
Hacker Review Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering Shegaon

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Page 1: Hacking

Hacker Review

Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering Shegaon

Page 2: Hacking


Hacking is not going into a system and destroying files. Hacking is not emailbombing, using programs, winnuking someone, using ICMP attacks on someone, or saying that you are a hacker.

Hacking is intruding a system and exploring the host's computer and getting whatever information you need and getting yourself out and clearing your trails without getting yourself busted.

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Why hacking…

To explore.

Know the secrets.

To get popular.

For FUN !!!!.

To corrupt and delete data.

To take revenge.

However some governments- Most recently the Russians have used hacking as a means of spying and gaining intelligence about the UK and USA.

Some hacks to protect themselves.

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When to hack…

When any system is exposed to these vulnerabilities:-

Insecure Configuration

Weak passwords

Unpatched vulnerabilities in services, Operating systems, applications

Possible Vulnerabilities in Services, Operating Systems

Insecure programming

Weak Access Control

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Common Hacking Tactics/Attacks

Denial of Service




Trojan House

Back Doors

Dictionary attack


Malicious Applets

War Dialing

Logic Bombs

Buffer Overflow

Password Crackers

Social Engineering

Dumpster Diving

Man in middle attack

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Various tools…

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Various tool (cont.)…

Wireless Networks:-

AirJack, AirMagnet, AirSnort, Cantenna, Fluke WaveRunner, Kismet, Lucent Orinoco Registry Encryption/Decryption program, NetStumbler, Pong wireless firmware vulnerability testing program, WiGLE database of wireless networks, WildPackets AiroPeek.


Network Users, Rpcdump, SMAC MAC address changer, Vision, Windows Update Utility, Winfo, Amap, DumpSec, Legion.

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Various tool (cont.)…

Web Applications:-

BlackWidow, Flawfinder, ITS4, Netcraft, Nikto, RATS, Sanctum AppScan, Shadow Database Scanner, SPI Dynamics WebInspect.

Password Cracking:-

LC4, John the Ripper, pwdump2, NetBIOS Auditing Tool, Brutus, Pandora, NTFSDOS Professional, NTAccess, TSCRACK, TSGrinder.


Dsniff, Ethereal network analyzer, ettercap, Firewalk, Firewall Informer, Foundstone FoundScan, GFI LANguard Network Scanner.

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Various tool (cont.)…

MAC address vendor lookup, Nessus vulnerability assessment tool, Netcat, NetScanTools, Nmap port scanner, Port number listing, Qualys QualysGuard vulnerability assessment tool, SuperScan port scanner, WildPackets EtherPeek.

Dictionary Files and Word Lists:-

ftp://ftp.cerias.purdue.edu/pub/dict , ftp://ftp.ox.ac.uk/pub/wordlists, packetstormsecurity.nl/Crackers/wordlists, Default vendor passwords.

Hackers Stuff:-

Honeypots: Tracking Hackers, The Online Hacker Jargon File, PHRACK.

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Trojan Port Numbers…

port 31 - Agent 31, Hackers Paradise, Masters Paradise, port 41 - DeepThroat, port 50 - DRAT, port 59 - DMSetup, port 79 - Firehotcker, port 80 - Back End, Executor, Hooker, RingZero, port 99 - Hidden Port, port 110 - ProMail trojan, port 113 - Invisible Identd Deamon, Kazimas, port 119 - Happy 99, port 121 - JammerKillah, port 123 - Net Controller, port 133 - Farnaz, port 146 - Infector, port 146 (UDP) - Infector, port 170 - A-trojan, port 421 - TCP Wrappers, port 456 - Hackers Paradise, port 531 - Rasmin, port 555 - Ini-Killer, NeTAdministrator, Phase Zero, Stealth Spy, port 606 - Secret Service, port 666 - Attack FTP, Back Construction, NokNok, Cain & Abel, Satanz Backdoor, ServeU, Shadow Phyre

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Trojan Port Numbers (cont)…

port 667 - SniperNet, port 669 - DP Trojan, port 692 - GayOL, port 777 - Aim Spy, port 808 - WinHole, port 911 - Dark Shadow, port 999 - DeepThroat, WinSatan, port 1000 - Der Spacher 3, port 1001 - Der Spacher 3, Le Guardien, Silencer, WebEx, port 1010 - Doly Trojan, port 1011 - Doly Trojan, port 1012 - Doly Trojan, port 1015 - Doly Trojan, port 1016 - Doly Trojan, port 1020 - Vampire, port 1024 - NetSpy, port 1042 - Bla, port 1045 - Rasmin, port 1050 - MiniCommand, port 1080 - WinHole, port 1081 - WinHole, port 1082 - WinHole, port 1083 - WinHole, port 1090 - Xtreme, port 1095 - RAT, port 1097 - RAT, port 1098 - RAT, port 1099 - BFevolution, RAT, port 1170 - Psyber Stream Server, Streaming Audio trojan, Voice, port 1200 (UDP) – NoBackO……and many more….

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– Ravindra Prasad Mahto