happiness and wellbeing: emerging lessons from social science. jerome carson and sandie mchugh

Happiness and Wellbeing: Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh.

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Happiness and Wellbeing: Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh. Structure of presentation: Your own happiness? Questionnaire. Happiness in Worktown Happiness today Prize draw. . “Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Happiness and Wellbeing:  Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh

Happiness and Wellbeing: Emerging Lessons from Social Science.

Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh.

Page 2: Happiness and Wellbeing:  Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh

.Structure of presentation:

Your own happiness? Questionnaire.

Happiness in Worktown

Happiness today

Prize draw

Page 3: Happiness and Wellbeing:  Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh


“Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life,the whole aim and end of human existence.”Aristotle

Page 4: Happiness and Wellbeing:  Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh


“Happiness is when what you think, what yousay and what you do, are in harmony.”

Page 5: Happiness and Wellbeing:  Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh

.What is happiness?

Advertisers have been trying to tell us this for years. Here are a couple of ads that more matureparticipants may recall.


Page 6: Happiness and Wellbeing:  Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh

.Bolton in the 1930’s1931 census 14,555 Boltonians out of work.Population then 177,000. Unemployed formed 17% of occupied male population and 12% of female population.

The town had 300 pubs, six dance-halls and 47 cinemas within 5 miles of town hall. 200 churches and chapels.

Page 7: Happiness and Wellbeing:  Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh

What was happening in 1938?

.Hitler drives intoVienna

Franco winsCrucialBattle in Spain

PrestonNorth EndbeatHuddersfieldin Cup Finalat Wembley

Page 8: Happiness and Wellbeing:  Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh

.Worktown Competitions.

“Competitions provide a way of going beyond the reports of Boltonians written by Mass Observers to access the self-authored perspectives of Bolton peoplethemselves,” (Gazely and Langhamer, 2013)

Prize of £5 offered for the best account of, “How I spent one day of my September holidays?” Generated 564 responses.

Another asked, “What do you like about all-in Wrestling?”

Page 9: Happiness and Wellbeing:  Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh

Worktown Happiness Survey


Page 10: Happiness and Wellbeing:  Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh

.28th. April 1938 advert in Bolton Evening News“What is Happiness?”

Judge Professor John Hilton

Competition one of many to research everyday life in Bolton 1937-1940Letters from 226 individualsFollow-up questionnaire

Harrisson chose Bolton, renamed “Worktown,” “an emblematic locationfrom which to observe a working class regarded by those outside of itas almost a race apart.”

Page 11: Happiness and Wellbeing:  Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh

.Analysis of Worktown Happiness Survey:

7 categories based on work of social psychologist Hadley Cantril (1934)

SELF (personal values, development, character)MATERIAL (personal economic situation, job/work)HEALTHRELATIONAL (family and friends)VALUES (moral, social, political)WORLD EVENTS (international situation)NATURAL WORLD

¾ of respondents mentioned aspects of SELF in their letters

Page 12: Happiness and Wellbeing:  Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh

.Worktown Happiness Survey.

“Mental harmony, a peaceful and contented mind and a clear conscience,often underpinned by religious faith or other moral frameworks.” Gazely and Langhamer (2013)

“True and lasting happiness is a mental and spiritual state found only from within ourselves. When we are right in the sight of God. There can be no happiness without service.”

“Happiness is the greatest thing in life that money can’t buy.”

“To know joy you must have sorrow.”

Page 13: Happiness and Wellbeing:  Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh

1938– 10 aspects of happiness

Equality Beauty

Pleasure Security

Politics Religion

Humour Knowledge

Action Leadership & Authority

Please number in order of importance, 1 to 10, which of the following you think moreimportant to true happiness, with 1 as the most important and 10 as least.

Page 14: Happiness and Wellbeing:  Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh

.Worktown Happiness Survey.

Top 3 Security Knowledge Religion

Bottom 3 Pleasure Leadership Politics

Page 15: Happiness and Wellbeing:  Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh


Leo Bormans

Page 16: Happiness and Wellbeing:  Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh

Contemporary Views of Happiness.


Professor Martin SeligmanThe pleasant lifeThe engaged lifeThe meaningful life

Page 17: Happiness and Wellbeing:  Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh

.Bury College Students.(2013, n = 338) Ian Platt, Steven Barnes, Ruqiah Fatima, Lynda Thorpe and Jerome Carson.

Top 3 Security Humour Equality

Bottom 3 Authority Religion Politics

Page 18: Happiness and Wellbeing:  Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh

.Happiness across the years Worktown (1938) Bury (2013) Bolton (2014) Top 3 Security Security Security Knowledge Humour Humour Religion Equality Equality

Bottom 3 Pleasure Authority Leadership Leadership Religion Politics Politics Politics Religion

Page 19: Happiness and Wellbeing:  Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh

1938 – 10 aspects of happinessdiscourse /explanation for 2014

More equality More politics

More equality in wealth More say in political decisions

More beauty More religion

More attractive living & working environment

More religious influence in society

More leadership More good humour

More direction from local & national decision makers

More smiling and laughter for myself & those around me

More leisure More knowledge

More time to do the things I enjoy More access and opportunities to learn new things

More economic security More action

More certainty for maintaining & maybe improving my living standards

More action to solve not shelve my problems

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Page 21: Happiness and Wellbeing:  Emerging Lessons from Social Science. Jerome Carson and Sandie McHugh

.The prize draw

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Contact Details



Sandie [email protected]

Professor Jerome Carson,[email protected]

Sandie McHugh,[email protected]