handy body vocab 2

Handy Body Vocab 2 The Face with Mr. Angry Potato Head and Mr. Confused and Angry Wolfman

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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Handy Body Vocab 2. The Face with Mr. Angry Potato Head and Mr. Confused and Angry Wolfman. I am Mr. Angry Potato Head again, and now I’m going to introduce you to parts of…. Le visage!!. The face!!. Such as. La bouche. The mouth. Hmm, he looks familiar. Les yeux. The eyes. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Handy Vocab Bodyparts

Handy Body Vocab 2

The Face with Mr. Angry Potato Head and Mr. Confused and Angry Wolfman

I am Mr. Angry Potato Head again, and now Im going to introduce you to parts of

Le visage!!The face!!

Such as...

La boucheThe mouth

Les yeuxThe eyesHmm, he looks familiar...

Le nezThe nose

Les oreillesThe earsI have ears!Haha!!


Les dentsTeethWhat big teeth you have!

Les cheveuxHair

Les lvresLips

Les sourcilsEyebrows

Les cilsEyelashes

I wonder if I would look good with a beard?Hmm, I like it!La barbeBeard

La moustacheMoustache

So, there you have the parts of the face. I have decided to add some to mine...Ta-dah! Lets go and show the others our new look!

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