gum isi apb - chronicling americav hi, iempiiis appeal kates of subscription. dailyl one copy, one...

V Hi, IEMPIIIS APPEAL KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILYl One copy, one month, by mall-O- ne .8 1 00 copy, sir months, by mall. - S 00 One copy, one year. By mail. . 10 00 Odo copy, oae weefc, in cttyH 33 WEEKLY: Oae copy, oae year M SO Ci ubs ol Tea or more, each. 3 OO Bfeetmen eopiet tmt free of charge. Our niotf book arc Itpi by )oit40lcej, and not by In ordering Jsjwr cwItoi WXffI lo , Utc namu 1A jxulocx tfcouW be given. RATES OF ADVERTISING IN DAILY APPEAL: First laserttou, per square II OO Baengauentlnsertlotta.rwrsq.rinre SO fbrtwo or more touarct a reduction on above T alet in proportion, JKoM Untt toKd nonpareil maU one tjuart, and Keeive Una mate one ine' . ZmuZ AVneM an 20 eeni. per line forjlrtl in- - srrtten. If eenu per tine week, and 1TJ4 oenlt per line per month, lPonts, ea, art W cenJr per tine firtt insertion anii emu per Unc enoh tubseouent insertion. Heatn and Harriooe noUoet free of charge. but funeral n met, obUuartet, and complimen- tary notieet ot moxri&ffez, are charged at regular raSet. We wM net accept any advertisement tooUew irM mr JssorlA page adrcrUsemeHtt, station ary, sniiltc relet. We toiitit ieUert and eommtmieationt vpon tubjeeU of general interest, but men mutt always lie aemmpmnied by a responsible name. Wc mill not return rejected communicaUont. AU Uttert, eommuntoaUont, or anything else or Oct Appeal, Mould not be culiretted to any individual connected teith the office, but timply o the APITtl. MtnpliU.Trnn. FINANCE AND TRADE. UrriCK OF THE DAILY ArPEAU 1 Friday, beptember 2b, 1&T3. J FIX AN CI AI-- Te f4taaUou on Mfedlon street y vn renartcMy quiet in contract with the btorm wfetoh ptevailcl yesterday. More than this TiinHght apptareti la lb way of efforts look-i- n t the itflng of the First National book for foulness ou a better footing than wfeealttdtfliculUeafim began. From abroad there were offers of assistance as well as at ho ma. If tb ftaak doe not ume. It Is likely uut the receivership will fall to Mr. Tbaefeer, tiwfpresent cashier, to whom the ap- - pawwiWK naa own u?iiuervu vy iuc comp trailer. At thi wriUnR the outlook is highly favorable to resumption. The Vulou and llmntTO banc received reinforcements of currency and like the German National bank Reetaed to have smooth Bailing. What the re- mit will be in the caeof lheXtesotois still meertain, bat its friend claim that It also will rename payment and business. The hlaie NattomU realteed considerate of an addition lo ita baalBem, it having fallen hrlr to the heavr collecUon baslnem of the Ftrst Na- tional and DeSoto. Some farther withdraw-tso- f earreaoT toot piaeeiaaqaiet way, but there wasuoUiinc like a ran on any of the banks aad the bbades of tsveslng gathered over a unprecedented in point ot tran- - Nouinc wm done In cold, exchange or seen- - imw, enrrency ueing me areai neea ox ine hoar, bbH hence it is impossible to give 9 for anything. Tfce tieprewlou extends to mercantile circles a, and eettoa has bnt a nominal vulue. Kelerring to tlie panic and its efleeU, the Xew ork Mmltrtinot Toehday says: There Js ovety resioQ lo anticipate an excepiionallr oaar condition of the money market when the Itftttlc ha fully Mibbided. itock t.pocnlatlon will naturally relapse, after the flat flush of baying at low prices. Into a protracted doll e banks will be abundantly sup- plied with legal tenders. The purchases of by the treasury have already piaeed nearly &jOO!MK0 ot greenbacks on the Market, and the Ifitnes of certificates by the ctearlng boose, for lnter-ban- k settlements fsm likely to reach fl'VXtt.O'O In a day or two, thereby placing at thedtapoaat of the banks, for ordinary pur-ee- s an enal additional amount of lesal leaders. The banks are. therefore, destined 1 relapwe, within a few days into condition of mrwacew; and the prospects warrant thlr extending at once a liberal hand to the Mercantile interest, ra her than risk the tMtaarie experiment of farther testing tbelr caturaace, from a spirit more cautious than land tut. a basis of saf- ty has now clearly bean attained by the banks, upon which they mar freely expand their loans to meet all legitimate requirements. The only clas of paper calling tor a ty ecial care Is that d with new railroads; the ordinary run of boeiaeiis paper is exceptionally gooil; Mocks are low (nooaii fe 1k iafe beyond as ool laterals; and. If the banks will bi recover their equanimity, and lend liber- ally t ail pound borrowers they will promote an instant recovery of confidence and give ihaaaalablBKblow lo panic The only renialn-la- g danger. Indeed, is from the over-oauli- orUte banks; a caution which. If carried to caoeas will, in the present idtu&Uou, hurt tfao baak quite az much as those dependent on COTTOSr. Owing to financial stringency there is vir- tually no narket. For money wnall tors were aotfi at a basis of li015e for middling, laatihia waseateepUonal to the holding. dlaeountlng bllfs and in the un aettterf Mate of allairs factors are fchy of Advfees from other markets appear i in oar eoiamns. 1S7J. 1872. ifceowpsa. m Hi 20 SfiX TmWi rreatflu to date ,7,W IMPORTS. NeaapUs Bd Charleston rallroad. .3(1 Miaaiaslpi asd TwiwMC railroad. . 31 Memphis sad Onto railroad . 17 1'oimrmtx mmi Menaplits rallmad .J KmpMBd Little Boek railroad.. . M . 4S IfetlKftted per wagon and other sources. . Of) EXPORTS. MesiWEtiMiCbarlRlon rallroad- - Ml wlppl ad Tenitw-- railroad It MetaahlnimJ Ithlf. rnllrooj ij GESCBAL SlIIBir. fJaslnWmr ore or round We, vnleet othervnu jom ana ttroauee, levee t ana oraere, react Ham.vo Srcrrs UnchnI;lagglDE,;aiMl lb kmutx, litc; lion ties, ojc; Bp it rfy, vlth prime to choice aot He la a seaall way, and Inferior nominally SUlN -- tiales H3 aacks at $16 and 75 Faefcs nam rac at 111 rr ton, with resales of the Istlasc .4911. Hcsi. mm" Matbbiai Itoracdale cement, SS SO; L4Biiprille eecoetit, per Ml, 92 H'; riailsr. KlehUpin.W; Slew York, it S; lialr, it Kuw Mti bule; k, S7 per WD; Mtaw, by l ho r- - m1, ft .Yutl 9. tXAcmei laseUvf. We tuoto: Clear rides, MSwe; rib sides, 10USe: shonldens 4mHc; sugar rnrnl hams, eanviufeed, 13 Je: extra brands, nominal; breakfast bacon, oftstTaaMd, IlHfsl'C. OuuasH Sitae bat luFeritron hand, for wfcieli Ihsn Is no sale. Costs Receipt oy dealers only, who e4ftM-e- to fltl enter on the levee at Ktc fer shelled bat stskra 7lgle In store. UtwarsuL 11 bjher, with sales oa tbe levee raoatly at ft !0?1 JS per bbL for choice. Koa-iel- es kt Ja2ic with tome old stock at lac FKt'tr Applon, per bbL, sz wt)t, tbe er price iw utn cfiuiev, ihimmuh imihk as to quality. Orange, er DbU. W :0. mmm dull, at ta 3D ir box. Calif. rnla VOt. Jerx box. K ar. .Nc" raisins, r box, 3$ 9. TOrtdsh nrancs, per lb, Mc. Kukib &tesay. We quote Inferior, $1 SO At sj;ner, JS &m ; extra, ft &m Si; Xami-J- K Ml S;Xaucy isuw 7S. rMM Weaoote: No. 1, perbbl,H; erhalf-hW.ta- i; urktt.Mloscl : No 2, iwr bid, H4; tr balfJl, $7; per kit, 15 llw, ft ; No J, IrbM.IM; per half bbLfrS S; rwr kit, H S. hrnek. So, 1, per halt bbl,S7a; kltsfl 30; fasalhr, per half-bb- l, $3 SO. lloeherrlne. lier liadfMsl, $3 so. Shad, per kit. J5. IloUand lrtfrtsp. per keg, f2 36. Hanllncs, ier caw, nssarters, JSH(; halven, gSt. Dry cod, per CtaocKBJEH We qnote : Sncar, crushed, ygwslfed and grauulated. per lb, in barrels JtMStfe; Mft reflued,eltow and white, in ME, tiaittc; brown and yellow. In hhd. KflsHCe, Hotel us, rebolled, gc In boh. and jff hhjber la bslf Mils, and kegs; susat-kosH- e syraps In bbls, inferior to choice, m He. Halt, dosoestie, by the carload, H per iKsvm. (.nee,tio. er 10-- , inferior to c; javB,cootce, aasjasr-- taneies, w,, iih, ionic' jr. mce.rc. E?treil, 9SSB aV. isostp, extra olive, 7c ; German, coy; inienor, tatec. Matr luetoreM MT per hundred; npper Pfm tor tlmeUty in n retail way. On levee cwsise mtaed l tt per ton. Rims, Stc. xMppers offer as follows: Dry dsekl, e;b4ipel4Jt. 2&cSl; niothldex, Ke; dry salted, lic;grwn salted, loc; green, Kact-- w, per barrel, 110; per l, . litf-Qa- it. latJerees,tXc;kc!r,Hc;palLs, llgWSc fur refined; with e- -, Blaise. Vavai. Hiwmi Oat are. American navy, :: best Am. Dk Iln4n, per bbl. No. 1, ; No. r, tt M, vtrcjln resin, ta. Tar. per bbl, t; half WlaLli. PUeb, per bbl, K so. TarrenUn,ffc. TtST VR?lBbrtcigfbm me stuiui, mlDeral. Tic; llnaeed, raw, (1 07; li osUd. ft M; entlua seed, crude, suOe. Oxiesn In store SI Tig 26 per bbL, as In warn maDare s - i coenogs on levee rVrAToes ftapfdv In. .roved, and we note desatf snatsiu at; i" . f iDixrbbl. (Nttruriar 1MUL wiua sales at chicken', W SOkI (JO per dozen. rowjMX-Rl- Ae, K per keg; abot, li use l'osw ta ordsra saess la US 78 per bbl, In Taliw-Coan-to per lb, 7'x. TtSNinwi ttracs-Ti- Btate, 1C, Mxll, U; JG WxSt, SM: IV. llxll, ta W: IX. lOxll, tl; IS, Ur, in 5; IX, lliir. Ho ; rootoe, HI: iMMk Urn, tee- - eepper bottonK. Ve; lMBed aa Ireia, St, 27, latrke; charcoal sheet Iron, iWlw; sine, is. Wouti Walahle at UaKc, as In quality, en receipt. JiOJflETARY AyD FIXAXCIAL. LOKDOK. UWE4r, September 28, S p.m.-T- he weather till nail list Kaciand y was fair and I for crops In keaeral. A rumor on the i eaceasdwe is, uiaiise raie oi itufcount at k or oi(iaua win be advanced at the at of directors next Thansiav. 1m. t withdrawal of bullion from the bank ba saswiaieioe. Unfavorable rumor from Jtom Yerfc is aojreetly the oaqrc of tliedc-- I'l'ssliia ef Amerleen securlUe. Theamennt of latiUfjnn drawn from the bank oa balance M if sa tatox (JoBsols money, 9Z,( fJMHS(.fjMu United SUMes eour. latZ-M- o? bisTsiS; do, 7, ; 't, MK; ucwarjTKne.il1;. KK AX K POST. Vkankfobt, heftember 3a. failed States --ars, um, vl U0TT0X MAKKETS Or HIE .W0KLD. NEW YOHK. XwYats, Beptemberja, Md ajn. Gotten trrendiu- - aud nominal: ontlsary, HMe; coott rdiwr,lt:hiwmlddllnK, ITe; nuiMliiu:. I We; Alabema, ITU; orWataa and Texas, no. JPatureM eaafer; Jaatiarr, 17 Ilillil III II, MKfJIM'rc ; MMM ht ssal i, ITe; iKMwmber, 17 ltd pjn Oslton Hoaalnal ; ordinary, 1 -' foad ordinary, I0c; low ratddllAf:, 17 aauMllim. 17X; Albin, Isc; Orleans ltc stMaL e lower nnemciai. u tares eaw ; ales. 7.' 9 bales; September, 17c; October, ltiKr:-iCc- ; November, 171 Xte; December, 17c. :l p m. Uotton iireaular: nUddllnx, l,c official. I'tc uaoficiaL bsuea furaxpoit, 4wi balee ; lo KpTanMrs, a bales. Future hare!) steWly; wles, MJuu bales; jaauarj 17st 177-I.- -; hebruarj iTiTa-lte- ; March, 17, W ' r ,CT?',e'- - MHmtHe; October, November Deeember; ,Hsuw 0aiM. export, Ul reat Britain, m bales; exports to the conti-- r it.auu bales; stock, ttm bales. UVEItl-OO- Liveh-foo- l, ltMiiljw 2. I) p.mOot-tcn--aie- item balaf. Uplands, BM: Or. -- an- "'. Afj. Sales for tbe week, TMtti til' tiimt,, WO bale; specnlaUaa, Ma. li si ,. e osajMI baJes; American, at. n 1c v iiaSeat,aJUbaie:Amertean. ' a expllMhAes. , a. Mat dssltoed heanir. NEW ORLEANS. New ORLK-ll-- September 25, 1130 am. Cotton unsettled and nominal : mlddllnc, ltU7c. Hales, S) bales. 2 p.m. Cotton IVnnanil better aBd prices steady ; middling. 17c Bales, 11U0 bain; receipts, 2X7 bales. LODiavir.T.r. LomsviLLr., September 20. Cotton nomi- nal; low mlddllne, 18XC NASHVILLE. Nashville. Hentember as. rVittnn ..till buu awmnu at usfMiesc. DKV 000VS MIKKET. New York, 8epteraber26L The trade move- ment was alow tolay with tho commission bouses, but a fair Jobbing distribution was made, and buyers have more confidence in the future, Tho market Is steady and pilces are undisturbed by the financial crisis. Got. loo goods are quiet In first bands, but Jobbeis' stock are light, and au early revival of activ- ity is looked for. Cotton flannels, grain bags and medium bleached RhlrtlngsoM upclosely. Dress goods, black silk alpacas and pine mo- hairs are firm. TEODUCE MABKETS. LOUISVILLE. Lotus vi llx, September 28. Bagging Is quiet and firm at Mf$ll)f c Flour transac- tions light and price unonanged. Wheat is tending down; quoted at;Jl afjnl 49. Corn is held steady at tHtjtfic, sacked oats are steady at , sacked, ltyc lea,y atTaasWc. are limited to an order demand and unchanged. No banks have suspended yet, and no undue excitement prevails. Business Is progressing bat slowly, and transactions are confined lo tlie immediate wants of the trade. NASHVILLE. Nashville, September St. Business of all descriptions la nominally at a stand-stil- l for want of funds. There is scarcely enengh do- ing to Justify quotations. Klour Is dull and nominal. heot, SL SVal S5. Corn and oala are dull and unchanged. Lard is dull and nominal at 954c. Itacon Is dull and nominal at H, H and lie Whisky Is nominal. HEW YOKK. New York, September J, Flour Is dull and lower; white wheat extra, 57 lMag. Whis- ky is lower at !c Wheat is unchanged. Hye Is nominally active at l3V7e. llarley and malt are unchanged. Corn is a shade firm- er; steamer, mixed western, H"fiS2c. Oats are uncnangeu. t'rovisious fork is weak; new mess, U7 25417 5J. Ilevf and cut meats are unchanged. Lard is weak; old western. cc. NEW ORLKANS. New Orleans. September 2C. Flour dull, stock small; XXX, S7J7 75; family, fs cogs so. Horn, oats, bran and nay all in light supply wiin no sales. 1 oik. is ami. liry salt meats suouiaers re-- uacon no sates. 11 ru auiet and nominal tierce, tiifco; keg, luKc. Sugar and molasses no sales. Whitky dull LoauJana, tflo; Cincinnati, 71 07. CeiTec f3T. LOUIS. St. Lons,Septembr 2. Flour Is entirely nominal; there is not enough done to estab llsh prices. Wheat few lots orNo. red fall sold at SI 21R1 31. Nothing doing in other kinds of grain. Provisions no sales of any kind. CINCINNATI. CxscisyATT, September 36. Tlie general marketsarealmOKtst&ndlng6111L Thereisno panicky feeling, but no disposition to operate save to supply immediate necessities. alues continue nomlnaL RIVER INTELLIGENCE. Boats xnrlnc To-Dn- Arkansasmver.UuiKKSviLLE.-- .. p.m A. J. Whltfj .Napoleon James Howards yt. Louis Otyof Cheeter. . St. Louu Clebu t ne... . SU Louis City of Vicktbun:- - Vickfeburg liriiarleil. a. J. vt nite. Napoleon James Howard-- -- New Orleans City of Chester.... ,.,wt- - Iouts City of Vlcksbnrc SL LOUlH Pat debar tie .Vlcksburg PhllAllin .Frtrs I'olni Laura lavis. ,,. Cincinnati In Port. Clarksville. TbelVeathcr nnU Klvcrs. Yesterday temperature was higher than U has teen lor a week, the mercury during the afternoon elevating itself to elgnty-aeve- n de- grees and the sky was clear, all day. Tbe merisfaltinf; rather rapidly, ii the observ- ers N gauge observations are correct, and will not perhaps eo down more than three inehes a day hereafter. While river is rising a little, with four feet to Jackson port, and the Arkan-kMiiR- is falling, with tw enty Inches to Little ltock. .STAGE OF RIVERS. Dally report of the Maze of water, with changeslu the twcjity-loa- r hours ending at at three o'clock Flflay evening, ieptember 6, i&S: Above low dianges. water. ltfee. Fall. Feetjlnehea FU;iniFt,In FtMt lien ton 0 o1 e Omaha. i- t- 1 hi veti port . 0! 0 Ieaveu worth M. v. Ut k'rO.-ii- ,, ,. ,, Cairo Si . Lou H . 1'lllslHirg.- -. . ( 'i u ci u n a ti. ... LmUvlllt Mmpht Vicksburg r , Shreveport Ntshviile New Orleans4. Yankton . Below hlgli water mark of 1871. lOCleial. S. Wo KIIODK, Observer Signal Bervice, U.S.A. METEOROLOGICAL REC0BD. SiorALBnnvicE United Statbb Army, 1 Mriiruis, Tcnxm September Js 1S73. f n:l 1L0S 3.H x. x. a. x. r.M. Barometer., 39jQ17 J01C7 Change since last re- port jm J010 -.- C6 2 Thermometer 70" a IS!' Change in twenty fourhours xlr xll xS Wind South Poulh H.W Weather Clear Fair Fair Rainfall 0 0 0 K. W.ltllODK,Oberver, Signal Service, United b tales Army. Movements or Boats. All told there were Ave arrivals and seven departures since our last report. The Chester came down late Thursday night with 880 tons and went back at four o'clock In the morning v ith a light trip. Tbe A.J. White brought up 2W bales of cotton and 513 sacks of seed. The James if o ward, with a barge in tow, came down early, and remained ioag enough to pick up 2U tons of freight, leaving at ten o'clock in tlie morning, drawing six and one-ha- lf feet, hhe stuck on Osceola bar twelve hours coming down, and doubtless had some rubbing to do to get over Jones's below here. 7 he OJ ty of Vleksburg packed up after putting ojM4 bales of cotton and 11 sacks of seed, but aided ICQ bales to her cargo for Cairo. The Cleburne went down during the evening, add- ing tt) tons here, and had some-TO- J tons when the came here. The White had a fair trip out, and the Laura Davis, lor Cincinnati, wa well patronized by tourists anxious to e vacua-- the city aud xlee from the wrath that is al- ready iiere. Beats to Leave. The Grand Tower, Captain Lennox, leovrs this afternoon at five o'clock, for Cairo. St. I Louis and all way landlna. The Clarksville, In command of Captain Rarrett, will leave at fliarp five o'clock this eenlng, for Fine IllulT, Little Rock, and all points on tlie Arkansas river. Colonel Outlaw i prime minister. 1'ersoual. BurdeU Paris and Enoch Stevens will be tho that boat will pull out or the Missouri and go Into the Red river trade soon Kd. Haarks and Geo. Millenbergerhave gonei Cincinnati to view the ex IK) at ion and put la llmew...Lawrence McKoe, collector at the wharf master's ofHce. at Cairo, died there Wednesday of yellow- - fever Mr. K. A. Phelps, the Carter line agent at is h rereport, who recently made a trip o St, Louis ou the Lady Lee and returmd to Sbreveport, died there on Wednesday ot the terrible scourge. He was a thorough ousiness man and a gentleman beloved by all m ho had the pleasure of knowing hi mM .Thursday sr. Liuls Globe furnishes the following: "J FhUo Young left last evening for Cairo, where bis boat, the Great Republic, is now lying. Hon. Kd. Gray, commander of the tiU Joseph, now laid up, left for home last evening on the Grand Tower. Whilst the boat is laid up he will Interview his constitu- ents In tscott county on the great financial '(Qestlonsof theday.and particularly on the improvement ol the Mississippi hence to Cairo. A n steward of the anchor line, familarly celled Sam, and by persua-4o- n an Irihmau, has determined to chal- lenge Mike MeCooie for a regular mill; hav-- i Bag lost heavily on him, he thinks the only way t get even Is to whip him. Captain Yeorge Lennox, of the Grand Tower, was quite unwell yesterday, and Captain Isaac II. McKee wentout In commaud of the Grand Tower, and, although he did not win the bell, heiang It as if he was used to it'.... Capt. F. A, Blanks li confined to his house by sickness from tbe prevailing dengue at New Orleans Andy Wll-o- n has shipped as clerk on the Rello of Texas Xetra Drift. Tlie City of Che Uer, on the trip out from St Iuls was detained fifteen hours at Fibre's Landing. A very dangerous bar la reported to be forming there, and unices passed lo day- light MibjectA tbeboatlotheenUfttrlk. It u aim reported hazardous to pass the bar at i ir snneltFa after night, it is full or logs and tiags JuU six lousof New Orleans freight xere snipped from St. Louis on Wednesday ..TtKe final trial of expedients for steam navigation of the canal takes pteee between tvracaseand Cllea before the state coram on the lourteenth of October. Every month brings new competitor Into tbe field, aod ttje4rtnmlJon isliceiy tohaveadlfflcult sk in adjoilgtng the iollar prise, iffii Jeett, it is awarded at all. Du- ring the acsKion of the board of steam uaviga- - iou, a r solution was adoptt d that efforts be made against the rebue of pateuts now in ue The Frank Fargoud recently ef t New Orleans and made excellent time lo Green- ville s follows: From t, Mary's market to grain elevator, nine minutes and forty-riv- e seconds and from leva- tor to Greenville , Point, eleven 'Milnntrs and fifteen seconds making a total of twenty-on- e minutes from bt. Mary's market to Greenville Point.. Tlie City oftieltha ias been banked Thursday's st. Louts Denmxa aars: Tho remarkjtbl nint.if Jonn to which the river Is feubjct are graphically iescribcil by Mr.Wm.C. Lyle.a pilot who went lowQwtwnioaiue uieuroe to kwk at the iverfor the benefit ol tlie Exporter, to which steamer he Is attached. He left Cairo by rail m Turn ay even! be. The Ulencoeatock three Jra, but lost little time. ne van drawing 4x feet of water from Price's landing out. At Horsetail found eve aud a half f it; Twin J I oliows six feet, scant; Forrest Hemic atx fret, and two channels; Devil's i4 nd uncertain, six feet belDg reKirted, jut tbe boat sluaat, although drawing only fire nd a blf feet. This was on the Missouri side of the river. There Ik five and a half fet on A.i ! slai. Here boats conid eaunliy be taordtal several feel mote water all the time fan inexpensive wing-da- was built so h- to oringj-'toni- watorirum ami channel lnt the iliier. No more trouuto tmUl Ahk-'- s Towli-a- a was r ached. Here here. Is hardly any eur--v- ul narrow, croked, and channet divided. Nooatoonie ta the Illinois channel, A cool many break nie showing tbm-alves- . The wreek of tbe Lasaile Is making a big break, but H is now about seventy-fiv- e yards Irom the chanod.".-...Ac-oonllb- u tl'e London jTHaymfiw, the f Mte City of Wathinajtoc is not to be eutm ly to the nature of iter cargo. The Trieprajth labors at great length ami with muchiuganulty, to prove that tha deviation f her oonpus h was not dne to aae lronajd ateel vf lb winch the shtp wan laden siuceh stothe ironhlch euteced into her it coMMaUion. The tbeoi y of lite TrlgyiaJi, bleu is almost a plausible as It is startling, t thflrt absolute reliance cannot be placed apoa the magnetic needle fur steering any iron ah if. Tb earth bi&g itself a huge mag-ne- t, any piece of soft iron 2s magnetized by being plaotdln the dlrvctlon ol the carta a maguetio current. Rut by dianglug the oosuioM of the bar, and strik Ing It a ladden auLviolent blow, tbe poles of the magnet before formed may be reversed. When an Iron shtp is construct "d It Inevitably be- comes magnetised, tnfut-o- f tho efforts made to demur net ize 1 by placing tbe various parli in UlTereut otwIUans. Every iron ship Hmi Mtiieieforu agfeat magnet, sabject to the same changes as a magnetised bar oi iron. THe working of the engines and t:-- beating of a heavy bet may be sufficient to change the ahip pctai-ity- But cliauglng her oiarliy afl Wcowpftses and tneship cannot be wboliy trusted to tbelr guidance. The Tele yniaA eoraes to tbe logical eoueluviou that, us sioa (Ms a xavlgating eflSeer cannot gt a glimpse of sun or star4 to assure Win that hit compass kra) to Us wirtrtiwn d aviation then la peril vrftai evajfj lTOB4Mntt VeaseJ Anew wyteef baiat la on tMlapk, but wont be m the lirearibi a wrarfle yei.. "Twi setUis one of wbteli tha stem eaaaur toUo) ear rtw tbe irtweaalnary, nuUl aead 4r de-l- a 4i,lrfei lawny baSat THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL--SATUBDAY- , SEPTEMBER 27, 1873. ether making a Jointed steamboat four hun-re- d by ninety feet; capacity three thousand tons engines Ihirty-lnc- h cylinders ten fet stroke: can sink but o e of the boxes or links at a time; each box about one hundred by thirty feet. This will be the marine wonder of the age .Tlie arches of the St. Louis bridge ate ptly compared to rainbows They will always be close to the water. ....Wednea-day'- s Cairo JMtetln has this Item : The How- ard got away from Cairo Just In time to rave herself some trouble. A number of cattle died on board while she lay a our wharr, ana they were thrown overboard. They floated to a point near mo hi. t nai ies uowj, w nere iney were drawn ashore by some men who took tho hides off them Aod left the carcases to rot in the hot snn. Mayor Wood was made awaro ui vuia iJVei, uui jum bdiiui mo nine 110 uwi got ready to oo' the onlreraof the Howard she took in her llnefi ant Ktarted down the river.".. The St. Joseph, uian ana uity ox jieiena win lay up for a short time on account of the water, but the John A. Kcudder, Fat Cle- burne and Joe Kinney will be entered In their place .The following nrc tlie principal items of theUIcncoo'sfrrisht for New Orleans: 2t)S2bbls flour and meal, 3 bbls of pork. SW ddi onions "his wnisKy, 01 II bbis apples. 115 casks bacon, G2 tlerrte bacon, 191 tiercel lard, 150 kegs lanl, 101 cad- dies lcad.35 boxes cheee, SJ bixes eggs, 004 bales nay. Si pkgs of butter, 12 pkgs tobacco, 9 hhda tobacco. 100 sacks meal, 13S rolls bag ging, o neau uorses lira iieou uog 4ta okKS sundries, and 12S.J sacks com Vleksburg has hod three bona Jlde cases of it .The l azoo and Tallahatchie rivers arc both falling, the former having thtve and a nail leei in x azoo uiiy. i ne ounuower is iou-lo- with only filtecn Inches over the worst bars The St. Louis Times has this: "An occasional corrcbpondent sends us the follow- ing: Through the rale ran the Camberland, beau- tiful, hiitzht. Where the sycamores stood in tho armor of wuiic. And Eolnt-llk- In sunshine, In prayer rose each form, And as giants and ghoiU In the darkness aud storm. And wore winter's livery all summer tlmo uirongu. The mantle of purity, spotless In hue." All baotmenwho have navlcated the Cum berland will appreciate the above descrip- tion of the sycamore, whoe branches hang so thickly over that river, and so often "go lor" a boat's chimneys and things This veree is from a so an sunz bi "Buz seventv-flv- e or thirty vein aso. The original lines ore in the possession of ins iiie-u- menu, lapiain it. v. rer- - guson, of the Month of SmUluand, on her way up night before last, the A.J, White had, a partot the way, a very dlsttn-euUhe- Paiseneer. timt bclne no let tlian Mr. J. -- White, the gentleman horse-thi- who ecaieuiromjaiisomeumesince. tie uoaruea the boat at Friar's Point with a wplenpld hor&e aud croised to Fort i'inney, from where he doubtless went Into the interior of Arkan- - mi Xfl Outlaw, Nat Orecn and Tip Fields aod one or two other river notables, were In the cJtr vestcrdav Another conntv hedrd from. At Des Moines. Iowa, a few days since, the supreme court affirmed tbe decision of the Lec county district court in the case of miry uor, a coiorea woman, aramsi ine Noithwestera ra'ket company The comt held that the company con id not make a rule excluding passengers irom equal rights on thefr boats ou account of color. 'lheuitwis brpught by the plaintiff lordamages for eject- ing her irom the Indies' cabin and table afUx having purchased a first-cla- ticket. Mr. Cogar is said to tw a colon d woman of education and re 11 Dement. PAPER WAREHOUSE. MEMPHIS WHOLESALE Paner Waretase. CHAS. HERZ0G& BROTHER WHOLESALE DEALERS IX Papers, Flour Sacks, Twine Statlonoryy to. tho approaching Cotton Season we FOR Special bargains in COTTON SAM-rl.- PAPER, l'aner Goods cenerally at Eastern nriceF. guaranteed. Cor. Jell irvrn anil NcromI slrtrt. BadHFIP CITY PAPER WAREHOUSE REMOVED TO 116 and USBcalc Street Corner of Hernando. HAVING removed from my old stand, No. street, to a more commodious house, I respectfully ask my friends and butlne&s houses generally, to give mo a call and examine my Flock btloro purchasing elwhere. I nm receivinir daily from mr mil's hesw supplies comprising everything in. unc,wnir,n a wul ten at mnuuiaciu-rer- s prices. jy p j ' . SALT. F. BANKSIITH & CO General Agents for Ohio lUver and Kanawha Salt Company's COARSE, FIXE XSD DAIRY NO.3 HOWARD'S ROW MEMPHIS, DRY GOODS. OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK OOMPIiETE. Wo Sell to 3IEKCIIANTS Only. WALKER BROS. & GO. WHOLESALE DEALERS I- X- iflilfllSlllMS rCKNISIUNtJ GOODS, A5D JOBBERS OT Men's and Boys5 Clothing, Xo. 3Inin .Street. jsODTILERN HOME SCIIO V ESTABLISHED ISC. 107 & 199 Charles Street, Balllmorc. M EL AMBS. WILSON M.CARY.1 MES.GE2?. JOHN l'LUIEAJJ, lJrALS Exercises resumed September This Institution Is conducted on the Collesi-at- e system, with a corps- - of ten Instructors In tne Knell sh, French and German branches, five professors of Music, Fainting and Draw- ing, besides Iectuiesand fnch other adjuncts as are deemed necessary. French is tho lan- guage of tho school and strictly required to be spoken. The scholastic course Is carefully ar- ranged with a regular sequence of studies on the ptogresslve system, and Is adapted to the admbsion of pupils of all ages, M any stage from the Primary Classes to the Senior Graduates. Class honors and distinctions are award! attheeloKflof Hussion. iv'JH DRAWING. UmXDEST SCHEXE ETEK KXOWX. Fourth Grand Gift Concert FOR THE UUNEFIT OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY 12,000 CASH GIFTS $1,500,000. Every Fifth Ticket Draws n Gift. S25Q,QOQ for SGO. Fourth Grand Gift Concert authorized TMIK special act of the Legislature for tbe benefit of the Public Library of Kentucky, wilt take place in Public Library Hall, at Louisville, Kentucky, Wednesday, December 3, 1S73. Only Sixty Thousand Tickets will be sold and one-ba- if of tbeso are intended for the European market, thus leaving only 30gl)U for sale in the United States where 1UUJ0 were disposed of for tlie Third Concert. Tho tick- ets are divided Into ten coupons or ports and have on their back the sen. rue with a full ex planatlon of the mode ot drawing. At this Concert, which will be the grandest musical dlplay ever witnessed In this coun- try, the unprecedented sum of 31,500,000, divided into 12,0C0 cash Blft, will ho dlstrlb: nted by lot among the ticket-holder- Tho numbers of tbe tickets to be drawn from on wheel by blind children and the gifts from another. LIST OF GIFTS. One Grand Cash frm.""!? iuijxo One Urand CashUUt- - ... fOfW One Grand Cash UifU. ssjiu One Urand Oudi Gilt. 170 10 Cash Gifts of l!0,(Jk) each,. 1VIJ 30 Cah Oitts of S, " lfOJ SOCashGlfUof IflHO " snjM) (OCashGlfUor SJ0 " ItVOol MX) Cash Gifts of wl " . 14)U U0CahGlftsnf 3 " nan ZjQCahUlIUof 2UJ " ttifiu S2iCashGlftsof 100 " 35110 ILWU Cash Gifts of 51 " Total 12.000 Gifts, all Cash, amounting The distribution Trill be positive whether all the tickets are sold or not, and tne 12,'xjO gl Its all paid In proportion to ths tickets sold -- all unsold tickets being destroyed as at the First and Second Concerts, and not represented In tho drawing. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole tickets, JM; Halves, K3; Tenths, or each coupon, 13; 11 whole ticket lor ISOU: 22K tickets lor SIMM, liJ whole tickets lor Si.tM); . nuwouvMLi iur tvowi. . u aiscount on leM than ios worth of Uekets at a Ume. 1 The nnparalleicd sucresitof the Third Gift woncen, as weii as the satisfaction given by the first and second, makes It only necessary to announce the Fourth to insure the prompt sale oi every ticket. The Fourth Girt Concert will be conducted in all lu details like the Third, ant full particulars may bo learned from ctreular., whleu will be sent free from this olllc-- to all who apply ror thtm. Tickets now ready loc safe, and all orders accompanied by the money promptly Oiled. Liberal terms given to IIhms who buy to sell again. TH. V- - ItlCAJll.t.-TT- . Agent I'ntite Library of Keutueky andMana-r- r tiiMJBrt, PuMto Uhmry Bnildlne LnuHTHIe, Ky. null M. It, 2USACHAM. J. B. F03TON. M. L. MEAOHAM & CO., ffto 'issls Gum I SI ApB No. 9 UiaON STREET, M-mpIii-s, Tonn. 1rV nra nnanl n rt Um Vail Tmrln stss 1 n n r.xir and tifutlr irl. I nl. I. .1.1. Y havlug been purchased before the recent in jiAuuiii. iitonf iiaw, ol ua.i, tuff rc., THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE LLISON 17 Union St., Memphis. ORGiLL BROTHERS & CO. WHOLESALE HARDWARE -- AND DEALERS IN- - AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY.! .aMr'A STEEL COTTON GIN. mm -- WIIOLCSAIiE- UEERIXG HORSE KM.'INE, with Its substantial Iron Pillar for a solid central sapport Tor tnc nin-llonj- c. bona ror Lircniar, wmi rrlec nim a largo Explanatorj Kugraiin?, to ORGLLIi BROS. & CO., Agents. GULLETTS STEEL LUUSH C01T0N-GIN- , : : : : $5 per saw MAGNOLIA LIGHT DRAFT COTTON-GI- : : : : : $4 per saw glOa.'1 SI 2 FROST ooM JiSvPm ::r:,,;;.Jii!i;ii!i!!il!i!,i Trem endous SOLS AGENTS WHOLESALE DILV1ER IX CKASAW : : of Course of is for n r. A. I.nim .V. Me- la lie of C Q. A W. ROUKP.TS. So . advance. We offer EXTUA niiiuns anu as well as a full HARDWAREiHODSE IN BROTHERS, MERCHANTS MERCHANTS! Mcniphln EiSTABtilSirEI WITKOWSKY 206 STREET. 1n FOR THE NOW COMPLETE. IRON WORKS. COAL. 1.1. Mai Tears In DEAX.EBS IS AND 80,000 BARRELS Flttsbnrg Lunrp, and Slack Coal, A I. Also, BARGE CANNBL COAL. City and JOountry Orders filled promrtly at Lowest Katm. HOSPITAL. HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. JL AM prepared to take charge of a few Knch as may be desired can bo secured. On a long large experience In tha of class of cases, with a the community wlm me, I must for public ALLEN, ' 1 West Court CELEBRATED MANILLA AND N0YEDAD CIGARS. Branils finest Cigars in Market. Agents for Choice Virginia Tobacco. Jir.lU'lt.VNTS.Ylsltlng the city find it to their interest to my Immense stock purchasing ADOLPH LOB & , GENERAL INSURANOl Central Insurance Company of Lonls, Incorporated Cnpltnl 81,375,000 00. Fire and Marine Insurance Company or St. Joseph. Cash Avs-L- s 8SOO.COO OO. (ilobe Life Insurance Company of Xeir York. Cnsli Assets fjl,000,000 OO. OFFICE, 41 MADISON STREET, MEMPHIS, OUR FALL STOCK MEMPHIS STISEIST, JOS. 3Estll Prices. Co CO - -- o J. II. L0E1VEXSTIXE. JC. LOEWEXSHXE. II. 31. 10E LOEWENSTINE BROS. EXOLCSIVE WUOIXSAU3 (Xo Connection with aoy Retail Homo in the City.) DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. WHITE CJOIS, HOSIEKY, MAIN STREET, MEMPHIS. DItESS G-OOX- S ja. SIaSJOI-XiT-S-- . Orders nnd Promptly Filled, Guaranteeing Satisfaction. CHI 98, lOO, lO and lOG Second Street, AND 49 AUD 51 WINCHESTER STREET, M:333MCEaB:iS, : : i TJIHIKTIsXIESSjUIE:. Manufacturers oi Machinery, Steam Engines, Saw-JIlll- Horse-Power- s, Bhartln?, Couplings, Uau trs, IIoxik, Etc; aod also manufacture rs and proprietors of lieath'a tateat Well Augur. County and Btato flights fot sale. AGRIUULTUItAL-'.otl- on Presses, tlenrlns. Pinions, Srgmente, Gudgeons Etc. HOU3EWO. a. Colnmus, Lintels UUJs, tiratlngs. Ventilators, Sash Weights, Etc All kinds of Steam1 at, Oeneral Repairs done on short notice. Orders for Brass and Iro-- i Castlnfs, and all kinds of Wrought Iron Work solicited. Cash paid lor Old llrass. Scrap Iron. COLLEGE. No. 23SMain Street, MEMPHIS, : : TENNESSEE- - Incorporated by the Loclslatnro Tennossoo Much 9th 1W7. ovist way jlo mgiit. Tlie Study extended, thorouch and practical, aflordlDg superior faclllllcH obtalnlnj; sound business education. Call for College Monthly r&per.on ddress unl l'rlneliml. UNDERTAKERS. G. H. HOLST & BRO., UNDERTAKERS, Xo. 320 Main Street, (Opposite Peabody Hotel) MEaPIIIS, - . . TEXXESHEE. Always on hand large assortment or oases and Ctisktts, and Wood Collins every description. Orders by teleimpli pmmptly niled, anl cases V. MEACIlAli INDUCEMENTS iuiiau-v- , 1859 MAIN (SeTentecn Business), FITTSBTJRQ OTHER 194 SECOND STREET. Mut No. ONE LOAD PEYTONA lusane- Persons. accommodations and treatment this reference to profession and know depend confidence. Address, Db7j.R. anj street. Fifty will examine be.ore elsewhere. American St. 1853. St. Jojcph Mntnal TENN WEXSTIXE. 348 Solicited 102, 1ulleys, Uln Bolt, Kallroad and Copper and shipped PHOFESSIOKAL. DR. JOHN CHANDLER, With tho experience derived from a rbsidense In Now Orleauce from 1815 to 1S81, respectfully tenders his professional services to tho citi- zens of Memphis. Oillco Southern Hotel, Itratileneo 20O IfernnndoNtrcct. JASIES O 1'IERCK. ItXKEY F. Dix. l'lEKCE & DIX, AT OfiNEYS - AT - LAW, 43 3 JIiKllsou Street, MEMPHIS, t i : ; : : : TENNESSEE J.W.CLAPP. J.P.MEUX. CLAPP & MEUX, ATTOENEYSATLAW, 15 Union Street, Memphis. av J.W.CLAPP will continua to practice la IKiKoto and l'anoll Counties, Mississippi. ATTORNBY A- -D GOUNS ILOR No. 41 Madison Street. Ilobm SG FREEMAM RANDOLPH ATTOBMSY-AT-LA- SARI11S. MISHISSIPP1. Mt References: Estos, Flier ft llnson, M.UMnachsm. Itnotos A Go ty HANSON & ESTES, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- W 15 UNION STREET, Itoom 7 Lee Block, : : MEMPHIS, TENN DRS. A. WESSON & SONS, 513 MUX STREET, : : : HEBPIIIS ALL worlr guaranteed to be of the best and on the most reasonable terms. Teeth extracted by Laughing-Ga- s or Ban- - cone, without pain. fames naving sets oi teem noi giving sausiacuon, we lose ail sucit ana qukb ineui perfect. A. WESSON s SONS. BEES B. EDH0NDS0N, ATTORNEY AT - - LAW, 15 Union Street, (Leo Block, MEMP TENNESSEE It. P. DUNCAN. O.W.GORDON. DUNCANS GORDON, ATTOENEYS-AT-LAW- , Xo. 39 3IADIS0X STREET, MEMPHIS, ; : i TENNESSEE. H.T. ELLKTT II. E. JACKSON B. M. ESTES ESTES, JACKSON SELLETT, ATTORNEYS -A- T-LAW ME3I1I1IS, TEXMESSEE. OFFICE-N- O. 15IMADISON STREET JOB PRINTING. FRANKLIN JOB PRINTING HOUSE BOOK BINDERY AND BLANK BOOK EANUFACTORi S. C. TOOF, I'roprlctor, No. 15 "West ConrtStroot' MJSMPHI8, : : : TENNE8SKE attention of the Merchants and Business Slen of Memphis, Norm Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas, Is particularly called to the superior facilities of this house for exe- cuting orders for all kinds of JOB PRINTING! Plain, Fancy and Ornamental, such as Pam- phlets, Constitutions, Blanks, Circu- lars, Business ind Show Cards Letter Heads, Envelopes, Shipping Tas,La-lels- . Receipt, Checks, Wedding Cards, Hall Tickets. Invitations ledgers, Journals, Cash Books. PRICES LOTVASTnE LOWEST Perfect sallsracllou irnraleed In every Instance A call and an examination of my .specimens Is respectfully solicited. . O. T OOF. OIL WORKS. UI.TOS' CITY OIL WORKS. BAKER & BARTON pnrchBSs?d aud rcfltd the above HAVING arc uor manafacturing Oil, Oil Cako and Cotton Seed Meal which U.ey offer at the lowest market prices. They make C01TON SEKD MKAL n spe- cialty, and offer liberal Inducements to and the trade. They pay the highest market price In cash for Cotton Seed, mmlsh sacks nnd twine on application to responsible parties for the shipment of seed to thm, make prompt re- turn", and pledgo their best efforts to merit a share ot public patronage. RxrkB to Union and Planters Bank; Messrs. Thus. H. Allen & Co.; I). II. Towns-en- d ; Messrs. & l'"o. septq SATES. GABE KLEIN, AGENT Hosier,-Ualimar.- & Co.'s IBOM SAFES, Xo. 175 Main Street, TENNESSEE. NOTICE. the HOWARD ASSOCIATION Have established their Office at No, 12 wont Court St., whero all applications for NURSES will be supplied at any hour. Day or Night. By order of EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. TEXAS LANDS. Lands in Jackson, Liberty, Hardin and Orange counties, Texas, Improved and unimproved, prairie nnd limber, adapted to sugar, cotton, corn, potatoes, stock-nin- e lies, etc., whcio the winters are mild and summers dcllshlf ul. a fresh ta brs?ze dally ,' and with- in a few hours travel of three eltie,for lease for five years for tho taxes, or will sell at from two lo ten dollars an acre, as X wish to start a new branch of industry I aui sick or receiv- ing and answering r utile letters. I mean business: Titles all of record. K. S. ItEMBERT, Care 168 Front street, Memphis Feptember. 1X7- LAND, STEAM HILL. GIN, ET6. For sale, ot positively less than half their value, cotton lauds, timber lands; stock farms, containing from loo to boo acres, with peren- nial springs and artlUctal fish ponds, well slocked; also a very valuable water-powe- a steam mill or forty-hors- e power, saw and grist, in running order; a sixty-sa- gin, gearing and press in good condition, neat the new Paducaa railroad, ten or twelve milef north of Memphis. Titles good, or the county records will tell who lies, ltefers to L. J, DtilTe.of theAppeal: ii. D.L. Stewart. of th Chancery Court ; or to 3. C lhli HOIjlH. Remberton. 12 miles north of Memphis September 1, 1S3 UNIVERSITY-U- K VIRGINIA opens tbrouch nine months. It is organised In schools on the elective sys tem, with full courses in Classics, Literature. Science (with practice !u Chemical and Physi- cal Laboratories), In Law, Medicine, Engl ueerlnz. Teaching and Agriculture. Apply for Calcloguct to JAMKS K. 1IAP.RI8JN Chairman, P.O. University i, A; ' w 1842ITHB OLDEST HARDWARE HOUSE IN MESPHISI1873 A.' J. WHITE. A. D. XAN.OSTAFF. FRED. M. WHITE. WHITE, LANGSTAFF& SUCCESSOES TO A. J. WHITE & CO. IMPORTERS AITD JOBBERS 123 HA RDWARE 234: IVont Street, Memphis. AGENTS TOR Dee ring's Horse Engines, Branch, Crookes eVfiCs Circular Saws, Henry Dlsston & Sons' Circular Saws. 3ZMS.&rTjtm COTTON GM3STS, JKTJDEJJDXiEl 0Oa?tUO3ST G-ITsT- S, OAR'V JLil-EL'- COTTON G-IHT- IB Ci STRAUS'S GRIST IVTXXjXiS Planters' Cotton Presses, Klrby's Reapers and Mowers, Bnford's Black Hawk Culti- vator, Etc.; Bain's Wagons, Una Pipes, Hall's Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, Vault Front, Faltbanks' Scales, Rubber Belting, Packing and Hose, Lallln & Baud Powder Company. TPJSJXLiJLi 1878. We are now prepared to offer TO THE TRADE full lines of IMPORTED SILK GOODS! IX RIBB0XS, VELTETjj, AXD TRIMHIXU FABRICS. TXToti033LS 5V22Lc3- - Fancy Goods IN GREAT FULL LINES OF MILLINERY GOODS Especially adapted to the wants of the Millinery Trade of this section. TRIMMED HATS OF OUR OWN MAfiUPAGTORE Which will be found much better adapted to the requirements of this community than goods manufactured in other cities by those who do not understand the wants of this section. OTIS A CO., 327 Mnln street. SLEDGE, McKAY & CO. Cotton Factors, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MEBCHANTS, Wos. 371 ami 373 MAEBT ST., Offer to the trade of Memphis and Merchants of the Country A LARGE AIsE SUPERIOR SUPPLY OF GROCERIES, AT PRICES AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THE TRADE, consisting in part of Flour of all Grades and BrnndH. Sugars Louisiana, Demarara anil all grades of White Sugars, molasses and Syrups, all grades and 11 rices. Sack and barrel Salt. Tobacco all grades; superior assortment. Bulk Pork, S. C. Ilams and cask Itacon. Coffee and Teas all grades. Bagging, Ties and Sails. Lanl Tierces, Half Barrels, Kegs, Buckets and Tln-pall- s. Whisky all grades; none superior In market. Oysters, Canned Fruits, Raisins and Cheese. Candles and Soaps, at Cincinnati prices. And nil other Goods kept In a Orst-cln- ss Grocery House. THE LARGEST IN THE CITY. so 5 3-- 1 SAAO FRIEDMAN, WHOLESALE LADIES' TRIMMED HATS, No. 297 Main B 7 OF C. GENERAL Xo. 9 Madison Street, the following First-Cla- ss Fire and OF YORK. $ OF 8303,000. for effecting all of are not In the Certificates covering to European to consignee, and IN ir All rates and adjusted to the X G. Br. MAX DFACTURERS O T - AND CUTLER FATiXj 1370. VARIETY. t30 tm CO -- 3 EE- C'S UR CO -3 Street, Memphis AXJ) JOBBERS ING- - 1TELLFOUD. sep2 STItEET. BRO., t OpposItelCourt Square CARRINGTON MASON, INSURANCE AGENT, Hcnipliis. Representing Marine Companies: IXSUKAXCE C0MPAXT, XEW 1,408,573. IMPERIAL IXSURAXCE C03IPAXV, L0XD0X. Assets 88,000,000. XIA0ARA IXSURAXCE C0MPAXY. Resources $1,000,000. MANHATTAN LNSURAXCE C0MPAXY. PACIFIC MUTUAL IXSURAXCE CO. (HARIXE). 81,031,000. classes risks excelled city. issued cotton ports mode GOLD, desired. Fire, Inland Marine hazard. CO SOJafcPJBTXS, STOCK SCHWAB & CO. W FURNISHING GOODS ! Efo. 304L MAXK" STI5EET, MESIPMIS. SiEDENBACH, SCHWAB & CO., No. Ul White Stree York LONSDALE, Lonsdale & Wettford, 6ENERAL INSURANCE A6ENTS, 2fos. 39 and 41 Matlisou Street, Ulemphis, Temi., Bepresent the following well known and prosperous Companies: NORTH BRITISH ANtt MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO. OF AND EDINBURGH. nml Sllri'los.. ytt FIRE ASSOCIATION, OF PHILADELPHIA, FA. Aswts 82,O3,03S. EQUITABLE FHIE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF NASHVILLE, TENN. 8S17.003 51. Insurance upon all classes risks effected with and dispatch. Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid. mm i io:s If STORE 25 3XAH5T 52! TSJX3 & HOME Assets Facilities shipped payable Neir LONDON Cipitnl facility THE BEAUTIFUIi GOODS WHICH WE ARE OPENING ARE THE ATTRACTIONS THE MARKET. JUST 03E3E3jXTEJIi BEAUTIFUL BLACK ALPACAS, BLACK CASHMERES, ISEPS, TIES, BELTS, FAKS, NEW DBESSOOOBS, ETC., We taYitc call from the Ladles and Gents who appreciate, KLtaJNri5SC33E3E3 rtfJbJ W GOODS HERZOG 259 Main Street, : - B. : : non iwm of a to see : : LIQUORS. A.TACCAZO. E. TACCAKO. A.Z.TA00AXO 0. A. VACCAKO & CO. Importers csd Dealers In WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGAKS, No. 324 Front Street. - Sfcmphfa JOHN X.1XI.Y. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN WIRES & LIQUORS 35S Main St., ffemphig, Tenn. EDUCATIONAL. PARK AVENUE ACADEMY, 31-- 3 Mlle from 21empbls,nenr Hem-ph- is and Charleston KnllronU. WM. CABUTHER3. A. M. PKISCIPAI. TIIIW. C MILLER .JUSOCIATX Twelfth Session of tills school will THE on the First noDdaylufieplember and continue twenty weeks. The Principal! a craduate of Hampden Sidney College and of the Unlverally of He has had ten years' experience in teaching, four of whlULhe was a professor In tne nrst-pam- lnsutunon- - r or eireaiars apply 10 u. h ub a uo. 3ir. W. B. Oa breath, or Messrs. Strallon eX Well- - ford. Iyl4 ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, Xo. S1G Poplar Street, Memphis. A BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladles, under the charze of the Uistebs or St. Maet. The nrst term will begin on wsbsesoat, Octobek lsr. For circulars or other informa- tion, asdv (after September 1st) to the Slater Superior St. Mary's school, or to Rev. Geo. C u arris. KxrERlfCES Rt- - Rev. lnahon Gain Lanl. Rev.Dr. White, Kev.Dr. Wheat, Rer. Iter. Mr. Ruth. Rer. Mr. Harris. Patapsco Female Institute. Near Enltt-mor-e, lid. qUIIS Instltnte has been In operation thlrty-- X slxyears,andenJoysanational reputation. With the number of pupils limited to ninety. It has representatives from two-tnir-d of the States, principally South and southwest, lis location is healthful, is cen- tral, and easily reached by railroad from Bal- timore and Washington City. For circulars, address Mrs. It. II. A KCUER. anT uiiieott utr NORWICH UNaTEESITY. A MILITARY COLLEGE, established In 1H34. lla a nrenaratort dDartment. trioronsh Classical, bcleniiflc and Sliiitarr In- - st ruction, lncladlng Modern lAngnagesand Civil Engineering. Good dlKlpline. Loca- - uon very neauny. i enns, ijw a year, lear 1 begins Aoenn Zsltu Send for a circu- lar. Address Fsor.CUAALKS DOLE, ao30 ortnneid. vc SE3L.ECT SCHOOL. ZWXxrs. ATjICE B.COE. SKPTK5tlIEU 8, 1S7J. On Wellington stM A. Erskine's. between Beale MEDICAID 16 FIRST PRIZES. Oriental Oil WfcL&ers la tli implont. bent aal rUt BpplKMiiittieworU!. W ok Let lim in a frw Bvini5 ; in than twenty minutes no iry Whiskers Iri tu be f-n- . On aj- - mm glcaiiun for IJsht Brow n , two WMfeliu the whts- - kcrsla not reqalrerl beftwr or nT tvin tb Ml: maken the wbtrkeri toft aiwi Itwirotw: fr-- from nnr of lend, er ocber )oionous and dmo; netl hut w irul to pr its wtperkortjr over all otlien. Mxu-t- i PmntunH hare twn awarded at dHTcrest rain ami Ks,m4-tlo-m for iM TbtDM over other preffkaratiana, J. F. Fnuu, Buuraflactaivr aad propneor. Sew York Cltr aad Sacra aanto, CaU Ask, jour Drac-gui- for It, ad si-- e It a trial. Co C. WAUD i IIK- O- DRUCioisTS.Aeents- - 4 AND s- - BLOOD RE NEWER A combination nnequaled in the world for the diseases so common to this changeable and debilitating climate. Iron is the lite of human blood. It Is Phosphorus that gives vitality to the brain and power to the nerves. Voa will observe that the combination of these two great elements constitutes the cen- tral Idea In this wonderful remedy. The vegetable agents are simply adjuncts In re storing healthy secretion, and assisting to diffuse and appropriate tho potent elements above mentioned. It never falls to give strength and vigor to the debilitated. For sale by all druggists. CLOUD, AKIN & CO., Wholesale Agents, sf3) rerans-yi- Indiana. PUBLICATIONS. Book Agents Wanted fortherNPEVELOfEn WEST, or FiTt Years In lb Territories By J. 1L BEADLE, Western V)rrepondentof Cincin- nati Commercial. Tbe only complete history of tbat vast region between tbe Mississippi and tbe Pacific: its Resources, Climate, in- habitants. Natural CurtosUle. Etc., vitb life and adventure on irairles Mountains, and the Tact ficCoaftt. The book is Illustrated with over 2Q) fine engraving. Send for circulars, with terms. Address NATIONAL I'UBLtSII-IN- (i CO., Memphis, Tenn. Je27 daw tastrtMt Tw IWI lil kM The WHITS CHISF.t'iii hmt ttw ntwi me mm ictui ixpcrtntc 4rHg aaM uuiou. uwac ta. irtki bfiiu r ua rtsisu. AG3NTS WANTSD.?E52rS mu lor timiiP ntt 39 tint., mi utto mlMTB. eantw ritrMU. saJ m hrMT auonat nt kia rirrrRmr AJTD i -- - vg sw n u p; c Omins On Monthly Payments fc f fVI&S&'-An- y piece of Jlnslc WUU orMuslcBooUsnro wT rr 4 1. d loLefonnilal this SX . O - OX. honse. ST- - i.orii. .no. READING ROOM. roan; Men's Christian Associatio READING ROOMS Xo. 10 West Conrt St. Koonis 11 an 15 MEMPHIS, TKNlfES&KE. OPEN DAILY From 9 ajn. to 13 m. From 3 too run., aud from 7 to 10 pan. On Sundays from 2 lo 6 pan. The best Period tcalx of the Day, In addition to a Large Library, Freo to AIL OFFICERS: E. 8. Francis, Prest. Dr.M.B. Braraball.V. p. w .u. vrsin, iwc.5w. . ewsom,wr.!sec U. J. Junkln, Treasurer. Kesular business meeUnir flrstManiavnihi in each month. Literary. and Social Kxer- - cHs escu succeeumx onuuuay nigriL. Prayer meeting every Sato't.f "lble Class iroro mn.wverv anl ELEVATORS Ilydniulic, Steam lqwcr, JXaud Power riatform, lloistln? ITUccIs, MANUFACTURED BY sTAMES L. HAVEN & CO., 5G Plnm street, Cincinnati. sv We cannot give details in an advert Ise-- Araent. . All we ask Is a comrarifonof onr ma- - chmeswltli others. - aepT4 MEDICAL. DR. D. S. JOHNSON'S PRIVATE MEDICAL DISPENSARY? Xo.203IAlX STKEET, bet. Adam and WnshteaSsan Ms, BESPUIS, XE32T. Establisliect In torn. : ties latermwl, a ly 'r IK, '''' fol la the treatafojrrajr seeret diseases. QnU fc, I boraosD SSsa pssowi oeot cares xaarantcoa in '''l ' 1 .i . sj i. -- ...t i - .i.v. withMtt tho mm .1 business. SweondaryH?phills-llelasTSrt- go eradicated without the om of laerewry. leM of seineii stooped la a SMSL Ume. MirTorers from lrarisctey or leasiac sexual power reftona to rree vnnr at Vletlms of self-aaa- aa4 'asMi,i'i of physical and men la. pow.r, i cfSHIy tml permanently eared. x t a ... ... riniciiuir mituuvh imuu xjju... Women, and cures guaranteed. Throat ami tDBs. Diseases ems asr nyyr remedies. . . au eouMItauons sineiiy coauu inisai. Medicines sent by express to all aarts f ths country. Office hours 'ram 8 suB.tovjs. Faaisss, rom 3 to a pjn. D. K JOHWWON. w. It LEGAL. IJnnUnipt Sale Of Twenty-roa- r Ilnmlml nnil Sixty. live Acres oi sjinci. In the matter of James P. PVwanta, sutipt. in Bankruptcy, at jiunutruie, Aasa "Y VITTJE of an order of sale, wslaiail in ih. nutrlct Court of the UaiUd Statcu for the District of Aiabaraa, I will, on Monaay, the IStlt day of October, 1S73, at the soothwewt corner or Mala mm jtasnson streacs, la the city or xcinpnis, ull to the hlelMBt bMr. for es .(.hi ,1,1a .mi tnlerefft- - irieol aatl. wbleh UetOUMCU w w. mw wunrinMi date or IlllBe his peUUoa in swskrapta IB and to the ftllowlagdederibed real estate, lt: . , . I or section . , ujwiwmh,. t. omw.ijeir; . . AllofseeSkm ,towBpi aottk.raasjeTg. AilorseetleB ,lwsJilp snorOs, roaIB-Nnrt- h half of seetMa . to laihrp S Bmtfc, Kiooe uaUlviileJ one-six- th intereeiiBSee-Uon- S, towBsfclpS aorth. raase 7 eaM. Xaaa naif of township 5 north, naaja 7 east. The east half of the west half ofi suiin Z7, townships north, range 7 east. All rjrta in CrttUmoen eoamy. esaie at aiiishiiis, miles west of Memphis, on tha Ml as pall Little Roek railroad. Also, one oasuvtciea mawi entry So.4A tor SB acres, on isumajwj. m, m Shelby county, Tennessee. Also, one uedlvloW Intsrcst tB entry So. 91. for Oi acres, lying la SHenjP aad Tipton eoantleK. Teaaessee. Maps and evidence ot t tie, and WfWn, atlon, furnished by applying to C. C Pus It a, Memphis, Tennessee. Beime, lluoiea A Gordon. Sollalto Administrator's Notice. ggawi-1""'- " ui audi ... inimi ii.tuk tma Iai to the and, r-- ixned by the lienora- - hle Probate Court of vhbveoantY. Mle estate of Richard Weldon, deceased; ittMt u a hereby given to all persoaslatlebted lo sakl estate, to come forward jand settle Use same; and all persons having claim, against salst estate are hereby nouoea to preseat tne mum to me ror payment wiimn ine ume nt seen, on by law, or they will be forever barred. xms beptemoer w, is,.. CJRNltLIt'S ORIFFIN, Administrator Richard WeldstaudeeV. aeon o. CHANCER."? SALES. Chancery Sale ofKeal Estate. In ths Chancery Conrt of Madison 0By, Tennessee. K. W. Hubbard, cxienlec, ste,. vs. the Heirs and Creditors of Marina B. IKppcs, deceased. of an Interlocutory decree Jar entered In the above cause Jury 5 Mm. I will sell at public auction, to the nltjtW Mdoer, in iront oi lae neai assate of Trezevant A Co on Madison street, aaar northeast corner of Main and Madison sill an, Memphis, Tennessee, Un Saturday, October 11, 1S73, within legal hoars, tbe followtng dosertfcect rt"r"y, . seciion . neuraiiinie as an asn osnai a. am the north line of the Fenaer tract, nortawesc eomerof lot No. 1; thenee west S3 chain and 73 links to a stake; thenee soatb 7 linka ta a dogwood ; thenee soath 73 chaine to tne censer of Ilalehle river, two perstmnioa and water-oa- k, pointers; thenee up said rier lo tat. southwest corner of let 2o. 1 to ayeaasnre and water-oa- k pointers; thf luin ninth "i nnalnsl-th- e beglnnins; containing: lfls aerea. It t further ordered that stole notlee lNMta roar successive weeks in the Memphis A Tkiuts Cash. A1! eoaiU- - of redan and barred on eoallrmatnm of sale-- This September 4, lb73. D. M. WISlOM, Clork aad Tomlin ATomlln. Follcltors. Clianccry Court Sale of Iteal. Es-tat- e, Oa Saturday, October 1," ISTCS No. aW. IL ru. OianeeiT Osnft ot metoy couniy. renDessee.iesse s. t ers vs. usan M. presion ana osners. virtue of a decree of sale nude la tne BY above cause on the 2Uh day of April, Nsa, 1 will, pursuant to the directions of sati do- - cree.onr at nubile anction. to bidder, in front of tbe otBoe of the 'Jutland Chancery Court of Shelby eonnty, nrsonlasr Opera-How- e, Seeaad street, in tna city es Memphis, Tennessee, on Saturday, October 4, 1S73, within legal hours, the lots of land din laltnl in said decree, Lou Nos. li, at, Hand 23, of tbe A. J. Hays' subdivision, oath of and near tne city ot Jtempnis, m anqiny letineesee. Terms of Sale On a credit of sesren i notes with good security reontnd,aBda Hen retained to secure the payment tkssrwf . BseJ- - , v ut mwiupuua exproswy Duma wy vision in the decree. This September , lSTO. M. D. L. STEWART, OerkandMasUr. J. P. CAnunfans, Pol, tar Consnlaln-an- t. Clianccry Sale ol Kcal Estate On Satnnlay, October 11, 1878. No. SB, It-- D. SpomkI Caaneery Osaat of Hnelby county. TenBessee. Wm. Morraw et al. vs. Cnarles Jones et si. RY virtue ot an order of sale nude In Ike above stated cause on JmV & nan i wot In pursuance of said order, offer fer sate, at puWtc auction, and sell to the Menest bSater, in front of Hie offiee of the siecend Caaneory CVCWH1 SSFeei. CltJ GI . cutitaave, ua Satnnlay, Octobor 11, 1873, within legal hours, the foUowlBg danarltieil ' mwm ivwa.. friMittte, lyiDwaoa c me nmiiu- - us notoj ana rnate or . uwcruvu as ronowK, it : The soata twenty-lbu- r aad III i si ters feet of tbe east (S) fifty feet of city SiTm, in civil dlstrlet No. 11. Also, tot , at the southeast eomerof 8ea-o- d and Monroe streets, la the 1MB ervtl dss-trl-ct. ALso,one-nal- f of let SM, at tee corner ef Sec- ond and Jaekson streett-- A Uo, north one-thir- d of let US. at tho eonter of Third and Washington streets, ra "an ervfl dUtrlct. Also, the west forty-ala- e and shrco quarters feet of lot K0, on the soata stde of Court street. A No, north half of lot K. la the Ofeeefctw and Safrarans sutxli vision, al earner sjeeend and Greenlaw streets. Also, lot Me", on bayou, at the corner of Con- cord and Auction streets. Also, west part of lot 86, on the west sWeef Main street. All of which said lot Ha fa the city or Memphis, Shelby county. Tansessee. And also, lots S; S, 4, 5, , 7, 9, 1 H, ISaad l of Jones' subdivision of the Wrisrht tract, lytHK and being in the county cf Shelby, State of TenncsMcj Termsof Sole On a credit of sir SMBths; purchaser or purchaser-- ! executing note wMta approved security. Hen retained. Equity of reilemptlon barred. TWs iseptember 8, 1S7S. M. D. L. STEWART, ... Clerk and Master. v. n. .iicimirii.t. noi. for I , TRUSTEE SALES. Trnstee's Sale. TTNDER and by virtue of a trust deed.exe-- I J en.! nit ihw .lav- - 11- - tea, mr James M. Walker and his wise, SUen Walker, for the porpoe o securing tho tndsotcisasr therein described, aut which deed In nfinoiil in the Kwuster's oaeeof Sbrlby eaaaay. "Te- nnessee, In Book No. J. pw- - its, I, as Iko tens-te-e named therein, will, on TTednesday, October 8, 1873. between the Iiours of 11 o'clock asm. and 13 seit to ino nignest OMder, lor easauattne foot of the steps in front of my ofitct, n WTjf Main street, in the city of Meniphia, tne lowinir described rearnctnto. n.wti. a Miwn lot or parcel of land, situate, lyluK aad Wine inthecltv of Memnhls- - ShAliw Maatw.TW,. nessee, beinicaiMrtof block No. Don the -- up "4 vj. mty, oetaunins: as sne a east corner of Linkhftucr's let, theneo wardly with the tine of said lot two aui and nfty-al- x leer, more or les,to the eenser ef uajimsjayoso; menee souinwanttr witn lam meander-lu- g of said bayt a forty-on- e and one-ha- ir feet, more or lew, to a stake: tninna eastwardly and parallel with saM Unk-haue- r's south Que two hundred and afty-sl- x teet to Causey street; tnsnsci northwardly with the wort line of Caasey street forty one and ftet, to the beginning, with an tha thereon. The equity of reannan-tlo- n In said tiwt dvvd, and UtttNte oeneTea tone good, but I soli aid tenvey i trnneaoau. xi. k. MTXKe-,- beptember 17, K7S. Trustee's Sale. UNDER and by virtue or a trust deed ex a by Wm. Wallace, forme seeurins a note therein tlesertoeeT. and ef record In the Iteglsr5 otRceof bhelWeoau-t- y, la book No. M, pago w,I,as tao tinlliiu named therein, win, en 3l0Eday, October C, 1873, sell to toe highest bidder, for easa, at taw Seet of the steps in front of ray oAce. No. SJsK Second street, in the city of Mesa paM- - tl dwelllng.hoose premises in the town of county, Tennessee, tat wMenfne said Wallace now resides, or reasettl- - reatned, betas the same property porehased Ky said Wallace from tbe counts- - of Shemy," and known as the old Jail and the resMesao situated on the south side of Main street, having a street onirssuatkandweet, and bounded on the oast by a lot owned or or known as Bebeunars lot. The title lo said property at bqjlovad n perfect, and aH equity of redempMoarl w alved- - I sell only as trustee. W.U.R.UNKY.Tsle, BcntembnasVISS. saaS Proclamation by tlio Governor. JOHN' a BROWN. Governor of the Stateo Teunesse. To all who shall se that nros ants greeting: - irHKRKAS, It has been ntada IratWill te If ma that certain uarttea. sam aushnandJ. IS. ltnffina eJiariBnt wttttknTfi. In? committed a fnn 1 SOS on tbe h day of August, 1WS, npellie eoAp or Don Calhoun (Colored), late of oaar mnalii ef Tlpten, have ned frqea Justice and are bosv runnins at huse; Now, therefore, I, John C. Brown, Gevorner as aforesaid, by virtue of the power and in aie vested, do hereby offer a nws: 1 of two buBdred and nfty dollars tfKflt, a, tiir person or persons who may detect and a t prehend the said Vaughn and KMfen r eltlierof them.and ilMltvr kin. tn ssv. r t or Jailer of our county of Tipton, tnordortb a jusUce in that behalf may be bad and ex. - In testimony whereof. I havo hereunto . t mr hand, am! m i ! th-- Mt u,t Statetoheatnxed, at NassvUld, ou the uia CMAa,y.isw SecrMArvof Btate. .AVOID QUACKS. !A Victim Of MFIv lnirtnUstle Igedfti viliv every aertlsed remedy, has a simple ananas ef wif-our- which I; ,! i.d free lr Ills felti.wssoaerers. Ad-- d v j u. VA..- - r", 7s St.. ?iCT

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    DAILYlOne copy, one month, by mall-O- ne .8 1 00

    copy, sir months, by mall. - S 00One copy, one year. By mail. . 10 00Odo copy, oae weefc, in cttyH 33

    WEEKLY:Oae copy, oae year M SOCi ubs ol Tea or more, each. 3 OO

    Bfeetmen eopiet tmt free of charge.Our niotf book arc Itpi by )oit40lcej, and not

    byIn ordering Jsjwr cwItoi WXffI

    lo , Utc namu 1A jxulocx tfcouW begiven.


    First laserttou, per square II OOBaengauentlnsertlotta.rwrsq.rinre SO

    fbrtwo or more touarct a reduction on aboveT alet in proportion,

    JKoM Untt toKd nonpareil maU one tjuart,and Keeive Una mate one ine' .

    ZmuZ AVneM an 20 eeni. per line forjlrtl in--srrtten. If eenu per tine week, and 1TJ4 oenltper line per month,

    lPonts, ea, art W cenJr per tine firtt insertionanii emu per Unc enoh tubseouent insertion.

    Heatn and Harriooe noUoet free of charge.but funeral n met, obUuartet, and complimen-tary notieet ot moxri&ffez, are charged at regularraSet.

    We wM net accept any advertisement tooUew

    irM mr JssorlA page adrcrUsemeHtt, stationary, sniiltc relet.

    We toiitit ieUert and eommtmieationt vpontubjeeU of general interest, but men mutt alwayslie aemmpmnied by a responsible name.

    Wc mill not return rejected communicaUont.AU Uttert, eommuntoaUont, or anything else

    or Oct Appeal, Mould not be culiretted to anyindividual connected teith the office, but timplyo the

    APITtl. MtnpliU.Trnn.


    UrriCK OF THE DAILY ArPEAU 1Friday, beptember 2b, 1&T3. JFIX AN CI AI-- Te

    f4taaUou on Mfedlon street y vnrenartcMy quiet in contract with the btormwfetoh ptevailcl yesterday. More than thisTiinHght apptareti la lb way of efforts look-i- n

    t the itflng of the First Nationalbook for foulness ou a better footing thanwfeealttdtfliculUeafim began. From abroadthere were offers of assistance as well as atho ma. If tb ftaak doe not ume. It Islikely uut the receivership will fall to Mr.Tbaefeer, tiwfpresent cashier, to whom the ap- -pawwiWK naa own u?iiuervu vy iuc comptrailer. At thi wriUnR the outlook is highlyfavorable to resumption. The Vulou andllmntTO banc received reinforcements ofcurrency and like the German National bankReetaed to have smooth Bailing. What the re-mit will be in the caeof lheXtesotois stillmeertain, bat its friend claim that It alsowill rename payment and business. The hlaieNattomU realteed considerate of an additionlo ita baalBem, it having fallen hrlr to theheavr collecUon baslnem of the Ftrst Na-tional and DeSoto. Some farther withdraw-tso- f

    earreaoT toot piaeeiaaqaiet way, butthere wasuoUiinc like a ran on any of thebanks aad the bbades of tsveslng gatheredover a unprecedented in point ot tran- -

    Nouinc wm done In cold, exchange or seen--imw, enrrency ueing me areai neea ox inehoar, bbH hence it is impossible to give 9

    for anything.Tfce tieprewlou extends to mercantile circlesa, and eettoa has bnt a nominal vulue.Kelerring to tlie panic and its efleeU, the

    Xew ork Mmltrtinot Toehday says: There Jsovety resioQ lo anticipate an excepiionallroaar condition of the money market when theItftttlc ha fully Mibbided. itock t.pocnlatlonwill naturally relapse, after the flat flush ofbaying at low prices. Into a protracted doll

    e banks will be abundantly sup-plied with legal tenders. The purchases of

    by the treasury have alreadypiaeed nearly &jOO!MK0 ot greenbacks on theMarket, and the Ifitnes of certificates by thectearlng boose, for lnter-ban- k settlementsfsm likely to reach fl'VXtt.O'O Ina day or two, thereby placing

    at thedtapoaat of the banks, for ordinary pur-ee- san enal additional amount of lesal

    leaders. The banks are. therefore, destined1 relapwe, within a few days into conditionof mrwacew; and the prospects warrantthlr extending at once a liberal hand to theMercantile interest, ra her than risk thetMtaarie experiment of farther testing tbelrcaturaace, from a spirit more cautious thanlandtut. a basis of saf- ty has now clearlybean attained by the banks, upon which theymar freely expand their loans to meet alllegitimate requirements. The only clas ofpaper calling tor a ty ecial care Is that d

    with new railroads; the ordinary runof boeiaeiis paper is exceptionally gooil;Mocks are low (nooaii fe 1k iafe beyond

    as ool laterals; and. If the banks willbi recover their equanimity, and lend liber-ally t ail pound borrowers they will promotean instant recovery of confidence and giveihaaaalablBKblow lo panic The only renialn-la- g

    danger. Indeed, is from the over-oauli-orUte banks; a caution which. If carried tocaoeas will, in the present idtu&Uou, hurt tfaobaak quite az much as those dependent on

    COTTOSr.Owing to financial stringency there is vir-

    tually no narket. For money wnall torswere aotfi at a basis of li015e for middling,laatihia waseateepUonal to the holding.

    dlaeountlng bllfs and in the unaettterf Mate of allairs factors are fchy of

    Advfees from other markets appeari in oar eoiamns.

    1S7J. 1872.ifceowpsa. m

    Hi 20SfiX

    TmWi rreatflu to date,7,W

    IMPORTS.NeaapUs Bd Charleston rallroad. .3(1Miaaiaslpi asd TwiwMC railroad. . 31Memphis sad Onto railroad . 171'oimrmtx mmi Menaplits rallmad . JKmpMBd Little Boek railroad.. . M

    . 4SIfetlKftted per wagon and other sources. . Of)

    EXPORTS.MesiWEtiMiCbarlRlon rallroad- -Ml wlppl ad Tenitw-- railroad ItMetaahlnimJ Ithlf. rnllrooj ij

    GESCBAL SlIIBir.fJaslnWmr ore or round We, vnleet othervnu

    jom ana ttroauee, leveet ana oraere, react

    Ham.vo Srcrrs UnchnI;lagglDE,;aiMllb kmutx, litc; lion ties, ojc;

    Bp it rfy, vlth prime to choice aotHe la a seaall way, and Inferior nominallySUlN -- tiales H3 aacks at $16 and 75 Faefcs

    nam rac at 111 rr ton, with resales of theIstlasc .4911.Hcsi. mm" Matbbiai Itoracdale cement,

    SS SO; L4Biiprille eecoetit, per Ml, 92 H';riailsr. KlehUpin.W; Slew York, it S; lialr,it Kuw Mti bule; k, S7 per WD;Mtaw, by lho r-- m1, ft .Yutl 9.

    tXAcmei laseUvf. We tuoto: Clear rides,MSwe; rib sides, 10USe: shonldens4mHc; sugar rnrnl hams, eanviufeed, 13Je: extra brands, nominal; breakfast bacon,oftstTaaMd, IlHfsl'C.

    OuuasH Sitae bat luFeritron hand, forwfcieli Ihsn Is no sale.

    Costs Receipt oy dealers only, who e4ftM-e-to fltl enter on the levee at Ktc fer shelled batstskra 7lgle In store.

    UtwarsuL 11 bjher, with sales oa tbe leveeraoatly at ft !0?1 JS per bbL for choice.

    Koa-iel- es kt Ja2ic with tome old stockat lacFKt'tr Applon, per bbL, sz wt)t, tbe

    er price iw utn cfiuiev, ihimmuh imihkas to quality. Orange, er DbU. W :0.mmm dull, at ta 3D ir box. Calif. rnlaVOt. Jerx box. K ar. .Nc" raisins, r box,

    3$ 9. TOrtdsh nrancs, per lb, Mc.Kukib &tesay. We quote Inferior, $1 SO

    At sj;ner, JS &m ; extra, ft &m Si; Xami-J-K Ml S;Xaucy isuw 7S.

    rMM Weaoote: No. 1, perbbl,H; erhalf-hW.ta- i;urktt.Mloscl : No 2, iwr bid,

    H4; tr balfJl, $7; per kit, 15 llw, ft ; No J,IrbM.IM; per half bbLfrS S; rwr kit, H S.hrnek. So, 1, per halt bbl,S7a; kltsfl 30;

    fasalhr, per half-bb- l, $3 SO. lloeherrlne. lierliadfMsl, $3 so. Shad, per kit. J5. IloUandlrtfrtsp. per keg, f2 36. Hanllncs, ier caw,nssarters, JSH(; halven, gSt. Dry cod, per

    CtaocKBJEH We qnote : Sncar, crushed,ygwslfed and grauulated. per lb, in barrelsJtMStfe; Mft reflued,eltow and white, inME, tiaittc; brown and yellow. In hhd.KflsHCe, Hotel us, rebolled, gc In boh. andjff hhjber la bslf Mils, and kegs; susat-kosH- esyraps In bbls, inferior to choice, mHe. Halt, dosoestie, by the carload, H per

    iKsvm. (.nee,tio. er 10-- , inferior toc; javB,cootce, aasjasr-- taneies,w,, iih, ionic' jr. mce.rc. E?treil, 9SSBaV. isostp, extra olive, 7c ; German,

    coy; inienor, tatec.Matr luetoreM MT per hundred; npper

    Pfm tor tlmeUty in n retail way. On leveecwsise mtaed l tt per ton.Rims, Stc. xMppers offer as follows: Drydsekl, e;b4ipel4Jt. 2&cSl; niothldex,Ke; dry salted, lic;grwn salted, loc; green,Kact-- w, per barrel, 110; per l,

    .litf-Qa- it. latJerees,tXc;kc!r,Hc;palLs,

    llgWSc fur refined; with e- -, Blaise.Vavai. Hiwmi Oat are. American navy,:: best Am. Dk Iln4n, per bbl. No. 1, ; No.r, tt M, vtrcjln resin, ta. Tar. per bbl, t; halfWlaLli. PUeb, per bbl, K so. TarrenUn,ffc.

    TtST VR?lBbrtcigfbmme stuiui, mlDeral. Tic; llnaeed, raw, (1 07;li osUd. ft M; entlua seed, crude, suOe.

    Oxiesn In store SI Tig 26 per bbL, as Inwarn maDare s - i coenogs on leveerVrAToes ftapfdv In. .roved, and we notedesatf snatsiu at; i" . f iDixrbbl.(Nttruriar 1MUL wiua sales at chicken', W SOkI (JO per dozen.rowjMX-Rl- Ae, K per keg; abot, li usel'osw ta ordsra saess la US 78 per bbl, InTaliw-Coan-to per lb, 7'x.TtSNinwi ttracs-Ti- Btate, 1C, Mxll, U;

    JG WxSt, SM: IV. llxll, ta W: IX. lOxll, tl;IS, Ur, in 5 ; IX, lliir. Ho ; rootoe, HI:iMMk Urn, tee- - eepper bottonK. Ve; lMBed

    aa Ireia, St, 27, latrke; charcoal sheet Iron,iWlw; sine, is.Wouti Walahle at UaKc, as In quality, enreceipt.


    LOKDOK.UWE4r, September 28, S p.m.-T- he weather

    till nail list Kaciand y was fair and Ifor crops In keaeral. A rumor on the

    i eaceasdwe is, uiaiise raie oi itufcount atk or oi(iaua win be advanced at the

    at of directors next Thansiav. 1m.t withdrawal of bullion from the bank

    ba saswiaieioe. Unfavorable rumor fromJtom Yerfc is aojreetly the oaqrc of tliedc--

    I'l'ssliia ef Amerleen securlUe. Theamenntof latiUfjnn drawn from the bank oa balanceM if sa tatox (JoBsols money, 9Z,(fJMHS(.fjMu United SUMes eour.

    latZ-M- o? bisTsiS; do, 7, ; 't,MK; ucwarjTKne.il1;.

    KK AXK POST.Vkankfobt, heftember 3a. failed States

    --ars, um, vlU0TT0X MAKKETS Or HIE .W0KLD.

    NEW YOHK.XwYats, Beptemberja, Md ajn. Gotten

    trrendiu- - aud nominal: ontlsary, HMe; coottrdiwr,lt:hiwmlddllnK, ITe; nuiMliiu:.

    I We; Alabema, ITU; orWataa and Texas,no. JPatureM eaafer; Jaatiarr, 17Ilillil III II, MKfJIM'rc ; MMMht ssal i, ITe; iKMwmber, 17ltd pjn Oslton Hoaalnal ; ordinary, 1 -'foad ordinary, I0c; low ratddllAf:, 17aauMllim. 17X; Albin, Isc; Orleans ltcstMaL e lower nnemciai. u tares eaw ;ales. 7.' 9 bales; September, 17c; October,

    ltiKr:-iCc- ; November, 171 Xte; December,17c.

    :l p m. Uotton iireaular: nUddllnx, l,cofficial. I'tc uaoficiaL bsuea furaxpoit, 4wibalee ; lo KpTanMrs, a bales. Future hare!)steWly; wles, MJuu bales; jaauarj 17st177-I.- -; hebruarj iTiTa-lte- ; March, 17,W ' r ,CT?',e'- - MHmtHe; October,November Deeember;

    ,Hsuw 0aiM. export, Ulreat Britain, m bales; exports to the conti-- rit.auu bales; stock, ttm bales.

    UVEItl-OO-Liveh-foo- l, ltMiiljw 2. I) p.mOot-tcn--aie-item balaf. Uplands, BM: Or.-- an- "'. Afj. Sales for tbe week, TMttitil' tiimt,, WO bale; specnlaUaa, Ma.

    li si ,. e osajMI baJes; American, at.n 1c v iiaSeat,aJUbaie:Amertean.' a expllMhAes.

    , a. Mat dssltoed heanir.

    NEW ORLEANS.New ORLK-ll-- September 25, 1130 am.

    Cotton unsettled and nominal : mlddllnc,ltU7c. Hales, S) bales.

    2 p.m. Cotton IVnnanil better aBd pricessteady ; middling. 17c Bales, 11U0 bain;receipts, 2X7 bales.

    LODiavir.T.r.LomsviLLr., September 20. Cotton nomi-

    nal; low mlddllne, 18XCNASHVILLE.

    Nashville. Hentember as. rVittnn ..tillbuu awmnu at usfMiesc.


    New York, 8epteraber26L The trade move-ment was alow tolay with tho commissionbouses, but a fair Jobbing distribution wasmade, and buyers have more confidence inthe future, Tho market Is steady and pilcesare undisturbed by the financial crisis. Got.loo goods are quiet In first bands, but Jobbeis'stock are light, and au early revival of activ-ity is looked for. Cotton flannels, grain bagsand medium bleached RhlrtlngsoM upclosely.Dress goods, black silk alpacas and pine mo-hairs are firm.


    LOUISVILLE.Lotus vi llx, September 28. Bagging Is

    quiet and firm at Mf$ll)f c Flour transac-tions light and price unonanged. Wheat istending down; quoted at;Jl afjnl 49. Corn isheld steady at tHtjtfic, sacked oats are steadyat , sacked, ltyc lea,y atTaasWc.

    are limited to an order demand andunchanged. No banks have suspended yet,and no undue excitement prevails. BusinessIs progressing bat slowly, and transactions areconfined lo tlie immediate wants of the trade.

    NASHVILLE.Nashville, September St. Business of all

    descriptions la nominally at a stand-stil- l forwant of funds. There is scarcely enengh do-ing to Justify quotations. Klour Is dull andnominal. heot, SL SVal S5. Corn and oalaare dull and unchanged. Lard is dull andnominal at 954c. Itacon Is dull and nominalat H, H and lie Whisky Is nominal.

    HEW YOKK.New York, September J, Flour Is dull

    and lower; white wheat extra, 57 lMag. Whis-ky is lower at !c Wheat is unchanged.Hye Is nominally active at l3V7e. llarleyand malt are unchanged. Corn is a shade firm-er; steamer, mixed western, H"fiS2c. Oatsare uncnangeu. t'rovisious fork is weak;new mess, U7 25417 5J. Ilevf and cut meatsare unchanged. Lard is weak; old

    NEW ORLKANS.New Orleans. September 2C. Flour dull,

    stock small; XXX, S7J7 75; family, fs cogs so.Horn, oats, bran and nay all in light supplywiin no sales. 1 oik. is ami. liry salt meats

    suouiaers re-- uacon no sates. 11 ruauietand nominal tierce, tiifco; keg, luKc.Sugar and molasses no sales. Whitky dullLoauJana, tflo; Cincinnati, 71 07. CeiTec

    f3T. LOUIS.St. Lons,Septembr 2. Flour Is entirely

    nominal; there is not enough done to establlsh prices. Wheat few lots orNo. red fallsold at SI 21R1 31. Nothing doing in otherkinds of grain. Provisions no sales of anykind.

    CINCINNATI.CxscisyATT, September 36. Tlie general

    marketsarealmOKtst&ndlng6111L Thereisnopanicky feeling, but no disposition to operatesave to supply immediate necessities. aluescontinue nomlnaL


    Boats xnrlnc To-Dn-Arkansasmver.UuiKKSviLLE.-- .. p.m

    A. J. Whltfj .NapoleonJames Howards yt. LouisOtyof Cheeter. . St. LouuClebu t ne... . SU LouisCity of Vicktbun:- - Vickfeburg

    liriiarleil.a. J. vt nite. NapoleonJames Howard-- --New OrleansCity of Chester.... ,.,wt- - IoutsCity of Vlcksbnrc SL LOUlHPat debartie .VlcksburgPhllAllin .Frtrs I'olniLaura lavis. ,,. Cincinnati

    In Port.Clarksville.

    TbelVeathcr nnU Klvcrs.Yesterday temperature was higher than U

    has teen lor a week, the mercury during theafternoon elevating itself to elgnty-aeve- n de-grees and the sky was clear, all day. Tbemerisfaltinf; rather rapidly, ii the observ-ers N gauge observations are correct, and willnot perhaps eo down more than three inehesa day hereafter. While river is rising a little,with four feet to Jackson port, and the Arkan-kMiiR-

    is falling, with tw enty Inches to Littleltock.

    .STAGE OF RIVERS.Dally report of the Maze of water, with

    changeslu the twcjity-loa- r hours ending atat three o'clock Flflay evening, ieptember6, i&S:

    Above low dianges.water. ltfee. Fall.

    Feetjlnehea FU;iniFt,In

    FtMt lien ton 0 o1 eOmaha. i- t-1 hi veti port . 0! 0Ieaveu worth M. v. Utk'rO.-ii- ,, ,. ,,CairoSi . Lou H .1'lllslHirg.- -. .( 'i u ci u na ti. ...LmUvllltMmphtVicksburg r ,ShreveportNtshviileNew Orleans4.Yankton .

    Below hlgli water mark of 1871.lOCleial. S. Wo KIIODK,

    Observer Signal Bervice, U.S.A.METEOROLOGICAL REC0BD.

    SiorALBnnvicE United Statbb Army, 1Mriiruis, Tcnxm September Js 1S73. f

    n:l 1L0S 3.Hx. x. a. x. r.M.Barometer., 39jQ17 J01C7Change since last re-

    port jm J010 -.- C6 2Thermometer 70" a IS!'Change in twenty

    fourhours xlr xll xSWind South Poulh H.WWeather Clear Fair FairRainfall 0 0 0

    K. W.ltllODK,Oberver,Signal Service, United btales Army.

    Movements or Boats.All told there were Ave arrivals and seven

    departures since our last report. The Chestercame down late Thursday night with 880 tonsand went back at four o'clock In the morningv ith a light trip. Tbe A.J. White brought up2W bales of cotton and 513 sacks of seed. TheJames ifoward, with a barge in tow, camedown early, and remained ioag enough topick up 2U tons of freight, leaving at teno'clock in tlie morning, drawing six and one-ha- lf

    feet, hhe stuck on Osceola bar twelvehours coming down, and doubtless had somerubbing to do to get over Jones's below here.7 he OJ ty of Vleksburg packed up after puttingojM4 bales of cotton and 11 sacks of seed, butaided ICQ bales to her cargo for Cairo. TheCleburne went down during the evening, add-ing tt) tons here, and had some-TO- J tons whenthe came here. The White had a fair trip out,and the Laura Davis, lor Cincinnati, wa wellpatronized by tourists anxious to evacua--the city aud xlee from the wrath that is al-ready iiere.

    Beats to Leave.The Grand Tower, Captain Lennox, leovrs

    this afternoon at five o'clock, for Cairo. St. ILouis and all way landlna.

    The Clarksville, In command of CaptainRarrett, will leave at fliarp five o'clock thiseenlng, for Fine IllulT, Little Rock, and allpoints on tlie Arkansas river. Colonel Outlawi prime minister.

    1'ersoual.BurdeU Paris and Enoch Stevens will be tho

    that boat willpull out or the Missouri and go Into the Redriver trade soon Kd. Haarks and Geo.Millenbergerhave gonei Cincinnati to viewthe ex IK) at ion and put la llmew...LawrenceMcKoe, collector at the wharf master's Cairo, died there Wednesday of yellow- -fever Mr. K. A. Phelps, the Carter lineagent at is h rereport, who recently made a tripo St, Louis ou the Lady Lee and returmd to

    Sbreveport, died there on Wednesday ot theterrible scourge. He was a thorough ousinessman and a gentleman beloved by all m ho hadthe pleasure of knowing hi mM .Thursdaysr. Liuls Globe furnishes the following: "JFhUo Young left last evening for Cairo, wherebis boat, the Great Republic, is nowlying. Hon. Kd. Gray, commander ofthe tiU Joseph, now laid up, left for homelast evening on the Grand Tower. Whilst theboat is laid up he will Interview his constitu-ents In tscott county on the great financial'(Qestlonsof theday.and particularly on theimprovement ol the Mississippi hence toCairo. A n steward of the anchorline, familarly celled Sam, and by persua-4o- n

    an Irihmau, has determined to chal-lenge Mike MeCooie for a regular mill; hav-- i

    Bag lost heavily on him, he thinks the onlyway t get even Is to whip him. CaptainYeorge Lennox, of the Grand Tower, was

    quite unwell yesterday, and Captain IsaacII. McKee wentout In commaud of the GrandTower, and, although he did not win thebell, heiang It as if he was used to it'....Capt. F. A, Blanks li confined to his house bysickness from tbe prevailing dengue at NewOrleans Andy Wll-o-n has shipped as

    clerk on the Rello of TexasXetra Drift.

    Tlie City of Che Uer, on the trip out from StIuls was detained fifteen hours at Fibre'sLanding. A very dangerous bar la reportedto be forming there, and unices passed lo day-light MibjectA tbeboatlotheenUfttrlk. Itu aim reported hazardous to pass the bar ati ir snneltFa after night, it is full or logs andtiags JuU six lousof New Orleans freight

    xere snipped from St. Louis on Wednesday..TtKe final trial of expedients for steam

    navigation of the canal takes pteee betweentvracaseand Cllea before the state coram

    on the lourteenth of October. Everymonth brings new competitor Into tbe field,aod ttje4rtnmlJon isliceiy tohaveadlfflcult

    sk in adjoilgtng theiollar prise, iffii Jeett, it is awarded at all. Du-ring the acsKion of the board of steam uaviga- -iou, a r solution was adoptt d that efforts be

    made against the rebue of pateuts now inue The Frank Fargoud recently ef t NewOrleans and made excellent time lo Green-ville s follows: From t, Mary's marketto grain elevator, nine minutes andforty-riv- e seconds and from leva-tor to Greenville , Point, eleven'Milnntrs and fifteen seconds making a total oftwenty-on- e minutes from bt. Mary's marketto Greenville Point.. Tlie City oftielthaias been banked Thursday's st. LoutsDenmxa aars: Tho remarkjtbl nint.if Jonnto which the river Is feubjct are graphicallyiescribcil by Mr.Wm.C. Lyle.a pilot who wentlowQwtwnioaiue uieuroe to kwk at theiverfor the benefit ol tlie Exporter, to which

    steamer he Is attached. He left Cairo by railm Turn ay even! be. The Ulencoeatock threeJra, but lost little time. ne van drawing4x feet of water from Price's landing out. AtHorsetail found eve aud a half f it;Twin J I oliows six feet, scant; ForrestHemic atx fret, and two channels; Devil'si4 nd uncertain, six feet belDg reKirted,jut tbe boat sluaat, although drawing only firend a blf feet. This was on the Missouri side

    of the river. There Ik five and a half fet onA.i ! slai. Here boats conid eaunliy be

    taordtal several feel mote water all the timefan inexpensive wing-da- was built so h- to

    oringj-'toni- watorirum ami channel lnt theiliier. No more trouuto tmUl Ahk-'- s Towli-a- awas r ached. Here here. Is hardly any eur--v- ul

    narrow, croked, and channet divided.Nooatoonie ta the Illinois channel, A coolmany break nie showing tbm-alves- . Thewreek of tbe Lasaile Is making a bigbreak, but H is now about seventy-fiv- e

    yards Irom the chanod.".-...Ac-oonllb-u tl'e London jTHaymfiw, the

    f Mte City of Wathinajtoc is not to beeutm ly to the nature of iter cargo.

    The Trieprajth labors at great length ami withmuchiuganulty, to prove that tha deviation

    f her oonpus h was not dne to aae lronajdateel vf lb winch the shtp wan laden siucehstothe ironhlch euteced into her it

    coMMaUion. The tbeoi y of lite TrlgyiaJi,bleu is almost a plausible as It is startling,

    t thflrt absolute reliance cannot be placedapoa the magnetic needle fur steering anyiron ahif. Tb earth bi&g itself a huge mag-ne- t,any piece of soft iron 2s magnetized bybeing plaotdln the dlrvctlon ol the carta amaguetio current. Rut by dianglug theoosuioM of the bar, and strik Ing It aladden auLviolent blow, tbe poles of themagnet before formed may be reversed. Whenan Iron shtp is construct "d It Inevitably be-comes magnetised, tnfut-o- f tho efforts madeto demur net ize 1 by placing tbe variousparli in UlTereut otwIUans. Every iron shipHmi Mtiieieforu agfeat magnet, sabject to

    the same changes as a magnetised bar oi iron.THe working of the engines and t:-- beatingof a heavy bet may be sufficient to change theahip pctai-ity- But cliauglng her oiarliyafl Wcowpftses and tneship cannot bewboliy trusted to tbelr guidance. The TeleyniaA eoraes to tbe logical eoueluviou that,us sioa (Ms a xavlgating eflSeer cannot gt aglimpse of sun or star4 to assure Win that hitcompass kra) to Us wirtrtiwn d aviationthen la peril vrftai evajfj lTOB4Mntt VeaseJAnew wyteef baiat la on tMlapk, but wontbe m the lirearibi a wrarfle yei.. "Twi setUisone of wbteli tha stem eaaaur toUo) earrtw tbe irtweaalnary, nuUl aead 4r de-l- a4i,lrfei lawny baSat

    THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL--SATUBDAY-, SEPTEMBER 27, 1873.ether making a Jointed steamboat four hun-re- d

    by ninety feet; capacity three thousandtons engines Ihirty-lnc- h cylinders ten fetstroke: can sink but o e of the boxes or linksat a time; each box about one hundred bythirty feet. This will be the marine wonderof the age .Tlie arches of the St. Louisbridge ate ptly compared to rainbows Theywill always be close to the water. ....Wednea-day'- s

    Cairo JMtetln has this Item : The How-ard got away from Cairo Just In time to raveherself some trouble. A number of cattledied on board while she lay a our wharr, anathey were thrown overboard. They floated toa point near mo hi. t nai ies uowj, w nere ineywere drawn ashore by some men who took thohides off them Aod left the carcases to rotin the hot snn. Mayor Wood was made awaroui vuia iJVei, uui jum bdiiui mo nine 110 uwigot ready to oo' the onlreraof the Howardshe took in her llnefi ant Ktarteddown the river.".. The St. Joseph,uian ana uity ox jieiena win layup for a short time on account ofthe water, but the John A. Kcudder, Fat Cle-burne and Joe Kinney will be entered In theirplace .The following nrc tlie principalitems of theUIcncoo'sfrrisht for New Orleans:2t)S2bbls flour and meal, 3 bbls of pork. SWddi onions "his wnisKy, 01

    II bbis apples. 115 casks bacon, G2 tlerrtebacon, 191 tiercel lard, 150 kegs lanl, 101 cad-dies lcad.35 boxes cheee, SJ bixes eggs, 004bales nay. Si pkgs of butter, 12 pkgs tobacco,9 hhda tobacco. 100 sacks meal, 13S rolls bagging, o neau uorses lira iieou uog4ta okKS sundries, and 12S.J sacks comVleksburg has hod three bona Jlde cases ofit .The l azoo and Tallahatchie rivers arcboth falling, the former having thtve and anail leei in x azoo uiiy. i ne ounuower is iou-lo-

    with only filtecn Inches over the worstbars The St. Louis Times has this: "Anoccasional corrcbpondent sends us the follow-ing:Through the rale ran the Camberland, beau-

    tiful, hiitzht.Where the sycamores stood in tho armor of

    wuiic.And Eolnt-llk- In sunshine, In prayer rose

    each form,And as giants and ghoiU In the darkness aud

    storm.And wore winter's livery all summer tlmo

    uirongu.The mantle of purity, spotless In hue."All baotmenwho have navlcated the Cumberland will appreciate the above descrip-tion of the sycamore, whoe branches hangso thickly over that river, and so often "golor" a boat's chimneys and things Thisveree is from a so an sunz bi "Buzseventv-flv- e or thirty vein aso. Theoriginal lines ore in the possession ofins iiie-u- menu, lapiain it. v. rer--guson, of the Month of SmUluand,on her way up night before last, the A.J,White had, a partot the way, a very dlsttn-euUhe-

    Paiseneer. timt bclne no let tlian Mr.J. -- White, the gentleman horse-thi- whoecaieuiromjaiisomeumesince. tie uoarueathe boat at Friar's Point with a wplenpld hor&eaud croised to Fort i'inney, from where hedoubtless went Into the interior of Arkan- -mi Xfl Outlaw, Nat Orecn and TipFields aod one or two other river notables,were In the cJtr vestcrdav Another conntvhedrd from. At Des Moines. Iowa, a few dayssince, the supreme court affirmed tbe decisionof the Lec county district court in the case of

    miry uor, a coiorea woman, aramsi ineNoithwestera ra'ket company The comtheld that the company con id not make a ruleexcluding passengers irom equal rights onthefr boats ou account of color. 'lheuitwisbrpught by the plaintiff lordamages for eject-ing her irom the Indies' cabin and tableafUx having purchased a first-cla- ticket.Mr. Cogar is said to tw a colon dwoman of education and re 11 Dement.



    Paner Waretase.



    Papers, Flour Sacks, TwineStatlonoryy to.

    tho approaching Cotton Season weFOR Special bargains in COTTON SAM-rl.-PAPER,

    l'aner Goods cenerally at Eastern nriceF.guaranteed.

    Cor. Jell irvrn anil NcromI slrtrt.




    116 and USBcalc StreetCorner of Hernando.

    HAVING removed from my old stand, No.street, to a more commodioushouse, I respectfully ask my friends andbutlne&s houses generally, to give mo a calland examine my Flock btloro purchasingelwhere. I nm receivinir daily from mrmil's hesw supplies comprising everythingin. unc,wnir,n a wul ten at mnuuiaciu-rer- s

    prices.jy p j ' .



    General Agents for Ohio lUver and KanawhaSalt Company's





    OOMPIiETE.Wo Sell to 3IEKCIIANTS Only.



    iflilfllSlllMSrCKNISIUNtJ GOODS,


    Men's and Boys5 Clothing,Xo. 3Inin .Street.


    107 & 199 Charles Street, Balllmorc.


    Exercises resumed September

    This Institution Is conducted on the Collesi-at- esystem, with a corps-- of ten Instructors In

    tne Knell sh, French and German branches,five professors of Music, Fainting and Draw-ing, besides Iectuiesand fnch other adjunctsas are deemed necessary. French is tho lan-guage of tho school and strictly required to bespoken. The scholastic course Is carefully ar-ranged with a regular sequence of studies onthe ptogresslve system, and Is adapted to theadmbsion of pupils of all ages, M any stagefrom the Primary Classes to the SeniorGraduates. Class honors and distinctions areaward! attheeloKflof Hussion. iv'JH



    Fourth Grand Gift ConcertFOR THE UUNEFIT OF THE


    12,000 CASH GIFTS $1,500,000.

    Every Fifth Ticket Draws n Gift.

    S25Q,QOQ for SGO.Fourth Grand Gift Concert authorizedTMIK special act of the Legislature for tbe

    benefit of the Public Library of Kentucky,wilt take place in Public Library Hall, atLouisville, Kentucky,

    Wednesday, December 3, 1S73.Only Sixty Thousand Tickets will be sold

    and one-ba- if of tbeso are intended for theEuropean market, thus leaving only 30gl)U forsale in the United States where 1UUJ0 weredisposed of for tlie Third Concert. Tho tick-ets are divided Into ten coupons or ports andhave on their back the sen. rue with a full explanatlon of the mode ot drawing.

    At this Concert, which will be the grandestmusical dlplay ever witnessed In this coun-try, the unprecedented sum of

    31,500,000,divided into 12,0C0 cash Blft, will ho dlstrlb:nted by lot among the ticket-holder- Thonumbers of tbe tickets to be drawn from onwheel by blind children and the gifts fromanother.

    LIST OF GIFTS.One Grand Cash frm.""!?

    iuijxoOne Urand CashUUt- - ... fOfWOne Grand Cash UifU. ssjiuOne Urand Oudi Gilt. 170

    10 Cash Gifts of l!0,(Jk) each,. 1VIJ30 Cah Oitts of S, " lfOJSOCashGlfUof IflHO " snjM)

    (OCashGlfUor SJ0 " ItVOolMX) Cash Gifts of wl " . 14)UU0CahGlftsnf 3 " nanZjQCahUlIUof 2UJ " ttifiuS2iCashGlftsof 100 " 35110

    ILWU Cash Gifts of 51 "Total 12.000 Gifts, all Cash, amounting

    The distribution Trill be positive whetherall the tickets are sold or not, and tne 12,'xjOgl Its all paid In proportion to ths tickets sold --all unsold tickets being destroyed as at theFirst and Second Concerts, and not representedIn tho drawing.

    PRICE OF TICKETS.Whole tickets, JM; Halves, K3; Tenths, or

    each coupon, 13; 11 whole ticket lor ISOU: 22Ktickets lor SIMM, liJ whole tickets lor Si.tM);. nuwouvMLi iur tvowi. . u aiscount onleM than ios worth of Uekets at a Ume. 1

    The nnparalleicd sucresitof the Third Giftwoncen, as weii as the satisfaction given bythe first and second, makes It only necessaryto announce the Fourth to insure the promptsale oi every ticket. The Fourth Girt Concertwill be conducted in all lu details like theThird, ant full particulars may bo learnedfrom ctreular., whleu will be sent free fromthis olllc-- to all who apply ror thtm.

    Tickets now ready loc safe, and all ordersaccompanied by the money promptly Oiled.Liberal terms given to IIhms who buy to sellagain. TH. V-- ItlCAJll.t.-TT- .Agent I'ntite Library of Keutueky andMana-r- rtiiMJBrt, PuMto Uhmry Bnildlne

    LnuHTHIe, Ky. null

    M. It, 2USACHAM. J. B. F03TON.

    M. L. MEAOHAM & CO.,

    ffto 'issls Gum I SI ApBNo. 9 UiaON STREET, M-mpIii-s, Tonn.

    1rV nra nnanl n rt Um Vail Tmrln stss 1 n n r.xir and tifutlr irl. I nl. I. .1.1.Y havlug been purchased before the recent

    in jiAuuiii. iitonf iiaw, ol ua.i, tuff rc.,



    17 Union St., Memphis.






    UEERIXG HORSE KM.'INE, with Its substantial Iron Pillar for a solid centralsapport Tor tnc nin-llonj- c. bona ror Lircniar, wmi rrlec nim a largoExplanatorj Kugraiin?, to

    ORGLLIi BROS. & CO., Agents.GULLETTS STEEL LUUSH C01T0N-GIN- , : : : : $5 per sawMAGNOLIA LIGHT DRAFT COTTON-GI- : : : : : $4 per saw

    glOa.'1 SI2 FROST



    ::r:,,;;.Jii!i;ii!i!!il!i!,iTrem endous




    : :


    Course of isfor


    r. A. I.nim .V.

    Me-la lie of

    C Q.

    A W. ROUKP.TS. So .

    advance. We offer EXTUAniiiuns anu as well as a full







    206 STREET.

    1nFOR THE




    1.1. MaiTears In



    80,000 BARRELSFlttsbnrg Lunrp, and Slack Coal,

    A I. Also,



    City and JOountry Orders filled promrtly atLowest Katm.



    JL AM prepared to take charge of a fewKnch as

    may be desired can bo secured. On a longlarge experience In tha of classof cases, with a thecommunity wlm me, I must forpublic

    ALLEN,' 1 West Court

    CELEBRATED MANILLA AND N0YEDAD CIGARS.Branils finest Cigars in Market. Agents for Choice Virginia Tobacco.

    Jir.lU'lt.VNTS.Ylsltlng the city find it to their interest to my Immense stockpurchasing


    Central Insurance Company of Lonls, IncorporatedCnpltnl 81,375,000 00.

    Fire and Marine Insurance Company or St. Joseph.Cash Avs-L- s 8SOO.COO OO.

    (ilobe Life Insurance Company of Xeir York.Cnsli Assets fjl,000,000 OO.






    3Estll Prices.



    - -- oJ. II. L0E1VEXSTIXE. JC. LOEWEXSHXE. II. 31. 10E


    (Xo Connection with aoy Retail Homo in the City.)



    Orders nnd Promptly Filled, Guaranteeing Satisfaction.


    98, lOO, lO and lOG Second Street,AND 49 AUD 51 WINCHESTER STREET,

    M:333MCEaB:iS, : : i TJIHIKTIsXIESSjUIE:.Manufacturers oi Machinery, Steam Engines, Saw-JIlll- Horse-Power- s, Bhartln?, Couplings,

    Uau trs, IIoxik, Etc; aod also manufacture rs and proprietors of lieath'atateat Well Augur. County and Btato flights fot sale.AGRIUULTUItAL-'.otl- on Presses, tlenrlns. Pinions, Srgmente, Gudgeons Etc.

    HOU3EWO. a. Colnmus, Lintels UUJs, tiratlngs. Ventilators, Sash Weights, EtcAll kinds of Steam1 at, Oeneral Repairs done on short notice. Orders for Brass

    and Iro-- i Castlnfs, and all kinds of Wrought Iron Work solicited. Cashpaid lor Old llrass. Scrap Iron.


    No. 23SMain Street,


    Incorporated by the Loclslatnro TennossooMuch 9th 1W7.

    ovist way jlo mgiit.Tlie Study extended, thorouch

    and practical, aflordlDg superior faclllllcHobtalnlnj; sound business education.

    Call for College Monthly r&per.on ddressunl l'rlneliml.


    G. H. HOLST & BRO.,

    UNDERTAKERS,Xo. 320 Main Street,(Opposite Peabody Hotel)

    MEaPIIIS, - . . TEXXESHEE.Always on hand large assortment or

    oases and Ctisktts, and Wood Collinsevery description. Orders by teleimplipmmptly niled, anl cases V.


    INDUCEMENTSiuiiau-v- ,



    (SeTentecn Business),







    lusane- Persons. accommodationsand

    treatment thisreference to profession and

    know dependconfidence. Address,Db7j.R.

    anj street.

    Fiftywill examinebe.ore elsewhere.

    American St. 1853.

    St. Jojcph








    Uln Bolt,

    Kallroad and

    Copper and




    With tho experience derived from a rbsidenseIn Now Orleauce from 1815 to 1S81, respectfully

    tenders his professional services to tho citi-

    zens of Memphis.

    Oillco Southern Hotel,Itratileneo 20O IfernnndoNtrcct.


    l'lEKCE & DIX,AT OfiNEYS - AT - LAW,

    43 3 JIiKllsou Street,MEMPHIS, t i : ; : : : TENNESSEE



    ATTOENEYSATLAW,15 Union Street, Memphis.

    av J.W.CLAPP will continua to practicela IKiKoto and l'anoll Counties, Mississippi.


    No. 41 Madison Street. Ilobm SG



    Mt References: Estos, Flier ft llnson,M.UMnachsm. Itnotos A Go ty



    15 UNION STREET,Itoom 7 Lee Block, : : MEMPHIS, TENN


    513 MUX STREET, : : : HEBPIIIS

    ALL worlr guaranteed to be of the bestand on the most reasonableterms.

    Teeth extracted by Laughing-Ga- s or Ban- -cone, without pain.

    fames naving sets oi teem noi givingsausiacuon, we lose ail sucit ana qukb ineuiperfect. A. WESSON s SONS.


    ATTORNEY AT- - LAW,15 Union Street, (Leo Block,





    Xo. 39 3IADIS0X STREET,











    S. C. TOOF, I'roprlctor,No. 15 "West ConrtStroot'


    attention of the Merchants andBusiness Slen of Memphis, Norm Mississippi,Alabama and Arkansas, Is particularly calledto the superior facilities of this house for exe-cuting orders for all kinds of

    JOB PRINTING!Plain, Fancy and Ornamental, such as Pam-phlets, Constitutions, Blanks, Circu-lars, Business ind Show CardsLetter Heads, Envelopes, Shipping Tas,La-lels- .

    Receipt, Checks, Wedding Cards, HallTickets. Invitations

    ledgers, Journals, Cash Books.

    PRICES LOTVASTnE LOWESTPerfect sallsracllou irnraleed In

    every InstanceA call and an examination of my .specimens

    Is respectfully solicited.

    . O. T OOF. rron.trOIL WORKS.



    pnrchBSs?d aud rcfltd the aboveHAVING arc uor manafacturing

    Oil, Oil Cako and Cotton Seed Mealwhich U.ey offer at the lowest market prices.

    They make C01TON SEKD MKAL n spe-cialty, and offer liberal Inducements to

    and the trade.They pay the highest market price In cash

    for Cotton Seed, mmlsh sacks nnd twine onapplication to responsible parties for theshipment of seed to thm, make prompt re-turn", and pledgo their best efforts to merit ashare ot public patronage.

    RxrkB to Union and Planters Bank;Messrs. Thus. H. Allen & Co.; I). II. Towns-en- d

    ; Messrs. & l'"o. septqSATES.

    GABE KLEIN, AGENTHosier,-Ualimar.- & Co.'s

    IBOM SAFES,Xo. 175 Main Street,




    Have established their Office at

    No, 12 wont Court St.,whero all applications for NURSES will besupplied at any hour. Day or Night.


    TEXAS LANDS.Lands in Jackson, Liberty, Hardin and

    Orange counties, Texas, Improved andunimproved, prairie nnd limber, adaptedto sugar, cotton, corn, potatoes, stock-nin- e lies,etc., whcio the winters are mild and summersdcllshlf ul. a fresh ta brs?ze dally ,'and with-in a few hours travel of three eltie,for leasefor five years for tho taxes, or will sell at fromtwo lo ten dollars an acre, as X wish to start anew branch of industry I aui sick or receiv-ing and answering r utile letters. I meanbusiness: Titles all of record.

    K. S. ItEMBERT,Care 168 Front street, Memphis

    Feptember. 1X7-


    For sale, ot positively less than half theirvalue, cotton lauds, timber lands; stock farms,containing from loo to boo acres, with peren-nial springs and artlUctal fish ponds, wellslocked; also a very valuable water-powe-a steam mill or forty-hors- e power, sawand grist, in running order; a sixty-sa-gin, gearing and press in good condition, neatthe new Paducaa railroad, ten or twelve milefnorth of Memphis. Titles good, or the countyrecords will tell who lies, ltefers to L. J,DtilTe.of theAppeal: ii. D.L. Stewart. of thChancery Court ; or to

    3. C lhli HOIjlH.Remberton. 12 miles north of Memphis

    September 1, 1S3


    tbrouch nine months.It is organised In schools on the elective system, with full courses in Classics, Literature.Science (with practice !u Chemical and Physi-cal Laboratories), In Law, Medicine, Englueerlnz. Teaching and Agriculture. Applyfor Calcloguct to JAMKS K. 1IAP.RI8JNChairman, P.O. University i, A; 'w





    HARDWARE234: IVont Street, Memphis.


    Dee ring's Horse Engines, Branch, Crookes eVfiCs Circular Saws, HenryDlsston & Sons' Circular Saws.



    Planters' Cotton Presses, Klrby's Reapers and Mowers, Bnford's Black Hawk Culti-vator, Etc.; Bain's Wagons, Una Pipes, Hall's Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, Vault

    Front, Faltbanks' Scales, Rubber Belting, Packing and Hose,Lallln & Baud Powder Company.

    TPJSJXLiJLi 1878.

    We are now prepared to offer TO THE TRADE full lines of


    TXToti033LS 5V22Lc3- - Fancy GoodsIN GREAT

    FULL LINES OF MILLINERY GOODSEspecially adapted to the wants of the Millinery Trade of this section.

    TRIMMED HATS OF OUR OWN MAfiUPAGTOREWhich will be found much better adapted to the requirements of this community than goods

    manufactured in other cities by those who do not understand the wants of this section.OTIS A CO., 327 Mnln street.

    SLEDGE, McKAY & CO.Cotton Factors,


    Wos. 371 ami 373 MAEBT ST.,Offer to the trade of Memphis and Merchants of the Country A LARGE AIsE


    Flour of all Grades and BrnndH.Sugars Louisiana, Demarara anil all grades of White Sugars,molasses and Syrups, all grades and 11 rices.Sack and barrel Salt.Tobacco all grades; superior assortment.Bulk Pork, S. C. Ilams and cask Itacon.Coffee and Teas all grades. Bagging, Ties and Sails.Lanl Tierces, Half Barrels, Kegs, Buckets and Tln-pall- s.Whisky all grades; none superior In market.Oysters, Canned Fruits, Raisins and Cheese.Candles and Soaps, at Cincinnati prices.And nil other Goods kept In a Orst-cln- ss Grocery House.






    No. 297 Main





    Xo. 9 Madison Street,the following First-Cla- ss Fire and

    OF YORK.$



    for effecting all of are notIn the

    Certificates covering toEuropean to consignee,and IN ir

    All rates and adjusted tothe

    X G. Br.


    O T-


    FATiXj 1370.







    Street, Memphis


    ING- -




    BRO., tOpposItelCourt Square


    INSURANCE AGENT,Hcnipliis.

    RepresentingMarine Companies:

    IXSUKAXCE C0MPAXT, XEW1,408,573.

    IMPERIAL IXSURAXCE C03IPAXV, L0XD0X.Assets 88,000,000.

    XIA0ARA IXSURAXCE C0MPAXY.Resources $1,000,000.



    classes risksexcelled city.

    issued cottonports mode

    GOLD, desired.Fire, Inland Marine





    SCHWAB & CO.


    SiEDENBACH, SCHWAB & CO.,No. Ul White Stree York


    Lonsdale & Wettford,6ENERAL INSURANCE A6ENTS,

    2fos. 39 and 41 Matlisou Street, Ulemphis, Temi.,Bepresent the following well known and prosperous Companies:


    nml Sllri'los.. ytt



    Insurance upon all classes risks effected with and dispatch.Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid.

    mm i io:s If STORE25 3XAH5T















    NEW DBESSOOOBS, ETC.,We taYitc call from the Ladles and Gents who appreciate,


    259 Main Street, :



    : :

    non iwm


    a to see

    : :



    A. VACCAKO & CO.Importers csd Dealers In


    No. 324 Front Street. - Sfcmphfa



    35S Main St., ffemphig, Tenn.


    PARK AVENUE ACADEMY,31--3 Mlle from 21empbls,nenr Hem-ph- is


    Twelfth Session of tills school willTHE on the First noDdaylufieplemberand continue twenty weeks.

    The Principal! a craduate of HampdenSidney College and of the Unlverally of

    He has had ten years' experience inteaching, four of whlULhe was a professor Intne nrst-pam- lnsutunon- -r or eireaiars apply 10 u. h ub a uo. 3ir.W. B. Oa breath, or Messrs. Strallon eX Well--ford. Iyl4

    ST. MARY'S SCHOOL,Xo. S1G Poplar Street, Memphis.

    A BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for YoungLadles, under the charze of the Uistebsor St. Maet.The nrst term will begin on wsbsesoat,

    Octobek lsr. For circulars or other informa-tion, asdv (after September 1st) to the SlaterSuperior St. Mary's school, or to Rev. Geo. Cu arris.

    KxrERlfCES Rt- - Rev. lnahon Gain Lanl.Rev.Dr. White, Kev.Dr. Wheat, Rer.

    Iter. Mr. Ruth. Rer. Mr. Harris.

    Patapsco Female Institute. Near Enltt-mor-e,lid.qUIIS Instltnte has been In operation thlrty-- X

    slxyears,andenJoysanational reputation.With the number of pupils limited to ninety.It has representatives from two-tnir-d of theStates, principally South and southwest, lislocation is healthful, is cen-tral, and easily reached by railroad from Bal-timore and Washington City. For circulars,address Mrs. It. II. A KCUER.

    anT uiiieott utr

    NORWICH UNaTEESITY.A MILITARY COLLEGE, established In1H34. lla a nrenaratort dDartment.trioronsh Classical, bcleniiflc and Sliiitarr In- -st ruction, lncladlng Modern lAngnagesandCivil Engineering. Good dlKlpline. Loca- -uon very neauny. i enns, ijw a year, lear

    1 begins Aoenn Zsltu Send for a circu-lar. Address Fsor.CUAALKS DOLE,

    ao30 ortnneid. vc

    SE3L.ECT SCHOOL.ZWXxrs. ATjICE B.COE.SKPTK5tlIEU 8, 1S7J. On Wellington stMA. Erskine's. between Beale


    16 FIRST PRIZES.Oriental Oil WfcL&ers

    la tli implont. bent aal rUtBpplKMiiittieworU!. W ok Letlim in a frw Bvini5 ; inthan twenty minutes no iryWhiskers Iri tu be f-n-. On aj- -mm glcaiiun for IJsht Brow n , twoWMfeliu the whts- -

    kcrsla not reqalrerl beftwr or nT tvin tb Ml:maken the wbtrkeri toft aiwi Itwirotw: fr-- fromnnr of lend, er ocber )oionous and

    dmo; netl hut w irul to pr itswtperkortjr over all otlien. Mxu-t- i PmntunHhare twn awarded at dHTcrest rain ami Ks,m4-tlo-m

    for iM TbtDM over other preffkaratiana,J. F. Fnuu, Buuraflactaivr aad propneor. Sew

    York Cltr aad Sacra aanto, CaU Ask, jour Drac-gui-for It, ad si-- e It a trial.

    Co C. WAUD i IIK- O- DRUCioisTS.Aeents- -



    A combination nnequaled in the world for

    the diseases so common to this changeable

    and debilitating climate.

    Iron is the lite of human blood.

    It Is Phosphorus that gives vitality to thebrain and power to the nerves.

    Voa will observe that the combination of

    these two great elements constitutes the cen-

    tral Idea In this wonderful remedy. The

    vegetable agents are simply adjuncts In re

    storing healthy secretion, and assisting to

    diffuse and appropriate tho potent elements

    above mentioned.

    It never falls to give strength and vigor tothe debilitated.

    For sale by all druggists.

    CLOUD, AKIN & CO.,

    Wholesale Agents,

    sf3) rerans-yi- Indiana.


    Book AgentsWanted fortherNPEVELOfEn WEST, orFiTt Years In lb Territories By J. 1LBEADLE, Western V)rrepondentof Cincin-nati Commercial. Tbe only complete historyof tbat vast region between tbe Mississippiand tbe Pacific: its Resources, Climate, in-habitants. Natural CurtosUle. Etc., vitb lifeand adventure on irairles Mountains, andthe Tact ficCoaftt. The book is Illustrated withover 2Q) fine engraving. Send for circulars,with terms. Address NATIONAL I'UBLtSII-IN- (i

    CO., Memphis, Tenn. Je27 daw

    tastrtMt Tw IWI lil kM

    The WHITS CHISF.t'iiihmt ttw ntwi me mm ictui ixpcrtntc 4rHg aaMuuiou. uwac ta. irtki bfiiu r ua rtsisu.AG3NTS WANTSD.?E52rSmu lor timiiP ntt 39 tint., mi uttomlMTB. eantw ritrMU. saJ m hrMT auonat nt kia


    i -- - vg sw n u p; c OminsOn Monthly Payments

    fc f fVI&S&'-An- y piece of JlnslcWUU orMuslcBooUsnrowT rr 4 1. d loLefonnilal thisSX . O - OX. honse.

    ST- - i.orii. .no.


    roan; Men's Christian Associatio

    READING ROOMSXo. 10 West Conrt St. Koonis 1 1 an 15


    OPEN DAILY From 9 ajn. to 13 m.From 3 too run., aud from 7 to 10 pan.

    On Sundays from 2 lo 6 pan.

    The best Period tcalx of the Day, In addition toa Large Library, Freo to AILOFFICERS:

    E. 8. Francis, Prest. Dr.M.B. Braraball.V. p.w .u. vrsin, iwc.5w. . ewsom,wr.!sec

    U. J. Junkln, Treasurer.Kesular business meeUnir flrstManiavnihi

    in each month. Literary. and Social Kxer--cHs escu succeeumx onuuuay nigriL. Prayermeeting every Sato't.f "lble Classiroro mn.wverv anl


    Steam lqwcr,JXaud Power riatform,

    lloistln? ITUccIs,MANUFACTURED BY

    sTAMES L. HAVEN & CO.,5G Plnm street, Cincinnati.

    sv We cannot give details in an advert Ise--Araent. . All we ask Is a comrarifonof onr ma--

    chmeswltli others. - aepT4




    bet. Adam and WnshteaSsan Ms,BESPUIS, XE32T.

    Establisliect In torn.

    : ties latermwl, a ly 'r IK, ''''fol la the treatafojrrajrseeret diseases. QnU fc, I boraosD SSsa pssowioeot cares xaarantcoa in '''l ' 1 .i . sji. --...t i - .i.v. withMtt tho mm .1

    business. SweondaryH?phills-llelasTSrt- goeradicated without the om of laerewry.

    leM of seineii stooped la a SMSLUme. MirTorers from lrarisctey or leasiacsexual power reftona to rree vnnr at

    Vletlms of self-aaa- aa4 'asMi,i'i

    of physical and men la. pow.r, i cfSHIy tmlpermanently eared. xt a... ...riniciiuir mituuvh imuu xjju...Women, and cures guaranteed.

    Throat ami tDBs. Diseases ems asr nyyrremedies. . .au eouMItauons sineiiy coauu inisai.

    Medicines sent by express to all aarts f thscountry.

    Office hours 'ram 8 suB.tovjs. Faaisss,rom 3 to a pjn. D. K JOHWWON. w. It

    LEGAL.IJnnUnipt Sale

    Of Twenty-roa- r Ilnmlml nnil Acres oi sjinci.

    In the matterof James P. PVwanta, Bankruptcy, at jiunutruie, Aasa"Y VITTJE of an order of sale, wslaiail inih. nutrlct Court of the UaiUd Statcu for

    the District of Aiabaraa, I will, onMonaay, the IStlt day of October, 1S73,at the soothwewt corner or Mala mm jtasnsonstreacs, la the city or xcinpnis,ull to the hlelMBt bMr. for es.(.hi ,1,1a .mi tnlerefft- - irieol aatl.wbleh UetOUMCU w w. mw wunrinMidate or IlllBe his peUUoa in swskrapta IBand to the ftllowlagdederibed real estate, lt:

    . ,. I or section . , ujwiwmh,.t. omw.ijeir; . .

    AllofseeSkm ,towBpi aottk.raasjeTg.AilorseetleB ,lwsJilp snorOs, roaIB-Nnrt- h

    half of seetMa . to laihrp S Bmtfc,Kiooe uaUlviileJ one-six- th intereeiiBSee-Uon- S,

    towBsfclpS aorth. raase 7 eaM. Xaaanaif of township 5 north, naaja 7east. The east half of the west half ofi suiinZ7, townships north, range 7 east. All rjrtain CrttUmoen eoamy. esaie at aiiishiiis,miles west of Memphis, on tha Ml as pallLittle Roek railroad.

    Also, one oasuvtciea mawientry So.4A tor SB acres, on isumajwj. m, mShelby county, Tennessee.

    Also, one uedlvloW Intsrcst tBentry So. 91. for Oi acres, lying la SHenjP aadTipton eoantleK. Teaaessee.

    Maps and evidence ot t tie, and WfWn,atlon, furnished by applying to C. C Pus It a,Memphis, Tennessee.

    Beime, lluoiea A Gordon. Sollalto

    Administrator's Notice.ggawi-1""'- "

    ui audi ... inimi ii.tuk tmaIai to the and, r-- ixned by the lienora- -hle Probate Court of vhbveoantY. Mleestate of Richard Weldon, deceased; ittMt u ahereby given to all persoaslatlebted lo saklestate, to come forward jand settle Use same;and all persons having claim, against salstestate are hereby nouoea to preseat tne mumto me ror payment wiimn ine ume nt seen, onby law, or they will be forever barred.

    xms beptemoer w, is,..CJRNltLIt'S ORIFFIN,

    Administrator Richard WeldstaudeeV.aeon o.


    Chancery Sale ofKeal Estate.In ths Chancery Conrt of Madison 0By,

    Tennessee. K. W. Hubbard, cxienlec, ste,.vs. the Heirs and Creditors of Marina B.


    of an Interlocutory decree Jarentered In the above cause Jury 5

    Mm. I will sell at public auction, to the nltjtWMdoer, in iront oi lae neai assateof Trezevant A Co on Madison street, aaarnortheast corner of Main and Madison sill an,Memphis, Tennessee,

    Un Saturday, October 11, 1S73,within legal hoars, tbe followtng dosertfcectrt"r"y, .seciion . neuraiiinie as an asn osnai a. amthe north line of the Fenaer tract, nortawesceomerof lot No. 1; thenee west S3 chain and73 links to a stake; thenee soatb 7 linka ta adogwood ; thenee soath 73 chaine to tne censerof Ilalehle river, two perstmnioa and water-oa- k,

    pointers; thenee up said rier lo tat.southwest corner of let 2o. 1 to ayeaasnre andwater-oa- k pointers; thf luin ninth "i nnalnsl-th- e

    beglnnins; containing: lfls aerea. It tfurther ordered that stole notlee lNMtaroar successive weeks in the Memphis A

    Tkiuts Cash. A1! eoaiU- - of redanand barred on eoallrmatnm ofsale-- This September 4, lb73.

    D. M. WISlOM, Clork aadTomlin ATomlln. Follcltors.

    Clianccry Court Sale of Iteal.Es-tat-e,

    Oa Saturday, October 1," ISTCSNo. aW. IL ru. OianeeiT Osnft ot

    metoy couniy. renDessee.iesse s. ters vs. usan M. presion ana osners.

    virtue of a decree of sale nude la tneBY above cause on the 2Uh day of April, Nsa,1 will, pursuant to the directions of sati do--cree.onr at nubile anction. tobidder, in front of tbe otBoe of the 'JutlandChancery Court of Shelby eonnty, nrsonlasrOpera-How- e, Seeaad street, in tna city esMemphis, Tennessee, on

    Saturday, October 4, 1S73,within legal hours, the lots of land din laltnlin said decree, Lou Nos. li, at, Hand23, of tbe A. J. Hays' subdivision, oath of andnear tne city ot Jtempnis, m anqinyletineesee.

    Terms of Sale On a credit of sesren inotes with good security reontnd,aBda Henretained to secure the payment tkssrwf . BseJ- -, v ut mwiupuua exproswy Duma wyvision in the decree.

    This September , lSTO.M. D. L. STEWART,

    OerkandMasUr.J. P. CAnunfans, Pol, tar Consnlaln-an-t.Clianccry Sale ol Kcal Estate

    On Satnnlay, October 11, 1878.No. SB, It-- D. SpomkI Caaneery Osaat of

    Hnelby county. TenBessee. Wm. Morraw etal. vs. Cnarles Jones et si.RY virtue ot an order of sale nude In Ikeabove stated cause on JmV & nan i wot

    In pursuance of said order, offer fer sate, atpuWtc auction, and sell to the Menest bSater,in front of Hie offiee of the siecend Caaneory

    CVCWH1 SSFeei. CltJ GI .cutitaave, ua

    Satnnlay, Octobor 11, 1873,within legal hours, the foUowlBg danarltieil' mwm ivwa.. friMittte, lyiDwaoa cme nmiiu- - us notoj ana rnate or .uwcruvu as ronowK, it :

    The soata twenty-lbu- r aad III i siters feet of tbe east (S) fifty feet of city SiTm,in civil dlstrlet No. 11.

    Also, tot , at the southeast eomerof 8ea-o-dand Monroe streets, la the 1MB ervtl dss-trl-ct.ALso,one-nal- f of let SM, at tee corner ef Sec-ond and Jaekson streett--A Uo, north one-thir- d of let US. at tho eonterof Third and Washington streets, ra "an ervfl

    dUtrlct.Also, the west forty-ala- e and shrcoquarters feet of lot K0, on the soata stde ofCourt street.A No, north half of lot K. la the Ofeeefctwand Safrarans sutxli vision, al earner sjeeend

    and Greenlaw streets.Also, lot Me", on bayou, at the corner of Con-cord and Auction streets.Also, west part of lot 86, on the west sWeefMain street. All of which said lot Ha fa thecity or Memphis, Shelby county. Tansessee.And also, lots S; S, 4, 5, , 7, 9, 1 H, ISaad l ofJones' subdivision of the Wrisrht tract, lytHK

    and being in the county cf Shelby, State ofTenncsMcjTermsof Sole On a credit of sir SMBths;purchaser or purchaser-- ! executing note wMta

    approved security. Hen retained. Equity ofreilemptlon barred.TWs iseptember 8, 1S7S.

    M. D. L. STEWART,... Clerk and Master.v. n. .iicimirii.t. noi. for I ,


    Trnstee's Sale.TTNDER and by virtue of a trust deed.exe-- IJ en.! nit ihw .lav-- 11-- tea, mrJames M. Walker and his wise, SUen Walker,for the porpoe o securing tho tndsotcisasrtherein described, aut which deed In nfinoiilin the Kwuster's oaeeof Sbrlby eaaaay. "Te-nnessee, In Book No. J. pw- - its, I, as Iko tens-te-enamed therein, will, on

    TTednesday, October 8, 1873.between the Iiours of 11 o'clock asm. and 13

    seit to ino nignest OMder, lor easauattnefoot of the steps in front of my ofitct, n WTjfMain street, in the city of Meniphia, tnelowinir described rearnctnto. n.wti. a Miwnlot or parcel of land, situate, lyluK aad Wineinthecltv of Memnhls- - ShAliw Maatw.TW,.nessee, beinicaiMrtof block No. Don the --up"4 vj. mty, oetaunins: as sne aeast corner of Linkhftucr's let, theneowardly with the tine of said lot two auiand nfty-al- x leer, more or les,to the eenser efuajimsjayoso; menee souinwanttr witn lammeander-lu- g of said bayt a forty-on-e and one-ha- irfeet, more or lew, to a stake: tninnaeastwardly and parallel with saM Unk-haue- r's

    south Que two hundred andafty-sl- x teet to Causey street; tnsnscinorthwardly with the wort line ofCaasey street forty one and ftet,to the beginning, with an tha

    thereon. The equity of reannan-tlo- nIn said tiwt dvvd, and UtttNte

    oeneTea tone good, but I soli aid tenvey itrnneaoau. xi. k. MTXKe-,-beptember 17, K7S.

    Trustee's Sale.

    UNDER and by virtue or a trust deed ex aby Wm. Wallace, formeseeurins a note therein tlesertoeeT. and efrecord In the Iteglsr5 otRceof bhelWeoau-t- y,

    la book No. M, pago w,I,as tao tinlliiunamed therein, win, en

    3l0Eday, October C, 1873,sell to toe highest bidder, for easa, at taw Seetof the steps in front of ray oAce. No. SJsKSecond street, in the city of Mesa paM-- tldwelllng.hoose premises in the town ofcounty, Tennessee, tat wMenfnesaid Wallace now resides, or reasettl- - reatned,betas the same property porehased Ky saidWallace from tbe counts- - of Shemy," andknown as the old Jail and the resMesao

    situated on the south side of Mainstreet, having a street onirssuatkandweet,and bounded on the oast by a lot owned or orknown as Bebeunars lot.

    The title lo said property at bqjlovad nperfect, and aH equity of redempMoarlw alved- - I sell only as trustee.

    W.U.R.UNKY.Tsle,BcntembnasVISS. saaS

    Proclamation by tlio Governor.

    JOHN' a BROWN. Governor of the StateoTeunesse. To all who shall se that nrosants greeting: -irHKRKAS, It has been ntada IratWill teIf ma that certain uarttea. samaushnandJ. IS. ltnffina eJiariBnt wttttknTfi.In? committed a fnn 1 SOS

    on tbe h day of August, 1WS, npellie eoApor Don Calhoun (Colored), late of oaar mnaliief Tlpten, have ned frqea Justice and are bosvrunnins at huse;Now, therefore, I, John C. Brown, Gevorneras aforesaid, by virtue of the power andin aie vested, do hereby offer a nws: 1of two buBdred and nfty dollars tfKflt, a, tiirperson or persons who may detect and a tprehend the said Vaughn and KMfen reltlierof them.and ilMltvr kin. tn ssv. r t

    or Jailer of our county of Tipton, tnordortb ajusUce in that behalf may be bad and ex. -In testimony whereof. I havo hereunto . tmr hand, am! m i ! th-- Mt u,t

    Statetoheatnxed, at NassvUld, ou the uia

    CMAa,y.isw SecrMArvof Btate.

    .AVOID QUACKS.!A Victim Of MFIv lnirtnUstle

    Igedfti viliv every aertlsed remedy, hasa simple ananas e f wif-our- whichI; ,! i.d free lr Ills felti.wssoaerers. Ad-- d

    v j u. VA..- - r", 7s St.. ?iCT