halaman 546-548

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  • 8/12/2019 halaman 546-548


    overcome these barriers are discussed later in this chapter. another essential step, once

    articles have been obtained, is the critical appraisal of the research.


    Research findings that are to serve as a base for clinical practice must be sound. The

    developers of the CURN model identified there criteria of determining the validity of

    research findings, scientific merit, replication, and risk (haller, Reynold, and Horsley,

    !"!#. The evaluation of the scientific merit has been discussed in the previous chapter.

    Replication and risk are criteria that are highly relevant to the clinical usefulness of


    Replication may be either an e$act or literal replication follo%ing the details of the

    original design, or it may be a construct replication in %hich a similar hypothesis os tested

    using a ne% method or design ( &lom'uist, !)* haller and Reynolds, !) #. The latter

    helps to establish the validity of the construct across different situation and populations,

    increasing the generali+ability of result. Replication provide the substantiating evidemce

    that research conclusion are sound ( ettler and -arram, !"! #. n either from the process

    is critical for research/based practice because it enhances scientific merit and helps to

    prevent both type and type errors ( Haller, et al., !"! #. type errors or fals positive ,are potentially ha+ardous to client, so building practice on the basis of one study %ould be

    unethical. The rigor %ith %hich the criterion of replication is applied is to some e$tend

    dependent on the risk factor.

    Risk can include both the potential ha+ard to the client and the potential costs to the

    organi+ation. in a situation %here the risk is small, the findings may be applied more

    liberally. f an innovation can be safety and cost effectively implemented and clinically

    evaluated, the decision to try it prior to rigorous replication may be appropriate. 0ore$ample , a study of the effect of offering choices to mildly to moderately demented

    nursing ho,e resident found that resident made decisions %hen given the opportunity

    ( 1epler and 2oesner, !!3 #. 1articipant %ith the last cognitive ability. %hose 0olstesin

    -ini -ental tatus score %ere less than 3, %here able to make a choice bet%een

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    alternatives %ithout an$iety, although they %ere less able to respond to open/ended choices.

    The intervention is simple, virtually cost free, and the effect can be closely monitored for a

    careful clinical evaluation.


    4nce these three criteria have been considered, relevance to clinical practice can be

    evaluated. appraising clinical merit involves e$amination of the follo%ing 5

    . The significant of the problem or phenomenon.

    3. The relative advantages of the innovation, including cost

    6. The fit %ith the setting.

    7. The feasibility of evaluating the innovation ( Horsley, et al., !6 #.

    n determining %hether to use an innovation in practice. the clical %ill %eigh the

    significant of the problem or phenomenon against the relative advantage of the innovation

    over current practice. f an innovation relates to a minor or rarely encountered problem or

    involves a change in %hich human and finance costs are e$cessive, the costs of changing

    current practice may not be %orth%hile. The advantages need to be e$amined in relation to

    %ho benefits and ho% much. 8 ne% approach that benefits Client significantly might %ell

    be %orthy of adoption, even if costs the nurse in terms of effort or the agency in terms of

    dollars. 8dvantages that are visible or tangible are more readily recogni+ed and can be

    more convincing than those that are abstract or 9soft:. 0ortunately, better measure of

    variables such as 'uality of life are becoming available and their significance is more

    %idely recogni+ed. 4bviously the ideal innovation is beneficial in terms of client and

    nursing outcomes and costs less than present practice.

    8 good 9fit: %ith the organi+ation in is other important consideration ( Horsley, et

    al., !6 #. This does not imply that an organi+ation cannot change to the fit an innovation,

    but a change that is consistent %ith the philosophy and policies of an agency is more likely

    to occur. 0or e$ample, if the philosophy is one of patient autonomy and collaborative

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    practice among different health professionals, the instruction of patient/controlled analgesia

    (1C8# is likely to fit %ith nurses and physicians beliefs. 1C8 is much more liable to be

    effectively implemented in such a setting than one in %hich either nurse or physicians

    believe that patient %ill take too much analgesia. 4ther factors in the organi+ation to be

    considered, as %ell as philosophy and policy, are the structure, the decision/making

    processes, and the personnel.

    8ssessing the feasibility of adopting an innovation involves comparing the needed

    resources %ith those available or obtainable. t may be possible to modify either the

    innovation or the resource %ithin budgetary and other constrainst, but sometimes the

    innovation may have to be re;ected for the particular setting despite its clinical merit. 0or

    instance a change calling for a different location of bathrooms may not be possible at a

    given time, but the research should be considered %hen renovation s are planned. another

    aspect of feasibility assessment, is the consideration of the comple$ity, reversibility, and

    divisibility of the innovation. 8 ne% techni'ue or strategy that is relatively straightfor%ard

    or easily learned may be attainable %ithin limited resource and more readily adopted than

    one that is comple$ and involves a ma;or training program for staff. f an innovation can be

    introduced temporalily and can be readily reserved if it does not have the desired outcomes,

    staff %ill be more %illing to give it a try. imilarly, if it can be introduce gradually, unit byunit or section by section, it %ill be less threatening as a ma;or change.

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    8 ne% approach or idea must be tested in practice before is adoption. This

    evaluative process should be carried out systematically and rigorously, but the process

    different from the conduct of research. ts purpose is to e$amine the feasibility of using

    the innovation in a particular setting. t serves as the base for decision making about the

    adoption of the innovation.

    The CURN model for developing research based practice calls for a clinical trial

    comparing baseline measure %ith actual outcomes after the introduction of the innovation

    ( Horsley, et al., !6 #. The innovation should be carried out %ithin the scientific limits of

    the independent variable in the original study, possibly %ith minor ad;ustments relevant to

    the setting. 0or e$ample, if a trial of positioning of premature neonates %ere to be

    conducted, parameter of gestational age, birth age, %eigh, and diagnosis in the original

    studies (0o$ and -olesky, !!=# %ould have to be respected, but the particular type of

    mattress used in the neonatal intensive care unit might be different. The outcomes should

    include as many as possible of the dependent variables in the research and should be

    measured %ith the same instrument %hen clinically feasible. The use of some research

    instrument a laboratory, and direct invasive measure may not be possible. Reliable indirect

    measure may be used, such as measuring blood pressure %ith a sphygmomanometer rather

    than having an intraarterial line.

    The trial is planned in detail, including identification of needed resourch and costs.

    t is essential to involve the nursing staff and other health professional in early discussion

    and to obtain the necessary sanctions and approval. The staff involved in implementing the

    innovation %ill need to learn the techni'ue, and separate group independent of those

    implementing the innovation, %ill need to learn ho% to use the dependent measure.

    The political reality of the agency or institution may have significant effect on the

    trial and need to be considered. upose a long/term care institution of a no/restraint policy

    based on the evidence of the potential harm of the use of restraint and the effectiveness of

    alternative methods of maintaining resident safety resident safety ( -acioro%ski, -unro,

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    >ietrick/?allagher, and @anich, !#. f the nursing staff is skeptical about the research

    evidence, the nursing department %ill have to consider not only the effect of alternative

    interventions, but also the political outcomes of the process. f the test is carried out on a

    unit %here the staff are perceived by staff on other units to be more enthusiastic or vigilant,

    a successful outcome may not convince staff on other unit. 4n the other hand, there may be

    a risk conducting the test on a unit %here the staff are less enthusiastic, as the outcome may

    not be positive.

    4ther factor to be appraised %hen planning a trial are concurrent phenomena and

    surrounding events. 4bvious occurrences such as seasonal change in staffing or client

    populations could effect the outcome of a trial, and since health care agencies are rarely

    static, fle$ibility and tracking of concurrent events are necessary. 8 trial may have to be

    discontinued if there are ma;or change in the environment.

    n the revised tetler model ( tetler, !!7 # a different level of testing can be

    appropriate. @ith certain innovation a systematic test in individual nurseAs practice can

    precede a larger clinical trial, or the change may remain an individual change rather than an

    institutional one. 0or instance, based on study by Rosendahl and Ross (!3#, a nurse may

    decide to e$amine the purposeful us of specific attending behavior %hen interacting %ith

    client. 8 nurse manager might use data from a revie% of nurse turnover literature

    (Cavanagh, !!# to test a particular strategy %ith the staff. These individual tests are not

    merely a matter of trial and error, because the innovation, the research base and the level of

    utili+ation, discussed in the follo%ing section.

    @hen a research base is e$pected to form policy and lead to a change in practice,

    the care taken in the evaluation phase can have a significant influence on ultimate use.

    systematic evaluation of a ne% approach of techni'ue not only affects decision making

    regarding the approachAs usefulness, but it also affect attitudes fundamental to successful
