gulyaev yuri physical fields and radiations of a human

Seminar Physical Fields and Radiations of a Human: New Methods for Early Non-Invasive Medical Diagnostics Acad. Prof. Yuri V. Gulyaev Director, Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics Member, Presidium of Russian Academy of Science Russian Academy of Sciences

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Page 1: Gulyaev Yuri physical fields and radiations of a human


Physical Fields and Radiations of a Human: New Methods for Early Non-Invasive

Medical Diagnostics –Acad. Prof. Yuri V. Gulyaev

Director, Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics

Member, Presidium of Russian Academy of Science

Russian Academy of Sciences

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The Human body is a dynamic self-controlled system whose stability (homeostasis)

is ensured by simultaneous functioning of the distributed physiological systems –

neuroregulation, blood circulation, metabolism ets. Continues functioning of all these

life-supporting systems is reflected in real time on one hand in a complex pattern

of physical fields and radiations coming from the Human body : infrared, microwave,

optical, acoustic radiations, electric and magnetic fields and on the other hand in

parametric changes of natural background fields and radiations and the atmosphere

that usually surround the Human. Precise measurements and dynamic mapping of

these fields and radiations and background changes give the possibility of new

ways of very early medical diagnostics - the important component of preventive

medicine. In this report the experimental equipment for such a measurements

will be described and diagnostics examples will be presented.-

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No doubts that between the most important achievements of modern medicine

are various kinds of computer tomography of Human body : X-ray tomography,

MRI-tomography, ultrasonic tomography, PET (positron emission tomography), ets.

These methods allow doctor to see the position and pathologies of internal organs

without opening the body. Some of these tomographies (MRI, PET) allow one to

see also the functioning of the organs. This latter circumstance is extremely

important, since:

a) the misfunction of organs usually occurs before pathological


b) it is very important to monitor results of all kinds of medical

treatment in real time and

c) revealing patients whose homeostasis is just about to go

outside of its dynamic stability range gives possibility to

return them to norm by mobilization of

their organizm's internal reserves.

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So all methods which allow doctor to "see"functioning of

human organs and

orgamzm as a whole, so to say, "in vivo" are extremely

important for early medical

diagnostics and, as a sequence, for preventive medicine.

idea of the method, based on the remote radiophysical sensing,

is the following :

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In the process of functioning around human beings, animals and other living

organizms there appears complex picture of physical fields and radiations, reflecting

in real time the work of physiological systems of homeostasis. By precise

measurements of those fields and radiations, which are sufficiently modulated by

physiological processes, by investigations of their spatial and temporal distributions,

it is possible to create new noninvasive methods of functional medical diagnostics.

It is nesessary to stress here, that this approach uses exclusively passive methods of

measurements of fields and radiations from the living body with subsequent

computer processing so it is completely noninvasive and may be called "Passive

Functional Tomography"(PFT).

Very close to it are the measurements of the changes of natural background

fields and radiations and the atmosphere usually surrounding living organizm. These

measurements are also noninvasive and also may bring inportant information about

the functioning of the organizm.

There are six kinds of the fields and radiations satisfying abovesaid conditions

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Physical Fields and Radiations of a Human


10 mW/cm2Bioluminescence


10-17 W/cm2


10-12 W/cm2GHz


10-11 W/cm2MHz

Magnetic field

10-10-10-12 TL

at L=10 cm



CO2 , H2O,


Electric field


10-5 V/cm

at L=3 cm

Electric field


10-2 V/cm

at L=50 cm

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The method is

completely non-


Multiple investigations

are possible

Temperature resolution

up to 0,01оС

Minimum size of

measured square area

is 0,25 мм2

The results are stable

in timeIRTIS-2000М

Scanning infra-red

Device for visualization and measurements

of thermal fields


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-range of spectral sensitivity: 3-5 мкм;

- temperature sensitivity : <0.03 К;

- IR detector: PtSi matrix at 80 K;

- Number of pixels:

CCD 256х256



- Frames per second: 25(50) Hz;

- size: 12х26х22 cм;

- weight: 3,2 кG.

Институт общей физики имени А. М. Прохорова


Основные технические характеристики

Область спектральной чувствительности, мкм

Разность температур, эквивалентная шуму, К

Время непрерывной работы, час

Диапазон рабочих температур, С

Пороговая чувствительность, Вт/см2

ИК детектор

Число элементов матрицы:



Рабочая температура матрицы, К

Динамический диапазон, дБ

Частота обновления информации на матрице, Гц

Габаритные размеры (без индикатора), мм

Общая масса камеры

(с объективом, видоискателем и АБ), кг


5 0,03






5) ×




матрица на PtSi

256×256 или


512×512 80


25 (50)



© A.M. Prokhorov GPI RAS

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Detection of cancer by glucose test

Blokhin CSC

Melanoma Brest cancer (3rd stage)

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Detection of eye orbit cancer by glucose test

Helmholts Moscow Institute of Eye Decieses

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ThermocoronarographyThe new method for vessels system visualization during opearation on

open heart

High Technology Surgery Center (Prof Aktchurin R S)

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Spine Osteochondrosis Trombophlebitis

Post-stroke state Varicose veins

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Vein valve breakup Left breast fibroadenoma

Roots syndrome Heart ischemie

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Dynamic Thermography

DIPAS, Delhi, India (Prof. Selvamurthy)

Temperature processes on the yoga face during meditation

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Multi-Channel Radiothermograph for 3D

Measurements of Inner Human Body Temperature


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Main Parameters:

–Number of channels - 12

–Working wavelength – 21-38 см

–Fluctuation sensitivity - 0,1 K

for 2 s accumulation

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Cancer of right lunge: glucose test reaction

Red areas

correspond to high


On the right –


time dependence in

symmetric points

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Multi-Channel Radiothermograph for Investigations of

Human Brain Functions

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Medical Multi-Channel Radiothermography for

Investigation of Centre of the Epilepsy by the

Hyperventilation Test

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Dynamics of Temperature Distribution over the

Cortex during Performance the Numerical Calculations

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Multi-Cannel Acoustothermometry

Multi-Channel acoustothermotomograph Localization of the temperature non-


X – transverse coordinate,Y - depth.

• All cases where knowledge of the 3D

temperature distribution inside human

body is important.

Parameters: sensitivity ~ 0.3-

0.2 K, at accumulation =5 - 10 s

Application areas:

Hot object



Medium under




Scanning direction

12th channel receiving


Detection of the internal temperature of the non-

uniformities of the biological tissues in vivo by their own

thermal acoustic radiation.



210 mm

40 mmmaxmin


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Mapping of the

Electric Field

Distribution over the

Human Body

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ГцфТ /10

The second order

gradientometer on

the basis of CW


registrations of the

heart magnetic

fields with sensitivity

10 fT/Hz1/2. It is

immersed into

nonmagnetic glass-

fiber cryostat with

liquid helium (or




Electronic filtration and

amplification of the

primary data

Processing and presentation of

data with the help of the inverse

problem solution algorithms for

heart diagnosis


data base

ГцфТ /10

Magnetocardiographic system

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Magnetographic Charts of the Normal Heart at

some Moment within the ST-T Interval Marked by

the Cursor

The healthy heart generates stable in time and regular in shape magnetic field

chart which has two extremuma (one minimum and one maximum) within

ST-T interval. The magnetic field between the extremuma changes smoothly

and can be described quantitatively.

The orientation of the line connecting the extremuma is stable (along the

diagonal) inside ST-T interval. The changes of the orientation are small. The

depth of the dipole source as function of time is practically constant within all

ST-T interval.

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Magnetic Field Chart of the Patient with the

Beginning Stage of the Heart Ischemia


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Magnetic Field Charts of the Heart

after Myocardium Infarction

The pathology shows itself as non-regularity of the magnetic field chart in

comparison with the chart of the healthy human. In particular, the

magnetic field change character becomes non-uniform, additional

extremuma appear, especially at the beginning of ST-T interval.

Orientation of the line connecting the extremuma is unstable, especially

at the beginning of ST-T interval.

The depth of the dipole source as function of time within ST-T interval

strongly fluctuates.

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Patient with Paraxismal Ventricular


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The conductivity is very sensitive indicator of bio-tissues

physiological balance. For example, malignant neoplasmas,

inflammatory processes, hypostasis are accompanied by the

increase of conductivity.

Electroimpedance Computer Tomography

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Diagnosis of cancer

Impedance TomogramX-Ray film

Lung with cancerHealthy lung

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Electroimpedance computer


1 – matrix of electrodes

2 – consolidated electrodes



Unit Cut 1 . . . Cut n

Electroimpedance mammograph can give 3D

distributions of conductivity images in sub-

surface areas (~5 cm) using matrix with 256


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Diagnosis of Cancer


(left breast)


(right breast)

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Optical tomography with the use of

femtosecond radiation allows one to build

images as the inner near-surface structure

biotissues far the depth up to 2 mm with

the resolution about 10 mkm ( both

endoscopic и external diagnostics).

1 cm

Gullet tomogrammes






1 мм

1 мм

Normal mucous membrane

Gallet cancer

Optical tomograph for obtaining the images of the biotissues

in vivo

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Laser Analizer of the Breath-out Air Microcomponents

Physical Principle – high-resolution molecular spectroscopy in the middle IR-

range on the basis of tunable diode lasers.

Used lasers – semiconductor DHJ structures based on the A4B6 and A3B5


Destination - the detection in the breath-out air the micro-concentrations of

the gaseous molecules-biomarkers and high precision determination of the

isotopic ratio of some non-radioactive elements.

© A.M. Prokhorov Institute of General Physics of RAS

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Laser Analysis of the Carbon Isotopic Ratio 13C/12Cin the Breath-out CO2

0 50 100 150 200 250











Вариации 13

C в выдыхаемом воздухе

в течение13


H.p. +

H.p. +

H.p. -

H.p. -


, ‰

Время после приема 13

С-Мочевины, мин

13C-ureasa breath test (13C-UBT) for

non-invasive diagnostics of

Helicobacter Pylori bacteria in the

stomach and duodenum


Diagnostics and monitoring of the

therapy during gastritis and ulcer of

stomach and duodenum treatment

More than 600 cases treated

© A.M. Prokhorov Institute of General Physics of RAS

Change of the concentration 13C in

breath-out air during 13C-UBT

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