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  • 7/27/2019 Handa. Validity in Qual Research


    Reliability in Qualitative Research

    External reliability

    Would independent researchers discover the same phenomena or generate similar

    constructs in similar settings?

    Internal reliability

    Given a set of previously generated constructs, would other researchers match data in the

    same way as the original researcher?

    Five ways to reduce threats to internal reliability:

    Mechanical recording Low inference descriptions (verbatim quotes and detailed accounts) Multiple researchers Participant researchers Peer examination

    Goetz, J. & LeCompte, M. D. (1984).Ethnography and qualitative design in educational

    research. Orlando, FL: Academic Press.

    Reliability (pp. 205-207)

    Can the findings be replicated? Or more fitting with qualitative research, are the resultsconsistent with data collected?

    Making studies dependable:

    The investigators position with regard to assumptions & frameworks and in relationto those studied is made explicit. Triangulation (multiple methods of data collection and analysis) Audit trail

    Merriam, S. (1998). Qualitative research and case study applications in education (2nd

    ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


    refers to the degree of consistency with which instances are assigned to the same

    category by different observers or by the same observer on different occasions(Hammersley, 1992, 67). For reliability to be calculated, it is incumbent on the

    investigator to document his or her procedure and to demonstrate that categories havebeen used consistently (Silverman, 2000, p. 188).

    Reliability and observation

    Short notes made at the time Expanded notes made as soon as possible after each field session


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    A fieldwork journal to record problems and ideas that arise during each state of

    fieldwork A provisional running record or analysis and interpretation (Spradley, 1979)

    Reliability and texts

    Categories should be applied in astandardizedway. Inter-rater reliability: involves giving the same data to a number of analysts (or raters)

    and asking them to analyze it according to an agreed set of categories. Reports are

    examined and any differences are discussed.

    Reliability and transcripts

    Standardization of transcript conventions

    Group data analysis (with audio- or video-data)

    Silverman, D. (1993).Interpreting qualitative data: Methods for analysing talk, text, andinteraction. London & Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


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    Validity in Qualitative Research

    Internal validity

    The extent to which scientific observations and measurements are authentic

    representations of some reality

    External validity

    The degree to which such representations can be legitimately compared across groups

    typicality of phenomenaValidity increases by: Increased length of time in site reduces artificial responses Triangulation of data through multiple sources

    Goetz, J. & LeCompte, M. D. (1984).Ethnography and qualitative design in educational

    research. Orlando, FL: Academic Press.

    Internal validity (pp. 201-205)

    How closely do research findings match reality? (Reality for qualitative researchers isholistic, multidimensional and ever changing.) Are investigators observing and

    measuring what they think they are measuring? Triangulation (with multiple researchers, sources of data, or methods of confirmation) Member checks Long-term observation Peer examination

    Participatory or collaborative modes of research Researchers biases/subjectivities clarifying assumptions, worldview, theoretical

    framework of study

    External validity (pp. 207-212)

    What is the extent to which the findings can be applied to other situations? How

    generalizable are the results? Rich, thick description Typical or modal category (eg. describes how typical the program, event, sample is

    compared with the majority of others in the same class so that others can make

    comparisons with their own situations)

    Multi-site designs Reader or user generalizability

    Merriam, S. (1998). Qualitative research and case study applications in education (2nd

    ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


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    By validity, I mean truth: interpreted as to the extent to which an account accurately

    represents the social phenomena to which it refers (Hammersley, 1990, 57). Hammersleysuggests that researchers can address issues of validity by adopting a subtle form of

    realism, ie: Validity is identified with confidence in our knowledge but not certainty. Reality is assumed to be independent of the claims that researchers make about it.

    Reality is always viewed through particular perspectives; hence our accountsrepresent reality they do not reproduce it (Hammersley, 1992, 50-51).

    Silverman (2000, p. 188) argues that we cannot say that the claims of a research study arevalid when:

    Only a few exemplary instances are reported The criteria or grounds for including certain instances and not others are not provided The original form of the materials is unavailable

    Silverman (1993) rejects triangulation and members validation as appropriate methods

    for validating qualitative studies. He suggests instead:1. Methods of generalising to a larger population

    2. Methods of testing hypotheses

    3. The use of simple counting procedures (Silverman, 1993, p. 166).

    Silverman, D. (1993).Interpreting qualitative data: Methods for analysing talk, text, and

    interaction. London & Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


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    Techniques of analysis for enhancing the quality and validity of qualitative data

    Testing rival explanations

    Negative cases Triangulation (methods, sources, analyst, theory/perspective)

    Keep data in context

    Techniques for enhancing the credibility of the researcher

    Report any personal and professional information that may have affected data

    collection, analysis, and interpretation either positively or negatively Intellectual rigor

    Patton, M. (1990). Qualitative evaluation methods. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

    Wolcott describes getting it right or trying not to get it all wrong by the following

    activities: Talk little, listen a lot

    Record accurately, in their words, immediately after or during events Begin writing early, share drafts with others knowledgeable about the setting

    Let readers see for themselves, include primary data in final accounts Report fully, deal with discrepant cases Be candid, sees subjectivity as a strength of qualitative research Seek feedback Try to achieve a balance return to site or field notes to reread the data, then reread

    the draft Write accurately write for technical accuracy, internal consistency with

    generalizations grounded in what is seen/heard

    Wolcott, H. (1994). On seeking and rejecting validity in qualitative research. In H.

    Wolcott, Transforming qualitative data: Descriptions, analysis, interpretation. (pp. 337-373). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

    Different positions taken by scholars on issue of validity:

    Fallibilistic validity

    validity is understood as a test of whether an account accurately represents the social

    phenomena to which it refersDefenders of this view hold that one can have good

    reasons for accepting an account as true or false, yet an account is always fallible (p.


    Relativized validity

    validity of an account is relative to the standards of a particular community at a

    particular place and time. The validity of an account or interpretation is judged in termsof the consensus about words, concepts, standards and so on in a given community of

    interpreters (p. 169).


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    No validity

    The most radical of postmodernists would argue that it is meaningless to talk of a true

    account of the work there are only different linguistically mediated social constructions.No single account can be judged superior to others a needless interplay of differentinterpretations.

    Nonepistemic validity

    Validity may be interpreted as a criterion of good communication or dialogue; also can be

    valid if it leads to change, empowerment a criterion of action (Kvale, Guba & Lincoln,Lather as described by Schwandt, p. 170).

    Schwandt, T. (1997). Qualitative inquiry: A dictionary of terms. Thousand Oaks, CA:


    Silverman (2000) suggests 5 ways of thinking critically about qualitative data analysis inorder to aim at more valid findings:

    The refutability principleSeek to refute assumed relations between phenomena (Poppers critical rationalism)

    The constant comparative method

    Attempt to find another case through which to test out a provisional hypothesis.

    Comprehensive data treatment

    All cases of data are incorporated in the analysis

    Deviant-case analysis

    Actively seek out and address deviant cases

    Using appropriate tabulations

    Use of simple counting techniques, theoretically derived and based on members own

    categories can offer a means to survey the whole data corpus.

    Silverman, D. (1993).Interpreting qualitative data: Methods for analysing talk, text, and

    interaction. London & Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


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    Other criteria for establishing quality in qualitative research


    How can an inquirer persuade his/her audiences that findings of an inquiry are worth

    paying attention to, worth taking into account?Trustworthiness is established by the following criteria/activities: Credibility (qualitative research equivalent to internal validity)

    Prolonged engagement Persistent observation

    Triangulation (sources, methods, investigators, theories; Denzin, 1978) Peer debriefing Negative case analysis

    Referential adequacy (archived recorded data for others to reference) Member checks

    Transferability(qualitative research equivalent to external validity) Thick description Adequate data base for others to make transferability judgements possible; to make

    applications to other situations


    (qualitative research equivalent to reliability) Triangulation Multi-site research design/teams of researchers in close communication Audit trail


    (qualitative research equivalent to objectivity) Reflexive journal Audit trail Triangulation

    From a constructivist perspective:

    Trustworthiness: credibility, transferability, dependability, confirmabilityAuthenticity: fairness, enlarges personal constructions, leads to improved understanding

    of constructions of others, stimulates to action, empowers to action

    Lincoln, Y. & Guba, E. (1985). Naturalistic inquiry. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.


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    Triangulation & Member Validation

    These techniques were originally proposed to assist in converging on a single trueversion. They may also generate multiple perspectives.


    1. diverse sources of data (find phenomenon in several different settings; differentpoints in space & time)

    2. investigator triangulation: multiple observers in the field; team research; engagementin continued discussion

    3. theory triangulation: approach data with several hypotheses in mind to see whathappens

    4. methodological triangulation: (eg ethnography + interviews; mixed methods)

    Member validation:

    1. Use researchers concepts to predict members descriptions

    2. Show that the researchers account can lead to successful passing as a member.3. Ask members to judge the adequacy of the researchers account:

    Strong version: members evaluate the final report Weak version: members comment on the accuracy of some interim

    document (eg. interview transcript).

    4. Regard successful action research as a form of member validation.

    Seale, C. (1999). The quality of qualitative research. London: Sage.
