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Kathy Monahan Interior Architect

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Post on 21-Jul-2015




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K a t h y M o n a h a nI n t e r i o r A r c h i t e c t

Junior Interior Architect with 1 year experience working with TS Design Consultants.

I have gained a vast amount of experience in both local and international projects in the areas of exhibition stand design, retail design, restaurant design and domestic interior design.

Brands I have worked with:

E x h i b i t i o n S t a n d D e s i g n

Exhibition Stand Design

Concept 1

TwoFour54 Exhibition Stand Design

Based on the proejct brief, the company’s logo and the company’s website, I created a mood board consisting of images to describe to the client the prospect design of the stand along with how the company graphics and logo will be displayed.

Concept 2 Concept 3

TwoFour54 Exhibition Stand Design

Responsible for creating a number of floor plan concepts based on requirements set out in the brief

Space planning depending on exhibition stand location in the trade show event to attract as much prospect customers as possible

Identifying and researching the brand and company in order to create a suitable design and successfully display and advertise the brand

Creating a number of different concepts in order to give the client a choice

Using Photoshop to enhance plan and elevation concepts and display the potential materials to be used throughout the stand

Exhibition Stand Design

Final design

Eagle Vision Exhibition Stand Design

Responsible for creating a number of floor plan concepts based on requirements set out in the brief

Space planning depending on exhibition stand location in the trade show event to attract as much prospect customers as possible

Identifying and researching the brand and company in order to create a suitable design and successfully display and advertise the brand

Creating a number of different concepts in order to give the client a choice

Concept Elevation

Concept PlanConcept Elevation

Exhibition Stand Design

Concept 3D Visual

Final DesignFinal Plan

Sesame Street Exhibition Stand Design

Responsible for creating 3 concept floor plans based on a brief

Responsible for 3D Modelling the stand according to materialiaty and layout changes during the design stage

Enhancing the 3D visuals in Photoshop with company graphics and branding

Responsible for 3D Modelling a number of design concepts and enhancing them through Photoshop with company branding and logos

Assissting in the technical drawings suitable for a Contractor

3D Visual of chosen design

3D Visual of chosen design3D Visual of chosen design

Exhibition Stand Design

R e s t a u r a n t D e s i g n

The Buttery, Cafe Design

Responsible for surveying the cafe interior and drawing up the site plan

Researching a number of images suitable for a mood board presentation. Those images were based on the aspirations of the client set out in the brief and influenced the interior design

The Buttery, Cafe Design

Assissted in drawings and visuals suitable for the painter/decorator to cost the project

Elevation of Counter Design

Outside Elevation

R e t a i l D e s i g n

Butcher Shop

Concept Elevation

One of my first projects completed as a Junior with Ts Designs.

Responsible for creating a number of mood board presentaitons for the client to identify a variety of possible designs suitable for his shop. The mood Board below is the final mood board.





Mood Images Signage IdeasD





Concept Elevation

D o m e s t i c I n t e r i o r D e s i g n

Sitting Room interior Design

Concept 1

Domestic House Interior Design

Based on the proejct brief, I composed a mood board consisting of images showing variations and the possibilities for a tv wall.

House Interior Design

I was responsible for creating 3 elevation concept designs suitable for an entertainment room. The concepts were based on the mood board and all layouts were designed to suit the needs and wants of the client.

Concept 2

Concept 3

F i n a l Ye a r C o l l e g e P r o j e c t

Final Year ProjectThis involved the re-adaptation of a derelict old mill into an adventure centre.

This process involved site surveys, conceptual designs through sketching and model making, design detailing, implementing sustainable strategies, material specification, complying with current building regulations and finally graphically presenting a suitable design through

the use of AutoCAD, Photoshop and 3Ds Max.

External Surroundings of the building

Design DevelopmentThe design was developed through a variety of media including hand sketching, model making and google sketch up in order to establish a

design that fitted its function.

The Final DesignThe Final Design consisted of an open space interior with a skate bowl being the heart of the interior alongside an internal climbing wall

located in the atrium of the building.

Courtyard Visual

Skating Area

Cafe and community area

Section through the building