
Hallow een

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Post on 19-May-2015




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Began 2000 years ago

Celtic paganism [Ireland, the United Kingdom, and northern France], ancient Roman religions, early Catholic Christianity and Northern European folklore

Filtered through an American lens

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Oct. 31 – Nov. 1As the time between the old and

new years, the rules of normal time and space were suspended (Thinning of the veil)

Plants that kept the dead at bay are also deadGhosts of the dead returnedCaused trouble and damaged

crops Spirits’ presence also made it

easier for the Druids (priests) to make predictions about the future

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Samhain Celebration Built huge sacred bonfires; people

burned crops and animals as sacrifices to the Celtic deities

Wore costumes, typically consisting of animal heads and skins Eventually these take on the look of

masks and costumes to blend with the spirits

Attempted to tell each other's fortunes End of celebration was to take a part of

the bonfire to light their own hearth fires; protection during the coming winter.

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Romans 43 CE: Roman permanent conquest arrived Over the next 400 years, Rome combined two of their own festivals with Samhain

Feralia: Late October; Romans traditionally commemorated the passing of the dead Celebration of Pomona, traditionally Nov. 1. Pomona was the Roman goddess of fruit

and trees. Symbol is the apple (love and fertility). Also incorporated fruit and nuts into the


Bobbing for apples Divination games with apples,

Nuts, mirrors, etc. Candy apples (negative media)

Scotland: Carve an apple peel in one long strip, then toss the peel over one's shoulder. The peel is believed to land in the shape of the first letter of the future spouse's name.

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Christianity In 834 CE, Pope Boniface IV designated

November 1st All Saints' Day, a time to honor saints and martyrs Widely believed that the pope was

attempting to replace the Celtic festival of the dead with a related, but church-sanctioned holiday; the festival was moved from May 13

Samhain became All-hallows Eve [Halloween] 1000 CE the church added November 2nd as All

Souls' Day, a day to honor the dead. Celebrated with bonfires, parades Dressed up in costumes as saints, angels,

and devils. Together these three holidays became


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Trick-or-treatingDuring the All Souls Day festival in England, poor

people would beg (go a-souling) for soul cakes, square pieces of bread with currants; families would give soul cakes in return for a promise to pray for the family’s relatives

The practice was eventually taken up by children who would visit the houses in their neighborhood and be given ale, food, and money (Today: candy)

Candy Corn: Invented: 1898Ingredients at that time: Candy corn, sugar, water, and corn syrup (slurry). Fondant for smooth texture and marshmallow for a soft bite whipped in.

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Coming to America Initially, Hallowe’en was extremely limited in colonial New England due to heavy

Protestantism More common in Maryland/southern colonies

First celebrations were public parties celebrating the harvest Stories of the dead were told as were ghost stories Fortunes read Dances and singing held Mischief-making and pranks

By the middle of the nineteenth century,

annual autumn festivities were common,

but Halloween was not yet celebrated

everywhere in the country.

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Coming to America with Irish Immigration…

In the 1800s Irish immigrants came into America, (especially those fleeing the 1846 potato famine) brought with them new ideas of Hallowe’en

Began to dress up in costumesGo house to house asking for food or moneyDivination: women could find their future husband by

doing tricks with yarn, apple parings or mirrors.

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The Irish used to carry turnips with candles in them to light their way at night and to scare away ghosts.

When they arrived in America they found that pumpkins were more plentiful and easier to carve than turnips.

A truly American tradition: Pumpkins originated in South America

30 varieties. Most popular: the Connecticut Field Pumpkin

Irish contributions: Jack o’ Lanterns

Tidbit: In the 19th century, people believed that pumpkins could cure freckles, wrinkles, and snake bites. It is still used for digestive issues with pets.

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Evolving in America Late 1800s: Desire to make

Hallowe’en into more of a social and neighborly gathering, less about ghosts, pranks and witchcraft Through the turn of the century,

people celebrated with parties for both children and adults

Focused on games, foods of the season and festive costumes

Adults were encouraged by the media to take out the scary parts of Hallowe’en

By the 1920s/30s: Halloween a secular community-centered and less superstitiously-based holiday

ParadesCommunity-wide partiesHowever, vandalism (tricks) began to return to the holiday

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Evolution in America 20th Century1950s became kid friendly and child-

centeredVandalism limitedHoliday directed mostly at the youngParties moved from town civic

centers into classrooms and homesBetween the 1920s and 50s, trick-or-

treating revived as an inexpensive way for the town to celebrate the holiday together

Helped families prevent tricks and vandalism by providing the neighborhood children with small treats (and keeping an eye on them).

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Halloween TodaySecond only to Christmas as a retail holiday

$2.5 billion spent on costumes annuallyWith candy, Americans spend $6.9 billion on Hallowe’en per year

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Happy Halloween and….