has john travolta died - wordpress.com · ‘going clear: scientology and the prison of belief’...

Has John Travolta died and been replaced by a machine? Sources from deep within the Church Of Scientology have leaked informa- tion suggesting that actor and long term advocate of Scientology, John Travolta, has died and been replaced by an android. R eports from former members of the controversial religion, The Church Of Scientology, have suggested that the actor John Travolta has died and been replaced by an android funded by the church. Travolta has been a long time Scientologist, and, along with fellow actor Tom Cruise, been one of the Church’s most prominent celebrity support- ers. It is claimed that Travolta has actually been dead for an undeter- mined amount of time, although it is thought to have been for at least a year, and that recent appearanc- es by the Hollywood star have in fact been made by an android double funded by the Church of Scientology. The two sources from within the Church were former high rank- ing members and have chosen to remain anonymous for reasons of safety. Scientology is notoriously secretive about the Churches inner workings and our sources, a male, aged 55, and female, age 47, fear that their lives may be in danger. MYSTERY Exactly when Travolta is sup- posed to have passed away re- mains unclear. The star has been subject to multiple death hoaxes on the internet and social media over recent years, the most recent involving a jet ski accident in Turks and Caicos, but our sourc- es report that there may be more validity to these claims than it seems. “These claims are often discredited as hoaxes but the truth is that the power of the Church has an enormous amount of influence within the media. Travolta was in a plane crash back in 1992, and no one heard about it until 1995. The Church were able to cover the story up. I don’t believe that that’s when he died, but one of these so-called hoaxes that you’ve heard in recent years is definitely more fact than fiction,” the female source told us. ROBOTICS Our two sources were involved in the financial department inside The Church Of Scientology, and claim that the Church has been paying vast sums of money for well over a decade to Japanese ro- botics company Kokoro Company Ltd. Kokoro have been in the business of manufacturing ever more realistic androids such as the Repliee Q2 (pictured). Our sourc- es claim that Kokoro were em- ployed to create a Travolta mimic to replace the actor in the event of his death. “Kokoro make stunning replicas,” our male source stated, “but there is still something just not quite right with the replica. If Story by Tom Denney Travolta’s bizarre behaviour at 2015 Academy Awards thought to be the result of an android malfunction

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Page 1: Has John Travolta died - WordPress.com · ‘Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief’ suggests that the Church relies heavily on celebrity members to act as spokes people;

Has John Travolta died and been replaced by a machine?Sources from deep within the Church Of Scientology have leaked informa-tion suggesting that actor and long term advocate of Scientology, John Travolta, has died and been replaced by an android.

Reports from former members of the controversial religion,

The Church Of Scientology, have suggested that the actor John Travolta has died and been replaced by an android funded by the church. Travolta has been a long time Scientologist, and, along with fellow actor Tom Cruise, been one of the Church’s most prominent celebrity support-ers. It is claimed that Travolta has actually been dead for an undeter-mined amount of time, although it is thought to have been for at least a year, and that recent appearanc-es by the Hollywood star have in fact been made by an android double funded by the Church of Scientology.

The two sources from within the Church were former high rank-ing members and have chosen to remain anonymous for reasons of safety. Scientology is notoriously secretive about the Churches inner workings and our sources, a male, aged 55, and female, age 47, fear that their lives may be in danger.

MYSTERY Exactly when Travolta is sup-posed to have passed away re-mains unclear. The star has been

subject to multiple death hoaxes on the internet and social media over recent years, the most recent involving a jet ski accident in Turks and Caicos, but our sourc-es report that there may be more validity to these claims than it seems. “These claims are often discredited as hoaxes but the truth is that the power of the Church has an enormous amount of influence within the media. Travolta was in a plane crash back in 1992, and no one heard about it until 1995. The Church were able to cover the story up. I don’t believe that that’s when he died, but one of these so-called hoaxes that you’ve heard in recent years is definitely more fact than fiction,” the female source told us.

ROBOTICSOur two sources were involved in the financial department inside The Church Of Scientology, and claim that the Church has been paying vast sums of money for well over a decade to Japanese ro-botics company Kokoro Company Ltd. Kokoro have been in the business of manufacturing ever more realistic androids such as the Repliee Q2 (pictured). Our sourc-es claim that Kokoro were em-ployed to create a Travolta mimic to replace the actor in the event of his death. “Kokoro make stunning replicas,” our male source stated, “but there is still something just not quite right with the replica. If

Story by Tom Denney

Travolta’s bizarre behaviour at 2015 Academy Awards thought to be the result of an android malfunction

Page 2: Has John Travolta died - WordPress.com · ‘Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief’ suggests that the Church relies heavily on celebrity members to act as spokes people;

you see John Travolta now there is something off that you cannot quite put your finger on. This is because of an effect known as the Uncanny Valley”. The Uncanny Valley is notion that robots creat-ed to be human-like in appearance are more endearing to humans, until they reach a certain point that they are so close to being realistic that they cause revulsion in humans.

“Just look at the media response to Travolta at the 2015 Oscars. His behavior was bizarre and his appearance is like strange synthet-ic version of his former self”, our so urce continued, “Because Hol-lywood is rife with plastic surgery and celebrities behaving strangely the android has been able to go undetected, but to me the Oscars was a definite sign of a malfunc-tion with the android.” Travolta’s appearance at the 2015 Academy Awards was lampooned in the me-dia for his unusual behavior, most notably the mispronunciation to singer Idina Menzel’s name as Adele Nazeem.

BLACKMAIL The 2015 HBO documentary ‘Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief’ suggests that the Church relies heavily on celebrity members to act as spokes people; encouraging new memberships and raising money. The HBO documentary features statements from former Scientologist stating that the Church keeps exten-sive blackmail files on all of it’s members from information gained during their ‘Auditing’ process, where members must confess their inner most secrets and desires. It is thought that these tactics

are what has kept members like Travolta and Cruise in the Church for so long. “John Travolta is far too great an asset to the public persona of the Church”, our male source revealed, “In life they’ve been able to keep him on a leash through threats of blackmail, and now they’ve found a way to controle him even in death. His passing would be such a great loss monetarily for the Church in the long term that they saw fit to de-velop the android to replace him and carry on his work. I know it sounds bizarre but we are talking about a religion worth upwards on $1.2 billion that was founded by a science fiction author.” The Church of Scientology was found-ed in 1954 by science fiction and fantasy author L. Ron Hubbard, and many of the Church’s core beliefs revolve around extraterres-trial life.

Representatives for John Travolta, The Church Of Scientology and Kokoro Ltd. were asked for com-ment but have not replied.

Above: A young, pre-android, Travolta in 1970, and the supposed Travolta android, pictured in 2015.

Below: The Repliee Q2 android designed by Japanese Kokoro Company Ltd. Kokoro are believed to have designed the Travolta android