ha leyastug un chegga - sil international lapangasla. amod aposla kan cha uchum un ayam. osan...


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Ha Leyastug un Chegga Ang Mayabang na Pagong

The Proud Turtle

Written by Eddy Supangkat B Sc Dr Joost J J Pi kkert

Translated into Li lubuagen by Lalaine Bower

Norma Dugu 1 ang Jane Odiem

Translated into F1l ip1no by Teresita L Padilla

I II us trot 1 ons by S I a met Pray 1 tno

SIL International 2007

Pub I ished by SIL in cooperation with

The Institute of Phi I ippine Languages and

The Department of Education. Phi I ippines

Additional copies of th1s pub I ication are avai I able from:

ECJM Library Lubuagan

3802 Ka I i nga

© SIL Internat ion a I. 2007

This book or any part thereof may be copied or adapted and reproduced for use by any entity of the Department of

Education without permission from the Summer Institute of Linguistics If there are other organizations or a gene i es who

wou I d I ike to copy or adapt this book. we request that permission first be obtamed by writing to:

SIL Phi I ippines

Box 2270 CPO 1099 Mani Ia

The Proud Turtle 95 29-907-1 C 54-120PT-076018S

ISBN 978-971-18-0419-0

Printed in the Philippines

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Tanggapan ng Kalihim Offlce of the Stcrell'ty


Our nation's heritage is embodied in our culture. the music, the arts, the food and the dialects. Each one is an integral part of a rich mosaic that mirrors the filipino sou I

Our language and culture play an important role in defining who we are as a people. They too, play a big part in our education

Education that begins in the language of the learners can open opportunities even to the members of the indigenous communities. And education need not happen at the expense of regional dialects or local culture.

i'he Deparunent of Education is committed towards the goal of Education for All. It is for this reason that we work closely with policy-makers, legislators, private corporations, non·government organizations, local government units to make education accessible to aJI Filipinos.

We are thankful to the Summer lnsumte of Lmgu1stics International for developmg a continuing and self-sustaining education program-beginning in the local language of the learners and building into a solid foundation for education in both filipino and English.

The Depanment, therefore, welcomes 'he SIL publication, the most recenl in a series designed to promote literacy among minority languag~ communities. It will surely be a very valuable tool m their journey towards learning.

Such initiative is certainly most welcome and deeply appreciated.

:~ ~:1-~us jES,¥lretary



This book is one in a series of tri I ingual, graded easy-readers which have been designed to help teach reading fluency and language-transfer ski II s to the speakers of the L i I ubuagen language. The primary language is Li lubuagen, with translations provided in Fi I ipino and English.

These books are designed to be used pr i mar i I y with chi I dren as supp I ementary reading for the Li lubuagen primer, Mambyasataku. They can also be used to assist DepEd and NFE teachers to help Li lubuagen speakers bridge to F i I i pi no and Eng I ish and to faci I itate reading fluency 1n all three languages.

FLC Teachers of the Lubuagan District

S i s i n-eygew i nggew chi osan chegga

un lamyoy si igid chi byangbyang. Ha

ngachenla ked Pion. Si Pion lanchi longey

ki lapangasla. amod aposla kan cha uchum

un ayam.

Osan mamatuk kummatam s i Pi on kan

cha Koko kan Tiko. chuwan sissiwit un

mansingisingit si ikon.

"AIIakayu pay Koko kan Tiko." kalan


Kalancha. "Alia ka bo Pion."


"Bibiyu otyan lu makatayapak un

isuyu. Labibiyu I in lu awed beyoyku un

isum." kalan Koko.


"Ngim laganggalas otyan lu

makatayapak un isum." kalan Pion.


.. ~·.~;:{:,;._- ~


"Cha kabyuwan un iII idchon Apudyus

ked mansabsabya I i." ka I an Koko. "Cha

uchum un ayam makatayap. makakiyat ya


"S i yo pagey gettok cha makatayap."

i nsongbyat Pi on .

"Lai. losan taku laidchen si kabyeeyan

un siya manyamalan taku," kalan Tiko.


Kalan Pion. "Koko kan Tiko. makwan

suyuwanyu sakon un tumayap?"

I I i mus Koko. "Pi om un tumayap?"

"0. chakpun umisik."

Lataegchan I anti II u II ong cha Koko kan



'"Achipun ka makatayap ti lappun payaklu

Pion." kalan Tiko.

"Lu katlat. makwan buluchok chi

payaklu?" i I imus Pion.

"Ha. ha. ha! Achipun makwa hachi,



Lappun galas Pion un langngey si

songbyatla. "Lu talagan piom un

gangga I a son chi tumayap. tuyungan m i

sika." kalan Koko. "Tuttuwa Koko?

mai lola?"



Odlenmi kan asawak chi kayu. Tangyom

chi kayu si gawa. Lu tumayap komi.


"0. o. o. piok achi Koko." kalan Pion un

amod teyyokla.

·~ ~-· ... ~!R!:O:· ' '- - - -

, .........


Ummoycha I ansi nget s i pang a.

I II ogl en cha Koko kan Ti ko chi man-

asipegpeg ked si Pion si gawa.

"Man-alledka lu tumayatayap komi.

achim pay takangon tupoklu." kalan Tiko

kan Pion.

"Simmon." kalan Pion.


"Isa. chuwa. tiyu!" tumayap taku kalan

Koko. ot tummayapcha. Si chamu

I ampeypucha s i cheyya. o I i pun ngummatu

ngatucha. Gi langgalas cha uchum un

ayam bi lubuya chicha.


G i I angga I as Pi on chi I i tayatayap

kadwala cha Koko kan Tiko. Ngim amod

chi pangas Pion. Laammuwala pun un

bubuyyaon cha uchum un ayam siya.

ach i pun makag i I ok. "Buya-on yu ked

sakon, ammuk chi tumayap!" kala Ia.

La I iwatan Pion un tatangyola panga si


lanpokawala. ol ipun las in-sin akkit

lakakbyaey ot lakal i lub si pita.

Lateteyok cha Koko kan Ti ko s i

intollongchan sissiyan latattagu si Pion.

Koocha tummayap lang it. Inggan chi

hach i. a mod chi teyyok Pi on s i mang-

kuti ley un beyoyla. lmbegala si long-egla

un iyageyla pangasla.

13 •

Pahina 1

Pahina 2

Pahina 3

Pahina 4


May isang pagong na nakatira sa gilid ng latian. Siya ay si Pion. Kilala siya sa kanyang kayaban-gan. Kinaininggitan niya kakayahan ng mga kapwa hayop.

!sang hapon, nakasalubong niya an mag-asawang tagak sila Koko at Tiko na nangingisda sa latian.

"Magandang hapon Koko at Tiko," malugod na bati ni Pion."

"Magandang hapon naman," sagot nila.

"Anong kaya, kung makakalipad ako, katulad ninyo di ba?"

"Nais ko rin magkaroon ng magandang bahay pagong katulad mo," sagot ni Koko.

"Nakakatuwa ang lumipad katulad mo," sagot ni Pion.

"lba't ibang regale ang ipinagkaloob sa atin ang Panginoon," sabi ni Koko. "Ang iba sa atin lumili-pad, may lumalangoy at may gumagapang."

"Perc ang higit sa lahat may kakayahang lumi-pad," sagot ni Pion.

"Hindi naman. Lahat tayo ay may handog na da-pat pasalamatan," sabi ni Tiko.

Pahina 5

Pahina 6

Pahina 7

Pahina 8

Pahina 9

"Koko at Tiko, maari bang tulungan 'nyo akong lumipad?" sabi ni Pion.

"Oo, walang tutol di ba?" nagtinginan sila Koko at Tiko.

"Wala kang pakpak. Paano ka lilipad Pion?" pali-wanag ni Tiko.

"Pahiram ang mga pakpak mo," sabi ni Pion.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Hindi maari Pion."

Halatang masama ang loeb ni Pion sa pag-kabigo.

"Kung talagang gusto mong makaranas lumipad, tutulungan ka namin," sabi ni Koko.

"Tutuo ba Koko? Papaano?"

Kaming mag-asawa ay kakagat ng kapirasong kahoy. Kagatin mo ang gitna ng buong higpit. Sa ganitong paraan, makakaranas ka sa paglipad.

"Gusto ko 'yan," tuwang tuwa si Pion.

Naghanap sila ng kapirasong kahoy. Kinagat sa kanang dulo si Koko. Kinagat sa kabilang dulo


naman si Tiko. Sa gitna naman ang kinagat ng buong higpit si Pion.

"lngat! Huwag mong ibuka ang bibig mo habang tayo'y lumilipad!" paalala ni Koko.

Pahina 10 "lsa, dalawa, tatlo!" utos ni Koko sabay paglipad pataas. Labis ang pagkamangha ng mga kapwa hayop habang sila'y pinapanood.

Pahina 11 Ang saya ni Pion habang kasama sina Koko at Tiko. Lalong umiral ang kayabangan niya sa dami ng mga kapwa hayop na nanonood sa kanila. Di sinasadya, biglang

"Mga kaibigan, tingnan 'nyo ako'! Lumilipad" si-gaw niya.

Pahina 12 Nakalimutan ni Pion na luluwag ang pagkagat sa sanga habang nagsasalita. liang sagut lang sa kalangitan nang biglang nalaglag sa lupa.

Pahina 13


Nagpasalamat sila Koko at Tiko at buhay pa si Pion. Lumipda sila pabalik sa kalangitan. Mula noon, nagpasalamat si Pion sa kanyang matigas na bahay pagong. Sinumpa sa sarili na huwag mayabang kailan man, ang magpasalamat sa ipi-nagkaloob sa kanya ng Panginoon.


Page 1 There once was a turtle named Pion who lived at the edge of a swamp. Pion was famous as an arrogant animal who was always jealous of other animals and their abilities.

Page 2 One afternoon Pion came upon Koko and Tiko, a pair of egrets looking for fish in the swamp.

"Good afternoon Koko and Tiko," greeted Pion in a friendly manner.

"Good afternoon Pion," they answered together.

Page 3 "Isn't it nice to be able to fly like you do?"

"I think it would be nice if I had a beautiful shell like you," said Koko.

"But it is certainly exciting to be able to fly like you," said Pion.

Page 4 "The gifts of God are indeed different," said Koko. "Some animals can fly, some can swim, some can crawl, and so forth."

"But the best are those who can fly," replied Pion.

"Oh no. We all have our own gifts for which we have to be thankful," said Tiko.

Page 5 "Koko and Tiko, can you teach me how to fly?"

"You want to learn how to fly?" Koko asked in surprise.

"Yes. You don't have any objections, do you?"


Koko and Tiko looked at each other with astonishment.

Page 6 "You can't possibly fly because you don't have wings Pion," explained Tiko.

"If that's the case, may I borrow your wings?" asked Pion.

"Ha, ha, ha! That's also impossible Pion."

Page 7 Pion was visibly disappointed hearing this answer.

"If you truly wish to feel the enjoyment of flying, we can help you," said Koko.

"Really, Koko? How?"

Page 8 "My wife and I will hold a piece of wood at each end. You will be in the middle firmly biting the wood. When we fly you will certainly join us as we carry you along."

"Yes, yes, yes! I want that, Koko," cried Pion happily.

Page 9 So they went to look for a piece of wood. Koko was on the right end, Tiko on the left, and Pion in the middle.

"Be careful. As long as we are flying you may not open your mouth," Tiko sc:fid to remind Pion.

"That's fine," said Pion.

Page 10 "One, two, three!" Koko gave a command and they began to fly. At first, they started low, but it wasn't long before they were very high. The


animals below watched this absurd flight with amazement.

Page 11 Pion really enjoyed being able to fly together with Koko and Tiko. However, Pion was still basically proud, so when he knew that many other animals were looking at him from the ground he could not keep quiet.

"Friends, look at me. I can fly!" he cried.

Page 12 Pion forgot that when he cried out he loosened his bite on the branch. For several minutes he sailed through the air and then he fell to the ground.

Page 13 Koko and Tiko were very glad when they realized that Pion was actually still alive. They quickly fle111 back to the heavens. Since that time, Pion has felt blessed he has a very hard shell. He also promised himself never to be proud again.



Lilubuagen Filipino English

byangbyang I at ian swamp

ki lapangas kayabangan arrogant

payak pakpak w1ngs

a yam mga hayop animals

tumayap lumipad to fly

lakakbyaey nalaglag fell to the ground

Mangkuti- matigas very hard ley

makatayap makal ipad able to fly