hamiltonian cycles and paths bin zhou. definitions hamiltonian cycle (hc): is a cycle which passes...

Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou

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Page 1: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G

Hamiltonian Cycles and paths

Bin Zhou

Page 2: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G


• Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G can be digraph).

• Hamiltonian path: is a path which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G can be digraph).

• A graph is Hamiltonian iff a Hamiltonian cycle (HC) exists.

Page 3: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G


• Invented by Sir William Rowan Hamilton in 1859 as a game

• Since 1936, some progress have been made

• Such as sufficient and necessary conditions be given

Page 4: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G


• G.A. Dirac, 1952, If G is a simple graph with n(>=3) vertices, and if the

degree of each is at least 1/2n, then G is Hamiltonian

• O.Ore , 1960 If G is a simple graph with n(>=3) vertices, and if the sum

of the degrees of each pair of non-adjacent vertices is at least n, then G is Hamiltonian

Page 5: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G


• Bondy and Chvatal , 1976

For G to be Hamiltonian, it is necessary and sufficient that [G]n be Hamiltonian. ([G]n is gotten from G by adding edges joining non-adjacent vertices whose sum of degrees is equal to, or greater than n)

Page 6: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G


• Fraudee, Dould, Jacobsen, Schelp (1989)

If G is a 2-connected graph such that for every pair of nonadjacent nodes u and v,


then G is Hamiltonian

Page 7: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G


• Hamiltonian cycles in fault random geometric network

• In a network, if Hamiltonian cycles exist, the fault tolerance is better.

Page 8: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G

Hamiltonian problem is NPC

• This is a well known NP complete problem

• For general graph, we can not find an exactly linear time complexity algorithm to find a Hamiltonian cycle or path

Page 9: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G

HC algorithms• For general graphs, no efficient algorithm NP-complete for perfect graphs, planar bipartite graphs,

grid graphs, 3-connected planar graphs

• For some special graphs, exist efficient algorithms.

N. Ghiba, T. Nishizeki (1989)

Polynomial algorithm for 4-connected planar graphs.

G.Gutin (1997)

Polynomial algorithm for quasi-transitive digraphs

Page 10: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G

Some Algorithms for HC

• L. Pósa (1976)

Rotational transformation

• B. Bollobás, T.I.Fenner, and A. M. Frieze

Cycle extension (HAM) (1987)

• Silvano Martello

Algorithm 595 (1983)

Page 11: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G

Two classes of algorithms

• Heuristic algorithm

Pósa, UHC, DHC, HAM, etc

• Backtrack algorithm

595HAM, KTC, MultiPath

Page 12: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G

Backtrack Algorithm

• Recurse(Path p, endpoint e)• While (e has unvisited neighbors) { GetNewNode x; (add x node to P)

PruneGraph. (Prune graph. If result graph does not permit a HC forming, remove x from P and continue)

FormCycle (If P includes all nodes then try to form cycle. Fail, remove x and continue; Succ, return success)

BackTrack: Recurse(P,x)


Return fail.

Page 13: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G

Backtrack Algorithm

• Search all the potential solutions

• Employ pruning of some kind to restrict the amount of researching

• Advantage:

Find all solution, can decide HC exists or not

• Disadvantage Worst case, needs exponential time. Normally, take

a long time

Page 14: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G

Heuristic Algorithm

Initialize path P

While {

Find new unvisited node.

If found { Extend path P and pruning on the graph. If this choice does not permit HC, remove the extended node.

} else

Transform Path. Try all possible endpoints of this path

Form cycle. Try to find HC


Page 15: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G

Heuristic Algorithm

• Advantage:

Fast. Linear or low-order polynomial time

• Disadvantage

Maybe can not find the HC

Page 16: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G

Ham heuristic algorithm

• Try to extend existing path and never decrease the path length

• Do cycle extension

• Do rotational transformation

Page 17: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G

Ham algorithmStart from a random node and find a neighbor to get a path P. |P|=2

Do {

Change partial path array A. oldlength=|P|.

While |P|==oldlength {

Find neighbors of P’s endpoints.Try to extend P.

For (each neighbor) do {

If Extendable

Extend and continue;


Do cycle extension or rotational transformation; }

Check termination condition and change P

} }}

Page 18: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G

Cycle Extention

x1 xi xi+1



Path P:

xi x1 xk xi+1u

Path P’:

Page 19: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G

Rotational transformation

x1 xi xi+1 xk

Path P:

xi x1 xi+1 xk

Path P’:

Page 20: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G


Node 20







0 2 4 6 8

Mean degree

% H




n c



Page 21: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G


Nodes 50







0 2 4 6 8 10

Mean degree

% H

ave H




n c



Page 22: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G

ResultsNode 100







0 5 10 15

Mean degree

% H




n C




Page 23: Hamiltonian Cycles and paths Bin Zhou. Definitions Hamiltonian cycle (HC): is a cycle which passes once and exactly once through every vertex of G (G


• The program can not check large graph due to the memory restriction

• May be need more conditions to decide the probability of HC exists

• We can solve large problem using parallel computing