal strength it takes can create patterns that pull the head and shoulders too far forward and actually contribute to kyphosis or rounding of the upper back. Kyphosis is a serious posture problem, which leads to premature aging, arthritis, and forward head carriage. Yoga injuries in the short term will happen more to the tight muscular people who in private will admit that they detest these toe grabbing poses, but decide that they can someday get flexible by doing the pose over and over? With their shorter ligaments and strong muscles, they can actually cause disc herniation by reversing the spines natural curves in the lumbar/sacral region. Trying to crank the round curves of the human body into these flat and right angle spine positions is risky. If you can see the vertebrae of your back poking out under the skin, then you are causing damage.

YogAlign Advocates a “Whole Body” Approach to Yoga What is truly important in a yoga practice is a global engagement of the whole body in every position that contributes to overall good posture, not “good poses.” The mindset in Western fitness and even yoga has been to stretch parts, and strengthen pieces with the idea that the whole body will then come together in one big organized picture. It will not and over a period of time, yoga practitioners like any discipline that has positions or compartmentalized poses that over-ride natural anatomical function, will suffer from injuries in the long and short term. When posture is naturally aligned, the human body stays flexible without the need to do intense stretches to relieve tension of the parts. There are ligaments that string our vertebral column getting stretched beyond their anatomical functions when we do movements that take our spine into the C shape which is the bane of aging. Remember like all of nature, the human body is made of curves and spirals. What has the most value is to reboot the big picture of our innate postural patterns, and preserve the integrity of our spine and joints.

Michaelle is the Director of the Kauai Yoga School in Hawaii and authored a book/DVD combo called YogAlign, Pain-free Yoga From Your Inner Core. She is E-RYT500 and a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT). In addition

to teaching yoga, Michaelle is a body worker, professional guitarist and vocalist and postural therapist. She is devoted to giving people the tools they need to heal themselves.

www.yogalign.com or www.yogainjuries.com to complete her survey on yoga injuries.

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umu Hula Puna Kalama Dawson is the embodiment of the Aloha Spirit. Puna moves with the grace and beauty of hula, speaks gently and purposefully like a diplomat, and carries the

intention of a peaceful world thriving with healthy children and families. Driven by the call from her deep ancestral Hawaiian roots, Puna followed in her mother and brother’s footsteps to share aloha and Hawaiian thought with the world. Planting seeds in communities in Japan, Europe and on Kaua`i through a program she calls In the Name of Aloha. Working quietly Puna connects people and nurtures relationships to bridge differences and create na ohana - families and communities. She joyfully warms hearts and uplifts spirits by simply sharing hula and Hawaiian ways, all the while paying close attention to signs sent from her ancestors. Puna’s latest intention is to build an international student exchange program between Kaua`i, Japan and Europe. In early September last year, Puna orchestrated an expansive eight-day, three country program called The Open Hands of Peace Celebration Bodensee 2012. On the shores of Lake Constance, called the Bodensee, in Wasserberg Germany, she gathered a

diverse group of 50 islanders - her ohana, haumana (students), kumu (teachers) Nathan Kalama and Doric Yaris of Kaua`i, kumu Lei’ohu Ryder and Maydeen `Iao of Maui, kumu Keala Ching of the Big Island, singer and songwriter Eddie Tanaka of Moloka’i, and many special guests. The power-packed schedule began with a morning ‘aha (blessing) at the very special town Lindau, where the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings are held annually. People carried water from their local beaches to be blessed and poured into the Bodensee, with the intention of aloha and mahalo for those who had come here before, those who were present, and for a future of peace and harmony, all in the name of aloha. The rest of the week was filled with festivities, including presentations from Kaua`i Mayor Bernard Carvalho to Burgermeister (mayor) Thomas Kleinschmidt of Wasserberg, Germany, Marcus Linhart of Bergenz, Austria, Patrick Hug of Arbon, Switzerland and the Countess Bettina Bernadotte of the Island of Mainau. Townspeople and visitors joined together for cultural learning, lei making, basket weaving with school children, hula at a nursing home, sharing national dances in traditional clothing over breakfast in Germany, lunch in Austria and dinner in Switzerland. Hula kahiko (ancient) was danced in a thousand year old redwood forest and a hula ‘auana (modern) program was held in front of the Countess’s castle. Traveling by boat to these beautiful countries afforded the group time for rich memory making as they sang and danced on the Bodensee.

In the Name of Aloha with Puna by Char Ravelo         Photos by Augustin Saleem  www.fotosaleem.ch              Aimee Brown, Lisa and Sophia Nankenhorst


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Like rings of energy moving outward from a drop of water, so did the energy from this incredible week of celebration. At the center of this vortex was the excitement of the haumana who were gathering to dance their beloved hula, some for the very first time in front of an audience, and for most of the dancers, the first time as a group in those countries. Their energy created the next wave touching the inner circle - the kokua (the support team) and ohana who came to watch and help the dancers, musicians and kumu. For the kumu and musicians who performed together for the first time, special bonds were woven with reverence and honor as their hearts opened to chant, sing, dance and educate everyone present. The third wave of aloha was like a tsunami, engulfing the audiences in the parks, community centers and theatres. It was electrifying and contagious! Their smiles and laughter were as abundant as the tears of joy.

Here are excerpts from my journal: Day 1 at night: We’re experiencing the most amazing, uplifting spiritual surges ever! Watching Hawaiian, German, Austrian, Swiss and Japanese hula dancers rehearse with Puna, translate in each other’s languages to their hula sisters, then perform the dance all together as one, has got to be one of the most heart opening, chicken-skin moments I’ve ever

witnessed. Even the kumu hula who came from each island had breathtaking moments while practicing and watching the dancers learn together. It was so powerful. Aloha was not only radiating from everyone’s smiles and twinkling eyes, but bursting through their hearts and hands as they told the stories of the islands and its people. And that’s just a tiny bit of what’s happening within the group. Day 2 in the afternoon: At a German home for the elderly, while the Japanese dancers sang a song in Hawaiian and Japanese for the Germans who were dancing to it, I realized that some of the elderly people watching this performance could have lost fathers or husbands in the wars with the Americans and Japanese, and vice versa. The hula shared today could possibly be healing the pain within families of all three countries. Imagine the levels and generations of healing... such a precious, precious moment to be a part of.

No one is ever the same after experiencing the Aloha Spirit shared by Puna and her world-wide `ohana. In early September 2013, will find Puna in Enoshima, Chigasaki Japan carrying on In the Name of Aloha and her intention to foster an international student exchange program. If you’re interested in learning more about and contributing to this program, email Puna at [email protected].

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Change Your Coffee, Change Your Life

by Kanoe Ahuna

very day millions of people around the world are having “coffee affairs,” discussing, sharing, and meeting, about their matters

of public or personal interests over a cup of coffee. I particularly had one at a friend’s house about two months ago. There was a ‘buzz’ going around our girl’s group of a hyped up local workout class. Since we were all looking to get a healthy kick-start on the

New Year and keep our middle-age female figures in place, my girlfriend invited me over for morning coffee in an attempt to get me to go to ‘Gabby’s workout.’  However this wasn’t just your average cup of coffee. I left my girlfriend’s house feeling great, energized and balanced, which led me to having a productive and awesome day. This was different from my typical morning coffee’s negative side effects such as acid reflux, headaches, and fatigue that usually interrupt my day. My girlfriend later shared with me that the coffee she served me had Ganoderma Lucidum infused in it. I said “Ganoderma, what?” Ganoderma Lucidum is recorded as an herb superior to ginseng in the Chinese’ oldest book on herbs written around 200 (A.D.). Also known as Reishi or Lingzhi, Ganoderma Lucidum is from a large, bitter medicinal mushroom with shining exterior. It grows in the dark and dense mountainous woods of high humidity in the tropical and temperate regions of the world. It grows on decaying wood and was originally known to grow on plum logs. It may take a year to reach maturity. Its incredible curative properties have won it the titles of ‘supernatural mushroom,’ ‘magic mushroom,’ ‘king of herbs,’ and ‘plant of longevity or immortality.’ Ganoderma is acknowledged in the ancient Chinese pharmacopoeia and as having healing powers witnessed by man for thousands of years. It is known to boost the immune system and can be taken as a regular tonic or healthy food to restore energy and stamina in today’s hectic society. More recent research in Asian universities has investigated the effects of Ganoderma on human cells or tissues. A recent study done in Taiwan indicates that Ganoderma inhibits cell self-destruction in human white blood cells. This finding may help to explain Ganoderma’s beneficial effects on the immune system and why it is used to treat and to stimulate the immune system after radiation or chemotherapy. Healthier white blood cells means better immune system functioning. This is why Ganoderma has also attracted the attention of Western cancer researchers. A case study report from Columbia University indicates that a Japanese dietary supplement containing Ganoderma may be useful in the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer. The most important thing is that is a natural herb and is safe to use it over long periods of time. Research studies state that it has no side effects as long as it is organically grown. Moreover, ancient and modern studies, summing the results of Ganoderma has been shown to help in the treatment of heart diseases, allergies, insomnia, cholesterol problems, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, diabetes, gastric ulcers, arthritis, bronchitis, fibroid and uterine myomas, hypertension, and blood pressure. In addition to healing physical ailments, Ganoderma is known for bringing about a peaceful state of mind. Taoists and other Asian spiritual practitioners use it ritualistically to increase their spiritual potency. In the broadest sense, it is used to help a person adapt both physically and mentally to the world. It is used to strengthen and calm the nerves, improve memory, and increase the vitality of the mind and spirit. Today, I continue to enjoy the benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum in my daily life through coffees and teas infused with the organic herb. I’m in love with my husband and enjoying my three children with a lust for life I have never known before. I feel great about life, spiritually, mentally, and physically. I feel that Ganoderma gives me all the vitality I could ask for to live life to its fullest.

For more information of the benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum email: [email protected]

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Hukilau’s Candied Ahi (for two) Servings: 2 Equipment: Spice grinder

Canned chipotles can be found in most supermarkets.

1 tablespoon Kauai Coffee Beans 2 tablespoons Chili powder 2 tablespoons Sugar 2 teaspoons Kosher salt 1 tablespoon Paprika 1 1/2 teaspoons Granulated Garlic 1 1/2 teaspoons Black pepper 1 1/2 teaspoons Thyme 1/2 cup Coconut milk 1 teaspoon canned chipotle in adobo 8 ounces Sashimi Quality Ahi

Puree the coffee beans, salt and sugar in the coffee grinder. Combine with the rest of the spice ingredients.

Cube the Ahi and coat with spice mix. Sear in a hot pan with a little bit of oil.

For the sauce reduce coconut milk with canned chipotles in adobo until thickened.


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The Power of EmotionsBy Mirabai Devi

Emotions like anger, fear and grief are hard for us to deal with on a daily basis, especially since it is human nature to judge ourselves so heavily for having these emotions. Through our judgment of our emotions, we disown, suppress and hide them into pockets inside of our body where they wreak havoc and cause disease. We end up being victims of our own disowned emotions. Facing and feeling our emotions, rather than negating them, will help us go through the doorway to our soul. We can transform any emotion by breathing into it and bringing awareness to it; thereby bringing ourselves

back into balance. Go to the source of the pain and face it to resolve it. Learn the importance of the power of forgiveness and release. When we hold on to things it causes unnecessary pain. Underneath the pain is the knowing of our true self, and that is our greatest liberation. In the face of adversity, the best thing we can do is to set an intention to go neutral in our emotions. When we react, that is our ego. Going neutral means being in control of our emotions, rather than being a victim of them. It is our reaction to another person and their actions, rather than what that person is actually doing to us that hooks us. The use of daily prayers and mantras will help to eliminate addictions, habits, negative thought forms and patterns, and negative self talk and transmute these into a more positive reality based on a more enlightened consciousness.

For details, call at (760) 216-1029For forgiveness prayers, visit mirabaidevi.com

Our journey, the Golden Lotus Studio and Massage School Kauai has been nothing less than serendipitous - definition: the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident. In Feb. 2011, we gathered to brainstorm where we could have a few workshops and a colleague found our present location on Craig’s list. One week later, we signed the lease and embarked on renovations that are now our signature branding, warm colors and exquisite Lotuses painted by artist and friend Leanora Orr. Very soon we found ourselves stewards of a community resource and gathering place affectionately referred to simply as “The Lotus.” The Studio has given birth to a partnership and lifestyle we could never have foreseen in all its blessings and opportunities for growth. We are honored to host a vigorous weekly class schedule and events and workshops from facilitators worldwide. Our dream of starting a unique massage school blossomed into an opportunity to hold sacred space on Kauai and sacred space for our own spiritual growth. We attribute our success to just that, our willingness and commitment to a business culture that is H.O.T.= honest, open & transparent. We declared from day one that the Golden Lotus would be a success! A success by way of our kindness towards one another and our respect and support of each other’s emotional, spiritual and physical well-being. This is the foundation of our Massage School and our sincere wish - that this kindness is felt by all who cross our threshold and find creative expression at the Golden Lotus.

www.goldenlotuskauai.org, www.MassageSchoolKauai.com

[email protected] (808) 823-9810

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Wonderful Happenings at LPHCH!

By Pamela Uyeunten

We are in exciting times at the Love Peace Harmony Center Honolulu! First, we are delighted to present two new Divine Channels and Worldwide Representatives of Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha from Hawaii. Masters Robert Feda and Shunya Barton have achieved the level of knowledge and skill required to offer some of the highest levels of soul healings and blessings at this time. Be sure to stop by the

LPHCH to meet with each of them for help and assistance with any challenging aspect of your life. They are here to serve you with greatest care and commitment to your personal wellbeing, as well as your loved ones. Second, we are happy to announce the introduction of Tao Crown Chakra Blessings offered by Master Pamela Uyeunten, who has achieved a higher level of authority to offer these unique and extraordinary blessings to people and pets. Many in Hawaii are experiencing the power and the efficacy of a Crown Chakra Blessing.

Here are real life testimonies:“Just after receiving a Crown Chakra Blessing from Master Pam, I experienced the busiest week in my professional practice in over 9 years.  I literally referred new clients to other practitioners because my appointments were completely booked.”

L. Yamamoto, PhD “I was in deep despair and sadness for several months, and often found myself wavering between fear and anger.  The suffering took a toll on myself as well as my loved ones.  After receiving two Crown Chakra blessings, my life literally took a turn for the better.  I have received comments from my family and friends that I am much happier and stress free!”  

S. Alameida, CRMA “Within two days of receiving a Crown Chakra Blessing from Master Pam two long-dormant business opportunities resurfaced, each of which has the potential, along with hard work, to provide lifetime revenues!  I cannot thank the Divine and Master Pam for this incredible blessing!”

S. Au, Architect AIA

Come and visit us at the Love Peace Harmony Center Honolulu.

We are here to serve! 885 Queen Street • Second Floor • Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

Call the Love Peace Harmony Center Honolulu at 808-988-8090 for more information.


Institute of Soul Healing & Enlightenment™ • 888.339.6815 • www.DrSha.com •


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Popular core strengthening exercises like sit ups, pelvic tilts, hanging straight leg lifts and roman chair or even bent knee raises aren’t for everyone. Some of these exercises can exert high forces on the spine while primarily activating the superficial muscles of the torso, ignoring the deep stabilizing muscles. Overtraining the superficial muscles can actually lead to increased pressure and shearing in the spine and even increased pain. Pilates Training Center Hawaii (PTCH) offers an exciting alternative. Located in Kailua Oahu, PTCH is a licensed training center for STOTT PILATES, a premier international Pilates education and certification company. STOTT PILATES focuses on low reps of precisely executed movements to address neuromuscular control, strength, endurance, and flexibility. It integrates breath, awareness, and attention to proper alignment to improve function and maximize results. Pilates Training Center Hawaii also offers STOTT PILATES Rehabilitation courses specifically for licensed medical professionals, including Sports Medicine Doctors, Chiropractors, and Physical Therapists. Through the four (4) course rehabilitation series, medical professionals can gain the knowledge, theory, and applications of STOTT PILATES for use in the rehabilitation setting. In the STOTT PILATES rehabilitation series, each exercise is described in detail with suggested breath patterns, common mistakes to look out for, modifications, and layers of progression that can be tailored to each client/patient’s needs. For more information on Pilates or Pilates for Rehabilitation, contact Pilates Training Center Hawaii at (808) 261-9519 or visit the website www.pilatestrainingcenterhawaii.com

Pilates for Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation

By Olivia Sadeler, PT, DPT

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The Emotion Code & The Body Code

By Glenn R Forman

The human body holds all the answers we need to help it function at its absolute peak. The Emotion Code & The Body Code

assist us in unlocking those answers, so we can test and correct imbalances, disconnections and distortions of the body’s energy field. As the body is made up of pure energy, this energy can be negatively influenced in a number of ways. Symptoms of these energy imbalances can manifest as health issues. The Codes are the most direct and most powerful way to restore health to body, mind and spirit by making conditions right for rebalancing itself. How would you like to be rid of emotional baggage? These can cause depression, anxiety, block people from love and happiness, make them feel disconnected from others. Trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body. These distortions exert an influence on physical tissues, causing pain and disease. They are often at the root of many physical and emotional problems - if not the source, often a significant part of the problem. This energy medicine technique helps us identify and literally release trapped emotions. Releasing trapped emotions makes conditions right for your body to heal. Physical and emotional difficulties often disappear, or become much more manageable. It is totally safe and gentle. We don’t need to discuss anything you want to keep private. Best of all, once released, these trapped emotions are permanently gone. Your true essence can shine forth, opening up a life of possibilities! You can choose to target a particular physical or emotional problem, or keep more general by requesting to address imbalances preventing you from achieving total wellness or your true potential. Call today for your free, personalized consultation. Learn how you can experience your ultimate health and happiness!

http://www.emotionsreleased.com (808) 639-9221

Forty-five percent of Americans snore; twenty-five percent snore habitually; seven percent have sleep apnea; and ninety percent of those remain undiagnosed. An astounding fifteen million Americans need expert help for Sleep Breathing Disorders. Dennis Nagata, DDS is a member of The American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM). He received special training and is proficient in treating

SBD using Oral appliances as an alternative to the CPAP machine. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (or CPAP) uses the force of the pressurized air delivered through a tube and mask splints the airway open. This is how CPAP clears the airway. Oral Appliance Therapy involves the use of a custom designed oral appliance that is worn during sleep. This is a good alternative to those who are CPAP intolerant. This appliance is structured to maintain an opened, unobstructed airway. Dr. Dennis Nagata can determine the oral device that is best suited for your needs. He will work in collaboration with your physician in your treatment and on-going care.

Our Patients Speak:“The Somnodent is a wonderful appliance…it has significantly increased my energy levels that were depleted due to sleep apnea. The device is comfortable! I am able to sleep through the night with no discomfort.” ~ Cassie Vargas

“I was a heavy snorer. I snore especially loud when I am over tired or slept on my back. Since using the appliance, that heavy snoring reduced significantly. I now wake up refreshed.

If I fail to use the appliance I will not sleep good or wake up with a headache. It really works!” ~ Joseph Rodrigues

“The mouth guard is quite comfortable and so easy to insert and wear each night. I can easily talk, drink, yawn and most importantly, breathe! Best of all, I don’t have to wear any clunky headgear or hear a humming machine next to my head all night long.” ~ Ted Norris

Dr. Dennis Nagata can be reached

at (808) 526-0670 www.smilepower.net

Hope for those Suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea

By Dennis T. Nagata D.D.S.

 “Hawaii’s Largest Distributor ofVisitor Information Publications”

Magazines-BrochuresKauai office [email protected]

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Periocare, the office of Dr. Braden C. Seamons, is the most technologically advanced periodontal practice in Hawai`i. Our innovative approach includes state of the art laser surgery, an implant

system with unequalled biologic compatibility and 21st century 3D imaging. Additionally, we are now placing ceramic implants—metal free implants. When finances are an issue, we can consider mini implants. These advances, combined with Dr. Seamons’ extensive experience, result in superior periodontal and implant therapy. We are proud to be the only periodontal practice on O`ahu to be offering laser periodontal surgery. This revolutionary approach to treatment, which we have been performing for over four years, offers exceptional results with minimal or no discomfort! Fear no longer need be a factor in obtaining periodontal care! Dr. Seamons attended the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry and graduated in 1978. He then entered the Naval Dental Corps where he practiced general dentistry for ten years. His post graduate training was at Naval Dental School Bethesda which he completed in 1989. After practicing as a periodontist in the Navy until 2003, he retired from military service and entered private practice. Dr. Seamons is a Board Certified Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology. He continues to take numerous courses to remain aware of the latest trends in periodontics and implant therapy. Dr. Seamons has offices in Honolulu and in Kailua. Dr. Seamons lives in Kupikipiki’o, O`ahu with his lovely wife Edi, son Zaxtyn and his daughter, Skyler. He enjoys swimming, wakeboarding, playing harmonica and spending time with his family. Dr. Seamons prides himself in being on the leading edge of periodontal and implant therapy. He continuously seeks out newer and better ways to serve his patients. His dedication to his practice and his patients has earned him the recognition of Honolulu Magazine’s 2011 Best Dentists in Hawai`i. For more information visit www.periocarehawaii.com.

Pre and post treatment pradiographs of a case documenting impressive bone regeneration with no cutting / no sewing and no grafting!


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Peak Beings Yoga is excited to bring its 200 Hour Unified Yoga Teacher Trainings™ to Hawaii in 2013. The Aloha Spirit has been calling for some time and Peak Beings is now graciously calling Hawaii home. The all-inclusive Unified Yoga Teacher Trainings are being

offered in January, April, July, and November at Kalani Oceanside Retreat on the Big Island. Peak Beings is a Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School and all graduates will be recognized as Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teachers. The twenty-five day immersion trainings are efficiently designed for each student to develop and grow their teaching style, while still having time to enjoy and explore the Big Island. The technical, creative and spiritual aspects of teaching yoga are interwoven throughout the training, balancing the science of yoga with the art of yoga and allowing the true style of each teacher to shine through. Training Director, Troy McPeak (E-RYT) says “Unified Yoga is less of a ‘yoga style’ and more of a ‘style of teaching yoga.’ The yoga world does not need another style, it needs teachers who are safe, knowledgeable, open minded, compassionate, and able to help students develop a yoga practice that works for them.” In this non-authoritarian teaching style, each student is given the space and freedom to honor their own body, mind and spirit and find comfort in being who they are. As human beings and teachers we arrive on our yoga mat with different life experiences physically, mentally, and emotionally. Unified Yoga honors and celebrates each student as they are, trusting their intelligence and allowing them the time and space to find the balance, strength, grace, peace or whatever it is they are looking for in their practice that day.

For more information please visit PeakBeings.com, email [email protected] or call 720-270-0746.

Unified Yoga Teacher Trainings: Unify your Practice,

Your Teaching and Your Self

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Introducing Carlson Bridge® “Winged Pontic”

Tooth Replacement SystemBy Dr. Ronald S. Carlson, DDS

We at Carlson Bio-Logical Dentistry are avid champions of the principle “first do no harm” in dental or medical treatments promulgated by Hippocrates long ago, as well as others, and have for close to thee decades researched the procedures required for the replacement of missing teeth without complicated, time consuming, invasive and costly methods.

People, generally, are in a quandary as to what path to take, root canal therapy for their infected tooth or extraction, traditional tooth cutting fixed bridgework to replace a missing tooth, removable partial bridges for missing teeth, or an implant replacement system. Most people are unaware of the simple, safe, effective, durable, and efficient alternative of the Carlson Bridge® “Winged Pontic” tooth replacement system.

Our system employs composites of exceptionally high strengths—the proprietary Carlson Bridge® Composites—durability, toughness, and beauty for the construction of the “prefabricated tooth-pontic.” All one must do is contour the “prefab tooth-pontic” to fit the space where the missing tooth is located, surface prepare the teeth that will hold the pontic as well as the prefabricated pontic itself with certain attachment adhesives, adhere the tooth-pontic to those teeth with the curing light, and spend a short amount of time artistically shaping, shading, and contouring and characterizing your new bridge in excellent occlusion. This is done in one appointment at the fraction of the cost of other procedures. We invite you to explore our site at www.carlsonbioloigcaldentistry.com, see our video at http://youtu.be/r0cRstR9GZU and inform yourself of our innovative strategies. Can you imagine replacing a missing tooth in a single two-hour appointment avoiding the many appointments required for implants or other kinds of fixed bridges? We are confident that you will see the practicality of this approach as provisional or definitive, and we invite you into our Network of Carlson Bridge® Advocates. Thank you for your time and interest in this great work!

© Carlson Bridge® Technologies, Inc.

Call Dr. Carlson at (808)-735-0282 for more information. Also visit his site at www.carlsonbiologicaldentistry.com and visit youtube.com or Google.com to search for “Carlson Bridge”

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The Shamanic Way of LifeBy Hank Wesselman PhD

The shaman is the visionary, the one who uses their own body and mind to create a bridge between the physical world of form, and the transpersonal worlds of spirit… the

intermediary between their community and the spirit world. By utilizing the shaman’s time-tested methodology for expanding our conscious awareness and engaging with our inner sources of wisdom and power, we may awaken from the consensus slumber of culture at large, and it then becomes possible to personally experience reunion with a mysterious, god-like mind... Once in connection, we then know with certainty that no holy words or books, no secret ceremonies or rituals, no spiritual leaders or gurus or faiths can do this for us. Once the higher functions are triggered within us, some mysterious predetermined schedule is set into motion, activating a program that cannot be given to us by any outside agency. This is because each of us already has it. Through my involvement with countless experiential workshops over the years, I have guided many thousands of non-tribal Westerners into the shamanic visionary experience and I’ve listened to their stories of their inner adventures on their return--accounts that would pass muster at any Aboriginal campfire. As we approach the beginning of the next cycle of ages, a new spiritual complex is coming into being, one that reflects who we are becoming.

Anthropologist and author Hank Wesselman PhD is the author of

eight books on shamanism. His most recent is The Bowl of Light: Ancestral Wisdom from a Hawaiian Shaman. Hank and his family live on their small farm in South

Kona, Hawaii Island.Visit his website at


Page 28: Hawaii’s 10...~Ivana Nesco, Healer “Shani is truly an intuitive who walks her talk and her honest, straight-forward, no-nonsense approach to working with you is delightfully refreshing


B R A G G L I V E F O O D S Bragg Live Foods, Inc. is the result of a lifetime of crusading the word of good Health worldwide since 1912. Paul C. Bragg, originator of Health Food Stores in America, founded the company, now run by his daughter Patricia Bragg, N.D., Ph.D., who continues to spread the gospel of health by providing natural healthy products, and a library of self-help books. The Bragg Vision for the future is exciting. . . Continuing the Bragg Legacy and Crusade we are developing the Bragg Organic Farm. A one hundred twenty acre organic farm on the outskirts of Santa Barbara, California is in the process of being modeled into an incredible Organic Apple Orchard with more than 2,000 apple trees. In the meantime Bragg’s farm is feeding organic apples to the schools in our area and educating our youth in the values of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle Motto: “You are what you eat, drink, breathe, think, say and do”.

Bragg’s amazing pioneering achievements the world now enjoys: * Bragg originated, named and opened the first Health Food Store in America. * Bragg Health Crusades pioneered the first Health Lectures across America. Bragg inspired followers to open Health Stores across America and then worldwide. * Bragg was the first to introduce pineapple juice and tomato juice to America. * He introduced Juice Therapy in America by importing the first hand-juicers. * He was the first to introduce and distribute honey and date sugar nationwide. * Bragg pioneered Radio Health Programs from Hollywood three times daily in the 20s. * Bragg and daughter Patricia pioneered a Health TV show from Hollywood to spread The Bragg Health Crusade on their show, Health and Happiness. It included exercises, health recipes, visual demonstrations and guest appearances by famous, health-minded people. * Bragg opened the first health restaurants and the first health spas in America. * He created the first health foods and products and then made them available nationwide: herbal teas, health beverages, vitamin drinks, seven-grain cereals and crackers, health cosmetics, health candies, calcium, vitamins and mineral supplements, wheat germ, digestive enzymes from papaya, herbs and kelp seasonings, and amino acids from soybeans.

Bragg inspired others to follow (Schiff, Shaklee, Twin Labs, Herbalife, etc.)

and now thousands of health items are available worldwide!


In 2013, we are awakening and walking across the Golden Bridge to Higher Consciousness. On the horizon of humanity I see a New Dawn in this New Millennium. From the ashes of the old self we clear debris from our being to project our spirit into a discovery of the new self. The transformation into your new - now self is magical. We no longer have to play with the deck of our old self. Many bring old - self baggage that is retroactive, reactionary responses; via mind projections into the present life path. Magnified and crystallized through cultures, relationships, corporations and economic systems it constructs a global false trust.

In the next eleven years global society will re – define itself and explode into “exponential hyper evolution.” We are at the OMATRIX Galactic Center. Your thoughts, emotions, energy waves are vibrating to and from this OMATRIX through your subtle body. To reach the OMATRIX, you must realize everyone in this world deserves to be loved. When you brick yourself in your heart becomes an isolation ward. No one gets in or out and the sacred space for love is blocked. Breaking this cycle requires great energy and effort. From our personal crisis we are guided to great personal transformation and victories. An inner evolution is taking place on our planet with millions

of enlightened beings who were previously awakened and activated coming into the lotus of divine power and wisdom. The most powerful force in creation is when the soul attunes to the OMATRIX – the greatest spiritual revolution is happening now. May we all live and love as the Divine Spirit that we are.


(808) 585-1989

Discovering the OMATRIXBy Babaji Maharaj

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Welcome to the Paradise! Hawaii’s Healers, Practitioners, Psychics, Yoga & Meditation Centers statewide - a community of progressive, heart-centered individuals and companies commited to the pursuit of physical health, mental bliss, social justice, and a sustainable world. This full color Service Directory is a one stop shopping for our readers to find Mind, Body & Spirit connection they seek.Health Professional * Healing Modalities * Intuitive and Spiritual * Personal Growth and Development * Fitness and Yoga * Schools and Training * Nutrition

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Experience the Ocean in a whole NEW way & Dissolve Fears through the medium of WATER!Would you like to be more comfortable with waves & currents, having your face in the water, swimming, and exploring the sea life? You are invited to a private therapeutic session that will give you a peaceful feeling of safety, providing you with extra care, grace, and the guidance that will help you feel at ease in the water.Kecia Joy is a Marine Biologist & Educator, Lifeguard Certified, Swim Instructor, SCUBA Certified, and Aqua Therapy/Watsu Trained. If you would love to snorkel, paddleboard, or swim but have been hesitant in the past, Congratulations - You have found the perfect guide to the most wonderful ocean experience & adventure on Maui! call Kecia today! 424-216-8JOY   email: [email protected]   www.marinejoyologist.com

e KoMo Mai!   welcome to the dolphin touch wellness center!  Located on the island of Kaua’i in Hawaii with its divine portals and special healing energies, Dolphin Touch Wellness Center offers a full spectrum of sessions, classes, workshops & Kaua’i adventures. Our gift shop carries fun gifts and enlightening tools for your enjoyment.We specialize in a new healing modality called Dolphin Touch which involves energy work (Reiki) and bodywork combined. Come experience the spirit of the dolphins and connect with their love, joy and playfulness. All of us at Dolphin Touch and all of our services have a connection with the dolphin consciousness. Join us in helping fulfill the dolphin’s mission of raising humans to a higher level.Located in Kauai at 4544 Kukui Street Kapaa, HI 96746-1716 (808) 822-4414   www.doiphintouch.org

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Our Philosophy: Inspiration is a reflection of the collective communities of Hawaii, the mainland and the world. It is a vehicle for holistic healers, for health, natural living, social and environmental professionals throughout Hawaii, to share their knowledge. We believe in cultivating an understanding of the body, mind and spirit in an effort to encourage the exploration of inner peace, harmony and balance. INSPIRATION is published quarterly and free for distribution. Subscriptions are $20 for 4 issues.Our intention is to distribute information in an unbiased format and not lead anyone in a specificdirection or endorse any product, thought or practice. INSPIRATION reserves the right to refuse any materials that do not conform to our editorial guidelines. Advance permission is required to reprint any part of INSPIRATION. All right reserved. Send queries to: INSPIRATION, P.O. Box 3211 Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii 96766 • (808) 652-4328 Tel On the Web: www.hawaiisinspiration.com Copyright 2011 by Inspiration, a Journal Inc.

PublisherChar RAveLO

EditorSally WILSON

Associate EditorTammi ANdeRSLANd, Richard dIAmONd

Graphic DesignTodd JOHANSeN

AdvertisingRichard dIAmONd (Kauai) 808-634-4138

Ganshet NANdOSKAR (Oahu) 808-923-2170Kecia JOy (maui) 808-344-1914

Contributing WritersKanoe AHuNA Phd, Toby CHRISTeNSeN, Brenda COuRSeR, michaelle edWARdS,

daisy Lee, Shani mOmI OdO, Pamela SALIBI, Paul ReyNOLdS

Distribution Tek NICKeRSON (Kauai) mark RAveLO (Kona) Kecia JOy (maui) Shani WONG (Oahu)

Page 31: Hawaii’s 10...~Ivana Nesco, Healer “Shani is truly an intuitive who walks her talk and her honest, straight-forward, no-nonsense approach to working with you is delightfully refreshing
Page 32: Hawaii’s 10...~Ivana Nesco, Healer “Shani is truly an intuitive who walks her talk and her honest, straight-forward, no-nonsense approach to working with you is delightfully refreshing