halogen nyld yam_ahmee

Building an Active, Caring and Connected Youth Community Sharing by: Mr Yam Ah Mee Chief Executive Director People’s Association

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Building an Active, Caring and Connected Youth Community

Sharing by:

Mr Yam Ah MeeChief Executive Director

People’s Association

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• Great platform for the elderly residents to stay active, connected with the community and widen their social networks

• Deepen intergenerational bonding through weekly interactions

H.O.P.E Garden @ Indus – A Youth-initiated Community Garden for the Elderly Residents


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• Home energy audit exercise, youths go house-to- house to share with residents on energy-saving tips and change their light bulbs

• Reached out to more than 9,600 households

Project SWITCH –

ight Up the Lives of Needy Residents

“ I am glad that I can contribute to society and I hope I can do more to help the needy around us. I also feel lucky and will treasure what I have more.”

Suganthi d/o Periasamy, 15, Student Volunteer , Outram Secondary School

“We hope Project SWITCH will be extended to more 1 and 2-room flats. This is truly beneficial.”

Angie Ng, Resident


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R.Y.O.G (Recycling Youth Olympic Games) • Initiated by the Outram Service-Learning Club members• Modified games to encourage elderly participation

Inculcating in the Young – Care for the Elderly


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• To-date, 35 YECs have embarked on 65 regular local community service programmes

• YOUths Care @ PAYM! - around 70 community service activities in end Oct 2011

• Involve 4,500 youths with good mix of schooling and working youths, across all races

Youth for the Youth, Youth for the Community!

iden and Deepen Youth Engagement through Cause-based Community


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YOUths Care @ PAYM! YOUths are a part of the community, not apart from the community