haqooq-al-ibad - msit.no haqooq-al-ibad . i was reciting first ... but was always ... accept his...

1 HAQOOQ-AL-IBAD I was reciting first two verse of Surrah- Al-Nisa in which Allah ordered us to have good relations with our relatives and give proper rights to Yateem or Orphans.

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I was reciting first two verse of Surrah- Al-Nisa in which Allah ordered us to have

good relations with our relatives and give proper rights to Yateem or Orphans.

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Dear brothers and sisters, a human being has been given great honor and is superior

to many other creatures. He is created by the best Creator in the best form. Allah

ordered the angels to prostrate before the human being. But why is he superior to

others creature. In fact his moral values, his Akhlaq and character make him

superior to all creatures. His relations with other people, his behavior and attitude

towards others make him superior. His kind, caring, loving, gentle, forgiving,

cooperative and fair attitude make him superior to other creatures. Actually if his

moral values are not strong enough this means he did not understand his religion

and his worldly knowledge.

Holly Quran was reveled to us for our guidance with Man as its Subject. Allah says

in Surrah Al-Imran verse 10:

You are the best of people, evolved for mankind, telling what is right,

forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah.

Dear brothers and sisters, Haqooq ul Allah and Haqooq ul Ibaad are the two most

important aspects in a life of a Muslim to complete his Eman and faith. Haqooq Ul

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Ibaad is the duty, which Allah has given us for Mankind. The rights of every

human being on other person. Muslim who fulfills the "Haqooq Ul Allah" will also

fulfill the "Haqooq ul Ibaad ". These are two different things but are related.

Muslim must himself be good and must also encourage others to do well. He must

struggle and work for the welfare of a society. So we should make our Allah happy

by doing Ibadat and we should become good Muslim by serving and helping the

other people.

Dear brothers and sisters, in these verses which I have recited before Allah says:

Give orphans their property, and do not exchange the bad for the good, and

do not eat up their property by mixing it with your own. This surely is a great


Dear brothers and sisters, treating well with Yateem, have great reward. In the light

of Quran and Hadith, the person who takes care and treats well with Yateem will

receive great ajer on the day of Judgment. Allah says in Surrah-Al-Nisa verse 127:-

Allah directs you to treat the orphans with justice. Allah is well aware of whatever

good you do.

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The Prophet (PBUH) said "Whoever touches the head of an orphan (with love),

solely for Allah, a good deed will be written to his account for every hair over

which he passed his hand, and whoever treated an orphan with goodness and

kindness, he and I will be close to each-other in Heaven as these two fingers and he

held his two fingers together"

Prophet (PBUH) also said "The best house among the Muslims is one where an

orphan is well treated, and the worst house among the Muslims is one where an

orphan is badly treated."

Abu Hurraira (RA) also reported that the Prophet (PBUH) was saying "Would you

like that your heart becomes soft and that you get what you need? Be merciful with

the Orphans, pat his head and feed him from what you eat.

Dear brothers and sisters, teachings of Prophet totally changed the nature of the

whole society of Arab. The hearts which were harder than stones now became

softer than wax. Each and every house of Sahaba became the house of Orphan. To

take care of one Yateem, sahaba competed with one another. Hazrat Abdullah bin

Umer never ate his meal unless he found any Yateem child to share with him. But

now look at our societies. When any unfortunate become yateem, then first his

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close relatives try to grab his property. He is the most disgraceful person in a

society where nobody cares about his rights and upbringing.

Dear brothers and sisters, our neighbors have also lots of right on us. Neighbors

can be Muslim or non-Muslims. Prophet (PBUH) was asked” “Who is a neighbor?”

He answered: “Your neighbors are forty houses ahead of you and forty houses to

your back, and forty houses to your right and forty houses to your left.” When we

consider that all these people are our neighbors, and we note how strongly the

Prophet recommended us to be kind to our neighbors, we can realize what sort of

community Islam creates in every locality.

Mujahid narrated that the "Abdullah bin Amr had a sheep slaughtered for his

family, so when he came he said: 'Have you given some of it to our Jew neighbor? I

heard the Messenger of Allah saying: 'Jibril continued to advise me about (treating)

the neighbors so (kindly and politely), that I thought he would order me (from

Allah) to make them our inheritors.

Dear brothers and sisters, have we ever sent something to our Non-Muslim

neighbors, have we ever tried to make good relations with them? We even do not

know about our Muslim neighbors. Even we do not know who are living on next


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The Prophet (PBUH) even gives us a hint of how we can share our food with our

neighbors without increasing our expenses to a great deal. Prophet (PBUH) advised

his companion, Abu Tharr: “If you cook something with gravy, increase the gravy

and send some of it to your neighbours.” (Al-Bukhari).

The Prophet (PBUH) also said, "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day,

should not hurt his neighbor and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day,

should serve his guest generously and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day,

should speak what is good or keep silent." (Al-Bukhari)

Once Prophet (PBUH) was asked, “O Messenger of Allah! A certain woman prays

in the night, fasts in the day, does pious actions and gives charity, but she injures

and hurt her neighbors with her tongue.” The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said,

“There is no good in her. She will go to Fire.” The Sahaba said, “Another woman

prays only the prescribed prayers and gives very little as charity and does not injure

anyone. Her neighbors happy with her attitude” The Messenger of God said, “She

is one of the people of Paradise.” [Bukhari in Al-Adabul Mufrad]

Dear brothers and sisters, visiting the sick brother is from the rights of the

Muslim. It is among the best of the righteous deeds. Hazrat Ali said: I heard the

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Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying, "When a Muslim visits a sick Muslim in the

morning, seventy thousand angels keep on praying for him till evening. If he visits

him in the evening, seventy thousand angels keep on praying for him till the


Abu Musa reported that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Visit the sick,

feed the hungry, and (arrange for the) release of the captive.'' [Al-Bukhari].

Dear brothers and sisters, helping the others has also lots of reward and ajer.

Abdullah bin Umar narrated that Prophet (PBUH) said, "A Muslim is a brother of

the other Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he help an oppressor.

Whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs; whoever

brought his (Muslim) brother out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the

discomforts of the Day of Qiyama, and whoever hides some faults of a Muslim,

Allah will hide his faults on the Day of Qiyama.".

Unfortunately when we know any fault of our brother, we tried our best to spread

his fault everywhere but Allah says if you hide his fault, Allah will hide your faults

on the day of Qiyama.

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Once the Prophet (PBUH) asked to Sahaba: "Who have fasting today?" Abu

Bakr said: "I have fasting". The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Who participated in a

funeral today?" Abu Bakr said: "I did." The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Who fed a

needy person today?" Abu Bakr said: "I did." The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Who

visited a sick person today?" Abu Bakr said: "I did." Then, the Prophet (PBUH)

said: "if all these things are found in a person then he will enter into the paradise."

In one of the suburbs of Madina there lived blind old women who had no one to

help her. Umar used to go secretly to the house of the old woman, but was always

surprised to find that some one else had already fulfilled the needs of that old lady.

Hazrat Umar was curious to see that person who always beat him in the field of

social service. One day, Umar went to the house of the old woman earlier than

usual and hide himself to watch the person who helped the old woman. Soon a man

arrived who fulfilled the needs of the old woman, and this man was none other than

the Khalifa Abu Bakr.

Dear brothers and sisters, Sahaba were competing with one another for helping the

others. But unfortunately we are competing with other Muslim brothers for bank

balances, cars, houses, property and wealth. When we got together what is our topic

of discussion. Either we used to busy in backing of others who are not present or

discussing and counting the wealth of others.

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Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said, "One who struggles to

help the widows and the poor is like the one who fights in the way of Allah. Then

the Prophet (PBUH) added: "I shall regard him as the one who stands up (for

prayer) without rest and as the one who observes fasts continuously". (Al-Bukhari

and Muslim)

Imam Zain-ul Abadin was very rich person. Allah had given him great wealth but

when he died, people found many spots & patches on his back. Later they came to

know that the Imam had taken responsibility of 100 houses and when the sun set

and the darkness of night spread he himself provided the packages of wheat to

those houses.

But dear brothers and sisters what is our attitude. We are reluctant to help others. I

have seen in our societies even very pious people do not regard it a way of getting

Jannah. We help others if we can get some benefits from them otherwise we do not

find any courage to spare time and help our Muslim brothers & sisters.

Dear brothers and sister, Allah says in Surrah Al-Hujrat verse 10:

The believers are nothing else than brothers....

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Once Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was asked, “Who is the best Muslim?” He

replied, “He is the one from whose hand and tongue all Muslims are safe"

(Bukhari). In another Hadith Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said "None of you truly

believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself "(Bukhari).

What a beautiful lesson taught to us, If we all sincerely follow this I think we

would not be in a situation where we are standing now...where there is injustice,

inequality, back biting, insulting, hatred, Bloodshed etc. .....today Muslim societies

need to revive on these lessons....

Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said, "The rights of the Muslim

upon the Muslim are six."When you meet him, give him the greeting of peace,

when he invites you, accept his invitation, when he seeks your advice, advise

him, when he sneezes and praises Allah, supplicate for mercy upon him, when he

becomes ills, visit him, and when he dies follow his funeral."

The prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) said, "Do not be jealous of one another; do not

increase prices by overbidding against one another; do not hate each other; do not

turn away from one another; do not enter into commercial deal when others have

made that; O slaves of Allah, be as brothers. A Muslim is a brother of another

Muslim; he neither oppresses him, nor does he lie to him, nor does he humiliate

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him. Piousness is here (and he pointed to his chest three times). It is evil enough for

a Muslim to humiliate his brother. All belongings of a Muslim are sacred to his

brother: his blood, his property, and his honor. Later the Prophet (PBUH) said:

"Allah will not look at your body nor your appearance, rather he will only look at

your hearts”

Dear brothers and sisters, if we want to revive the Muslim Brotherhood then we

have to follow this Hadith with its true spirit. Allah says in Quran:

Muhammad ( ) is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are strong

against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves.

Unfortunately now days, we are strong against one another and merciful towards

disbelievers. Why?? Because any person who knows little about Islam he thought

that he is now the best Muslim and all others and week in their Eman. No body

thinks that Allah will decide it on the day of Qi Yama who will be people of hell

fire and who will be people of Jannah.

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Live with your wives in a good manner. If you dislike them in any manner, it

may be that you dislike something in which Allah has placed much good for


Dear brothers and sisters, having good relations with our wives is also part of our

faith. The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Among the Muslims the most perfect, as regards

his faith, is the one whose character is excellent, and the best among you are those

who treat their wives well." (Al-Tirmidhi). Hazrat Aisha narrated that Allah's

Messenger (PBUH) said, "The best of you is he who is best to his family, and I am

the best among you to my family.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

Dear brothers and sisters, many men think that doing housework is shameful for

them. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) however, used to "sew and wash his own

clothes, mend his own shoes, clean his own house".

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Once Hazrat Aisha was asked how Prophet was at home. She replied Allah's

messenger was very softhearted, the kindest of all. He always smiled and remained

happy in his house.

But what is our attitude? We normally remain happier outside with our friends but

when we enter our house mask of happiness is gone. Our attitude in our homes is

entirely opposite to that behavior which we normally show outside. Islam puts great

emphasis to keep good atmosphere at our homes. That home which is a base of

Islamic society, that home where our next generations are getting training of

morality and character. People can speak many good things outside but the most

important is how his behavior at home. Is his wife witness of his good attitude?

is his wife witness of his caring and loving behavior?

Dear brothers and sisters, the thing which makes the house a real base of Islamic

institution is in fact nothing but to forgive and forget the faults of others, speaking

sweet and good words with wives. The dispute and clash between husband and

wife is so horrible that in some tradition it is said that Shitan got special

appreciation from other Shitans who created doubts among husband and wife,

spread differences among them and manage to split a married couple. Satan is the

best destroyer of marriages because when husband and wife will be separated then

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children become destroyed and families become broken. Our houses and families

are base of our societies; we should avoid all such things which break the base of

our society.

Dear brothers and sisters, Islam has also given great emphasis of keeping good

relations with our blood relatives. Allah says in Quran:

O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam)

and from him he created his wife (Hawwa), and from both of them He created

many men & women; and fear Allah through Whom you demand, and (do not cut

the blood relations) womb (kinship). Surely Allah is Ever an All-Watcher over you.

The verse says if we fear Allah, we have to maintain good relations with our

relatives. Therefore, Sila-e-rahmi (keeping good relations with blood relatives) is

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an order from Allah, not a recommendation, and it is mandatory for every Muslim

to obey this order. Allah put a very large reward for taking Sila-Rehmi.

Abdurrahman bin Auf narrates that he heard Rasoolullah (PBUH) was telling

“Allah says I am Allah, I am Rahman (beneficent), I’ve created relations and I’ve

named it by cutting a matter from my name Rahman and named it “Rehm”

(relations). Thus who will join it I will join him but who will broke it I break him.

This means who will cut these relations he will cut himself from the blessings and

rehma of Allah and the person who will join these relations he will join the

blessings of Allah Rabbul-Alamin. That person will be under the special Rehmat

and blessings of Allah Rabbul-Alamin who keep good relations with his relatives,

instead of all hardship and difficulties given by his relatives.

Abdullah bin Salam said that the first thing which I heard from Prophet is that O

people spread Assalam among the people, then to feed the people and join the

relations and observe Qiam-ul-Lail when the people are sleeping. If you observe

these things you will enter into paradise with peace.

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Imams Bukhari and Muslim also reported that a Bedouin asked the prophet

(PBUH) "O messenger of Allah tell me something that gets me closer to Paradise

and gets me further away from Hell Fire. The prophet (PBUH) said, "Submit to

Allah only and do not take partners with Him, establish prayers, and pay zakah, and

establish good relations with your relatives." When the Bedouin left, the prophet

(PBUH) said, "If he will make practice what I told him, he will enter Paradise."

Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said, “Whoever is pleased that he be given more

wealth, and long life, then he should keep good relations with his kith and kin.”

Allah says in Surah An-Nahl verse 90:-

Verily, Allah orders justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving help to the

relatives and forbids indecency, and evil, and wrongful transgression.

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Allah has send lana and curse on those people who cut the relations with their

relatives. Allah says in Surrah Ar-Rad verse 25:

As for those who break their agreement with Allah after confirming it, who cut

apart what Allah has ordered to be joined, and spread disorder (Idtrab) on the earth,

their's shall be the curse (Lana), and they shall have a bad place in the Hereafter.

Allah also says in Surrah Muhammad verse 24 & 25:

Would you then, if you are placed in authority, create disorder in the land and cut

your ties of relationship (Aqraba)? It is these whom Allah curses so that He makes

them deaf and makes their eyes blind.

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Prophet (PBUH) said that person will never go to paradise that cut the relations

with relatives. Prophet (PBUH) also said Allah will never send blessings on those

nations in which such people are present who cut the relations with others. This

means the fault and sins of some of the people will be faced by whole nation.

Prophet (PBUH) said that if in a society people commit big sins but if they are well

wisher of one another and love each other then Allah will increase their Rizq and


Dear brothers and sisters that person is not doing Sila-e-Rehmi who doing it as

result of good behavior and attitude from his relatives but actually Sila-e-Rehmi is

this when some of his relatives broke all relations with him, doing bad thing with

him the person continue to have good attitude with them.

Listen to the hadith of the prophet (PBUH) that was reported by Imams Ahmad and

Muslim in similar words. When a man came to him and said, O messenger of

Allah, I have relatives with whom I keep good relations, but they cut off relations

with me, I forgive them, but they oppress me, I do good to them, but they treat me

badly, should I treat them as bad as they treat me? The prophet replied: "No, If you

do so all the relations will be cut off this way. On the contrary, be generous and

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keep in touch with them, you will always have support from Allah as long as you

stay this way.

Jibrael was asked; "What has the Almighty Allah done on Laila-tul Qadir with the

wishes of the believers "He answered, "Almighty Allah has looked upon them on

this night and forgiven them, all of them, except the following: “One who is

addicted to drinking, One who cuts his ties with his relatives, and One who is a


Imam Baqir said that his father Zainul Abideen strongly advised him to keep away

from five persons:

1) An Immoral and corrupt Person; because he will sell you for a single piece of

bread or even less than a piece of bread. 2) A miser (Bakheel) person, as he would

break all connections with you when you need him.

3) A liar (Kazab), as he is misleading like sand; he shows a near thing to be far,

and the far to be near.

4) A stupid one, as he will wish to give you profit but it will result in loss.

5) One who cut his relationship with his kith and kin, as the Qur'an send lana and

curse on him in three different places.

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Dear brothers and sisters, all rights of the people about which I have talked about

are very much sensitive. On the day of Judgment when court will be established by

Almighty Allah, then the neglected rights of Allah, Haqooq Ul Allah, will be

presented only in front of Allah and it depends on Almighty whether to forgive or

give punishment but dear brothers and sisters rights of people, Haqooq-ul-Abad

will not be forgiven until unless that person will not forgive us whose right was

being neglected by us. We know from Sunnah that if we recited some Tasbeehat

then some of our sins will be removed from us. If we performed Hajj, all our

previous sins will be removed. But this is the case with neglected rights of Allah.

That will be very critical situation in the court of Allah, when our relatives, our

parents, our wives, our neighbors, our friends, our brothers and our sisters will

stand up in the court and will make appeal in front of Allah that this man did not

give us our right. This man collected money by deceiving us, by telling a lie. This

man spread fitna among the people, he backbiting others, he was cursing the

people, he was neglecting the poor, he was not giving food to Maskeen, he was

very much proud of his Abada, he was proud of his piousness and he thought every

other person is worthless and valueless. Then dear brothers and sisters what will be

our answer.

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Once Prophet (saws) was asked by the Sahabah “Do you know who a bankrupt

person is?” They said “the bankrupt among us is the person who does not have any

wealth. Prophet said, “The bankrupt of my Ummah is someone who comes on the

day of judgment with many rewards, prayer, fasting, Zakat, but he had accused

some person falsely, he abused another, cursed a third, taken the money of

somebody else, spilt the blood of someone else, so he ends up giving those people

from his good deeds and if he runs out of good deeds and he didn’t pay them back,

then people start giving him some of their sins and he ends up going to hell fire.”

Dear brothers and sisters, do you know the last two words of Prophet (PBUH), the

first was about Salah and the second was about good character. Our religion cannot

be completed until unless we have good and kind behavior with others. I want to

finish my Khutaba on two beautiful hadiths:

Prophet (PBUH) once asked him companions - “Should I guide you to the qualities,

because of which, Allah raises people’s ranks?” The sahaba said yes. Then the

Prophet (PBUH) said, “Be patience (forbearing) with him who treats you

ignorantly; forgive him who is unfair to you; give him who deprives you; and,

fulfill social obligations to the relative who are doing wrong with you.

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Prophet (PBUH) also said, “My Allah has commanded me nine qualities (to follow)

(i) Fearing Allah both secretly and openly; (ii) Saying only the words of justice

both when angry and when happy; (iii) Maintaining moderation both during

poverty and prosperity; (iv) Making up (relationships) with a relative who breaks

away from me; (v) Giving even to the person who deprives me; (vi) Forgiving him

who is unjust to me; (vii) Thinking or Reflecting when I am quiet; remembering

Allah when I speak; and, learning lessons from what I see; (viii) Directing good;

and, (ix) Forbidding evil.”