hardware implementation of rfid mutual authentication protocol

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 57, NO. 5, MAY 2010 1573 Hardware Implementation of RFID Mutual Authentication Protocol Yu-Jung Huang, Senior Member, IEEE, Ching-Chien Yuan, Ming-Kun Chen, Wei-Cheng Lin, and Hsien-Chiao Teng Abstract—Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is a wireless technology that utilizes radio communication to identify objects with a unique electrical identity. The widespread deployment of RFID technologies may generate new threats to security and user privacy. One of the main drawbacks of RFID technology is the weak authentication systems between a reader and a tag. In general, “weak” authentication systems that either leak the password directly over the network or leak sufficient information while performing authentication allow intruders to deduce or guess the password. In this paper, we study the RFID tag–reader mutual authentication scheme. A hardware implementation of the mutual authentication protocol for the RFID system is proposed. The proposed system was simulated using Modelsim XE II and synthesized using Xilinx synthesis technology. The system has been successfully implemented in hardware using an Altera DE2 board that included an Altera Cyclone II field-programmable gate array (FPGA). Finally, the output waveforms from the FPGA were displayed on the 16702A logic analysis system for real-time verification. Index Terms—Field-programmable gate array (FPGA) imple- mentation, mutual authentication, radio-frequency identification (RFID). I. I NTRODUCTION R ADIO-FREQUENCY identification (RFID) is a contact- less identification technology that enables remote and automated gathering and sending of information between RFID tags or transponders and readers or interrogators using a wire- less link. In recent years, RFID technology has gained rapid acceptance as a means to identify and track a wide array of manufactured objects [1]–[3]. An RFID system is composed of three main components: tag, reader, and back-end database. RFID tags come in a range of forms and can vary in storage capacity, memory type, radio frequency, and power capability. An RFID tag typically consists of an integrated circuit for handling data and an antenna for receiving and transmitting a radio-frequency signal. Manuscript received May 16, 2009; revised November 11, 2009. First published December 1, 2009; current version published April 14, 2010. This work was supported in part by the National Science Council, Taiwan, under Grants NSC97-2622-E-214-003-CC3 and NSC98-2221-E-214-047. Y.-J. Huang, C.-C. Yuan, and H.-C. Teng are with the Department of Electronic Engineering, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung 84008, Taiwan (e-mail: [email protected]). M.-K. Chen is with Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Test (ASET) Ltd., Kaohsiung 84008, Taiwan (e-mail: [email protected]). W.-C. Lin is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, I-Shou Univer- sity, Kaohsiung 84008, Taiwan (e-mail: [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2009.2037098 In the commercial setting, RFID tags contain an electronic product code (EPC) that can uniquely identify each and every tagged item [4]. The RFID tag stores its unique EPC with related product information inside the tag’s memory and sends these data whenever the reader requests them. The reader reads data from and writes data to tags by broadcasting the RF signals. After a reader queries a tag and receives information from the tag, the reader forwards the information to a back- end database. The back-end server plays an essential role in checking the validity of the tags or reader, which is very important for privacy protection and security issues. RFID standards are a major issue in securing high invest- ments in RFID technology on different levels (e.g., interface protocol, data structure, etc.). There are two competing ini- tiatives in the RFID standardization arena: ISO [5] and EPC Global [4], [6]. The EPCglobal Class-1 Generation-2 (C1G2) ultrahigh frequency (UHF) RFID standard defines a specifica- tion for passive RFID technology and is an open and global standard. The EPC C1G2 standard specifies the RFID commu- nication protocol within the UHF spectrum (860 to 960 MHz). The standard specifies that a compliant RFID tag should contain a 32-b kill password (Kpwd) to permanently disable the tag and a 32-b access password (Apwd). The reader then performs a bitwise XOR of the data or password with a random number from the tag to cover-code data or a password in EPC Gen 2. However, the EPC C1G2 standards do not fully support pri- vacy invasion and data security issues. The simple kill and access commands specified in EPC C1G2 specifications are not enough to provide secure authentication function and data/privacy protection. EPC C1G2 provides only very basic security tools using a 16-b pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) and a 16-b cyclic redundancy code (CRC). Despite many prospective ap- plications, RFID technology has several privacy-related prob- lems such as data leakage and data traceability, which should be resolved before RFID’s pervasive employment. Many methods have been proposed to enhance the security of RFID systems, and the research for RFID security is quite extensive and growing [7]–[16]. Most hash-based RFID protocols for mutual authentication have been proposed in the literature [17]–[19]. Juels proposed a solution based on the use of pseudonyms, without any hash function [20]. This mutual authentication protocol is based on a short list of pseudonyms that are stored on a tag. To resist cloning and eavesdropping, this protocol requires extra memory on the tag and needs a way to update the tag’s pseudonym list. The communication cost is relatively high because of the tag data updates, which limits the practi- cality of this scheme. A set of lightweight challenge response 0278-0046/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE

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Page 1: Hardware Implementation of RFID Mutual Authentication Protocol


Hardware Implementation of RFID MutualAuthentication Protocol

Yu-Jung Huang, Senior Member, IEEE, Ching-Chien Yuan, Ming-Kun Chen, Wei-Cheng Lin, and Hsien-Chiao Teng

Abstract—Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is a wirelesstechnology that utilizes radio communication to identify objectswith a unique electrical identity. The widespread deployment ofRFID technologies may generate new threats to security anduser privacy. One of the main drawbacks of RFID technologyis the weak authentication systems between a reader and a tag.In general, “weak” authentication systems that either leak thepassword directly over the network or leak sufficient informationwhile performing authentication allow intruders to deduce orguess the password. In this paper, we study the RFID tag–readermutual authentication scheme. A hardware implementation of themutual authentication protocol for the RFID system is proposed.The proposed system was simulated using Modelsim XE II andsynthesized using Xilinx synthesis technology. The system hasbeen successfully implemented in hardware using an Altera DE2board that included an Altera Cyclone II field-programmable gatearray (FPGA). Finally, the output waveforms from the FPGAwere displayed on the 16702A logic analysis system for real-timeverification.

Index Terms—Field-programmable gate array (FPGA) imple-mentation, mutual authentication, radio-frequency identification(RFID).


RADIO-FREQUENCY identification (RFID) is a contact-less identification technology that enables remote and

automated gathering and sending of information between RFIDtags or transponders and readers or interrogators using a wire-less link. In recent years, RFID technology has gained rapidacceptance as a means to identify and track a wide array ofmanufactured objects [1]–[3]. An RFID system is composedof three main components: tag, reader, and back-end database.RFID tags come in a range of forms and can vary in storagecapacity, memory type, radio frequency, and power capability.An RFID tag typically consists of an integrated circuit forhandling data and an antenna for receiving and transmitting aradio-frequency signal.

Manuscript received May 16, 2009; revised November 11, 2009. Firstpublished December 1, 2009; current version published April 14, 2010. Thiswork was supported in part by the National Science Council, Taiwan, underGrants NSC97-2622-E-214-003-CC3 and NSC98-2221-E-214-047.

Y.-J. Huang, C.-C. Yuan, and H.-C. Teng are with the Department ofElectronic Engineering, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung 84008, Taiwan (e-mail:[email protected]).

M.-K. Chen is with Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Test (ASET) Ltd.,Kaohsiung 84008, Taiwan (e-mail: [email protected]).

W.-C. Lin is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, I-Shou Univer-sity, Kaohsiung 84008, Taiwan (e-mail: [email protected]).

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2009.2037098

In the commercial setting, RFID tags contain an electronicproduct code (EPC) that can uniquely identify each and everytagged item [4]. The RFID tag stores its unique EPC withrelated product information inside the tag’s memory and sendsthese data whenever the reader requests them. The reader readsdata from and writes data to tags by broadcasting the RFsignals. After a reader queries a tag and receives informationfrom the tag, the reader forwards the information to a back-end database. The back-end server plays an essential role inchecking the validity of the tags or reader, which is veryimportant for privacy protection and security issues.

RFID standards are a major issue in securing high invest-ments in RFID technology on different levels (e.g., interfaceprotocol, data structure, etc.). There are two competing ini-tiatives in the RFID standardization arena: ISO [5] and EPCGlobal [4], [6]. The EPCglobal Class-1 Generation-2 (C1G2)ultrahigh frequency (UHF) RFID standard defines a specifica-tion for passive RFID technology and is an open and globalstandard. The EPC C1G2 standard specifies the RFID commu-nication protocol within the UHF spectrum (860 to 960 MHz).The standard specifies that a compliant RFID tag should containa 32-b kill password (Kpwd) to permanently disable the tag anda 32-b access password (Apwd). The reader then performs abitwise XOR of the data or password with a random numberfrom the tag to cover-code data or a password in EPC Gen 2.However, the EPC C1G2 standards do not fully support pri-vacy invasion and data security issues. The simple kill andaccess commands specified in EPC C1G2 specifications arenot enough to provide secure authentication function anddata/privacy protection.

EPC C1G2 provides only very basic security tools usinga 16-b pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) and a 16-bcyclic redundancy code (CRC). Despite many prospective ap-plications, RFID technology has several privacy-related prob-lems such as data leakage and data traceability, which should beresolved before RFID’s pervasive employment. Many methodshave been proposed to enhance the security of RFID systems,and the research for RFID security is quite extensive andgrowing [7]–[16]. Most hash-based RFID protocols for mutualauthentication have been proposed in the literature [17]–[19].Juels proposed a solution based on the use of pseudonyms,without any hash function [20]. This mutual authenticationprotocol is based on a short list of pseudonyms that are storedon a tag. To resist cloning and eavesdropping, this protocolrequires extra memory on the tag and needs a way to updatethe tag’s pseudonym list. The communication cost is relativelyhigh because of the tag data updates, which limits the practi-cality of this scheme. A set of lightweight challenge response

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authentication algorithms for a low-cost tag is proposed in[21]. Although these can be used in authenticating the tags, thealgorithms may be easily broken by a powerful adversary. Dueto very limited computational capability in a low-cost RFID tag,only 250–4 K logic gates can be devoted to security-relatedtasks. Many studies on light authentication protocols that useonly efficient bitwise operations (such as XOR, AND, OR, etc.)on tags have been proposed [22]–[24].

Konidala et al. [10] proposed a protocol based on XOR

operation and tag’s access and kill passwords for the tag–readermutual authentication scheme. However, this approach hasnot been implemented in hardware. The rest of this paperis organized as follows. In Section II, we present the back-ground and previous work on the RFID reader-to-tag authen-tication protocol. The pad-generation function is discussed inSection III. Section IV shows the implementation results of themutual authentication scheme. Finally, we conclude the paperin Section V.


A. EPC Class-1 Gen-2 Standard

An access password is required before data are exchangedbetween a reader and a single tag. The access password is a32-b value stored in the tag’s reserved memory. If this passwordis set, then the reader has to have the valid password before thetag will engage in a secured data exchange. These passwordscan be used in activating kill commands to permanently shutdown tags, as well as for accessing and relocking a tag’smemory.

To cover-code data or a password in Gen 2, a reader first re-quests a random number from the tag. The reader then performsa bitwise XOR of the data or password with this random numberand transmits the cover-coded (also called ciphertext) string tothe tag. The tag uncovers the data or password by performing abitwise XOR of the received cover-coded string with the originalrandom number. In addition, the tag conforming to the EPCC1G2 standard can support only a 16-b PRNG and a 16-b CRCchecksum that are used to detect errors in the transmitted data[4], [6]. Fig. 1 describes the EPCglobal C1G2 communicationstep between a reader and a tag. A detailed description of eachstep is as follows.

1) The interrogator issues a Req_RN and sends a requestmessage to a tag.

2) The tag responds by backscattering a new 16-b randomnumber RN16.

3) The interrogator then generates a 16-b ciphertext stringcomprising a bitwise XOR of the 16-b word to be trans-mitted with this new RN16, both MSB first, and issuesthe command with this ciphertext string as a parameter.

4) The tag decrypts the received ciphertext string by per-forming a bitwise XOR of the received 16-b ciphertextstring with the original RN16.

5) The interrogator issues a Req_RN to obtain a new RN16.6) The tag responds by backscattering a different RN16.7) The interrogator then transmits a 16-b ciphertext string

generated from the 16 LSBs of the tag’s access passwordXORed with the RN16 generated at step 6).

Fig. 1. One-way reader-to-tag authentication scheme proposed byEPCglobal [6].

8) The tag performs a bitwise XOR operation of the received16-b ciphertext string and the RN16 to decrypt the re-ceived ciphertext string for verification.

B. Konidala et al. Mutual Authentication Scheme

Konidala et al. [10] utilized the tag’s 32-b access and killpasswords in achieving tag–reader mutual authentication. Theirscheme uses two rounds of PadGen to compute a cover-codingpad. The first round performs PadGen over the access password,while the second round performs PadGen over the kill pass-word. The PadGen function is used to create the 16-b pads for“cover coding” the access password.

In the Konidala et al. [10] authentication scheme, as shown inFig. 2, the reader issues a Req_RN command to the acknowl-edged tag. The tag then generates two 16-b random numbers,namely, RT1 and RT2, and backscatters them with its EPC tothe reader. The reader forwards these messages to the manufac-turer. The manufacturer matches the received EPC to retrievethe tag’s access password (Apwd) and kill password (Kpwd)from the back-end database. The manufacturer then generatesand stores two 16-b random numbers, namely, RM1 and RM2.The “cover-coded passwords” for the 16 MSBs (CCPwdM1)and the 16 LSBs (CCPwdL1) are computed by the PadGen(RTi, RMi) function for i = 1, 2. CCPwdM1, CCPwdL1, andEPC along with four 16-b random numbers, namely, RM1,RM2, RM3, and RM4, generated by the manufacturer are trans-mitted to the reader, which, in turn, forwards them to the tag forverification. To authenticate the tag, the tag generates anothertwo random numbers RT3 and RT4 along with the receivedRM3 and RM4 used to compute CCPwdM2 and CCPwdL2with the PadGen (RTi, RMi) function for i = 3, 4. CCPwdM2,CCPwdL2, and EPC along with two 16-b random numbers,namely, RT3 and RT4, are transmitted to the reader, which, inturn, forwards them to the manufacturer for verification.The Konidala et al. scheme offers greater resistance againstLim and Li’s attacks [12]. This scheme is also much moredifficult for an adversary to recover the access password underthe correlation attack or to forge successful authenticationunder the dictionary attack.

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Fig. 2. Tag–reader mutual authentication scheme proposed by Konidala et al. [10].


A. Original Scheme

In [10], the PadGen function is the key component in con-structing the 16-b pads to cover code the two 16-b accesspassword halves (ApwdM and ApwdL). The pad-generationfunction retrieves the individual bits of the Apwd and Kpwdfrom the memory locations by manipulating random numbersand concatenates these bits to form a 16-b pad. A brief descrip-tion of the PadGen function is provided in the following. Let usrepresent the 32-b Apwd and Kpwd in binary (base 2) as

Apwd = a0a1a2a3 · · · a31 (1)

Kpwd = k0k1k2k3 · · · k31. (2)

The 16-b random numbers RTx and RMx generated by thetag and manufacturer in hexadecimal (base 16) are

RTx = dt1dt2dt3dt4 (3)

RMx = dm1dm2dm3dm4. (4)

Each digit of RTx and RMx is used to indicate a bit locationin Apwd, and these bits are concatenated to form a 16-b outputin hexadecimal (base 16) representations as

Apwd − PadGen(RTx, RMx)

= adt1adt2adt3adt4




= dv1dv2dv3dv4 (5)

where dv1dv2dv3dv4 is the decimal (base 10) notation.

The PadGen is again performed over Kpwd using the pre-viously generated dv1dv2dv3dv4 to indicate a bit location inKpwd, and these bits are concatenated to form a 16-b PAD.The resulting PAD would then be expressed as

PAD = Kpwd − PadGen (Apwd − PadGen(RTx, RMx), RTx)

= Kpwd − PadGen(dv1dv2dv3dv4, RTx)

= kdv1kdv2kdv3kdv4




= hp1hp2hp3hp4 (6)

where hp1hp2hp3hp4 is the hexadecimal (base 16) notation.

B. Modified Scheme

As shown in the previous session, the first-round PadGenperforms over the access password, as indicated in (5), whilethe second-round PadGen performs over the kill password togenerate the desired PAD, as indicated in (6). However, differ-ent PADs can be generated by reconfiguring the concatenateoperation. If we perform the following concatenate operation,the first-round PadGen performs over the access password as

Apwd − PadGen(RTx, RMx)

= adt1adt1+16adt2adt2+16




= dv1dv2dv3dv4 (7)

where dv1dv2dv3dv4 is the decimal (base 10) notation.

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Then, the second-round PadGen performs over the killpassword. Instead of (6), the resulting PAD would then beexpressed as

Kpwd − PadGen(dv1dv2dv3dv4, RTx)

= kdv1kdv1+16kdv2kdv2+16




= hp1hp2hp3hp4 (8)

where hp1hp2hp3hp4 is the hexadecimal (base 16) notation.A more complex manipulation on RTx and RMx to indicate

a bit location in Apwd and Kpwd can be formulated to increasethe security level. For the present proposed methodology, thefirst-round PadGen performs over the access password as

Apwd − PadGen(RTx, RMx)

= aw1aw2aw3aw4




= dv1dv2dv3dv4 (9)


w1−4 = dt1 + dm1, dt1 + dm2, dt1 + dm3, dt1 + dm4

w5−8 = dt2 + dm1, dt2 + dm2, dt2 + dm3, dt2 + dm4

w9−12 = dt3 + dm1, dt3 + dm2, dt3 + dm3, dt3 + dm4

w13−16 = dt4 + dm1, dt4 + dm2, dt4 + dm3, dt4 + dm4.


After the second-round PadGen performs over the kill pass-word, the resulting PAD would then be expressed as

Kpwd − PadGen(dv1dv2dv3dv4, RTx)

= kz1kz2kz3kz4




= hp1hp2hp3hp4 (11)


z1−4 = dt1 + dv1, dt1 + dv2, dt1 + dv3, dt1 + dv4

z5−8 = dt2 + dv1, dt2 + dv2, dt2 + dv3, dt2 + dv4

z9−12 = dt3 + dv1, dt3 + dv2, dt3 + dv3, dt3 + dv4

z13−16 = dt4 + dv1, dt4 + dv2, dt4 + dv3, dt4 + dv4. (12)

C. Security Considerations

The original scheme proposed by Konidala et al. utilizesthe tag’s access and kill passwords and a PadGen chain oflength two for tag–reader mutual authentication [10]. However,practical attacks can effectively disclose the access and killpasswords. In [11], the vulnerability analysis indicates that

the original scheme contains a security weakness. If the ad-versary sends the random number to the reader such that allthe hexadecimal digitals in RTx have the same value (i.e.,RTx = KKKKh), it can be deduced that all the bits ineach of the hexadecimal digits dv1, dv2, hp3, hp4 ∈ {0000b =0h, 1111b = Fh} in (6). This leads to dv1dv2, hp3hp4 ∈{00h, 0Fh, F0h, FFh}. The adversary can then obtain the eightLSBs of ApwdM and ApwdL by computing the following:




CCPwdM1[8,...,15] ⊕ 0x00, probability = 1/4CCPwdM1[8,...,15] ⊕ 0x0F, probability = 1/4CCPwdM1[8,...,15] ⊕ 0xF0, probability = 1/4CCPwdM1[8,...,15] ⊕ 0xFF, probability = 1/4





CCPwdL1[8,...,15] ⊕ 0x00, probability = 1/4CCPwdL1[8,...,15] ⊕ 0x0F, probability = 1/4CCPwdL1[8,...,15] ⊕ 0xF0, probability = 1/4CCPwdL1[8,...,15] ⊕ 0xFF, probability = 1/4.


The adversary can obtain the eight LSBs of ApwdM andApwdL with a probability equal to 1/4 each. Results of furtheranalysis revealed that the 16 MSBs of the access password canbe obtained with a probability greater than 1/32. In addition, anattacker can recover the entire kill password with a probabilityequal to 1/4 [11].

For a security comparison, we apply the same attack scenariofor our modified scheme (8). It can be deduced that all the bitsin each of the hexadecimal digits

dv1, dv3, hp2, hp4

∈ {0000b = 0h, 0101b = 5h, 1010b = Ah, 1111b = Fh}

in (8). This leads to

dv1dv3, hp2hp4 ∈ {00h, 05h, 0Ah, 0Fh, 50h, 55h, 5Ah, 5Fh,

A0h, A5h, AAh, AFh, F0h, F5h, FAh, FFh}.

Under this condition, an adversary will be able to extract the16 b of the access password with a probability equal to 1/16,which is more secure than the original scheme. For anothermodified scheme (11), the values of dv1, dv2, dv3, dv4, hp1,hp2, hp3, and hp4 are calculated by adding two random numbersRTx and RMx. Using RTx = KKKKh, an adversary will notbe able to extract the 16 b of the access password withoutknowing RMx.


A. Data Encoding Architecture

According to the EPC C1G2 protocol, a tag communicateswith an interrogator using backscatter modulation, in which thetag switches the reflection coefficient of its antenna betweentwo states in accordance with the data being sent. Tags encode

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Fig. 3. FM0 data-coding architecture.

Fig. 4. MMS data-coding architecture.

the backscattered data as either FM0 baseband or the Millermodulation of a subcarrier at the data rate [25]. These twokinds of encoding architectures, FM0 and Miller-modulatedsubcarrier (MMS), are proposed in this work. A detailed def-inition of FM0 and MMS is described in [6]. The following isa brief definition of FM0 and MMS. A binary “1” is constantduring a symbol time, and a binary “0” has a state transitionin the middle of a symbol, or the FM0 symbol can, in turn,be XORed with square waves of up to eight times higher infrequency to form an MMS. In addition, baseband Miller invertsthe baseband value between adjacent binary values of zero.Finally, the resulting waveform is multiplied by a square waveof M subcarrier cycles per bit, where M is equal to two, four, oreight. The design of the FM0 encoding architecture is shown inFig. 3. The frequency divider divides the original clock signalfrequency by two and is processed as a clock signal to triggerthe first register. The encoder is triggered by the original clocksignal. The first input register is used to save the input datafor further encoding processes. The encoded information willbe stored in the register and will output the final results insequence.

The coding structure of MMS is similar to that of FM0.Fig. 4 shows the MMS coding architecture. The frequencydivider divides the original clock signal to trigger the firstregister that stores the input data. The original clock is applied

Fig. 5. Power consumption with different coding schemes.

to the encoder as a trigger signal. The encoding result is bit-wised with a subcarrier through the XNOR gate. The SynopsysPrimePower platform is applied to simulate power consumptionwith different input patterns on the FM0 and MMS codingarchitectures. In Fig. 5, there is a maximum power consumptionof FM0 when the input pattern is “01010101_01010101,” andthe power is 3.367 × 10−5 W. The MMS coding architecture

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Fig. 6. Functional block diagram of 16-b random number generator.

Fig. 7. PadGen functional block diagram in the mutual authentication scheme.

dissipates more power than that of FM0. The maximum powerconsumption for MMS encoding occurs when the input patternis “11111111_11111111.” The corresponding maximum poweris 3.741 × 10−5, 3.993 × 10−5, and 4.493 × 10−5 W for M =2, 4, and 8, respectively.

B. PadGen Mutual Authentication Architecture

The PadGen function is the key function used to producea cover-coding pad to mask the tag’s access password beforetransmission. The implementation of the PadGen function alsorequires the random number generator to produce RTx andRMx. A typical 16-b linear feedback shift register (LFSR) isused to generate pseudorandom numbers. An LFSR with awell-chosen feedback function can produce a sequence of bits

that appears random and has a very long cycle. For an n-bitLFSR, the LFSR can generate a (2n − 1)-b-long pseudorandomsequence before repeating. A maximum-length LFSR producesan m-sequence (i.e., cycles through all possible 2n − 1 stateswithin the shift register except the state where all bits are zero).However, an LFSR with a maximal period must satisfy the fol-lowing property: The polynomial formed from a tap sequenceplus the constant 1 must be a primitive polynomial modulo 2[26]. In this paper, the Fibonacci LFSR was implementedbecause it is more suitable for hardware implementation thanthe Galios LFSR. The feedback polynomial is x16 + x14 +x13 + x11 + 1. The architecture of the 16-b random numbergenerator is shown in Fig. 6.

The block diagram of the PadGen function in the mu-tual authentication scheme is shown in Fig. 7. The function

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Fig. 8. Simulation results of the PadGen function in (6).

is performed on the tag’s 32-b access password Apwd =a0a1a2a3 . . . a31, which is broken up into two parts—the16 MSBs of the access password as ApwdM and the 16 LSBsdenoted as ApwdL. The hexadecimal (base 16) notation of the16-b random numbers RTx and RMx generated by the tagand manufacturer are expressed as RTx = dt1dt2dt3dt4 andRMx = dm1dm2dm3dm4, respectively. Using each of the fourhexadecimal digits in RTx (or RMx) to indicate a bit addresswithin ApwdM or ApwdL, PadGen then selects those bits fromApwdM and ApwdL to form the 16-b output pad, as shownin (5). The resulting output dv1dv2dv3dv4 together with RTx

will then perform PadGen over the 32-b kill password Kpwd(k0k1k2k3 . . . k31) to form the 16-b output pad PADx.

PADx =Kpwd − PadGen(Apwd − PadGen(RTx, RMx), RTx).(15)

A multiplexer was utilized to allow for the selection ofApwdM, ApwdL, CCPwdL, or CCPwdM. The multiplexerthen can perform the XOR operation to obtain the followingcover-coded passwords or the access password for mutualauthentication:

CCPwdM1 = ApwdM ⊕ PAD1

CCPwdL1 = ApwdL ⊕ PAD2

ApwdM = CCPwdM2 ⊕ PAD3

ApwdL = CPwdL2 ⊕ PAD4. (16)

The CRC function is implemented to protect and calibratethe commands/messages transmitted between tags and readers.The generator polynomials used to implement the CRC is

g(x) = x16 + x15 + x2 + 1 = (x + 1) · (x15 + x + 1). (17)

C. Simulation and Implementation Results

Simulations of the proposed design were conducted in theAltera Quartus II design environment and implemented in aAltera Cyclone II EP2C70F896C6 FPGA on an Altera DE2board. The simulation results of the PadGen function, as de-scribed in (6), are shown in Fig. 8.

The passwords were assumed to be Apwd = ABCDEF01and Kpwd = 543210FE. The two random numbers RTx =

Fig. 9. Simulation results of the PadGen function in (8).


26D6 and RMx = 1FFF were generated by the randomnumber generator. The calculated PAD1 was equal toB0D0. For ApwdM = ABCD(hex), CCPwdM1 was calcu-lated from ApwdM ⊕ PAD1 = 1B1D(hex), and the resultingCRC-16 code = 5A4E(hex). The simulation results of the finaloutput were 1B1D5A4E(hex), as shown in Fig. 8.

The simulation results of the modified PadGen function,as described in (8), are shown in Fig. 9. The two randomnumbers RTx = 6B79 and RMx = 06C0 were generated bythe random number generator. The calculated PAD1 was equalto 88A8. For ApwdM = ABCD(hex), CCPwdM1 was calcu-lated from APwdM ⊕ PAD1 = 2365(hex), and the resultingCRC-16 code = 4B5D(hex). The simulation results of the finaloutput are 23654B5D(hex), as shown in Fig. 9.

Table I lists the logic element gate counts and the powerconsumption summary of the design compiler report basedon TSMC 0.18-µm technology file. The experimental resultsof the original and modified schemes are also compared inTable I. The modified scheme (8) occupies about the samearea as the original scheme (6). In addition, the experimentalresults show that the gate count and power consumption of themodified scheme in (11) are higher than that of the originalscheme (6). This is because the computation cost of PadGenin (11) is more than that of PadGen in (6) and (8). However,the security level can be increased for PadGen in (11) bysacrificing the increase in the gate count and power consump-tion. The Synopsys Synthesis tool (Design Vision) is used togenerate a synthesized net list of the proposed PadGen function.The logic diagram of the synthesized top module is shownin Fig. 10.

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Fig. 10. Logic diagram of the synthesized top module.

Fig. 11. FPGA implementation and verification platform.

The verified verilog code was downloaded on an AlteraCyclone II FPGA in the Altera DE2 Board. This Altera DE2board included an Altera Cyclone II FPGA as well as variouson-board components, including several memories, USB port,Ethernet port, VGA port and audio connectors, and other mis-cellaneous devices. The FPGA implementation and verificationplatform is shown in Fig. 11, which can simultaneously com-pare the simulation and implementation results. As shown inFig. 12, segments “F” and “B” in the seven-segment displaywere used to denote 16-b random number RTx = 9C6D, and16 toggle switches were used to denote another 16-b randomnumber RMx = B38B.

The simulation results of the modified PadGen function, asdescribed in (11), are shown in Fig. 13. In addition, the simula-tion and output waveforms from the FPGA are displayed usingHP 16702A logic analysis system for real-time verification. Therandom numbers RTx and RMx shown on the simulation wave-forms are the same as those shown in Fig. 12. The calculatedPAD1 is equal to 08A5. For ApwdM = ABCD(hex), CCP-wdM1 can be calculated from APwdM ⊕ PAD1 = A368(hex),and the resulting CRC-16 code = 4B79(hex). The resultingoutput A3684B79 was the same as the measurement resultsobtained from a logic analyzer.

Fig. 12. Random number indicator.

Fig. 13. Simulation output waveform and logic analyzer measurement results.


In this paper, the functionality of the MMS and FM0 de-signs were verified using the verilog hardware descriptionlanguage. The simulation results for the power performance of

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these different encoding schemes were performed on a Prime-Power Synopsys platform. Because the EPC Gen2 standard forClass 1 tags supports only a very basic security level, threedifferent types of pad-generation function were examined fortag–reader mutual authentication protocol in the RFID systemenvironment. The proposed scheme is feasible in improvingthe weakness of the EPCglobal C1G2 communication authen-tication scheme. The hardware implementation of an RFIDtag–reader mutual authentication scheme is also presented. Thisarchitecture performs the PadGen function and tag’s access andkill passwords in achieving tag–reader mutual authentication.The verification results on the Altera DE2 board that includesan Altera Cyclone II FPGA board are consistent with thesimulation counterparts using Modelsim XE II.


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Yu-Jung Huang (S’86–M’87–SM’02) received theB.S. degree in material science and engineering fromNational Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in1981, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electri-cal engineering from the University of Maryland,College Park, in 1985 and 1988, respectively.

From 1988 to 1990, he was a Staff Scientist atBrimrose of America, Baltimore, MD, developing aninfrared system. From 1990 to 1992, he was a SystemEngineer at Integrated Microcomputer Systems Inc.,Dayton, OH, working in the field of system design

automation. He joined the Department of Electronic Engineering, I-Shou Uni-versity, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, in August 1992, where he is currently a Professorand the Director of the Library. His present research interests are mainly inthe areas of system-in-package/system-on-chip design and very large scaleintegration computer-aided design.

Dr. Huang is the Executive Secretary of the Surface Mounting TechnologyAssociation, Taiwan Chapter.

Ching-Chien Yuan was born in Taiwan in 1984. Hereceived the B.S. and M.S. degrees from the Depart-ment of Electronic Engineering, I-Shou University,Kaohsiung, Taiwan, in 2007 and 2009, respectively.

Ming-Kun Chen received the B.S. degree in elec-tronic engineering from National Yunlin Universityof Science and Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan, and theM.S. degree in electronic engineering from I-ShouUniversity, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, in 1995 and 2002,respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Nonde-structive Evaluation Laboratory, Electrical Engineer-ing Department, National Cheng Kung University,Tainan, Taiwan, in 2006.

He is currently with Advanced Semiconductor En-gineering Test Ltd., Kaohsiung, where he is involved

in IC testing interface and tester technology improvement.

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Wei-Cheng Lin received the B.S. and M.S. degreesin electrical engineering from National Taiwan Sci-ence and Technology University, Taipei, Taiwan, in1994 and 1996, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree inelectrical engineering from National Taiwan Univer-sity, Taipei, in 2005.

He is currently an Assistant Professor in the De-partment of Electrical Engineering, I-Shou Univer-sity, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Hsien-Chiao Teng received the B.S. degree fromthe Department of Statistics, Feng-Chia University,Taichung, Taiwan, in 1977. She is currently workingtoward the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Elec-tronic Engineering, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung,Taiwan.

She is also an Assistant Professor in the Depart-ment of Electronic Engineering, Republic of ChinaMilitary Academy, Kaohsiung.