hadley wood news january 2015

INSIDE THIS MONTHS ISSUE Graham Sharp, Chairman of the HWA, retires. Hadley Wood Association’s new Board of Directors. John Northam, Gareth Evans and Donald Kinloch. Remembered Councillor Jason Charalambous reports Stairfree access to HW station. Francesca steps up the pressure New Kitchen at HW Primary School Julia Redburn. Profile Primary school children. Poets! And we never knew it. Letters. Fireworks pets squirrels and telecom masts Forthcoming events DESIGNED & PRINTED BY PRINTWAREHOUSE TELEPHONE: 020 8441 4482 JANUARY 2015 ISSUE HADLEY WOOD NEWS

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Page 1: Hadley Wood News January 2015

INSIDE THIS MONTHS ISSUEGraham Sharp, Chairman of the HWA, retires.Hadley Wood Association’s new Board of Directors.John Northam, Gareth Evans and Donald Kinloch. RememberedCouncillor Jason Charalambous reportsStairfree access to HW station. Francesca steps up the pressureNew Kitchen at HW Primary SchoolJulia Redburn. ProfilePrimary school children. Poets! And we never knew it.Letters. Fireworks pets squirrels and telecom mastsForthcoming events




Page 2: Hadley Wood News January 2015

Graham Sharp retiresfrom the HWAGraham Sharp has been a resident ofHadley Wood since 1956. Throughout hisworking life his local interests have been theHadley Wood Golf Club (Captain in 1974President in 1995) and since 2006, theChairmanship of the Hadley WoodAssociation. In this role he has overseenmany improvements to the Centre and its


associated Pre-school, Dance school,tennis, football and bridge clubs. Under hissupervision upgrades to the main hall andits flooring resulted in a steady flow ofbookings and earned the everlastinggratitude of Janice Salmon the Principal ofthe Dance school. The front of the buildinghas been much improved by new claddingand, most importantly he raised funds forthe complete upgrade of the Association’scar park; thus facilitating its use by parentsof children at the Primary school. He hasresponded tirelessly to residents appeals forhelp with intrusive local developments,neighbour’s transgressions and car parkingproblems etc. In the process he hasbecome a well known figure at EnfieldCouncil’s sometimes baffling Planningcommittee. All this he has managed withcharacteristic humour backed by a steelydetermination to keep the HWA financiallystable and successful. At the AGM inNovember last he and Rod Armstrongannounced their retirement as Directors andTrustees of the HWA passing on the mantleto the Rev. Rupert Mackay, Liz Snape andBernadette Jackson (see below). On behalfof this community and the HWA we wouldlike to offer him our sincere appreciation andthanks for all he has done for the HadleyWood Association Centre and its widelyenjoyed green spaces.

The new Chairman of the Hadley WoodAssociation is the well known and popularVicar of St Paul’s Church. Born in France,(but not French), he lived in Portugal until8 years old and then joined the Englishboarding school system atBilton Grange, Rugby. Thiswas followed by ShiplakeCollege, Henley on Thameswhere a passion for rowingand boating along with flyingkept him busy. Leaving schoolin the 1980’s he went straightto work at Baring Brothers in

the City, but (he claims) was not therewhen it went bust! After working in fundmanagement companies around StJames in his late 20’s he began toconsider the possibility of working within

the church. With this in mind hestarted work at St Helen’sBishopsgate and becominginvolved in running camps foryoung people. In the 90’s he metand married his American wifeHillary who now works as anEnglish teacher at Queenswoodschool. They have 4 children,

Victoria, Jamie, Nick and Lexi and arecurrently very proud of Victoria who madeit to Cambridge this September to readclassics. Rupert did his Church ofEngland training at Oak Hill, Southgateand then Knutsford, Cheshire. He andHillary moved to Hadley Wood just over10 years ago where he became Vicar ofSt Paul’s Church. They love living in thisfriendly community. He enjoys runningwith his Yorkie Bella and Sam his labradorin Trent Park. He is happy to serve thelocal community as a trustee to theHadley Wood Association.

Liz Snape MBELiz, Dave and their two daughters have livedin Hadley Wood for 8 years now..soconsider themselves relative newcomers!Liz works for UNISON the public servicetrade union as a political lobbyist and hasjust finished a ten year term of office on theHealth and Safety Commission. She iscurrently serving on the Government'sCommission on Youth Unemployment.Always interested in supporting communityorganisations she looks forward to playingher part as a new Director and Trustee of theHadley Wood Association our village hall.

Bernadette moved to Hadley Wood in2007 and is a resident of Crescent East.She currently holds a numberof non executive roles. She isChair of Poplar Harca, ahousing and regenerationorganisation which owns andmanages approximately10,000 homes in East London.She has also been a nonexecutive within the NHS forthe last 7 years and iscurrently a Director and Chair

of Audit for Barnet NHS ClinicalCommissioning Group, and a non

executive director of NorthLondon Estates Partnership,a private public partnershipthat develops and managesproperty within the healthcaresector. Bernadette is also aTrustee of St. Paul’s Way TrustSchool in Tower Hamlets anda Governor of BancroftsSchool in Woodford Green.Married to Duncan, a hospital

The Rev. Rupert Mackay

Bernadette Jacksondoctor, she has two teenage boys and canbe seen in all weathers walking her dogChester around Hadley’s fields andwoods. She admits to being a terrible cookthough this problem is offset by Duncan’sability (being Australian) at the BBQ. Shehas been a member of the HWAcommittee for the last four years, is now adirector/trustee and strongly believes inthe importance of village halls (like theHWA) in creating and developing a senseof community.

Page 3: Hadley Wood News January 2015



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RememberedWe are sad to report the recent deaths ofthree longstanding residents of HadleyWood, all of whom made a hugecontribution to this area, its residents andthe pleasant environment we know today.

John NorthamJohn was born in 1935 and grew up inTotteridge. He attended Highgate Schooland went on to study law at St John'sCollege, Cambridge. It was at Cambridgethat John met Jill and they were married in1960 at St Andrew's Church on TotteridgeLane. Having started their married life inCamden, John and Jill moved first toCockfosters and then in 1967 to HadleyWood. Their family home was in CrescentEast from where all four children, Nick, Phy,Chris and Tim, attended Hadley WoodPrimary School. Unusually John spent hisentire working career with the same legalpractice. Having, as an articled clerk, joinedJaques & Lewis, he went on to becomeManaging Partner for many years,subsequently overseeing the merger ofJaques & Lewis with the national firm ofEversheds in 1994. John was always fullyinvolved in the Hadley Wood communitybeing Captain of the Golf Club and thenbecoming a founder member of the Boardand then its Chairman for seven years. He

was also a member of Southgate RoundTable and a Trustee of St Paul's Church, theHadley Wood Association and BarnetCollege of Further Education. He alwaysmaintained close links with HighgateSchool and served as President of The OldCholmelian Society – John and Jill returnedwith friends and family to Highgate Schoolin 2010 to celebrate their Golden WeddingAnniversary. Following his retirement fromthe legal profession he thoroughly enjoyedhis time working for more than 10 years withthe Citizens Advice Bureau in New Barnet.Chris Northam

Gareth EvansGareth was born in the Hampstead GardenSuburb, a man always proud of his Welshheritage. He was educated at St Paul’sBoys School where he gained his love ofthe classics, was an accomplished boxerand where he became Head boy. He leftschool with a place at Cambridge which hedeferred so that he could enlist in the Navyin 1942. During World War Two he was a

t: 020 8449 2687 32 Crescent West

Page 4: Hadley Wood News January 2015

New Year message fromDavid Burrowes MPWhat buildings or land do you value in ourlocal area? Maybe it's an open space or thelocal shops. You will recall several yearsago the unsuccessful battle we had to keepa local post office and more recentlyconcern about the potential loss of the drycleaners.The problem comes when there are plans

to sell and the public are the last to hearabout it – usually only when a planningapplication has been submitted. Under theLocalism Act 2011 there is a 'communityasset register' which allows groups likeHWA to apply to the Council for a buildingor land to be registered. You will probably

not have heard about this register becauseuntil I prompted Enfield Council last yearthere was no process published on theirwebsite. In fact there are no communityassets registered across the wholeborough. This needs to change so that thecommunity is told first about the sale ofmuch loved buildings or land, and has aright to bid. It does not need to be ownedby the council but can't be a residentialproperty. You just need to demonstrate thatthe land or building is much loved by thecommunity and has a social value. Oncethe asset is registered the nominatinggroup will be notified as soon as there is aplan to sell. Residents would then have 6months to come up with an alternative plan.A valued community asset is of course

our local hospital. ChaseFarm Hospital can nowlook to a brighter futurewith the redevelopmentdue to start in January. Ihave made sure that £29million of the £120 million isbeing spent from nextmonth to get all existingservices in modernbuildings. There will also bea new school and housingon the surplus land, withthe proceeds of sale beingploughed back into the


Royal Navy officer on destroyersaccompanying merchant ships sailing toRussia on the dreaded Arctic convoys.Although he was reluctant to talk about thewar he did admit to a liking for waves over40 feet high as the German submarinesharrying the convoy could not use theirperiscopes! He was very proud to receivehis Arctic Star medal last year. Typically hesaid that he didn’t really deserve it and thatthe Merchant Navy were the real heroes.After the war Gareth went to Cambridge to

study Classics. After getting his degree hestarted his career at London Underground,quickly moved onto British Rail ferries andfinished as planning director at Sealink. Hemet and married Anne, a St. Thomas’snurse in 1957 subsequently enjoying thearrival of their three children Richard Markand Jane, living first in Lancaster Avenueand then Kingwell Rd. Tragically Markpassed away with leukaemia before his21st birthday. Gareth was a stalwart ofHadley Wood life being a founder memberof the Hadley Wood Association andeventually it’s Chairman. He took greatdelight in helping to organise the annualfirework display. He was also a devotedmember of St Paul’s church and was proudto be a warden, trustee and a key memberof the church committee.Rod Armstrong

Don KinlochDon was born in 1930 inAyrshire Scotland. Hequalified as a doctor atGlasgow University in 1953.After graduation he joinedthe Parachute regiment as amedical officer and tookpart in an expedition to

Alaska ascending four previouslyunclimbed peaks in the Mount Mckinleyrange as well as conducting medicalresearch there into nutritional care. He wasa fine mountaineer skier and sportsmanwith a great love for music and was anaccomplished accordion player. Afterposts in Glasgow Oxford and Edinburgh hegained Membership of all three Colleges ofPhysicians (Edinburgh, Glasgow andLondon)eventually being appointedConsultant Physician at Chase FarmHospital in Enfield specialising inGastroenterology there publishing severalscientific papers. He was responsible forsetting up Chase Farm’sgastroenterological suite. Living in HadleyWood with his wife Avril and son Andrew,Don was a very popular member of bothtennis and golf clubs. A great lover of

nature, the outdoors andparticularly mountains heinspired us all by continuing toenjoy all of these pleasures evenafter suffering a heart attack andthen a severe stroke whilst skiingin Alpe d’Huez in 2002. Avril andDon moved back to Scotlandduring his last years.Hugh Dinwoodie

hospital and primary care. After years ofempty promises it's good that Chase Farmhas received investment to secure its future.As you put dates in your 2015 diary why notplan to come for a tour of Parliament withme on 5th February or 12th March at6.30pm. Finally the inaugural EnfieldSouthgate Golf Cup at HWGC is on 20thMarch. If you want to join in please contactme for details.Best wishes for the New Year.

David Burrowes MPwww.davidburrowes.com 020 7219 5414

Page 5: Hadley Wood News January 2015


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PARK•1945 - 2015 •

By the time you read this, Christmasindigestion will be a thing of the past andthe challenges of the New Year alreadyunderway. Who knows what may havehappened to the access ramp underconstruction last autumn as part ofNetwork Rail’s bridge strengthening worksat Hadley Wood Station? What we do knowis that there has been widespread supportfor HWA’s engagement with GoviaThameslink Railway (GTR) and Network

Assisted Travel en route to Step-Free Access at Hadley Wood StationRail for step-free access to the platforms.This was raised at the Association AGM, andour Councillors and MP have also lent theirweight to the proposal outlined inNovember’s Hadley Wood News.GTR’s Accessibility and Inclusion Manager,Lee Millard, joined us for a site visit in earlyDecember and will act as primary contact inpursuing these discussions. He advised thatthey stood a better chance of success withcommunity and Council backing, so your

active support will be crucial in reopeningstep-free access to the northboundplatform and achieving it on thesouthbound side.What we have already established is that

there is an almost unknown alternative foranyone with difficulty with the stairs: GTR’sAssisted Travel Scheme.“Please give us 24 hours notice to

arrange assistance for your journey. Ifyou need to travel sooner or would liketo discuss something in more detail,please give us a call at:Telephone: 0800 058 2844Textphone: 0800 975 1052You can also email us [email protected] helpline is open seven days a week,from 07:00 to 22:00, except on ChristmasDay.”Details are on their website at

www.thameslinkrailway.com/contact-us/assisted-travel-service/ and there are nospecific criteria for assistance, so with a littleforward planning you can utilise thisvaluable service when necessary. Help canrange from organising staff to carry heavyor unwieldy bags up and down the stairs toarranging for a taxi free of charge to or fromGTR’s nearest step-free station, Potters Bar.Clearly, the more we use this scheme,

the stronger the case for our own step-freeaccess at Hadley Wood, so don’t let thestation stairs deter you or your visitors fromusing the train.Francesca Caine

Page 6: Hadley Wood News January 2015


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Big Chef, little chefs...When the Government published the newNational Curriculum, we quickly realisedthat there was a big focus on developingthe children's practical skills andindependence. We knew that we neededa children's kitchen, because one of thebest ways of doing this is throughcooking. In fact, cooking develops a widerange of skills. Obviously there is mathsin all the careful weighing and science in

the 'irreversible changes', butthere is also a lot of reading andwriting in the following anddeveloping of recipes and socialskills in the cooperation andcareful hygiene involved. Thechildren have already had thechance to learn some historythrough cooking war time'rationing' recipes and geographywhen they tried out someinternational dishes during our

'multicultural week'.When we asked West Lodgeto lend us a chef, we hadn'texpected the 'main man', butHead Chef Wayne Turner tooktime out of his busy scheduleto come and officially openour new Children's Kitchen.Chef tossed pancakes for agroup of our budding mini-chefs and told them abouthow he started out on hisprofessional journey. We wereglad to have the chance to

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thank our outgoing 'Friends of HadleyWood School' committee, who had beeninstrumental in raising the money toinstall the kitchen and to two motherswho advised us on the project. In thefuture, we hope to be able to grow ourown vegetables for the kitchen, so thatno one can say that the Hadley Woodchildren don't understand where therefood comes from!Beverly Benson, Headteacher,Hadley Wood School

Page 7: Hadley Wood News January 2015


My I start by extending my bestwishes to Rev. Rupert Mackay intaking on the leadership of theHadley Wood Association, andto offer my heartfelt thanks toGraham Sharpe and RodArmstrong for their exemplarywork with the Association overthe years. Together with mycolleagues, Anne-Marie Pearceand Michael Lavender, I havebeen working to address anumber of issues of localconcern, which we have beendealing with.To summarise: ·Given their recent difficulties with their

premises I was pleased to support Mr andMrs Modi of Take 7 Dry Cleaners and hopethat they can continue to provide their muchvalued service to the local area.I am working with the Council to look at

improvements to the HadleyWood shoppingparade. I think the street scene could benefitfrom enhancement and hope that, despitestretched Council budgets, some attentioncan be given.Together with David Burrowes MP, local

resident Francesca Caine and my ward

colleagues, I am supportingdiscussions with GTR aboutproviding step free access atHadley Wood train station.In relation to the recent

removal of many attractivetrees in HW, particularlyalong the Crescent, I wasadvised that this was due tobasal decay, and that newtrees are scheduled to beplanted next year in similarlocations, and more widelyacross the ward.

A new mobile phone mast application islooming for Bartrams Lane, and I lookforward to working closely with the HWA andlocal residents in requiring a proposal that isprimarily sympathetic to the area.Parking remains a big issue, and the

outcome of the consultation for yellow linesat the Lancaster Avenue end of Duchy Roadremains uncertain. I have asked the Councilto introduce measures as soon as possibleto improve safety at this dangerous junction.The former Middlesex University campus in

Trent Park is back in the headlines as it isreportedly for sale once more. I am workingclosely with the Council and Park groups

Update from Councillor Jason Charalambousdealing with a number of problems faced byTrent Park, and I am keen to ensure that anybuyer respects the listed buildings andcherished environment in which it is located.I am also keeping an eye on the Cat Hill

development, where noise disturbance frombuilding works is a major issue, and am indiscussions with the Council to ensure thedeveloper abides by the rules.Finally I want to mention the Enfield

Residents Priority Fund, where generousgrants are available for community projects.I supported the popular Trent Park walks in arecent successful application, and as thereare still funds available for this financial year’sallocation. I encourage ideas to come forward(see Enfield Council website for details).The dates of our next ward forum and

surgeries are advertised on the Councilwebsite and, as always, please do contactme, or my colleagues, if we can be ofassistance with Council related matters.Finally may I take this opportunity to thankeveryone who has kindly offered theirsupport. I would also like to wish all readersa very happy and prosperous New Year.Cllr Jason Charalambous,Cockfosters Ward

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Bridge ClubThe Bridge Club based at the HadleyWood Association Centre continues tothrive. New members are alwayswelcome.The picture shows the winners of the

Friday Bridge Club Christmas partycompetition at THE Golf Club on THE 29thNovember. Winners: Tessa Pearce, JohnPople, Arnold Eaton and Elizabeth Reid.On the left is Pat Taylor and Judy Rennie.

For details of Bridge Club evenings(Tuesday and Friday) contact NormanHeaton on 01707658320 or Roy Tayloron 02084494531.

Page 8: Hadley Wood News January 2015


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Julia Redburn. Profile.There are, on occasions, compensationsfor being an Editor. Today was one. I wastalking to Julia Redburn about her past lifeas an actress and dancer and her presentcareer as a Pilates instructor. I asked herwhere it all started. She comes from thisarea. Her Grandma had the fish and chipshop in Barnet. White and Whyatts. Doesanybody remember it? Her mother had alovely voice and she and Julia’s father, animpresario, organized and performed inVariety shows and Pantomimes for severalyears at many of the well known theatres inthe South of England. Julia and her brother(Peter Duncan of Blue Peter fame) wereclearly destined for a career on the stage.By the age of 12 years she was studyingDrama and Dance at the Italia Conti stageschool in Clapham. Whilst there she wasauditioned and selected for the Grange HillSchool series on TV playing Tricia Yates’selder sister. TV commercials followed. Shewas an Asda girl for three years and by theage of 18 was a member of the dancegroup Hot Gossip performing on showswith Kenny Everett, Jimmy Tarbuck PaulDaniels, Stanley Baxter and MichaelBarrymore. About this time she met Chriswho was then bass guitarist and singer forKenny. They married and eventuallyreached Hadley Wood in 1994 viaSouthgate. Their two children Tom andSophie are following in the family footsteps.Sophie in San Francisco and Tom with theRusty Suns band. Any highlights? ‘Well’says Julia ‘Stevie Wonder did sing to me formy birthday’. There was a black and whitephoto on the wall to prove it (see right)along with many other interesting shots ofthe Pop Scene at that time. Julia lookingsensational. I asked whether it was herdancing training which lead to her interestin Pilates and the classes she now runs.‘Absolutely’ she replied ‘Joseph Pilates wasmarried to a ballet dancer and must havelearned a great deal about muscle controland balance from her. We were taught

Pilates when I was learning to dance.Nowadays I am an absolute believer inPilates exercises as a way of keepingsupple and fit. They are suitable for any ageand it is not uncommon to have an eightyyear old practising the exercises alongsidean eighteen year old’. Thinking of olderpatients I have looked after who were sostiff and weak that they were unable tostand up after a fall it was easy tounderstand the value of this discipline.What are the classes like? ‘All abilities, allages and all fun’. She replies laughing.‘Why not try some?’ Trying to looksimultaneously as supple and as fit aspossible I declined on the grounds of beingtoo busy. What a liar. But if you want to joinin give her a ring on 07836377504.Rod Armstrong

St Paul’s Hadley Wood Presents an Evening of Jazz

Tracing the history of Jazz

7:30pmFriday 30th Jan 2015

St Paul’s Church Hall

Price £15 includes

cheese platter

In support of A21 a Christian charity seeking to abolish human trafficking


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F 03yadirFJan 2015


15In support of A21 a Christian charity seeking to abolish human trafficking

Jan 2015t of A21 a Chr

o abolish human trafficking

15ristian charity

man traffickingyg

Forthcoming eventsFriday 30th January at 7.30pm

Jazz Evening at St Paul’s Church Hall seefull ad below for details

Tuesday 10th February at 7.30pmCockfosters Ward Area Forum at 4th ScoutHut, Green Road, New Southgate N14 4AT

Friday 20th MarchThe Enfield Southgate Golf Cup. To be heldat Hadley Wood Golf Club. Fund raising forDavid Burrowes MP election campaign.Details from [email protected]

If you have information that you would liketo include on the Notice Board in the nextHadley Wood News (coming out March

18th) please [email protected]

by March 4th

NEWSHoward Marshall Dentistry has an offer of50% off a hygienist visit when Home

Whitening Treatment is purchased until theend of February 2015.

Call 020 8441 0257 for details or call intothe surgery at 16 Crescent West

Gillian Henley


Page 9: Hadley Wood News January 2015


FrostbiteA glistening full moon,a lamp above the sky;searching around the dark greyland, giving away its special shine.

A poor icy lake, frozen solid,prisoners of water under the icysheet;isolated – no one to play with,hoping for a ship, maybe a fleet.

The fast whirling wind,a giant breathing;running wild,waking everyone sleeping.

A warm crackling fire,fighting a war;a boaster – angry,we all hear its roar.

W. Cecil

Hadley Wood Primary School. Annual ArtsTrophy

Hadley Wood andWingate Football ClubThe Football season 2014/15 is movingfast. Our first match of the season was backin September 2014 which saw a recordnumber of teams (19) for our club. Theyoungest team is our Under 7s and theeldest are Under 15s. Teams will continueto train up until July with matchesthroughout the season. Someimprovements have been made to thegrounds, with a new set of 9-a-side goalsto replace the ones that were broken. Alsoa new sign has been installed at the top ofBartrams Lane to dissuade parents fromdriving down the lane and parking by thegrounds gate.Jonathan Wynne

Email: [email protected]: 02084471661 / Mob: 07798776248

12 Crescent West, Hadley Wood,Herts, EN4 0EJ



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Winter HungerThe wind lifted me up into the snowcoated treesWhere I danced to the rhythm of thewinter breezeSwaying to the sound of the frozen airI see no food or water anywhere

Hungry nights back in the nestMust keep trying the price is no restFurther and further look I mustTime is running out; it’s nearly dusk

Another day of searching in vainCold and hungry again and againA gust of wind, on the snowFrom beneath, a red glowHolly berries, tasty and smallI won’t go hungry after all.

Madeleine McEnery

In December the finals of the school’s art trophy were held in the main hall.This year’s theme was Winter Poetry. Eleven finalists from year 1 to year 6 read out

their poems to the whole assembly and a panel of awestruck judges. The finalistswere George Charalambous, Casper Askew, Francesca Wroniak, DhruvaKawathekar, Jago Michael, Yasmin Hayes, Archie Phillips, Christina Angeli, WilliamCecil, Madeleine McEnery and Jasper Wax. Deciding on the winner wasextraordinarily difficult. The standard was very high and the ages of the children hadto be factored in before a decision was made. Finally the very deserving William Cecilwas awarded the trophy. Madeleine McEnery was an outstanding runner up. Theremaining excellent finalists were all awarded medals and certificates. William’s poem‘Frostbite’ and Madeleine’s Winter hunger follow.

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Dear EditorI have just had a telephone callfrom a resident who lives inLancaster Avenue. Somebodyknocked on his door last nightclaiming to be raising money forGreat Ormond Street Hospital. Hesaid that he was collecting onbehalf of a friend's son and askedfor a donation. The gentlemandeclined to give cash at his frontdoor. He has telephoned GreatOrmond Street this morning whohave said that they have no detailsof this man and would not sendpeople to collect money door todoor. The gentleman suggestedthat you might like to put an articlein the Hadley Wood News to warnpeople about this.Lisa Winston. Manager HadleyWood Association

Dear EditorI would like to draw your readers’attention to an online petition to stopBarnet Council carrying out their threatto close some libraries and to reducelibrary services across Barnet. Librariesare a valuable community asset andprovide a wide range of services beyondsimply lending books: story reading forchildren, reading groups for adults,internet access, a quiet place for youngpeople to study as well as a source ofcommunity information.When I told my English friend living in

Australia about the plans to reducelibrary services she was shocked. InAustralia, libraries are thriving and havetransformed themselves into communitycentres with play areas, free wifi, cafes,support services and training rooms.Surely this is the kind of model that wetoo should aspire to.If we allow our valued library service to

be run down, it is unlikely that librarieswould ever be recreated again. Pleasego online and sign the petition.you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/no-to-

closure-of-barnet-librariesKate Ferguson

Hadley WoodNeighbourhoodPlanning Forum UpdateIn December last year we held an openForum meeting in the beautifulsurroundings of the golf club. Around 20people came along and we agreed detailsof how we should be set up, the area weshould cover and so on. Our application tobe recognised as a formal Planning Forumis now being submitted to London Boroughof Enfield. If they are happy with all thedetails they will publicise the applicationand then decide to recognise us or not.Hopefully 2015 will see the birth of our veryown Forum and then we can start to drawtogether ideas for a Neighbourhood Plan toset out improvements and planning policiesfor our neighbourhood.

A few details of our application

The Forum now has over 40 membersfrom across the area. We officially need 21and are now way past this point. Anyonewho works or lives in the area can join. Ifyou are interested in joining please [email protected] for moreinformation.All Forummembers will be able to discussand vote on emerging ideas for our plan atmeetings held a couple of times a year.We have also set up a working committee

with 13 people on it made up of Forummembers who want to be more involved.This group will do the donkey work,assessing the character of our area,drawing up draft policies and so on.The Forum and the Hadley Wood

Association would work together in closecollaboration, with the new AssociationChair being on the Forum and vice versa.

We have decided on an area whichincludes all the residential roads in HadleyWood plus open land fronting on to these.LB Enfield will let us know if they are happywith the boundary or not.We WILL NOT be looking at individual

planning applications, these are dealt withand decided by London Borough of Enfieldand their planning committee. However weWILL be able to draw up policies for theborough to use when considering futureapplications.Creating a neighbourhood plan will take

some time, at least a year from now. Themore people who want to get involved withdoing the work needed the quicker theprocess.Once we have a draft plan, everyone in

the area, irrespective of whether they are onthe Forum or not, will be able to vote onwhether the plan should be adopted or not.Esther Kurland

Page 11: Hadley Wood News January 2015

LettersDear EditorHadley Wood serves dog owners well, withentrances to our wonderful common fromCovert Way and Parkgate, as well as thefootball pitch and the green field where thefireworks display took place. As a result,many people here have a dog. I'm proud tobe seen with our family's amiable, nowelderly, border collie walking the streets ofHadley Wood at least twice every day. Sincehe arrived nearly thirteen years ago, ourfamily have feared the period from midOctober to mid November, with loudfireworks seemingly going off everyevening. This year we tried him on acourse of tranquillisers as prescribed bythe vet. On the main evening of Diwali,as I set off with him for our early eveningconstitutional, there was an explosionso loud that I thought a bomb hadexploded, followed by similar bangs formost of the evening. It sounded morelike all-out war than a Festival of Light.Needless to say, whatever benefit thetranquillisers may have had wasn'tenough for the task, as the dogscuttled home terrified to sit shiveringunder the bed. But that was asnothing compared with the formal

bonfire display put on by the Association.Even from our double-glazed housetowards the top of Crescent East, this wasArmageddon. The dog spent the entiredisplay hyper-ventilating, his heart racing sofast that we were worried he wouldn't makethe end. If that level of reaction is replicatedin many other pets in Hadley Wood, to saynothing of the small animals and birds whomake their homes in the vicinity, then I doubtthat the pleasure the display gives canpossibly be worth the anguish caused. Mydiscussions with other dog owners indicatea bad reaction in many cases.I wish that our government, in common

with many others around the world, wouldban private fireworks. They are now far too

powerful and noisy to be set off in builtupareas, indeed in any place where sentientbeings are settled. Public events, thoughcontained within a brief period of time, arejust as distressing. I know how much hardwork goes into organising our fireworksevening and it is the only community eventwhich brings all residents together. Ourfamily, perhaps thoughtlessly, used to enjoyit until we got the dog. I would like to ask theAssociation if they could think of anotherevent which could achieve the same end,and if readers have any good ideas.Yours sincerely, John Uttley

Dear Editor TREE RAT MENACE.I have with interest read Mr. StephenBlackburn’s article condemning the GreySquirrel. He seems to be convenientlyforgetting that the Red is also of the samefamily and the difference is the colour. Onehundred years ago the Red had a bountyfor its destruction and 65,000 were culled.They are not saints. They not only damagetrees but they are very partial to eggs and amenace to many birds and farmers. If wecull the Grey Squirrel our next generationwill still not be able to see the Redeverywhere in the United Kingdom as easily

as the Grey. The Grey, I agree should nothave been introduced to this country butthey are now here and we should let themstay. They cannot be solely heldresponsible for the decreasing numbers ofthe Red. The Red makes a tasty morsel topredators like the Red tailed Hawk andGreat Horned Owl. They are also very proneto the disease SQPV. I have a wildlifegarden and I have no complaints about theGrey. I have a small squirrel feeding boxinto which a small quantity of nuts are puteach morning and it is a pleasure to seethem feeding. Yes, no others are allowedinto the garden as he or she feels mygarden is its domain and feeders are notinterfered with. He buries the excess inmy handsome lawn and I am grateful forthe aeration holes – my lawn is neverwater logged. The holes are sooncovered by the next manicure. I feel theyare the first easy step introduction forchildren to wildlife. Observing theirbehavior and antics has always beenpleasurable for the housebound, infirm,elderly and children. They are highlyintelligent, fascinating, entertaining, avery good source for seed dispersal,and a form of food for predators. Aninteresting article titled ‘Is culling ofGrey squirrels a viable tactic toconserve Red squirrels’ by StephenHarris, Carl D Solebury & GrazellaFossa from the University of Bristol. Ihope that this article helps to changeMr Blackburn’s mind with regard tothe Grey. Too much money is beingspent trying to tackle this issuebearing in mind that the ‘Red’ is nolonger the original red.Dr.Marie Anand,Fairgreen East, HW(Our sincere apologies go to anyreaders who were upset by lastmonth’s article about squirrels.Editor)


Dear Editor Poor mobile receptionmeans more masts. Many of theresidents in Hadley Wood struggle withpoor reception on their mobile phones,which can probably only be solved byconstructing more masts. In the past thetelecommunications companies simplyapplied for planning permission to sitemasts where it suited them and hopedto neutralise any objections from theneighbourhood on the grounds of need.Telefonica and Vodafone, who haverecently agreed to share a network, havedecided to consult the community abouta new mast they would like to put upbeside Hadley Wood railway station,before submitting the planningapplication. This gives the communitythe chance to influence the design andlocation of the mast before the plans arefinalised. In the past the Hadley WoodAssociation has had some limitedsuccess in modifying telecomengineers’ plans through consultation.This time the Association is going towork with our three local councillors todiscuss the proposals with the telecomcompanies in the hope that a solutioncan be found which is reasonablysatisfactory for all concerned. The lasttime a major new mast was proposed in

the area was in 2004 when O2 wantedto build a mast on the roof of the flats atNo.30 Crescent East which would havebeen a real eyesore in the CrescentConservation Area and from BartramsLane field and the Green Belt, with alarge number of residents living lessthan 100 metres away. Discussionbetween O2 and the Associationidentified the least worst location for amast would be on high ground morethan 200 metres from any residentialhouses in the line of trees along thenorthern boundary of Bartrams Lanefield. It was also agreed that the mastshould be disguised as an artificialconifer tree. The mast was going to beshared by O2 and Orange but nevermaterialised.The Hadley WoodAssociation and our three councillors areready to meet Telefonica/Vodafone todiscuss the matter and propose that anartificial tree mast at the previouslyagreed site should be taken as thestarting point for negotiation. We wouldalso like the mast to be shared withanother network to avoid yet more mastsbeing needed in the area. A publicmeeting would be held at the HWACentre to discuss the proposals.John Leatherdale

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The Hadley Wood Association7 Crescent East Hadley Wood Herts EN4 0EL 8449 7193

[email protected] www.hadleywood.org.uk

SALES OFFICES AT: BARNET 020 8449 3383 TOTTERIDGE 020 8445 3694 HADLEY WOOD 020 8440 9797 BROOKMANS PARK 01707 661144RADLETT 01923 604321 NEW HOMES SHOWCASE HADLEY GREEN 020 8441 9555 PREMIER LETTINGS HADLEY GREEN 020 8441 9796 RADLETT 01923 608383

Associated Offices in Mayfair & Moscowwww.statons.com


HADLEY WOOD £1,350,000Extended Detached Family Home 4 Bedrooms

Family Bathroom 2 Reception RoomsTwin Integral Garage South Facing Rear Garden

HADLEY WOOD £1,195,000Detached Chalet Bungalow 4 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms2 Reception Rooms Stunning West Facing Rear Garden

Scope For Refurbishment/Redevelopment STPP

HADLEY WOOD £1,100,000Spacious AndWell Extended Detached Bungalow2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 3 Reception Rooms

Detached Garage Multi-Purpose Studio

HADLEY WOOD £1,050,000VeryWell Presented Detached Family Home Refurbishedand Maintained to a High Standard 4 Bedrooms

2 Bathrooms 3 Reception Rooms Garage Garden

HADLEY WOOD £1,595,000Well Presented And Spaciously Planned DetachedFamily Residence 6 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms

4 Reception Rooms Garage Garden

HADLEY WOOD £1,190,000Very Well Presented Detached Family Residence

Family Bathroom 4 Bedrooms 3 Reception RoomsRear Garden approx. 120' Heated Swimming Pool

HADLEY WOOD OFFICE 020 8440 9797HADLEY WOOD OFFICE 020 8440 9797

HADLEY WOOD OFFICE 020 8440 9797HADLEY WOOD OFFICE 020 8440 9797HADLEY WOOD OFFICE 020 8440 9797

HADLEY WOOD OFFICE 020 8440 9797



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