
Hardness http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardness Hardness From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about mechanical properties of materials. For other uses, see hard (disambiguation) . "Durezza" redirects here. For the French wine grape, see Durezza (grape) . Hardness is a measure of how resistant solid matter is to various kinds of permanent shape change when a compressive force is applied. Some materials, such as metal, are harder than others. Macroscopic hardness is generally characterized by strong intermolecular bonds , but the behavior of solid materials under force is complex; therefore, there are different measurements of hardness: scratch hardness, indentation hardness, and rebound hardness. Hardness is dependent on ductility , elastic stiffness , plasticity , strain , strength , toughness , viscoelasticity , and viscosity . Common examples of hard matter are ceramics , concrete , certain metals , and superhard materials , which can be contrasted with soft matter . Contents [hide ] 1 Measuring hardness o 1.1 Scratch hardness o 1.2 Indentation hardness o 1.3 Rebound hardness 2 Hardening 3 Physics o 3.1 Mechanisms and theory 4 See also o 4.1 Other strengthening mechanisms 5 References 6 Further reading 7 External links

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HardnessFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThis article is about mechanical properties of materials. For other uses, seehard (disambiguation)."Durezza" redirects here. For the French wine grape, seeDurezza (grape).Hardnessis a measure of how resistantsolidmatteris to various kinds of permanent shape change when a compressiveforceis applied. Some materials, such as metal, are harder than others. Macroscopic hardness is generally characterized by strongintermolecular bonds, but the behavior of solid materials under force is complex; therefore, there are different measurements of hardness:scratch hardness,indentation hardness, andrebound hardness.Hardness is dependent onductility,elasticstiffness,plasticity,strain,strength,toughness,viscoelasticity, andviscosity.Common examples ofhard matterareceramics,concrete, certainmetals, andsuperhard materials, which can be contrasted withsoft matter.Contents[hide] 1Measuring hardness 1.1Scratch hardness 1.2Indentation hardness 1.3Rebound hardness 2Hardening 3Physics 3.1Mechanisms and theory 4See also 4.1Other strengthening mechanisms 5References 6Further reading 7External linksMeasuring hardness[edit]

A Vickers hardness testerThere are three main types of hardness measurements:scratch,indentation, andrebound. Within each of these classes of measurement there are individual measurement scales. For practical reasonsconversion tablesare used to convert between one scale and another.Scratch hardness[edit]Main article:Scratch hardnessScratch hardness is the measure of how resistant a sample is tofractureor permanentplastic deformationdue to friction from a sharp object.[1]The principle is that an object made of a harder material will scratch an object made of a softer material. When testing coatings, scratch hardness refers to the force necessary to cut through the film to the substrate. The most common test isMohs scale, which is used inmineralogy. One tool to make this measurement is thesclerometer.Another tool used to make these tests is the pocket hardness tester. This tool consists of a scale arm with graduated markings attached to a four wheeled carriage. A scratch tool with a sharp rim is mounted at a predetermined angle to the testing surface. In order to use it a weight of known mass is added to the scale arm at one of the graduated markings, the tool is then drawn across the test surface. The use of the weight and markings allows a known pressure to be applied without the need for complicated machinery.[2]Indentation hardness[edit]Main article:Indentation hardnessIndentation hardness measures the resistance of a sample to material deformation due to a constant compression load from a sharp object; they are primarily used inengineeringandmetallurgyfields. The tests work on the basic premise of measuring the critical dimensions of an indentation left by a specifically dimensioned and loaded indenter.Common indentation hardness scales areRockwell,Vickers,Shore, andBrinell.Rebound hardness[edit]Rebound hardness, also known asdynamic hardness, measures the height of the "bounce" of a diamond-tipped hammer dropped from a fixed height onto a material. This type of hardness is related toelasticity. The device used to take this measurement is known as ascleroscope.[3]Two scales that measures rebound hardness are theLeeb rebound hardness testandBennett hardness scale.Hardening[edit]Main article:Hardening (metallurgy)There are five hardening processes:Hall-Petch strengthening,work hardening,solid solution strengthening,precipitation hardening, andmartensitic transformation.Physics[edit]

Diagram of astress-strain curve, showing the relationship betweenstress(force applied per unit area) andstrainordeformationof a ductile metal.Insolid mechanics, solids generally have three responses toforce, depending on the amount of force and the type of material: They exhibitelasticitythe ability to temporarily change shape, but return to the original shape when the pressure is removed. "Hardness" in the elastic rangea small temporary change in shape for a given forceis known asstiffnessin the case of a given object, or a highelastic modulusin the case of a material. They exhibitplasticitythe ability to permanently change shape in response to the force, but remain in one piece. Theyield strengthis the point at which elastic deformation gives way to plastic deformation. Deformation in the plastic range is non-linear, and is described by thestress-strain curve. This response produces the observed properties of scratch and indentation hardness, as described and measured in materials science. Some materials exhibit bothelasticityandviscositywhen undergoing plastic deformation; this is calledviscoelasticity. Theyfracturesplit into two or more pieces.Strengthis a measure of the extent of a material's elastic range, or elastic and plastic ranges together. This is quantified ascompressive strength,shear strength,tensile strengthdepending on the direction of the forces involved.Ultimate strengthis an engineering measure of the maximum load a part of a specific material and geometry can withstand.Brittleness, in technical usage, is the tendency of a material to fracture with very little or no detectable plastic deformation beforehand. Thus in technical terms, a material can be both brittle and strong. In everyday usage "brittleness" usually refers to the tendency to fracture under a small amount of force, which exhibits both brittleness and a lack of strength (in the technical sense). For perfectly brittle materials, yield strength and ultimate strength are the same, because they do not experience detectable plastic deformation. The opposite of brittleness isductility.Thetoughnessof a material is the maximum amount ofenergyit can absorb before fracturing, which is different from the amount offorcethat can be applied. Toughness tends to be small for brittle materials, because elastic and plastic deformations allow materials to absorb large amounts of energy.Hardness increases with decreasingparticle size. This is known as theHall-Petch relationship. However, below a critical grain-size, hardness decreases with decreasing grain size. This is known as the inverse Hall-Petch effect.Hardness of a material to deformation is dependent on its microdurability or small-scaleshear modulusin any direction, not to anyrigidityorstiffnessproperties such as itsbulk modulusorYoung's modulus. Stiffness is often confused for hardness.[4][5]Some materials are stiffer than diamond (e.g. osmium) but are not harder, and are prone tospallingand flaking in squamose or acicular habits.Mechanisms and theory[edit]

A representation of the crystal lattice showing the planes of atoms.The key to understanding the mechanism behind hardness is understanding the metallicmicrostructure, or the structure and arrangement of the atoms at the atomic level. In fact, most important metallic properties critical to the manufacturing of todays goods are determined by the microstructure of a material.[6]At the atomic level, the atoms in a metal are arranged in an orderly three-dimensional array called acrystal lattice. In reality, however, a given specimen of a metal likely never contains a consistent single crystal lattice. A given sample of metal will contain many grains, with each grain having a fairly consistent array pattern. At an even smaller scale, each grain contains irregularities.There are two types of irregularities at the grain level of the microstructure that are responsible for the hardness of the material. These irregularities are point defects and line defects. A point defect is an irregularity located at a single lattice site inside of the overall three-dimensional lattice of the grain. There are three main point defects. If there is an atom missing from the array, avacancy defectis formed. If there is a different type of atom at the lattice site that should normally be occupied by a metal atom, a substitutional defect is formed. If there exists an atom in a site where there should normally not be, aninterstitial defectis formed. This is possible because space exists between atoms in a crystal lattice. While point defects are irregularities at a single site in the crystal lattice, line defects are irregularities on a plane of atoms.Dislocationsare a type of line defect involving the misalignment of these planes. In the case of an edge dislocation, a half plane of atoms is wedged between two planes of atoms. In the case of a screw dislocation two planes of atoms are offset with a helical array running between them.[7]In glasses, hardness seems to depend linearly on the number of topological constraints acting between the atoms of the network.[8]Hence, therigidity theoryhas allowed predicting hardness values with respect to composition.

Planes of atoms split by an edge dislocation.Dislocations provide a mechanism for planes of atoms to slip and thus a method for plastic or permanent deformation.[6]Planes of atoms can flip from one side of the dislocation to the other effectively allowing the dislocation to traverse through the material and the material to deform permanently. The movement allowed by these dislocations causes a decrease in the material's hardness.The way to inhibit the movement of planes of atoms, and thus make them harder, involves the interaction of dislocations with each other and interstitial atoms. When a dislocation intersects with a second dislocation, it can no longer traverse through the crystal lattice. The intersection of dislocations creates an anchor point and does not allow the planes of atoms to continue to slip over one another[9]A dislocation can also be anchored by the interaction with interstitial atoms. If a dislocation comes in contact with two or more interstitial atoms, the slip of the planes will again be disrupted. The interstitial atoms create anchor points, or pinning points, in the same manner as intersecting dislocations.By varying the presence of interstitial atoms and the density of dislocations, a particular metal's hardness can be controlled. Although seemingly counter-intuitive, as the density of dislocations increases, there are more intersections created and consequently more anchor points. Similarly, as more interstitial atoms are added, more pinning points that impede the movements of dislocations are formed. As a result, the more anchor points added, the harder the material will become.See also[edit] Hardness comparison Vickers hardness test Brinell hardness test Hardness of ceramics Toughness Schmidt hammer Roll hardness tester Tablet hardness testing Persoz pendulumOther strengthening mechanisms[edit] Grain boundary strengthening Precipitation hardening Solid solution strengthening Work hardeningReferences[edit]1. Jump up^Wredenberg, Fredrik; PL Larsson (2009). "Scratch testing of metals and polymers: Experiments and numerics".Wear266(12): 76.doi:10.1016/j.wear.2008.05.014.2. Jump up^Hoffman Scratch Hardness Tester. byk.com3. Jump up^Allen, Robert (2006-12-10)."A guide to rebound hardness and scleroscope test". Retrieved2008-09-08.4. Jump up^Jeandron, Michelle (2005-08-25)."Diamonds are not forever".Physics World.5. Jump up^San-Miguel, A.; Blase, X.; Mlinon, P.; Perez, A.; Iti, J.; Polian, A.; Reny, E. et al. (1999-05-19). "High Pressure Behavior of Silicon Clathrates: A New Class of Low Compressibility Materials".Physical Review83(25): 5290.Bibcode:1999PhRvL..83.5290S.doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.83.5290.6. ^Jump up to:abHaasen, P. (1978). Physical metallurgy. Cambridge [Eng.]; New York: Cambridge University Press.7. Jump up^Samuel, J. (2009). Introduction to materials science course manual. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin-Madison.8. Jump up^Smedskjaer, Morten M.; John C. Mauro; Yuanzheng Yue (2010). "Prediction of Glass Hardness Using Temperature-Dependent Constraint Theory".Phys. Rev. Lett.105(11): 2010.doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.115503.9. Jump up^Leslie, W. C. (1981). The physical metallurgy of steels. Washington: Hempisphere Pub. Corp., New York: McGraw-Hill,ISBN 0070377804.Further reading[edit] Chinn, R. L. (2009). "Hardness, bearings, and the Rockwells".Advanced Materials & Processes, 167 (10), 2931. Davis, J. R. (Ed.). (2002).Surface hardening of steels: Understanding the basics.Materials Park, OH: ASM International. Dieter, George E. (1989).Mechanical Metallurgy.SI Metric Adaptation. Maidenhead, UK: McGraw-Hill Education. 0-07-100406-8 Malzbender, J. (2003). "Comment on hardness definitions."Journal of the European Ceramics Society.23 (9). DOI 10.1016/S0955-2219(02)00354-0 Revankar, G. (2003). "Introduction to hardness testing."Mechanical testing and evaluation, ASM Online Vol. 8.External links[edit] An introduction to materials hardness Guidelines to hardness testing Testing the Hardness of MetalsCategories: Condensed matter physics Matter Solid mechanics Materials science Hardness tests

Hardness comparisonFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThere are a large number ofhardnesstesting methods available (e.g.Vickers,Brinell,Rockwell,MeyerandLeeb). Although it is impossible in many cases to give an exact conversion, it is possible to give an approximate material-specific comparison table e.g. forsteels.Hardness comparison table[edit]

BrinellHB(10mm Ball, 3000kg load)VickersHV(1kg)RockwellC HRC(120 degree cone 150kg)Rockwell B HRB(1/16" ball 100kg)LeebHLD[1]





















































































References[edit]1. Jump up^H.Pollok, Umwertung der Skalen (Conversion of Scales), Qualitt und Zuverlssigkeit, Ausgabe 4/2008.External links[edit] Hardness Conversion Table Brinell, Rockwell,Vickers Various steels Rockwell to Brinell conversion chart(Brinell, Rockwell A,B,C) Struers hardness conversion table(Vickers, Brinell, Rockwell B,C,D) Brinell Hardness HB conversion chart(N/mm2, Brinell, Vickers, Rockwell C)

Schmidt hammerFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaASchmidt hammer, also known as aSwiss hammeror a rebound hammer, is a device to measure theelasticproperties or strength ofconcreteorrock, mainly surface hardness and penetration resistance.

Original Schmidt Concrete Test Hammer

Testing the compressive strength of a concrete cube using Schmidt hammerIt was invented by Ernst Schmidt, a Swiss engineer. The Schmidt hammer is distributed byProceqand TQC worldwide.[1]The hammer measures the rebound of a spring-loaded mass impacting against the surface of the sample. The test hammer will hit the concrete at a defined energy. Its rebound is dependent on the hardness of the concrete and is measured by the test equipment. By reference to the conversion chart, the rebound value can be used to determine thecompressive strength. When conducting the test the hammer should be held at right angles to the surface which in turn should be flat and smooth. The rebound reading will be affected by the orientation of the hammer, when used in a vertical position (on the underside of a suspended slab for example) gravity will increase the rebound distance of the mass and vice versa for a test conducted on a floor slab. The Schmidt hammer is an arbitrary scale ranging from 10 to 100. Schmidt hammers are available from their original manufacturers in several different energy ranges. These include: (i) Type L-0.735 Nm impact energy, (ii) Type N-2.207 Nm impact energy; and (iii) Type M-29.43 Nm impact energy.The test is also sensitive to other factors: Local variation in the sample. To minimize this it is recommended to take a selection of readings and take an average value. Water content of the sample, a saturated material will give different results from a dry one.Prior to testing, the Schmidt hammer should be calibrated using a calibration test anvil supplied by the manufacturer for that purpose. 12 readings should be taken, dropping the highest and lowest, and then take the average of the ten remaining. Using this method of testing is classed as indirect as it does not give a direct measurement of the strength of the material. It simply gives an indication based on surface properties, it is only suitable for making comparisons between samples.This test method for testing concrete is governed by ASTM C805. ASTM D5873 describes the procedure for testing of rock.

Roll hardness testerFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAroll hardness testeris a device to measure the roll hardness, hardness profile and hardness variation of paper rolls.Contents[hide] 1Method 2Standards 3Application 4See also 5ReferencesMethod[edit]In the preparation phase, the plunger, guide bar and guide disk are pushed forward by the compression spring. At the end of the movement the hammer mass is hooked by the pawl. During the loading phase the hammer is pushed towards the surface in a controlled movement. The hammer mass remains locked in place by the pawl. This has the effect of stretching the impact spring to put it under tension. Impact Rebound: At the very end of the movement, the pawl spring releases the hammer mass. The impact spring contracts causing the hammer mass to strike against the plunger. This is the impact. The hammer mass then rebounds back to the body of the hammer and distance travelled is recorded on the scale. The rebound distance depends directly on the hardness of the roll under test: A softer roll will absorb more of the impact energy and the rebound distance will be less. A harder roll will reflect more of the impact energy and the rebound distance will increase.Standards[edit] TAPPIT 834 om-07: Determination of containerboard roll hardness TAPPITIP 1004-01: TAPPI Roll Number for inventory/tracking systems and bar codesApplication[edit]Roll hardness is one of the most important parameters when deciding whether a paper roll is good or bad. A roll that is wound too softly can go out of round when handled. A roll that is wound too hard, on the other hand, can crack during transportation.[1]These variations are difficult to detect. Above all, it is typically the variation in hardness across a given roll that relates most directly to such converting issues with soft edges being perhaps the biggest contributor.[2]See also[edit] Paper mill Pulp (paper) Tablet hardness testingReferences[edit]1. Jump up^Black Clawson Converting Machinery, "The Art of Winding Good Rolls".2. Jump up^TAPPI Standard T 834 om-07Categories: Hardness instruments

Tablet hardness testingFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaTablet hardness testing, is alaboratory techniqueused by thepharmaceuticalindustry to test the breaking point and structural integrity of atablet"under conditions of storage, transportation, and handling before usage"[1]The breaking point of a tablet is based on its shape.[2]It is similar tofriabilitytesting,[1]but they are not the same thing.Tablet hardness testers first appeared in the 1930s.[3]In the 1950s, the Strong-Cobb tester was introduced. It was patented by Robert Albrecht on July 21, 1953.[4]and used an air pump. The tablet breaking force was based on arbitrary units referred to as Strong-Cobbs.[3]The new one gave readings that were inconsistent to those given by the older testers.[3]Later, electro-mechanical testing machines were introduced. They often include mechanisms like motor drives, and the ability to send measurements to a computer or printer.[3]There are 2 main processes to test tablet hardness: compression testing and 3 point bend testing. For compression testing, the analyst generally aligns the tablet in a repeatable way,[2]and the tablet is squeezed by 2 jaws. The first machines continually applied force with a spring and screw thread until the tablet started to break.[3]When the tablet fractured, the hardness was read with a sliding scale.[3]Contents[hide] 1List of common hardness testers 2Units of measurement 3Sources 4Further readingList of common hardness testers[edit]There are several devices used to perform this task: TheMonsantotester was developed 50 years ago. The design consists of "a barrel containing a compressible spring held between 2 plungers". The tablet is placed on the lower plunger, and the upper plunger is lowered onto it.[5][1] The Strong-Cobb tester forces an anvil against a stationary platform. Results are viewed from a hydraulic gauge.[5]The results are very similar to that of the Monsanto tester.[6] ThePfizertester compresses tablet between a holding anvil and a piston connected to a force-reading gauge when itsplier-like handles are gripped.[5] Erweka tester tests a tablet placed on the lower anvil and a weight moving along a rail transmits pressure slowly to the tablet.[5] The Dr.Schleuniger Pharmatron tester operates in a horizontal position. An electric motor drives an anvil to compress a tablet at a constant rate. The tablet is pushed against a stationary anvil until it fractures. A reading is taken from a scale indicator.[5]Units of measurement[edit]Theunits of measurementof tablet hardness mostly follows standards used in materials testing theInternational System of Units. Kilogram (kg) The kilogram is recognized by the SI system as the primary unit of mass. Newton (N) The Newton is the SI unit of force; the standard for tablet hardness testing. 9.807 Newtons = 1 kilogram. Pound (lb) Technically a unit of mass but can also be used for force and should be written as pound force or lbf in this case. Sometimes used for tablet strength testing in North America, but it is not an SI unit. 1 kilogram = 2.204 pounds. Kilopond (kp) Not to be confused with a pound. A unit of force also called a kilogram of force. Still used today in some applications, but not recognized by the SI system. 1 kilopond = 1 kgf. Strong-Cobb (SC) Anad hocunit of force which is a legacy of one of the first tablet hardness testing machines.[4]Although the SC is arbitrary, it was recognized as the international standard from the 1950s to the 1980s. 1 Strong-Cobb represented roughly 0.7 kilogram of force or about 7newtons.[7]Although the Strong-Cobb unit is arbitrarily based on the dial reading of a hardness tester, it became an international standard for tablet hardness in the 1950s until it was superseded by testers using SI units in the 1980s.[6]The Strong-Cobb is a unit with a very unusual name for a unit of measurement since it is named after the company, Strong-Cobb Inc. The inventor of the hardness tester was Robert Albrecht,[4]the plant engineer for the Strong-Cobb Company. He sold the patent to the company for $1.00.Sources[edit]1. ^Jump up to:abcJoseph Price Remington (2006).Remington: The Science And Practice Of Pharmacy. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.ISBN0781746736.2. ^Jump up to:ab"Tablet hardness testing". Sotax. Retrieved16 February2013.3. ^Jump up to:abcdef"Some Information on Tablet Hardness Testing". Engineering Systems. Retrieved16 February2013.4. ^Jump up to:abcRobert Albrecht (Jul 21, 1953)."Tablet Hardness Testing Machine". United States Patent Office. Retrieved16 February2013.US 26459365. ^Jump up to:abcde"Quality control of solid dosage form". Scribd. Retrieved16 February2013.6. ^Jump up to:abMcCallum, A., Buchter, J. and Albrecht, R. (1955). "Comparison and correlation of the Strong Cobb and the Monsanto tablet hardness testers".Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association44(2): 8385.doi:10.1002/jps.3030440208.PMID14353719.7. Jump up^Russ Rowlett (September 1, 2004)."How Many? A Dictionary of Units of Measurement". University of North Carolina. Retrieved16 February2013.Further reading[edit] J. E. Rees and P. J. Rue (1978)."Work Required to Cause Failure of Tablets in Diametral Compression".Drug Development & Industrial Pharmacy4(2): 131156. Retrieved16 February2013. American Society for the Testing of Materials (ASTM), Designation: E407, 'Standard Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines'.Categories: Hardness tests Measuring instruments Laboratory techniques Pharmacology

Tablet hardness testingFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaTablet hardness testing, is alaboratory techniqueused by thepharmaceuticalindustry to test the breaking point and structural integrity of atablet"under conditions of storage, transportation, and handling before usage"[1]The breaking point of a tablet is based on its shape.[2]It is similar tofriabilitytesting,[1]but they are not the same thing.Tablet hardness testers first appeared in the 1930s.[3]In the 1950s, the Strong-Cobb tester was introduced. It was patented by Robert Albrecht on July 21, 1953.[4]and used an air pump. The tablet breaking force was based on arbitrary units referred to as Strong-Cobbs.[3]The new one gave readings that were inconsistent to those given by the older testers.[3]Later, electro-mechanical testing machines were introduced. They often include mechanisms like motor drives, and the ability to send measurements to a computer or printer.[3]There are 2 main processes to test tablet hardness: compression testing and 3 point bend testing. For compression testing, the analyst generally aligns the tablet in a repeatable way,[2]and the tablet is squeezed by 2 jaws. The first machines continually applied force with a spring and screw thread until the tablet started to break.[3]When the tablet fractured, the hardness was read with a sliding scale.[3]Contents[hide] 1List of common hardness testers 2Units of measurement 3Sources 4Further readingList of common hardness testers[edit]There are several devices used to perform this task: TheMonsantotester was developed 50 years ago. The design consists of "a barrel containing a compressible spring held between 2 plungers". The tablet is placed on the lower plunger, and the upper plunger is lowered onto it.[5][1] The Strong-Cobb tester forces an anvil against a stationary platform. Results are viewed from a hydraulic gauge.[5]The results are very similar to that of the Monsanto tester.[6] ThePfizertester compresses tablet between a holding anvil and a piston connected to a force-reading gauge when itsplier-like handles are gripped.[5] Erweka tester tests a tablet placed on the lower anvil and a weight moving along a rail transmits pressure slowly to the tablet.[5] The Dr.Schleuniger Pharmatron tester operates in a horizontal position. An electric motor drives an anvil to compress a tablet at a constant rate. The tablet is pushed against a stationary anvil until it fractures. A reading is taken from a scale indicator.[5]Units of measurement[edit]Theunits of measurementof tablet hardness mostly follows standards used in materials testing theInternational System of Units. Kilogram (kg) The kilogram is recognized by the SI system as the primary unit of mass. Newton (N) The Newton is the SI unit of force; the standard for tablet hardness testing. 9.807 Newtons = 1 kilogram. Pound (lb) Technically a unit of mass but can also be used for force and should be written as pound force or lbf in this case. Sometimes used for tablet strength testing in North America, but it is not an SI unit. 1 kilogram = 2.204 pounds. Kilopond (kp) Not to be confused with a pound. A unit of force also called a kilogram of force. Still used today in some applications, but not recognized by the SI system. 1 kilopond = 1 kgf. Strong-Cobb (SC) Anad hocunit of force which is a legacy of one of the first tablet hardness testing machines.[4]Although the SC is arbitrary, it was recognized as the international standard from the 1950s to the 1980s. 1 Strong-Cobb represented roughly 0.7 kilogram of force or about 7newtons.[7]Although the Strong-Cobb unit is arbitrarily based on the dial reading of a hardness tester, it became an international standard for tablet hardness in the 1950s until it was superseded by testers using SI units in the 1980s.[6]The Strong-Cobb is a unit with a very unusual name for a unit of measurement since it is named after the company, Strong-Cobb Inc. The inventor of the hardness tester was Robert Albrecht,[4]the plant engineer for the Strong-Cobb Company. He sold the patent to the company for $1.00.Sources[edit]1. ^Jump up to:abcJoseph Price Remington (2006).Remington: The Science And Practice Of Pharmacy. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.ISBN0781746736.2. ^Jump up to:ab"Tablet hardness testing". Sotax. Retrieved16 February2013.3. ^Jump up to:abcdef"Some Information on Tablet Hardness Testing". Engineering Systems. Retrieved16 February2013.4. ^Jump up to:abcRobert Albrecht (Jul 21, 1953)."Tablet Hardness Testing Machine". United States Patent Office. Retrieved16 February2013.US 26459365. ^Jump up to:abcde"Quality control of solid dosage form". Scribd. Retrieved16 February2013.6. ^Jump up to:abMcCallum, A., Buchter, J. and Albrecht, R. (1955). "Comparison and correlation of the Strong Cobb and the Monsanto tablet hardness testers".Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association44(2): 8385.doi:10.1002/jps.3030440208.PMID14353719.7. Jump up^Russ Rowlett (September 1, 2004)."How Many? A Dictionary of Units of Measurement". University of North Carolina. Retrieved16 February2013.Further reading[edit] J. E. Rees and P. J. Rue (1978)."Work Required to Cause Failure of Tablets in Diametral Compression".Drug Development & Industrial Pharmacy4(2): 131156. Retrieved16 February2013. American Society for the Testing of Materials (ASTM), Designation: E407, 'Standard Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines'.Categories: Hardness tests Measuring instruments Laboratory techniques Pharmacology

Persoz pendulumFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Persoz pendulumAPersoz pendulumis a device used for measuringhardness of materials. The instrument consists of apendulumwhich is free to swing on two balls resting on a coated test panel. The pendulum hardness test is based on the principle that theamplitudeof the pendulum'soscillationwill decrease more quickly when supported on a softer surface. The hardness of any given coating is given by the number of oscillations made by the pendulum within the specified limits of amplitude determined by accurately positioned photo sensors. An electronic counter records the number of swings made by the pendulumConstruction[edit]

Persoz pendulum deviceThe pendulum consists of balls which rest on the coating under test and form thefulcrum. The Persoz pendulum is very similar to theKonig pendulum. Both employ the same principle, that is the softer the coating the more the pendulum oscillations are damped and the shorter the time needed for the amplitude of oscillation to be reduced by a specified amount. The two pendulums differ in shape, mass and oscillation time, and there is no general relationship between the results obtained using the two pieces of equipment. In either case, the test simply involves noting the time in seconds for the amplitude of swing to decrease from either 6 to 3degrees(Konig pendulum) or 12 to 4 degrees (Persoz pendulum).[1]References[edit]1. Jump up^PRA. Mechanical Properties. Accessed: May 6, 2015.Categories: Hardness instruments Materials science Pendulums Coatings