harvard orders evacuation of four buildings in response to ‘unconfirmed reports of explosives’ -...

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  • 8/13/2019 Harvard orders evacuation of four buildings in response to unconfirmed reports of explosives - Metro - The Bosto


    Bomb scare rattles Harvard

    campusNo devices found; some students suspect a hoax

    By Eric Moskowitz | GL OBE STAFF DECEMBER 16, 2013

    CAMBRIDGE Joe Palana had just sat down for the last exam of his first semester at

    Harvard Monday when alarm bells piercedthe silence at Emerson Hall. Like others

    around him, the freshman from Rockland thought it was just a fire drill, so he left his

    bag. But he grabbed his coat.

    That made him luckier than some of the hundreds of Harvard students and faculty who

    were displaced at 9 a.m. by a bomb scare and walked out in their shirtsleeves or

    without their university ID cards, only to be locked out for hours as law enforcement

    swept the campus over what officials called unconfirmed reports of explosives.


  • 8/13/2019 Harvard orders evacuation of four buildings in response to unconfirmed reports of explosives - Metro - The Bosto


    Police ultimately found no suspicious devices, but the threat, which officials said came

    via e-mail, drew an array of emergency responders and a throng of reporters to

    Harvard, eight months after the attack on the Boston Marathon. In Washington,

    President Obama was briefed.

    But the mood on campus seemed to shift quickly from fear toward curiosity,

    annoyance, or indifference, long before the last of the four evacuated buildings was

    deemed bomb-free around 3 p.m. Almost from the start, officials called the evacuation

    a result of an abundance of caution, and many students speculated that the threat

    was an exam-period hoax.


    My guess is someone is trying to cause

    mischief during finals week, said Nathan

    Pflueger, a graduate student who had just

    arrived at his office at the Science Center when

    the alarm went off, prompting a mass exodus.

    Ten-to-one its an obnoxious effort to stop an

    exam today, said sophomore Connor Harris,

    standing outside the center five hours later,

    yellow caution tape and a cluster of emergencyvehicles still blocking the entrance.

    Harris said the atmosphere was nothing like

    that of last April, when the university and

    surrounding area was on lockdown during the

    manhunt in Watertown for the Marathon bombing suspects. People were quite

    frightened then, he said.

    But possibly because it took place at Harvard, the threat Monday made news

    worldwide. Harris awakened to read not just a university emergency alert message but

    also a text from his parents in Connecticut, hoping he was safe. Standing on the

    blocked-off end of Kirkland Street, he read a news story on his phone about the threat,

    in German, on the website of Der Spiegel.

    The threat targeted Emerson, Thayer, and Sever halls in Harvard Yard and the Science

    Center, just beyond the yard.



    Police investigate reports ofexplosives at Harvard

    Map: Evacuated buildings

  • 8/13/2019 Harvard orders evacuation of four buildings in response to unconfirmed reports of explosives - Metro - The Bosto


    Thayer and Emerson reopened after four hours, Sever after five, and the Science

    Center after six hours, though a heightened police and security presence remained well

    into the afternoon.

    After the evacuation, officials closed Harvard Yard to the public, restricting access to

    those with university IDs.

    By 11, a few dozen students were waiting along Massachusetts Avenue to return

    through one of the limited-access gates. Despite the helicopters overhead and the

    power cords for satellite trucks running down the sidewalk, the mood was the usual

    end-of-semester mix of jubilation and anxiety, with little evident fear.

    Michael Casciotti, shivering in shorts and flip-flops, was just trying to stay warm.

    Im very cold, said the freshman from Pennsylvania, who had ventured barefoot and

    bleary-eyed from his Thayer dorm room into the hall at the sound of the alarm.

    I left all my stuff in there, didnt have any clothes on, so my friend gave me a sweater

    and flip-flops, he said.

    As the three-hour mark approached, Palana, the freshman from Rockland, remained

    displaced from his bag and his dorm room, in Thayer. He had decamped for an

    upperclass dorm far from the yard I wasnt too concerned, [but] I had some friends

    that were pretty scared but wandered back toward Harvard Yard for lunch,

    spotting a friend waving from the third floor of a dorm just inside the gate. A federal

    Homeland Security sport utility vehicle had just raced past, sirens blaring. But the

    friend, shirtless, appeared unconcerned.

    Hey, Adam! Palana called. You look notvery cold. Its not so warm out here.

    Palana glanced at his phone and saw an update: His exam had been rescheduled for a

    choice of 6:30 p.m. Monday night or the third week of next semester.

    His classmate Emma Woo cringed; Mondays new timing coincided with her chorus

    concert, so she would have to study again over break. Dude, thats the worst, Palana


    A Harvard e-mail advised students that afternoon exams would be held as scheduled,

    with exams in affected buildings moved but not canceled.

  • 8/13/2019 Harvard orders evacuation of four buildings in response to unconfirmed reports of explosives - Metro - The Bosto



    The Faculty of Arts and Sciences message advised students that if they felt unable to

    take their exams for any reason, including anxiety, loss of study time, lack of access to

    material and belongings left in one of the affected buildings, or travel schedule, they

    could skip the exam and take a grade based on coursework to date.

    That prompted a group of graduate students to begin drafting a reply cautioning that

    the approach would set up a new and dangerous precedent on campus, that bomb

    threats will get students out of final exam responsibilities.

    We see the note as analogous to negotiating with terrorists, doctoral student Alek

    Chakroff said in an e-mail to the Globe. We sympathize with students who are

    distressed by the threats, especially in the wake of the Marathon bombings. But in

    responding to these threats, we think excusing students from exams should be the

    exception, not the rule.

    A subsequent Harvard e-mail reiterated the policy for students who skipped Monday

    afternoon exams but clarified that anyone who felt unable to take another exam this

    week as a result of the bomb threat would need evaluation and documentation from

    student mental health services.

    Peter Schworm and Matt Viser of the Globe staff contributed to this report.