h .w avery,lowellledger.kdl.org/lowell journal/1874/10_october/10-14-1874.pdf · u^, urand...

LOWELL JOURNAL, PUDUCUCD WEEKLY, At L o f f d l , n i c h i p u t hy .J.VH. W. ILLNU. Tint MS <H.30 .1 YKAIt. cuiEm- in:voii:i) TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. 1^1 i-•••.•• . r'B'.zzams BUSINESS CABES. Jm. \\ r . Ulno, VTOTAUY rum.ii!. N w : v . a O F F I C E ^ H m r l n j 'loa 1 .* wiUi n'tlT** anJ OUpatcli. Fof,tor Mills. I AMna cot IllLlHU. I'lOfiUtcr. U.ll m |t «.t rnanlnsot'l'-rian-l >11 work '• irtstU 1 Uuilaoi wntk IH'TICKBIIJ' itlifll.'l. H. W. DfhlCO. i TTUBNKV 4 COUKSKtOi! .\t I.A .V . Solu;- A l u r a o J O'i'JU ; . in CMn.-err, N itf.raWi'. S OBlc*. mm Omr • nl i/f I. i". '.S.M;- H. , /AJ.OVVII, Uuh. O. II. houlc, » TTOnXKY AT LAW. Ki-Ui -I in MISbtcoiul A UollnlsunConrll bllou !«i to. I'timpt *!• tmilaa KlTrn lucoanjiiBciuj, colltclioni, an Ickta- c^ry boslntu. I'H- »«I't-hn li: ck, t->«tll, Jllcb Ur.T.U. Uirnt), I > BBIDENCE AND omtV; v m li, Bridje atrccts, UIi'j. OFFICE AY (llt.UlA .ir.S' UJ.OUK-M FLOOlt. • I Oak .iuJ Cbas. AUUon, D EAI.EKIn n»l<lj'n vln ClotMnic, Urnl'a Kurn- UUnK OooJ.. l!iU,Ca|i,te., Cuim-r »iui« vratiiile Hal RlrcrDti I- -, l.'ucll Ulct Wm. ruiicn, n EALEK In rtjlj-"-'» C'.jtlib:, Clotbi, Gcul i KumitMn; IU'-i. C; Hboei. C'lolh'.op cat -N 1 m.Jk in rullen'j block, 11 n lec i'.ro»t. J>1I. IU'.I, Caps '''T 1 " n,l > unlcr. Stoic in C. Q Stono 4: Co., D EALEKSlnllryOimbs HreMtin, Bool" "0 Ehoo,llat5andC•; •> CroeLfij.ic. Swio In Unhim'a Uloch, Lctrf U'cb. Chas. Wttors a. /MINIBUS LINK lo m i from trsitf.ln hot.ia and m I I pri fa"- bouiu, TbtbflHooinitauin tUfvUUn J^wnbT the beat Irani in tbcbaiiufs.. I.civd joar ordonit tbe Franklla Hoax or si rato'a offltf. jTbrton JMlo. S UROBOS.WIYS1CI.VS ai» AcwwUjBt. in Scott an J Wtf.l'i. Block "llli 1.. r . Poly. u.'aca corniT llrilg^ anl Sla. Dovomlorf ft Blain, D EALKBSln Fancy Dry <J .oJi,KlbboaiCar»ttln| u»tj, Cap* an! Notloai. Oppotlla Lo- wall National Bank. JoliQ Wllaou. A LL K1HD3 of BlacViniltbinc, bort«-AooH>|. Wa5"naaJcatrU<0 uoninjduna to oiikr. YOTiUMK X. OUHnATCU ' I) UM VIVTMUB, VIVA MVS." »1.50 I'Kit YEA U IN MiVANVU. LOWKTJ., MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14. 1874. N U M B E R 15. I^KMOVAL. DEARLTNG & BARNES HAVE UKMiKKJ) TO TIIK Hunter Shop on Monroe St., (Nunh nl (Jmliaiii's'lilouli) Whoiv ilu-v ir; prep uvil L.> ilo all kimlh ol BLACKSMITHING. J Y T E W J K W K I I U V S T O R E . G. B. B A LOOM, Huteetw lo /{A UOA/d-A/MOCKS Would it'pcellaUy eail tlicaliiutlcnof ibi'lclii- H'l.a of l.oVrll and flrlnll} lo Hie (act that li* lit" rn I.i nil Uii' 1-0*1 f-'l'OCK <>!•' WATCIII'-H, Aiiu lcii.. I I,. . aad : *.<• lloicm.al, I IM: tioui IIOISEIK imos. PLATKD WARK KTiroIfrird for >alr In L'jacll. J. M. MatUowaon, ktOT.VKY, Atloiiuy and H.dldlor. Will *i- In any of tbo Ulaloor Uoi- •VTi ^ Icni-.o batiae ti-J Statra Courts. Special all.alioa fiv.n lo ConTcjanclnj, Col- Itctlng aad Cbanccry lualuraa. OSce orcr u)w«ll National Uaaa, Lowrl!, Jllcbisaa. R Milton M. ivrry. LAL ESTAi'K. inannoco aaJCollftlloa ARfnl, Notarjaaa Ju«lur. Spcclal attention gH™ In rontcraacios anl eollc:llou«. OHco over N. I.' HcCarty'a alore, Lowell, Uliii. Pre. I'ocU & MoDaonoU- DbTtlclaniaailSurieoni,Office in Maaoalc Build* X inj,liO*«U,Jllcb. a. racc. 0.c.*fi)a»*«iJ-- Oluim ibnt 'Iicy CAN uml WILL SELL TIIKSAMK qUALfTYol gootlsclicaiv or timn nny o i l i e r j e w e l r y IIOBSC in the Stale, for the following; reasons: Tlioy buy oxcIuMively (or cash, which onalilos tho'ni W tnkc atlTiinlap! of the markets. Tiioy arc the oi.'.y Jewelry House in iheStiile that import!) their own pur- chases DIRECT through the Detroit CuStnm House, papinj? no commissions to New York Imporlnrs. Thuy buy directly of the manufactur- ers, thus saving to their customers the jibber's profit. Their Foreign Watches, French Clocks .Music Boxes mid Opera Glasses, are manufactured expressly for their trade, and are far styicrior to similar goods of- fered to the acnernltrade. I iiIai Lerji eomliinlly vii ha ml l/irlfsl Viu- , tin Slriinjs in the murlet. At CARRIAGE IRONING, ithm;/ hlmthn tohfj) up a good iloel of jooilffoo h, I tcould i/W'f retpxtlfuUy tolieil UODQET O L I f \ d HI O the jxitriinage vf nil who may leanI any- n u r c a c . S m U C J I V U thtnu in my lint, MUcing r Mn male U a n i( | an djfet to PA TRON 17.11 HOME. &ilieular alter.litm jxiitl lo All kinds Of Repairing R'P»IH»S HalrhPs Jewelry. All troth trarrnnlnl One I'mr, Done on short notice anil at hot- I o m figures. Call and see us in the Po»toffice. 6. 6. Balcom. a. a. M. K K'.UI.A!'. Coatiic.il.uu ul ll"oV»t CliAyUi No. TJ.at Ma,inic Hall, on tSViaewlay gvenlnja oaorbcforetbe lull ui^on in each montli. J. F. CUJW1NS, It. I*. K. A.ScanoilI*, See. Joliu Taylor. I KON FCIJ.SDBR anl Ii.inol.irtonr ol ratloaa kiaJa <f I'luwa. Ha. .-on, CultlratoM. S:ra- J.era, BoVWjb. as l all kin la or eaitln; to order 1..I..I1, Mich. Omnlbui Ijino. S HAW ft BCBUltK.-arry I'a.icn^er* toandl rom , the depot,or toaor yart of tbo town.daj and | nicbt. Loatejocrorler. »t tbe Uorrlaoa llouar.aad | riilolp the new ninolbut. W. J. Atkins AQroono, D KALBBSIa Agrieulioral linplemoota. Wealao aill toajastly ctlobiatcd l.umler U'agoua and | llujgiea nxannfaclutr.! l.y J. A. Adam* Broa. lloal- ae.a lilacrouc Juor Ki-;nl t'omUKce.l^iaaU. U.iUl dttiun'.or, D EALF.r.8 In Ui'J,«.i'. i, ii>loJlcio»t.rtrlooi«ry raiut».Oil«.k''. Mote at tbo oldilanduf J .B. Shear,Bridge .treat, I..i>rol!,Ulcb. •• • • • » i i •. i •' •'•••• * V. Fullor, D BAI.Ell In lijlil anl draught barnan, borae« dothinif, Mbnli'an'.eti. iflili', truaki elc , lUra Ult'i irwtanid it U. Fuller's opiiualle :QRAHD RAPros DIRECIOBY. Ed. U. Ulkinnn. O NLY one price Jcaelry E^'.abliabment In Oranil Itipl'li. DiauionJ', Walcbc., tllvir ard Mlver I'laled Ware. 31 final alreet. UAtiibun UOUHO. UNBOBSrREKT.ilU VXl)IIAI'IUS MICH. Mauufacturing Jewelers, DETROIT. M' \ . I!. Axnaui;!.!., rropnetur. Ueujamln A llnriua, A TTORNEY at Law, Ju:,;.- <.i rroiute, Nouty- Public.kJeuim'aloDi-r of Ueede, kc., lor New tk auu Wiacoa.in. I'. jbalr USue,Count) build u^, Urand llapiil.,Klcb. C. K U S T E R E R H 11 K W E U & M A L S T E 11 Citv B r o w e r v .1 R A N D R A P I D S , - MICH DRAUGHT LAGER. itituaa, miwicishs, c.ioaus R U B B E R P A I N T The Beat Paint in use. 'h Fou SALE ONLY i:v J. 0. WEST. VKUFVUEUY, SOl'IOSS, ETC. n OWK & WUITti 1 B Q 7 1 8 7 4 DIAMONDS, WATCHES, DIAMOND CJ-fiCTACLES, duvcr Plutod Bpoona and t'orUu, war. ranted for 10 yoart. STHIOrLY ONE PRICE-Tir oaf r , ^ire J,l*u ry'/huit in ll.i rllf. S5 Canal Slieet, (Irand Ilaplda. r.ii. II.DIKr.UAN A nouaa AND fOUll LOTS-For rale WV or to rial, block Nn. 1. l.owill. Wi («!lfor Til-) on tloa wiib pirt pajai r.l. or rent for one "oll»t a Wtck; ow inanlii'a r r,* i j be pa'.4 ju «il- rar,:5. Forlartbrr i ul'c^iati lo .nlre n| JAS. \Y. U|NK| PB'jUaljer JorMAL. fj^O WHOM IT MAYCONCEHN. Any pcraon arlllor " tiling la Ji.'.m Ilalthl any inloaical'ng OiuiLii .ilUr ll>U ilale, Mil! br pru.eculcil I lo tbe exliul ol tbe la" by 111- ui.d ra-eued. U. U WlLl.IA.Vd- MASUFArTUIlKBS AND DEAI.nnS IN BOOTS, SHOES, HUUHEHS. ETC. Special attenllnn fire 11" CUSTOM WORK And a Large and well selected Stock Constantly"" Hand. lAll Work "Warrantcfl BIUDUE STREET, LOWELL, MICH. A. J.HOWK, I . N . WHITE. ^yANTED.- miVF.RS FOB 1,OOOPLQVy§ mnrnu FOB 10 dog. Corn Cultivator*. IIUTEBH FOB lOtloz Double Shovel Plows. IH'VKHH FOB .H d o / . Single Shovel I'lowe. HUYfjUa . r t d o / , .lumpingShoVel I'lows. OUYRBB FOR 10 do/. Mil ford WheelCiiltiyntum DUYKKS FOR n.lozShiipes Wheel Cultivntors u v u s i w Fl»U I dozen Mowers, all of the liest ijualily and latest improvements. Call and see for yourselves. Aiii|||j|(itt'< Hluoii, Cor- ner Bridge uml Wiuililngton street*, fxiw- cll, Mich. H. N. TAYLOR, SalcKinan. pBODATB NOTIOE- Slale of M'cblgan.Couol) ol Kent } < •• Iia of the Probate •ourt l^r tbrConnt' boM.'nal llie Prubale uO.j lu tbe ell lla|iiil<,nn Wadn'-'day, tlir ar'-oll; tlty o In till' v ur Qne J'liuUfiol eklil blliiilteif ami •'inn ij-four. ' Pretenl, Benjam'n A. Ua'lar., Ju>l(a ol rmleto. In tbe niatUi of tbe .-iim u' Jxaci lUrmon, deceaaeil, on n»!lDiaDil flllig lb. pitllUn, duly teriBeit.of llcnoia llartnon, w:ilow ol the aard dweaaed, oftbe Tnwub'pol Pana, in uid caualy, prayiof aooai otbui tbing. that adaiinialiatlea of aaid eatate may l»- Ktaaled to Mm. Thereupon it U orlend. That Uond.y, the fecoad day ol Nureral cr nexl, at ti-n o'clock lu the forunoup, lw auigntd wr Ibo, Mrlng tt mti fHlllcm, and t u t I lie bolr< at law nl- Mid iltrened. and all ulbcr p .raona inter«led In «ild f.tale. are requited to urpearal a.r^inn of .aid Coiiit'lhct) lobe holder, at tbe Prolai. ifice iu ••h- City ol (jiand IJapIdi.lp In Connectlou with the Blacksmith shoji is a first class CARRIAGE SHOP Where all kinds of new work ami re- pairing will lie dono promptly and uatis- (actorily. We propose to do our work so as to merit a coiitinuance of t h a t IIIMTAI pat- ronage we have received in the past. DEARMNG A UAUNES. H. W. AVERY, OKALKH IN F r e s h M o a t s , Poultry, Oysters ' T MI M.I KIND" 01 (1AVK IN KKAM'S O/i R I I I-AII'FUII ti.i.KiNnsoy Life Slork, Sail IVk. Ilidt^ Pelts &(' C.ntral liirkrl, PriJje Rlrret. n . tv. Avti.v Lui.ll, July, Irwlli. S O T i d i l . CLOSING OUT SALE! In onVr lo mike ti.cni for tbv etfCllon of a Dew •hop, 1 oOrr my enlii,- «tcck of ni'VUIES AM) SPDI.\U VACORSI AT ORKATI.Y ItEDfCKD PRICES. Ni.w I. tlii* Iime forbirgalnn. ARTHUR WOOD. &ui1 37 VTalcrl'^o St., UrtnU Kaplds. BUSINESS "LOCALS. , Paints and Oils at West's. Finest Cigura at West's. Drugs and Medicines at West's. See Star Clothing House Advertise- ment. Prairie Com Sheller for sale by At- kins i l ; Greene. Thf iic t Cignr? at West's Drug store. N. I'..- Money to loan on good Real K'•title socurlly. Myron H. Norton. Cull Mul • e that Mower for sale by .Inliii 'I'liylor, corner Ilrldge and Wanh- ington streets, Lowell Mich. Call: ' sec those Milford Cultivators before buying others. Sold by John Taylor, corner of Itridgc and Washing- ton streets. Wall Paper and Window Shadesjtt West's. At J . C. West's drug store may be found the liest ten cent cigar ever of- fered for sale in Lowell. Subcribb now. About time to announce a chnrch so- cial somewhere. "A I'aricut" talks to J. W. L. this week. Don't get excited now. The Lowell National Hank Statement reads well. Hon. M. 1). Wilbcr is announced to speak in Lowell on Wednesday, Oct. 21. Hen. Green is now prepared to "keel over" Mid sweep chimneys. There arc 713 students in the Slate Prison now. The courts grind slowly tmd then ad- journ. Beautiful October weather, but not so mild as it might be. The forests are tinged with those beautiful tints that that fellow spoke of last fall, just before he died. To see both sides of a man, send him around to solicit subscriptions to a book, and then send him around ag.tin iu a few weeks to deliver and collect. The Union School is in u very prosper- ous condition. Many large students in attondancc this term. The L. S. & M. 8. freight depot at Grand Rapids was burned Sunday night and nearly $10,000 worth of property destroyed. Another touching narrative on how Charley Ross wasn't found In Canada has been related. The detectives were fooled again. Rev. L. F. Waldo, of Pentwater, for- merly of Lowell, preached at Grand liapids last Habbath. Political meetings at Fallassburgh and Bowne Center Friday evening. Good speakers will be present. Miss Sarah Hush of Ml. Vernon,hung herself to n tree in the woods one day last week. To-night Joe Jeflersou takes a twenty years' "nooning'' at the Grand Rapids Opera House. The Republicans of the lOth Senator- Get |ob work now. We learn from our Democratic ex- changes that nenrly every Republican nominee for tho Slate lA-gishtlure is go- in j to be defeated in November. Hut we think a man may exp-oss some doubt about ihiil and still remain just as good a ehristian as ever. Rev. E. R. Stiles, of Manchester, Iowa, formerly pastor of the Lowell Congregaliofial church, arrived here Saturday night and reiaained until yes- terday. Ho occupied the pulpil at the Congregational church, morning and evening, on Sunday, and interested the congregations with excellent sermons. Tlie Ionia Pentinel gives an interesting description of an Ionia County farm, owned by N. H. Hayes of North Plains. The farm Consists of 1050Jacres, 800 acres improved. Mr. H. raised this season 4,500 bushels of wheat, 2,500 bushels of oats, and "cropped" 200 tons of hay and 75 acres of corn. All who have subscribed to the Con- gregational Church Society fund, are respectfully requested to hand in their subscriptions to E. A. Sundcrlin, Treas- urer of the society. Sundcrlin will be found at the Lowell National Bank. This invitation includes till who have subscribed. The Lansing Republican speaks of a young lady 19 years old, who never en- tered a dry goods store or rode on the cars until last week. That's pretty good but the item would have bwn suppressed if the Republican had known a young lady in Lowell, who, previous to her 10th birth-day had never seen the front door of a millinery festablishment, or dropped her handkerchief on the side walk when there was u young man be- hind her. SOME ON TUP. HUSK.—William Warner of Bowne, husked One hundred and tire bushels of corn for Moses Livingston, in one day, commencing at daybreak and quitting ha'/ an hour before sundown; and by doing this he husked $5.00 out ial district have nominated Asa K. War- of Ja!) Ut , nm . a that being ren, Esq., for State Senator. j tIle up for him lo win <)r The Jackson Mutuals heal the Grand lose. Moses and liis boys measured the Rapids Athletics, 10 to 0. Let's sec; com and their wird fur it is as good as what county is Grand Rapids in( the vlieat. Warner may go to the The residence of A. Dart, Greenville, ' R ' a '' - was burned on the 7lh itml. 000, with $1,200 insurance. Loss, fJ- Advertise now. NICKTHINO TO LB AN EDITOR."— Thi.i is a quotation, you obsi rve. Prob- ly nil wiio are not editors have made this remark, each giving himself credit for saying something original ant! mill- er cute. Editors have so many privi- leges that others don't have. Free tick- ets to lectures and the circus; invilu lions to dinners, and stacks of vegeta- bles and wedding-cake. "Nice thing to be an editor." He publishes a two-dollar notice for a "com- plimentary" to a twenty-live cent show, and goes in without pAying n red. He publishes d.alh notices free and is re- quested to write up a touching obituary at the same price and throw in a few ex- tra copies of the paper. He goes out upon tho strcot to collect a dollar and a half to swell his bunk deposit, and is hauled one side by Jones, to examine "tho best invention iu the way of a rat trap that ho ever sot eyes on." He takes a cigar at Jones' expense, and, next week, if tho paper doesn't contain a J OWEM. NATIONAI. BANK, Of Lowell, Michigan. CAPITA I .f1M,(iuv. SURPLUS ( H.coo. oi HECTORS; W. W. IIATCII, E. J. Boorn, IL A. Rici:, C. R. HIM-, A, S. STANSARD, M . N . HINK, C . T . WOODINO, JOHN GILES, 11. M . CLARK. InluruMt pnltl on licpoHlla. W-W HATOIf, I W l e n t . K. J . BOOTH. V Prea- II. U.CLARK,Cakhler. OOVEUKOU U AO L E V HAflDB. AT OHAND The Republican meeting at Grand Rapids on the 7lh inst., was a "rouser." Addresses were made by Governor Hag- ley, Senator Chandler and Represcnta- tive A\ illiams. The Eagle gives uu in- teresting report of the speeches, mid from Governor liagley's address we re- publisli the following, which will be In- teresting to Hi jiiiblicuns, because it shows soineihing of what has been done iu this Stale under Uei>ubiican rule, and inter- '.aling to all clu-'ses, becanso it shows that Michigan has done well, "anyway." "In twenty years under Republican ad mi nisi nil iou $7,507,000 have been de- voted for institutions of jcarning, the care of the insane, the deaf and dumb and the blind, and the criminHl classes, while their predecessors, forgetting their duty to the Statu and the unfortunate, never gave one-seventh part of that sum for thoso noble purposes. And while ^ ^ ^ ^ thus doing iu full duty In great thing# blazln' notice oVThat rat trap, "the editor * 1,114 u o 1 U , ' n " mnInilfu! oflelBer R P Q T A I I D A I U T ' ' iuvt :l '' l,ntc< ' •pBtBtity I )Ur e vac- I y ( ,i iu . v i rUH) non-humanized, direct from Union Ulock, l/»well. Mich , (OPPUSITI: Tin. niA.vKUN Uein. ) S . A . MuKKISON Co I'rops, Krerylhin-j new. Dining lltdl hryt the heifer. Dr. J. O. Edie. Call and toe the farmer's liest friend in time of need, Slmpe's Wheel Cultivator. Sold by John Taylor, enrner Bridge and Washington streets. HE YOUR OWN PIIYHICIAN.—There is and Conor nit 1.1. no case of Dyspepsia that Green's August Itill ol Fun tompltlv, and terms rcMonablf Klowt ' r wlU " ot curi - C ' om1, W ,,u: Dru B Store of Wooding & Look and inquire Rooms Furnished alioutit. If you suffer from costiveness, in in.: ri».-i.,!e inr ti.e a-con mi Jatien 11 Cu^'i : sick headache, sour stomach, indigestion ,, , ,1, .-a . liver eomidaint, dentngeiiienl of the sys- Good h o i u p l e UQOIQS u,r AgvnU ^ Twuur .IMC DO^-s wi,, ^ PROF. GORDON.—Tho M. E. Church was well filled last Friday evening, but A few invited couples will proceed to 1 there seemed to be a holding bark Train's Hall on Friday evening and among the niusieal people when steps keep lime lo Howe and Wordcn. were taken to organize a singing class, TheC'immon Council met Thursday tl,ut wus more surpiising than commend- evening lust, and extended the time for "''l 1 '- Prof. Gordon is one of the best payment of village taxes thirty days. I teachers of vocal music in the West, Win. H. Myers, of Court html, is the aIulJ ' U ltrms ar s0 enable that Democratic nominee for State Represen- n0 " 0 nccd without ^ ll " l » ical in - lative in the fourth district of this slructiou - A committee was appointed county. 1 10 names and report this Wedncs- Amimu* T,,I, I .1.1, 1 ,LTT Y ovo ning at the same place. Prof. Andrew Johnson denies that heisit , ... Z a" zr" 10 i f - -•« " •« •» sing improve this opportunity. The re- piired number of names (100; ought to •>n t h e list to-night. will go to if ho follows JoiuV in- structions. He is expected to contribute lilicrally to all elmritable and benevolent institu- tions, put his name down lirst to all the "We tho undersigneds" ami start the list for every book agent that "don't want to interrupt you sir, but"— He is requested to print a few bills for this meeting and that caucus, and some poetry for a poor blind man, and receive Heaven's blessing "until he is better paid." He must explain to Brown the diUcr- ence between the White Leaguers and the Kit Klux, reply to Skinner's inter- rogatory concerning northern lights, list- en to un old bubscribcr's story of how his son John killed an ugly hull, and til the same time stop tho devil's cry for "copy." And ho must have his paper out on time every week, sick or well. A. W. S. A.—The Annual Meeting of tho American Woman SulTrago Associa- tion, will tB«e place in Detroit, Tuesday, and Wednesday, October K, and M, and will be an occasion of great importuueo. A full attendance of the friends of suf- frage from all parts of the country is earnestly desired. important needs. "The Geological Survey" of the State has been conducted and its results pub- lished. A "Fish Commission" has been estab- lished, and our mlaud waters largely stocked with fish. Large improvements have been made iu the St. Mary's Falls Ship Canal; tollu upon it have been largely reduced for the benefit of our ship-owners. A liberal bounty was paid to cstabliah the manufacture of suit, now one of our leading products. The State Library has been fostered and cared for, so that to-day it is one of the best of it.i kind iu the Union, hav- ing over l'i,0iH volumes oa its shelves, valued at ?1I5,0(K), w h i l e in 1854 il only had 0,500 volumes, valued at $14,000. The Slate Militia has been thoroughly organized, equipped and uniformed, and is a credit to the Statu and its niembun. The new Capitol Huiidisg is progres- sing rapidly, $407,807 having been el- ponded on it up to this time, and not a dollar of debt created for il. When tho Coal of Arms of the Statu is placed in its rotunda, the golden mot- to "Pay an yo.i go" can bu added lo it, asja rule for the guiduice of future rulers and people. We have reduced the bonded indebt- What a misfortune it is to l>e men- tally ambitious and physically lazy— j when there's a big pile of wood to be carried up stairs. ; PSYCHOMANCY.—A s p i r i t u a l m o d i u m , a Joint Williams Rapids, Thursday evening, and at Ionia | l ' ,c l"" 1 ' ,ni ' present of individmtls with Friday Evening, this week. , astonishing accuracy, has bton stopping Mrs. Lottie Parrish has taken an iu- i in ! llis vill "''' u u fcw (lu J' a I m8t ut "'c terest In the millinery business formerly rc ''"| ( - ,nco E. R. Huxley. This counducted by Mrs. C. B. Parrish. The " uu " 11 "' ""milton, and new slgu reads Mrs. C. B. Parrish ilk Co. ' a s n l ,s y c ' ,0, " a ncical reader she is well known iu spiritual circles, far and near. Several of our citizens have had their The evening sessions will be devoted to iiddresscs by numerous speakers of cdness of the Stale very largely, in spilo national reputation. The headquarters of the increase during the years of thy of delegates will lie at the Biddlo House rebellion. where they will be met by a Committee | The Slate debt in 1854 was |2,031,640, of Reception appointed by the Woman , iu 1800, $3,1)711,000, while to-day it is Suffrage Society of Detroit, who will, $1,080,202, being less than it ever was so far us possible, provide r.ccommoda- since 1888, and showirg a reduction lions for the speakers. s i ncc 1 8 5 1 o f |M1,258. Among the speakers expected from abroad, in addition to many eininent friends in Michigan, are Mrs. Julia Ward We have paid for interest upon the Stale debt from Nov. U0, 1854, to Sept. 30, 1873, $3,158,3.0, the largest amount ned up stairs. ; PSYCHOMANCV.—A s p i r i t u a l m e d i u m , a '" , tuzaoetu K. Churchill, and" wi oint discussion between Hon. W. H. remarkably peculiar in her ways, to i |' ^' 101 ." a8 ' Elliott i«iii 1., llitms and M. D. Wilbcr, at Grand ; tllc nninitiatcd, insomudi us she "reads j j a IIlH | li! " un ' Caroline A. Sonic,' [)0fXt u | aids, Thunslav eveninir. and at Ionia the past and present of indiridnals with 1 J - "' ull(1 others. ( | 1C , K1| ••past and present" pictured to them Somelxxly went into the Comma Full- ing Mill one day last week, and when he went out the proprietor, were $400 , |(J, Mr , ],. m , l l u n w i t l l iUch BCCU ui , poorer, Hetter slop that kind of Full- ,1 . , . . . nutvrn end of Union Block, with a'l 1 remedy in the United States that con- ing. | to cause them to wonder mid inquire '** 1 1 1 "how is it donei" She reads the future H A VINO opt I nl n Holer UfUnurAiii in Hove you. Ague Conqueror is the only nutern end of Union lllocl:, with a'l remedy in the United Stales that coil-. l i u l r i e j l n ^ i i ' w r ^ u ^ t l e ^ m W l c ' i h a l ! ,ail1 * Quinino.Ars..ul,-, or other H-1 T|ll . M. vi . ntll t . ongr ,^ ion>1 diitnct of! of her subjects as well the past- It ilmll lie ro rouJueled nj to deserve llic mod son injurious lo the system, that will k. ,. ® 1 '' llbetal pairooar. cure fever and ague, intennittent or bil- * }" ^ "J tenth time will lell how accurately. ^xqWll.! S. I. MORRISON * CO ion. fevers, etc.. and the chills not re-1 * * tWntL of N ' V C,l J' 1 turn during the season. It IK-minnently T)EiouroF THE COXniTlON OF THEI.OIV IV 'II NiitinnnI Unnk. at iu lh« Hl«t0 o fitahlwn.ul Ihr rlom. ul hutltir.., Oct. S, IUTI IlESOUUCBS. Lnanalt lll.eouiita, Oreidrana, U. .1. Bond, to Mcure Ciiculalien. t". S. Donda to .ecnr* i-'epo.ili U. S Ronda on ban I Oi h»r aioeka, llond. and Mo: U' J £r» line horn ttedmnlog a Rearrrr a|eul>, •• •• other Naiional Hani., " " Hula llankaaad Banker', Reil dale, luiuituir, mid fl.lurea. Cum nl ripenna and lau'J pod, Pivuiluui. paid, Cbtcka and other ca>b llenn, Eicbaetea lor ele*rlnclioua« Bill* of other National llaoka, lllllaaf flalellauka FractHinalCurrenei (Ihiludinf Niikle-.] Specie(includlnic(ulJTn ituij out. l^/al Tender {(iilra. L' S, ttillRra'.ra of ibpom luf k jal trlld<l Cliarog'tiot,w eerliflcaiia. 'PuTll. LIA01LITIK8. Capital S loct paid lu, Suiplu. Pund. (HI11 r UDdi.i'itd pt»BI> Nalloul Bank Nolea iiutalaniliiiic. Slate luck n-ilea out.landing. INiplenila unici l Indltldiial depo.lla, Hetaaud Cerllflcali afllcpnil. Time .ertibealei o( ' Cerlinnl illVcla. Caalaler'a cbc U •.i.im.Jlne tlnllidMa'eidepiii la'' HetM.II. of U. n ibaliiir.ln^ ollici ik llue (oo'lief h'allonal ll.tk.. Hue lo Stale llauka aa I Unki r.. cures fever and ague of long standing. G. G. OiiF.kJN. An alderman is almost as big us a cou- greuman. "It never lalus but it pours." Seven , of our business men danccd around a titers U : NOTICE.—' take this melhutl lo Inform load of « heal one day Iwt week, but mw " I S ! 'f*' 11 , 0 "' 1 l,u,t 11 t h e Wheal belonged to " another man " iu. usual. have ojicncd it shoe sliop one door west 11,411 N ' Scott's hardware store where I ^ J® ' will lie found al all businesii hours, ready iliiu w al "' w '"' n K to wait upon those who see 1,91s 201 fit l o honor me with their patronage. t,tn a Further more, I claini 1 can make a liet- Mn. EDITOR.—J. W. L. is a decided hit. I have lieen entertained "muchly'' by his contributions, especially the last, "Com- mand thy child." Every parent ought to cut that out and paste il iu his hat for future reference, then the 1 ruining of his progeny would be juit aj lanj at lyitq. I lake it that J. W. L, iniut have had ex- Hull 4 Ramsdell have closed out, and l>crienee; lliat Lo must be the fulherof Howe, Hon. John Whitehead, Mary A. ! paid iu any one year being §214,080 in Livennore, Gen. A. C. Voris, Abba G . ' 16C0. Wooteon, Henry 15. Blnckwell, Lucy | The rcductien in the Stale debt has re- Stone, Hon. J. H. Bradwell, Mary F. duced the annual interest to $117,700 in Eastman, Bishop Gilbert Haven, 1). D., l«73, and to about $110,000 in 1874. Margaret W. Campliell, Martha C. Cnl ; In addition to all this, we did our full lahiin, Margaret \. Longley, Hev. Phcbe share toward putting down the rebellion, A. Hennaford, Elizabeth Iv. Churchill, and" were compelled to borrow, from 1800, $1,030,078 for this pur- all of which lias been paid except bonds due in 1800, $300,000, and TURN OUT. —To-morro*- (Thursday) I'''ESE we would pay to-day could wo in- eveuing, a Republican meeting will be ducc the holders to piesent them for pay- held ut Trains' Hull in this village. ment. Goo<l speukers will be present, among | While we have made this good use of whom, we are informed by Chairman the public tm neys, wise legislation and Holden, will bo the Hon. 8. 1). Clay of careful collcetiou have largely lucrsased Grand Rapids, one of the most power- the revenues of the Slate from exlrane- ful 8|>eakers in the State. Theni>incsof "ustources. The receipts frcm specilic the other speakers we have not learned, taxes on corporations of different kinds -Mr. Holden, the nexl Secretary of State, for the terms mentioned have been: will probably In: preient. And the Flrejiujicu^ii'g.-Oiembcr&MUi.-—M»,eii» "poster" cordially invites all to utlend " " ~ "who love freedom, education, equal ^ - '• ^Wr-'SiZZ ! & rights and exact justice to men of ull mt a„if r ,K-ji 1 .1 1 , . And for lb74 ulone they will bo over lions mid colors; who are opposed to 1 1 , , $000,000. Perhaps one of the most us- corrupl barguin uad sale in iwlilicidctm- , . , . 1 , , , ventiona; who ,.re unwilling lo surren- T ? •ler the results of the war to Hie tender 10 j* 1 " ^ ^ ""T* i,mrf.toa ..r .1... _.i ,. 1 Ior interest on State deposits and fees mercies of those who sought to over- , ... . . . ,, . ' throw the government, by 1..1 anue.1 re- r0m T ' "! t0 . ' Ullion, and who rejoice at the preen! ' U ^ ^ ^ •teadv reduction of the na.i.Jl .1. M , ^ *f3 or an average of $73 per uiinum, ^hile the receiptu from the lo 1878, being un iivcrage of difference of Do not thine facts show a fidelity ami Mmn. Deurling & Ikraes have re- ,ion of lh « ''U natural inclination ^ 11,0 reipnnsibllity of extendiug lo moved to the ••Hunter shop" on Monivf : ^ ,0 lmv0 ,,i, ' own wa >-" That aantemc , " ) m ^ ,rl ' hl '"J"" 1011 J un ' 1 tare of the public interesl. on the i^rt ol strec-t, and their" new advertisement in " "• u ' 1 - wi^H) the uord -in. HC > " U l,,iuk Republican Legislature, and Republicmu this week's JOURNAL tells you what they dicrelion." "Parents ouglit to consider are prepared lo do for the people, these things and endeuvoi lo trad their i out It. GOOD KNOUOH.- a.ssito ter chuis of fine l«ioi» and shoe-ihun any to, TO onc , ' , ' H l'! ,c " f lm«illCMili Lowell, and • Mo 00 i ' n '" "^"'l' 1 a "y challenge In workman- t.iuu w ship from any of them who think lo the ( contrary. I will not be excelled in quul- |soo,(cs M | it Y of work or slock. Give me atrial j and I will give you ample proof thut I ''kSoo to 1 c aii do all Ihut J advertise. Repairing j " ,on y street* iu ibis villug SI < of all kinds neatlv done 1 tl)a| need repairing, Will the Marnhal , , , , - ^ . - ||u«Aku awblearound and see how many limes " f thclri.hman who^wa. boundlo ^lave the Une, and •«.Iko progrcas that is be u . he can step through without breaking a 1 ^" C f 1 , ., "fc' 1 ' 1 l " r "c Th( - U ing iiwde upon each of the three con- hve.v iKiaon, man. woman, Iniy, o r ; 1 « ^ j the idea that if a parent threateus to j You would then see that it is Work upon the new There are many places in many -iide-. l ,|ll ' lrC 1 " ""'"b' 1 ' l,u '>' havt ' Ruil Road is now a reality and no longer slks on inimy streets lu Ibis village '.pi"'! ,! l,IL ' Mrou K'l | 'nil of e.xnpuliivn:' imagination, us one will I* convinced si t • cllj) girl, shoidd send ul once for onc of th« ! i lc K' (me italics lire mine.) T h a t reminds mo by taking 0 trip from here aouth over Kole. and bill, i Bllla pi)able. 1 .iLrouatcJ, Excelsior Slalionery PackeU, containing 1 '"••e senatorial figdit in Montcahn umT t | mt j )nrul , t t c .|| a iiKhl'lie''I «<« mav I Nole Paper, Envelopes, Pen Holder, 1 '"nia counties waxes wann. E. D. Finch who will l^ievo auoh trash iu. Uml 1' into Uwell " j Pencil, Pens, Hlunk Book, Hlotler, Pho-1 Slunton, the I rohibition nominee, it Wi ,i j t w j,. 1)ltai0 nuike a code of; veljnir.o.ita lOgrnpliH of 100 beautiful LadleJ, Tooth | vul1 "'raw a heavy- vo.lv i»^u laws lo save us parents the trouble? Borne jn.' s.-rloi, t Pieks, Perfume Suchel, Chinese Puzzle, 1 Mil£,,c, . the Re|^mi w nominee. Finch and a fine piece of Ladies' or 0 W ^ j .. 11. ciaib, caabTer 'of "tbe abiTe "niuiid barfk^do TrnlVUge. Hriee, ,.0.1-; A match gome of liase boll U-tween air of Kern a.iiemuiy .wear that the abure cutemcat h-true j DBHl, S|U uenis, or il for $1. Agent. ' I ho Athletics of Grand Rapids and the ilrullirand to tbebeat Of my LnouledteanJti'lWf. . . . 11 1 -f 0.1ob.r. . , n«» A W.CcaM.Oa.bler. WUIlled, AtlllrOM, . . . f (t.lxra il.&.l in>l a a a. I ., I... I . - .1 1 . •<! I 1 n.Cjunly of Ken of tbe abi.re mued bank, do 1 Uikciibed and aapru I ul Oil., 1)71 Coirctl- atltal: :• Imlorc MO ilii. Ub JIT K. A. Sriivs>i.l>, Notary Public. 1 Eaton Rapids club for u purse of $100, MARTIN S. IIINE.: WU. W. HATCH, HARVEY A. ll I UK J Uuuvy lo Inaii oil good real yatale se- j eurfiy." Enquire "( M. M Perry, Low. i Vjl, Mitdi, 11 If. ! ^bHEl ACME! ACME I—A cigar that \vill suit all who can tell a good from n no lice 10 iu. praina laUrealol in a i d eaiale, of lb. 1 P 00 " U " e - ^dedlj the liest III lllurket. priiocLcy of Mid p-Uii-n, aud tbe beano; ibirrof. .Several thousand jiiht received ut West's i . caunngacopr ol ihia oidtr lo be publl.bed In I , . . . . . . . I latins lain Count j, aiuj alioif i-iUip. If ^|)y tMta (e, why I he piajer of Ibji pcUllouer -lie, aid not be framed AndII la fid. r/ ordered, ibal .aiil pelifioter II*| J. CAIITY HURROW, ; was played at loniu on the Oth, ti^4lv 310 Hurmony St., Philudelphia, Pa. ; ing iu fuvor ol the ^uiyu Maiiid* club; j the sc^y. standing 17 t o 10, Th c wiK" ui Mr. W. S. George of the tiluto Republican, died ul Denver, Cole- i redo, on the 3d inst., of cynaumptlon Now Advct-.^'noiitcntr. Prooau Order—Katie J. Haimnu Probale Order—K-f.U VI s. IJJU.. Ill.rkimitblnj -lit ulu i li n,i Sheriff BaU— braiuabrat, and doe, not doil.tlml I powlble that ere one year lolls i.ruand Dec t h e iron ho, u kieambig from llic south. New de- hhovf thut i hoy are becoin- . , i ' n g seriovudy Interested for conneclloa of us are young, and need the experi-1 ^ mttom tW o different interests in encoofUie ; .i lM /io p,ov«il ot lr ui^Ug tho ^utb. Hence our rtockholder. fatal mistakes. His Jmi .yalewe u a L.onld re^nd promptly. M "stunner: ^lu^efdesiruotlon often | The above U what Col. Merrill, the Uos iu i U reverse-." 1 auppwe that j Myt> autl hc u tlle ri |lt weau-i when tho parent rrtenm tho child 1 over nl* knee for convenience in enforc- ing those laws. Give us some more, J. W. L. and ob- ollkials worthy of our heurtie.t com- meiidutionsf In regard to Legislative expenditure., Michigan i.i much more economical than several of her sister Stutes of similureir- cumslunces. 1 will only detain you u illi one or two illustrutiuus of tho truth of this assertion, Tnu ex^ienuo of tho last regular session of '.lie Legislature of Iowa was $134,000, ol Missouri $101,000, ol Wiscon in $112,000, of Ohio $120,000, of lliinoii V'Vi7,000, of Miehigan $.0,- 000, and il was the longest suosion ever held m the Stale i;t llmt. You «ill tlmi the same dillerenee running ihruugli tbv public exiiemliturc in e\ery branch oi the State service, asylums, prisons mid This habit ol economy j'«:vadt» Rbcrllt Stfe-PoMpinemcnt -SKvim.u erii'l. Hank BUlcm-nl. l.ocal-J.C lljrroa. JO UllNA L J 0 ri'JN OS. A PARIENT. There is trouble again at postal head- j rci "-'ntativi,jj to s|ieak. Stockholders, let ui give j our enlire >y«teiii. them ^10 rest until the work is done. j Lis; of Letters remaiaiBg in tho Post Hon. C. M. Croswell, the ia< »v.-ul a b l e Oflice at Low Jl, Kent Co. Mich., Oct., speaker of the Micbi^uu House of Hep-1 14" resentatlvca Wu been renominated. i , LADIES IIST—Mrs Henmin Rradley, Mrs. tleorge wa« u wont estimable lady, ! quarters. Postage on papers must j A well dressed gentlcniau addressed a ' Mi-> Al.ii v L llapomaii, Mrs J W Jolin' ' ftlld iwves a largo circle of friends to l' rc -p®id by publishers •.im Jan. 1st, " small boy on Hridge street in j mourn her departure. i 1875—so mi this >u'-. Ana MeMann, Miss Nuney Parolt, pui jtound—and Congress wise—"Well, bub, hadn't you Vwu-ri ^L'sr—Juuies It Field, DN Hu- Bay City has had another fire uml Oiu-toraDd Hirer Conference of Congre gational Ministers uml Churches, held at .. vs V1V|>U« t u t u . ] -W.v uuu VUU^rOB " ""v— ".v.., .'Mi/, isavju i JUU j 1 \\ J ' ? . Meura. John Wilaor md i Wi^h f 0 , , K r uu >' ^ fcr posUmuUn. run home an.llell your tapl^r .h. v.ants 11' ^ j umv ' Mr - rere cho er. deletalc* '.o iKc nieelin'" of ^ lo "P- Let the pub- youl" And --U fcoy rep lie. I in Hits FOREION Lm-K Knovihuiun. Mia Lui-Wraat! rtiver Conferenee of ConL-1 ^ ^ ^ M l '»' | B , t you HI- , Mira Snow. ^ 1 - •— - - 1 Persons culling for tlu-su letter, will K-r git one sidef you stand right j I cau.iuftcopr ol ihia oidtr lo be publi.bed In , , fl^. .. I i 1 ^ t.:, .. 1! . lui UeelNou nal.a iMwapaper prrnled and drea drugstore. \ \ CSt llllS IllgO tile best cheap uril llll ItllpKIs IS gill 111^ l!i..aui.O»l. ganuiiai-niinisiers ami UnUrCIlOB, lielil at I Till. T. 1..,. II 1 , 1 . 1 r 1 . . . I I 1 . n a t ' l cigar you ever .moked. Five foraquar-, Unlleei.^ saloon koe,^rs in Grand , Ada this week, commencing Tuesday ! JaTtv W,,tru ' ,,,mW '' One of | pleaae ^ say "advert^" and give the At:u 1 t^py. lllN A C»« I tcr-they sell for, ul West's drug store | Rapids have u lough lime of it 1 : - ' ' evening and clouug un Thursday. , p e ^ i y r l h c 000 for incidcntul ex-i them got one side, but it wasn't the j date of this notice. A. M. ELSTTCKTU, p . M.

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L O W E L L J O U R N A L ,


At L o f f d l , n i c h i p u t hy

. J . V H . W . I L L N U .

Tint MS < H . 3 0 .1 YKAIt.

cu iEm- in:voii:i) TO

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. 1^1 i-•••.•• . r'B'.zzams


J m . \ \ r . Ulno, VTOTAUY r u m . i i ! . N w - « : v . a O F F I C E ^

H m r l n j 'loa1.* wiUi n'tlT** anJ OUpatcli.

Fof,tor Mills.

IAMna cot IllLlHU. I'lOfiUtcr. U.ll m |t «.t rnanlnsot'l'-rian-l >11 work '• irtstU 1

Uuilaoi wntk IH'TICKBIIJ' itlifll.'l.

H. W . DfhlCO. i TTUBNKV 4 COUKSKtOi! .\t I.A .V . Solu;-

A l u r a o J O'i'JU ; . in CMn.-err, N itf.raWi'. S OBlc*. mm Omr • nl i/f I. i". '.S.M;- H. , /AJ.OVVII, Uuh.

O. II. houlc, » TTOnXKY AT LAW. Ki-Ui -I in MISbtcoiul

A UollnlsunConrll bllou !«i to. I'timpt *!• tmilaa KlTrn lucoanjiiBciuj, colltclioni, an Ickta-c^ry boslntu. I'H- »«I't-hn li: ck, t->«tll, Jllcb

Ur .T .U . Uirnt), I > BBIDENCE AND omtV; v m l i , Bridje atrccts, UIi'j.

OFFICE AY (llt.UlA .ir.S' UJ.OUK-M FLOOlt.

• I Oak .iuJ

Cbas. AUUon,

DEAI.EKIn n»l<lj'n vln ClotMnic, Urnl'a Kurn-UUnK OooJ.. l!iU,Ca|i,te., Cuim-r »iui«

vratiiile Hal RlrcrDti I- -, l.'ucll Ulct

Wm. r u i i c n ,

nEALEK In r t j l j - " - '» C'.jtlib:, Clotbi, Gcul i KumitMn; IU'-i. C;

Hboei. C'lolh'.op cat -N 1 m.Jk in rullen'j block, 11 n lec i'.ro»t.

J>1I. IU' .I , C a p s ' ' ' T 1 " n , l > unlcr. Stoic in

C. Q Stono 4: Co.,

DEALEKSlnllryOimbs HreMtin, Bool" " 0 Ehoo,llat5andC•; •> CroeLfij.ic. Swio In

Unhim'a Uloch, Lctrf U'cb.

Chas. W t t o r s a. /MINIBUS LINK lo m i from trsitf.ln hot.ia and

m I I pri fa"- bouiu, TbtbflHooinitauin tUfvUUn J^wnbT the beat Irani in tbcbaiiufs.. I.civd joar ordonit tbe Franklla Hoax or si rato'a offltf.

j T b r t o n JMlo.

SUROBOS.WIYS1CI.VS ai» AcwwUjBt. in Scott an J Wtf.l'i. Block "llli 1.. r . Poly.

u.'aca corniT llrilg^ anl Sla.

Dovomlorf ft Blain,

DEALKBSln Fancy Dry <J .oJi,KlbboaiCar»ttln| u»tj, Cap* an! Notloai. Oppotlla Lo-

wall National Bank.

JoliQ Wllaou.

ALL K1HD3 of BlacViniltbinc, bort«-AooH>|. Wa5"naaJcatrU<0 uoninjduna to oiikr.

Y O T i U M K X .

O U H n A T C U



I ^ K M O V A L .

D E A R L T N G & B A R N E S


Hunter Shop on Monroe St., ( N u n h nl ( Jml i a i i i ' s ' l i l ou l i )

W h o i v ilu-v i r ; p r e p uv i l L.> ilo al l

kimlh ol


J Y T E W J K W K I I U V S T O R E .

G. B. B A LOOM, Huteetw lo

/ { A U O A / d - A / M O C K S

Would it'pcellaUy eail tlicaliiutlcnof ibi'lclii-H'l.a of l.oVrll and flrlnll} lo Hie (act

that li* lit" rn I.i nil Uii' 1-0*1

f - ' l ' O C K <>!•' W A T C I I I ' - H , Aiiu lcii.. I I,. . aad : *.<• lloicm.al,

I IM: tioui

I I O I S E I K imos. P L A T K D W A R K

KTiroIfrird for >alr In L'jacll.

J . M. MatUowaon, ktOT.VKY, Atloiiuy and H.dldlor. Will *i-

In any of tbo Ulaloor Uoi-•VTi ^ Icni-.o batiae ti-J Statra Courts.

Special all.alioa fiv.n lo ConTcjanclnj, Col-Itctlng aad Cbanccry lualuraa. OSce orcr u)w«ll National Uaaa, Lowrl!, Jllcbisaa.

RMilton M. i v r r y .

LAL ESTAi'K. inannoco aaJCollftlloa ARfnl, Notarjaaa Ju«lur. Spcclal attention gH™ In

rontcraacios anl eollc:llou«. OHco over N. I.' HcCarty'a alore, Lowell, Uliii.

Pre. I'ocU & MoDaonoU-DbTtlclaniaailSurieoni,Office in Maaoalc Build* X inj,liO*«U,Jllcb.

a. racc. 0.c.*fi)a»*«iJ--

Oluim ibnt 'Iicy CAN uml WILL SELL

TIIKSAMK qUALfTYol gootlsclicaiv

or timn nny oilier jewelry IIOBSC in the

Stale, for the following; reasons:

Tlioy buy oxcIuMively (or cash, which

onalilos tho'ni W tnkc atlTiinlap! of the

markets .

Tiioy arc t h e oi.'.y Jewelry House in

iheSti i le that import!) their own pur-

chases D I R E C T through the Detroit

CuStnm House, papinj? no commissions

to New York Imporlnrs.

Thuy buy directly of the manufactur-

ers, thus saving t o their customers the

j i bbe r ' s profit.

Thei r Foreign Watches, French Clocks

.Music Boxes mid Opera Glasses, are

manufactured expressly for their trade,

and are far styicrior to similar goods of-

fered to the acne rn l t r ade .

I iiIai Lerji eomliinlly vii ha ml l/irlfsl Viu-

, tin Slriinjs in the murlet. At

C A R R I A G E I R O N I N G , ithm;/ hlmthn t o h f j ) up a good iloel of

jooilffoo h, I tcould i/W'f retpxtlfuUy tolieil

U O D Q E T O L I f \ d H I O the jxitriinage vf nil who may lean I any-n u r c a c . S m U C J I V U thtnu in my lint, MUcing r Mn male U

a n i( | an djfet to PA TRON 17.11 HOME.

&ilieular alter.litm jxiitl lo

All kinds O f Repairing R ' P » I H » S H a l r h P s J e w e l r y . All troth trarrnnlnl One I'mr,

D o n e o n s h o r t no t ice ani l at hot-

I om figures.

Call a n d s e e us in t h e Po» to f f i ce .

6. 6 . Balcom.

a. a. M .

KK'.UI.A!'. Coatiic.il.uu ul ll"oV»t CliAyUi No. TJ.at Ma,inic Hall, on tSViaewlay gvenlnja

oaorbcforetbe lull ui^on in each montli. J. F. CUJW1NS, It. I*.

K. A.ScanoilI*, See.

Joliu Taylor.

IKON FCIJ.SDBR anl Ii.inol.irtonr ol ratloaa kiaJa <f I'luwa. Ha. .-on, CultlratoM. S:ra-

J.era, BoVWjb. as l all kin la or eaitln; to order 1..I..I1, Mich.

O m n l b u i I j ino.

SHAW ft BCBUltK.-arry I'a.icn^er* toandl rom , the depot,or toaor yart of tbo town.daj and |

nicbt. Loatejocrorler. »t tbe Uorrlaoa llouar.aad | riilolp the new ninolbut.

W. J . A tk ins AQroono,

DKALBBSIa Agrieulioral linplemoota. Wealao aill toajastly ctlobiatcd l.umler U'agoua and |

llujgiea nxannfaclutr.! l.y J. A. Adam* Broa. lloal-ae.a lilacrouc Juor Ki-;nl t'omUKce.l^iaaU.

U.iUl dt t iun ' .or ,

DEALF.r.8 In Ui'J,«.i'. i, ii>loJlcio»t.rtrlooi«ry raiut».Oil«.k''. Mote at tbo oldilanduf J .B.

Shear,Bridge .treat, I..i>rol!,Ulcb. •• • • • » i i •. i •' •'•••• * —

V. Fullor,

DBAI.Ell In lijlil anl draught barnan, borae« dothinif, Mbnli'an'.eti. iflili', truaki elc ,

lUra Ult'i irwtanid it U. Fuller's opiiualle

: Q R A H D R A P r o s D I R E C I O B Y .

Ed. U. U l k i n n n .

ONLY one price Jcaelry E '.abliabment In Oranil Itipl'li. DiauionJ', Walcbc., tllvir ard

Mlver I'laled Ware. 31 final alreet.

U A t i i b u n UOUHO.


Mauufacturing Jewelers, DETROIT.

M' \ . I!. Axnaui;!.!., rropnetur.

Ueujamln A l l n r iua ,

ATTORNEY at Law, Ju:,;.- <.i rroiute, Nouty-Public.kJeuim'aloDi-r of Ueede, kc., lor New

tk auu Wiacoa.in. I'. jbalr USue,Count) build u^, Urand llapiil.,Klcb.

C . K U S T E R E R

H 11 K W E U & M A L S T E 11

C i t v B r o w e r v .1 R A N D R A P I D S , • - M I C H

D R A U G H T L A G E R .

itituaa, miwicishs, c.ioaus


The Beat Paint in use. 'h Fou SALE ONLY i:v

J . 0. WEST.


n O W K & W U I T t i

1 B Q 7 1 8 7 4

D I A M O N D S , W A T C H E S ,


duvc r Plutod Bpoona and t'orUu, war .

ran ted for 10 yoar t .

STHIOrLY ONE PRICE-Tir o a f r , ^ i r e J,l*u

ry'/huit in ll.i rllf.

S5 Canal Slieet, (Irand Ilaplda.

r.ii. II.DIKr.UAN

A n o u a a AND f O U l l LOTS-For rale W V or to rial, block Nn. 1. l.owill. Wi («!lfor Til-) on tloa wiib pirt pajai r.l. or rent for one "oll»t a Wtck; ow inanlii'a r r,* i j be pa'.4 ju «il-rar,:5. Forlartbrr i ul'c^iati lo .nlre n|

JAS. \Y. U|NK| PB'jUaljer JorMAL.

f j^O W H O M I T M A Y C O N C E H N .

Any pcraon arlllor " tiling la Ji.'.m Ilalthl any inloaical'ng OiuiLii .ilUr ll>U ilale, Mil! br pru.eculcil I lo tbe exliul ol tbe la" by 111- ui.d ra-eued.

U. U WlLl.IA.Vd-



Special attenllnn fire 11"

C U S T O M W O R K And a Large and well selected Stock

Constant ly"" Hand.


A l l W o r k " W a r r a n t c f l



A . J . H O W K , I . N . W H I T E .

^ y A N T E D . -


1 , O O O P L Q V y § m n r n u FOB

10 dog. C o r n Cultivator*.


lO t loz Double Shovel Plows.


.H do/ . Single Shovel I'lowe.

HUYfjUa .rt d o / , . l u m p i n g S h o V e l I ' l o w s .


10 do/. Mil ford WheelCiil t iyntum


n. lozShi ipes Wheel Cultivntors

uvus iw Fl»U I dozen Mowers, all of the liest ijualily and latest improvements. Call and see for yourselves. Aiii|||j|(itt'< Hluoii, Cor-ner Bridge uml Wiuililngton street*, fxiw-cll, Mich. H . N. TAYLOR, SalcKinan.

p B O D A T B N O T I O E -

Slale of M'cblgan.Couol) ol Kent } < •• Iia of the Probate •ourt l^r tbrConnt' boM.'nal llie Prubale uO.j lu tbe ell lla|iiil<,nn Wadn'-'day, tlir ar'-oll; tlty o In till' v ur Qne J'liuUfiol eklil blliiilteif ami •'inn ij-four. '

Pretenl, Benjam'n A. Ua'lar., Ju>l(a ol rmleto. In tbe niatUi of tbe .-iim u' Jxaci lUrmon,

deceaaeil, on n»!lDiaDil flllig lb. pitllUn, duly teriBeit.of

llcnoia llartnon, w:ilow ol the aard dweaaed, oftbe Tnwub'pol Pana, in uid caualy, prayiof aooai otbui tbing. that adaiinialiatlea of aaid eatate may l»- Ktaaled to Mm.

Thereupon it U orlend. That Uond.y, the fecoad day ol Nureral cr nexl, at ti-n o'clock lu the forunoup, lw auigntd wr Ibo, Mrlng tt mti fHlllcm, and t u t I lie bolr< at law nl- Mid iltrened. and all ulbcr p .raona inter«led In «ild f.tale. are requited to urpearal a.r^inn of .aid Coiiit'lhct) lobe holder, at tbe Prolai. ifice iu ••h- City ol (jiand IJapIdi.lp

In Connectlou wi th the Blacksmith shoji

is a first class

CARRIAGE SHOP Where all k inds of new work ami re-

pairing will lie dono promptly and uatis-


We propose to do our work so as to

merit a coiitinuance of that IIIMTAI pa t -

ronage we have received in the past.

D E A R M N G A U A U N E S .


F r e s h M o a t s ,

Poultry, Oysters

' T MI M.I K I N D " 01 (1AVK IN KKAM'S

O / i R I I

I - A I I ' F U I I t i . i . K i N n s o y

Life Slork, Sail I V k . Ilidt^

P e l t s & ( '

C.ntral liirkrl, PriJje Rlrret.

n . tv. Avti.v

Lui.ll, July, Irwlli.

S O T i d i l .

CLOSING OUT SALE! In onVr lo mike ti.cni for tbv etfCllon of a Dew

•hop, 1 oOrr my enlii,- «tcck of

n i ' V U I E S AM) S P D I . \ U V A C O R S I

AT ORKATI.Y ItEDfCKD PRICES. Ni.w I. tlii* Iime forbirgalnn.

ARTHUR WOOD. &ui1 37 VTalcrl' o St., UrtnU Kaplds.


Paints and Oils at West 's .

Finest Cigura a t West 's.

Drugs and Medicines at West's.

See Star Clothing House Advertise-


Prairie Com Sheller for sale by At-

kins il; Greene.

Thf i i c t Cignr? at West 's Drug store.

N. I ' . .- Money to loan on good Real

K'•title socurlly. Myron H. Norton.

Cull Mul • e that Mower for sale by

.Inliii 'I'liylor, corner Ilrldge and Wanh-

ington streets, Lowell Mich.

Cal l : ' sec those Milford Cultivators

before buying others. Sold by J o h n

Taylor, corner of Itridgc and Washing-

ton streets.

Wall Paper and Window Shades j t t


At J . C. West 's d r u g store may be

found the liest ten cent cigar ever of-

fered for sale in Lowell.

Subcribb now.

About t ime to announce a chnrch so-

cial somewhere.

"A I 'ar icut" talks to J . W. L. this

week. Don' t get excited now.

The Lowell National Hank Statement

reads well.

Hon. M. 1). Wilbcr is announced to

speak in Lowell on Wednesday, Oct. 21.

Hen. Green is now prepared to "keel

over" Mid sweep chimneys.

There a rc 713 s tudents in the Slate

Prison now.

The courts grind slowly tmd then ad-


Beautiful October weather, but not so

mild as it might be.

The forests are t inged with those

beautiful t in ts that tha t fellow spoke of

last fall, just before he died.

To see both sides of a man, send him

around to solicit subscriptions to a book,

and then send him around ag.tin iu a few

weeks to deliver and collect.

The Union School is in u very prosper-

ous condition. Many large s tudents in

at tondancc this term.

The L. S. & M. 8 . f re igh t depot at

Grand Rapids was burned Sunday night

and nearly $10,000 worth of property


Another touching narra t ive on how

Charley Ross wasn' t found In Canada

has been related. The detectives were

fooled again.

Rev. L. F . Waldo, of Pentwater , for-

merly of Lowell, preached at Grand

l iapids last Habbath.

Political meetings at Fallassburgh and

Bowne Center Friday evening. Good

speakers will be present.

Miss Sarah Hush of Ml. V e r n o n , h u n g

herself to n tree in the woods one day

last week.

To-night Joe Jeflersou t a k e s a twenty

years' "nooning ' ' at the Grand Rapids

Opera House.

The Republicans of the lOth Senator-

Get | ob work now.

We learn f rom our Democratic ex-

changes that nenrly every Republican

nominee for tho Slate lA-gishtlure is go-

in j to be defeated in November. Hut

we th ink a man may exp-oss some doubt

about ihiil and still remain just as good

a ehristian as ever.

Rev. E. R. Stiles, of Manchester,

Iowa, formerly pastor of the Lowell

Congregaliofial church, arrived here

Saturday night and reiaained until yes-

terday. Ho occupied the pulpil at the

Congregational church, morning and

evening, on Sunday, and interested the

congregations with excellent sermons.

Tlie Ionia Pentinel gives an interesting

description of an Ionia County farm,

owned by N. H. Hayes of North Plains.

T h e farm Consists of 1050Jacres, 800 acres

improved. Mr. H . raised th is season

4,500 bushels of wheat , 2,500 bushels of

oats, and "c ropped" 200 tons of hay and

75 acres of corn.

All who have subscribed to the Con-

gregat ional Church Society fund, are

respectfully requested to hand in their

subscriptions to E . A. Sundcrlin, Treas-

urer of the society. Sundcrl in will be

found a t the Lowell National Bank.

Th i s invitation includes till who have


The Lansing Republican speaks of a

young lady 19 years old, who never en-

tered a dry goods store or rode on the

cars unt i l last week. That ' s pre t ty good

but the item would have b w n suppressed

if the Republican had known a young

lady in Lowell, who, previous to her

10th birth-day had never seen the front

door of a millinery festablishment, or

dropped her handkerchief on the side

walk when there was u young man be-

hind her.

SOME ON TUP. HUSK.—William Warne r

of Bowne, husked One hundred and tire

bushels of corn for Moses Livingston, in

one day, commencing at daybreak and

q u i t t i n g ha ' / an hour before sundown;

and by doing th i s he husked $5.00 out ial distr ict have nominated Asa K. War- o f J a ! ) U t , n m . a that being ren, Esq., for State Senator. j t I l e u p f o r h i m l o w i n <)r

The Jackson Mutuals hea l the Grand lose. Moses and liis boys measured the

Rapids Athletics, 10 to 0. Let 's sec; com and their w i r d f u r it is as good as

wha t county is Grand Rapids in( the vlieat. Warner may go to the

The residence of A. Dart, Greenville, ' R ' a ' ' -

was burned on the 7lh itml.

000, with $1,200 insurance.

Loss, f J -

Advertise now.

N I C K T H I N O TO L B AN E D I T O R . " —

Thi.i is a quotat ion, you obsi rve. Prob-

ly nil wiio are not editors have made

th is remark, each giving himself credit

for saying something original ant! mill-

er cute . Editors have so many privi-

leges that others don ' t have. Free t ick-

ets to lectures and the circus; invilu

lions to dinners , and stacks of vegeta-

bles and wedding-cake.

"Nice t h ing to be an edi tor . " He

publishes a two-dollar notice fo r a "com-

pl imentary" to a twenty-live cent show,

and goes in without pAying n red. He

publishes d . a l h notices free and is re-

quested to write up a touching obituary

at the same price and throw in a few ex-tra copies of the paper. He goes out

upon tho strcot to collect a dollar and a

half to swell his bunk deposit , and is

hauled one side by Jones, to examine

" t h o best invention iu the way of a rat

t rap tha t ho ever sot eyes on . " He takes

a c igar at Jones ' expense, and, next

week, if tho paper doesn't contain a

J O W E M . N A T I O N A I . B A N K ,

Of Lowell, Mich igan .

CAPITA I . f1M,( iuv.

SURPLUS ( H . c o o .


W. W. IIATCII, E . J . Boorn, IL A. Rici:, C. R . HIM-, A , S . STANSARD, M . N . H I N K ,

C . T . WOODINO, J O H N G I L E S ,

11. M . C L A R K .

I n l u r u M t p n l t l o n l i c p o H l l a .

W-W HATOIf, I W l e n t . K. J . BOOTH. V Prea-II. U.CLARK,Cakhler.



The Republican meet ing a t Grand Rapids on the 7lh inst., was a " r o u s e r . "

Addresses were made by Governor Hag-

ley, Senator Chandler and Represcnta-

tive A\ illiams. The Eagle gives uu in-

teresting report of the speeches, mid

from Governor liagley's address we re-

publisli t h e following, which will be In-

teresting to Hi jiiiblicuns, because it shows

soineihing of what has been done iu th is

Stale under Uei>ubiican rule, and inter-

'.aling to all clu-'ses, becanso it shows

that Michigan has done well, " a n y w a y . "

" In twenty years under Republican

ad mi nisi nil iou $7,507,000 have been de-

voted for institutions of jcarning, t h e

care of t h e insane, the deaf a n d dumb

and the blind, and the criminHl classes,

while their predecessors, forget t ing the i r

du ty to t h e Statu and t h e unfortunate ,

never gave one-seventh par t of tha t sum

for thoso noble purposes. And while

^ ^ ^ ^ thus doing i u full du ty In great th ing#

blazln ' notice oVThat rat t rap , "the edi tor * 1 , 1 1 4 u o 1 U , ' n " m n I n i l f u ! o f l e l B e r

RP Q T A I I D A I U T ' ' i u v t : l ' ' l , n t c < ' •pBtBtity I ) U r e vac-I y ( , i i u . v i r U H ) non-humanized, direct from

U n i o n U l o c k , l / » w e l l . M i c h , (OPPUSITI: Tin. niA.vKUN Uein. )

S . A . M u K K I S O N C o I ' r o p s ,

Krerylhin-j new. Dining lltdl hryt

the heifer. Dr. J . O. Edie .

Call and toe the farmer 's liest f r i end in

time of need, Slmpe's Wheel Cult ivator.

Sold by John Taylor, enrner Br idge and

Washington streets.

H E Y O U R OWN P I I Y H I C I A N . — T h e r e i s

and Conor nit 1.1. no case of Dyspepsia tha t Green's August

Itill ol Fun tompltlv, and terms rcMonablf K l o w t ' r w l U " o t c u r i - C ' o m 1 , W , , u : D r u B Store of Wooding & Look and inquire

R o o m s F u r n i s h e d a l i ou t i t . If you suffer from costiveness,

in in.: ri».-i.,!e inr ti.e a-con mi Jatien 11 Cu^ ' i : sick headache, sour stomach, indigestion

, , , , 1 , . - a . liver eomidaint, dentngeiiienl of t h e sys-G o o d h o i u p l e UQOIQS u , r A g v n U ^ T w u u r . IMC DO^-s w i , , ^

P R O F . G O R D O N . — T h o M . E . C h u r c h

was well filled last Friday evening, but A few invited couples will proceed to 1 there seemed t o be a holding bark

Train's Hall on Friday evening and among t h e niusieal people when steps

keep lime lo Howe and Wordcn . were taken to organize a s inging class,

TheC ' immon Council met Thursday t l , u t wus more surpiising than commend-

evening lust, and extended t h e time for "''l1 '- Prof. Gordon is one of the best

payment of village taxes th i r ty days. I teachers of vocal music in t h e West,

Win. H . Myers, of Court html, is the a I u l J ' U l t r m s a r s 0 e n a b l e that

Democratic nominee for State Represen- n 0 " 0 n c c d 8 ° w i t h o u t ^ l l " l » i c a l i n -lative in the fourth distr ict of this s l r u c t i o u - A committee was appointed county. 1 1 0 names and report this Wedncs-

Amimu* T,,I, I • . 1 . 1 , 1 ,LTTY o v o n i n g a t the same place. Prof. Andrew Johnson denies t h a t h e i s i t , . . .

Z a" z r " 1 0 i f - -•« " •« •» sing improve th is opportunity. The re-

piired number of names (100; ought to •>n the list to-night .

will go to if ho follows Jo iuV in-s t ruc t ions .

He is expected to contr ibute lilicrally

to all elmritable and benevolent institu-

tions, put his name down lirst to all the

" W e tho unders igneds" ami start the

list for every book agent that " d o n ' t

want to in terrupt you sir, bu t "—

He is requested to print a few bills

fo r this meet ing and tha t caucus, and

some poetry for a poor blind man, and

receive Heaven's blessing "un t i l he is

bet ter pa id ."

H e must explain to Brown the diUcr-

ence between t h e Whi te Leaguers and

the Kit Klux, reply to Skinner 's inter-

rogatory concerning northern lights, list-

en to un old bubscribcr's story of how

his son J o h n killed an ugly hull, and til

the same time stop tho devil 's cry for

" c o p y . "

And ho must have his paper out on

t ime every week, sick or well.

A . W. S. A.—The Annual Meeting of

tho American Woman SulTrago Associa-

t ion, will tB«e place in Detroit, Tuesday,

a n d Wednesday, October K, and M, and

will be an occasion of great importuueo.

A full a t tendance of the f r iends of suf-

f rage from all parts of the country is earnestly desired.

important needs.

" T h e Geological Survey" of the S ta te

has been conducted and its results pub-


A "F i sh Commission" has been estab-

lished, and our mlaud waters largely stocked with fish.

Large improvements have been m a d e

iu the St. Mary's Falls Ship Canal ; tollu

upon it have been largely reduced for

the benefit of our ship-owners.

A liberal bounty was paid t o cstabliah

the manufacture of suit, now one of our leading products.

The State Library has been fostered

and cared for, so that to-day i t is one of

the best of it.i k ind iu the Union, hav-

ing over l'i,0iH volumes oa its shelves,

valued at ?1I5,0(K), while in 1854 il only

had 0,500 volumes, valued at $14,000.

The Slate Militia has been thoroughly

organized, equipped and uniformed, and

is a credit to the Statu and its n iembun .

The new Capitol Hui idisg is progres-

sing rapidly, $407,807 having been e l -

ponded on it up to this time, and not a

dollar of debt created fo r il.

When tho Coal of Arms of the Statu

is placed in its rotunda, t h e golden mot-

to "Pay an yo.i go" can bu added lo it ,

asja rule for the g u i d u i c e of fu ture rulers and people.

We have reduced the bonded indebt-

What a misfortune it is to l>e men-

tally ambitious and physically lazy— j

when there 's a b ig pile of wood to be

carried up stairs. ; PSYCHOMANCY.—A spiritual modium, a



Rapids, Thursday evening, a n d at Ionia | l ' , c l " " 1 ' , n i ' present of individmtls with Friday Evening, this week. , astonishing accuracy, has b ton stopping

Mrs. Lott ie Parrish has taken an iu- i i n ! l l i s v i l l " ' ' ' u u f c w ( l uJ ' a I m 8 t u t " ' c

terest In the millinery business formerly r c ' ' " | ( - , n c o E. R. Huxley. This

counducted by Mrs. C. B. Parr ish. The " uu"11"' — " "mi l t on , and new slgu reads Mrs. C. B. Parrish ilk Co. ' a s n l , s y c ' , 0 , " a n c i c a l reader she is well

known iu spiritual circles, far and near.

Several of our cit izens have had their

The evening sessions will be devoted

to iiddresscs by numerous speakers of cdness of the Stale very largely, in spilo

national reputat ion. The headquarters of the increase dur ing the years of thy of delegates will lie at the Biddlo House rebellion.

where they will be met by a Committee | The Slate debt in 1854 was |2,031,640,

of Reception appointed by the Woman , iu 1800, $3,1)711,000, while to-day it is

Suffrage Society of Detroit, who will, $1,080,202, being less than it ever was

so far us possible, provide r.ccommoda- since 1888, and s h o w i r g a reduct ion l ions for t h e speakers. s i n c c 1 8 5 1 o f | M 1 , 2 5 8 .

Among the speakers expected f rom

abroad, in addi t ion to many eininent

f r iends in Michigan, are Mrs. Ju l i a Ward

We have paid for interest upon t h e

Stale debt from Nov. U0, 1854, to Sept .

30, 1873, $3,158,3.0, t h e largest amount

ned up stairs. ; PSYCHOMANCV.—A spiritual medium, a '" , t u z a o e t u K. Churchill, and" wi

oint discussion between Hon. W. H. remarkably peculiar in her ways, to i | ' ^ ' 1 0 1 . " a 8 ' Ell iot t i«iii 1.,

l l i tms and M. D. Wilbcr, at Grand ; t l l c nnini t iatcd, insomudi us she "reads j j a I I l H|l i ! " u n ' Caroline A. Son i c , ' [ ) 0 f X t u |

aids, Thuns lav eveninir. and at Ionia the past and present of indi r idnals with 1 J - " ' u l l ( 1 others. ( |1 C ,K1 |

••past and present" pictured to them

Somelxxly went in to the C o m m a Full-

i n g Mill one day last week, and when he

went out the proprie tor , were $400 , | ( J, M r , ] , . m , l l u n w i t l l i U c h B C C U ui,

poorer, Hetter slop that k ind of Full- ,1 . , . . . nutvrn end of Union Block, with a ' l 1 remedy in the United States tha t con- ing. | to cause them t o wonder mid inquire '** 1 — 1 1 "how is it d o n e i " She reads the future

HA VINO opt I nl n Holer UfUnurAiii in Hove you. Ague Conqueror is t h e only nutern end of Union lllocl:, with a'l remedy in the United Stales tha t coil-.

l i u l r i e j l n ^ i i ' w r ^ u ^ t l e^mWlc ' iha l ! , a i l 1 * Quinino.Ars . .ul , - , or o ther H - 1 T | l l . M . v i . n t l l t . o n g r , ^ i o n > 1 d i i t n c t o f ! of her subjects as well a« the past-It ilmll lie ro rouJueled nj to deserve llic mod son injurious lo the system, tha t will k . , . ® 1 ' ' llbetal pa i rooar . cure fever and ague, in tenni t tent o r bil- * } " ^ "J tenth time will lell how accurately.

^ x q W l l . ! S. I . MORRISON * CO ion. fevers, etc. . and the chills n o t re-1 * * t W n t L o f N ' V C , l J ' 1 turn dur ing the season. It IK-minnently

T ) E i o u r o F THE COXniTlON OF THEI.OIV IV 'II NiitinnnI Unnk. at iu lh« Hl«t0 o fitahlwn.ul Ihr rlom. ul hutltir.., Oct. S, IUTI

IlESOUUCBS. Lnanalt lll.eouiita, Oreidrana, U. .1. Bond, to Mcure Ciiculalien. t". S. Donda to .ecnr* i-'epo.ili U. S Ronda on ban I Oi h»r aioeka, llond. and Mo: U'J£r» line horn ttedmnlog a Rearrrr a|eul>, •• •• other Naiional Hani., " " Hula llankaaad Banker',

Reil da le , luiuituir, mid fl.lurea. Cum nl ripenna and lau'J pod, Pivuiluui. paid, Cbtcka and other ca>b llenn, Eicbaetea lor ele*rlnclioua« Bill* of other National llaoka, lllllaaf flalellauka FractHinalCurrenei (Ihiludinf Niikle-.] Specie(includlnic(ulJTn ituij out. l^/al Tender {(iilra. L' S, ttillRra'.ra of ibpom luf k jal trlld<l Cliarog'tiot,w eerliflcaiia.


L I A 0 1 L I T I K 8 .

Capital S loct paid lu, Suiplu. Pund. (HI11 r UDdi.i'itd pt»BI> Nalloul Bank Nolea iiutalaniliiiic. Slate luck n-ilea out.landing. INiplenila unici l Indltldiial depo.lla, Hetaaud Cerllflcali • afllcpnil. Time .ertibealei o( ' Cerlinnl illVcla. Caalaler'a cbc U •.i.im.Jlne tlnllidMa'eidepiii la ' ' HetM.II. of U. n ibaliiir.ln^ ollici ik llue (oo'lief h'allonal ll.tk.. Hue lo Stale llauka aa I Unki r..

cures fever and ague of long s t and ing .

G. G. OiiF.kJN.

An alderman is almost as b ig us a cou-g r e u m a n .

" I t never lalus but it pours ." Seven

, of our business men danccd around a t i t e r s U : NOTICE.—' take this melhutl lo Inform load of « heal one day Iwt week, but

mw " I S ! ' f * ' 1 1 , 0 " ' 1 l , u , t 11 t h e Wheal belonged to " another man " iu. usual. have ojicncd it shoe sliop one door west

11,411 N ' Scott 's hardware store where I

^ J® ' will lie found al all businesii hours, ready

iliiu w a l " ' w ' " ' n K to wait upon those w h o see 1,91s 201 fit lo honor me with their patronage.

t,tn a Fur ther more, I claini 1 can make a liet-

Mn. EDITOR.—J. W. L. is a decided h i t . I have lieen enter ta ined "muchly ' ' by his

contributions, especially the last, " C o m -

mand thy c h i l d . " Every parent ought

to cut tha t out and paste il iu his hat

for fu ture reference, then the 1 ruining of

his progeny would be j u i t a j lanj a t lyitq.

I lake it that J . W. L, iniut have had ex-

Hull 4 Ramsdell have closed out, and l>crienee; lliat Lo must be the fu lhe ro f

Howe, Hon. J o h n Whitehead, Mary A. ! paid iu any one year being §214,080 in Livennore, Gen. A. C. Voris, Abba G . ' 16C0.

Wooteon, Henry 15. Blnckwell, Lucy | The rcductien in the Stale debt has re-

Stone, Hon. J . H. Bradwell, Mary F . duced the annual interest to $117,700 in

Eastman, Bishop Gilbert Haven, 1). D., l«73, and t o about $110,000 in 1874.

Margaret W. Campliell, Martha C. Cnl ; In addit ion to all this, we d id our fu l l

lahiin, Margaret \ . Longley, Hev. Phcbe share toward pu t t ing down the rebellion,

A. Hennaford, Elizabeth Iv. Churchill, and" were compelled to borrow, f rom

1800, $1,030,078 for this pur-

all of which lias been paid except

bonds due in 1800, $300,000, and

TURN OUT. —To-morro*- (Thursday) I'''ESE we would pay to-day could wo in-

eveuing, a Republican meet ing will be ducc the holders t o piesent them for pay-

held ut Trains ' Hull in this village. • ment.

Goo<l speukers will be present, among | While we have made this good use of

whom, we are informed by Chairman the public tm neys, wise legislation a n d

Holden, will bo the Hon. 8 . 1). Clay of careful collcetiou have largely lucrsased

Grand Rapids, one of the most power- the revenues of the Slate from exlrane-

fu l 8|>eakers in t h e State. Theni>incsof "us tources . The receipts f rcm specilic

t h e o ther speakers we have not learned, taxes on corporations of different k i n d s

-Mr. Holden, the nexl Secretary of State, for the terms mentioned have been:

will probably In: preient. And the Flrejiujicu^ii'g.-Oiembcr&MUi.-—M»,eii» " p o s t e r " cordially invites all to ut lend " " ~

" w h o love freedom, education, equal ^ - '• ^ W r - ' S i Z Z ! & r ights and exact justice to men of ull mt a „ i f r , K - j i 1 .1 1

, . • And for lb74 ulone they will bo over l ions mid colors; who are opposed to

1 • 1 , , $000,000. Perhaps one of the most us-corrupl barguin uad sale in iwlilicidctm- , . , . 1 , , ,

vent iona; who ,.re unwilling lo surren- T ?

•ler the results of the war to Hie t ende r 1 0 j * 1 " ^ ^ " " T * i,mrf.toa ..r .1 . . . _.i , . 1 I o r interest on State deposits and fees mercies of those who sought to over- , ... . . . , , . '

throw the government, by 1..1 anue.1 re- r 0 m T ' " ! t 0 . ' Ul l ion , and who rejoice at the p r e e n ! ' U ^ ^ ^ • teadv reduction of the n a . i . J l .1. M , ^ * f 3 or an average of $73

per uiinum, ^h i l e the receiptu from t h e

lo 1878, being

un iivcrage of

difference of

Do not thine facts show a fidelity ami Mmn. Deurling & I k r a e s have re- , i o n o f l h « ' 'U natural inclination ^ 1 1 , 0 reipnnsibllity of extendiug lo

moved to the ••Hunter shop" on M o n i v f : ^ , 0 l m v 0 , , i , ' o w n w a > - " That aantemc , " ) m • ^ , r l ' h l ' " J " " 1 0 1 1 J u n ' 1 t a r e of t h e public in teres l . on the i ^ r t o l

strec-t, and their" new advert isement in " "•u '1- w i ^ H ) the u o r d - i n . H C > " U l , , i u k Republican Legislature, and Republicmu this week's JOURNAL tells you what they dicrel ion." "Pa ren t s ouglit to consider

are prepared lo do for the people, these th ings a n d endeuvoi lo trad their i

out It.


a.ssito ter chuis of fine l«ioi» and shoe- ihun any

to, TO o n c , ' , ' H l ' ! , c " f lm«illCMili Lowell, and

• Mo 00 i ' n ' " "^" ' l ' 1 a " y challenge In workman-t.iuu w ship from any of them who think lo the

( con t ra ry . I will not be excelled in quul-

|soo,(cs M | it Y of work or slock. Give me a t r i a l

j and I will give you ample proof thu t I

' 'kSoo to 1 caii do all Ihut J advertise. Repair ing j " , o n y street* iu ibis villug SI < of all k inds neatlv done 1 t l)a | need repairing, Will the Marnhal , , , , - ^ . — -

| | u « A k u a w b l e a r o u n d and see how many limes " f t h c l r i . h m a n who^wa. b o u n d l o ^ l ave the Une, a n d • « . I k o progrcas that is be

u . he can step through wi thout b reak ing a 1 ^ " C f 1 , . , "fc'1'1 l " r " c T h ( - U ing iiwde upon each of the three con-hve.v iKiaon, man. woman, Iniy, o r ; 1 « ^ j the idea that if a parent threa teus to j You would then see that it is

Work upon the new

There are many places in many -iide-. l , | l l ' l r C1 " "" '"b ' 1 ' l , u '>' h a v t ' Ruil Road is now a reality and no longer

slks on inimy streets lu Ibis village ' .p i" ' ! ,! l , I L ' M r o u K ' l | ' n i l of e.xnpuliivn:' imagination, us one will I * convinced

si t • c l l j )

girl, shoidd send ul once for onc of th« ! i l c K '

( m e italics lire mine.) That reminds mo by t ak ing 0 t r ip f rom here aouth over

Kole. and bill, i Bllla pi)able.

1 .iLrouatcJ,

Excelsior Slalionery PackeU, containing 1 '"••e senatorial figdit in Montcahn umT t | m t j ) n r u l , t t c . | | a „ i i K h l ' l i e ' ' I «<« mav

I Nole Paper, Envelopes, Pen Holder, 1 ' " n i a counties waxes wann . E. D. Finch w h o will l ^ i e v o auoh trash iu. Uml 1' in to U w e l l

" j Pencil, Pens, Hlunk Book, Hlotler, Pho-1 Slunton, the I rohibition nominee, it W i , i j t w j , . 1 ) l t a i 0 nuike a code o f ; veljnir.o.ita

lOgrnpliH of 100 beautiful LadleJ, Too th | v u l 1 "'raw a heavy- vo.lv i»^u laws lo save us parents the trouble? Borne jn. ' s.-rloi, t Pieks, Per fume Suchel, Chinese Puzzle, 1 M i l £ , , c , . the R e | ^ m i w nominee. Finch

and a fine piece of Ladies' or 0 W ^ j

. . 11. ciaib, caabTer 'of "tbe abiTe "niuiid barfk^do T r n l V U g e . Hriee, ,.0.1-; A match gome of liase boll U-tween air of Kern a.iiemuiy .wear that the abure cutemcat h-true j DBHl, S|U uenis, or il for $1. A g e n t . ' I ho Athletics of Grand Rapids and the ilrullirand to tbebeat Of my LnouledteanJti'lWf. . . . 11 1

-f 0.1ob.r. . , n«» A W.CcaM.Oa.bler. WUIlled, AtlllrOM, . . . f ( t . lxra il.&.l in>l a a a. I ., I... I . - .1 1 . •<! I 1

n.Cjunly of Ken of tbe abi.re mued bank, do

1 Uikciibed and aapru I ul Oil., 1)71

Coirctl- atltal:

:• Imlorc MO ilii. Ub JIT K. A. Sriivs>i.l>,

Notary Public. 1

Eaton Rapids club for u purse of $100,


Uuuvy lo Inaii oil good real yatale se- j

eurfiy." Enquire " ( M. M Perry, Low. i

Vjl, Mitdi, 11 If. !

^bHEl ACME! ACME I—A cigar that

\vill suit all who can tell a good f rom n

no lice 10 iu. praina laUrealol in a id eaiale, of lb. 1 P 0 0 " U " e - ^ d e d l j the liest III lllurket. priiocLcy of Mid p-Uii-n, aud tbe beano; ibirrof. .Several thousand jiiht received ut West 's i . caunngacopr ol ihia oidtr lo be publl.bed In I , . . . . . . .

I latins

lain Count j, aiuj alioif i-iUip. If |)y tMta (e, why I he piajer of Ibji pcUllouer -lie, aid not be framed AndII la fid. r/ ordered, ibal .aiil pelifioter II*|

J . CAIITY HURROW, ; was played at loniu on the Oth, ti^4lv

310 Hurmony St., Philudelphia, Pa . ; ing iu fuvor ol the ^u iyu Maiiid* c lub ;

j t h e sc^y. s tanding 17 t o 10,

T h c wiK" ui Mr. W. S. George of the tiluto Republican, died ul Denver, Cole- i

redo, on the 3d inst., of cynaumptlon

N o w A d v c t - . ^ ' n o i i t c n t r . Prooau Order—Katie J. Haimnu Probale Order—K-f.U VI s. IJJU.. Ill.rkimitblnj -lit ulu i li n,i Sheriff BaU—

b r a i u a b r a t , and d o e , not d o i l . t l m l I powlble that ere one year lolls i.ruand

Dec the iron ho, u kieambig

from llic south. New de-

hhovf thut i hoy are becoin-

. , i ' n g seriovudy Interested for connecl loa of us are young, and need t h e experi-1 ^ m t t o m t W o different interests in

e n c o o f U i e ; . i l M / i o p ,ov« i l o t l r u i ^ U g tho ^ u t b . Hence our rtockholder. fatal mistakes. His Jmi . y a l e w e u a L . o n l d re^nd promptly. M

"s tunner : ^ l u ^ e f d e s i r u o t l o n of ten | T h e above U what Col. Merrill, t h e Uos iu i U reverse-." 1 auppwe that j M y t > a u t l h c u t l l e ri | l t

weau-i when tho parent r r tenm tho child 1

over nl* knee for convenience in enforc-ing those laws.

Give us some more, J . W. L . and ob-

ollkials worthy of our heurtie. t com-


In regard to Legislative expendi ture . ,

Michigan i.i much more economical t han

several of her sister Stutes of s imilureir-

cumslunces. 1 will only detain you u illi

one or two illustrutiuus of tho t ru th of

this assertion, T n u ex^ienuo of tho last

regular session of '.lie Legislature of Iowa

was $134,000, ol Missouri $101,000, ol

Wiscon in $112,000, of Ohio $120,000,

of l l i inoii V'Vi7,000, of Miehigan $ .0 , -

000, and il was the longest suosion ever

held m the Stale i;t llmt. You « i l l tlmi

the same dillerenee runn ing ihruugli t b v

public exiiemliturc in e \ery branch o i the State service, asylums, prisons mid

This habit ol economy j ' « : vad t»

Rbcrllt Stfe-PoMpinemcnt -SKvim.u erii'l. Hank BUlcm-nl. l.ocal-J.C lljrroa.

J O U l l N A L J 0 r i ' J N OS.

A P A R I E N T .

There is t rouble again at postal head- j rc i"-'ntativi,jj

to s | ieak. Stockholders , let u i give j our enlire >y«teiii.

t hem ^10 rest unti l the work is done. j

Lis; of Letters remaiaiBg in tho Pos t Hon. C. M. Croswell, the ia< »v.-ul able

Oflice at Low J l , Kent Co. Mich., Oct. , speaker of the Micbi^uu House of Hep-1 14"

resentatlvca Wu been renominated. i , „ LADIES IIST—Mrs Henmin Rradley,

Mrs. tleorge wa« u wont est imable lady, ! quarters. Postage on papers must j A well dressed gentlcniau addressed a ' Mi-> Al.ii v L llapomaii, Mrs J W Jol in '

' ftlld iwves a largo circle of f r iends to l'rc-p®id by publishers • . i m Jan . 1st, " small boy on Hridge street in j mourn her departure. i 1875—so mi

this >u'-. Ana MeMann, Miss Nuney Parol t ,

pui j tound—and Congress wise—"Wel l , bub, hadn ' t you Vwu-ri ^ L ' s r — J u u i e s It Field, D N Hu-

Bay City has had another fire uml Oiu-toraDd Hirer Conference of Congre

gational Ministers uml Churches , held at

. . v s V1V|>U« t u t u . ] - W . v u u u V U U ^ r O B " " " v — " . v . . , . 'Mi/, isavju i JUU j 1 \ \ J ' ? .

Meura. John Wilaor m d i W i ^ h f 0 , , K r uu>' ^ fcr p o s U m u U n . run home an . l l e l l your t a p l ^ r . h . v.ants 1 1 ' ^ j u m v ' M r -

rere cho er. de le ta lc* '.o iKc nieelin'" of ^ l o "P- Let the pub- y o u l " And --U fcoy rep lie. I in Hits FOREION L m - K K n o v i h u i u n . Mia

Lui-Wraat! rtiver Conferenee of C o n L - 1 ^ ^ ^ M l '» ' |B , t you HI- , Mira Snow. ^ 1 - •— - - 1 Persons culling for tlu-su le t te r , will K-r git one sidef you s tand r ight j I cau.iuftcopr ol ihia oidtr lo be publi.bed In , , fl^. .. I i 1 ^ t.: , .. 1! .

lui UeelNou nal.a iMwapaper prrnled and drea d rugs to re . \ \ CSt llllS IllgO tile best cheap u r i l l l l l ItllpKIs IS g i l l 111 l!i..aui.O»l. ganuiiai-niinisiers ami UnUrCIlOB, lielil at I Till. T. 1..,. II 1 , 1 . 1 r 1 . . . I I 1 . n a t ' l cigar you ever .moked. Five f o r a q u a r - , U n l l e e i . ^ saloon koe ,^ r s in Grand , Ada this week, commencing Tuesday ! J a T t v W , , t r u ' , , , m W ' ' One of | pleaae ^ say " a d v e r t ^ " and give t h e

At:u1t^py. l l lN A C » « I t c r - t h e y sell for, ul West 's d rug store | Rapids have u lough lime of it 1 : - ' ' — evening and c louug un Thursday. , p e ^ i y r l h c 000 for incidcntul ex-i them got one side, but it wasn't the j date of th is notice.

A . M . ELSTTCKTU, p . M.

L O W E L L J O U R N A L .

JAB. W. H i m , Editor and PablUher.



linn of UrjDgr. -The QriDf • haiOUImi Th. Trn. Toller ul nallroid Oom-

INinl.i U M nol Cnnuih Torfto lion In Woik of Ih. Ordtr—

A Non-Pto<<at.ln| Molh.

TII iTON'S LKTTKK. while n lliiril Inw nmdo 84,-145. HovcrnI Mr. Tilloii linn IMIIIIIHIUNI t in'fnllim- Imv i -n r r ived mulupwnnlH. How

iiiR lottor, iu roply to Mr. Mn-clmrH lurRO Iho iipoilH linvo IHWII whioli the oiurio of ih. Onuhoppcr Brigidt-Orans* cluirRc of UIn'I, I t will IKI won Unit Iiu iKnird Iuih not hIIOWINI I1O<>h not np|Nuir. i Tradt Or.nj . nhtmc OonidiMj

n iifflniH hiH olmrjufi: Hnt t lmro can l>c no d o u b t that Uio Now No. 174 liiviMimnmi: Hr., UIKMIKI.VK, I .York iloU'Otivn koowH how Ui iimko

Ti (A. " ' ' o OIUI d o i i (Kl i i i iR o W • n . . . „ — — To llu-hllhtr of Ihi-Ihrnhh ____________ b r e v i t i e s 0 1 J N e w a - I'mvoJuKl luamocl fium thollrooklyiiii*. —

pom (Imi not iwyot in miyoUior w«y) Unit Mr. TIIK CONHRKIIATIONAIi COIJ iXi l i John Wlimlow, itlntriot Mtornrjr, numUtr of ^ UNUNNUAI LYNAH I

U AHiiiMiTON. tlio I'lynMinih nnunUttco of biTn^lgalioa. u»l I Tho CJoiiffn-jjutioiwl Oonnail boforo nilllidrof llirir lllilmollli'l mijllnl tKimrt. IIIK I . i; . T i . I r II 1

•'I'll Kovrrnnicnl In HIIII prnvliiK ii|ion Hpnin i"""' l'i» iinii'lit iiti'io|,'*livn lo priN-nro nxnliml l u ' ] , " imni i , n l ilin|inso<l of all rcNolntloim inilonnnit fur Uio VirKhilnnilTnir. n",»''riiiiliiillntllclnipiit furlllHilih)! jilnelloul, ooilccrilillK tho (iinHolidation of philan- i

( Im. fm-K IIM made « thorough on,,iIM». I'li'i r(^rt l i! ' '" l7»t^\*r\ l l^ri i , rK ( . f i w a r l ' l r " ' W p ' o mid rcligiouii •uciot iw; |NIH«iI

tlonof tlm oinreo of ntudy *IM1 cowlitimiof WillUm V. Wiwi, a mniiWr of I'lvmotilli tho Hovonth roHolntion mlviwiiK t h o O i n -iiiTnltx at iim Went I'olnt acadomy, an.l rc- Clmrcli, fonnnlaltd »o<l wopoiiiMluil analnni l , r , . ( n . ( i l , l m | SoWotv t-i bo dwomliiiniamd tnnioil to Fort LMvenwortli, wlirn. ho IN pro- , l" , J'j® ? '»lKf ' ' "" l- riiiK Sir. llooclior ; K r l , l ' , ™K l 0 ^ t " U " ( " " f t r l U 4 M 0 " 1

INlriiiB hla rmnirt "|M*lllr.ill.v in tlii-, Ihat I lia<l ar- of nil work IllPiinpniolW with n blIHIIR-m

TIIK flrat lotting of nmil Borvlco nudpr tho Klteali'li"ll'.Vmon,"''l Mr.'Vfcrehi'r h'llll tl'mi '• | l ,*' rl , r 'm,> w ' t ' 1 11 "'"W to publloiition o f , law of tho lant oongromt wat niailn Uu- 2.1 iiiHt., *" "pportinilty and hivilttion l» convict mr nf Silllilay-HChool l i tomturo of a high or-bring Ui. mall-moMoiiKer - r v t o . for the city 3 7 , ' , 1 l , e r - " n U o l ^ 1 " ""• '"ti tnto for Uio of HI. liOnia, IheaximiiHO ot which haM boon conKrecalln:! that ho "liail nochanjo lo mtke oigllUl Itwolution, doolnUnR i t lulvlftflblo roilncivl from f 14,750 In tlj.fioo annnally. jg^ ia t mo." AKaiu tho acciiaalVon of Mr. t o ooiiHoIidnlo the various ninffitziiiOH,

Tin. iniiiul n*|icir: of llio oommiMKiiior of Mwlicr • •dnllwy WM re|«Uen lu uiv wwom i • , „ , . i pemUoun will •.how 33.640 |«iiiaoii oertifWaUiM Inv^ti^iii i j : i ^uui i t r . . n, wid iiMleflnltely por tp tn iM IhiuiliiUi rt*-

iHBiiml Uio pom lineal year, of whloh, howovor. lillcl. ^na'ln, "laul "uimiipr! "sirMVlllinm 7 " ' ' ich |inividi-d for Uio np-1 only 9,7K3 were original cortlllcaUB. (lavnor, a Mtranger o<|iully lo Mr. UCCCIIIT l>ointmont of n committoo to aid iu con

MH. WAMUIII'II*, who wa* rerantly appointed • '"j f^nnally IIKIIIWI a criminal cimi- mimnmUng iho coiiHoIidntion, a n d to

chief of tho ilotoetWo bureau, haa had conanl- licVlicr '"'hy oylosing "ii'h "unil'tr in- n!|>ort nt tho next oontioil. taUon witii Iho Hccrolary of t h . Treaaary ami timacy willi 'Mr*. Tillon, but, inxti-ail of wi*- ,

WIIHOII concerniiiB Uie ImaineM of in* Uiia OCC^OH to to.t Uio tnith of myaccn- T i i P T v n i i n i i v i v i t i . t v the onice. Tlio mvrclarr leave, bin. f ™ to d-tricl-atum^y T H E TYI'ilOOIf l> JAI 'AN.

11 |, , • exorted IhcmMlvcH to anpproHH Uie nnwolconio „„ . " ,H "niKinnimtoH. pitMOCiillon. After iheeo micccH-ivo opi>or- ' bo typhoon wbirJi vmiU'd Uio HOUUI-

Tna Hocrolary of tbo Treaaun-will make a tuniUeo. carefnllv avoided by the i ^ t o r of c m par t of .Inpnn, Angiuit 20th, WJW onn t call for JlO.Oiin.iKJO in 5-Ji)V for mlempliim I'lyniouth I bnrcli, lo prnwciito me for lllntl, I , . . . , , within tbrco niontl.x " "" J"" '"!"! •'•'Inff tbo public to at- t " " «"<»t •wvi ro ox|>oncnocd b y for-

r - ' J T " ' i " " ' I average tliat of lant year. Nono of tbo larKe mittee'a rc|Kirt, ilrawn by Mr. Winalow, la- UIO Ucnna t l o a r * HnmlJUrg wore unvon com-pmdncing "Uto* will reach an average. Wlod lo rommaiul iiopular credeiioe, ami that on thu rockn nt Nngnnnki. Tlio inm-clod Tliere will ho a fair crop Of oat,, ,«utoei. ami ^ . r ; r am HtonowaU waa Huuk. H u n d r o d s of

Th. Inloilor of an tJppar Ornal Bealanrant.

Knau the lit raid and Tortlillfhl (IMroll).

I ' t inrar an i i r llrn»lin|i | irr l l f laadr . Half a league, half a leah'iio. Half a leaiino onwanl, Itigbt from the wont thnyoaino. Slum than nil binnlrvd -Out from fonml and glailc: "Cliargo on tho corn 1" tbuy wnil. 1'hon for the Hold they made--Sloro than eii InnnlrwI.

FieldB to Iho right of them, Kiolila to the left of them, Fioldn In fionl of Ihcin 1'ilagml and phinderod; Naught could their nnmlxtrM toll. Nor left a "talk or •hell— Sloro than nix hinnlroil.

FlaHhiHl all their red legii liaro, Flanhed aa they tumcd in air, Itobbing tbo farmern there, (.'barging an orcbanl, wbile All tho world wonderoil! I'bnigod in Uio nmuilgo ami nmoko, lllght Uimitgli the com tlioy broke, llu|i|ior and lucnnt. I'ocled they Uio utalkn all bam, Hbattored and iiiindorod; Then they went onwanl—but More than nix hundrod.

picnic, near Monroo. H. M. Hniith, DELMONIOCfl. Esq . , and (lov. Taylor iipoko. Almnt • Movtin UioiiHand |MMiplo worn pri'Hunt. ,

Binoo Uio pionio Uio mlary-grab o rgmw, IIMTU kopt crying ' Hniith, Hmitb; d—n I

Hrallli." Evor iduoo 1 Imvn no doubt | 'Eni namo of Dolmcmioo'bi na familiar btll Uiat Uioy would t l - n tho (Irangont! .Jl ovor Uto oountry an that of A. T .

too, but Utoy aro afraid thoy m i g h t l a w Htmrart. Baaraoly a IHOTOII goon to a few (Imngn VOUm if tlioy d id . HmiUi - Now York d t y b u t vWU tho nmowiwd

o u n o t voto h e n , HO ho IIUH U I Inko I t , 1 roatanrant on Uio oomor of FourtwmUi b u t if wo Iuul a fow mom Hmitb'H U I O iitmot and F i f th avonno. I doubt , how-Hidary gmblwre would havo a |HHir, oyer, if many luivo boon lulmiUod to tho

d u n o o of boiug m t u m o d to CJongroaa; Hocn-t and myatoriotui rogiotut below and Uioru would bo IIUH f i« r of Uio mil- Htaim, whom Uio cooking in oarricd on. roads owning a n d uporoUlig tlio |N)o|iln 11 WUH for tuuato onottgh to en joy Uiia

•m woll as their HMWIH, UIO InaM wo am ! prir i logo Uio othor day, and wUl givo I willing thoy alioidd do; bn t wo objoct to Utoir owning a n d oporaUug Uio loginla-

! t n m and Uio govommunL That , wo | claim, Ix-longs t o Uio people . "

rrrfrclleR tn Wark »f the Ordrr. I Mr. Sarauol Dillon, of CounoU Hluflii,

[own, mnkoH Uio following Homriblo aug-! giiHtiou in a hit ter to Uto Pa t ron 'a Holp-

or :

| " AH it moaiiH of nflHiiiting in |)orf<>cting

I oumolvoH in Uio work of ou r O r d e r , 1 ! would unggofit tbo propriety of ooch and

| ovory ono of Uio niomlxtrH of Uio Q m n g o oomdiloring hiniHolf or horaclf intrustod with tho iqiocial du ty of noUng, romora-

licring, aud |Hiinting out any o m i r that

( i ranac Hoard ofTrndc.

you Uio Iwnoflt of my oz|>orionoo. P a w

ing Uirougb Uio diah-waabing room and down a winding utoir, I was ilrat token ncrom tho kitchen and !ntro-ducoil t o Uio liandoomo and acoom-

pludnxl cAr/, who did Uio honora of Uto plao). I n the ftret inatanoo, lot ma

menUon Uio 'ohrfa oflloo. If yon ahould liappen iu i t without being told whero

yon woro, you would in all probobil i ty

toko i t fo r uu editorial mnctt im. Tho room ia small , and oontoina n desk

atrown wi th books and papers , and a largo book-aiso covers nearly ono side of tho wall. Th i s book-caso is flllod with

Uio works of Dubois and o thor oolo-

mny ap|>oar e i the r on tho por t of theoffl- h n U * X F r o I " , h <**>*. Thcro ia ono of c - m or of tho o ther momlwra of t h 0 j Worm Blot ' s Inxiks among ^ e n o . Del-

O n n g o , when oonducting Uto work of niouioo's chtf. who knew h im weU,

clarcd. vir . : (iovemor \naliel Peek, llcpub- irnih'l irmy cii*"-"1™^^^ " l e^ 'uen ry < m o " ' " u s n n d j u n k s wore wrooked. | At tlio roecilt a n n u a l d inner of tin) lican, 33,626; William 11. H. Uingliam, Demo- W 4 r i 1 "oecher, and to rcanncrt tho lilornl aud Lngoken cral, 13,RIO.

„ "*">o in for a sharo of tho P e n r i t h , Eng land , F a r m e m ' Club, t hu

r , v i " " " " ! i ' " " " ^ 1 ^ ^ 1 1 1 . . ^ . t i c i . , ^ . . r IIIK (.N'IT RCW iork hanking linn of Henry-! promptly accoiit the ianue tlnia leluctaiitlv ten- destroyed, ono h u n d r e d lives lost mid d e t a i l i n g the work which Iho C lub h a d

( lewn.v CO. have been compelled to oldain .lerod me: and. to the end that tbben. may l« thottsmids of catUo onploutaUoiiH kille<L I po r fo rmed diirinR t h e year , concluded for i h e r rx l cnn ion <1 t i m e NIXM a |>ortion „f ""'LNL»V m l lm decimon of t h e con t rovcmy , 1 ' 1 U I I I . I . B M O J I U I , UUUOIUUUU

their pa,*r given after U.o panic Unt year. T l |

C'IUBLEM H I - M N U I ' H cn ta le baa I x t n a|>-

Jirainol, and in value.1 at »1S4,7S8. T i i tAKT IIOWnitF THE Fall Iliver (Maa».) cotton niiUn arc ITHA^I ' I IUSUKE,

To (loint out, a n d in kindneHs correct an • er ror in Uio a c d o n of a b ro the r o r B a t o r 1 1 0 0 0 ' d o c a 111110 ^ h is liouds; he

is to perform one of Uio moat noble , and * o l ) u w , t h ^ h c e i - H e m l l k r t , 0 , , t ^ ut tho same t ime one of Uio m e t | Uio bil ls of faro a n d rogulatce Uio pr ices ;

daring ncln of good iu our o rde r ; noble, 1 1 , 0 " " ^ r v i a i o u of the whole, aud because of pur i ty of p u n wee; dar ing, lie-! B i v 0 8 u ! , 8 t o f overyUung wtintcd to Mr. catiHo of the risk of incurr ing Uio dis-1 Uclmnuioo, who doe* tho marke t ing

' himwlf every morning. J tw t a t Uiis season btiHiuess is comparatively dul l ; they avemgo al>outUiroohiuulrod gnosis

wi th t h o hoi>o t h a t : COM PAKAT1VR COTTON STATE- | v ^ ^ o o n ^ W n g your home, a i a l k ^ „

. . .V , . . , Your nboop on thu hUUand your nwino In tbo ! l , 1 ' , | U ," r , ! o f " " , 1 ' o w - But wo ahould nt v r h e compnrativo ootton s ta tement for H ty0 all tirai« faiUifttlly olmorve tho procopta

adopling eflicient ucann for mca|io in caoo of Another socud event of nntinnal in . 'ho 1st of OcUiber in as follows: i Your cro|w of |iolatocii, whoat, barley, ryo; of our order, and point o u t an error , |

lire. Fonrl»nffi i«forlbenii l l i . inirercn.ro- torost will oomo oQ on Tuemlay, Uie Net rocointa al all Dnlted Btaloa iioria But If «ome miBfortime ahould cauao you to with kindnesH, lost i t deepen 1 0 ^ , , o w * w , , i l 0 ^ tlio winter t ime, in-ceutly netted M,00<i. 20th of t h i s month. T h o Hooond mm of : . 'wtbowoek 59,ra "W1- I the wound wo wish to heal. Tliem ! c ^ u d ' n 8 ' " B d inne r portics, they run as

a s s r s r s n s i ' s t ? » - ^ OloviRLi ami Vinccnm Monfaloni . e r e ar- " W V e in marr iage the ' ' ^ & tlH, week '. Iln HUU kerp up your apWta ami never nay die. F , r 8 t ' W ^ t ; a t w n d . atta-nUon. " l u d - •Tbo day I vuuUxl Uio kitdion

rented iii llrooklyn, tbo Mb IIIBI., on aehargo «ceond danghb-r of Henry H. Honore , 1 u i t y e a r a^iig I And now yourcommitloo may wiali you good-' A r o w o wdling t o d e n y Uiat wo have Uio . U" ' " ' wore about forty men, wallers and of Iwlng coneemoil in the murder of Mnconm Esq. ,—Miss I d i Mario l l onom—on that I J " 1 * 1 1 0 l la l<1 3l!u6y | bye, | llrnt? Call wo r e fuse to givo Uto lotter? c o o ' w ' 0 " w l " 1 ^ ' o City of Pek ing ; but

Laalyear . . . . . . _ M-MO: Aiidbono von wmrt nav Uin^Mwwtv " . i i m v . w . . ui.mii.i tu. „ „ . i . them were nearly twicu Uiat number

— "mi » KiiiAii mm4*. nitnii , . . 1 I RMI vi'»r foaiMl hpU inuniiiiK lio von- \irak AII<1 MFM. ( Iniut will bo preHt'iii. of AinVi covered with blood which llowul from forty A goml deal of pomp iind (circumstance ' Britain . wound, in bin amiB, throat, lega and cbeat. has atti ndeil two of tbe lata notable ) e * r -

TUB (Irand Hotel, at Haratoga, was burned weddings. Th i s wedding, in deflbrenoe on (lio hntt innt. » n « AI n # -i *11

T n r Uapli-t Church at New Haven. Conn.. ^ , l " • W , H l " ' H O f , 1 , " H , , , , 0 r " W , , 1 I wan ilcntroyiMl •T.VIJKKI; iiiniinuii-u


. . . . . . . . . . ..Un ii«.on. 0.11111.. . ,1.,^ , The direct cable which was U-ing laid bv iim the lirni in.i i ,w. lM " " " i " ' tlioao which lutvo preceded it, , , t . II) nri. (LIE nmi niBt. ui-n ' • liy the sfeainer Faraday IKIIWOOU Enrol ™ , I m t ' t wil lbo in the fu l les t souse of tho: , u . . . \ 1

615,000 Aiiii'ricin niloat for (Iroal ! Nat ional Cirange linvo a rmnged a p lan

iilowl ' o r ooisol idaUonof Qraugos as f o l l o w s : " Find—ApplicaUon for permiiwiiM to con-

Holidato nliinild Im mailo lo tbo Manter of tbe

FUANK MOULTOX'H bail M tbo criminal Hull . 'xpression " a (jniel nlTuir." To this and the United S ta tm, has been lost. I t

' •- • ia. ••I.I « iiiiiiiiwi mill ' " I " •• < • iii«. 1 llilltff. A VJ | | | |n 1 1 * I I l It .«• a bniught by MIM Pn.-tor, ha- l - . n mhic.^ end there is lo b e no qenenU reception. ' • " " h t t i v - y g a l e , and all efforts to

from •3U,(iou t o M . m tho particulnr friemlH of tho familiea ^ v o U r n u n m i c W r f Wie alone being invited l o a t t end . T h e ' c n b , 0 ' 1 1 w "" ' • ' • ra t ' ss l , M o n g o d to Uio

TIIK WKHT. following is Iho lint of bridoamoids and : o l d o o m P a D y . ftnd i t a I o w t w i l ' " " t h" so A TBiiamo cloud bumt over tho HumlNildt grDoniHinon: deeply n crcl l ' d iu, it .1 wele an inde-

liiviaion of tbo Central Pacific i w n t l y . neri- H r i d e s m a i d s - M i s s Hall, dangb to ro f m " , r i v n I comi>auy which hud ounly waBbiiig out Uio track. An emigrant • Col.\Vinchi!stor Hall, and c u i s i n of Miss I HU,r ' ,m<l. At the same time, as tho ae-train, drawn by two locomotivon, went into Honore of Chicairo-Miss Liieia Hoimtim , , " " t will discounige, to someextoti l , Uio | , l o r consol idat ing s u b ( In ingo

killed . i u g h t o r of l l t S ' S S luying of now lines, it is a misfor tune of pub l i sh again the above formula .

OK*. HIULCA in aaid to liavo nlatrd to a ro> Louhiville, Ky. ; Misa Irene Bnoker. magnitmlo^ would sugg(» t tha t in mosl caae^, when ixirtcr that under no cimiuintancen ttoulil bo daughter of ( leu. I tucker . Chicago; Miss . n . ™ a • Oruiiges aro weak and IWIIUhI in near eininent to go lo Chicago toiako .x.nlrol of tbe Diinlevy. daiighU r of J n d g o Dunlevy i A D i , a P P o i n t e d Pleasure Booker. p roximi ty to each o ther , thoy will ibid Fire nepartment. Chicago ^ d i sappoin ted visitor of a certain i t lo t h e adviuitago of all concerned to

HI ate Orange and liia COIIBOUI ohtaimal. The coumo then for tbe OrangON to piinmo would Iw for ono of them to veto in nurrender its char-ter, anil to coiiBiilidato with the other, and the othor to vote to nt-eivo all of tho inembom of tho Btirrenderiug (.range,. n nnw.

A copy of oach vote, duly an'lienticatnl. Bboiild lio trannmittcl to tho necrolarj- of tbe Htalo Orange, aud tho nurTondored charter nhouhl IH. rotiirneil to the Natinnal Orange, (whence it imuul, llhnmgb the Stale Orange, with tbo fact and date of Itn nurrender, and coiiBolldalion endorno.! tliervon, anlbenticaled by thu nocretary of tbi.Hlale lirango."

In answer to ini | i i iries an to t h e man

Oranges wo

a n d


t nenti

\V. \V. Ci.-uns, Chief Clerk in tbo I.aiid Oflice at Waahiligton, ban arrived in HI. Paul. lo invcBligale, rumor nay., alleged lire lien and dofalcaUoim in tbo band Ufllcon Duliilh and Alexandria, Minn., and Pembina. His l-er cent, bomla II. T. J. H. Vannlyke, lately removed. Is tho Hive iwr cent, hondn. ofllcor an-unt.l al Alexandria. I.e»in Ixiwiaton, tbe I[eceiver al Dohtlli. in aecnacd thcro; and Totalcoin Iwiuln, (leorgoF. Potter, Boceiver at Pembina, is the I-a»f"l money debt thinl acennod. Slatured debt

JnwiK A. 0 . MitlJUi. of tho WiBoonnin din- I-ogal tender IKIIOB. .. Irict, who nan the nenior I'mtulHlaten dinlrict ''ertilicxtcB of .le|"inil Judge al ilio time of bia nomination in Janu- fractional currency an- I anl, die.1 at Slilwaukeo on tbo Inl innt. eortilieaton

A SIISXKHUTA grand jury ban found twenty indictmenu againil ex-Blalo Auditor SJcll- ^ " u l "'H'out intercnt mlh, of that Btale, for nialfeasancu in olliro. Total debl

Total inter.i-t

TIIK KOI TH. CaaliinTrcawiry Coin....

Tin; Biennial (invention of thu Higma-CIl- u , , , ( ,"rT'-"c>' Frali niily the Urgent ...Ucge frateniity in " l 1" ' 1 ' •H«'- i t -beld for redemp-11... C-iliU,l Hlaten Will meet at the Kxchinge " "" o f T'1,1''"""'"" Hotel, llichmond, Va.. on the Zlnt of O d o l w " l ' r"v" l c < 1 h>' U w


pr(i|M'r t h e m aro half a

and as many cooks. Tho

cess. If then , wo wish to attain Uie ob-1 H t < u u l ' " ( f t h e r along ono side of

j.-cts of our Order , we must bo f m t o n u l - 1 1 , 1 0 r o o m > 0 1 0 t o r rwwtii'B. ly diligent and watchful in every th ing vegetables, etc. Eocli range lias tha t we do. i ' t a o w n c " o k ' 1 , 1 , 1 1 everything gis-s along

Le t us r emembor our obl igat ions and ' , i k , , " I 'x^-work. When an o rde r is sent

Im faithful to ourselves ami to all good < l o w u f r o m U , n " '"biimuit , Uie waitor works; mindfu l of our du ty a t all t imes B 1 ™ it tlrst to Uio rhr/. ho m-os Uiat it

and under idl cireunialai.eeH; ever m w a l 1 "B 1 ' 1 ' " m l U , ( , « 1 1 ^ t u k " I , u ' U"' momliering t h a t f ra ternal love and the 1 1 , f l V 0 1 " ! a r d l ^ ' P 1 0 ^ 1 1 , 0 1 i f

endeavor to make each oUier happy, are could oidy H.r into Uio ki tchen ar-

olements of Unit religion Unit in pnromid I " f resUinrants wo would not God-like." c , m ' ^ , ! a c l , W c h . Thooo persons

; shonld visit Delmonioo's ki tchen if they A Mon-rrodacina SUHi. ! want the i r (loiibts dis|H'lle(l. Every

(ienond K i l | m t r x k . a New Brunswick tiling t h e m shines wiUi cleanliness,

money hmner, is doing all he can, j f r o m ' tbo white clothes of men to the through tho Qnuigo organuaUomi, to h u m b l e i i t p o t a n d ketUe.

|M'r]M-tnate t h e p r u c t i c of shaving Uie j Next t o the kitehen is Uie refr igerator

lieople throiigh exorbitant interest . The and soup room. Tim soup is made in Oonenil is probably a s tockholder in ' immensu caldrons, Uiree of which were

some National Hank and professes to in full blast a t the t ime of my v is i t think the industr ial intoresta of New Hevon largo refrigerators held tbe ap

Jersey would IK. in a more flourishing pe tudng viands. T h e m is a refr igerator

condition than Uiey now a m if Utey had for game, one for |Hiullry, unothor for

llsli and unotlier for delicacieH, such as

mushrooms, U-ulllos, etc. ; a n d still another for b ig meatas, joints and steaks.

, - -1 i.. ,• , , , . 1 - . . g o n t liiisttm, who liveaolT From Uiis room wo passed in to a sort of PUBLIC DEBT. m1-v1-v u t 1 1 , 0 d immuHvo tmy Ihat held f u n i l l > ^ t e n d i n g t b e l range,and meet- „ f U l „ u .dus t ry of h is fel- ]iussag.. way, whom them in an engine

„ The fol lowing is the Beptomlivr s t a b - U , , , r ' ' | , , u , l ' n m l ' m n c } , , m r n ^ n W i - ^ y o n r neighl iom,whem menta l ly and | 0 w men, and he wants all be can get of which tu rns Uie meat cut ter , gr iuds Uie

ment of the publ ic d e b t : w o ^ ^ ^ T t ^ , , , , " 0 , , " U m " " o n - p n a l n d n g coffee, and turns Uio ice creom f roewr . ' j "** 1 1 - consisted of a Idaeku-m- *«» h e l p Iksnb-a this the buatneas m oUis tha toUie r s liavo to lalxir U. s u p T h e m am six kinds of icea and ice

6l7,(«5,aoo dumpl ing , roimd aa an apple , and a s | H * v l , , R o f t l , u ( ' r ' V , B 0 t h rough the i r I m r t i i m d h ) , ^ n o t w i l h ftUy o r creams kep t coiistanUy on hand , and in llaky and almost a s whitoiy. new fallen I ' ' " ' ' " «>-''l>«'ration, is worth more dinary maintonance. but it m u s t Is. first is Uie work of throe men to at tend to

" u ' S w " H " " n " y " " i h " 1 " a V,'r-V k m m M l w ^ w T a r T i t T d J n * ^ ' "»• i x - l ' l " >o"Ht supp ly him wiUi th is d e j m r t m e n t N ( « U.ia is U.o l«k-6 4M'SS sm.-ill saucer of aanue, a glass of skim- ^ 1 u • , K A ^ ' r House faro or he f e e l , h e is not cry, where I saw yards ond yards of

m m " 1 " ; l l k . " " d n o t b i n g m o m - O u r W k I w " "sed. H e deems himself one smoking FmnWi bread taken f rom Uie 66 350 000 m , " , , hnvo misUhed our landlady, for U U " K < r " l , H . i " r ' i '1 '" to feel an if it ( h l w ( , silver tojSMUH " " p u t t i n g down Uie t m y islie said, "D id j w a " P ^ ' h ' o t o spare an h o u r away

A Mygterions Lake in Oolorado.

A oorrospondent with tho Hayden

Expedi t ion writoa as fo l lows: " We see f rom our ond of t h e valley

a piotnro of b lue mounta ins whose s h a r p serra ted ont l ino indioatea great

he igh t . I t is a por t ion of t h e main

range in f ron t of Long ' s Peak. Among thooe Immntab lo yet over-changing

bulwarks lies a lake in a circleof guard-

ian peaks whose heads tower thousands of fee t alsivo it, and whose Imsos mee t no one knows how fa r below tho sur-

face of i ts dark waters . I t is Qrand

Lake , a spo t t aboeed among Ind ians

and myster ious to whi te men. Hero, then, was a po in t to b e pho tographed , and with m n d i l abor a n d pa ins i t was ac-compl i shed finally. T h e soonery is

pr imoval and wi ld beyond descrip-

t ion. Rot indtop is one mounta in a t least t h a t h a s snffercd no deeoorotion

s ince Uie ice p loughed i ts fur rowed s ides . T h e lake itself l ies in tho t r ough

of a g l a d r r basin, a n d i ts wes tern bar-rier is an old t e rmina l moraine. Str ik-i n g evidences of g l a d a l act ion occur on

aU h a n d s in t h e scored d i l l s a n d lateral moraines t h a t h e m i t in. I t s extent is

abou t two milca b y t h r ee , and i ts great-

est d e p t h is u n f a t h o m a b l e wi th a 600 foo t line. T h e wa te r ia oold; a n d c lear nea r shore, b u t of inky b lackness in tho middle . Usua l ly in Uie reflection pio-

turod upon ita ca lm bosom all t h e elond-crowned h e a d s a b o u t i t mee t in solemn o o n d a T o ; b n t no t seldom, a n d with lit-t le warning, f u r i o u s winds sweep down

and lash ita l a sy wa te r s till t h o waves vie with each o thor in t e r r ib le energy. O n such t reachery h a n g s o n e of t h e

many ta les told b y t h e c a m p Arc of t h i s s ingular lake. S o m e years ago , so t h e s to ry goes, t h e U t e s wi th t he i r women

a n d d u l d r e n were camped upon i ts banks , t rout- f ishing. Snspeot ing no th -

ing, a n d n n p r o p a r e d fo r war, they woro

there one d a y sn rp r i sed by a band of Arapahoea, the i r anc ien t and implacable enemies. Look ing first of al l to t h o

safe ty of the i r wives and Uttle ones, t h e boat way seemed to se t them a d r i f t

upon rafts in Uie cen t r e of t h e lake t i l l

tho victory shon ld b e won. T h i s dono,

t hey went to repe l the a t tack. The bat-t l e waged. Engrossed in i t s excite-

mont, none noticed t h e rising of tho winds till t h e pa t ience of tho e lements

fai led, t h o un leashed s to rms rn shed down upon the i r p rey , a n d Uie rafts

wero submerged . Never to this d a y has t h e lake given back a s ingle one of

i ts captives. I n the i r consternat ion the Utes fel l a n e a s y p r e y to t h e Arapohoes, mid only one of all t h a t eompany escaped

t o toll t h e f e a r f u l tale. W h a t wonder t h a t t h o Ind ian counts such signal f a r t -

swif t dos tme t ion as a special mani aud at ion of tho G r o a t Sp i r i t ' s anger , aud

avoids t h e p lace as a d read fu l and aw-

f u l spo t I "

Tbe l iranac km. rinlwa. tuo 611. mat, UHI; a i r . ixenry u . J ionore, nrollier ol , , , , , • . . I ) „ „II» fnrm.l i„ »i.„ I , i .1. . . — " — v • •"

Mi DHI..-, the nmnlerer of the Bradley fan.- the bride, Chicago; L i e u t L a m e d , U . H. j"."' and severe cold, was served in o f ' r H ' X ' m , ? " k ' W i , l U ' n * 1 i l w l , • , , 0 , , l ' ily near Lawrenceburg, Ind . ban been found A.. West Point ; Gen.GoorKe A Forsy th 1 , w r w o m : r i I I - * ' b> o i r r y on their b u d n e m . Tho m ituilty of murder in the nccond degree, ami Sheridan's staff Cliioaiw ' N t ! V , , r "ha ' l I forget when t h e Drst j J 0 u r O m u g o h a s d a n n s upon y o u r Ume. | Qenorni, ^ we unders tand it , is a gen- iu wi.tencjd to tho |>enitei.Uary for life. — ^ 1 d inner was served to us. We glanced I A ' ' • t u r d n y a f t e rnoon spen t with your thmiau of e legant leisttm. who lives off F

77.409,077 lli,115.S|0

SUvor WII.TT. of New Orloana, in a caisli- , ^ , 7 ^ ' " " . ' T " " " 7 ' " 9 ' H 7 a - 8 , H ono could ixMsibly imagine, I - " - *

• M . m . m 1 b r i ng Uiis u p t4. s o o n ? " " Y e s . " we f r " 1 " w " r k - T I ' i H j , w t what is tin replied, " we never (« t desser t llnrt." m a t t e r with us. W e have, by th i s mg:-

•571,572,(tti: " Oh, m y , " suid ou r hostess, sh rugg ing ''-el and consiant bard work, d m o s t ul-•J,256,u:i7,5:i(} her shou ldem aud l(Miking fiercely, " wo lowed our affairs to pass out of our

•n jil'i . ' , , o v < > r *'""k " " ' a t and vegetables on ' bands . W e have worked so coiisbtnUy, wash-day ; this Li your d inne r . " Tlien , neglect ing not only our soeiul relations,

she went quiet ly out of the room, leav- ' " ' t t h e eeonomical niaiiagemont of our ing us alone with our indiges t ib le dump- busfi i t«s interests, tha t many men now

5«.3.-lo,onii ling. Fo r ton we luul stale b read , tho oonsidnr it presumption fo r formers to

weakest, vilest imitation of tea tha m o o t b igether for such purposes. W e

a n d one have worked b s . much . L e t us mee t a n d reason toge ther oftoner. Le t fami-

Beware of t h e country fa rm house " e s l iv ingneighl)ors l«eonio aeqnaintod, where there is p len ty of fruit (which is a n d t h e young folks t augh t tha t f a rm

careful ly picked when ripe and sent to " ' a y 's1 a1* social and cheer fu l

spoon fellows Uiat clodhop- oven b y flour besprinkled bakers . Next | iers are Ixmud to support . T h o Gene- to Uie bakery is Uio l aundry ; in

nil should throw himself i n to t h e arms i th is room, mid at dish washing Uiem am of the national adminiKtration entirely ; th i r ty women employed. Pa ten t drying

and llnally, as weU as in pr inciple and i macliines, au immense mangle , ironing Uioory.—/nr/. Af/c. 1 tables, s tat ionary tulw, mid a lingo stove

compoeo Uio fumi tu ro of Uie room. A Laughable Scare. Hetwuen Uie laundry mid the jxissago is

Fall Stylos for Qentlemsn.

A fash ionab le Eng l i sh ta i lor g ives

the coming f d l and whi te r s tyles fo r

gen t lemen as fo l l ows : Double breas ted f rock coaU will b e worn more t han ever as genera l ly semi-dreas garment ,

c u t r a the r s h o r t in proport ion in t h e waist , and very long in t h e ski r ts , to bu t ton t h r ee o r oven fou r b u t t o n s :

p la in facings , a n d bound narrow or

silk b reas t fac ings , and flat bra ided for

smar to rcoa t . Waixtouat, s ingle breas t -ed, with a stop-collar, to but ton me-

d ium h igh , if of tbo same goods, o r a doub le breas ted whito vest , showing

HIKIVO t h e tu rnover of t b e coat lapel.


Throw liy the trapping" of thy Unsel rhymo— HIIBII t h e c r u d e voice, WIIOBO n e v e r - e n d i n g

wall •Uiglits the awpol Bong of thniBh or nighlln-

gale, Hot In the treble of our tiiiBel time I la earth grew., dim I baa heaven her graci.

Hiibllme. Her |Kimp nf OIOUIIH aud wimla ami BIIIIBAI

aliownt*. Merged In the Iwlligl.l of fnnereM bourx. Ami Time's death-Bignal Btnick Its Iro'i cbimo Ub, frail, falno dreama! not the tlnloBl note From yomler green girt co|«o but criea thee

abarae! Iiove. beauty, rapture fill tho warbler's

throat— U.o mlf-eame Joy. the panninn blithe and

yotnig, Tlirilted by the forco of whono Immaci.Iato

flame Hie llmt glad atain, tho Htars of morning,

Htlllg. —OaUay.


CIIAH. Humnrh's ostato has lieon ap-

praised, and is valued a t $1^4,724.

HE who freely pra ises wha t he moans

to purchase , and he who ennmerateK Uie f a u l t s of what ho means t o seU, m a y

set u p a par tnorsh ip wi th hones ty .

A OBHMAN at Ter re H a u t e , I n d . , so ld

10,000 pounds of grapes raised on land which tho s a m e season would no t havo

produced sixty bushels of corn,

A roBnoAL New H a m p s h i r e ed i to r speaking of trees, s a y s : " E v e r y t r eo

is a f ea the r in the ea r th ' s cap , a p l u m o in he r bonnet , a t ress upon he r fore-

head ; there /ore p lan t t rees 1 "

J o n JKFPBIWON lias been p e r f o r m i n g

in Chioago. When girls there wept a t the sorrows of Ids Itip P a n Winkle

o the r jenlons fo t t in ines said i t was dono j u s t to diow new lace handkerchiefs .

A N o ld gent leman died recent ly a t

Allcntown, Pa. , who had been marr ied

four t imes, tho ceromany having tok ing place respectively on h is fo r t i e th , fif-

tieth , s ix t ie th and ueveutieth b i r th -


ItEFoiuiBBa will soon have now ene-

mies t o ba t t le . Tlio impor ta t ion of op ium to t h i s coun t ry now amonnta t o

nearly 25 tbonsand p o u n d s a n n u d l y —

ton times mom than t h i r t y yeare ago. OBDHUY says the ladies aro too f o n d

of mi lk punches and b r a n d y smashes

a f t e r Utey have d ipped in tho sea. G r u n d y nays th is every yca r , and d r i n k s

cont inue t o be mixed j n s t Ute some.

IT is s a i d tha t a t t h r ee years old wo love ou r mothers ; a t six ou r fa there ;

a t bin ho l idays ; a t s ix teen, d ress ; a t twenty , ou r uweuthcar ts ; a t twenty-fivo

ou r wives ; a t for ty ou r c h i l d r e n ; a n d nt s ix ty ourselves.

" Y o u c a n get your Ixxits blacked i n

aide t h e r e , " said a hotel clerk l o M

gues t , poin t ing to tho {xirter'a room.

" I d o n ' t wont my boots blacked ins ide , "

responded tho s t ranger , in toMeH of as -tonisbment.

A I'KACH orchard in Maryland cun-

ta ins 1,013 acres. At t h e he ight of t h u pas t season 600 hands wero employed

in picking, paring, mid conning Uio f ru i t , mid the daily work was abou t 4 ,000

baskets , o r 30,000 cans.

" DID miything abou t t h o d e f e n d a n t

s t r ike you r eye as r e m a r k a b l e ? " asked t h e J u d g e of the plaintiff i n a ease of

ossoult a n d ba t te ry . " I t d id ye r H o n -o r . " " A n d what was i t ? " oonl innod

Iho J u d g e , " His fist, yor H o n o r . "

T h e Mikado of J a p a n is sel l ing off c e r -

t a in images, and adver t ises ono of t h e m as fo l lows : " Fo r sale a t Kama K u r a , I n London it is now qu i t e t h e style to

wear rough fancy chccked Cheviot a very fine idol with six arms. I t is fif-trousers , witii a f rock coat, b u t he ro a j t e en fee t h igh , and was cast in b ronco

qu ie t , Cheviot s t r ipe o r s m d l check {at S h e f l l d d . "

will be proferod. I n morn ing c o a u ; BEOIKNINO at t h e Iwginn ing—" A n d t h e pr inc ipa l change la t o havo them I what ' s y o u r favori te s tndy , missy ? ' "

bu t ton very h i g h wi th shor t collar a n d i m d l lapel worn t h r ee o r f o u r b u t t o n s

bu t toned a n d m o d e r a t d y ca t away

f rom thu lower bu t t on . F lops o n the

" Chronology," " O, chronology is i t ? N o w w h a t is tho da te of tbo creation o f

t h e w o r l d ? " " O , wo haven ' t go t as-

fo r oa t h a t g r a n d p a . " — i ' u n c A ,

h i p s a ro no t g e n e n l l y worn, if tho ROSE—" I t is b~aut i fn l hmr , dea res t

g a r m e n t bo of t h e finer goods. T h i s j bu t I am redly a f n i d i t is not nil y o u r coat is l i k d y d i e oxoaption hero and j own ." L U y — " Oh, yes i t is , d a r l i n g ;

wUl only be worn b y those who affect j tho p l d t was 30 shi l l ings , and tho long t h e ex t remely Eng l i sh s tylo of dress-1 c u t beh ind 25," I t o s o — " Oh, how ing. F o r undress ,bus iness and t ravel ing sui ts , checkH,of which t he r e is an infinite variety in every shade and sixe, will bo " B u r l e i g h " writes f rom New York a small room, whom Uie " a r t i s t s " . . ,

to the Boston Jou rna l t h u t one of our jxistry work. T h e m aro fivo men con- Uie prevai l ing s t j l o , and m a d e u p pr in-

railroads n t n s by tho county bui ldings . HtanUy employed iu Uiis room, making cipally as refining jackets o r morning

Prisoners, 4|>aii|iers, aud t h e diseased : fine cakes and eentm-pieoes fo r bibles, coato, with pocketa unde r flaps and

am traus|K)rtcd o f ten on Uie s t r ee t cars The room is ful l of moulds, over which vests, wi th no collar to bu t ton high, to save expense. T h e pract ice creates mtgar figures are made, mid various b i t s , Chevioto are very much worn in E u r o p e

great indignat ion. So fa r , al l p ro tes t s of gilt a n d oUier odds and ends Unit g o , and will be f a sh ionab le fo r ent i re sn i t s hove been in vain. The o t h e r day the towards making up those tompting, but o r t rousers . T h e r e is a decided in-

conductor was collecting f a r e s f rom a uever-bi-be-totiched pyramids. Thcro i s ; d i n a t i o n to depa r t f r om tho " d r o s s y "

I'niled Hlat The Hccretary of the

call for 610,(100.000 in 6--.'0" for redemption within three nmntl


On the inorning of Oetolx-r 'J,

• ' for «de^ 'iiid lxaiiiKT aiui flaiiiiin n Tkr T n i , r . i i n , . r u . i i r . , d i — p j - u go u m . n g n r the click of the hommer a n d ktufe, as men w

! r f r - , * ? * i t r t s " ? ^ - t

|x>ailioii lo him 1b vny great, in conneim.nee ' ' "^"8 ^PUndx; of bin never having un.1 the nuchinen-of the I ' c i f l c , U i l , V*V

dty government in opixmiliou lo the Kellogg r ,""l«""cB. "ilcrent payable in govemnieiit. money:

Tin; lonnen in the neighlxirlioul of Kavan- j'1""""1!'*'ouUtamliog nal i . t ia , 1-y li e recent n, vere mono on tbe \et pa.d ninlbeni c. ant ealiliuted al -100 000 ' " l e m l '>a' l'V r , l i U « l K U " , H

UI1.X the arrival of Un I Hlaten truo|w at b y

('ourhalla, U . , nomo fifleen Ixagucm who „ , gaged in .W ncenl nnndern left town , l a

1l , ! . .

and lied lo Atkaiirfln and Texan. T n t guvemom of Kentucky and Tenneiwee

had a eonfercm-e at Leulnvllle, to connider tho prn|xhM»l conference of KnuUinrii govemorn, iniimullalnly afler thoClialtau.Higa convention. The M'iiemo wa. ouiiBidonxlniadviraldc. a- Ixi-iog Mx-Uonal n. nature. A oonfiironce of gov-

H ^ t ^ r j k : ^ r r ' l t o r t h " 1 : ^ ; ? t , , u I M o o r ? u \ <*** ^ ^ ?nJ u; "r ^ n;her ^ U r .If iNTHoiis, wounding was in » manifeaUy M t o n condi t ion, l o ~ ™ ^ T l ^ a r , and n e . r l , T u b i n ' l l . J l . M m into U l e H v e m m i t o f m i o i i d e n t ^ » " N o , h i r i n g l « e n snll ldenUy UirasUnl

n o a U * " p n u g at t h e bo t tom. S i d e p o c k e U a m ^ n a boy, l t o b e r t U . J o h M o u i . u w

- 1 complete p re fem-d . wr i tm to his mother:

La B u t e n a t Busuo. Ajm. ^ 1 ^ m"uo Wrc,,


railroad ch i rgea , j u s t as we have, only u , ' , . . " y , m K o t t l u ' " ' " " ' • • P " * ' less so. As he ro ee rUiu par t iea arc , , a " 1 1 , " • " ' " " • • h e d conductor . " Y e a ,

much nze rdsod a lxni t it, TheHul t t rduy | 1 ' " l v " R < , t 1 1 0 "'aaU-pox d o . " Tl ie pas- ij-j,,, im l in Exhumed Art Treoinrei .

now mode in very s tyl ish pa t te rns , will improve every season with t h e

increased demand . In overooabi, Uie

frock, o r s u i t o u t . will be worn more I ]

cheap I "

" I s tho Platto uavigablo for stoam-Ixmts?" inquinxl a traveller iu a Union P a d f l e railroad train of a Nebraska man,

a shor t t ime ago, "Navigable forstoats-

Ixiabi?" replied Uio Nidiraska man; " n o , not oven for l ight d ra f t d u c k s . — ^ / t e r Dinner.

WHEN Mr, Jefferson was p resen ted b>

t h e C o u n t of Franco as tho American: Minis ter , he was o f t e n asked, " I s it. you dea r air, who replace D r , F r a n k -

lin ? " t o which he genera l ly auswerod r

" N o ono can replace Dr , F ron l^ in : L a m only h is successor ."

THE magnif icent n u t treo i m p o r t e d

f rom Asia Minor a t Uio commencemen t

of t h e e ighteenth cen tury , and p lan ted in tho ga rden of p lan ts . Par is , ia a t t h i s

announcen tha t t h e superiu | l l » " ' " rmer ly , m a d e to b u t t o n fou r L o m e B t covered w i t h ' n u b . , ' notwith-Ih i ! J u g g e r n a n t h pi lgr ims ut Serum

on Ui.. Inl innlanl. wiib hiiiilanum. A .1111 at Cri-lleld. SI I , the limt innlant, shat ter ing br idges and hoiiHes in

biinied ne\en l.irg. inntcr boil-. " an I l»i. vieinily. Tile rejxilt of The • IWl'llllUJ |,t»rt • | i INMI i|iit|ifM|i|-c VIM f«4il I t , •

i i l s . p , . r i . . i u u lM»4nl iuliiitniici» u f 2 0 iiiiliti fmiu work «.»•*»• I al. \ I 'I I J.IIIVMS HImI Wlllimn , . . . . # V'illiam onti niplaliiin u dm I, Ih. the place where it

lutter wart mil nie.1 a( Noif.i'ik, Va , and iNiinid ' '.idieiiof victims of the exploxion hnve uiorii ing Um nmgis t ra te was still j i H . 1 and no t in bulk. to keep Uie IB'dii' in T 10,1*10 IkiiuI.. (i..i...|.il I" en recovered. '1 he light!, in the mil Biitinlled with JoluuHin could not Iw found. way station and other bui ldings, two and ini |xiunded

miles away, were extinguished by the u n y n l t e m p t

eonciiHsion, Many i - r s o n s nmae navs t h e Pat r i id , " t h a t for t h e ' u - ' ' • . .mpan i r s u rg ing t n e nnula on end Ix-hind tho driver Tl io inva terv ^ mpm- , i . - , , . , , - ^ y . i . - t the i r lxxli«i wnnt • to p u t their passenger fa res at t h e low- 0 1 , ( 1 l ~ u _ , m l , u o * ' n v ® ' > i u o m y s U r y si-nt the 1U|M> of Oauymede, Ulyssiw '"olony is very numerous in the capitid • KOM.B say m a t tlictr IKKIICH want

wa*, expla ined. The honeat German f r u m U l ( . (.11V1. o f of the Argent ine Be,mblic, where, IH- ••icreia.., bu t hey do not perceive tha t

sides Uiat, the I t d i a n language mus t be " " U , e , r " a " 1 o " " iu«t an

FIIIICIIi.N. Oariluidi ha- inniinil a nuni- |i; l r r,nV

l.i r.«pi«nUlig elefltnrs to banlim In the |HIII Irtl.v del

,• inagis t ra te was still dis- The ix.ir fellow kei.t in . wi th t h . , W " , , , " " l " 1

b t h e condit ion of t h e car, . 1 1 , 0 I U « l , t W l

E - O 'ada tone , ^ , 1 1 0 1 1 , i l l ( , . .. qi ' „ i ¥ 0 j ockeys of our iloy, in varioi

ided H e rolH-n t o prevent ^ U k ' - ^ i , ' l ' > y ^ ; r o m ? m v , J x ' ^ i l l l L to r * * * * ' ^ U " , ,

at inovini / i t " T h e resull Vl l-'w 0 ' t h e ma t t e r . H e h a s wri t ten to ' . . ' . , I . . ?• head dress is not unlike Uie ai moving it, i lie result . , , I a small two-foot • u u a m c h a i t slmiditiR . .

he Pat r io t , " t h a t for Uie the « .mpan ie« u rg ing t h e roads , m . . . J d r i v e r * l o e k ' V « P - l l , " " U " , r I ' " ™

CtrCUS, »» aaunuu. ajivm. |

'• each hold ing in a horse, and dressed Brest I tal ian t ragidienne. His Itrti.n. for iho othor I got who., an urchin. ill var ious colors i l < ) r 1 ' ' ' a* B i v , , n some repreMentotiona at j Youcannow aee, at your age, what the dif-

Tlieir Buenos Ayroa. She met wiUi a spleu- ferenoeia;

miMli.ni 'b ' l sneceaa ; and thia ia not surpr is ing , ' r " , n J*'*1 , ' , 0 , , , 1 , e , r " m " ' e Bluo when i t is remembered t h a t t h e I t d i a n : Uiis.

esi.ip'- from death . A 'Irst t ime within t h e memory of man tin. .-11.1.11 !"el.v-;.(M (,ir "u.u 'ci'.'anX'r'nf " l l l " 1 , , ' r " { aninialM in the Ziki- the sacred ear was not drawn on the 0 , 4 1 I josstble |Munt, H« t h i n k s t h i s

and vote for iboao now in piino.1 for Onrdeim . were killed. T h e day of t h e f e s t iva l . " But by t h e wise w , , n great ly increase t h e numl i e r of imiutity of |M.w.ler tlo.t ex |doded action of the uiithoritii-s in prevent ing l 'u« , M" ,K , ' r H . and , i u d d e n b d l y , the

from ilnenoB on Hie I togent 's canal was four I'IIIH. the removal of tho car in i t s uusafe a m o u n t of tralllc. H e says t h a t hia iiditiou, there cm. Is- no d o u b t tha t R a n d a l exper ience has .xmvinccd h im

wanb'd to pay f.ir his small box on the ^ u ^ f n i m m , , ,

ear as well as h is own fare. The eon- wU, p o r t l y la, exiiibitod in the p re t ty easily underatood by Uie uotivea, t h e another '11... focidtiea of ducbir aixdogized, and a sea t was offered to thu man. B u t ho had had

enough of t h a t company. H e refusixl

all invitat ions to ride, shouldered h is

Pa la t ine Museum. whose mother tongue is a l so a Laitin 1 1 , 0 n , ' n < 1 1 1 1 , 0 B e n e r a l ' y t r e a t e d in t h i s i language, t h e Spanish. As to Uio pectt-1 ' a s h i o n ; thoso tha t tho indiv idual finds

Objection to Twins. niary benefito m d i i e d by the great t h e moat usefu l in t h e wsy of money

n . . Some mniuiingincidonbi occu r o m o i i f f ' t f a B 0 ^ ' o n l , e , t h e Buenoa Ayms jaipers i B e t t i n g h e develops asaidnousl j b y t J ^ - t n d 8 a d o " f 0 0 t 4 0 t ravelera by rail, and the following we ^ " " ' t Uie six representot ions . h e I 'xerc .se; ond the o t h e r f ^ m l t i e a whoao the Alms House . can vouch f o r : One d s y last week a B ™ in that city b rought her ui Uie would embar rasa and impeib.

A Declaration Dnd«r DifficultiM. venerable gent leman of t h i s c i ty was sum (rf 1326,143, which iu eight days , J h f t o

What he s a i d : " S o p h i a , believe rid-ig over an Eastern ra i l road to Bos -M.ly makes an average »40,G43 of Argen- ' r n ^

me when I say (confound t h e mosqui- when a lady entered a t one of the , i n " " " " " ' y P®' n i B h t Hnpiwamg that " , a l ^ f r W " n t " o f m f n M , d * ' that y o u ( they ' re b i t i n g right s ta t ions with a child under one arm and Mailame Bist^.ri spent four hours in e a c h ' , e ^

to tlie au- I . " . . \ •'. . . , , ..r i t . n .„i.i . i „ . » j i i i , . u u ^ . ^ . . . i I A KTOIIY is told concerning a ntorm on

political ofTeiiBen, Koiirii AM K I I I C A Adv

Ayrsn repre«iit ti.« n-diitim of political Details of the iK-cHrrence sliow Uiot ito condit ion. u - " " r w : . l w i s l r o n s effoels were wide spread, many lives were saved, T h o magis- t h a t " t h e t l a to , i n d i v i d u d , o r c o m p a n y

pr'V.H the iuBurroction." H"1" Many trees were uprooted, aud houses Irate, who lias t h u s boon t h e indirect I t h r i v e s Uie bes t which dives down dcep-

KKIIVIA.—A cimnpincy for the overthrow of ''xsiteil two miles diHlnnt f rom the c-.inal mcona of p n s e r v i n g Uie lives of a num- e H l 1 , 1 , 0 t h e mass of Iho communi ty , the reigning dynanty of Herv.a ha- been ilin- were shat tered , .Seven persons are yet bcr of h is fellow creatures , is covered n n d adap t s i l l a r rangements to the covered. SI any arrest i have Ixxm made and iniHsing. Tliere was a i ierfeet panic for with ubuse , and accused of " e o n s p i r - wan t s of tho greiitost n u m b e r , "

arm* have Ixjeunei^od. Kx-Piincu Karagcorge- hours, mid i t was not tuitil t h e cause of ing to ititorfere with t h e religious ob- i . n \ a i t'nanui.

t".e mo-.-«mini 1 0 ^ 0 , [ U " ^ r r i f i c re jx . r is was learned that the s , n a n c e s of t h e peop le , " . . p . i , , , , , . " i,, „ communication to th

J'sat'. Advicen fnm. Pen. ntaic that a rero- «he IKX.ple were allayed. ScVe- : — Indus t r ia l Age, it. raforeuco lotion Iuk liten taken by the ministry todoclare n l , ' ' n , < , 1 , s ( ' ' r d from f r igh t . Jokine clone I all do|Ki.itn of guaoo on the Chincha " The presidr I Jond. AN 11 UN EST C H 0 H B . when his glnnw

Anxmu.—Tbe ICm|x-ror Frauds Jow-pl. ban Commissioner Voorbies, of New I " G o o d leath. dis-oratiil all Ibo memlxTB of Iho Arctic cx- v .«L J I J n i * i- i i • / » » r> - . . po lition, including tbo Bailors lo rK, who is unea r t l nng the abuses of displayed ui f ron t of a Providence shoe pet i t ion rcprotM

MKXICU. The prosideni's amnul message the Police De jmr lment f rom day to daj - , s tore rooeutly. This d m o s t equals of capital, acknowledging Uiat t h e Gov-1 , - , - - w i » •! i i givi-n a mont natirfadory aceount of Uie con- recently c d l e d fo r a s ta tement of the m- the mot to which was displayed in f ron t e m i n e n t w.-v. for t h e protection of capi- 111 bi t ten near ly to deaU.) it' you ore r t m a r ix e ^ • dilioi. of the republic. It nayn internal pcace in growing more firmly (wtahlishixl everyday. Th* government will oot.th.ua with ouergy its , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

i m n e imi r n at f ive branch of the city polirai fo rce with city, to Uiat pluco a few yearn ago. I t n i i l l ious! Hhotild he be more favored r ' B h ' t ' u x j u g h m y shoes) make m e y o u n needless to say that the b d j j>etulcntl} ig a c i r c l l l ) i a l t hough 05 yearn of uge. s b d l o w ? " " Y e s , " was Uio reply, " b u t

A C*Tiiuiii(! pr ius t lini can-i v| a k the consent ol the anthoiiticK. In liiis r e a d : " W e l c o m e to tlni gallant b y Uio government than an honest la- ' - i D 0 V / v / / I x / ? ' 1 1 1 1 Bo th l ive within s i g h t of Doylestown, then you know if wo keep iu deep wa-

ter, when tho veosel rolls over Uie masto

- probably circulates it WHEN is a literary work l ike smoke? t h r ee f a rms b y h is own t h r i f t and exer won ' t st ick fast in Uie mud on tho bot-

t ion, has never been on a nu l road- t ra in . i torn a u d hold us d o w n , "

illio.iH , ' n l o . c r . u H i j i n m i nave , . . . . . , .. , / . ... always thongl i t well of you , and that has a g r e a t aversion to dogs , b landly MO.O'KS m Argent ine cur rency

' M a d a m e I aaa I. I II1 > I«. 11 •» a» » »,»A A •• a | a « » A ' » F • «al | ' l "LL* | • • T | | . . » • I I * • ' ALT ^aJ VV^MIIIK^ ^ A ^

wards paid to iletoetives s incc 1801. In of a j . ret ty ini l l iner 's store in Norwich, t d instead of b d n g for Uie protoction of ^ U i n g to tnke m e with till my fatilli. 1 , I U T ® 1 , 0 ob jwUon to o n e baby m t h a t t h c r o w e r e t w o i n

this jieriod of th i rbx-nyenrs a very large Cunnect icut , upon the occasion of the the people '. Is a man ' s r igh ts more so- a ! , 7 - ' I n n H J ^ " m i l , i " n " f 'em), the " B B t 'a , n t ovo ^ 10 mos ( ecu n r e c e l , t | y f o r l j j 0 p n r p ^ 0 f snm of money luia lieen pmd t h e detec- v i d t of t h e Seventh I teg imeut , of th is cred Ix'cause he is woi th one h u n d r e d y " " have u t te red ( they r e going 0 jee ion o * l n 8 - , B P 0 ' ftP" circng, ne i the r of whom hot

in great peri l . T h e reply was Uiat ho Uiought

THE B u c k s County (Pa . ) Mir ror says they w ould get Uirougb d l right if they Doylestown cotdd keep out iu deep water. " W h y , "

seeing tho I said Uio terrified ono, " c a n ' t wo drown

h a d ever been jus t as well iu deep water as we can iu

/ ny*T .wwi ! p n o s i mi l c i i n i a a s m ti.e consent oi ti.e an t i .on t ics . i n t n t s r e a d : we lcome to tno gainuit by u io government man an Honest la- / Bo th l ive within s i g h t of Doylestown,

sa t ion in Cinciunott i by inveighing linn.' ono detective has accepted uo lean Seventh , i rnwist ible in a r m s ! " T h e b o r e r Uiut depends upon his doily labor TEXAS has a ]iaper c d l c d Uie Moving o g - — o n a j r < ' ' • ' u n , _ u r - u n d o n e of t h e m , who h a s acquired

against some Irish famil ies fo r sending than S12,918,60, which is recorded oil boys admired the i n s c r i p t i o n . - for h is bread I j Hall. H i e edi tor prolmbly circulates it WHEN is a literary work i ike smoke? t h r ee f a rms b y h is own t h r i f t and exer the i r children to the common schools, the books; ano ther has realized 88,150, Graphic.

i literary Wo liod a g r a n d time a t Uio Orange I with his shot-gut j .—Cfeur/cr-yourna/ , I W h e n i t riaea in volmntfl.



The ciinin.ni n.n.nel fad.i.1 into gray. Upon tho mumiliroilH nea till. Iwillght foil;

T h e litnt warm b ren th of tbo delicioiiB d a y

Tanned Willi a m u l e f a rewel l ,

Alx.ve my head In tbe nofl purple sky A wild unto Boiindod, liko a Bhill-voleod Ix.ll

Threo gullB mot, wheelul, nnd |>arli»l with a cry

Thai sneniod lo say " FamwelH"

iug t ime and br ing t h e m forward with-out much, or a t any rato with s m d l , loss of flesh. To do this , if i t bo in-

| tended to givo Uie liest |x>sdblo core, it

is nooomnty thai thoy Ito t a u g h t to cat I grain while r unn ingwi th tho d a m ; bu t ,

if they Ix . i n tondodon ly fn r th io r floociw, at tho age wo have ment ioned they will

! Is. pre t ty w d l ab le to toko care nf

: themselvi* if suppl ied with good pas-I lure.

When lambs are weaned, t hey should

I watched tliem; nailed oant, ami o t K , | ' ^ tokon f rom Uio ewea and placed in MHired went, 0 poaturo whom tho food is flush, out

And ..no wenl ilitiing BOUUi; while liko a ! ol t h e hear ing of t h e dams, whero, in a few days, thoy will ontirely forgot Uio ewes. B u t if they havo I icon t a n g h t to

eat gra in with tho awes be fo re t h i s time, i ' m u s t in no ease bo token f rom

them, bu t they shonld bo i n d t o d to eat lilicrally, by ove«y means posdb lo ,

of gra in or ita e q n i v d o n t ; fo r i t ia

dur ing tho foil and tho first W i n t e r af ter weaning t h a t tho y o u n g of any domcHtic a n i m d suffer tho most .

As cold weather approaches , tho lambs should bo t a u g h t to oat pumpk ins .

That mimmfnl cry tbo eniptynky IXMBCBBOII, "Farewell, farewell, farowoll!"

'Farewell!" I tboiight. Il is thecarU.'s one Mtieech;

All biniian voloen Uio nail chontn BWnllj Tbough mighty love lo beaveu's lUgl. gale n.ay

reach. Yet muni he nay " Farewell!"

Tbo rolling world is ginllod with the round l'or|X'tually breaU.od from all who dwell

U|K)n its Ixxwim, fur no placo is found Where is not heard, " Farowoll!"

loBsod, i From wind lo wind; oarlli has ono lalo lo

tell; AU oUier Bonmli aro dolled and drowned and

lost In Uiis one cry. " Farewell!"



•Farowoll, farowoli/ '-from wave lo wave ' t is ' m tabagos .mon igo ldso r o the r roo ts tha t

may h a r e been ra ised. T h e y should not lie allowed to shr ink , fo r , if they am,

Uio expense of b r ing ing t h e m book into condit ion will bo in exact p ropor t ion to

tho flosh l o s t ; and th is r u l e will apply to all o ther domest ic animals , aa w d l sa Iambs.

T h o profi t of Hhcep h u s b a n d r y is in

| exact proport ion to t h e core given. Babl.a In Aula- Adjuallng Ihc Harn.aa loFit Ih. I T l l ( , r 0 „ „ H t < N ) k U i a t bo l t e r than

llorte-Kcrp a Few Der«-Weanin|- , . . 4 | .. / " . . . . Lamba-Ohoppinc Qrcen Food 1 "''Oep, ll t h e Will and Conditions OTO

—Hoawhoid Bodpea. ' snibible ; and no s tock pays leas if neg-— j lectod. T h o rule t h a t sheop pay twice,

llnbim in Antn, j o n c e i n the wool a n d once in t h e mnt-

Cormsivo sublimato, . i t is said, has I bin, d t h o u g h t rue , is only so when

tho most remiirkiiblo effect upon IIIIIH. | gixxl core is given. If t h i s bo not tho T h e powder , s t rewed in d r y weather i case, thoy aro ap t to cost twice, ouoo in

acrona Uteir pa th , seonm to drive every j the inves tment , nnd a g d n in tho loss an t which touches it crazy, T h o insect | f rom want of core ond feeding, r u n s wildly nlKint nnd fiercely at tack* j — ita fellows. Tiie news soon t ravels to j cfcenHM«.rfe» Fead. t h e res t , and tho l ight ing member s of , ^ b - r u uien as a ru le , do nol cu t

tho oommuni ty , huge follows, some * * f o o d f o r s t o c k ' m a c h U mt

Uiree quar topi of an inch in length, m m m ™ r - T h e r e o grxxl many,

moke the i r opjiearauco with a de tenu- i l , " w o , r o , • ,1

n * h " f 0 " w ' U c d P 0 * ' 0 0 8 -iued d r , as if t h e o b s l o d o were to l x , | ' h o ^ h c g b m . n g t o d o so, ond are

apeed ly overcome by the i r effor ts . 1 * * * * * 1 1 « , r " f l l " h l 0 - A o o u n l r 7 * e l M e -As soon, however, aa t hey have oonoaponden t , oftor not icing t h e

touched t h e subl imato, Kays t h e nar- effect of g reen tareii, boons and o the r

r a t o r iu t h e " N a t u r a l i s t in Nicaragua ," f 01

r n R 0 "h ic l i we do no t use t h a t coped-

all t h e stateliuoHs leaves them ; they

ru sh i d iou t ; their legs a m seized hold of b y some smallcraulH al ready affcctod

by t h e poiiion, aud they thoraself begin

ally tend to tlatulonoe, s a y s :

According to t h o condi t ion of ibi

growth, I mix m o r e o r loss of fino cu t s t raw or hay chaff with i t . T i m

t h e L A W THTST.

Over brown moors and wlthorod leas Tlie angry winds woro Bweoping;

Ovor the groat gray northern scan Tlie cresled waves wero leaping;

Ami you and I stood close togelbnr, In the chilling gleam of the wintry weather. As tho bore, gaunt branchM nverhead Hbook their lingering leaflets, gold and red. While in every faltering word we said Hang Uie piUful wail for the things that wero

dfad; For, by tbo sad Beas, 'ncatb thu Blormdirat

trees. Our last tryst wo were keeping.

I scarce conld bear (he wonli yon snhlxxl. Amid your pamionato weeping.

And Iho glow from the eager prayer was robbed

By the obill around us oreeplng; From the silent paths, where in Bummer

weather. Ynuth, Joy and music had met togeUior, From the cry of the sea-mown flitting past. O'er Uio white wild waves in tln^bilter blast, Prom thebroaken that crashed on tho hollow

•and. From the sough of Iho broer.o o'er tho dull,

damp land, From the sea and eboro rose "No more, no

more," As our Irysl we wero keeping.

There was not a pole bnd loft, in sooth. 'Mid tho dry leaven ronnd ux heaping:

Tho bitter harvest of reckless youth. Time's Iron band was reaping;

Onr Hps still said, " Forever, forever." As the trembling fingers close.! together. Bnt oven then eaoh sad heart know What fate and drcnmBlanoo meant to do. And tho taighty MIlows boomed liko a knoll. As wo tumod apart from that long farowoll; Ami to wiml, and rain, and the moaning

main. Left the laet Irysl of our kooping.

—AU Uw IVor /found

to bito, ond in o shor t t ime boenme t h e al»«.rl« its superf luous moiature. and

m i t r e s of bal ls of rabid mils. As these flatulence, ibstonsion and

insects a re one of the scourgeH of trop- d p n l h ' T h o M m o Pr inciple i s appUed icol, America, d w t r o y i n g vegeUtiou 4 0 P , , l P , , d r - ' b ' - p n l p o d cabbage , kohl in immense quant i t i es , i t is p robab le f " ' " . mangolds—the la t te r being most t h a t th is ex t raord ina ry reuiedy may j diu.geroui early iu tho scoson unless so

bo of considerable service to ngricnl-1 admixed, T h o cost of do :ng oil this is tnristH, ' a t r i f le aa compared with tho serious

j losses occasioned by i ts omission. Tlie AdjaMlna (he l l n r n r — • . Ml I he U»r-c. v n l n i l o f „ a I l i m B l ^ , , 1 , , p n y

E v e r y p a r t of a haruesH hIIOIIIII be extra cost for several yeare. I n fact , I buck led up nliortcr " r le t ou t unt i l the I | „ I 1 R K i l i c u ftrriVcd ut tho e o n d u d o n liiirni'HH flU Um liuriM) JIS neiiilv iw n . . . .A . . . . . . ,

. . . . a, a # • Innt Iho Inn i ing o n l , itMunififf » t large, p a i r of boot* imt a reof he pnqK-r size ^ ^ f ( i o d ^ ^ . n

fo r (.lie H feet . The collar should Ut , t h l W 0 M u ,

c losely, wi th space eiiongh a t the Ix.t- 0 ¥ p r r i | M ) ^ c i U l , . r ^ o r

torn toiulmi a m a n s hand. If bx . c I , 1 V 0 r i w h i c l l ^ t .mgh a n d indigesti-

u rge i t has the bat effect of d n i w m g i r u c . in.n. inution. Of course, t h e shoulders together, Ou uo - u - i n m c U „ ^ , K . i u g j ( . l l c i „ n l n i h t } t

s ide ra ion sh .mld o t o a m or any work than over fu l l of mois tu re , thoy do no h o m e IH. o o m p d l e d to wear a martin- r ^ | u i r i l H t r a w ^ , ) r l l t M o v e n t o

ga le , as i t d raws t h e h e a d down and v . r ) r l i U | o o f i t . If ho r ses a r e to have prevents h im f rom ge t t i ng into an easy i t ^ , M . f o r u ^

a n d na tura l jiosition. tarns in a wet stato, not afU,r. Boon check-rein may bo used , bu t ^ H , | ( i n I < l 1 h , i n t o n n i x e d with o r

on ly t igh t enough b . keep t h e head in a t tached t o t h e cu t food lit the manger, a natural p o d t i o n and should never IH- M y | | u r M W > f r o m w o r k i B r c

wound a round tho hames. Sec tliot I m t n l l ( ) W t H l t<, J r i n k ^ w n U . r n u l i ,

t h e lianieH on. buckbxl tight enough a f t o r having oaten a l i t t l e monger food, a t t h e top to br ing t b e d r a f t iroua nt h o r m , h t r o W l i n n

t h e p r o p e r ,x,int on tho s ide of t h e w a u . r they can d r ink a t will. Cliang(« col lor . If b x r l o w , i t not on ly nter- f r o m ) l l d ( . U K U i m H n i l t l o r

f e r e s with t h e ost ion of t h e shouldem. l o w m o n ( ) r , l o r H 0 . k o o p o r i I w difficult b u t gives t h e collar an uneven bea r ing . U ( u > O O D r f t i e d w b e r e m o n r | i n , a m l

C a u t i o n should be taken tha t t h e g i r t h , m o r o w o r k ftro m i I l i r o d i A l o m m n n

is not buck led too t igh t , par t icular ly i t m o c h ^ ^ t u r n h i | | h ( ) r B ) ,

o n s t r i n g teams for when t h e t races inu . a field of nice clover, and so spoil o re s t r a igh t ened i t has t h e tendency to m a o h o £ i t i i n l ( U j | M l o f h l i v i n g U ) c u t i t

draw Uie g i r th ogainat tho lielly and , i r i n g i t h o m 0 t ^ ^ i t t h r o a g h U l ) ,

d ia t rcM t h e lurrse. A leomstor should c h f t i r . c l l t ^ r i B Q I | t h en mix it with o the r IM, educated b ihon i e s s a home correctly, | f ( K K l y o n t h l u | ) w i t h U l 0

as t h i s i s someth ing Uiat cannot lie m ( M o r n p n c i i c o na tu ra l ly adopt

t a u g h t b y wri t ing. -ATcie York Herald. i t w i U l u n t object ion, b a t it is difflcnlt

Keep n Few Hers, i bi conver t old hands , and one mus t in ,

Every f a rmer should nt least keep one m c h C * * * 1 , 0

or two co lon iw of liccs, so as to have1 iioxnehsU ll lsm.

honey o c o a d o n d l y on t h e table , nnd 1 p O U K Fnwrr CAKE ,—Thnxi fou r th s of t h e m is no good reason why most fa rm- « pot ind of jxirk, chopped line, 1 pound ,

era should not keep enough to hnve (if ruisius, 1 pound of cu r rau t s , 1 ]Niund 1

honey a common urticle of d ie t . Mil- migar, J IMIUIIII d t r o n , I gill molassiw, ' l ions of p o u n d s of honey mi bi was te , 4 eupa flour, I teasixxin wxla. 2 eggs,. 1 ' every year , j u s t for want of bees to i t eacup wator,

g a t h e r i t . WHITE CAKE ,—Ono mid n linlf CU|IH I t is eMtimated tha t one acre of gixxl Hiignr, mixed witii 4 biblcsixxnis of bu t -

buckwhe. i t in blossom will yield 2 5 j u , r ; break the whitos of 3 e g g s ; a d d i

iwunds of honey |H.r day. W h e n bass- to t | M , bu t t e r mid sugar , and Ileal them i WIMXI ia in blossom t b e yie ld i s immousc , t o g e t h e r ; I | b n s p o o n s bak ing-powder ; Whereve r white clover nbounds there is 2 cups flour, 5 c u p milk ; add them ,

a sure c r o p of honey. No th ing bu t , 0 t | l 0 M l l p i r m u i eggs d to rnsb- Iy , Uicn j ignorance can ocoonnt for t h e great | H . n t ^ i „ n R IU) ^ w s i b l e ; add flavoring scarci ty of bee kce | i iug fiirmers. Now-1 i i u ,^

u-days t h e women are beg in ing lo take T o PUKSEBVE OEKEN TOM ATOM.—

th i s nmt l e r in hand, T h e g o o d wife who T a k e green tomatoes of any s i z e ; pul l poa t s herself on tho sub j ec t need luive | off t h e s t ems ; boil t hem in plenty of

uo great t rouble in o b t d n i n g honey water till tondor, bu t d o no t let t hem enough b i place upon t h e tab le whenever | break, H train tho water f rom them,

company conies mid soma fo r every day 1 Make a syrup , a l lowing one IMIIIIKI of u s e besides. We shall IM, g lad to have to " a p in t of f r u i t boUed; a d d

repor t s f rom those who have kept liees, bn t i sed ginger , lemon p w l (pored very e i the r as to the i r sueeesH or t he i r fail um. th in ) , aud lemon juico iiecording bi

If any have ques t ions b , ask on the l r t K | ( . . ih.il t h e bimotoiw till they are

Hiibjeet, let vlioiu no t Iiesitate, We alenr. J u s t U.fore biking off the lire

mid 11 small quant i ty of b randy , alNint two tal.les|MK.uiuls t o pix |M>un.ls of

f ru i t . Si'icEt) TOUATOKS.-To fou r |xmuds

. . r l a r g e red b imabies take two |Miuuds

shall bu glad to answer Uiem.

U'ranlna l.niiil»,

A serious mistake, bxi o f ten niiule by those who uuderbike the care of sheep,

is tha t the lamlis a re allowed to run „i t l i t h e ewea unti l they natura l ly we.1.1 , , , Bold brown sugar , a p in t of cider

themselves . By thin means, the ewes ""• 'Bar . half uu ounce of cloves, mid

nre weak at t u p p i n g t ime, go into the

W i n t e r weak, aud, coi isequeutly, arc

half 1111 ounce of stick ci i inamon. Stew

all b igether in a preserving kettle, ovei

not iu condi t ion to do jus t ice b . the nexl , , n 'owflr. . unt i l t h e tomatoes am nearly

genera t ion of Umbo. ^ ^ l-nl them W i t h Uiose who aro raising l a m b , for , m d , H l , e s I" e<x'l, le t t ing Uie sy rup go

fa ten ing ami sell ing a t t h r ee mid four " " «nimer inB slowly W h e n t h e toma

months old , t h e ewes, of course , hnve am e l d return them tothe sy rup

t ime , to reciUMirato, a n d , consequent ly , ^ ' " B - Uiem become th is will only app ly to those who are « . l d b d o r e p u t t i n g hem in jars. The

r a i s ing t h d r l a m l « with a view to mak- " ^ P , n U H | , , 0 , 1 ' , 1 d o w " " " 11 ^ ing them producers of wool, or as sires , " c k ^ ^ l a s o e s a n d poured cold over

and . lams of t h e flock.' I 1 ! " , J 1 0 t h e m d o W U w , , h

No l amb shou ld b e allowed to ran M ^ e r o r waxed paper .

wi th t h e own more than lour months , AN exhibi t ion of Un, City of Pompeii unless some special reason, as tor ex- as it was 1800 years ago, is uow t o bo

h i b i t i o n a t Fai rs , o r for o the r show pur- seen in Paris, winding u p with an e n i p -poses ; for , if t h i s lie done, i t is always t iouof Mount Vesuvius, which is said

"a t tho expense of t h e dam. ' to be splendid. T h o whole city IH re-

Ear ly Iambs should bo weaned in constructed before t h e spectators. T h e

Augus t , nnd those t h a t come late should forum, tho s t reet of tho tombs, tho

in no case r u n longer than Septemlier . tragic thea t re and amphi theatre , tho

B u t , when weaned, if tho grentes t tomples, tho baths , tho villas and profi ts a re to accrue, they should not inatisious of ciUzens are all displayed.

IM, allowed to fall away aud pine for Pholo-sculpturo is among tho means

t h e dam, b u t should lio given such care employed to produce t h e illusion. The

and feed as will car ry t h e m over wean- show ia exceedingly raooeeaful.


What Th.r Think of " Old Probabllillta " Abroad.

Mr, B . A, P roc to r w r i b * to tho Lon-

don Times : " Tlio snocoss of the Amer-ioan systom of weather predict ion in such as to sugges t that a similar system

might bo deviw-d fo r Uio Hritish Isles, if not fo r F u r o p e generally. Tho Amer-

ican i>a]M<m publish d u l y . Ixith in the morning mid the nfterinxin, the ' prolm-

bili t ien' ns to Um weatiior fo r tho differ-ent S(«tionH of the eoHtom half of Uio

Uni ted Stab 's . These announcomonbi

nre now singulnrly nccurab,, the jx-r centoge of e r ro r lieing little m o m limn

ton or twelve and consbuitly diminish ing. 1 luul the pleasure of conveming

alxiut the systom wiUi General Myer,

commonly known in America as ' Old Prolmbili t ies, ' nnd siilwequently I re-

ceived much useful information f rom oUiers conneeted with the meteorologi-

cal de|>artmenbi in different cities as far west as S t Louis . J u d g i n g f r cm ull I

hoard, I Ix-lieve that, iiotwithstniiding Uie westerly situation of the Hritish I d e s wiUi ms|M-ct bi the eiudem conti-

nent, the Hystem might IM> suc-

cessfully intrixlueed liero. Of ibi sue com iu America I can s|K-ak from ex|x,-rienco. Tlie probable wenther for each

day was a mat te r of oonsidembln inter-est to m e dur ing my stay, es|H'cially

dur ing i ts la t ter half, as it chanced that I lectured nenrly every dny for Um last

thnx. months of my May in America

(sometimes twice), I can only r eod l two iM.'canioim dur ing ail that time when Uie wenUier iiunonnoements were not

striety fitHllled by Um e v e n t ; and even on those iMxaisions Uio (tmir (x.nsii.bxl

only in Uio annoiinoemeiit of u change in the weather 11 few hours Ixdore it ac-

tually o c c u r m l , Tho siiccess of Iho

system is tho mom remarkable because

America established Uio mebxirological

stations hib-r than Uie Europtnui nations. Our mebxirologicnl notices are, i t must

IM, admi t ted , niuoli more elalximto than

thiMH' publ i shed in Uie American inqx-rs, b u t Uiey liavo Uie disadvmitage of be ing rejx.rbi of past weather, not nnuounce-meu t s of coming weather. Pe rhaps the

British AstuMnation, now in scsdon , might set on f(Mit ineasures for tho intro-

diietion of some such system in G n n t

Britnin as America lias successful ly em-ployed fo r y e a n . "

Best Organs on Most FaTorable Terms .

T h o now tonus offered by tho Mason A Haml in Organ Company, for tho s d o of the i r ce lebra ted ins t ruments , create dissatisfaction wiUi many dealers, who declare t h a t Uiov will great ly i n ju re tho busiuess of sell ing o ther organs, espe-c i d l y b y |wddlers . By these t e r m s a

iierson is allowed to hire nn organ , tiay-ng only a renHouoble rent for i t - l i o v -

ing the pr i r i lege , of courHe,of n r t u m i n g i t at miy t ime af ter six months , o r of purchas ing i t nt nny Ume. If t h e pu r chase is completod wiUiin a vear. the whole cost of the organ is only five to ten |M<r cent , more tliun if ull cash luul IMXMI p d d a t t h e l M > g i u u i u g .

Dealers say th is is m n d i bxi small 11 difference for the accommiMlatiou iu t ime, uml pr iv i lege of re tu rn ing , given.

Tlie Mason A Haml in Com|xuiy are de tormined to t ry the exper iment thor-ough ly nt Icaat, being cunfldent Uml the i r o r g a n will prove so attractive and sat isfactory in use Unit scarcely any will ever IM, returned to them. Cimulam with fu l l par t iculors can IM, obtnined by address ing Uiem in Boston, New York", o r Chicago ,

Bald Mountain Lava.

W e were slinwu recently by Mr. J o h n

Htophens u piece of lava f rom Bald Mounbiin, N . C, T h e sumple is of n

greenish gray color, and is very hard.

I t was th rown onl by the empt ion some weeks since, and is nudonbtedly a

genuine piece of lava. Th i s is tbe mounbiin which bus caused such a sen-

sation lately among t h e inhabitanls of

that region ; bu t it is not general ly known tha t au e rup t ion bx.k phu'e. I t

nmy In> IMMWUIIIi, that Uiis is Imi a smal l e m p t i o n of a volcano which will iu fu-

t u r e gonerat ions, ixsmibly in ou r own, become n second Vesuvius.—AV.


—A few doses stir Uie l i fe-current ; s lug-g i s h n e t s depar ts , pain vanishes, and af ter cont inued use of tbe remedy t h e whole body glows wiUi a now energy and a now lieing. P u r g e tho blood and every organ will i ierform its func-tion perfect iy , Tho stoniach will bo no longer tortured wiUi Jh /np i^u ia , Uie lungs wUl be f ree f rom Cunnumplion, tho liver active, tho hea r t heal thy, the

, b r d n d e a r , tho nerves braced, and the mind elastic. Use Uie " VINBOAB BIT-TEBS," a n d purge your blood. Whe the r the diucaso IM- Pever, Coiuumpllon, Ih/speptia Affection of the Liver, or Kidney*, Dnipiy, Catarrh, Rheutna-timn. Gout, or paint and ache* of any kind, a t tack it in its stronghold, t h e b lood—the fountain of l ife—and it will s(M)ii su r r ende r and nbuuduu the out-jiosts. T o do thia you miiBt have tho " V I N E O A I I H I T T E I I S ; ' t h e r e i s n o c o m -

iilaint to wliich the human system ia liable, tha t will not y ie ld to i ts influ-ence, nnd there ore thousands which no other remedial agent will remove.-Com.

F c r c r and Ague, ChHl Fever, Ac, THE new eighty-ton g u n is progress-

A few months a f t e r having commenced ' "B a t Woolwich, W h e n finished, t h i s Iho manufactnro of Ur, Piorco'B Ooldon Sledl- monster piece of ordnnnce will bo cat Uinc.ivery, llie proprinlor liegan to roceivo 1 . . 1 • m • > 11 1 iinmoniUB lellerx frmn all ports of UioWentoni Bmater than twice tho siso of tho larg-aml Houtbeii. Htatoa Ixntowlng the mont un. es t gun in oxistonce, a n d its des tn ic-

X r H h e ' Z r r B ' ^ ^ . o r M V i l r l l ^ ^ ^ ' a ' , ^ t i v e . x . w e r n t n g b t i n g r a u g e p n i p o r t i o u -Ague. or ntber forms of mlaxmatieor malari- uto. With n s ixtoen-inch project i le ,

^ e t o j ^ Z f t T ^ l V r i r - f B " i o g 1,050 pounds , nnd a maximum covery in Iho euro of Auuo and kimlred dlr- ichnrgnof .'100 pounds of |K.W(Ier, it will

omn.ond it to people ax a remedy for BO many inches thick, at BOO ya rds , sixtcondlich difrorent foniiB and CIBBBOB of DIBOABN, he „( r "i/M. unr.lu .....1 . . i l l t,;i,.l, foare.1 Iboeo who ba.1 never tenlcil UB virtinw 1 , yn r , 'H> and will p l b ll a would at once clanx il among tbo numemnn sixtoen-inch shell inb . n sh ip or for t ress humbugs of Uie (toy. Thin annwer wan nalix- ol „ a inUncn nf 10 .'KMI vnnlx factory to no one; tlioy arguod that tho whole n l 11 ' " s t ance ot ll)..HSl yunts . country ought lo know it at oneo, and exprenn-ed their aeloiUBl.monl at bin imliffereno. to tho subject His 6»r and heart being at all limen t u m s into o lane.

3«ii lo (ho rail of nnfTfriiiK linnuniiy. lio Iiam ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ last, after having rocolvoil tenlimonv from , , . . „ _ _ . _ _

hundrods who have txx>n npeedily cured bv it, A N O T H E R C H A N O E andmanyof them alferqulnia and all tho imual V X A l JlJ AV V J A A i X A l l / X J . moanx have filled, oiiuMinteil to make tbo n.al-ter known.

Nr.waA!<, Jeff. Co., Kan., Jan. 0. 1H73. Dr. P i u c E :

Dmr Wr—Having nsod a few IJOIIICB of your Oolden Medical Dinoovery, and lieliovini; 'it lo bo the very best modiduo for Chlllx and Fever, I winl. to buy it by tho dozen, please givo me " " o r T l , , t

y o u r price f o r i t . HKV. TSOS. O 'KKIIJ.Y .

t H E B E A T O N ^ 0 R K s T H E D Y I N G B O D Y





S e w i n g M a c h i n e .

i ,J AWABmtn O J I K I K I T T I.K

WHEN is A mun not 11 mnn? When ho j T h o M e d a l fOF P r O g F C S S , " win maun ih.m.«dpnr.,thnBknirirar.

D R , R A D W A Y S



i i i i O O D F u u m w R .



iiritfht, thf romplriion fmunlli and traii«p«rrnl Ih#" lUir •Ironif. •nd remnv* all !Wirr«, rimr>lft, lllolrhra. iMiitulf*. Tr||j»ri, Canki-rt. rlr,t fn.m lhi« llrad. Parr.Hrrk,Mnatli Mild Bkm. II is pleat-•nt to takr and the dote n mull.

To ( 'o r respondeuls . I n answer to scores of letters wes ta to : '

Tlio Fifth Gift tloncorl of tbo K ..ueky I'IIIH lio I.ihrary will ixwilively ta',o place Novem-; Ixir 30, 1874, and thcro ' will lie no inrntpono- ! ment. Tlie capital prize will lie i'iai.lKKI. For Infnrmalinn coixyirning thin matter, drop a lino to Oov. Thon.ax E. Uramlotte, LouiBVillo, Ky, —( >m.

Pr lncc & Co. ' s Organs, Splendid l iuis l i ; six stoim; pr ice 8125. '""•(irand (jaah " j ' ' • Termn, W-eanh. (IS nlfily. I!!!^ Z -511' fllfl' Money rofomlod if not satisfactory-, ...iriirandranb (nn . . IicwIh Templo of Mimic. W >aii ItnnMi iinrOrand r v h Oift.



N O V E M B E R 3 0 , 1 8 7 4 .

D r a w i n g C e r t a i n a t t h a t D a t e .

I.IMT OK l l lFTSi

Btroot, Chicago.—Com .1 (-a.il (llfln. »-jn,i«»i r«cli.. Ill l'a>li llifln, I4,i>» i-arh.. l.-il-aidiliiftK, lll,l>ai rael... •31 (Vh lllfln. -i*. Caah (lifln. :ioi-a>li(.lfli<, fill (-anil (llftB.

lliK-a.h (llftn. -Jlii I'aoli (llftn, MO Canh (lift-,

l'J,l««l Caah (IIIK,

<,l»l rarh.. :I,I.«I rae l . . . 'J,i««l each.. I,mi each..

THAT par t oi" Virginia lying on t h e S taun ton river, nea r Car te r ' s Is land,

Va., is litorally covered with f rogs , varying in size f r o m n grain of corn to

t h e usual size. These frogs j u m p f rom

tho river on l>oth sides, and , s t r ik ing ou t through t h o country for miles, des-t roy in their march tho mill ions o f i IMIU F. o k TU KKTS .

chinch bugs which l ino the fields-thus y.

redeeming t h e m s d v o a from t h e odinra " - i ? . ! !u j " ! "" which would otherwise at tach bi them "W Tirketa for.. as publ ic nuisances.

AO I«R| | . . .

Urand Icdal «M"i Uirm. all caah.

t 'iVi.ian lill.UII I M I mjm A ' " '

im.iin mvix IMV000 1111,1 • 11

90,1111 Inii.uii IIBI.IHI IJI.TM MLOQI

. 900,000


| Ml III i* Ol A III

Mil III 1,1111 III

Fur ttcki IH and Infonnatioii, addritM TIIO. K. IIMA.III.KTTI^

Ac^nt am! Manaffrr, I'Mfillr library HnlMlntf, lynilnvillr, Ky.

1 8 0 6 . O R I E N T A L 1 8 7 4 .

T E A C O M P A N Y ,

H o w - TUB MO N E Y GOKH I — A f t o r N o v . .'Ml, it will l«' easy to BOO bow Iho money gixw, for then the drawing will take placo of the I'nblio I.ihrary of Kenlurkv. and at Ibal Oraixl (lilt Concert «-,i.500,000 in .-anl. will lie given away to ticket-loldem. The fortunale holder of Iho tiekot dntwing tbo limt prize HOSTON. MASS, will walk off wiib iZVI.m ; nt tbe neon id prize, elOO.IKKI; of Iho Ibinl prize, (75,(100 ; INroHTRRS ASH WIIOLKSALE OEALBBS IN of Iho fourth prize, (50,000; of the flftl! TEAS AND corrBES. prize, CJA.IKIO. etc,, nnlil 20,000 yrand c.-inh our hiialneia wat fiiiitiilr.l In UW, makliiK it one pruiw r liall all liavo IKHII (liMiriliilloil. -('41m. "f Ihi- iddral WhidtMlo Tr* lloaipa In ihr coun-

try. We itipplr Klnl flaaa nr»r«ra and Tra . . t t f t, — Iiralrra with rrrry Tarlrly "f mmllTraa and Cof.

WO MORR Poori FRIH rORTIIR WlffT. fr#-a.h|r Ihrrar^M.r In qtianllllra l» mil. 4t one - The tlrlculal Tea (;... nf HOBIOII are Bending ^aL^l l l f f l :? their Ixwl fixxls ovorywhero by mail poxUgo .„;r ,,,..,1,1 w l l t a fr..ni tin- oeat Tr paid al Ixwlon wholenaln prices. Noononi-ed ttlcla,anil our — ' complain any longi r of |Mxir tcax or high 10 ".lildh-niro prices. Tlie ilnent pure gmnln can now IK' ilin talnoil by all al u inodernto owl. Kend Ibin company an order with the money and by ro-timi mail you will receivo the Ix-nt of tea and ^ nave nearly one-half. Heail the ailvoiiinement


DKUII.ITV, resu l t ing from nny cmir-e whalovor. in removixl by IlilmfUr'* Ciill/nnilii H'iw//i/ftm, nhich in nnexeelliil an a Tonic. It rejuvenaira Un. entire B.nloui. IU nUinu-lating, regulating ami lonir pruix-rlien givo a (flj " ' l l j f j r tennaai id Mflicolara. vigoroun vitality to all tho organs, winch In AKIT^IW sFM.isn ouit FVNKSI thu Ixwl defoiine against all iliBcaxeB. (lorn, | | | MAIL, roKTAOK PAin, AM. o

THE EIIIIWIXMI Collar is the most jx-r fe<-t fitting collar yet inaih'. It is no don.' nn imitation of linen that it cannot bo dotocted Tho novelty that produces HUB oltecl in tbe fulili^l nlijf* which, when worn over a ncarf or tie, prevenlx tbo Bhar|i, raw edge from nhow-ing an in olhor collars, ll IB for m.lo at all

llriBiklyn Union.

W.- ill .ll KXCI.rsiVKI.Y 10 TBAS and Cl.fKKKS, ollliiKiii.anKara.irolhrr alaplr BiMnla al eoal aa liatla*' In lir niailn op liy an ratra prnlll on Trai,

1 A I*, in I arvrn ynari u n wn n|irnr>l a larun l lr lal l l l r pa r l . n rn t In rennrrllini with •mr Wh"lr«alr hualnraa. whrrr wn dlalrllmlr Ihn rhnlcral PtIHK TEAS I.Y TUB SINOI.R POl'NI. at Oil' I.IIWKHT WIIOI.KSAI. K I1ATRS. TO nol-HKKBEPKBS. To arc-unm..-•lalf iliplanl rn-tiinirri., a r havr atfrn.a In ilifTrrrnl I-irallllra, wh" aril our •lanilard UKiila al "iif lloalun prlrra. Wr want onr MIICIi aurnt In rvrry city anil lnwn .11 Ihr rnllril Slain, and Invlli' lliat-rlaaa .Iriiu-Ulala nr nlhrr rriinnifIMe mrrrhanta


.. _ Al.l. OVEK TIIK Cllt'KTJlY WITHOI'T EXTRA IIIAIIOF,. Il"'iiirlirr|trri iivlllll III any par. of Ihr nmn-Iry ran havr thr imrral ami tH'al Traa .ni-inirint .1R..1VI1KRO raaa at Ibrlr. nrartil

III 111


h Z u M| Male in foil.

Wa aril 1...

•prim aa ».• ifllov Parllra llvlou »

rail nrdrr a ilntflr

n.rra In lloatnn. harr no aurnla

kino, aa _lr .-ill ml . aampl'-, or any nonlbrr of I- nihl. rr,,,n n,,, II.I Vrlow, rneloaliitf Ihr amounl, an.. Ihr Xixiila will lir arnt arrmrly iiurknl hy rr* turn niall. Cnalionrra ahuiiM lir tiarlicolar toKiTrlhe nain."llhrlr P. O., ('.1111,17 anil genlo' furnihhillg store

THOSE who like bi see n ragged bxi . . . . . . . . . . . . . and djrty BlockingB will not care to bityHit.- (A allc. Ml® ind rar'ln'ioi. all'pnir, aouod, vr.k Timu» H I I O C M . Milt I I I I M O who woliM TZ iwrrt and tlronu and aa tf«"Hl «• ihr I* >| rather liave a neat Hilver Tipnbonkl Inninl that < j ; - ' * ^

UJ Ira Onr, hitfh Oavorrd T«*aa which ar«- al-t w.iyo ihr SlrnHgrMt. moil Itenlthy and moil " Kntntmiinil to nmv A* llo'oxnrnm-iif iMialiiur

la Ihr lann- nn all kinda wr irnd ON I.Y our

Very Beat Teas Free by M a i l Aa may b«» arm l«jr Ihr fullowlntf Hit

(Iff* I'OW l»F.II. (Ifrrn Tra $ IJA. Kilra ff.Ti IMrKKIAI. Hiaov, OrrrnTra l.w. •• l.» YOfTlffl HYH«iN.llfrrn Tra I.u».

100. O-M. nan.


1 no owv

rri|Minn|Mlttf and rrptiia-raa mrn, wr

their ahoe ilealor i«liimM alwatn korp llmn. Com. '

VIITIMS of oonsumption wx'king relief ami renUired health nhould line Ilr. Winbartn Pino Trea Tar Cordial. Thia in the only prepa-ration that dovolo|M tho full virtuo of Tar. -Com.

llrvvnnl. I will Klvr (1011 or any can .if flrah, Inmn or innirln a.loirnl like Bliriimallani, RNn/ ilKKAFAST, mark Tra nrulie. Spavin, Strain or l.amrnrii, apon ellhrr "IXBI. man or animal, wltlrh the Mralran NnalaoB L10I —— mint will not ru r . wken ut«d aecirdlnu to direr llona. Near t t ya.rt ha. proved 11 lo IH. the moil . Addrrai all ordera and Inqnlrlei fur further In wondrrful remedy for NruralRla, Surm, Swrl-1 IIUKI, •nlarged Joint., Ilnof All. Screw Worm, ' Bllnn, Caked llreaata, rlr., ever dlanivared. Who will let a horae lloi|i when Mualans Miilment will cure U r Who will let a child cry and auffrr from , brnlaea or chllblalna when Ih. Mualanif will pre- j vent III Who will pay Urge doclora'bill, when I Ihey can bay Mrilran Liniment for Ul renla and Jl.fn? II la wrapped In a atrrl-idale label, iltfiird '•O. W. Wealbrook, Chrmlal," Wra. E. Kverion, Agent.

Ladle . Uealre w h a t .lieu Admire. And Ihli null, thlnu ID Beauty. What do we a.y LL 1 arantlfnP A lraoapar.nl compltzlon and a lot-1 nrloaiheadof hair. Whal will prixluca Ihran? nagan'a Maanol.a llalm Dill make any lady of thirty appear but twenty; and Lyon'a Kalhalron will keep every hair In Hi place, and make II grow Ilk. Ihn April graaa. It prevenla the hair from . Inrnlng gray, eradlealei OandraS, and la Ik. I flneal Hair nreaalog In the world, and al only half J ordlnar y eoal.If you waul lognl rid of Sallow- t neaa, Pimplra, Rlng-marka, Moth-patchea. etc.. ) don't forget the Magnolia Halm. Udlea.

Faumled n n a IInek I The dlaappolnted ad 1 venlnreri who hare from lime to lime attempted i to run their worthleaa pollona atfalnal PI.AMTA-Ting BiTraaa, vow Ihat thry cannot underilaml whal foundation there la for Ita amailug popular-) Ily. The eiplanallon ia a.mplr enough. Th. .np* nation of the world-renowned toale la f.mnde' i upon a rock, Ike Eocx or Kxraataaca.




Posi l iye lyTlmrsiay . N O T . 2 6 1 U 8 7 4 .

1 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 I N C A S H Anil Valuable Keal Kalale . .

Will be dlitr.bated among the tlrket holdera. Only Mia. tirketa will be laaaed-a Urge por

M iheai reople'a Bchemr. nf Commrrre,Flre

and MlllIU Companlet.and Ihe Publlr Library

lion Af Iheae already aoM . . Net ynltla In go lo C hamlier of Commrrre.FI

of monx City. Single Tlrkrta (3, two fur $ \ Itrllableaurnla wanted. Liberalrominlaaiona

allowrd Send S.r llrkrla, Irrma or rlrrnlara In N. HATTKNBACH A CO.. Slona Clly. I"

W m s n CENTRAL R A I L R O A D , I N T O T I O U


Thia Company offeri for aalu a Urgr anioiinl ol rety dealrable rarmlng Land, allua.rd along Ihe tloeoflta road north ••rS.ereoa Ponil,WI>ronaln.

hard Winid Intrraperard with Ihe Hneat p.n — .. . _ "d lo |MI

r . F w. w s n E f / a , l.aml Atfrnt.

• T" W IXKI lii ir T AI'T-I ARTI OT 1 tn TUV 1 ISllrannllnnrv rnrlllllra u rnnt rd lea litrallliK i " l "« «•> the III. Axra.c AX ObannxAril CoxrAat.IM to III- Spring ' ' f "rVTMherTiiforraaUnn

Slree t , Milwaukee. Chromna. Show Tarda. Lal>ela, Portralla, all branchea ol Plelorlal Lithograph, Ing, Premium Ohromna, nraoge rhromoa, Agenla and canv.aaera wantrd. Librral Irrma.

Or to n. H. PHILLIPS, (lell. Manager. Offlrr i,| Wl.ronaln Crlltral Ha.lroad,

Mllwnukrr, Jloirli.li, IH74.

T H E M A R K E T S .

NEW YOKE. BMW CarrLE—Fair to prlmr f S .VI 14II


Hn.ia—Un Bnrar-Falr I., prlmr COTTOK-Middling Fu.i'a - Spring ritra W S K A T - N U . } Ullwankm Spring. r<m»-»V«l.'rii mlr.'.l OAT»—Wndrrn BVK—Wiwlerti ... luxi.rv. Poxa-Mw. LABD

OIIIOAIIO. OirFLa—Cliolrr lo evlra prime.

Mnlinni toefarla. Oomnxxi to fair..

ll.n.n-Utr Hlirtr-lJ«r. good Uirluili-.' l lnr rB -Cholre L.... • Fr»»h. . KuiOB-White wi iirr eitra . . . .

Hpiing natra WIIKAT—Spring, No, 1

Spring. No. -J (Lax-No. J Oaja-No.l. Um—No. J lUat.KV—No.J Poaa—M-M. uew 1.

OINCINNATL U u r CATTUI Hnoa-IJvr SiiKar—Uvr Fuu-a—Family WHKAT-B.-.I Coax OATB Bv*. UABLXV Poaa-Meaa LAXII

ST. UlUln. Bzr.r CATTU.—Choice

(taod to prime Hnna-Uvn SHaar-OnoiI In choice Fuiin.—Spring XX WRKAT—no, 1 Fall Ooax C tra—New IlTK. IUIILKI—No. 2 Pota—Mraa LAB.I.

MII.WAtlKF.F.. OATIL*—Choiw lo ritra prime..,

Medium to ehoic Common U) fair

Hona- Live BOKKP—Live, rood lo choice BOTTKB—Cholc.' Boon—Frtwli Fioca—White wluter eitra

Jirln* " I ra prlng. No. 1

Spring, No. 'J Coax—No. 2 Oa »-No.Z UVK-NO. 1 I,AUI.KT—No. a IOBK—Mnui LABO

R Ii-,l<,l4 1 a.-.H I Mi 14 » »

.4 li'.', I Ol id ,1 ,-«

•4 I U >4

M |4 MS W WI

14 1 :n rf -n 7»

11,. 4 in

M'Alliiter's Patent Artcptiren. The moat powetOil Magieal Lantern, rver made; with a brilliant Oil Lamp; fur Home, Sunday Bchixdand Leolurea Blrreoplirona, Ai- Slldea al rrdllrrd prleea. .1 jirojlfaMe AxMBeaa/or u

AT VIKNNA, 1*17:1. TUB Hiaiiairr Oanra o r "MBOAI. AWABIIKO AT

Tim Etroairinx, No itciniiif/ Machine Received u lliiiher

Prize. I

A KKW liOnil KKANIINNi l . - A Nt* Inanlinn TiinanDi.iiLV Ta«Tr.D and

ae.-nre.l by Leltera Patpnl. -4,- Makra a pcr/arl LOOK BTITCII, alike nn both

aldei, nn nO kinds 0/gofcla. 3,-Knna Liour, RMonTU, Noiaixraa and BArin

nmbinalion nf iiuahtlea. •1,—Dll«Aai,r,-J(iiBa fnr Yean wllhoiit Hrpalr, .t.-H'iU lio nil niritllttn/ Wurk and>"inrv SliM.-

ing In a inperlor manner. O. -la l/,uf F.i'ily Muiutgeil by the oprrator.

Length of atlleh may be altered while rnnnlig and maehlne can lie threaded without paialng thread through holri

7. nr.ign SmpU. Invnuta. forming | COKSUPTIKO THE BOLinS AND V1TIAT1NO the atlleh teitkMit Ihn nan of Cog Wheel, Oeara Botary Cama or Lever Arma, llaa tho Aiil'nn.ilie /trop >Vd, which laaurca iiai/nrm Ungth../ ililrh ul aay jprrd, Hal onr new TArr.id IhnlnJUr, which allow, eaay movemonf of needle-bar and prtvtnli injury to Ihreail.

CnnmivrTinii mnil rurr/nlmill rixiiuan.


It Rraolvra away Dlaraard Drpo.iia; It purlAea the IIIIMHI and Brnovatn. Ihc Hyalrm. Ilrurra -

with rerlalnty all Chrnnlr Dlaraar. Ihat have lingered In Iho ay.trm rtve or

ten year., whether II bo

Kerofubt o r Kyphil i l l r , Hered i t a ry or



L u n g s o r S t o m a c h , S k i n or Bones, F l o s h or Nervos,




laannfaclnrcd by Ihr mn,i Uilljul and rx|ifri-1 DrlBary and Womb Dlaraaca. Oravrl, Dlabelea, 'nv iriallly accoilllianicd llVCXtCIISivedo

( l l ' i l l l ' l l l l TIlOIINilllllN prix lalin \ IN rii i i t Hl'tTKli.s tlu, mosl w-0111lerf-.1l in-iig.in.nl Unit ever suntaini-il tho miking •; -leni

No Pc i ' so i i f'lin I n k o t h o s o H i l f o r i , s . nriliiix to (lireelions, atid ronmiii long unwell, pniviil-il iheir l ioncs aro not do-Kirovpil by mineral iKiison o r o the r iiieaus. anil vital orgaiia wnslcd beyoad fei.ai;-

l l i l i m i s . I l o n i i U o i i t uni l I i i U t -l i l l l t o u t K o v o r s , which are so preva-• iit in the valley.-i "f our great r irera

l ii'iiiigliinit Hie I 'n i ted States.es | iecially timse of 1 lie. .Mississippi. Ohio, MIHSO..-!. Illinois, Tennessee. Ciiinborlan.i, Arkan-•MH. lieil. (.'olornilo. l lrazos, Uio (Sraiulo, I'l arl, ..litbania. Mobile, Kavannah. Ro-niinko, .lames, and many olhors, with their vast tributarins, throi ighont our ent i re ciuintry liiirin^ tne Sutntnor a n d Aciiiiiiii.ainl remarkably so ( lur ingsea-^niiti -if iinnsual hea t and drynuss, a ro

r h « ' n : V T V T , r . V , u ! r . , 0 p . " " . n : . M i : ' W / l ! : ; 7 ; ; ; , " ^ : for t h e pnrix.se e(,ual lo / 1. ^ o. o. P puinta. ITIrrra in tkr Throat, Month. Tumfirs, | ) | : J \V.\I.KKK'S VlVKO.\lt BlTTKR#.

Nl., f HlabnrKhi l 'a. | 'd.'iN \\ rat JrfYrr-<iii N'Klra In lha Olanda and othrr partiof ihr lyitcni. , . ... ... , , . ' Wla, l.nnU% lllr. Ky.t Drl.'lvra OIH na B*'*® Strumrnma Dtachargra from Ihr Ban. 58 ini\v ^ III SjMTlllly ll'moVI? lll« ( lark-l lnnar. .Ilarlella St,. Allnnln. i:n,i 017 Nn, , FrveV'soTea'^alinh'adfinng Worm.'sfiVllhrumi " l o i t e r Willi Which thu Knnrth Nl., saint l^inU, llo.i ( o r n r r ol Kryilprlaa. Acnr. Rta* k Spita. W"rm» thr Flr^h |m)\V«*I .'ITO lO.'llll'lf, Jit tllO 8.11110 t ime North r e a r i A MlaubrnNI.,, .Hbany, N, Y. ^ " 7 ^ 1 1 ^ mrt^S^«tl!T^•r;,B'•p:?^l.P•a':d• "Ul iu ln t i^ . the secret ion . (if i h e liver.

;I^^. ,, ,A7L;.^!F^VL ,.^ ,:;;I';I ,;L,'^LTL;VHLL';:^.^>R

,;; ^ T O R I N G U M HEAIU.Y and a frw daya'uar will pmvr to anyprraon nilnff lllhCtHHIB of tllO llll^eStlVO nrffnilB.

" • p n u n 7 F o r i i f y I h o IMMIj- n c a i n s t t l i w a s o li> p u r i f y i n g a l l i t s f l u i d s w i t h V I X K C A R

l i iTTKi.-s . N o e p i d e m i c , c a n t a k e h o l d

n f a s y s t e m t l m s f o r e - a r m e d .

Sold by Draggitts. $1.00 per Bottlo.

R a R .

R A D W A y S


The Cheapest n n d Best Medic ine fo r F a m U v Use in the W o r l d !

Rl lysiM'psl i l o r l l l d i g o s l i o n , Head a ache. I'aiii ill Ihe Shouiders, Coughs,

The Only Reliable Oilt Diitribntion in the Conntry.

( H f

"he Only

$ 7 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0

I n V n l n a b l o G i f t s t o be d i a t r l b -n t ed in

L a D a S I N E ' S 170th Brgnlar Mcnlhly


MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 3 , 1 8 7 4 .


* 3 . 0 0 0 X I V O - O X a U ! (INK IIIIANII CASH Plll/.K OF

* 0 , 0 0 0 X K T J E l X I a V B X l .

^ ^ ' • s o o ' e a c h I N G A S H w ^ ^ i ' ^ R s ^ i i i i s ; Ftvepruei 1001 O J U V U U l V X l U l l Travrlrra ahoubl --il.aya rarry a l..tllri.f RAH-IUUU llvl.l ond Slim Ui,r Hunting irulcAralfa WAY'S BEADY HF.I.IF.F with thrm. A frw drop!

,ill,| un1 Hi Inmi t.n In(;nidirli. In w;.ler will pirvnil alrknraa nr pa na from Udlea- and C.enf tlold Chalna, Coin Silver Veal 1 ' •"U'"- " a " ': " l ' r o m h

Cbaina, Solid ,.nd liiiiibk-plated Silrer-

One SO Cenl Hnllle



IMI-OBTANT—Miner., Farmrr. and oihrra re-• l.llng In apariely.arttled dlitrleta, whrrr 11 la dimrnlt to arrlirn Ihr trrvn-ra of n phyalrlan. RADWAY-B BKADY RELIEF la Invalnablr. It.an I,rn.nl with po.ltlvr Baanrancr > t doing L-IKNI in all raa.-a wliero pain ordli.-.>.nfort la raprrlrnced ; —-'-nlard with Influenia.lliptherla, Sore Throat,

"lllona Chollr, ind-nil-

ache, Eararhe; or with Lumbago, Pain in Ihe Hack, nr Rhrnmatlam: or wllh niarrho-.-i, Cholrra Mor-bui or Dyarnlrry; or with llurin, Bratda or llrnla-ea; nrwlthStralna,CrarapanrSpaama. Tlirappll-catlon of BAD WAV 'fl BRADY BKI.IBF u lUrurr you of the worat of thrar nimplainla In a few hour..

Twenty drop, in half a tumlilrr "f •a . r r will In a frw momrnta cure CRAMPH.SPASMS, Slil ll STOM-ACH, HEAIITBIIBN, SICK IIKAnAI'HK, DIAII-IIIKEA. DYSENTEIIV, CllOLIC, WIND IN TIIK

Bold by Drnggiits. Price, 50 CcnU.

l o V " ' |inl.l, •c Tick Single Tirketa. «1; Hl> Tlrkrta. Twrl>

i-ta,#in; Twrnty-n«e,«J), Clrrelara containing a full liat of prl/r

acrlptlon of the manner of drawing, and othrr lie forniatloii In rrferrnre to ihr lllBlnbullon, v ami to any one ordrrlng thrm. All lettrra be addrr.ard to offin-. Kt.-. lalnr Bnlldlng.l U ti. SINK, Un Cor. Ilai .-A Ixnigaoilli, I Clnrlnnal., II.

D R . R A D W A Y ' S

^ R e g u l a t i n g P i l l s ,

IW. Prrfrrlly taateleia, rlrganlly oiatrd w.lh awre liiini. pnrgr, rrgulatr, purify,rlranar .nil atrength-un. IIAIIWAY'S PILLS, for Iho curr of all dlaor-

B e s t O r g a n s f o r E a s i e s t P a y m e n t s . | BuSd^'r, Ne .» a or i i ? i ' e a l ; i "neK. ' ; oin.uj'ia': The MASON A HAMLIN OROAN CO., .Inner, of I i . - V . ' S

T1IKF.K HIOIIKKT MKIIALS and DIPLOMA OF rla, Pilra, and all llrrangrliielila of Ihr Inlrrnal HONiiKal PARIS,IW, VIENNA, I"73. and IIIIIH. Vlarera. Warranted lorBrotapuiltlvocuro. Pure. F.ST AWARDS IN AMKRICA ALWAYS, rr iprd. uiert-ury, nilncrala.

T igh lnes so f tho Chest . Hizziness, Sour Kriictalions i f the Stomach. Had T a s t e m the Month, Hilious Attacks. I 'alpita-'jition of tiie Heart, Inllaninmtion of tho Idingft. Taiii in Uie region of Uto Kid-neys, and a hmidred o the r painful syn ip -iniiis, are Un- ollspritigs of Dysi .(,|iHia. i'in- Ixittlewill prove a bet tergiv ran teo nf i ts iiMirils 'Imn u lengthy ad 'crtiao inetil.

S t r o m i i i . o r K I t i c ' s K v i | , Whito ^A-ill.ngs, I'li-orn, Krysipolin. Swell.il N.s'k, '.nilre. ScfofuleiM liitlaiiniiiitiniis. Inilolcnl Inllani'inilioiH. Men-urii'l AITcclions. Old '•'ores, Kruptioua of ihe Skill. Sure Kyiw, etc. In tbe-e, iu in nil other coin tituliiiinil lli-.--IIM-S. IV 11,K Kit's VlNKOAIt HlTTHRS llBVp -'•ow-ii their grcul. cun.tive powers in th« mosl iibhtiniito mill intriieliibli' cuses.

F o r I n l l i i i i n n a t o r y nnt l I ' l i n i n i i -K l i o i l i n a l i s i i l . <!o.it, llilions, Itumit

in and li i terinilteiu Revets,DiBeasesol ih.. HIINBI, l.iver, niihlevs mill llliuliler, llic-ii ilitl.-rn l|:ivii ti.i cnui.l Such lliseaseii .re mii.-CII by Vitialcii Itlixxl.

M o f l i a n l c i i l I H s o a s o s . — r e r s o n s en-•m^cI in I'.iinls and Minunils, niiclt as I'loinii.-'ri Type-e t ters liolil-lxinlvrs. uml Jtiner-, ii.i Ihey mlv.-.m-e in lire, uro Hlilijivt 'o pi.ntlvBi.i of iim ItowoN. To N::i:ii-: ihi-., tnke a .luso of WM.KER'S VIN BO,, 'i Iii rn-Ki!--< ia-euBioni Ily,

F o r S k i l l Diso i thos , Kraptions, T c t ter. Sail lihelipi. I'.Iotelie ., S|Kds, Pimples, I'listnleB. I toil' Carbuncles, Itlmr-worms.

hi bend, Som Kyes. Kry»l;icliv-, Itch, SenrlX lli-cnlomliiini of Ihi! Skin. Ilunioii nnl Hi-oa-ois of the Skill of wlmt. er nam I >r natuio. nre lilc. illy dui! up HliJ carrxvl

out of the sy.-lein in a short tniin by thu r m d'tliosi. Hitters.

I ' i i i . T i i | io . n m l o l h o r W o r m s larkliiK m the sy.-teai of so iimny thouiuiiids, in- elieclimlly ileslroyt'il and romoved. NV sy.- ieni ol' uiciliciiu-, no viinuiftiges, m. nn liiehninitlcs will free ihe system from v..ru ' ; •(iii- these Hitters.

F o r F o i n a l o ( ' o i i i | i l a i i i t s , in young ur oM, irarm d or sinj:!". at tin. dawn nf wn unitil er Iho turn of life, thoso Tonic

their faellllle. for manufaclure, they now oBrr 1', '"eM'i!F'ini'f. ' . '? (f Ihc nicul j •niiiroVom^ins siMm^pwolliihip! their clebralrd Cabinet Orgam, nnl onl)- for m .ho Hrad. Acid.ly of Ihr aiomarli, NameaJIrarl- i ' l e i m c i . l b . . V i l i n l e i l itliwul n l i nn . caah .xr lua lvc l r . aa formerly, but will alao | Uirn, Illagual of F.Jnl, Fnllneaa or Wright In Ihe » ItUIISO IIIO > 1UUM II IHIKMI IICH-

w l l h nr lv l l .w. of •••irrhaa* or Slomarh. Sour Bruclatloni. Sliiking or 1 linterliig over Vi.l mil 111 lllinnntle- biir-tlll^ tbroll^b r«Bt I k e m Willi p r lT l l r* . o i pn rcnaa . . or i | h i . t h , . ! t l nmi l l . l l | t w | I n n ) 1 I 1 | { n ( t h c i . pi, , , , , . ' t-riiiilLnis or KnnS-.cll for paymruu rnnnliig llirnuKh one lo Hurried and Difflcnlt llrealhing. Fluttenng at the -MO in . mipies. r.ruiiltons. or .

Heart, Choking i log . . . im. .p . . r , . t^f.^rr ihc Sight, Fever and Dull I'aln In the Head. | '"•>-i"-- "• ";r • ' • " ' .W 'V:"" -year the coat will be D.-nrlrn.-y of Prrapliallon. Yrllnwnr.a of Ihe Skin > b ul: Velir lisilings will lell you when. Keep

" ' I hl'llltll '

four ycara. One may rent an organ and Ih. onghly tcil II before completing Ita pnrchaac;! paid for In Iho ronrie of only live to I ru per ecnl. more than Ihc low-eal prlco for caah on delivery.

Tha following table ihowa amounta and time. nf payment on aevrral plana, running Ihronghonc year,for a FIVE IM'TAVK DOUBLE BBF.D OBO AN. alyle T, with Flvr Stopi, Vol llumaua. ,1c. Other atylea are al proportionate ratca:

Ca»h PrlceJIW, Time Prior »U:i, Itml :iMi-.|ll.au ,""7."^°, wTll'be7,nt iuu" .w I'avml Iniln Thre.- In SU In Nlnr Twelve - w . " a ir" " I JT m.

' Advancr.|Mentha. 'MonlhniMonllia, Monlha Tho American Meal and Vegetable Chopper.

, Hulfocatlng Sri.iatloi.i when In eieailM. il »-liou von iind il nlmtnictod and ^ylog.l'oalure, Diimiria iifVlslon^Doli or cb i j ^ipj-isb ill tho Vt'llH: t'loftnso it whoU it is

I'aln In Ihc Hide. Chnt. Llmba. anil < i«hra of Ilrat. nurnlntf In the Flrih. -ara of NADWAY'B PILLS will free th

> •Inn frua all the above named disorders.

Price 2-5 OnU per Box. Sold by Draggirts


No. I f i t Si (11 :«I No. •: is no ; No. ;i| tn 'Ji | -.'s -ji No. ll 71 mi : is is No. r. in •n No. r. .a A.


v .'IH.SII in adianc.-. and »|ii,ll i

|(14 ai i»ll nn NI iS fill Kl IU 'is -it -is il -is it in r . is l,i ifi !.-> «7 tn i I

- I ITI on 1. nionlh for

Ivr moiillnt. | Organa will brfnrnlihrd on thrae plain, either

throuuh aurnts.or dlrrrtly, to almost any part o therountry.

ILLUNTRATKOCATAI CHH'KI wilb full ui a. up lions of tha •'rtfiaiiB madr by thia Company, and rlreulara ihnwintf In detail Ihr dlfTurrnt plana nf payment on which they are now offered, arnt Irrr . Addrrsa MAtON t HAMLIN OEOAK CO., j lloilon, Nrw York, or fhuaiio.

i nn .4 1 HI A .VI *4 7 111 ;i in Mt 1 iA

'J7 i4 -It IS .4 17

4 i.l l 4 ' 7 » 1 81. lA A All

n4 1 0,1 iA MS lA HI U AO >4 nn A 1 OJ utn -«

Iis<* 11

I :i M .4 A ll. It Nl u4 1 CO :i Mi id 1 -JA A r> •4 A AO 1 on il 1 II

Ki 14 Ml M 1.4 hi W A 'IA

I 10 (4 1 'iA KX. Nl

H)t(4 IS

1 1 111 l4 1 7A 3 l» i4 :l 7A fi W a t co 1 KI i4 1 iA 5 no c« S 'iA

14 1 lAH Nl A Si •VI u4 S3 1*. I'l Si

1 uu « t 01 i4i3 i«i


I B M (4 <1 oo 4 M 14 S 25 S UO A 4 JA 5 SO .4 fi 7.1 ;i u" .4 1 M

.1 .4 :»i is A 17

fi IU i4 r. ro S la) l4 A 7A

i4 t ui ' ; A WiVi A M A *VH A S7 A 1 OIK an no

l » x a )5

ADVERTISERS W lio dr.ire tn reach conntry readri. can do an In the Ix.t and rhrapcl niBiiurr by u.lng oin- or .norr .rc. llona of TilBUBKar NKUal'ACKiiAi MLit.iv l.i-i". Apply to K, K. P l iATT. 7U Jackaou at . Clil.-agu

iJGOK AGENTS r . U " r y c l n p e d l a o f "1

iK.nr 4A.UUO Wau ta HUppll.... —' Re. ..pi ll.H.ka. l«-ca>|orCBromo tie*. Co-or«a t r tvi rcn. Co.. Cincinuall, or Maacatlne. Iowa.


PRINTING P R E S S E S n . c Ileal Vel luv .Bled ,

For Am.ilrnr or Butlneia tnr* po.ra.and nnanrpaaardforgriier-.IJobl'i lining, livei 10,110 In uie,

I B E N J . O . W O O D S , Manufar.nrrr and Dealer In

rvrry deacrlpllon of IMIINTINO MATKKIA',.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IPr.drrol41WKxrr/uadrt.Bn»(oa , t , . ' . . K F Ma.Kualck.»Mutray«t,E.wYorli

I'hlla. K. II. . . Howell A Ludwlg. ill Maikal ll.. Fklladel. — ,,1,1, a p. R. unda, 1^ Monroo it,, Chlcafu, 8eu4

"Her, Iind Fur Mill. I

illnalrallon | From the f.n

.. . . .rl.h we pmen. — - — lacful lit.lr machine, draignnl to arm- arvrral

naefnl puriniari in Ihe kllchrn. anch aa . hopping aauaagr nirat. pie mral. hn.li. llah. fruit and vrge-.ablca. A glance al tin.cut will give the trader a grnrral Idra aa lo Ihr mode of ••prrallog Inr machine. Being compact,.I takea but little aptce, and can be uae.1 en a kit. hen table, laklng aboill llie aame aiiare aa an ordinary chopping lr,iy- The Ani.ilrau mral and vrgcl-.blr rhonprr haa brrn long rnough U-fore Ihr pllbllr to br thoronghly Iraled. and Ihe tolnme ol pralie lli-il haa been be-at.,wed on It from varloua aonrcca mua. .-onvlnce all tk it Ihia Invention la alnmal a neceialty In .-very family Tina .-hopper la inadr In larger airra for Ihe uae of Inilchi-ra. and thrae have alio beeome very inipnlar."

Thrar thopprra am made In irven dllferent aliea four aire, for Family n.c and Ihirr IlICI lor nmrhera ami ale lold by the piinnpal dral era in llardua.r, Hoiilr Fiirnlahlng lliKid. ,ind Ag n. nlinr.ll Inipli-nirnti thioiiglooit ihr connliy.

i For Dricrlpllve Circular anil I'n. e Lilt addrria O » NKIVTON * t il..

Mil r l .a . i i lwr . Mlrcel. New \ n rk .

Irnd % ernt ai ti»n of paprra, with mi tflvlnif i ilimatra for nn I* I* iAN HORN, III Mo.

>ip f.i, lined ai ..f idv.



W h ) !• Ily•|M |i*l« an uritr ml I Simply be •f srparati litta, rau«e it n nrf|r< |rd or maltreated. Ilnke direrf lisintf Addrr»a |yr at Ihr ramr Remove Ihr acrid hnmora which , t hu atf". engmdrr It. from Ihr atomai-h nnd bowela, wilh

NTCHOMAiVrT. or Boul r h a n a l n c . " T n r r n n f - Karrve«ci-iil ». ll»rr Aperleni i •ai-^-.» '' , and indigeition, wllh all ill painful conromiuri1

red. bold by every druggnt.

DR. WHITTIER, No, 617 81. Chariei St.. 81. Louis. Mo.,

(Mlllft*»alAltMl«ll<Mr«*r ..!•«•. W- I.. IIUllUC'. Mr>»| lilt |-W<nw«. •»>!« •'Imaial felH*« • •.». •» "••lis *n-n l«4l*

M •. I»i|»t«l.t Slili Mfci a Ul«| ai» - .a* tk W • • • loiJIM.m««l|oflM.U<*4 Mi—Ml. woo ». fil.-l • •4tM«l*va»«UMial..|U—•• ..4«r.r»fUi« a»l ..lull, i-llrl Ikmc •g'ft.lnaUol frt.Kl ..m-II al roll.».«, on.1 ba«lii< I • U«c'*1 Ill» Is Wa •f»« UllM. fc* hap..W,t. I •'""-•-•I In •IIO--.oa^ III* l^ii..iia l-tn« O.alr-I i • i..aii - rl|«r«« •tvfyvWr^

Im III'IHHI pur.', uml the health of tlni gystem 'li'l loiluW.

It , II, McDOMAIill Si CO,. I In i-'.-l-'J and lirn A gts.. San KranriaA.. CallfiffTiU Old cor. of Wnaliinglor. iinil t.'barltnn Sin.. X. V.

Sold liy ull llM.UBUIa "Oil l lealera.


m TREE TAR CORDIAL. I l l i now nftern year. a.nee Ihe attenl.im of Ike

public wa. rtnl called by Dr.|L.iJ. C. Wlihart to Una wondrrful remeily, .ml in well haa It Hood Un* trat nf time, that l<-day It not only Inia the M nriiltn.-eof Ihr enlire community, but i, mora rti-qnenlly prearrlbed by phyalclani in their pr.c-li.-.-lhananyoihrr proprletiry preparation In Ihe ronntry. It la the Tital principle of Ihc Pine Tree obuinnd by a peculiar procen In the dialllUIInn of ihe Tar, by which 111 highlit mtduiiuti prupar-tlra arc relalned. For Ihe following CnmpUlnti, Iiitlam.iation of Ihr Lnnui, C.iughi. Sore Throat mui llrraal. nronrhllK. Coniumpllon, Liver Com-laint. Weak Sloma. h. Illieaie of the Bldneya. Innaiy Complalnla. Nervoni Drblllty, llyapri^ l.i. ami illiraar.ariilngfiora an Impure mndlllnn

of ihe blood, there il no remedy In Ihe world that hai been m.-d 10 inccnifiilly or can ahnw am h . number nf marveloui curei. The following will irrve to ihnw ihe eillniatlon In which Ihli aover-cign remedy li held by Iho... who havn tiled It.

I'nnaninptlon far Ten Venn. Cured. nn. L. (}. C. WHUABT: Dear Sir -I am grateful 11

yon from Ihe fart that yon have made a medicine Ihat will cure the dliraic of the Lungi. Mv wife haa had Ihr Cnmumptlim lor trn yran. I'hyn. clam had told me Ihat thry conld onlv pat.h her up for Ihr time being. She w., conUnrd lo her brd, and had brrn for lome lime. I heard ol your pini. Tree Tar Cnrdlal and ircure.1 one botlle; It rrllrvrd lirr collgll She ha> now Illl.lhi'O Illi' Anirth bottle.and liable tn do Ihe woik for her fl.inily.and ma) Uml ipred you on with yonrgrrat dl.coverraudcuroy.iuhavem.de for Cooaump-tion. BBV.B. II. HOPKINS.

Jarkaon Crnlre. Shelby Co., Ohio.

Fran. HI. lamia. Ha. Oh WiaiiAKr, ruii.AnBl.l-ulA Drar Sir Dnring

a Villi to I'hlladrlphia anmr Ihree yr.ra ago. t wai anHriing from a .rvrrr cold, and wai Inducid to lakr .. I.mle "f yonr Pine Trre Tar Cordial, w ho h hid Ihr nr.-.i .f curing mr In a frw day a. I h ivr Hard ll in my family ever alnce. and am of Ihe opinion Ihat it . n e d the life of my daughler, ..ho w,ia .nir.Tlng f.om a i rvne and paliifiil lough. II ihr |inbllratlon of Ihli »lll be of any • cr* i. e. yon aie ut liberty to uie II.

Voura rnpe. .fully. JOHN UollNETT. !>t. I i. Mo

' T f ' n t r

. in..

per year. I.argeil prrmluma rvrr ofereo to agenfi. Full partlrnUri on application to C«A-• r.U, A.hKK* A Ci , Milwaukee, WU.

NEW "LADIBI' F.iiial." contalna 7 arli . in needed by rvrry lady - Palrnt 8|MMII Holder. S.iaion, Thimble, Ac. guaran-trrd Worth 'o. Sample lloa. bv mall. Mrnnti Agrnti wanted. I'LI'MB A CO.. to. S. i-ih Street. I'hlUdelphla, fa.

Nectar Creami. j.-.lj.iid In niig i pound Is

i Fig.. Cream Datei. - 1.lid flrah. arnt I'l/ .Milif I the I'nit fit NT, ilea, in onr

i nioury


f It lu: fall •)iii|4u<n«, fnr l«>ieUni|-«


t aiM.-io. ai tMiUi wiiWh .h.-ilr.| l-ir.oi |*iaiiia • milr llii. nl II. Il *w«iialn« ll* . .r»

G U I D E :

I W rr»l l-y line ma.iu^r. r.n a(1«M>|

nflUalllUfalaivrn ..iii »|MVarv. ai»i> !»•» in«• a»l Atu.rko. IWal

D R . A . G . O L I N

Wood Sawing Machine li ralrnlated fo

power wllh ea.lly handled. C.pablr

loied PICK LUS'S' toa^ ' i ; ' . , . t ." , ,Ma'; ; , , , r ' I"RI---ER-lihVlt or t ^ ^ d i i ^ n " ' u X t l u .... loird, 1 Ft K IIROS.. ..oa .niiton. >ia.i. P J , l , r handled. Capable nf cutting fn.m .t, to ir'rr . T*Tm TrrT-nnn s TTTTnT/irrr. I i?.?.1"1' w""'1 Per day. Alio, Circular Wood K D A I N T , K U E E R & K D R I O U P ^ . f2 l c


r ^t i ,d , ' ; , ,bV , ^ .h r o; h : ; ih : , rp . . " , ; , , h . ll Ihe valuablr Wnik we glvr loall. Full of facta, by Ihr IIATTLE CREEK MACHINERY CO.. Itatlle

— • — . — Creek. Mich. Stml/or CirniartanJ Prirt Utt.


llgurea and fun ; M pagea/O plcturel. Inrloir Iv •tampi. Addreia BLACBIB A Co.,7Iii llroadway, N.v.

> A DKABBH. Milwaukee. W l l .

nta t ••rk.fi»r their

, . _ I of WOO new ' I rttlmalra show Ing coat Iff advrrtlsing.


IIAPPV KKLIKK. Don'l dcipalrl Read the cream of medical llt.r.ture 1 Thirty y.ari among the BI-

nK . thou.4.1.. IN.ci irom an e.rly grave; Imt ntality. u.rvoui weaknen. who may many; why to . ; Ion memory, impaired heallh. Thirty Ik-.arta delivered .IChicgo Medical Initttale.prlce

Coe.aull.tion free, enrol guar.nteed. Ad-drett or call on Dr, A. 0 0L1N. 187 Waihlngtnn-at.. Chicago,III. Plraianl hoa . for pailiuti. Alitor veipoudanc. conlld.utlal.

H O G R I \ G E l t . , 10,000,000 Hint., V 10.000 lllncrra.

0,000 Tonfc. Sold, lu-iw... :i..i..f.f.,i KintfT {I, I Inr.P' I'O-'-1-1,.

T-nr• 0 J,:.., l; T .1,1 . 1 J , Co. uUial..', AJJr t. II. W. Biuaco. [scalar. 111.

For .ale by nil Druggiili and Slorck. rpen and

" D r . L Q . C , W I S H A R T ' S Offico, No sua North S.d nit Strrti. rhlladelphla. Fa

GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK (Uteri In .ml.. ill give to. very inbinlber, whelh-i-r •ingleor In a rlnb. who pays In advance lor I-iV and rrmlta dlrrct to Ihli ofltce.

A Copy of " T H E R E S C U E . " The lUnd^omrat Chromo rvrr nffertd. for riren-I .IT . i •iiiainiiig Irrma. etr.. aililrn* L A OOI>KY. N r r . i MUh A Chealnnt HU., Philadelphia, ra

AGENTS Make more money irlllng SIL-VERS PITBBT BRIHIM than any other artlrle. One agrut madr

7:i'4 in III dayi. Recommended by Am -Ir/r. ulnriil, and over ItHI.Ol.O famlllra n-ing them irrnhn/ne. CLEOO A CO.. -.li Corlland St.. N.V.


r CaUlucur. fnv. W. CILEB. 81. Lottll. County Right. |C1 for the neat S) day

t T POHTill ASTKHH.—our eoramliiloni to • I I'o.lniaHen iiie Ihr llioal favoiable"ITcred by

any nrit-claii newipnpen In Ihe country. An-drei. Cl.AMrii. AlK.^n A CI,AMlil,Milwaukee.Wla.

, OK.M'N WAKTKU.—Menor J* llhout monry,write toI'BAWI'h, AikkhsA C-sa-i\ week,or *101 forfeited. Tht KrrtlJrtt. Write I hkk, Milwaukee, Wla., and learn how you can get %l onc. lo COWEN A Co,,Mh St.. New York. I nne.

Cit tK. PKU DAY Comm.a.lnn, or 0:10 a week ??»<»> Salary nod raprn.ra. WrolTrntalid will (.il/.t. Apply in u, G. Wklli.lu A, Co., Marion, O.

Thr cholc, .1 In the world Importer, i.lrra Inrgi at Coinpany in America l.iple a.n.ir rr.iilr .oiitlnnally In

s.r«--.-h Agrnl. want.<1 brai indncrmrnti -don-, wait'' Ilinr •rod O-l (-licular to BOHERT WELLS. IJvr.rv St.. N.. I', o It.-* I>7.

ralllgr lillte a, ..... P train 11 g. a, l a abln table lliIiir:n.ill.oi fat

I or -onlcmpin. nunlaye. • i i l i y ninll. Vililn---Hi. Iinil.'Ill.iuio. li.Vortli KU'lithMr.>l. Ilo,

Mllwankcr. Wl«

$5 $20 K M N n

W H E N W H I T I M J lili-n.r nny you nr lu II.I. I'niH-r,

will enable any man toobtaln I CllAHl 11, AlkKBI A ClIAMKH,

No. 41. AIIVHHTIMKK* .- Ad. rrtlnemrni

I BUY J i P . COATS' B U C K M E A D for par MACHINE.

L O W E L L J O U R N A L J A S r w . H I N E . Editor .


n B P U B I i l C A U B T A T E T I C K E T . ror OaTtratr—JOHX J. UAOIXV. rorUiut. Omnor-IIBSRY II. II 'I.T. For HffrtUfT ofHUtfr-KDrN KJIKII O, H. Il'il,l>,,:i for SUU Tr#*«ni»r—ffll.I.IAM n MrCUKKIlV. f»r Agditor u«iml—RAI.I'II KI.Y. r*r AtUrntr 0«n>r*I..ANI)RXW J. SJIIIII. Fot Otaunlulen'ref Mi l o C r t -

r . F . v r n m a CLAIT. Fot SapfriBUntkpt of I'aMIt Initturtmti -

DAN'IKI. 11. IlltHiOj. fa r Ktmlxr of Buril of R<lantlon—

EDOAIl J . tiKxronn.

lUs l r i c l , f o r ImUfllni; o r r r p f t i n n g b r i d g e ? , o r f o r d r a i n i n g r wnmp or o the r low l a n d ' , exoopt b y cxpc i id i -lurf o f grnntH t n tlie S ln le , c x u n p l -i n g nny p r o p e r l y f r o m t n x n i i u n . "

In iho paHiciiiniH to wliicli wo l invo cnlli d a l tunl i m, (lie n e w coiiHlitution is a very i lec idcd improvc ino i i l upon HIP prcponl , ami i l d m r v o i i tlio BIIJI-pori of i vory p r o g r o M l v e nnd intel l i -g n i l voter in lliu .Stale.


ForShulff—ISAAC IIAV.NK . for RniUIrr ol Dfcil—SIJIILS III NT ForConntr Olrrk—111)11 AKT II. I IHI' :.\'-lor Conntt Trraiorcr—HrNIIV IIHKMi : for Clroull t'ooil ComniU<lon'r« -

JAMK8 II. Wltl-SOM. i.Afiit;Ns w. udi-corr .

for Couoty Surtfjrr- T)OKII HKKKI 1. ForCoronett-PKVTITr C. lu ii' ll.


U05IIKR- Mrl.KAS- Al Ihi CkrlttUii Cl.«r«h l» \ . i .-.nnr.. lir I. IlirWr. ikpt. SJIh. «r. K. I .M'<h<-r>ii'l Mix Ntllle A. Mel.fan,Uthrl Vcr-«" n»«

I10DIM90X- AVBI1T - A t ll.o ktUn r».ia«n»i> In l.o.ril.del 8tli. |t:«. Vr Iht ll^r, 1). L. Kolon, Mt Sri: T. Itotiini in snil Mt«. llinaab Atorr, both "I l.o«» I.

riii> (»Vc i>i> M-Hlfnt. ami ih- prlnUti «lil, • "O whrn Ir nar Iim# coming."


For Rfpr»ifnU'.iv

B'.nlo LORlsIaturc. Fot gonalor.Mlh I)itttict-I.V M •. N i Fot BtorownUtlTC-Srcoriil Di.lricl--


m x s u .

* IJl'lrK.—In riilne". Oct. «tli. ol li.art iliifaao. V . V. i v (I'll.'k. «i'» nl the Into M. H. Unlrkof l.< i ri:. Mich.. UK"!"" jram, I tr,'-. ind I'JiUyt.

lirr mn.iin. wm- tiroofhl lo Irfiwoll lot Inlrr-i: i 'il, nn Iho Hlh ln«l . in charge of llcnlfn Quick, • ntir l t'lf Joe**.i I.

o i ' f / r r - I n lift. 4lh, rni. of gailrlc lute::.!".. • . r. i ' lulifkr <». Olcolt. ajed fl

I tCPUDMCAN MEBTINQB. Hopubllcan mcHlnjs for the ill'cu- .Inn i l l.niM:

lasuii hkTr bctn ap^oinlr l In th.- I il'n ' - , for tho moilh of OclolTr.lo Kent 1 will WHBtoat Udaet-'aiin. ai il i'ii-Ci Ml!'. r -BlltMur^s upon Towcrhlp ("01:1 IIM- •" "I' ' ottMrt Ripiibllcarf tlulr "L-h. lint i rf t j i : i r i • •ihlth* Con» lo muke llicc 1.1-.' i .-< a .ucc^.. Ooo4 ip^aktra wlllbrinall'r..l.iit.v Kt. 11 upj 1 • ••Btalllbf fllltd. Rep 1 llcan«, llicllmi'lulioil. Lot BI work with a will, rentmtenr.^ the slorl iia 1

fort, and tlelory again la out.! Otinu, llammood Station Walkfr. Town Ho

W I 1 K N Y O U i M ' K M ) Y O U ! I M O . V K V .


H E A L G O O D S T Y L I S I I ' P K I N ' I ^ 0 . :

A L L B E S T 1 2 1 . 2 c . P K I N ' I S K O U 8 c

S I D E B A N D j l ' R I N l ^ S A M H P l U U l i

C O O I I K C O S P U A G U E M E U U 1 M A C K P U I N ' W S e ,

Y A K I ) W I D E D U E S S . G O O D S 2 0 c .

E L E G A N T R K V E U S I B L E S T H I P K D S H A W L S § 1 , 7 ^

E N T I R E S T O O K B E S T D E L A I N E S 1 5 c .

O O O I ) A L L W O O L F L A N N E L S 3 2 c .

H E A V Y F A C T O R Y J E A N S 2 6 c . t o 5 0 a

C O T T A G E CAUPErS 25c. - I N G R A I N S ir.o. to # 1 . 0 0 .

H E A V Y C A N T O N F L A N N E I i J H e . A N D U P W A R D S .

G O O D H E A V Y W A T E R P R O O F C L O I I I 8 5 c .

B L A C K A L P A C A S 4 0 c . — W O R T H (50c.

H E A V Y M U S L I N S 7 , 8 , 0 & lOo .

H E A V Y P L A I D S H I R T I N G F L A N N E L S 2 0 c .

D O N T F O R G E T A L L B E S T P R I N T S 8 c .


II./.YOSOJIKST IJY mi: cirri!!! IS O U R

Now Stock of Foil and Winter Clothing.

Oclo! WalHr. Town llnai Faril, Bowen Statlo Ada,il Village Sparta,at HnattaCenter Grand Rapldf, (jenator Chandler; BJIOI, at Brron Center Otacadi. at Village Alploo, Town Line, Johnrou'a Schoul II' i:*.' Band Lake CodarBprloi. Orand Rapidi Town, ILindiU'i Sclmol llnui ' Kngli.hTiile CaUdooia, nt Ala<ka Lowell, Traia'a Hall ' Dowoe, at Center VerttanM, at Fallaoburg PlainQeld, al Villagt Algoma. al Rockfotd Orattai, at OtttUn Center Oakland, at Tiva Hall SHoeer, Spencer Hill. CoDBOBahnrg Tjtono, C.iBuorla Hall Farti, HoMkraoi'School Home Bjton and (ialnea, al Corinth Oraad Raplda Town, Beckwlth School llouio WyonilBf, Otandtiilo Cootlltnd, RaanJera' Hall

G I F T Tht tn'y lUiialU (i>/( J)i$lritulm in iht


$100,000 00 V A L U A B L E G I F T S

To be diitributcd In



5 ' ! I N

To be draisii Monday, Gel. I2lb, 1874

O N E G K A N I ) C A P I T A L P R I U E ,

^10,000 IN GOLD. OSU P R I Z E , $ 5 , 0 0 0 IX S I L V E R 1

's i i mm. Caladoala Station " 2!i

VorgeanM, Ballej'a School Hna-e " i* Calnea, al Colhorn School Hoaie " CO

Tho abort appoiUmenta aro for the tttnlng only, aa.. thehont of meeling T:J0 p. in. Other nppoiat-miBta will ht made at the caopalgn'progrm'a.

F.. (i. J). IIOUlEN, Chairman Kent County Republlua Commllter.

K. U. FISHER,Secretary.

T U B C O H B T I T U T I O N A G A I N .

i,lr'j PHtei h'lrr I'rlsn Ten I'rlttt 'two Inmllj Curriogei and Uatched Honst wllh

HilrerMnounled Harneai, worlh fl,M)0eacht T«o Iln-giei. Hortca. kc , worlh |C00eacb I

Tno Kim tuned Uoiewood I'lanot, worth |)S0 taeh ! Ten i nmily Hewing MaelilDtl, worth 1100 oaoh I

ISDO (lold anil tllrer Ltrer llnnUng Walcheifin all;,worth from 120 to|300racb I

Oold C!iaina,Sllrcr-wart, Jewelry, Ac., Ac., Number olOinalO,000! Tlckile LlmlUdla M.OO©

AUHSTS WANTED TO SELL TICKETS, to whom Liberal PremlBnii will be paid, SIXCILKTICKETS,$3 S i x T I C K E T * . I I O T W B L T I

T I C K E T S . $ 2 0 J T W E N T V - F I T B , $ 4 0 . ritcalara containing a fall Hit of prliea, a de»-

cnpllonof the manner of drawing,and olhir Infot-ication in reference to tho Diitribntion will b«Hnl tn anyone ordering them. All I'llltl moil btad •IreMed to Baixornci, L. D, BISK, Ho* 80,

101 W . F i f t h St. Olno lnna t l .O OHTOAQB B A L E . -

N . B , — I n a d d i t i o n t o t h e a b o v e w e h a v e t h o u s a n d s o f o t h e r

b a r g a i n s t o n u m e r o u s t o m e n t i o n s c a t t e r e d a l l t h r o u g h t l i e f S t o r e .

B r i n g y o u r m o n e y w i t h y o u a s w e o n l y s e l l f o r C A S H . I t i s I h e

o n l y w a y J w e c a n s e l l a t t h e s e r a t e s .






W {til, lefiiult hating been madn In Ihe eoadilloniof a

certain inof.gico. whereby the whole principal lam Ihi'teol, hoteiaaller inrnlloned, il al IhioptloBol the undenigned mnrlcagee, fwhleb option li now

;d a " • • ' • • - -claimed end a.'.srrtcd; wa< made by Joieph l , _ .Imphlett hliwlfc, nf the Vlliige of l»w(ll, InKont Co, Uichigao, to Uargnet J . Oimileadi of Liter-

Eol, Onandigo Co, New York, ditodjano 23d, A. . I ' l l , and rrcorded in the "fflce of Ihe Reginlor ol

- due, which mortgagt wa» made by Joneph W. Ainphlelt and Kluabolb

In e^nily hating been in«titoled Inr llm recotiry ol aaid debt, or any part thereof; Now therrforo nolice i< hereby giten, tli it l<y tirtooof tiie power of taiannDlained In naid Miorl<a|:eaailnf lhi> clatalo in >ucli caH made aad provideti, noticria IiiTi'hy giten lh.il on Thariulay, Ihc Cth day of Notimbrr, A. II. 1871, at lea o'clock in the forenoon of raid diy, al lh( front door of Iht tinildirg, in I be city nf Orand llapidi, known at l^ppig'» block !n which li held Ihe Circuit Coart for lh>'I'utiOiy nf Kent, tforeuid. Ihtre will btMl4 al I uhlic auctnin or rendar, to th* highlit bidder, Ihi ptemiuw drraibed In Mid Mortgage, or to mach thereol a> n.ay be neotttarjr lo aatliljr Iht amoaat du"upnnuld morlcge aad Intenil and Ihe coiu and ezptnK, of IBCU lorpcloiure anB tale and laid alturaiyifte. Said preink^i are dewtibod in laid mnrtga(i'a> fnllowiiAilol tiliagt lotipaaibarrd oat endtwo, in hlurk namU'red three of Abtl Atery'i iicorded plat of the Viilaze of Lowell, la tho Counly of Kcat and Suit of Jncbigaa.

ilABOAUET J. olllSTEAO, Mortgagee. MILTON 11.1'TNUT, Attorney for Uoilpgn. Utlnl Augnil OUi, A. D. 1174. wU6

p H O B A T E Ol iDEU. ' 1

State ol Michigan, County of KM1, At a • colon or the I'rokttt Court fur Iht C unly

of Kent, holden at Iht rrolmU Office, in Iho Clly of (Itninl llapidi, on Wcdncaday, the thlrtielh day of September, in the year one thouinnd eight ImnOrtd and leteotyfuur.

rrrKnt-lleojamin A. Ilirlan. Judgtof Prolate. lo the miticr of Iho cilile of Richard Wiiion.de-

CM«ed. On retdiocabl filing the fiml lulmlaiilration ae-

couut uf Uinjimin J, Lte, Adiuiniitralor it bunu ie« of laid eaiale. Taereuponit ia ordered, th«t Uondiy Ihe Iwtnty

ilith dty of Oclol*r neat, at ten o°cloc<|in the fort-noon, bt aaaigoed loi the ctiminatlonaod allowance of (aid account, and that Iht hclra al law of taid de-ceainl, and all other per.nna ir.trre.teil in uld ti-tule, nre injuiied t» appear al a traaion of nld Court, thi-n to Ui linldiu at the rrobale Office, In Iht City ol lirand llapidi, lu atid oourjly, and ihow cauie, il any therolic, khy Ihr Mid arcoonl ihould nnl U- allow,-d. And It li further oriiireil, that laid admliiiatintor glte uolleo lo Iho pormm InUreated in mid 1.1,ile, of tho pendtney of aaid account and the examination thereof, by canijog aeopyoltkia nrdrr lo be publi.hrd in the Lowell Journal, a Ofwa> raper piinled and drculallag ia laid Connly of Kcnl rhrev Micceailtt weeki, pretioui lo nld diy of hearing, Hw3

llK.VJAUiN A. HARLAN, Judge of Probile. A true copy. CTBCa i:. r**Kii<a,Regiilir.


T h e JOURNAL w a s ono of tlio first

p a p e r s in tlie S t a t e t o spenk n good

w o r d f o r t h e N o w C o n s t i l u t i o n , nnd

UB r e a d e r s will ro inorabur l l iat it h a s

c o n t a i n e d n u m e r o u s nrt iclos on (hat

s a b j e c t , g i v i n g son ic r easons w h y il nhotlltl lip nil onl nil W o I n v o nnl ifeedi for laid Kent CoBnly.July lit, A. l l . 'u j j ; In BHOUIU UC a u o p i c u . » e i i n \ e IIOl III,, j ; „( nttlgagem on p in af', on which mort-

a t t e m p t e d t o s h o w t h a t t h c r o a r e no I ^ ^ . " . ^ r S t ' / h T a ^ V ^ h l ^ S l , ^

o b j e c t i o n a b l e f e a t u r e s c o n t n i n c d in '

Iho p r o p o s e d amendnien lH, b u t

h a v o e n d e a v o r e d t o m a k e il a p p e a r

t h a t b e t w e e n tho old and t h e n e w ,

t b e l a t t e r is f a r p r e f e r a b l e . U e c e n t

a r t i c l e s h a v e a p p e a r e d in the D o l r o i l

T r i b u n e of I in-, in favor of t l ie pro-

p o s e d aniendiiK'Hiv. e x t r a c t s ol wliich

w e re-puli l is l i b e l o w ,

" W o y e s t e r d a y re fe r red l o two i m p o r t a n t r e f o r m s embod ied in the n e w c o n s t i t u t i o n , w h i c h nre in ihc in-s e lve s of Bullicient va lue lo o u t w e i g h al l t h e o b j e c t i o n s u r g e d a g a i n s t i l— t h a t l i m i t i n g t h e " p o w e r of t axn t ion a n d t h e a m o u n t o f i n d e b t e d n e s s of c o u n t i e s a n d mua ie ipa l i t i e s , a n d tha t p r e v e n t i n g tho conso l ida t ion of r ival r a i l r oad l ines. Hut t h e s e a r e b y no m e a n s tho o n l y benef i e i i l c l ianges w h i c h a r e e m b o d i e d in tho n e w con-s t i tu t ion . I t will r e q u i r e n Beries of a r t i c l e s t o p r e s e n t adecjualely t h e s e

aosed a d v a n t a g e o u s c h a n g e s , a n d o p r e s e n t a r t ie lo w e shnll a t -

t e m p t o n l y t o m e n t i o n a l o w o f t hem. " O n o of t h o m o s t i m p o r t a n t re-

f o r m s in lega l p r a c t i c e is e m b o d i e d In t h o p r o v i s i o n s w h i c h p e r i n i l ver-d i c t s in c ivi l c a s e s b y two- th i rd s of t h e j u r y , a n d p r o v i d e s t h a t in crimi-n a l c a s e s t h e d e a t h o r d isabi l i ty of a Bingle j u r o r shall n o t p r e v e n t a ver -d i c t b e i n g g i v e n b y t h e r ema inde r .

' I A n o t h e r i m p o r t a n t c h a n g e in t h e leg is la t ive p rov i s ions of the cons t i t u -t ion is t h o ex t ens ion of the t e r m of S t a t o S e n a t o r s t o f o u r years , ha l f ol t h e S e n a t o r s t o bo e lec ted a l t e r n a t e -ly e v e r y t w o y e a r s . T h i s Hecures s t a b i l i t y n n d e x p o r i e n c e in t h e u p p e r a n d s m a l l e r b r a n c h of t h e l eg i s l a t ive b o d y , a n d is a recogni t ion of the p r i n c i p l e a d o p t e d in t h e (Jonsli t i i t ion of t h e U n i t e d S l a t e s , wh ich g i v e s t o t h o S e n a t o r s o f t h e U n i t e d S t a l e s C o n g r e s s a l o n g e r t e r m t h a n to t h e Represen ta t iveB .

" T h e evi l s of specia l l eg is la t ion a r e g u a r d e d a g a i n s t b y a p rov is ion f o r b i d d i n g t h o L e g i s l a l u i u t o p a s s bil ls o f n locnl o r specinl c h a r a c t e r u p o n a n y of t h e fo l lowing s n b j e c t s : „ " F o r i h e i m r p o i c of d ivo rc ing any p a r l y n a m e d , o r u p o n the hub jec l ol d i v o r c e ; c h a n g i n g iho n a n u s ol per-s o n s o r p l a c e s ; r eg i i i a t ing t h e j i i m -d i c t i o n o n d d u t i e s ol j u s t i c e s til t h e p e a c e , o r c o n s t a b l e s ; p r o v i d i n g foi c h a n g e s of v e n u e in civil o r c i imina l caneB; g r a n t i n g a n y specia l p o w e r s t o b o a r d s of s u p e r v i s o r s ; mininion-I n g n n d i m p a n e l i n g g r a n d o r pe t i t j u r o r s ; r e g u l a t i n g the r a l e o f inti e s t on m o n e y ; au iho r i z ing t h e sa le , l ease , o r m o r t g a g e of real e s t a t e be-l o n g i n g l o mi i io ts , o r by e x e u u t o r s or a d m i n i s t r a t o r s , o r b y a n y re l ig ious c o r p o r a t i o n o r Boc io ly ; c h a r t e r i n g o r l i c e n s i n g f e r r i e s o r t o l l - b r i d g e s ; re-m i t t i n g l ines , pena l t i e s , or fo i fu i l i i rcs ; c r e a t i n g , i n c r e a s i n g , o r d e c r e a s i n g f ees , p e r c e n t a g e s , o r a l lowances ol p u b l i c ofl icers ; c h a n g i n g t h e law of d c s c e n t ; g r a n t i n g to a n y c o r p o r a -t i o n , assoc ia t ion , or i nd iv idua l , a n y s p e c i a l o r exc lus ive p r iv i l ege , im-m u n i t y o r f r a n c h i s e w h a t e v e r ; de -c l a r i n g a n y n a m e d person of a g e :

T- .i .• i r litf in* circuit court 10 o x l e n d i n g tlio l i m e lo r tho nsscssmont 1 0 | K r v t t ma g u u u w c i i ^ a , w o r co l lec t ion o l H u e s , ul u l h e n v i s e | '^ i r t j? , ?Jd0

relieving a n y asacasor o r co l lcc lor of t-nod. oui chJiiio, a.id ' t a x e s f r o m t h e d u e p e r f o r m a n c e ol h i s off ic ia l d u t i e s ; p u n i s h i n g c r i m e s o r m i s d e m e a n o r s ; a d o p t i n g , b y a n y p e r s o n , a n y u a m e d person as h is chi ld o r h e i r ; v a c a t i n g o r a l t e r i n g a n y r o a d loid o u t b y c o m m i s s i o n e r s o f h i g h w a y s , o r a n y s l r e e t , a l ley , o r p u b l i c g r o u n d in a n y c i ty o r v i l lage , o r in a n y r e c o r d e d t o w n p l a t ; o r l o r

a l l e r i i i g t h e b o u n d a r i e s of a n y schco l




C L O T H I N G ! C L O T H I N G ! C L O T H I N G !









Stain of Michigan, C iiinty of Kent, J-aa, At u .ta.lun ol ihr rmbaU Cuuil lui Iht Conntt

ol Kent, holden at the I'robile Office, in Ihe CilT of Orand Kapida, <m » cdneaday, Iht thlitlith day of Septemlier. lu the year one Ihouund eight hunitnd and i-tenty-fiiar.

rie.ent—B-njimlu A, Harlan, Judge of Probale. In Ihi mallet of Ike estate of Jarnei I, Hunter,

deceaied. Ou reading and fliiag Iht potilion, duly Teriiltd,of

Kdgir II Hunler, Adminiitrator of laid tilala,pray-ing fur lin-nir and aulhorlly In tell the leal t i tan theiein deaeilbed, fur tbe roaioniaud narpoie there-in etpreated. r r

Thereupon it la otdeied, thai Uonday, Iht teeoad day ol Nov.mber neat, al ten o'clock la Ihe lore-nuoa. It auigned for Ihe hnrlng ol raid peUlloa, an l that the heira at law of aaid diceaaed, and all other iieuonilnterealed in aaid citalt,tre tei|Birtd tn afpear at a aea.inn of aaid court,Ihet lo be bold m al Il.r I'tobale Uffice, In Iht Clly ol Orand Rap ida, in aaidcJUDlr, andahow eauae, II aay there be, why the prayer el Ihe i^lltiooer ihould not be gran Inl. And II it further oidrrrd, Ihat aaid pell ilonrr gitr notice Ul the penona lotnritcd la aaid "late, of Ihe peinlency oi i:ld gwlltion. and Ihe heating Iheieol ly cauaing a a«py «( Iblt erdtr to be pubiiihed In the Lowell Jtnraai, • ueirtptMl priaird and clmteOng |r -aid Coilljr nf Ken I four aurei .alte nn k., ptetijua lo llid day of hearlog.

IIKNJAUIN A. HAIH.AK. Judtenl 1-ioUU. A liue copy. Cmra K. I'iBKiat, Ke(|ater, U p U O U A T K NOTICE

rtrin nt Mirninan, Coanly ol Kent >u. Al a aei* a."ti nf ihr 1'robato Court for Ihe rounly of Kent, hold.n at ll.i* I'tuUle Hffire, in the eity of UraBd HapiiU, in Satui'lay, tlie lentil day of Oetnber, In the year mi* Ihi uund eight bundled tad Mtenlr four.

I'n.'rit, llenjiniin A, llnlan, Jidge of Prabale. In ll.i miller it Ihe e»UU uf MirllB H. Uallk,

lletea.ed. On leading and Uling Ihe ptlllisn, del; etyiflrd, ef

llrulieu yuick, of l-uweil, aaid cnuntj, piatlng • nwng other Ihinp, thu admimilratien of nid ei' tale way br granted lo bim

Thrieopon It li nrdcied Ihli Uondat, Ihe teeoad day of S'notntrr oeit, it lea o'cinck lo Ihe foie-onon, be aaaignnl for the bearing of Mid pelilloa, and that Ihe heiu ot la? of laid dteaated, and ill other peraomlateiriied in Hid aiute, are reqaired la np|irarat a araainn ofuld Court, ILh lo be boldea .il tli> rinbale Offiee in Iht tlly ol Oraad Kapida

cauie, If any Ihere bt, why the piayer ol the poUUtotr ihould nol be gaanled. In lul l couiily. andiltowc

Aud illi further ordered, l^at nid peliliouer glte OB ICC '.N ihr peiaona inlcrtiltd lu aaid eaiale. ol Ihe pendency of aaid peUIion and the hiring there-of, by cau.ing a copy ol Ibil mder lo be puMiihcd in thu .'xiwrll Joumil, a newipiptr printed and circolating lo laid Countf of Keal, three laccetiltt weekr, pierioui to laid diy of heanng. ISwJ

11KN JAM IN A. HAKLAN Judp of I'roliale. A It ie ropy. CYRUS H. I'KRKIKS HegUtcr.

SU E l t l i F'U b A l a B . -Uy tirtue of in extcollon, lime I oat ofaod

ider tiieieal uf Ihe Circuit Coart foilhtCoanly | „ ! n j o n ti,, u later ot I'atlr J .

. and igaioat the I....- . fw the want thereol

then of the real CalV-o fT Ih: defendant Iherein n.cntloneJ, sithin my 1 hate letltd upon and ihall etfoaj for gale I t p^Ulc inclion to tlie liigheit Uiddtr. at lU outer door ot Ihi't'jrcnil Court roo.na in Leppig'i block. ID! |ht Cityof O/and Kipidi, Kent Couult, and Stale of Uldiino, !i:lutdiy, Ihe Slat day of Uclobtr, 1871, at • o'cii>ek p. jn / all tbe right, lille, and in> tereat of thr defcudaat muv't la aaid eiecutloo.and lo Ihe fnllowing doicriltd i iai iasi tenemanU towil: jxil numlier eight (3) of block Kft. Iwy (2l of Falr-rhild'i addition lo t he tiliige of l/rwen,Ctaiyl^ of





lljt our rrri'iii ri'iiueiinn in prices, «R iiiniiti)(i'il to close out nenrly nil Inst senson's gnmls. IUUI we now ollrr lo thi ' pub-lie an ent i re

Now Stock of Fasbiouable, Superior cut and well mado Gent's and Boyt' Clothine' A L L Q U A L I T I E S A N D P R I C E S .

• fifwMTl

t.mrFtL Ml.tUKKT lll'.rUIIT. ConutcTm Uel.11,1971

tVnol . Wiiral, while, per bnihei,|IX(

do fid, do '-ij Ploor,p't huadre.!, »1 "0

do per UirteMn uu. Cnln.liel liUllitl. '5. Com Meal,per hondred, fi.T^ Oita, urr bii.lin. Of. Ulildllagi, per Imndiel, i;v linn, p! r Inn, |li).fil. llultei, pi'r puui.d,? tlie. Ktgi,pcrdo(en, lie Cfier^', per pnuud.lOe. llerf,pcl hundred, jli IX. IVnk, |>er handrtd, |1Ja l'atk,ull,pir pound, 1.*, Chlekeoi, ;ier poand/Ct'i Turktri, per pound.r n I.ltd, pr pllliaJ lie Tallow, per poaad, Tr. rotaloea,perbuahel r.l Turntpa.prrba.hrl, Onioni.perba.lir' J| i,u Ueaoi, per buahel, fl Jo. Applea, per liilalirl,i*,c Ipplel, driad,p.'rpnutld, 7r. reoohei. m w.Vl |i"r lo\ 11 I.ier, pi'tpJIlmUlOc. CVILI • ^loa. IIU'IMI, p.-i t ioiind, IFLC ('.ill Jkina, dry, lirr pound, arc.


ilidi-a, gnci', p. Illi.. dry, p-r t ll iy,|»'i ton, fS ll'ljkwh ial Kl.m r. t j I

.1. Ui

( i r a m l R a p i d s A l u i l l a n a K i l l r o a d . T I S F E - ' L ' A I I T ^ K . > > -

••'iNin.ysi::! n u i : (Min, AUO. OIN, IBII



Kent, aud Slate of Afichlcan. • ' ' ' ISAAC I1AYKES, ehrrltr.

Br Taoi. T i n , Drpuly SherlS. UAedSeyt.lJd.llH. l l » l


We shall resume the CASH SYSTEM again on tlw tint, day of S a p t c ^ f

nnd we hope a n d cxpoct that all parties indebted to us, will, nt the curliest

possible moment , call for

Receipts in Bortieuie^t of accountSi ' ! ' f . . .T 1°/ . .

L o w e l l , J u l y 2Cth, 1874.

H I N E , P A R R I S H & B IRCH.

A spec ia l f ,-aliire of ou r bnsinesK lor t h e looming Ht'ason n ili be a full .•i^iii imei i i of

I M P O R T E D O O O I D S , C u t a n d m a d e n j i i i l il mi l s n p e i i n r to nny Q n r m e n t iiindu Loor. l i -r .

FINE CASS1MERE AND CLOTH SUITS, FINE COATS AND VESTS/CUr-AWAY.ANO L o i i < r S q u a r e F r o n t F r o c k s

K n - b s b Silk P l u s h , V e l v e u r a n d V . l v . l V e s t . , P a r l y a n d D r e s s B l a c k C l o l h C o . l f , I m p o r t e d D o r s ! ; i n P a n ! .

F I N E O V E R C O A T S , E T C . , E T C . , ' :

You will be surprised to see what n (Irand nssortmont o f^F ine Clothing wo will herenfler kteii in stock. All nllcrnlions will be made free of charge. He sure nnd see our fine good si They arc bcaul iful .


38, 40 and 42 Canal Street, Grand Rapids, Mich.

f r y


Wailoa I T l l t t l i o l i l y . . . .


n r . ' t i n . t k r a t . a. a i ' i ' im . Nn. Nn 3

io •;(. p. M. ^ 1 . «. ; 1 OA P. H »• .M - ID Ju •• 1 2-II r.7 • " I :i) " ; fi 10 •• • : U a u . 11 'il .'. 3d • '

i C i \ -i f i i •• • 1

i n -• ( 1 31 "

7 • • i ' 7 " 1 ( 1 \ r u r r > . S 1". • ' 1 *7 i: No 1 '.1 M . ' ; 9 t o r . u 10 1'. M

II .-.1 II -11 •• 1 HI 1 t o p . * . ' 1 w a . * ' 11 (II •• 1 37 •• 1 1 .17 " r. M -•i 20 •• . s an •• 1 S 2 " 1 J3 '- 1 i i i - a '.'.1 ••

1 r, o;. .• 1 . . . 10 t i •• : ».1 ll.1

M I O T O G U A P 1 I I C .

F o r t h e mos t c o r r e c t a n d g e n u i n e l ikeness of a n y sir. i s ly le , o r finish m a d e b y t h o

Photographic Art A T K B A S O N A B L E I ' l l I C E S ,

go to nilcr'i Plio:ogrA|ili and Gem Gtillcry over Mrs. II, lliler's Millinfry Sluro corner to Bridge nod Monroe slrccU. cast aide Kloi Riter.

MI I.l) ini.BIl, Arllil. An Msorlmenl of plclurc frsmcs always nn

qand, and clitnp.


Bute or Michigan, County or Kent. >M, Ala Anion nfthel'iohalo Court tor IhnCnuoty of Kent, IniMm At Iho |l'r*hlle Offije, in Ihe clljr of Otnnd, Ilaplda, 03 raeadiy, Ihe IWenly.fourlh dijr of gtp-trniber. In the year one thouiand eight huodred aud Mfaeily-foar.

Freteal-llenjaiaio A. Hill .11, Judge of Ptokale. In Iht mallet of the eilala of Noble Crawford,

deceaied. On rrallng and Bllag Ihc petition, daly teriSed,

of Abigail 11, Crawford, adminlltralni nf laid ti lite, prayiug for lictote and aalhorlty lo Mil the real eitate IbtrolD daierlhed for Iht reuoniaod pur-pou therein rinriiaed.

Tbettupon 11 It ordered, that Monday. Ihe lw> nly-ilith day of October nei^at Itn o'clock la the fore-noun, bo auigned for the htailag of aaid pelitioo, aad thai the heire al law of uhf deeeaicd, and all other pttioi.1 inlenaled in laid eilate.are tiqalrtd lo tppur al a icailon of uld courl, then to be hold-en at Iht I'tobale Offire, la IheCIlT of Orand Kipidt, In aaid enanty, and ihow caoie. If any there lo. why Ihe prater ol Hit prtitiooe? ahould not be gianted i Aud 11 la farllierordaitd, that iild petitioaer lite aolirtlt the |itrioni lalereiled ia uld eitile,onhe

Cud' ncy of uld pelilion, and Iht hearlag thereol, cauilng a copy of Ihli order lo be pobll'lied lo

Iho l.nwetl Journal, a newipaper printed and elrcu-laling In aaid Connly of Kent,'ourmcctailieweiki, pnviuui lo laid day of hiarlag 13a I

UKMJ AUIN A. IIAKLAR, Judge ef ProUU. A 11uecopy. C tHa E. I'liaiia, Regiiter,

Wlil.KK MAY IIK FOUKI) TIIE lAIIOKST and uiKtiluckof FaimingTuolatiit t.llei

<d In Ihia market. Werakt aipeclalii y ot

AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS And take the ageoct of nnnr but Ihe lieat and lateillmprote'l gO'ida. W.-wiuld latilt alljwlio eontem plate purchmng RUAVtltio r MOW PUS In call and rtaailoe Hie

C E L E B R A T E D J O H N S T O N M A C H I N E S .

. ,1!!^'.ir , b ln"1 'irlnir Uie moat perfect Mower and Reaper eter built. The 11'Ifi UtOfi AIOH tH la a treat fatorllr with Ihe Karmci aud/W'y Karrjnlii for itrenglh and duiabillly. Tha.

I r o n C l a d M o w e r I m p r o v e d , ' o r Ihe nainn of IMS. Alan Hit SIIERIIOOI), UOllllEtOi H'(IHLI) VA CHI SB S.

T H E N I C H O L S & S I I E P P A R D V I B l l A T O U T H U E S H I N G

M A C H I N E , T H E U O W E L L H U O A D - C A S T S E E D E R A N D . ; C U L -

T I V A T O R C O M H I N E P a W A R R A N T E D T I I E B E S T

I N T H E W O R L D , S U P E R I O R , F A R M E R ' S F R I E N D . A N D R O U

L E R D R I L L S . T H E I T H A C A W H E E L R A K E , W I T H

I T S N E W S E L F D U M P I N G A T T A C H M E N T ,

The Celebrated Grattan Wagons, T o I r A N V l H n o We ihall aa heretofore Irloiall i'lowa (wilhout exlia charge) wllh Boyee k + x w i l u J \ / t 7 Naah't Call Sleel Coullen. Plow Polataand Repalri coailanlly on haad


it Haul half of Ih* loalh sail fracUonal ily (Wi.tiatilninK il :o-IDUlhi icrei. au-aut fraetion oiiee. IwenijiMat (>11

O H E H I F F - B QAlihia O Ily Tlrtdtolab tlfPu .

Kdertha teal otlbtClrcuU Cniirl for Ihe county hf Bt, lilted oa the ISIh day of Noeember, lS7i, in

fator ot P. 11. iteadmin il il. and agaipil the tondi and ehit'eli and lor the want thereof then of the realetlataoflhe dtfendanti IhertlB ;niiaed. withi

3bailiwick. I bite letied upon and ihtll eipoie fot • atpublle auclionto the hlghnl bidder, al the

onttr door ef Iht Circuit Coart raorat la Lrppig*! block 1B Iht eiljr ol Orand Kapldi, Kent county, blak al Michigan, on Saturday, Iht Hit dag of Jaauary, 1174, at Ua o'clock a.m. of that day, the lollowing deMrllnd teal eilala illuatcd In Ihc lownahip of Ada

M oftto.lwtal, Alio Iht IIBI

coaUialBg 20 li lOOlhi aeraa alio Ihi eaal fracUonal K of Ihe loolh'ein frac

lional V of Me. Iwentr-elgUt (2S), tica-pl out acrt aold.contalniag U I5-I00t£a acrei.

Alio the eaal half the inulh-weit fraelinnil S" of iiclion twcoly-eight (11), nintaiuing eighty |tU], acril.'

Alao the norlh-wei) (rulltnal '{ ol tho loulh-eul fiaetlaBal H ol tec. lwrnly-»i|nl p s j , coijUinl/fg M n-IOOtbf ftcm.

Alio Iht loath-Weil fraetinn ol tbt north-well fractional K of lee. tweaty-.iilM |U1, [tlcept t l -lOfcthi acrtt] C( ntailing BJ SI- lOUIbi arm.

Abo Iht Borlh eul k ol toe. Iwmlyaioe U*!, [eictplll Vl-IOutbi acrei loldj coaUialBg 107 14' WUfip act*.

Alao Ihe•a«lL'ii)l V of Ihe nwlh-weil V ofiee-tloBlhlrtvloree r u ; loalalolag forty li1)/ Mm.

Alia the loalh-wral '( of Meliiil. Iwrolytiiro I'-'I

J l iMKr WVOIiOJTF, IheniJ, J M. Hatiuwao*, Att'y. Tbeabotewlelihtitby aiijimned anlll Ihe Utlt

day of March BI ll , al 1 o'clock I', U. of Ibal day, tl Ihe MBM place,

Diled, Jaa. Hit, UII, JKSSK V. WYCKOrF.Sherlfl.

J , II. Uitiliwaon, Alt'y. Ue4

The abate tale li hereby adloaiaed nnltl Uie ICIli •Ujr i>f Apr i l*'f I, tl J o rlock p. m. of Ihn day, la

* 1' '™iL'.T IJIh IIM. /MSB »•. wi 'CKyn shetia.

J. M. Mar^twtoa Alt'y. 3).i The tbdre uie II hirtby idjoutnrd until Vn/ay,

May Hh 4l<, a* f o'elofk l :, « . , al Ibi place abort Btmad.

JKBSK t . W V i j f i U f t Sterijf. J. Af. Matiiiwioa Att'y. l i e i Tin aboaeiale ia hereby adjourned uatll the ISIh

day nfMay It74,at 1 o'dnck p.m. al Ihc place aboye named. JEB1K K. WYCKOKK,

J. M. Matiliw.ao* Alt'y. Sherllt. Thealiate tale ia lienby adjnuraed unlil Ihe I2lh

day of June 1871, al 'J o'dnck p.m. al Ihe place aboienamed. JKSSK K. W VCKOFF,

/ . « . y » y ^ a o ^ Alt;, 9|ietiff.

The abote uie It k«reby adloumtd until U11 lv:h day of July, UT4, at 3 o'clock 1'. M., at Ihe plact abore named, JESSK V. W YCKOFF, SheriB.

Join II. Maruiwioj, Alt'y. Uwt The abote lilt ia hereby adjnutBed anlll Ihe Tlh

day of Augual, i w al 2 o'clock, P. V. al Ihe place abote Bimed.

P.lfd, July II, 1171 JKSSK F. WYCKOPF.

^ou* W. Waruiwiti'. Sheila Twt ' ^lly.

The abort ale liherebr adjourned until Monday, id , l 0'c'<k'' P m.at Ihe placrabore

Dated. Aug. 7(h, IS7«. , „ „ IBSIRF, wycforr,8hcriir . Jon* M. Maruiwaox, Alt'y.

The abort ia!t li hereSy adjoaruid unlil Jlonday. Iht 6th day of October, 1S74, at 2 o'clock p. m., il thf pUs* abote oimrd,

DtUd tWpt. Tlh, 1171. JESSE P. WYCKOFF, SheriH.

JOBS M. U a n m o x , All y. T>.eibaetialt|a htreby adjonrnid until Uonday

Ihtaectoddvyo; Koteaber, at J o'clock p. m., it

i s« : JE8SE F. WYCKOFF, Shtrifl.

Jou M. MaiiiWKk, Att'y.

SU B U I P F ' B S A l i S . Uy tirtue ol three citculloni limed out of and

under Iht Mai of Ihe Circuit Coart for Ihe ooualy ol Kent. te|ted on Ihe 21lh day of Auguit A. 1). laI2, one Brio; In fator ol Byron H, Hirnck et t l , om la lator 0'oamoei IF. l)aaa el. At., Bad one iBfatorol Ftauk Ntymrl tl., tod agilail Ike -ooda aad chat-tel*, aad for Hi* waul Ihtreof thru 1 the real ailali of iht d'fiodanli Ihtrwin aimed wlthia mybaillalck, I hate letied apoa aad ihtll etpoie for aale al public aactioB,Io the higheit bidder, at Ike outer doar ol lb j Circuit Court toonia, la Leppig't block, IB Ihe city oflliand Rapid*, Keal coualy, Btale of Uich. igan.oaSaluiday, IheMh day of Jasuary Bail, al ID o'clock a. m. ol Ihal day, Ihe follewiag deiet ibel real eatate, iltuated In the lawnihlp ot Ada, Kent coualy Michigaa t

The eail fractlonii half of Ihe iculh-eaal fracUonal If of lecti.q tjen'.; (201, coatiiotng U Itf-lOOthi acre*. * t i .

Alao Hit Mnth-taet fracllea oftee'.lon twentyoBe 121), cootainlng 20 1 J lOOIha aeree,

Alao Iht tail fraclloiial H of Iht toulh-tail frac-tloaal « ol teclioa IwtBlyelght (tl), eicept one •ere laid, conuiolBg t i li-lOOthi acrei.

Alto lh« eut hall of the Muth weel ftacllonal k of lecllOB IwiBlyeigbt |2S|, coutalalng eighty [W|

ihr norlh «<ii fiasconal u ofll.t utuih-eul • y o U o j ^ ofMdlon twtalyeii'l [ t l ] , containing

AIM Ihe loutli-weat fraeUea of lh* Borlh-weii

iMIha acrei, Alao the norlh-eaal If of the north-well ol lec-

lloo lUrlt-lhtM f t t | , coalaiaiBg forty (401 acrei. Ala*' lh» tuutL'taa-et of teeltoli IwialyWI

|rtl,flool>iolr* oat bun IM and onef toll tcier. iJalid. Not. U|h, 1173 • 1

JfcWlt V. WVCIfOFr, ShariH.

F U R N I T I ' R E . -

QOINQ S O U T H . • • 1

STATIONS. H f n r s " r x r u r t u . i x r r . a u . N o . 0. No, !. No. 2 . 1 /

IVIoaker 4 4 S a « S 10 p. M. Tra te t ae Ci ty . . . .* S 3 ) •• i CO a . * .

S 10 p. M.

Walton I . . . . 10 10 •• C l l .• 12 20 a B . Clam l a k e . . . . . . II - 7 31 •• 1 41 • . K'ed n i r . . . . IS i i !• B S i d •• J 23 •• t p p r r Ilia l lapidi 1 ! a " a 21 •• 4 00 .a II. wau l C i t e . . . . 2 2J •• IP M " i 10 " U t . 1 ; u •• 12 1) r M 7 =0 «• U a n U l l h a . 'I • H i l -KIIBIPIX"! 7 00 •- 9 t i " \ i ck4 ,u rg 7 32 " 10 10 " S l u r g i i . . ^ . . . . . . S .-.7 " II 10 Fi i ' t Wnyc r 12 ul «,B 3 20 r . * . l l w i l o r . . . . 1 U . . a cc iH . a 11 •• ro i l l a t td 2 5S •• 0 HI a. u. 4 21 " I l l d s c t l l l e . . . . 3 10 •• 7 09 •• 4 17 " W i r . e h r a l o r . . — . ,1 30 •• 7 32 " i 10 'a : V ' ' «P '> I 4 27 " K i ' l •• i i l •• I.lrliiuond i 00 - S M " 0 20 ••

J O H N K O P F ,



CHAIR FACTORY, And also Mannfaelurer and Wholesale

ami Itetail Dealer in all k indsof



Parlor a n d B e d r o o m Si Is.

Tf«in Mo. a . f . om W.il lon l o Tctokkpr , will r u u i o n M.^n U) •. Wclm-a U j i irj-l K t i J a j t only.

T n l u N i . 11, f rom iv t ' ^Ucj r In W t l l o a , w l l l r au !oQ r.K«ihf.Thu!i-h,«ata I Situr-Ufi onlj.

e\ l | o l l i r r T r t l m r i n " l i l l f . Sun h i e i c ^ p t e d .

r . n. viYKRi, Orn. Fx* 1. k Ti<k«t A|« MI.



F O R C E - F E E D


The foliowinir en t i represent onr new Feed :

-§ — .

r u t : i.Mia Mr asd Jivsr a mo hi


( f r a w l liapidi awl JJehoit


Hotels F u r n i t h e d a t L o w Pf i cc s .

In addi l jon to the nliove I also keep on

linnd a choicc stock of



Ch i ld rens ' C o r n a g c s ,


T i a v e l i i t j j Ba # kc l s ,

ALL GOODS WARRANTED, And Sold Cheap for Cash.

A In rue supply of Collins, Cnskels and

Shrouds constnnlly on hand. All calls proinpily al lended lo.


JOHN K 0 P K . • » if

Q . R O C E R I E 3 -



View of the Feeder set fu rsa ia l l ip ian-tily.

N|)t.U|h, 1973

J. M.Mataawioa, AIL The abote Hie l i hurt'

ly. »'|lwj . c . ; '•o/ adjouracd URlli Iho nil day of Match neil, al 2 0 clock P. il. of thai I diy a. thi lanie plae*.

JSMR F. WVCKOPF,8herlir. J.M. Uatuiwaog. At'ty. Datau.Jan. 3lil,lB74. 3]b4 Th* abote Mle il hereby adjoarned BBlll Ihe loth

day al April ur>'., a l l o'clock p. in. ol Ibal day, *4 llie Mm* piaoe.

luted. Much Uth 1)74. , ' 'a, JWWE F-WVCKOFFghirlS. J . M, Uatuiwaoir All'y. > •

I;* ,rb ' adiourned BBUI Friday, A/ay »lhl»7l, t t 2 o'clock P. i f , al Iht place abote aimed.

The aboto Mle li herrbir adjourned uani Iht Uth day of May, 1114, al 3 o'clock p. bi. at Ihe p-aat abun aimed. JhSSK F. WvCHOFF

J.M.Maraiwaoi Ally. ShirllT, Tbe abort Mle ll hereby adjounied unUI tho Uth

day of June 1174, al I o'clock p.wi. at Ihe abote named place. JKSSK*. WYCKOFF

J. U. tlatniwiox Ally. ihctiil, 4Iw3

d a ^ t V . ^ N t P c l ^ T ^ ^ r

• ^ . W i , , . w « r V C , < 0 " - % 4 The abort lalt la heiwhy adlouroad BBl|llhe7iii

day ol Auguil, 1174 at 1 o ^ c l ^ K K , . ! tfceplw abote oamed.

Hated, July 14, 1874-. . . JESSKF. WYCKOFF-

J0HX M. MATUEWSOH. Shetia J"1 Ally.

The abJti tali It hereby adjourned nolil Monday, namid t , 0 ' C P- • , l Hi* place abote

Oiled, Aog. 7lh, 1874.' J KSSE F. WYCKOFf, Bhetill.

Join M. MiTUiwaov, Atf y. r 7

' ' h«"byadioUrBe.|Bnlll A/oaday,1

Dated iepl-7lh. 1174. . u „ TCKOFF. Shtriff. Jom M. Uatti iw BOX. All'y.

1 J^ ! f71! . , : U t i , v h * r * 1 ? • , 1 l o n "« i " ' l l Monday the aecond day of .Netembtr, at 1 o'clock p.m., at Iht place abote named. ' . a , .

Dated, Oct. Jth, 1874. r u u r . WYCKOFF. Sbtrll, I JOB* Ht Kiiniwaon, Alt'y. 1

EDMUND LEE H i t j o u npene 1 in M u n i Hall b l o t k , a m i l I la? of

g e o c e r i e s .

Me p r o n g s to k |j tliciii n i l i l l w .1S d , ^ .

enn be boiiyiii m m,y m , i r .

kel for ensli.

lie ll prepared lo furaiih

View of 1'ee.li r set for largo qunnti ty

Till K lUl'UOV KUKXr cimlala of a poilllte force feed a . ennatruftrd that you can tegulalr th*

'luantily 111.~heir Uiwren one-hallbuahel ol wheal andllirre I uahrli of „nla in an laalant, wlthnut any ralia g.irinf .hang, orcein Thi. la iccomphihed by au ailluatalile rotary dlit In the feed cup, and ao ''ranged tint ill lite Irrdeta ate aelal once be mere-U in " ing llie iulicator al the enl ef the litipn,r.-The roli-y di'ki with leelh on Ihe aide ntaf the edgi, ate ill fi.lrni^l on thr aliaft lad motelalterlv 'II any ihr apire bvtieca the diak and theildeuf ll.r lrr.1 roe, which tarl ei Ihr How of tewd aa may be tniuia.d. Fro'n Ihe fact tint they are all fulened to ihe aamr aUaU, when nae ia lotted Ihcy art all Biote.1- onie.|octill, ihe change la uolfurm In all lite Ir d.'tt. too n-ed not cbiuie a peck al oner .utcin tarr a. lillleaa aou pleaae-et.o a pint or MB If you dealtt. 7he,feeder U10 .lain and iimple

IhalwethlBkmfarmer can fill lo undetilaao or •ppreelale III alaanligei. It u juil what f.rmera hate beta wanUng, aad jual what mauufaclut.ra bate brrn try ag 10 make-.omelhlng Ihal can be ad-joaltd It.atanlly wilhout change of geiu.

W h a t P a r m e n sajr It. Ktery "ttr who icei it giret eipreuinni like Ihc

I'llitwlne. -Thai a 11; ~^oii hare gol | | now-" "Jn.t wli«l wr want, wr are tired ol caititt; 10 many Htn and thin hiring lo ckmi* a Mk at oner. 1 tin luita tat aud I moat haae ll " ~ l | | i . o eaaiiy reguWtl-I ran aary Jual aa | | i | | . „ f w , n ,

l , . - 1? ; l ' C j / ( , , I " f l , l ' ' , faiking a wii-lake. I ntyer uw i,ayll.ii,g f-eij 4i'i,rkirta Ihli. jilt a.iegu'irai iilrraai of wafer," ••*Ie 11 .It/ •ow anithlog—Whial, llye, Ui|..Uatley, Fia« Seed. I ••a. BMna. i.om, riiq .thy ag i i;|g„'( K , . i _ , u , l In'" i " 1 1 e.-lalnly brala ihem ni;.a.. J " ? """.e •" in uaing .u;h a null. Such are lh* eipreaaioai which fattnrri - a . - ' . l . I'«ej tee the Fied-a d they at. not lull

thaT'" k / l ' : i ' " ' ' r r a . i r" ' 11 ' • l , J , r j '*•' "Bnj.nl III«I ) uu «U | U n U H . T t r r e ar« u u n r utLnf IN, •

^loiiniiali on Ihe II mkeye act foutd on aay ell...

P . P . M A S T , & QO. SpnngHrld, Ohio,


Lowel l Mich .

GOODS AT WHOLESALE, | FORES? i ' D i D l l l l i

M I L L S . at pod littng ralet.




AT A L L T I K E S .

For fuilher pifllculan cal I at bli ilore In

Music Hal l Block,

Oridgo Strcot . Lowell.


Flour, Feed &c., constantly on hand.

W e have In operation one of


HAY S C A L E S I For the accommodation ot tho "public

• H M H i • B H I