handy project startup business

The New Way to Connect with Industry Startup Name: HandyProject Startup short Pitch: HandyProject is a website that connects the student with the employer through news, videos, and project collaborations that will give the student skills for the workforce. Clearly explain how your product/service improved from MVP-1 to MVP-2 We have added subscription services for college students and mentors The website color scheme correlates with the logo colors We added the customer feedback survey, projects and news. Only member have access to this features Images of our website before and after your improvements. Before

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Handy Project Startup Business

The New Way to Connect with Industry

Startup Name:


Startup short Pitch:

HandyProject is a website that connects the student with the employer through news, videos, and project collaborations that will give the student skills for the workforce.

Clearly explain how your product/service improved from MVP-1 to MVP-2

● We have added subscription services for college students and mentors● The website color scheme correlates with the logo colors● We added the customer feedback survey, projects and news. Only member have access

to this features

Images of our website before and after your improvements.



Page 2: Handy Project Startup Business

What are you selling? How much are you selling it for?

Student Package Professional Package Company Packages

This is a package for college students. Student member have access to

viewing other people in the community posts, as well

as, access company videos featuring what

This is a package for professional members. A professional membership

purchase gives you access to all that the Handy Project has

to offer. By choosing this package, you can directly

This is a package for companies. Companies on

large scale can also make a contribution to the Handy Project. By utilizing the

community of the Handy

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services they offer and what they are looking for in

new candidate.

affect the lives of students who are seeking a mentor in their

career journey. Join in on online seminars and give

feedback as well as advice.

Project, show the future generation that the your company really cares.

$19.99 per month $39.99 per month $999.99 per month

Explain the MVP-2 testing processHow did you test that the customers like your improved idea and what you developed

We contacted them with surveys both when we created the site and after we made the changes. We reached out to the same people from before so they could acknowledge the changes.

Where are you selling your product?

Students, professionals and companies can buy our membership through our website using PayPal: www.handyproject.net/services-page/

Who is your direct market and how did you reach out to them for sale?

Our market comprises of the college student body and local companies. HandyProject reached out to them using social media, word of mouth, text messaging/phone calls, and surveys.

How many customers did you approach to sell you product?

29 customers explored and interacted with our MVP product.

What was the reaction of your customers?

● They liked that they could easily navigate through the website after making an account on the website.

● They liked how the website was specialized towards college students and they felt that it differentiated the website from LinkedIn because of that.

● They liked how they could post projects and contribute if they had the skills required to take on the project.

● They liked how there was a feature where students could read about recent news in the college realm and job opportunities available to them.

● They liked that they could watch videos of companies that were in the engineering sector, but disliked how it did not differentiate enough from just searching on YouTube.

● They disliked the price of the product and did not feel the cost of the product was worth its features.

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● They disliked the visual representations of the articles posted and how it looks more like a blog post than a news feature like you would encounter if you went onto a traditional news hub like CNN, USA Today, Entrepreneur, Forbes, VentureBeat, ect.

Of the customer who like your product, how many purchased/paid for it?

1 customer of the 29 bought a subscription.

Of the customer who did not like your product, why and what did they not like?

● Our business is simply too young. Customers and businesses would want something more established first.

● It’s too expensive for college students in retrospect with the services provided when the customer could go onto LinkedIn and pay a little more for a more established service, but a service not particularly gauged towards college students like HandyProject.

● Project trust issues and reliability. Our customers did not particularly trust other customers to help them out on their ideas because HandyProject does not verify if the mentor or other customer actually has the skills for the project that they are helping out on.

How would you improve your product/service for the next stage?

1. Streamlining the website on online interactivity and explore app based design2. Establishing our community and professional network 3. Organize projects and a project timeline (for example add an interactive calendar to

students and mentor profiles where they could interact and schedule opportunities and projects.)

How much did the MVP-2 cost you?

Website monthly fee: 11 dollars

How much revenue did the MVP-2 generate?

Revenue: $19.99

What was the net profit/loss of this experiment?


How many total man hour labor was clocked in on this project?

50 total man hour labor was clocked on the project in order to present for MVP-2

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Lessons learned

1. Work hard to reach out. Having a website is not enough, you need to promote it and find key people to support your project.

2. More people will come if we better establish ourselves first. Having a working website was essential before reaching out to customers

3. Coming up with a business idea is hard; however, implementing a business plan and strategy is even more challenging.

Do you think your product has enough demand and is truly providing a solution that people want? If so, will you continue with this concept after the semester?

While we believe in our product and students like us would benefit from such a proposition, we feel that this project would require more of an investment in time, luck, and money to create the network we envisioned. In the short time we have been enrolled in this course, we do not feel that we had enough time to build this business. More time was needed to actually interact with corporations, since they are one of the main pillars of our company. It was easier to reach out to students than to professionals. We believe this project could impact our engineering community in important ways. Hands on experience, networking and continuous learning are essential skills needed in the engineering field. Nowadays, colleges do not focus on the hands on aspect of projects, but rather grades and memorization. If we had had the support of ASU, and other companies, it would have been easier to have more people subscribe to our website.

And therefore, we will most likely not continue with this project. That is not to say we will not walk away without learning valuable lessons.

Show and tell

Images of MVP2

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Fig. 1 Home Page

Fig. 2 Service Page

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Fig. 3 About Page

Pages only available if you are member

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Fig. 4 Features Page

Fig. 5 Members Page

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Fig. 6 Connect Page

Fig. 7 Main Project Page

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Fig. 8 Community Page

Fig. 9 Engineering Projects Page

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Fig. 10 Industry News Page

Provide video links of testing with customersProvide any media to show what you did for the MVP and how the customers interacted with your product.
