guyana - a short description


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Page 1: Guyana - a short description
Page 2: Guyana - a short description

LOCATION - Guyana is located on the north eastern section of the South American (neotropics), bordered by Venezuela, Brazil, Suriname and the Atlantic Ocean. Amazonia

SIZE – 214,970 km2

POPULATION - 747,884 (2012)

ETHNIC MAKEUP – East Indians, Africans, Amerindians, Chinese, Others

WEATHER – Tropical; warm, humid, average 31 degrees, two rainy seasons (May to mid August, November to January)

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POLITICAL SYSTEM – Proportional RepresentationDEMOCRATIC SYSTEM – We are a Democratic countryECONOMY – Stable NATURAL DISASTER – We are susceptible to flash floodingECONOMIC GROWTH – The economy has grown between 4% to 5% for the past 8 years CURRENCY – StableENDOWED WITH NATURAL RESOURCES – gold, bauxite, timber, rice, sugar, diamondLABOUR FORCE – competitive, highly trainable and relatively affordable

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Growth for eight(8) consecutive year with GDP expanding by 5.2%

Inflation rate of 0.9% in 2013 A diversified economy Economic pillars 2013 : –

Agriculture - 19% Mining – 18% Trade – 14%, Public Administration – 9% Transportation – 7% Manufacturing – 7%Financial – 5% ICT – 4% Other – 8%

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It offers something different from the sun and sand tourism destinations. When in Guyana, tourists can soak in the…….

Lush savannahs Pristine virgin rainforests Impressive rivers and tributaries Picturesque mountain ranges And Guyana’s most famous landmark,

Kaieteur Falls, the highest single drop waterfall in the world

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Principal tourism product is NATURE Flora and Fauna Pristine rainforest - intact Wildlife Waterfalls, Savannahs, Wetlands,

Rivers, Mountains, etc

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Unspoiled beauty Unique cultural heritage Natural Attractions

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A former British colony, Guyana boasts a distinctive and spectacular old English architecture. Some of the famous landmarks include:

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The highest single drop waterfall in the world is a wonder to behold, and also contains a world rich of biodiversity, some of which are endemic to Kaieteur’s National Park.

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The Guyanese culture reflects the influence of Amerindians, Africans, East Indians, Portuguese, Chinese, Dutch and British. With a multi cultural society like ours, it is no surprise that there is an exquisite fusion of music, food and heritage.

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Abundant in natural resources and rich in fertile land, Guyana has the potential to be Caribbean and South America’s breadbasket.

Locals use these same resources for other purposes. E.g. art, jewellery, hunting tools…etc.

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Birding - Guyana is home to over 780 species of birds, an opportunity

Sport fishing – largest fresh water fish - Arapaima

Community Based Tourism – 9 indigenous tribes Heritage Tourism MICE Wildlife Watching Yachting

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