handbook bahasa inggris kls x

1 KELAS X SEMESTER I GREETINGS Hi, hello. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening. How are you? How are you doing? How do you do? Responding to greeting Hi, hello. Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening. I'm fine thank you (thanks)/Okey! Thank you (thanks)/Can't complain/Not bad. How about you?/And you? How do you do? SELF INTRODUCTION Expression Response Hello, I’m ( ... Ms. Jaines). Hello, Ms. Jaines, I’m Susan Appleton. My name is ( ... John Grey). Nice to meet you Mr. Grey, I’m Mrs. Sukjoy. I’m (... George Franks. What's your name)? My name is Sopida, Sopida Hakam. It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Franks. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is ( ... Frank Jeffers). I'm delighted to meet you Mr.Jeffers. My name is Pornpan Orasa. 1. Name - Full name : (nama lengkap) - Nick Name : (nama penggilan) 2. Address - Residence : (alamat tinggal) - Office : (alamat kantor) 3. Male/Female : (jenis kelamin) 4. Married/single : (status) 5. Date of birth : (tanggal,bulan dan tahun kelahiran) 6. Place of birth : (tempat lahir) 7. Education : (pendidikan) 8. Profession : (pekerjaan) 9. Nationality : (kewarganegaraan) 10. Hobbies : (kegemaran) 11. References : (riwayat kegiatan, kursus atau pendidikan)

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Materi bahasa inggris kelas X


Page 1: Handbook bahasa inggris Kls X




Hi, hello. Good morning, good afternoon,

good evening. How are you? How are you doing? How do you do?

Responding to greeting

Hi, hello. Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening. I'm fine thank you (thanks)/Okey! Thank you (thanks)/Can't complain/Not bad. How about you?/And you? How do you do?


Expression Response Hello, I’m ( ... Ms. Jaines). Hello, Ms. Jaines, I’m Susan Appleton. My name is ( ... John Grey). Nice to meet you Mr. Grey, I’m Mrs. Sukjoy. I’m (... George Franks. What's your name)? My name is Sopida, Sopida Hakam. It’s a pleasure to

meet you Mr. Franks. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is ( ... Frank Jeffers).

I'm delighted to meet you Mr.Jeffers. My name is Pornpan Orasa.

1. Name - Full name : (nama lengkap)

- Nick Name : (nama penggilan) 2. Address

- Residence : (alamat tinggal) - Office : (alamat kantor)

3. Male/Female : (jenis kelamin) 4. Married/single : (status) 5. Date of birth : (tanggal,bulan dan tahun kelahiran) 6. Place of birth : (tempat lahir) 7. Education : (pendidikan) 8. Profession : (pekerjaan) 9. Nationality : (kewarganegaraan) 10. Hobbies : (kegemaran) 11. References : (riwayat kegiatan, kursus atau pendidikan)

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Hello !!! My full name is…………. My nick name is…….. I Was born in……..date, month, years I live in…….. My hobby are………..

Introducing People What's your name? Who are you? My name is ... I am ... My friends call me ... You can call me ... Haven't we met (before)? Yes, I think we have. No, I don't think we have. I think we've already met. I don't think we've met (before). This is ... Meet ... Have you met ...? Yes, I have. No, I haven't. Yes, I think I have. No, I don't think I have. Hello, ... (name) Nice to meet you. (informal) Pleased to meet you. How do you do? (formal) Nice to see you. Nice to see you again.


Beberapa cara mengucapkan terima kasih dalam Bahasa Inggris: Umum :

Thank you Thanks (informal) Thank you very/so much. That was very kind of you : Kamu baik sekali.

Terima kasih atas bantuan/pertolongannya:

Thank you for your help/assistance/support. Thank you so much for all you have done to help/support me Thank you for helping me out / give me a hand : That was very kind of you : Kamu baik sekali.

Terima kasih, saya sangat menghargai :

Thank you for your help/assistance and I appreciate much

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I really appreciate what you have done to support me. I really appreciate your quick replies to all my letters.

Terima kasih atas perhatian dan partisipasinya:

Thank you for your work/contribution Thanks for contributing Thank you very much for your attention Thank you very for participating in our last week’s meeting

Responding to thanks

o You’re welcome. (US) o Not at all. (formal, UK) o Don’t mention it. o (It’s) my pleasure. o It was nothing. o That’s alright/OK. o No problem. o Any time.


Expressing condolences : Ungkapan duka cita / turut berduka: My condolences : Saya turut berduka cita This is to convey my deep condolences to you and your family. Saya turut berduka cita

sedalam-dalamnya (terhadap apa yang menimpa) dirimu dan keluargamu. I’m sorry to hear your (family, friend, lover) passed away : Saya ikut berduka mendengar

(keluarga/ teman/kekasih) anda telah meninggal dunia. How to say : Maaf … Berikut ini beberapa ungkapan untuk mengungkapkan permohonan maaf: Umum:

I’m sorry (I am sorry) I would like to apologize I beg your pardon I’m very/terribly/so sorry

I’m (I am) sorry …..

I am sorry about that : Saya minta maaf mengenai hal itu. (sesuatu yang barusan anda lakukan terhadap lawan bicara anda)

I’m sorry for taking so long to write back. I was really busy last week: Saya minta maaf, saya baru sempat membalas (surat/email). Saya sangat sibuk minggu lalu.

I’m sorry about what I said last night: Saya minta maaf atas apa yang saya katakan semalam. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that : Saya minta maaf. tidak seharusnya saya

berbicara/ngomong seperti itu. (on your cellphone, as you rush to a meeting) I’m sorry! I won’t be able to make it (on time). I’ll

be there in (about) 20 minutes: (Berbicara di hp, saat anda terburu-buru pergi ke sebuat pertemuan). Saya mohon maaf, sepertinya saya nggak bisa tepat waktu. Saya akan tiba sekitar 20 menit lagi.

Sorry to keep you waiting, I will talk to you soon : Maaf sudah bikin lama menunggu, saya tidak lama lagi (orang tersebut sudah lama menanti anda dan anda masih sibuk).

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I would like to apologize/apologise for … I wolud like to apologize for being late : Saya mohon maaf atas keterlambatan saya. (atau :

Maaf, saya terlambat, misalnya rapat barusan dimulai, namun anda terlambat datang) I would like for apologise forgetting about our meeting/appointement: Saya mohon maaf atas

kealpaan saya akan pertemuan/perjanjian kita. Sorry for/about :

Sorry for any inconveniences (formal situation) : Mohon maaf atas segala ketidaknyamanan. Sorry for any trouble i have caused : Mohon maaf atas segala masalah yang telah saya buat. Sorry for using the wrong word: Mohon maat atas kekeliruan pemakaian kata. Sorry for getting you into this troble : Mohon maaf sudah melibatkan anda dalam masalah ini. Sorry about missing class today : Mohon maaf karena tidak mengikuti kelas hari ini.

I’m sorry to (about news you get berita/kabar yang anda terima) I’m sorry to hear that : Saya turut sedih mendengarkannya. I’m sorry to hear that you are not feeling well: Saya turut prihatin atas kesehatan anda saat ini. I’m sorry to hear that you missed your flight/train : Saya turut sedih karena anda ketinggalan

pesawat/kereta. I’m sorry to hear that you are having problems at home : Saya ikut prihatin atas masalah yang

menimpa anda di rumah (anda). I’m sorry to hear that your car was stolen : Saya ikut prihatin mendengar bahwa mobil anda

dicuri orang. Reacting to an apology : Balasan atas permintaan maaf

There’s no need to apologize : Tak perlu meminta maaf Please, don’t apologize!: Saya mohon, tidak usah minta maaf Never mind : Tidak apa-apa/tidak masalah. Don’t be sorry for that! : Tak perlu meminta maaf untuk hal itu It’s OK. Don’t worry : Tak apa-apa, tak usah kuatir It’s OK. I understand : Tidak apa-apa, saya mengerti It’s OK but please, be more careful next time. Oke, tapi tolong hati-hati lain kali. It’s OK but please, don’t do it again. Oke, tapi tolong jangan lakukan lagi Apologies accepted! : Permohonan maaf diterima!

Prefacing bad news : Ungkapan pembuka untuk menyampaikan sesuatu hal yang kurang menyenangkan atau berita buruk

I’m sorry (I have) to tell you this, but … : Maaf, saya harus menyampaikan hal ini, namun … I hate to tell you this, but …: Saya berat untuk menyampaikan hal ini, namun… I don’t know how to tell you thos, but …: Saya tidak tahu bagaimana menyampaikan hal ini,

namun … I have some bad news : Saya punya berita buruk (Formal situation) We regret to inform you that …: Dengan menyesal kami harus

menyampaikan kepada anda bahwa … PERSONAL PRONOUNS

Personal Pronouns Subject form Object form

I Me You You He Him She Her It It We Us

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You You They them Examples (in each case, the first example shows a subject pronoun, the second an object pronoun):

I like coffee. John helped me. Do you like coffee? John loves you. He runs fast. Did Ram beat him? She is clever. Does Mary know her? It doesn't work. Can the engineer repair it? We went home. Anthony drove us. Do you need a table for three? Did John and Mary beat you at doubles? They played doubles. John and Mary beat them.

GRAMMAR ; SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Pattern ; Subject + verb + s/es + object Example ; (+) She buys a pen (?) Does she buy a pen ? (-) She doesn’t buy a pen We buy a book Do we buy a book ? We don’t buy a book



adjective Opposite

fat Thin

beautiful Ugly

handsome Ugly

big Small

large Little

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long Short

tall Short

old Young

round Square

dark Light



brave Coward serious

















clever Stupid

bad Good

nasty Good

lazy hard worker

boring Interesting

boring Funny

tidy Untidy

patient Impatient

optimistic Pessimistic

noisy Quiet


Red Green Blue White Black Yellow Orange

Pink Brown Beige Gray Light blue Dark green Purple

Violet Navi blue Turquoise Maroon Magenta


Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Inggris

bentuk shape belah ketupat rhombus berombak wavy

garis yang berombak wavy line Bidang plane

ilmu ukur bidang plane geometry

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Bola sphere bujur sangkar, persegi panjang rectangle Datar flat empat persegi square Garis line heksagonal, segienam hexagon heptagonal, segilima heptagon Kerucut cone Kotak box Kubah dome Kubus cube Kurva curve Lingkaran circle Melengkung arch oktagonal, segidelapan octagon oval, pipih oval pentagonal, segisepuluh pentagon piramida, prisma Pyramid Segitiga Triangle Silinder Cylinder Spiral Spiral Tabung Tube Trapezium Trapezium


How to form the plural

Noun ending Forming the plural Example

s, x, ch or sh Add -es boss bosses tax taxes bush bushes

consonant + y Change y to i then add -es baby babies candy candies curry curries

most others Add –s cat cats face faces day days

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THE PLURAL OF NOUNS Most nouns form the plural by adding -s or -es. Examples Singular Plural

boat boats hat hats

house houses

river rivers Some nouns have the same form in the singular and the plural. Examples Singular Plural

sheep sheep

fish fish

species species

aircraft aircraft Types of irregular plural There are many types of irregular plural, but these are the most common:

Noun type Forming the plural Example

Ends with -fe Change f to v then Add -s

knife knives life lives wife wives

Ends with -f Change f to v then Add -es

half halves wolf wolves loaf loaves

Ends with -o Add -es potato potatoes tomato tomatoes volcano volcanoes

ends with -us Change -us to -i cactus cacti nucleus nuclei focus foci

ends with -is Change -is to -es analysis analyses crisis crises thesis theses

ends with -on Change -on to -a phenomenon phenomena criterion criteria


Change the vowel or Change the word or Add a different ending

man men foot feet child children person people tooth teeth

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mouse mice

Unchanging Singular and plural are the same

sheep deer fish (sometimes)


This chart lists many of the countries or nations in the world, with the following information:

Name of country Adjective used for that country (also describes nationality) Noun used for a person from that country

Country Adjective Person

Afghanistan Afghan an Afghan

Albania Albanian an Albanian

Algeria Algerian an Algerian

Andorra Andorran an Andorran

Angola Angolan an Angolan

Argentina Argentinian an Argentinian

Armenia Armenian an Armenian

Australia Australian an Australian

Austria Austrian an Austrian

Azerbaijan Azerbaijani an Azerbaijani

India Indian an Indian

Indonesia Indonesian an Indonesian

Jobs, Professions, Occupations Management president, vice-president, executive officer (CEO); director, deputy director, managing director, financial director, marketing director; general manager, assistant manager, manager; personnel manager, production manager, marketing manager, sales manager, accounts manager; supervisor, inspector; Office office clerk, receptionist, secretary, typist, stenographer; Banks banker, bank officer, accountant, bookkeeper, economist, teller, cashier, auditor; Medicine doctor, physician, family doctor, general practitioner; eye specialist, throat specialist, heart specialist; cardiologist, surgeon, pediatrician, psychiatrist, dentist, dietician, pharmacist, veterinarian; nurse, paramedic; Restaurants chef, head cook, cook; maitre d', headwaiter, waiter, waitress, bartender, barman;

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Sales and stores sales representative, sales manager; salesperson, salesman, saleswoman, salesgirl, sales clerk, cashier; seller, buyer, wholesale buyer, wholesaler, retailer, distributor, advertising agent; Art and creative work musician, composer, singer, dancer; artist, painter; film director, producer, actor, actress, cameraman; writer, author, playwright, dramatist, scenarist; reporter, journalist, photographer; architect, designer, interior designer, web-designer; School and college principal, dean, professor, teacher, student, pupil; Construction engineer, technician, mechanic; builder, construction worker, repairer; welder, bricklayer, mason, carpenter, plumber, painter; Science scientist, scholar, researcher, explorer; mathematician, physicist, chemist, biologist, astronomer; historian, archeologist, economist, philosopher, psychologist; Law and order judge, lawyer, attorney, legal adviser; police officer, policeman, traffic officer, detective; guard, bodyguard; Other expert, specialist, consultant, adviser; pilot, flight attendant, stewardess; computer programmer, computer operator; driver, taxi driver, bus driver, truck driver; firefighter, librarian, farmer, tailor, model, politician, priest, travel agent; hairdresser, hairstylist, barber, beautician, cosmetologist; cleaning lady, cleaning woman, janitor; How to express Asking for job’s description

What do you do in your work ? What does….do ? What is your job’s descriptions? What is your duty as….? Telling job description

I’m charge of……… I’m responsible for…….. He welcomes and receives hotel guests. She is a chief. She cooks many foods in the restaurant of the hotel.


Penunjukan waktu (jam) dalam Bahasa Inggris terbagi atas 2 bagian yaitu :

AM : ante meridiem ( sebelum tengah hari) (pukul 00.00-11.59 ) PM : post meridiem (setelah tengah hari) (pukul 12.00-23.59 )

Keterangan : O'clock digunakan untuk menunjukkan waktu tidak lebih tidak kurang (tepat) Contoh :

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Jam 18.00 = Six o'clock Jam 03.00 = Three o'clock Jam 23.00 = Eleven o'clock

Half Past digunakan untuk menunjukkan lewat / lebih 30 menit Contoh :

Jam 17.30 = Half past five Jam 4.30 = Half past four jam 2.30 = Half past two

Quarter Past digunakan untuk menunjukkan lewat / lebih 15 menit Contoh :

Jam 5.15 = A quarter past five Jam 20.15 = a quarter past eight Jam 7.15 = a quarter past seven

Quarter To digunakan untuk menunjukkan lewat / lebih 45 menit / kurang 15 menit Contoh :

Jam 4.45 = a quarter to five (jam 5 kurang 15 menit) Jam 12.45 = a quarter to one (jam 1 kurang 15 menit) Jam 8.45 = a quarter to nine (jam 9 kurang 15 menit) Jika menit di bawah 30 :

1.05 = Five - PAST -One 3.20 = Twenty - PAST - Three 4.25 = Twenty five - PAST - Four Jika menit di atas 30 : 2.35 = Twenty Five - TO - Three (Jam 3 kurang 25 menit) 3.40 = Twenty Five - TO - FOUR ( Jam 4 kurang 25 menit) 5.55 = Five - TO - Six ( Jam 6 kurang 5 menit) Pola seperti ini juga berlaku pada penunjukan jam seperti di bawah ini : 4.08 = Eight - Past - Four 5. 17 = Seventeen - Past - Five 6. 48 = Twelve - TO - Seven ( Jam tujuh kurang 12 menit) 8.59 = One - TO - Nine (Jam sembilan kurang 1 menit)

Preposition Of Time - CLOCK Kata depan (preposisi) yang digunakan untuk penunjukan waktu adalah > AT

Contoh : at 6.30 pm , at 10.00 pm , at 12.45 pm Penyebutan lain: at 6.30 > at half past six > at six thirty at 4.45 > at a quarter to five > at four forty five at 1.25 > at twenty five past one > at one twenty five

Days Monday (Senin)

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Tuesday (Selasa) Wednesday (Rabu) Thursday (Kamis) Friday (Jumat) Saturday (Sabtu) Sunday (Minggu/Ahad)

Months of the year

January February March April May June July August September October November December.

Nama-nama musim Spring (musim semi), Summer (musim panas), Fall / Autumn (musim gugur), Winter (musim dingin) Satuan Waktu morning (pagi), afternoon (sore), evening (malam), night (malam), day (siang), week (pekan), weekend (akhir pekan), fortnight (dua mingguan), month (bulan), season (musim), year (tahun), decade (dekade), century (abad), millenium (milenium). yesterday (kemarin), today (hari ini), tomorrow (besok), this morning (pagi ini), tomorrow morning (besok pagi), last night (tadi malam), tonight (malam ini), tomorrow night (besok malam), yesterday afternoon (kemarin sore), this afternoon (sore ini), tomorrow afternoon (besok sore), last week (pekan lalu), this week (pekan ini), next week (pekan depan), weekend (akhir pekan), sunrise (terbitnya matahari), sunset (terbenamnya matahari), noon (siang), midnight (tengah malam), three days ago (tiga hari yang lalu), the day before yesterday (kemarin dulu), three weeks ago (tiga pekan yang lalu), the day after tomorrow (besok lusa)

Date Tanggal dalam bahasa Inggris lisan Jika kita menempatkan hari sebelum bulan, gunakan the sebelum hari dan preposisi of sebelum bulan. 5 October 2004 - the fifth of October, two thousand and four Jika kita menempatkan bulan sebelum hari, gunakan the sebelum hari (bahasa inggris British) atau the bisa dihilangkan (bahasa inggris Amerika). October 5, 2004 - October (the) fifth, two thousand and four Cara mengucapkan tahun Mulai tahun 2000 ke atas, tahun dieja seperti bilangan biasa. 2000 - two thousand 2003 - two thousand and three Untuk tahun 2000 ke belakang, tahun dieja berbeda: dua angka pertama adalah satu bilangan dan dua angka terakhir adalah satu bilangan. Kedua satuan bilangan ini bisa digabungkan dengan hundrend and, yang sebenarnya hanya perlu jika dua angka terakhir adalah 00 sampai 09. 1999 - nineteen (hundred and) ninety-nine 1806 - eighteen hundred and six / eighteen oh six Jika kita ingin menggunakan tahun tanpa tanggal pasti, gunakan preposisi in: I was born in 1972. Untuk membedakan tanggal sebelum dan setelah Maserhi, gunakan BC dan AD:

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BC = ‘Before Christ’ (Sebelum Masehi) AD = ‘Anno Domini’ (Masehi) Contoh tahun : 1st March 1998 (the first of March in 1998) Years For years up until 2000, separate the four numbers into two pairs of two: 1965 = nineteen sixty-five 1871 = eighteen seventy-one 1999 = nineteen ninety-nine For this decade, you need to say “two thousand and —-” in British English: 2001 = two thousand and one 2009 = two thousand and nine Dialog Diana : Hai, Good Afternoon Rose ! Rose : Good Afternoon Diana : What's the weather like in July in Bogor? Rose : It's cold Diana : Oh, really. In Makassar, it's very hot in July. Rose : It's very cloudy. I think it will rain. Diana : Yes, looks like autumn is coming Rose : Is it very cold in winter ? Diana : Yes, sometimes it snows. Rose : Do you like spring? Diana : Yes, because the weather is pleasant in spring. But summer is best because you can go to the beach! Rose : How old are you ? Diana : I,m 25 Years. I Was born in Jepara, 5th October 1985.


Cardinal Numbers Use our → number generator to see how to spell any desired number. Table of Cardinal Numbers Cardinal numbers from 1 through 1,000,000 1 one 11 Eleven 21 twenty-one 31 thirty-one 2 two 12 Twelve 22 twenty-two 40 forty 3 three 13 Thirteen 23 twenty-three 50 fifty 4 four 14 Fourteen 24 twenty-four 60 sixty 5 five 15 Fifteen 25 twenty-five 70 seventy 6 six 16 Sixteen 26 twenty-six 80 eighty 7 seven 17 Seventeen 27 twenty-seven 90 ninety 8 eight 18 Eighteen 28 twenty-eight 100 a/one hundred 9 nine 19 Nineteen 29 twenty-nine 1,000 a/one thousand 10 ten 20 Twenty 30 thirty 1,000,000 a/one million Separation between hundreds and tens Hundreds and tens are usually separated by 'and' (in American English 'and' is not necessary). 110 - one hundred and ten 1,250 - one thousand, two hundred and fifty 2,001 - two thousand and one

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Hundreds Use 100 always with 'a' or 'one'. 100 - a hundred / one hundred 'a' can only stand at the beginning of a number. 100 - a hundred / one hundred 2,100 - two thousand, one hundred Thousands and Millions Use 1,000 and 1,000,000 always with 'a' or 'one'. 1,000 - a thousand / one thousand 201,000 - two hundred and one thousand Table of Ordinal Numbers

Ordinal Numbers from 1 through 1,000,000 1 st first 11 th eleventh 21 st twenty-first 31 st thirty-first 2 nd second 12 th twelfth 22 nd twenty-second 40 th fortieth 3 rd third 13 th thirteenth 23 rd twenty-third 50 th fiftieth 4 th fourth 14 th fourteenth 24 th twenty-fourth 60 th sixtieth 5 th fifth 15 th fifteenth 25 th twenty-fifth 70 th seventieth 6 th sixth 16 th sixteenth 26 th twenty-sixth 80 th eightieth 7 th seventh 17 th seventeenth 27 th twenty-seventh 90 th ninetieth 8 th eighth 18 th eighteenth 28 th twenty-eighth 100 th one hundredth 9 th ninth 19 th nineteenth 29 th twenty-ninth 1,000 th one thousandth 10 th tenth 20 th twentieth 30 th thirtieth 1,000,000 th one millionth Form Spelling of Ordinal Numbers Just add th to the cardinal number:

four - fourth eleven - eleventh


one - first two - second three - third five - fifth eight - eighth nine - ninth twelve - twelfth

In compound ordinal numbers, note that only the last figure is written as an ordinal number: 421st = four hundred and twenty-first 5,111th = five thousand, one hundred and eleventh

Figures When expressed as figures, the last two letters of the written word are added to the ordinal number:

first = 1st second = 2nd third = 3rd fourth = 4th twenty-sixth = 26th

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hundred and first = 101st Titles In names for kings and queens, ordinal numbers are written in Roman numbers. In spoken English, the definite article is used before the ordinal number:

Charles II - Charles the Second Edward VI - Edward the Sixth Henry VIII - Henry the Eighth

Pada bilangan bertingkat yang kompleks, perhatikan bahwa hanya angka terakhir yang dituliskan sebagai bilangan bertingkat:

421st = four hundred and twenty-first 5,111th = five thousand, one hundred and eleventh

Penulisan dalam angka Jika dituliskan sebagai angka, dua huruf terakhir dari kata yang ditulis ditambahkan ke bilangan bertingkat:

first = 1st second = 2nd third = 3rd fourth = 4th twenty-sixth = 26th hundred and first = 101st

Pengucapan nomor telpon Masing-masing angka disebutkan terpisah.

24 - two four Angka 0 disebut oh.

105 - one oh five Berhenti setelah gabungan 3 atau 4 angka (gabungan terakhir).

376 4705 - three seven six, four seven oh five Jika dua angka yang berdekatan sama, dalam bahasa Inggris Britis kita biasanya menggunakan kata double (dalam bahasa Inggris Amerika kita cukup mengucapkannya dua kali)

376 4775 - Inggris British: three seven six, four double seven five 376 4775 - Inggris Amerika: three seven six, four seven seven five

Macam-macam penyebutan angka ‘0′ nought - secara umum (bahasa Inggris British) zero - secara umum (bahasa Inggris Amerika)

oh - apabila masing-masing angka disebutkan secara terpisah (misal: dalam nomor telpon, rekening, dll.)

nil - skor permainan, misal: sepakbola (Inggris British)

love - dalam olahraga tennis dan sejeninsya. (dari bahasa Perancis l’oeuf (telur) karena bentuk angka 0 yang mirip telur)

Operasi Matematika

1 + 1 = 2

Ini adalah operasi penjumlahan. Cara membacanya adalah :



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3 – 1 = 2

Ini adalah operasi pengurangan. Cara membacanya adalah :





3 x 2 = 6

Ini adalah operasi perkalian. Cara membacanya adalah :




8 : 2 = 4

Ini adalah operasi pembagian. Cara membacanya adalah :




Formal I am most upset to hear that. What a terrible situation for you! One should not worry too much I do sympathise with you. Informal What a pity! That’s awful. How sad! Poor old you, …… Neutral O dear! I am sorry. I’m awfully sorry. What bad luck! That’s a pity! You must be very upset / annoyed. MODALS

Apa itu Modal Auxiliary Verb? Kata kerja can, could, may, might, will, would, shall (biasanya dalam Inggris British), should, must, dan ought to disebut ’modal auxiliary verb’ (kata kerja bantu modal). Mereka digunakan sebelum infinitive atau kata kerja lainnya, dan menambah makna tertentu. Need, dare, dan had better kadang juga bisa digunakan seperti modal auxiliary verb.

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be, have and do can be auxiliaries und full verbs. Modals are: can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, would and need (need can be a full verb, too). We can play football.

We could play football.

We may play football.

We might play football.

We must play football.

We mustn't play football.

We needn't play football.

We ought to play football.

We shall play football.

We should play football.

We will play football.

We would play football. Form

Positive negative

long form contracted form long form contracted form

can -- cannot can't

could -- could not couldn't

may -- may not --

might -- might not --

ought to -- ought not to oughtn't to

-- -- need not needn't

shall 'll shall not shan't

should 'd -- shouldn't

will 'll will not won't

would 'd would not wouldn't

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Present continuous, form The present continuous of any verb is composed of two parts - the present tense of the verb to be + the present participle of the main verb. (The form of the present participle is: base+ing, e.g. talking, playing, moving, smiling) Affirmative

Subject + to be + base+ing

she is talking


Subject + to be + not + base+ing

she is not (isn't) talking


to be + subject + base+ing

is she talking?

Example: to go, present continuous Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I am going I am not going Am I going?

You are going You aren't going. Are you going?

He, she, it is going He, she, it isn't going Is he, she, it going?

We are going We aren't going Are we going?

You are going You aren't going Are you going?

They are going They aren't going Are they going?

FUTURE CONTINUOUS Future continuous, form The future continuous is made up of two elements: the simple future of the verb 'to be' + the present participle (base+ing) Subject simple future, 'to be' base+ing You will be watching Affirmative I will be asking Negative She won't be leaving Interrogative Will they be retiring? Interrogative negative Won't we be staying? Example: to stay, future continuous Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I will be staying I won't be staying Will I be staying?

You will be staying You won't be staying Will you be staying?

He, she, it will be staying He won't be staying Will she be staying?

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We will be staying We won't be staying Will we be staying?

You will be staying You won't be staying Will you be staying?

They will be staying They won't be staying Will they be staying?


You can sit before the desk (or in front of the desk). The professor can sit on the desk (when he's being informal) or behind the desk, and then his feet are under the desk or beneath the desk. He can stand beside the desk (meaning next to the desk), before the desk, between the desk and you, or even on the desk (if he's really strange). If he's clumsy, he can bump into the desk or try to walk through the desk (and stuff would fall off the desk). Passing his hands over the desk or resting his elbows upon the desk, he often looks across the desk and speaks of the desk or concerning the desk as if there were nothing else like the desk. Because he thinks of nothing except the desk, sometimes you wonder about the desk, what's in the desk, what he paid for the desk, and if he could live without the desk. You can walk toward the desk, to the desk, around the desk, by the desk, and even past the desk while he sits at the desk or leans against the desk.

Prepositional phrases atau frase preposisi adalah frase yang terdiri dari preposisi dan objek preposisi (object of the preposition). Objek preposisi dalam frase preposisi dapat berupa noun, pronoun, atau noun phrases. Contoh frase preposisi: - on the internet - in the room - by the ocean - near the window - over the cabinet - with us - in your ear - under your hat - below sea level


Contoh format MEMO To : ditujukan kepada siapa From : nama pengirim Date : tanggal memo Subject : isi memo (isi memo)…………………………………………… ……………………………………………….. ……………………………………………….

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Example of MEMO TO: Coach Joe Smith FROM: John Doe DATE: Today SUBJECT: Football Thank you very much for the opportunity you have provided this year for Junior to not only learn about football and team work but also for him to develop leadership and time management skills. Junior has enjoyed the experience of playing for you very much, and I’m sure it’s something he will not forget for a long time. The work you do to help shape today’s boys to be tomorrow’s young leaders is extremely important, and I believe you are doing a great job!


Pedestrian crossing men at work falling Rock Slippery Road

Narrow bridge Y-Intersection Straight Prohibited or No Entry Airport

Right turn Prohibited Left Turn Prohibited U-Turn Prohibited

Horn Prohibited STOP Proceed straight only Roundabout Sign

No Entry Overtaking prohibited Don’t parking Don’t Stop

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Steady Red Disc Cross Road T-Junction Stop vehicle behind line and wait for green light before proceeding

Steep Ascent Railway Station


When talking about daily schedules and routines adverbs of frequency are used to indicate how frequently you do things. Look at these common adverbs of frequency.

100% 80% 50% 20% 0% always Usually sometimes seldom never

all the time most of the time occasionally rarely not at all

English Expressions

Expression Response Asking About Schedules What time (... do you go to work)? I leave the house at 7:30. When do ( ... you usually do laundry)? Usually on Saturday afternoons. Where do ( ... you exercise)? I go to a gym in my neighbor. Expressing Obligation I must go to ( ... class this morning). Why? Do you have a test? He has to ( ... be at work by 8:00 AM) What happens if he is a little late? I'm expected to ( ... visit my grandmother every Sunday afternoon).

Does she get upset if you don’t show up?

On Friday afternoons, I am supposed to ( ... deposit the stores weekly sales income in the bank).

Will you get fired if you don’t?

Swim in the ocean Go on double dates Write poetry Go camping Study all night Ride a motorcycle Sing karaoke Wake up late Argue with parents Sky or scuba dive Ride the subway Go bowling Watch foreign movies Play board games Lift weights Cook pizza Buy expensive clothes Ride a roller coaster Knit Go to the zoo Go to the theater

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This rule is a guide only and some words do not follow it.

Big bigger small smaller heavy heavier busy busier beautiful more beautiful common more common

Superlatives are formed by adding -est to the end of the word or by using most or least before the word. The same syllable rule applies here in deciding to use -est or most or least.

wise the wisest fast the fastest quiet the quietest simple the simplest anxious the most anxious diligent the most diligent




if+Simple Present If I graduate in march

S+Modal1(will)+inf.+O I will take master degree in July.

it is possible to happen. I may graduate in March so I may take master degree in July.


if+Simple Past If I graduated in March.

S+Modal2(wouldl)+inf.+O I would take master degree in July.

Simple Present I don't graduate in March so I can't take master degree in July.


if+ Past Perfect If I had graduated in March.

S+Modal2(would)+have+V3+O I would have taken master degree in July.

Simple Past I couldn't take master degree in July because I didn't graduate in March.

Catatan: 1. Pernyataan dalam SUBJUNCTIVE dan CONDITIONAL SENTENCES selahu bertentangan

dengan fakta. 2. Perubahan-perubahan TENSES yang terjadi dalam SUBJUNCTIVE juga berlaku dalam

CONDITIONAL SENTENCES. IF dalam IF CLAUSE dapat dihilangkan jika terdapat kata bantu SHOULD, WERE, dan HAD dalam IF CLAUSE. ex: If I had been rich - Had I been rich

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A: Excuse me, is there a computer store around here? (Permisi, apakah ada toko komputer di sekitar sini?) B: Yeah. There is one right across the street. (Iya, ada tepat di seberang jalan itu) A: Can you tell me how to get to Monas? (Bisakah Anda menunjukkan jalan ke Monas?) B: Sorry. I don’t live around here. (Maaf, saya tidak tinggal sekitar sini) A: Where’s Kartini’s Garment Shop? (Dimana Toko Baju Kartini?) B: It is on the corner of the street. Next to the post office. (Di sudut jalan itu. Disamping kantor pos) A: How do you get to cinema? (Bagaimana jalan menuju ke bioskop?) B: Go straight down this street. Turn left when you get to Rambutan Street. Stay on Rambutan Street for half a block. It’s on the right hand side. (Lurus lewat jalan ini. Belok kiri ketika sampai di Jl. Rambutan. Tetap di Jl. Rambutan sampai setengah blok. Di sebelah kanan itu bioskop)

(First,) go down this street (for ……. blocks). (Then,) turn left/right at the traffic light. (After that,) go straight on ….. street until you get to the …… (When you get to the …..,) turn left/right again. (Then,) stay on …… Avenue for about ……… yards/meters. It’s on your left, next to the ……….. You can’t miss it!

English Expressions Expression Response Could you tell me how to get to ( …the library)?

Go to the next light and turn right. Go two blocks, it’s on the left.

How do I find ( … city hall)?

Just go straight, it’s on this street, on the right, about a mile and a half.

Which way do I go to get to ( … the post office)?

Drive to Jackson Street and turn right. The post office is in the middle of the block, across from the park.

Pardon me, I'm lost, how do I get to the ( … museum)?

Go to the second light and turn left. Then go the third stop sign. The museum is on that corner.

Could you direct me to ( … I-10)? Take Pinal Avenue north about 8 miles You’ll run into it.

Which is the best route to ( …the stadium)?

Take Washington Street north to the Papago freeway and Head west. You can’t miss it.

Asking about direction To ask about directions use these questions:

How can I get to . . . from here? How can I get to . . . ? Can you show me the way to...? Can you tell me how to get to . . . ? Where is . . . ? What's the best way to get to . . . ?

Giving directions To give directions use these expressions:

Go straight on Turn left/right Take the first (turning) to the left/right. Go past the restaurant/school... The ... is beside/in front of/next to...the....

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1. How to cook rice You will need two cups of water, a cup of rice, salt and a pan with a lid. First, wash the rice in cold water. Then, put the rice in the pan and add the water and the salt. Next, you heat the pan without the lid on until the water boils. When it has boiled, turn down the heat, put the lid on and cook it for about fifteen minutes. 2. How to Make Tomato Soup To make a bowl of tomato soup, you must prepare all ingredients below:

4 large tomatoes spices 1 small onion ½ teaspoon of salt 8 cups of water ¼ teaspoon of pepper small clove garlic ¼ teaspoon of butter

Here are the steps to make a bowl of tomato soup: 1. Cut tomatoes, onions, and garlic into small pieces. 2. Fry them in a pan with butter for five minutes. 3. Add water, spices, salt and pepper. 4. Heat until the water boils. 5. Turn down the heat and cover with lid. Cook gently for one hour.


a. Gunakan WILL untuk mengekspresikan rencana atau prediksi yang AKAN dilakukan/terjadi in the future, tetapi gunakan WOULD untuk mengekspresikan rencana atau prediksi yang sudah in the past. He will study math tonight. (Dia akan belajar matematika malam ini). CORRECT. He will study math last night. (Dia akan belajar matematika tadi malam). INCORRECT. He would study math last night. (Dia akan belajar matematika tadi malam). CORRECT

b. Dalam kalimat perintah (command) dan permintaan (request) lebih baik (lebih sopan dan lebih formal) kalau digunakan COULD. Could you please clean the floor? (Tolong kamu bersihkan lantainya). Could I borrow your eraser please? (Dapatkah aku meminjam penghapusmu?).

c. can dan could. can memiliki arti dapat, kata kerja bantu ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kemampuan untuk melakukan suatu aktifitas atau perbuatan. contoh : I can speak english (saya dapat berbahasa inggris) can you play badminton ? (dapatkah kamu bermain bulu tangkis?) could merupakan bentuk lampau dari can fungsinya sama dengan can tapi untuk bentuk lampau. selain itu juga bisa digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu permintaan contoh : I could play football when I was young (Saya dapat bermain saat saya masih muda) Could you help me, please ? (dapatkah kamu membantuku ?)

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Expression Response A- Accept, D- Decline

Are you free on (... Friday night)? A: Sure, what did you have in mind? D: No, I’m going to my grandmother’s 80th birthday party.

Would you like to go to ( ... a picnic on Sunday afternoon)?

A: That would be great, thanks. D: No can do, I have a soccer game.

How about going to ( ... the movies with me this Saturday)?

A: That sounds great. What time? D: Sorry, but I’ve already made other plans.

I’d like to invite you to ( ... the dance this weekend)?

A: How kind of you to ask, I’d be delighted. D: I’m sorry, but I have a previous engagement.

Do you want to go to ( ... the rock concert with me)?

A: Sure. When? D: No thanks, loud concerts give me an earache.


Do you want to go to the movies tonight? Would you like to go to the theatre tomorrow? Would you be interested in going to the the stadium next Sunday? How do you fancy going to the the restaurant for dinner? How about going to the movies? Care to come over for lunch? I was just wondering if you would like to come over for a drink. We'd be delighted to have you over for my birthday party.

Accepting invitations: Sure. What time? I'd love to, thanks. That's very kind of you, thanks. That sounds lovely, thank you. What a great idea, thank you. Sure. When should I be there?

Declining invitations: I can't. I have to work. This evening is no good. I have an appointment. I'm busy tomorrow. Can I take a rain check* on that? That's very kind of you, but actually I'm doing something else this afternoon. Well, I'd love to, but I'm already going out to the restaurant. I'm really sorry, but I've got something else on. I really don't think I can - I'm supposed to be doing something else.

Dialogue: Mike and Ann are in a wedding party:

Mike: Do you want to dance? Ann: No thanks. I'm a bit tired right now Mike: How about having a drink? Ann: Sure, I'd love to!

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