~h t1:,~nchez. no. 34gl-17...ms. christine w. baleto director department of administration p.o....

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT JOSEPH L. M. SANCHEZ at Acttng Ms. Christine W. Baleto Director Department of Administration P.O. Box884 Hagatfia, Guam 96932 www.gdoe.net 500 Mariner Avenue Barrigada, Guam 969 l 3 Telephone: (67!) 300-!5471!536•Fax: (671)472-5001 Email: jsanc-heztf:i1gdoe.net February 9, 2017 Re: Guahan Academy Charter School: FY 2017 January 2017 Allotment Request Hafa Adai Director Baleto, GLA."31.J-l7·Jov Speaker Benjamin J.F. Cruz FEB 1 J ZG17 R_a, ....,., Upon review of the Guahan Academy Charter School Fiscal Year 2017 January 2017 Allotment Requests b'f'.gur Internal Audit Office in collaboration with members of the Guahan Academy Charter School Incorporated, hlm submitting my verification of accuracy as required by Public Law 33-185, Chapter ii, Section 2. w Our Internal Audit Office was able to validate of the invoiced total. Please see the attached verifiellillion report. This validation is based on actual invoices submitted to our Internal lludit Office on February 6, 2017. ...,., -0 Please advise my office if you have any further questions or concerns regarding this matter. Sincerely, / /) i /, /.2 · ./,;,.- perintendent of Education, Acting Attachment Cc: Chairman Members, Guan' Education Board Speaker, 34th Guam legislature Guahan Acadeny Charter School 0200

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Page 1: ~H t1:,~NCHEZ. No. 34GL-17...Ms. Christine W. Baleto Director Department of Administration P.O. Box884 Hagatfia, Guam 96932 500 Mariner Avenue Barrigada, Guam 969 l 3 Telephone: (67!)


JOSEPH L. M. SANCHEZ 8up~•;rint~nt at €~tion, Acttng

Ms. Christine W. Baleto Director Department of Administration P.O. Box884

Hagatfia, Guam 96932

www.gdoe.net 500 Mariner Avenue

Barrigada, Guam 969 l 3 Telephone: (67!) 300-!5471!536•Fax: (671)472-5001

Email: jsanc-heztf:i1gdoe.net

February 9, 2017

Re: Guahan Academy Charter School: FY 2017 January 2017 Allotment Request

Hafa Adai Director Baleto,

GLA."31.J-l7·Jov Speaker Benjamin J.F. Cruz

FEB 1 J ZG17

Tlm&~Fll<!Ho._ R_a, -;?,..~'71'9----

....,., Upon review of the Guahan Academy Charter School Fiscal Year 2017 January 2017 Allotment Requests b'f'.gur Internal Audit Office in collaboration with members of the Guahan Academy Charter School Incorporated, hlm submitting my verification of accuracy as required by Public Law 33-185, Chapter ii, Section 2. w

Our Internal Audit Office was able to validate ~.237.42 of the invoiced total. Please see the attached verifiellillion report. This validation is based on actual invoices submitted to our Internal lludit Office on February 6, 2017. ...,.,


Please advise my office if you have any further questions or concerns regarding this matter.


/ /)

i /, ~u /.2 ~H t1:,~NCHEZ · ./,;,.- perintendent of Education, Acting


Cc: Chairman a~d Members, Guan' Education Board Speaker, 34th Guam legislature Guahan Acadeny Charter School


Page 2: ~H t1:,~NCHEZ. No. 34GL-17...Ms. Christine W. Baleto Director Department of Administration P.O. Box884 Hagatfia, Guam 96932 500 Mariner Avenue Barrigada, Guam 969 l 3 Telephone: (67!)

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0200.

Page 3: ~H t1:,~NCHEZ. No. 34GL-17...Ms. Christine W. Baleto Director Department of Administration P.O. Box884 Hagatfia, Guam 96932 500 Mariner Avenue Barrigada, Guam 969 l 3 Telephone: (67!)

IAO \kmorandum ti.\CS .lanuan 2017 Validation f·~hruar' 9. 2017 Page 2 l-,( (1



(;uam Dl'partment of Education Internal Audit Office

Rc•ie" of (;uaban Academy Charter Scbool luc. Invokes Fiir rite Period of Januarr 2617

Prepared b~: ! rankiin Cn,1p.:r-·s tirsc. Chief .\uditoL Guam Department .it hJucaiion 1 (i i)t H. >

I ea1w Wilk" .. \udiwr. UDOE


:n\ ,1-ict..·...: ftn ~H .. 'CUr:ic:" and n .. ·p{lrt it~ finding to th'-~ L>epartn1ent of .'\dinin!str:::ni • .Jn i [)(J,,\ I\\ irhin ri:n 1 l l}} cah:ndar d.a} s. lntcrnal _.\uJit (jffice (I .r\t) 1' s, re-vie\\ t(K·usi:d on vaJida11i1n tJf Januar: ~O l 7

.:xpen<liturcs. ·rh1: result~ \\~ri: as t(rl!o\\s:

. ?i."t ~«""lflf;;.-e1 S.tlr!e:­

:· B~Nts.

Table I: Janu2ry 2017


'- .... _·

... ~- --

!' i:) "."' -\l_ ; ;_~'1' ~ :. . ·:-C·(' _:: ~

\llotment Request Im okes IA-B) iB C;


1-_'. _'{!'--; -

(_-\ ( i


'~ -.,~-'--,.~-_..,-,,~--- , - ~=-~~----"''''"'"-""~"=--~~c-o-,-,-,.~-, oc=--"-"'--='-'-"'=r~"'-'-'-=>-----.,,;<=""""'-~'~"=-=-""-~~=-><"====o>--''"~-'°'''"""''°,,,-~=-===~·· ~~

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0200.

Page 4: ~H t1:,~NCHEZ. No. 34GL-17...Ms. Christine W. Baleto Director Department of Administration P.O. Box884 Hagatfia, Guam 96932 500 Mariner Avenue Barrigada, Guam 969 l 3 Telephone: (67!)

Doc. N

o. 34GL-17-0200.

Page 5: ~H t1:,~NCHEZ. No. 34GL-17...Ms. Christine W. Baleto Director Department of Administration P.O. Box884 Hagatfia, Guam 96932 500 Mariner Avenue Barrigada, Guam 969 l 3 Telephone: (67!)

Doc. N

o. 34GL-17-0200.

Page 6: ~H t1:,~NCHEZ. No. 34GL-17...Ms. Christine W. Baleto Director Department of Administration P.O. Box884 Hagatfia, Guam 96932 500 Mariner Avenue Barrigada, Guam 969 l 3 Telephone: (67!)

Doc. N

o. 34GL-17-0200.

Page 7: ~H t1:,~NCHEZ. No. 34GL-17...Ms. Christine W. Baleto Director Department of Administration P.O. Box884 Hagatfia, Guam 96932 500 Mariner Avenue Barrigada, Guam 969 l 3 Telephone: (67!)

lAO 'vlemoran<lum - ( iACS Januaf' 2017 V ali<larion Fchruary 9. :'017 Page 6 t!f ()

Per PL '3-18". L.\O 'alida1~d SJ.004.10~.88 for School Year< SY l 20 i 6 - 2(11 7 rtw l:m

prO\ ides So.500 for each 'tu<lcn! up to 740 :>tu<lcnts or a total of $4.810.000. As of January .26.

2017. 712 stmkntsn.:re enro!kd in liACS. See Tables} and.\.

Jd_<. :{'.·)~- ·?~;

_'u;~ ~-',}:,:,- 'f=J·

'-~~ 2-.Iv

Table 3: SY 2iH6-2017 Validation Summar}

1·;-:i,_,_~::1(;0 J(;_<.6:·: 1 ___ ,_:;~;<i ; .·•-;.o: "/'--~~~ ,d-'.!C:;:,_,, __ "~··--,.--.-~----·-• ; 5t)_:.t;._ o• '.· :;>!~ S.91 97 $- _".f}J5'J -:': ';. .J.:o)f ) •:.:_if ~

s-r.102!:!'17, w ~~--- :::: I~~!'._sJ~~sl}iiJ.AiiiST-SJii'i~::s:::::=::::·s.1'> !:== ~-~~ 0~'~ '·<'Ht "?wW~{fwJ ', lG": ~'.( -<! ~ G:i'f.~~·}'-i e"'Y!',%.!..~i ~ ., 'f.

'.'<c-<.~~ :f-:{· ;_;_,-. 'f'"" -~ :_;;1L:!H g,: :. ;..,~ .:t"• 8'/1

~~:t'111bn .:::-c.;r-

Table 4: SY 2016-21H7 GACS Enrollment

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0200.

Page 8: ~H t1:,~NCHEZ. No. 34GL-17...Ms. Christine W. Baleto Director Department of Administration P.O. Box884 Hagatfia, Guam 96932 500 Mariner Avenue Barrigada, Guam 969 l 3 Telephone: (67!)

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0200.

Page 9: ~H t1:,~NCHEZ. No. 34GL-17...Ms. Christine W. Baleto Director Department of Administration P.O. Box884 Hagatfia, Guam 96932 500 Mariner Avenue Barrigada, Guam 969 l 3 Telephone: (67!)

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0200.

Page 10: ~H t1:,~NCHEZ. No. 34GL-17...Ms. Christine W. Baleto Director Department of Administration P.O. Box884 Hagatfia, Guam 96932 500 Mariner Avenue Barrigada, Guam 969 l 3 Telephone: (67!)

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0200.

Page 11: ~H t1:,~NCHEZ. No. 34GL-17...Ms. Christine W. Baleto Director Department of Administration P.O. Box884 Hagatfia, Guam 96932 500 Mariner Avenue Barrigada, Guam 969 l 3 Telephone: (67!)



re Valencia-Ovalles Chairwoman

frrry \1. fkBold Vice Chauman

Rov,cena S_ Zacarias Sccretar:

Vic-tor A. f'er~1 -rrea-5.urer

Dr Jacqui D Cynis \kmber

Ri,-hard P. ()ul~in1bao \1tn1ber

I kntri,·k \1. icvdud, \kmber

\tar~ B \-1athas. Pr!nclpa! I_ x ~t 'lftl:( :o \1einbt'T

CO\fr.iITTEES F\cTut!\ e

8,iard 1~Hhi:'n1i:il1('t' and Po!1t.--:, t tn.si:ncl' .J.Hd PrlJcurt·n1('1H

Cirants and t).._~velopn1ent •d(", crnn1-1;_·nt J.nd Pubh1;.- _.\ ffair:.,

1 !unlJ.11 H.<'<.d:H\'('"

..,_p..__.,_ :,1i i- du-\_.Jt:nn

I ,~chn1..:>Iu~_:

P.U. Bux ( S Ci:J~irn 969_":;'.::

,f,-:[ \ ')l~J-1()6~ (1







J,rnuarv }(l, 2017

Christine Won Pat Baldo DirL'Ctor, Department of Administration

Elena Z. Juanez.1 Accountant Cuahan Academy Charter Schrn1l lncorporated

Januan· 2017 Allotment Request

Att,Kht>d are all rdevant documents tn "upport the Januan 2017 ;\llntnwnt RecjU<><;t for Cuahan Acadt>mY Charkr Schor•I Iricf..'lr~')f.}rated.

<~r-/ Q; v

(__(-: ~Jdrd pf -rru<.;te~

crx1r rAn

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0200.

Page 12: ~H t1:,~NCHEZ. No. 34GL-17...Ms. Christine W. Baleto Director Department of Administration P.O. Box884 Hagatfia, Guam 96932 500 Mariner Avenue Barrigada, Guam 969 l 3 Telephone: (67!)



Fe Valenna-Ovalles ( 'hatTWoman

Terry M. DeHold V ke Cliaimlfill

Rowena S. 7..acarias St>cretary

\.·ictur ~ Pt"re.1 l'rrru.urcr

Dr. Jacqui D. Cyrus VI ember

Ri<:hard P <)utamhao \lember

llentn<k \!. hduC'k \frmber

\1a!~, t) \1afnas, Pnn(fpal F_\....(Jtlil'h) \1ernht'r

COMMfffF£S f-_ X~<-UH\'1._"

l~<-•ard ( io1,_en1anc1..· an~i Pola_·-~

f in.:stH t and Pn'>cun;-nu•n; ( irant>,, and lJc...-etopnl<"tH

~--n-,<.{0 :Ju11cnr ~u;d Puh!i( \ITair~

t-lun1an Re,ource\ '>f_\\»,·:ai EdlH-aiH1n


l'UBmCS !--latr~Hn;.L (fuarr: 969:;2

tf>-~ I 1 9''°'9-!U6i 6





Guahan Academv Charter Sch<,oL Inc


GACS FY 2016-2017-{lJ-2017-01

Public I.Aw l'.\-185


Section 1. Section 2 nf PMt 1, Chapter !! <>f Public L1w 3:\-185, ;s

hereb,· mnendi'd ta rrnd:

Section2. 'Jotwithstanding aiw provision of law, for the Schon] Year

2016-2017, pursuant to~ 121 lb(e), Chapter 12 Title 17 C .. CA, the

Dc-partment c>t Administration (IX)A) i,; hereby authorized and

Jirc'Cted t,, dedud '->h. Thousand Fi\'e Hundn·d Dnllar" ($6,500) per

,,nrollee ol Academ\ Charkr Schoob chartert>d lw the Cuam

/\catit>ffi\' c~·hartt'"f ~;cl1t){)Is C\-iuncil, 110{ to t0 .Xtt't1 tl ~'\'en hun~ireti f.\)ft\'

1740i ~tudenb for the l;ualum Acadenff Charter Scholli and ii'·"'

hundred (500) ~tudenh for the 1/ ,·arn Academy Charter School, d~

n.::-'CtH11n1ent.il.:'tl b\- the (~uorn :\..:-a:J.-1t"-n1\. C~h.arter Sc.:-h<1c,f C,c-'1uncii trtnn

th~· t;:_)tal (_;t;>ftt.'fdi funJ dpt-"lftrpri.Jt}(Hi in St.'Cti(lD 11'if- thi::. f)art ('f thi'-.

Chaplt'r t" t!k GD< )E, b,1,_.,d on the actuai cnrollmc>nt at the tinw, ,~.,.,,,,,.;,;l;z~·l h~ the" 'x~r p;'.r)i! ,.d.__t .•~ 1,~.J;1hli>..:.!-:(•\i in th1·, ~~·tl.tP-, F.ach . .,.._., .. 't· ~-'<.->t.,'• "" f • ~t.-~•·•r--- -··-·----- --- ·-- -·- '-·

I . . . j >.. r ~ ' ' .. . . l , .. ,.,.)[. ,_, p--t.'n re-.:t~;pt ut "-dil 1nY•nCl', tue t)(_ 1:--., ':<tfi?l! rt.>rn1t it t1. 1 t12 :.__rLf\. :·

l;f-..;):n rt.~Ct'if'it lif tht• rer111ttel1 ir1Yoict.:, (;[X-)E shaU \'t•ritY the in« t»itt'

lli r(~{)()ft_;.;. tts f}n,Jing~, tht..· [ri\'OiCctJ dfl1\.Hll1t rFCt"l\ e~.i b\ r)(_),\ shaU [~'

.--iutc•rt~.."itit:,_di\ trdt:.;n1ittv~J t~-:- c.~.1~-h :\L,lt.h?t:1\ l_-hartt·r "-x·hf.h.1;

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0200.