hatchet julianna pool period 3

This will be a tour guide of the survival book hatchet.

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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Hatchet Julianna Pool Period 3

This will be a tour guide of the survival

book hatchet.

Page 2: Hatchet Julianna Pool Period 3

The first stop we are taking is to the airport.

This is where Brain private bush plane is.

Brian said bye to his mother here and Brian

got his hatchet.

Page 3: Hatchet Julianna Pool Period 3

• This is were Brian had to land the plane in

the water because the pilot had a heart


He drank water in till he throw up. I mean he

acutely throw up from drinking to much


This is his stop. He made a shelter here, but

Brian was lost.

Page 4: Hatchet Julianna Pool Period 3

At this stop you will see that Brian was able

to make a fire with his hatchet. He slammed

this hatchet into a rock a it created sparks.

He got the idea when he had a dream of his

friend and he showed him a fire. Then a

porcupine snuck in a he throw his hatchet

into his wall and it created sparks.

Page 5: Hatchet Julianna Pool Period 3

On our next stop Brain meets a lot of

animals. First he met a skunk, bear, wolf,

and a moose. Well I’m going to talk about

the moose.

The moose trampled Brian when he was

drinking water and every time he moved the

moose would come charging at him. Then

when he was moving slowly the moose didn’t

come after him.

Page 6: Hatchet Julianna Pool Period 3

This stop is were Brian found the survival kit.

It was inside the plane and Brain made a raft

and was using the hatchet to cut into the

side of the plane.

Inside was an emergency transmitter and

Brian used it, then a plane came to rescue


Page 7: Hatchet Julianna Pool Period 3

This is the end of our tour. I am glad you can

stop by and take our tour. You should read

the book to find out more.