
Campaign for those who are almost change agents!

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Post on 22-Nov-2014




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  • 1. Campaign for those who are almost change agents!
  • 2.
    • Obviously you know @XP scheme and H4F stage as a part of it.
    • However we dont manage people on this stage pushing them to leave organization immediately or not paying attention to them. Consequently these people stay in organization without any reason and having not activities in LC.
  • 3.
    • H4F members are most experienced people in LC,
    • Their opinion is valuable and you should manage it in order to prevent any opinion conflicts,
    • If they are still in AIESEC they want to do more, to contribute to organization, but probably dont know how to do it.
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    • Identify target audience.
    • Beforehand education about H4F role and idea.
    • Managing H4F members.
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    • H4TF stage is designed for members planning to leave active AIESEC membership after their current role (Leadership Role or Exchange, Taking Responsibility).
    • Members who stop being active on LC/MC level, but still plan to go on internship are not considered to be on the H4TF stage yet.
  • 6. Event or activity When 1. Introduction Conference: session about @XP, with brief explanation about who are those people on H4F. Introduction Conference. Mid October / Mid March. 2. Mentorship/coaching program: each member plan his/her development, set SMART goals for their development in AIESEC and its contribution to professional aspiration. Ongoing, 1 time after nearest Regional Exchange Conference. 3. Inspire members to participate in external events, recognize most active people! Ongoing. 4. Word issues discussions each member should understand World issues, state of the World and why AIESEC is relevant for our society. Ongoing .
  • 7. Event or activity When 1. Future conference. - Pack AIESEC XP - Get in touch with top companies of the country - Strengths own network - Becoming alumnus. ALL faci should be company representatives, alumni and returnee to help H4F members to get in touch with external environment. April-May 2. Mentorship/coaching meetings. - Overview Personal development plan: what was done, what was achieved? How it helped in personal development. - Inspiration for development and continuous impact into society. - Evaluate @XP and all achievements. - Make personal SWOT. - Give an advice about further steps. April-May 3. Final competency assessment. - Online assessment tool (netbiog.com) with 360 assessment is issential! - If a person wants it, you may print out results of it into special certificate with stamp of AIESEC and signature of VPTM. April-May
  • 8. 4. External events active participation, R&R for it. December-May 5. Exit interview: - assess level of personal and professional development, - give an opportunity to reflect about career in AIESEC, - define future steps and ways of participation in LC/MC activities, - give a feedback for past performance. Before leaving AIESEC 6. Motion to alumni Do it according to tradition of your LC! Its better to announce results of exit interview. After exit interview