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  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Uncitral



    A Guide to UNCITRAL

    Basic facts about

    the United Nations Commission

    on International Trade Law


  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Uncitral


    Further information may be obtained from:

    UNCITRAL secretariat, Vienna International Centre,

    P.O. Box 500, 1400 Vienna, Austria

    Telephone: (+43-1) 26060-4060 Telefax: (+43-1) 26060-5813

    Internet: E-mail: [email protected]

  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Uncitral



    A Guide to UNCITRAL

    Basic acts about theUnited Nations Commission

    on International Trade Law


    Vienna, 2013

  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Uncitral



    Symbols o United Nations documents are composed o capital letters with fgures.

    Mention o such a symbol indicates a reerence to a United Nations document.

    United Nations, January 2013. All rights reserved.

    The designations employed and the presentation o material in this publication do

    not imply the expression o any opinion whatsoever on the part o the Secretariat othe United Nations concerning the legal status o any country, territory, city or area,or o its authorities, or concerning the delimitation o its rontiers or boundaries.

    This publication has not been ormally edited.

    Publishing production: English, Publishing and Library Section, United Nations Ofceat Vienna.

  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Uncitral




    I. Origin, mandate and membership o UNCITRAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    A. Origin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B. Mandate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    C. Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

    II. General inormation on UNCITRAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3A. UNCITRAL website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    B. Document numbering/symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    C. UNCITRAL Law Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    III. Organization and methods o work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A. UNCITRAL (the Commission) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B. Working groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    C. Participation at sessions o UNCITRAL and its working groups . . . 8

    D. Secretariat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    1. Work programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    2. Technical cooperation and assistance to law reorm . . . . . . 10

    3. Other activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

    4. Interns and visiting scholars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

    IV. Work o UNCITRAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11A. Selection o the work programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

    B. Techniques o modernization and harmonization . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    1. Legislative techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    (a) Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    (b) Model laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    (c) Legislative guides and recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    () Model provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

    () Finalization and adoption o legislative texts . . . . . . . 172. Contractual techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    3. Explanatory techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

    (a) Legal guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

    (b) Practice and other inormation guides . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

    (c) Interpretative declarations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

    C. Uniorm interpretation o legislative texts: Case law on

    UNCITRAL texts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

    D. Coordinating the work o other organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

    E. UNCITRALs position within the United Nations system . . . . . . . 25

    F. Technical cooperation and assistance to law reorm . . . . . . . . . 26

    1. Technical cooperation and assistance activities . . . . . . . . . . 26

    2. Regional centres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

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    G. Special events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

    H. General Assembly resolutions relating to UNCITRAL . . . . . . . . . 29


    I. General Assembly resolution 2205 (XXI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31II. UNCITRAL member States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

    III. Chairpersons o UNCITRAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

    IV. UNCITRAL working groups and chairpersons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

    V. Secretaries o UNCITRAL and urther inormation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

    VI. UNCITRAL texts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

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    I. Origin, mandate andmembership o UNCITRAL

    A. Origin

    1. In an increasingly economically interdependent world, the importance o an

    improved legal ramework or the acilitation o international trade and invest-

    ment is widely acknowledged. The United Nations Commission on International

    Trade Law (UNCITRAL), established by the United Nations General Assembly

    by resolution 2205 (XXI) o 17 December 1966 (see annex I), plays an importantrole in developing that ramework in pursuance o its mandate to urther the

    progressive harmonization and modernization o the law o international trade1

    by preparing and promoting the use and adoption o legislative and non-legislative

    instruments in a number o key areas o commercial law. Those areas include

    dispute resolution, international contract practices, transport, insolvency, elec-

    tronic commerce, international payments, secured transactions, procurement and

    sale o goods. These instruments are negotiated through an international process

    involving a variety o participants, including member States o UNCITRAL, non-

    member States, and invited intergovernmental and non-governmental organiza-tions. As a result o this inclusive process, these texts are widely accepted as

    oering solutions appropriate to dierent legal traditions and to countries at

    dierent stages o economic development. In the years since its establishment,

    UNCITRAL has been recognized as the core legal body o the United Nations

    system in the eld o international trade law.

    B. Mandate

    2. UNCITRAL gives eect to its mandate by:

    (a) Coordinating the work o organizations active in this eld and encour-

    aging cooperation among them;

    1For details concerning the mandate or the progressive development o the law o international

    trade, see the report o the Secretary-General, Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Twenty-frstSession, A/6396 (1966); the report o the Fith Committee o the General Assembly at its twenty-

    rst session, Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Twenty-frst Session, A/6594 (1966); and the

    relevant summary records o the proceedings o the Sixth Committee, which are contained in the

    Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Twenty-frst Session, Sixth Committee, 947th-955th meetings


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    2 A Guide to uNCitRAL

    (b) Promoting wider participation in existing international conventions and

    wider acceptance o existing model and uniorm laws;

    (c) Preparing or promoting the adoption o new international conventions,

    model laws and uniorm laws and promoting the codication and wider accept-

    ance o international trade terms, provisions, customs and practices, in collabora-

    tion, where appropriate, with the organizations operating in this eld;

    (d) Promoting ways and means o ensuring a uniorm interpretation and

    application o international conventions and uniorm laws in the eld o the law

    o international trade;

    (e) Collecting and disseminating inormation on national legislation and

    modern legal developments, including case law, in the eld o the law o inter-national trade;

    () Establishing and maintaining a close collaboration with the United Nations

    Conerence on Trade and Development;

    (g) Maintaining liaison with other United Nations organs and specialized

    agencies concerned with international trade; and

    (h) Taking any other action it may deem useul to ull its unctions.2

    C. Membership

    3. Members o UNCITRAL are selected rom among States Members o the

    United Nations and represent dierent legal traditions and levels o economic

    development. The original membership comprised 29 States.3 It was expanded

    by the United Nations General Assembly in 19734 to 36 States and again in

    20025 to 60 States. The expansion refected the broader participation and con-

    tribution by States beyond the then existing member States and stimulated

    interest in UNCITRALs expanding work programme. For detailed inormation

    concerning the membership o UNCITRAL, see annex II.

    4. Structured to ensure that the various geographic regions and the principal eco-

    nomic and legal systems o the world are represented, the 60 member States include

    14 Arican States, 14 Asian States, 8 Eastern European States, 10 Latin American

    2General Assembly resolution 2205 (XXI), sect. II, para. 8, set orth in annex I to this

    publication.3Ibid., para. 1.4See General Assembly resolution 3108 (XXVIII), para. 8.5See General Assembly resolution 57/20, para. 2. The expansion was eective rom the opening

    day o the thirty-seventh annual session o UNCITRAL, in 2004.

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    Basc facs ab h un Nans Cmmssn n inrnanal tra Law 3

    and Caribbean States and 14 Western European and other States. The General

    Assembly elects members or terms o six years; every three years the terms o hal

    o the members expire.6 As a general rule, elections are held towards the end o

    the year beore the year in which membership expires.7 The actual date o expiryis the day immediately beore the day on which the Commission session to be held

    in that year commences. Membership is typically discussed beore the election within

    the various regional groupings, each o which has the xed number o seats in the

    Commission as noted above and Member States submit their candidatures through

    their Permanent Missions in association with the chairpersons o their respective

    regional groups. Membership does not entail any additional nancial contribution,

    as UNCITRAL is a permanent commission o the General Assembly and its secretariat

    is part o the United Nations Secretariat. The UNCITRAL secretariat is not involved

    in the election o members o the Commission.

    II. General inormation on UNCITRAL

    A. UNCITRAL website:

    5. UNCITRALs website is available in all six o the ocial languages o the

    United Nations (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish). It is

    requently updated and includes all recent UNCITRAL documents, including

    those prepared or sessions o working groups and the Commission; inormation

    relating to meetings and other activities o UNCITRAL, its working groups and

    the UNCITRAL secretariat; adopted UNCITRAL texts and the related explanatory

    notes;8 a list indicating the current status o adoption and implementation o

    6See annex II to the present publication, endnotes a and c.7See annex II or the terms o members. Updated inormation is available rom: http://www. date, explanatory notes have been prepared or the ollowing texts: (a) United Nations

    Convention on the Carriage o Goods by Sea, (Hamburg, 1978) (A/CN.9/306); (b) United Nations

    Convention on Contracts or the International Sale o Goods (Vienna, 1980) (A/CN.9/307); (c) Con-

    vention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale o Goods (New York, 1974) (A/CN.9/308);

    (d) UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985) (A/CN.9/309);

    (e) United Nations Convention on International Bills o Exchange and International Promissory

    Notes (New York, 1988) (A/CN.9/386); () United Nations Convention on the Liability o Operatorso Transport Terminals in International Trade (Vienna, 1991) (A/CN.9/385); (g) UNCITRAL Model

    Law on International Credit Transers (1992) (A/CN.9/384); (h) United Nations Convention on

    Independent Guarantees and Stand-by Letters o Credit (New York, 1995) (A/CN.9/431); and

    (i) United Nations Convention on the Assignment o Receivables in International Trade (New York,

    2001) (A/CN.9/557).
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    4 A Guide to uNCitRAL

    conventions and model laws; case abstracts and digests o case law rom the

    Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts (CLOUT) system; General Assembly resolutions

    relating to the work o UNCITRAL; a bibliography o scholarly writings on

    UNCITRAL texts; UNCITRAL publications, including reports o special events(see paras. 75-76 below); inormation on ocial document numbering and sym-

    bols; press releases; and summary records o meetings o UNCITRAL.9 Working

    Group and Commission documents are also available rom the United Nations

    Ocial Document System (ODS) at

    6. The Yearbook o the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (the

    UNCITRAL Yearbook) is a compilation o all substantive documents issued by the

    Secretariat in relation to the work o the Commission and its working groups

    or a given year, as well as other inormation, including reports o the SixthCommittee o the General Assembly.10 The UNCITRAL Yearbook is published in

    English, French, Russian and Spanish and is available in libraries around the

    world that unction as United Nations depository libraries, as well as rom the

    UNCITRAL website (see annex V or urther inormation).

    B. Document numbering/symbols

    7. Individual documents prepared or consideration by UNCITRAL and its

    working groups bear the symbol A/CN.9/). A indicates that the document is

    a General Assembly document and CN.9 indicates that the document is or

    UNCITRAL, as the ninth permanent commission to report to the General Assem-

    bly. On documents prepared or the annual session o the Commission, this

    symbol is ollowed by a consecutive number (e.g. A/CN.9/421). On working

    group documents, the symbol is ollowed by WG and the number assigned to

    the particular working group,


    and then by WP (meaning working paper)and the consecutive number assigned to the specic document (e.g. A/CN.9/


    9The Secretary General provides summary records o those parts o the meetings o the Com-

    mission, including committees o the whole established by the Commission or the duration o its

    annual session, relating to the ormulation o normative texts. These records are reproduced in the

    relevant UNCITRAL Yearbook.10

    The Sixth Committee is one o the main committees o the General Assembly and considerslegal matters, including the annual report o UNCITRAL.

    11As o 2012, there are six working groups o the Commission which are numbered I to VI.

    The current task beore each o the working groups is indicated in parentheses ollowing the number

    o the working group (I Procurement; II Arbitration and Conciliation; III Online Dispute Resolution;

    IV Electronic Commerce; V Insolvency Law; VI Security Interests) see A/CN.9/638/Add.1, para. 28.

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    Basc facs ab h un Nans Cmmssn n inrnanal tra Law 5

    8. Since its third session in 1970, annual reports o UNCITRAL have been

    published as Supplement Number 17 to the Ocial Records o the General

    Assembly and bear the symbol A/[ . . . ]/17 (the middle number indicating

    the number o the applicable annual session o the General Assembly).

    C. UNCITRAL Law Library

    9. The UNCITRAL Law Library is the specialized trade law library o the

    United Nations. It was established in 1979 in Vienna as a reerence and research

    library or the UNCITRAL secretariat and participants in intergovernmental

    meetings convened by UNCITRAL. Since its establishment, the Library has also

    supported the research needs o permanent missions, other Vienna-based inter-national organizations, and legal scholars and practitioners. The Library prepares

    and publishes an annual bibliography o scholarly writings on UNCITRAL texts;

    the bibliographies prepared since 1968 have been compiled into a consolidated

    version, which is available on the UNCITRAL website, together with monthly

    bibliographic updates.

    III. Organization and methods o work12

    10. UNCITRALs work is organized and conducted at three levels. The rst level

    is UNCITRAL itsel, oten reerred to as the Commission, which works through

    an annual plenary session. The second level is the intergovernmental working

    groups, which to a large extent undertake the development o the topics on

    UNCITRALs work programme, while the third is the secretariat, which assists the

    Commission and its working groups in the preparation and conduct o their work.

    A. UNCITRAL (the Commission)

    11. UNCITRAL carries out its work at annual sessions held alternately in

    New York and Vienna.13 The work at these sessions typically includes naliza-


    13See the report o the Committee on Conerences (Ofcial Records o the General Assembly,Thirty-ourth Session, Supplement No. 32 (A/34/32) (1979), para. 32 (e) (iii)). Prior to the relocation

    o the UNCITRAL secretariat rom New York to Vienna, sessions o the Commission alternated

    between New York and Geneva (see General Assembly resolution 2205 (XXI), sect. II, para. 6;

    General Assembly resolution 31/140, sect. I, para. 4 (c); and General Assembly resolution 40/243,

    part one, para. 4 (c); see also General Assembly resolution 66/94, para. 20.

  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Uncitral


    6 A Guide to uNCitRAL

    tion and adoption o drat texts reerred to the Commission by the working

    groups; consideration o progress reports o the working groups on their respec-

    tive projects; selection o topics or uture work or urther research; reporting

    on technical cooperation and assistance activities and coordination o work withother international organizations; monitoring o developments in the CLOUT

    system and the status and promotion o UNCITRAL legal texts; consideration

    o General Assembly resolutions on the work o UNCITRAL; and administrative


    12. Comprising a chairperson, three vice-chairpersons and a rapporteur, the

    bureau o the Commission is elected by the member States at the commence-

    ment o each annual session and serves until the commencement o the ollowing

    annual session. The bureau represents each o the ve regions rom which themembers o the Commission are drawn.14 For a list o the chairpersons o

    UNCITRAL, see annex III.

    13. In addition to States members o UNCITRAL, other United Nations Member

    States, as well as international and regional organizations (both intergovernmen-

    tal and non-governmental) with expertise in the topics under discussion are

    invited to attend both UNCITRAL annual sessions and working group sessions

    as observers.


    14. Decisions in the Commission are taken by member States o the Commis-

    sion. The views o non-member States and observer organizations are or the

    benet o member States, who may take such views into account in determining

    their positions on the issues to be decided upon. The long-standing practice in

    the Commission is to reach decisions by consensus.16 In 2010, the Commission

    ormalised this practice, resolving that decisions should be reached by consensus

    as ar as possible; in the absence o consensus, decisions are to be taken by

    voting in accordance with the relevant rules o procedure o the GeneralAssembly.17

    14See para. 4 above and Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Twenty-third Session, Supplement

    No. 16 (A/7216) (1968), para. 14.15For inormation on the participation o observers in UNCITRAL meetings, see Note by the

    Secretariat: UNCITRAL rules o procedure and methods o work (A/CN.9/638/Add.5), section IV.

    Status o observers; and Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Sixty-fth session, Supplement No. 17(A/65/17) (2010), Annex III: UNCITRAL Rules o procedure and methods o work.16Ibid; see also Note by the Secretariat: UNCITRAL rules o procedure and methods o work

    (A/CN.9/638/Add.4), section III, I.2 Decision-making in the Commission.17Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Sixty-fth session, Supplement No. 17 (A/65/17) (2010),

    Annex III: UNCITRAL Rules o procedure and methods o work, Summary o conclusions, para. 2).

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    Basc facs ab h un Nans Cmmssn n inrnanal tra Law 7

    15. A report o the proceedings at annual sessions is ormally adopted by

    UNCITRAL or submission to the General Assembly. In accordance with the resolu-

    tion establishing UNCITRAL,18 the annual report is also provided to the

    United Nations Conerence on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) or comment.

    B. Working groups

    16. The substantive preparatory work on topics on UNCITRALs work pro-

    gramme is usually assigned to working groups,19 which generally hold one or

    two sessions per year and report on the progress o their work to the Commis-

    sion. The membership o the working groups currently includes all member

    States o UNCITRAL. Once assigned a topic, a working group is generally let

    to complete its substantive task without intervention rom the Commission,

    unless it asks or guidance or requests the Commission to make certain decisions

    with respect to its work, such as clarication o the Working Groups mandate

    on a particular topic or approval o the policy settings o a particular text. 20 At

    each working group session, member State delegations select a chairperson and

    rapporteur rom among member State delegations.21 For a list o the working

    groups and their chairpersons, see annex IV.

    17. The secretariat o each working group comprises sta members o the

    UNCITRAL secretariat. The secretariat is responsible or preparing working

    papers or working group meetings, providing administrative services to that

    working group and reporting on working group sessions. Reports are considered

    and ormally adopted at the end o each working group session or submission

    to the annual session o UNCITRAL. On several occasions, when the topics being

    18General Assembly resolution 2205 (XXI), para. 10 (see annex I to this publication).19See Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Thirty-third Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/33/17)

    (1978), para. 67.20In 2002, or example, Working Group V requested the Commission to, inter alia, approve

    in principle the drat o the Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law (see Ocial Records o the General

    Assembly, Fity-eighth Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/58/17) (2002), paras. 172-197). A similar

    approach was adopted in 2006 with respect to the recommendations o the Legislative Guide onSecured Transactions (see Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Sixty-frst Session, Supplement No. 17

    (A/61/17) (2006), para.13).21On a limited number o occasions, the chair o a working group has been appointed in a

    personal capacity on the basis o expertise and experience in the topic under consideration (see

    annex IV to the present publication).

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    8 A Guide to uNCitRAL

    considered by dierent working groups have intersected, joint sessions have been

    held to coordinate the work and ensure consistency.22

    C. Participation at sessions o UNCITRAL and itsworking groups

    18. Documentation or annual UNCITRAL sessions and working group sessions

    is posted on the UNCITRAL website and is available in the six ocial languages

    o the United Nations. Sessions are acilitated by simultaneous interpretation in

    all six ocial languages.

    19. Discussion takes place in a ormal manner, with the chairperson o the

    meeting according delegations the opportunity to speak.

    20. The size and composition o member and non-member State delegations

    to annual sessions and working groups is a matter or those States and may vary

    according to the subject matter under consideration. Member and non-member

    State delegations typically include Government ocials, academics, experts or

    private sector lawyers. Delegations rom invited intergovernmental organizations

    typically comprise sta members o those organizations. The delegations o

    invited non-governmental organizations are limited to ve representatives and

    typically include academics, private sector lawyers or other experts. The mem-

    bership o some delegations remains relatively constant throughout a single

    project, while others may change rom meeting to meeting.

    21. To acilitate the development o legislative texts, and in particular to iden-

    tiy and resolve issues o terminology and translation in order to achieve uni-

    ormity between the dierent language versions, drating group meetings areoten held in conjunction with the annual session o UNCITRAL and with

    working group sessions. Delegates and observers rom the six ocial language

    groups are invited to participate in these meetings with relevant ocers o the

    secretariat and the United Nations editors and translators responsible or the

    instrument under discussion.

    22Working Groups V (Insolvency Law) and VI (Security Interests) held joint sessions in 2003and again in 2004 to coordinate insolvency aspects o the Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions

    (A/CN.9/535 and A/CN.9/550). In 2005, an inormal joint meeting o experts rom Working Group

    IV (Electronic Commerce) and Working Group III (Transport Law) took place in London to consider

    the provisions o the drat instrument on the carriage o goods [wholly or partly] [by sea] as they

    related to electronic commerce (A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.47).

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    Basc facs ab h un Nans Cmmssn n inrnanal tra Law 9

    D. Secretariat

    1. Wrk prgramm

    22. The International Trade Law Division o the Oce o Legal Aairs o the

    United Nations Secretariat provides the secretariat or UNCITRAL. Originally

    located at United Nations Headquarters in New York, the Division was relocated

    to the United Nations Oce at Vienna in September 1979, while ormally

    remaining a part o the Oce o Legal Aairs in New York. Proessional sta

    members o the Division include a small number o qualied lawyers rom di-

    erent countries and legal traditions,23 with the Director o the Division serving

    as the Secretary o UNCITRAL (see annex V).

    23. To assist the work o UNCITRAL, the secretariat undertakes a variety o

    dierent tasks, which includes preparation o studies, reports and drat texts on

    topics that are being considered or possible uture inclusion in the work pro-

    gramme; legal research; drating and revision o working papers and legislative

    texts on topics already included in the work programme; reporting on Commis-

    sion and working group meetings; and providing a range o administrative ser-

    vices to UNCITRAL and its working groups. In preparing its work, the secretariat

    may seek the assistance o outside experts rom dierent legal traditions, con-ducting ad hoc consultations with individuals or convening meetings o groups

    o experts in a particular eld, as required. Such groups have included academics,

    practising lawyers, judges, bankers, arbitrators and members o various interna-

    tional, regional and proessional organizations.

    24. On several occasions, substantive preparation o a text has not been under-

    taken by a Working Group, but by the secretariat in consultation with experts.

    For example, a preliminary drat o the 1976 arbitration rules, with commentar-

    ies, was prepared by the secretariat in consultation with experts in the eld24

    and then presented to the Commission and subsequently revised by the secre-

    tariat in light o the Commissions deliberations. Drat chapters o the Legislative

    Guide on Privately Financed Inrastructure Projects were prepared by the secre-

    tariat and reviewed and adopted by the Commission. A similar approach was

    taken with the Practice Guide on Cross-Border Insolvency Cooperation (2009),

    The UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency: the judicial perspective


    In December 2012, the UNCITRAL secretariat included 14 regular budget-unded posts orlegal ocers, including the Secretary o the Commission, recently supported by one extra-budgetary

    programme manager at the Regional Centre or Asia and the Pacic.24See Report o the Secretary-General: preliminary drat set o arbitration rules or optional

    use in ad hoc arbitration relating to international trade (UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules), A/CN.9/97

    and Add.1-4.

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    10 A Guide to uNCitRAL

    (2011) and Promoting Condence in Electronic Commerce: Legal Issues on Inter-

    national Use o Electronic Authentication and Signature Methods (2007).

    2. tchncal cpran an asssanc law rfrm

    25. The work o UNCITRAL does not end with the nalization and adoption

    o a text but, as noted above, includes promotion o the use and adoption o

    those legislative and non-legislative texts. This work is organized through the

    secretariat and is discussed in detail below (see paras. 69-73).

    3. ohr acvs

    26. The secretariat also assists the Commission in its unctions o coordinating

    the work o other organizations; promoting the work o UNCITRAL within the

    broader United Nations agenda (see paras. 67-68); promoting the uniorm inter-

    pretation o legal standards through the CLOUT system; and organizing special

    events. These unctions are discussed in more detail in the ollowing paragraphs.

    4. inrns an vsng schlars

    27. Each year a limited number o persons who have a rst level university

    degree and are enrolled in a degree programme in a graduate school (working

    towards a second university degree or higher) at the time o application and

    throughout the internship, in commercial law, international trade law or private

    international law are given the opportunity to work as interns in the International

    Trade Law Division.25 Interns are assigned specic tasks in connection with

    UNCITRALs work programme and projects being undertaken by the secretariat.

    Individuals participating in this programme are able to amiliarize themselves

    with the work o UNCITRAL and to increase their knowledge o specic areas

    o international trade law. Legal scholars may, by arrangement with the secretariat,

    use the UNCITRAL Law Library or private research on projects related to inter-

    national trade law.


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    Basc facs ab h un Nans Cmmssn n inrnanal tra Law 11

    IV. Work o UNCITRAL

    A. Selection o the work programme

    28. Ater considering a number o suggestions by member States, at its rst

    session in 1968, the Commission adopted nine subject areas as the basis o its

    work programme: international sale o goods; international commercial arbitra-

    tion; transportation; insurance; international payments; intellectual property;

    elimination o discrimination in laws aecting international trade; agency; and

    legalization o documents.26 Some o these subjects have not been taken up by

    the Commission, or example, insurance, elimination o discrimination in laws

    aecting international trade, agency and legalization o documents. Priority status

    initially was accorded to international sale o goods, international commercial

    arbitration and international payments. Other topics, such as trade nancing

    contracts, transport, electronic commerce, procurement, international commercial

    conciliation, insolvency, security interests, online dispute resolution and micro-

    nance have subsequently been added.

    29. On a number o occasions since that rst session, the Commission has

    considered and revised its work programme on the basis o new developmentsin technology, changes in business practices, international trends and develop-

    ments, economic and nancial crises and other orces aecting and shaping

    international trade. Proposals or consideration o new topics can arise in a

    number o ways: they may be made directly to the Commission by Governments

    (or example the proposal or uture work on insolvency law in 1999);27 they

    may arise rom consultation with various international organizations (or example

    with the International Maritime Committee on international carriage o goods

    (see para.76)); rom special colloquiums and seminars (such as the 1992 Congress

    on International Trade Law (see para. 75), the 1994 Colloquium on Cross-BorderInsolvency,28 the 1998 New York Convention Day,29 and various colloquiums on

    26Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Twenty-third Session, Supplement No. 16 (A/7216)

    (1968), paras. 40 and 48.27See document A/CN.9/462/Add.1; also Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Fity-ourth

    Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/54/17) (1999), para. 381.28See the report on the UNCITRAL-INSOL Colloquium on Cross-Border Insolvency

    (A/CN.9/398) and the Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Forty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 17

    (A/49/17) (1994), paras. 215-222. For inormation on subsequent insolvency colloquiums, see

    29See Possible uture work in the area o international commercial arbitration (A/CN.9/460).

    For the texts o the 1958 New York Convention Day speeches, see Enorcing Arbitration Awards

    under the New York Convention: Experience and Prospects , available rom

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    12 A Guide to uNCitRAL

    transport, privately nanced inrastructure projects, international commercial

    raud, secured transactions and online dispute resolution30); or they may arise

    as topics that are related to subjects already under discussion in the working

    groups (or example, the need or a text on electronic signatures was identiedduring development o the Model Law on Electronic Commerce and the possibil-

    ity o developing model provisions on privately nanced inrastructure projects

    was identied during the development o the legislative guide on that topic).

    30. Topics may also arise rom experience gained in the implementation and

    application o an existing text, which may suggest the need or revision o that

    text31 or urther development o the explanatory material accompanying that text,

    such as a guide to enactment in the case o a model law.32 In considering whether

    particular topics should be added to the programme, actors such as globalsignicance, special interest to developing countries, developments in technology

    and changing trends in commercial practice are taken into account.

    31. The Commission initially considered some o the topics currently on the

    programme as not likely to produce an agreed, harmonized legal text. However,

    developments in international trade law and practices, as well as the successul

    conclusion by UNCITRAL o work on related topics, have since created a demand

    or reconsideration o those topics and made the development o legal textseasible (or example harmonization o national insolvency and secured trans-

    actions law). Aspects o other topics that generally all within the mandate o

    specialized international organizations, such as intellectual property, have been

    the subject o coordinated work.33

    30See paras. 75-76 below and generally

    html.31For example, the decision in 2004, to revise the Model Law on the Procurement o Goods,

    Construction and Services (1994) to address issues arising rom its implementation and the devel-

    opment o electronic procurement practice (see A/CN.9/WG.I/WP.34). In 2010, the Commission

    adopted revisions to the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, to conorm them to current practices in

    international trade and to address developments in arbitral practice over the previous 30 years

    (Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Sixty-fth Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/65/17) (2010), para.

    187.32Jurisprudence emerging rom application and interpretation o the Model Law on Cross-

    Border Insolvency led to a proposal to address issues related to the concept o centre o main

    interests as used in the Model Law. At the date o this publication, the work is being implementedthrough revision o the Guide to Enactment o the Model Law (see Report o Working Group V

    on the work o its ortieth session, A/CN.9/738, para. 13).33The UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions: Supplement on Security Rights in Intel-

    lectual Property (2010) was developed in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organiza-

    tion (WIPO) and other intellectual property organizations.
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    Basc facs ab h un Nans Cmmssn n inrnanal tra Law 13

    B. Techniques o modernization and harmonization

    32. UNCITRAL has adopted a fexible and unctional approach with respect to

    the techniques it uses to perorm its mandate to modernize and harmonize the

    law o international trade.34 These techniques all into three broad categories,

    which operate at dierent levels and involve dierent types o compromise or

    acceptance o dierence: legislative, contractual and explanatory (or a compre-

    hensive list o UNCITRAL texts, see annex VI). To some extent, these techniques

    also show the process o modernization and harmonization occurring at dierent

    stages o business development. While the process typically works to bring long-

    established practices closer together, there are cases that might be seen as exam-

    ples o preventive harmonizationestablishing new principles and practicesthat will minimize divergence when national laws on new issues are developed.

    This has been typical in areas aected by new technology or new business prac-

    tices, such as electronic commerce, arbitration and procurement.

    1. Lgslav chnqs

    33. UNCITRAL has produced several dierent types o legislative texts: conven-

    tions; model laws; legislative guides; and model provisions.

    (a) Cnvnns

    34. A convention is designed to uniy law by establishing binding legal obliga-

    tions. To become a party to a convention, States are required ormally to deposit

    a binding instrument o ratication or accession with the depositary (or conven-

    tions prepared by UNCITRAL, the Secretary-General o the United Nations). The

    entry into orce o a convention is usually dependent upon the deposit o aminimum number o instruments o ratication.35

    34In this connection, see also the report o the Secretary-General entitled Question o coor-

    dination: direction o the work o the Commission (A/CN.9/203, paras. 99-122); and the note by

    the Secretariat entitled Alternative methods or the nal adoption o conventions emanating rom

    the work o the Commission (A/CN.9/204).35These minimum numbers are specied in the ollowing articles: United Nations Convention

    on Contracts or the International Sale o Goods (Vienna, 1980), art. 99, para. 1; the HamburgRules, art. 30, para. 1; United Nations Convention on Independent Guarantees and Stand-by Letters

    o Credit (New York, 1995), art. 28, para. 1; United Nations Convention on the Assignment o

    Receivables in International Trade (New York, 2001), art. 45, para. 1; United Nations Convention

    on the Use o Electronic Communications in International Trade (New York, 2005), art. 23, para. 1;

    and the Rotterdam Rules, art. 94, para. 1.

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    14 A Guide to uNCitRAL

    35. A convention is oten used where the objective is to achieve a high degree

    o harmonization o law in the participating States, reducing the need or a party

    to undertake research o the law o another State party. The international obliga-

    tion assumed by that State on adoption o the convention is intended to providean assurance that the law in that State is in line with the terms o that conven-

    tion.36 I a high degree o harmonization cannot be achieved or a greater degree

    o fexibility is desired and is appropriate to the subject matter under considera-

    tion, a dierent technique o harmonization, such as a model law or legislative

    guide, might be used.

    36. Except to the extent that they permit reservations or declarations, conven-

    tions aord little fexibility to adopting States. The conventions negotiated by

    UNCITRAL generally do not allow reservations or declarations by States or allowthem only to a very limited extent.37 In some cases, the ability to make a res-

    ervation or declaration represents a compromise that will enable some States to

    become a party to the convention without being obliged to comply with the

    provision to which the reservation or declaration relates.

    (b) Ml laws

    37. A model law is a legislative text that is recommended to States or enact-

    ment as part o their national law.

    38. A model law is an appropriate vehicle or modernization and harmonization

    o national laws when it is expected that States will wish or need to make adjust-

    ments to the text o the model to accommodate local requirements that vary

    rom system to system, or where strict uniormity is not necessary or desirable.

    It is precisely this fexibility that makes a model law potentially easier to negoti-

    ate than a text containing obligations that cannot be altered, and can promotegreater acceptance o a model law than o a convention dealing with the same

    36See, or example, the joint survey developed in cooperation with Committee D (now known

    as the Arbitration Committee) o the International Bar Association to monitor legislation giving

    eect to the New York Convention (Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Fitieth Session, Supple-

    ment No. 17 (A/50/17) (1995), paras. 401-404.37See, or example, the United Nations Convention on Contracts or the International Sale o

    Goods (Vienna, 1980) articles 92-96. Although there may be limited provision or reservations or

    derogations by States, the legal regimes o UNCITRAL conventions may be subject to contractual

    derogation, or example, United Nations Convention on Contracts or the International Sale oGoods (Vienna, 1980), art. 6, United Nations Convention on the Use o Electronic Communications

    in International Trade (New York, 2005), art. 3, and United Nations Convention on the Assignment

    o Receivables in International Trade (New York, 2001), art. 6. For a list o States parties to these

    Conventions and relevant declarations and reservations, see

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    Basc facs ab h un Nans Cmmssn n inrnanal tra Law 15

    subject matter. Notwithstanding this fexibility, in order to increase the likelihood

    o achieving a satisactory degree o unication and to provide certainty about

    the extent o unication, States are encouraged to make as ew changes as pos-

    sible when incorporating a model law into their legal systems.

    39. Model laws are generally nalized and adopted by UNCITRAL at its annual

    session, as opposed to adoption o a convention, which requires the convening

    o a diplomatic conerence. This actor may make preparation o a model law

    less expensive than the preparation o a convention, unless the convention is

    adopted by the General Assembly perorming the unction o a diplomatic con-

    erence, as has been the case or most o the recent conventions prepared by

    UNCITRAL (see paras. 47-49).

    40. Recent model laws completed by UNCITRAL have been accompanied by

    a guide to enactment setting orth background and other explanatory inorma-

    tion to assist Governments and legislators in using the text.38 The guides include,

    or example, inormation that would assist States in considering what, i any,

    provisions o the model law might have to be varied to take into account par-

    ticular national circumstances, inormation relating to discussions in the working

    group on policy options and considerations, and matters not addressed in the

    text o the model law that may nevertheless be relevant to the subject matter othe model law.

    41. Within the category o model laws prepared by UNCITRAL, a comparison

    o two texts, the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration

    (1985) and the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce (1996), illus-

    trates how the model law orm can be adapted to the subject matter under

    consideration and to the degree o fexibility sought by the draters. The Model

    Law on International Commercial Arbitration, which could be described as a

    procedural instrument, provides a discrete set o interdependent articles. It isrecommended that, in adopting this Model Law, very ew amendments or changes

    are made. As a rule, relatively ew deviations rom this text have been made by

    States adopting enacting legislation, suggesting that the procedures it establishes

    are widely accepted and understood as orming a coherent basis or international

    commercial arbitration. The Model Law on Electronic Commerce, on the other

    hand, is a more conceptual text. The legislation that has been based on this

    38The Model Laws on International Credit Transers and International Commercial Arbitrationinclude short explanatory notes prepared by the secretariat o UNCITRAL or inormation purposes.

    The Model Laws on Electronic Commerce; Electronic Signatures; Cross-Border Insolvency; Interna-

    tional Commercial Conciliation and Public Procurement include more extensive, ocial guides to

    enactment. These guides were considered by the Commission and generally adopted together with

    the text o each model law.

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    16 A Guide to uNCitRAL

    Model Law largely refects the principles o the text, although there are some

    departures rom it in terms not only o drating, but also in the combination o

    provisions adopted.39

    42. As noted above, revision o one model law, the Model Law on the Procure-

    ment o Goods, Construction and Services (1994) was completed in 2011 (now

    entitled the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement) and the accompany-

    ing Guide to Enactment was completed in 2012.

    (c) Lgslav gs an rcmmnans

    43. For a number o reasons, it is not always possible to drat specic provi-sions in a suitable or discrete orm, such as a convention or a model law, or

    incorporation into national legal systems: national legal systems oten use widely

    disparate legislative techniques and approaches or solving a given issue, States

    may not yet be ready to agree on a single approach or common rule, there may

    not be consensus on the need to nd a uniorm solution to a particular issue,

    or there may be dierent levels o consensus on the key issues o a particular

    subject and how they should be addressed. In such cases, it may be appropriate

    not to attempt to develop a uniorm text, but to limit the work to a set o

    principles or legislative recommendations.

    44. In order to advance the objective o harmonization, and oer a legislative

    model, the principles or recommendations would need to do more than simply

    state general objectives. The text would provide a set o possible legislative solu-

    tions to certain issues, but not necessarily a single set o model solutions or

    those issues. In some cases, it may be appropriate to include variants, depending

    upon applicable policy considerations. By discussing the advantages and disad-

    vantages o dierent policy choices, the text would assist the reader to evaluate

    dierent approaches and to choose the one most suitable in a particular national

    context. It could also be used to provide a standard against which Governments

    and legislative bodies could review the adequacy o existing laws, regulations,

    decrees and similar legislative texts in a particular eld and update those laws

    or develop new laws.

    45. UNCITRALs rst legislative recommendation was adopted in 1985, to stim-

    ulate review o legislative provisions on the legal value o computer records.40

    39For a list o the States that have enacted UNCITRAL Model Laws, see http://www.uncitral.

    org/uncitral/en/uncitral_texts.html.40Recommendations to Governments and international organizations concerning the legal value

    o computer records (1985), Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Fortieth Session, Supplement

    No. 17 (A/40/17), para. 360.
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    Basc facs ab h un Nans Cmmssn n inrnanal tra Law 17

    () Ml prvsns

    46. When a number o conventions deal with a particular question in a way

    that may require unication and modernization, model provisions can be devel-oped and recommended or use in uture conventions and in revisions o existing

    ones. In 1982, or example, UNCITRAL ormulated a model provision establish-

    ing a universal unit o account o constant value that could be used, in particular,

    in international transport and liability conventions, or expressing amounts in

    monetary terms.41 In conjunction with that model provision, UNCITRAL adopted

    two alternative model provisions or the adjustment o an amount set orth in

    an international convention: a sample price index clause and a sample amend-

    ment procedure or a limit o liability. Model provisions may also assist in sup-

    plementing a provision o a convention. The United Nations Convention on theAssignment o Receivables in International Trade (New York, 2001) contains an

    annex (o optional substantive law provisions) supplementing the conficts o

    laws rules o the Convention that deal with priority issues. In 2003, UNCITRAL

    adopted the Model Legislative Provisions on Privately Financed Inrastructure

    Projects, which complement the legislative guide on the same topic.42

    () Fnalzan an apn f lgslav xs

    47. Ater a working group has prepared a drat text o a convention, modellaw or other legislative instrument, it is submitted or the consideration o

    UNCITRAL at its annual session. I appropriate, the text may be accompanied

    by an explanatory commentary prepared by the secretariat in order to assist the

    Commission, Governments and international organizations in their deliberations.

    Generally, the drat text and the commentary (i prepared) are circulated, beore

    the applicable annual session, to Governments and interested international organ-

    izations or comment. The comments received may be compiled by the secretariat

    and provided to the Commission to acilitate its consideration o the drat text.43

    41Provisions on a universal unit o account and on adjustment o the limit o liability in

    international transport conventions (1982), Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Thirty-seventh

    Session, Supplement No. 17 and corrigenda (A/37/17 and Corr.1 and 2), para. 63. See the report o

    the Working Group on International Negotiable Instruments on the work o its twelth session

    (A/CN.9/215), para. 97; and Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Thirty-seventh Session, Supplement

    No. 17 (A/37/17) (1982), para. 63.42Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Fity-eighth Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/58/17) (2003),

    annex I.

    43This procedure was rst ollowed in respect o the drat model law on legal aspects o electronicdata interchange and related means o communication (later adopted as the Model Law on Electronic

    Commerce). See or example the compilation o comments by Governments and international organi-

    zations on the Drat convention on contracts or the international carriage o goods wholly or partly

    by sea (A/CN.9/658 and Add.1-14), the Model Law on Public Procurement (A/CN.9/730 and Add.1-2)

    and the Judicial Materials on the Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency (A/CN.9/733 and Add.1).

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    18 A Guide to uNCitRAL

    48. Dierent procedures apply to the nalization and adoption o dierent types

    o text. I the text concerned is, or example, a drat convention, UNCITRAL cannot

    nalize it alone and action by the General Assembly is required. While a Diplomatic

    Conerence is desirable, the General Assembly can act as a conerence o pleni-potentiaries44 to nalize and adopt the convention and open it or signature.45

    49. I the drat text is to be a model law or a legislative guide, UNCITRAL

    itsel can nalize the text and ormally adopt it; adoption by a conerence o

    plenipotentiaries is not required. Although the General Assembly may adopt a

    resolution on that text, that resolution typically expresses its support or the

    UNCITRAL process, echoing the decision o the Commission and recommending

    that States give the text due consideration when modernizing and reorming

    their laws (see para. 78).46

    2. Cnracal chnqs

    50. In the drating o contracts, there are issues that can be resolved by reer-

    ence to a standard or uniorm clause or set o clauses or rules. The process o

    standardization o these clauses or rules has a number o advantages. It can

    identiy all o the issues that parties should address in such clauses or rules;ensure that the clause is eective and not (as sometimes occurs in the case o

    agreements to arbitrate), ineective or invalid (pathological); and provide inter-

    nationally recognized and up-to-date solutions to specic issues. One common

    example is in the eld o dispute resolution, where a contract can include a

    standard dispute resolution clause reerring to the use o internationally recog-

    nized rules or conduct o dispute resolution proceedings. The UNCITRAL Arbi-

    tration Rules (1976, revised in 2010) and the UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules

    (1980) are examples o such internationally recognized uniorm rules. This type

    o text is nalised and adopted by the Commission. A list o contractual textsadopted by UNCITRAL is included in annex VI.

    44This occurred, or example, with respect to the United Nations Convention on International

    Bills o Exchange and International Promissory Notes (New York, 1988), the United Nations Con-

    vention on Independent Guarantees and Stand-by Letters o Credit (New York, 1995), the United

    Nations Convention on the Assignment o Receivables in International Trade (New York, 2001) and

    the United Nations Convention on the Use o Electronic Communications in International Contracts

    (New York, 2005).45

    See the decision o the Commission at its orty-rst session with respect to the RotterdamRules, Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/63/17) (2008),

    para. 298 and General Assembly resolution 63/122.46See, or example, General Assembly resolution 66/95 on the Model Law on Public Procure-

    ment; and General Assembly resolution 65/23 on the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured

    Transactions: Supplement on Security Rights in Intellectual Property.

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    Basc facs ab h un Nans Cmmssn n inrnanal tra Law 19

    3. explanary chnqs

    (a) Lgal gs

    51. When it is not easible or necessary to develop a standard or model set o

    contract rules, an alternative may be a legal guide giving explanations concerning

    contract drating. Parties negotiating complex international contracts, such as

    construction contracts, oten experience diculties in negotiating and drating

    appropriate contract clauses or reasons such as lack o specic expertise,

    resources or reerence materials. Because such contracts must be tailored to the

    circumstances o the case, it is normally not possible to develop a model contract

    text that would be usable in a sucient number o cases to justiy the expense

    o its preparation. Parties can be assisted, however, by a legal guide that discusses

    various issues underlying the drating o a particular type o contract; considers

    various solutions to those issues; describes implications, advantages and disad-

    vantages o those solutions; and recommends the use o certain solutions in

    particular circumstances. Such legal guides may also include sample contract

    clauses to illustrate particular solutions. The rst legal guide adopted by the

    Commission was the UNCITRAL Legal Guide on Drawing up International Contracts

    or the Construction o Industrial Works (1987). That was ollowed by the UNCITRAL

    Legal Guide on International Countertrade Transactions (1992) and, in 1996, theUNCITRAL Notes on Organizing Arbitral Proceedings.

    52. The ocus o a legal guide may not be exclusively on contract drating, but

    may have a broader purpose o discussing issues that would also be o interest

    to legislators and regulators. One example is the UNCITRAL Legal Guide on

    Electronic Funds Transers (1986), which discusses issues relating to the use o

    electronic means o communication in making international payments.

    53. A urther example is the comprehensive reerence document published bythe Commission in 2009 entitled Promoting Condence in Electronic Com-

    merce: Legal Issues on International Use o Electronic Authentication and

    Signature Methods, which discusses certain elements required to establish a

    avourable legal ramework or electronic commerce.

    (b) Pracc an hr nfrman gs

    54. Other guides have been prepared or use by judges and legal practitioners.In 2009, the Commission adopted a practice guideThe UNCITRAL Practice

    Guide on Cross-Border Insolvency Cooperationproviding inormation on practical

    aspects o cross-border insolvency cooperation and coordination and in particular

    compiling inormation on practical experience with the negotiation and use o

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    20 A Guide to uNCitRAL

    cross-border insolvency agreements (also known as protocols). In 2011, the Com-

    mission adopted a textThe UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency:

    the judicial perspectivedeveloped in conjunction with judges and other insol-

    vency experts to provide inormation and assistance to judges with respect toquestions arising under the Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency.

    (c) inrprav clarans

    55. A urther example o an explanatory text is a declaration that could be

    used to achieve a uniorm interpretation o a particular text, or texts, where the

    desirability o that interpretation is dictated by widespread changes in commercial

    practices, developments in technology, emerging divergence in interpretation bythe courts, or some other actor aecting the application o the text. Such an

    instrument may be particularly useul in the case o a convention, where amend-

    ment o the text might pose signicant technical problems. The possibility o

    using this technique was discussed in the context o the writing requirement set

    orth in article II, paragraph 2, o the New York Convention and more generally

    in the context o the interpretation o article VII, paragraph 1, o that Conven-

    tion.47 Ultimately, a recommendation regarding the interpretation o articles II

    and VII was adopted by the Commission.48 The use o such a text to achieve a

    uniorm interpretation was also discussed in the context o electronic commerce

    and the desirability o interpreting a number o international trade law instru-

    ments by reerence to the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce. That

    question o interpretation has now been settled by the use o a dierent instru-

    mentthe United Nations Convention on the Use o Electronic Communications

    in International Contracts (New York, 2005), article 20.

    47For a discussion on the New York Convention, see Ofcial Records o the General Assembly,

    Fity-fth Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/55/17) (2000), paras. 410-412; the Reports o the Working

    Group on Arbitration on the work o its thirty-second session (A/CN.9/468, paras. 88-106); thirty-

    third session (A/CN.9/485, paras. 60-77), thirty-ourth session (A/CN.9/487, paras. 42-63); thirty-sixth session (A/CN.9/508, paras. 40-50); and orty-ourth session (A/CN.9/592, paras. 82-88).

    48Recommendation regarding the interpretation o article II (2) and article VII (1) o the

    Convention on the Recognition and Enorcement o Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958),

    adopted by the Commission in 2006 and subsequently endorsed in General Assembly

    resolution 61/33.

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    Basc facs ab h un Nans Cmmssn n inrnanal tra Law 21

    C. Uniorm interpretation o legislative texts:Case law on UNCITRAL texts (CLOUT)

    56. Since a number o UNCITRALs legislative texts include an article promoting

    uniorm interpretation,49 in 1988, the Commission decided to establish a system

    or the collection and dissemination o court decisions and arbitral awards relat-

    ing to UNCITRAL legislative texts50 to assist in achieving uniormity in the

    interpretation and application o those texts. The system is intended to provide

    inormation or use by judges, arbitrators, lawyers, parties to commercial trans-

    actions, academics, students and other interested persons.

    57. The system is known as Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts or CLOUT. Themajority o cases reported concern the United Nations Convention on Contracts

    or the International Sale o Goods (Vienna, 1980) and the UNCITRAL Model

    Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985). Other texts include the

    UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce (1996), the UNCITRAL Model

    Law on Cross-Border Insolvency (1997), the Hamburg Rules; the New York

    Convention51 and the Convention on the Limitation Period in the International

    Sale o Goods (New York, 1974, both amended and unamended versions). Other

    UNCITRAL texts will be included in the system as relevant case law develops.

    58. The CLOUT system relies on national correspondents designated either by

    States parties to a convention or by States having enacted legislation based on

    a model law.52 National correspondents are requested to collect decisions and

    awards, prepare abstracts o them in one o the ocial languages o the

    United Nations and orward both the text and the abstract to the UNCITRAL

    49Article 7 o the United Nations Convention on Contracts or the International Sale o Goods

    (Vienna, 1980) has served as a model or subsequent texts, providing that In the interpretation othis Convention, regard is to be had to its international character and to the need to promote

    uniormity in its application and the observance o good aith in international trade.50See Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Forty-third Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/43/17)

    (1988); and the note by the Secretariat entitled Collection and dissemination o inormation on

    UNCITRAL legal texts (A/CN.9/312).51Prior to 2000, cases on the New York Convention were collected and reported in the year-

    books o the International Council or Commercial Arbitration (see

    Additional cases can be ound at Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Forty-third Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/43/17)

    (1988), para. 100. Since the twenty-second session o the Commission (1989), meetings o nationalcorrespondents are usually held in Vienna in conjunction with alternate annual sessions o the

    Commission. In 2009, the Commission agreed that national correspondents be appointed or a

    period o 5 years to ensure that the collection system was sustainable over time and could respond

    to changing circumstances (Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Sixty-ourth Session, Supplement

    No. 17 (A/64/17) (2009), para. 370.

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    22 A Guide to uNCitRAL

    secretariat. CLOUT abstracts are then edited, translated into the six ocial lan-

    guages o the United Nations and issued as part o the regular documentation

    o UNCITRAL. In order to increase the collection o case law, submissions rom

    voluntary contributors, whether individuals or associations, are also welcomed.This practice is consistent with the Commissions request that the Secretariat

    utilize all available sources o inormation that might supplement the inormation

    provided by the national correspondents.

    59. In December 2004, UNCITRAL published an analytical digest o court and

    arbitral decisions identiying trends in the interpretation o the United Nations

    Convention on Contracts or the International Sale o Goods (Vienna, 1980),

    based on the case law collected through CLOUT. A second edition o the Digest

    was released in 2008 and a third edition in 2012. In June 2012, UNCITRALpublished a digest o case law on the Model Law on International Commercial

    Arbitration. In 2012, the Commission approved the preparation o a digest o

    case law on the Model law on Cross-Border Insolvency.53

    60. Both CLOUT abstracts and the Digests are available in the six United

    Nations ocial languages rom the UNCITRAL website. Upon request, texts o

    decisions and awards reported in CLOUT are available in the original language

    rom the UNCITRAL secretariat.

    61. The CLOUT system is instrumental in promoting the uniorm interpretation

    o UNCITRAL texts through their application by courts and arbitral tribunals

    worldwide, contributing to the development and renement o a global inter-

    pretation o those texts, and enhancing their acceptability. It is also an important

    resource or those countries and regions where there may be limited opportunities

    to develop knowledge and expertise on UNCITRAL texts. The CLOUT system

    has also proved useul in assisting those tasked with drating and executing

    commercial contracts, as well as courts and arbitral tribunals in dealing with

    disputes arising rom international transactions involving the application o an

    UNCITRAL text and those researching UNCITRAL texts and their application.

    CLOUT also unctions as an indirect source o inormation providing reerences

    and abstracts to other similar repositories o inormation.

    D. Coordinating the work o other organizations

    62. An important part o the mandate o UNCITRAL is to coordinate the worko organizations active in the eld o international trade law, both within and

    53 Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Sixty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/67/17)

    (2012), para. 156.

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    outside the United Nations system, in order to encourage cooperation between

    them, avoid duplication o eort and promote eciency, consistency and coher-

    ence in the modernization and harmonization o international trade law. In recent

    years there has been a growing number o rule-making bodies developing textsin areas o law that aect international trade, making UNCITRALs coordination

    unction increasingly important. To implement its mandate, UNCITRAL main-

    tains close links with international and regional organizations, both intergovern-

    mental and non-governmental, that are active participants in the work o

    UNCITRAL and in the eld o international trade law in order to acilitate the

    exchange o ideas and inormation. It is represented, through its secretariat, at

    meetings o those organizations and actively ollows and participates in their

    work where it relates to topics on UNCITRALs work programme. Those organi-

    zations include the Hague Conerence on Private International Law; the Inter-

    national Institute or the Unication o Private Law (Unidroit); the International

    Maritime Committee (CMI); the Organization o American States (OAS); the

    Organization or Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); the United

    Nations regional commissions; UNCTAD; the World Bank; the World Customs

    Organization (WCO); World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO); and the

    World Trade Organization (WTO).

    63. To assist the Commission in its task o monitoring activities and develop-ments in international trade law, the secretariat prepares general surveys o the

    legislative and technical assistance activities o other organizations related to

    international trade law,54 as well as in-depth reports on the activities o organiza-

    tions on individual international trade law topics.55 International organizations

    active in the eld o international trade law have the opportunity, at annual

    sessions o UNCITRAL, to present reports (both ormal and inormal) on their


    64. As a urther part o this coordination unction, UNCITRAL undertakeswork, such as studies and seminars, in conjunction with other international

    organizations, both governmental and non-governmental. Examples include a

    54Reports are prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 34/142. See, or example,

    Current activities o international organizations related to the harmonization and unication o

    international trade law, a report prepared or the orty-third session o the Commission (2010)

    (A/CN.9/707 and Add.1).55See Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Thirty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/36/17)

    (1981), para. 100. See also, or example, papers related to current activities o other internationalorganizations in the areas o procurement (A/CN.9/598/Add.1) and security interests (A/CN.9/598/

    Add.2) prepared or the thirty-ninth session (2006) and procurement (A/CN.9/657/Add.2), prepared

    or the orty-rst session (2008).56For example, Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Sixty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 17

    (A/67/17) (2012), paras. 169-173.

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    24 A Guide to uNCitRAL

    survey developed in cooperation with Committee D (now known as the Arbitra-

    tion Committee) o the International Bar Association to monitor the implementa-

    tion, in national laws, o the Convention on the Recognition and Enorcement

    o Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958);57 a series o judicial colloquiumson cross-border insolvency in conjunction with INSOL International and, since

    2007, the World Bank58 and a paper prepared jointly by the secretariats o

    UNCITRAL and Unidroit and the Permanent Bureau o the Hague Conerence,

    with the assistance o outside experts, comparing and analysing the major eatures

    o international instruments relating to secured transactions.59 It has also under-

    taken work to develop joint international standards with, or example, the World

    Bank in the areas o insolvency law and secured transactions law.60

    65. UNCITRAL has prepared publications in conjunction with other organiza-tions, such as the Commonwealth Secretariat, to explain substantive provisions

    and various technical aspects o incorporating an UNCITRAL text into domestic

    legal systems (known as accession kits).61

    66. When appropriate, UNCITRAL recommends the use or adoption o instru-

    ments related to international trade law developed by other organizations. For

    example, UNCITRAL has encouraged the widest possible adherence to the Con-

    vention on the Recognition and Enorcement o Foreign Arbitral Awards (NewYork, 1958),62 as well as ratication o the European Convention on International

    Commercial Arbitration (Geneva, 1961).63 It has recommended the use o a

    number o texts prepared by the International Chamber o Commerce, including

    57United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 330, No. 4739, p 3. See Ofcial Records o the General

    Assembly, Fitieth Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/50/17) (1995), paras. 401-404; Ofcial Records o the

    General Assembly, Fity-frst Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/51/17) (1996), paras. 238-243; and Ofcial

    Records o the General Assembly, Fity-second Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/52/17) (1997),

    paras. 257-259.58For reports o the colloquiums held since 1995, see note 28 and

    uncitral/en/commission/colloquia.html.59Comparison and analysis o major eatures o international instruments relating to secured

    transactions, A/CN.9/720, The paper was approved by the Commission in 2011: see Ofcial Records

    o the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/66/17) (2011), paras. 280-282.60See the Creditor Rights and Insolvency Standard, based on the World Bank Principles or

    eective insolvency and creditor/debtor regimes and the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Insolvency

    Law, available rom

    Jan2011_withC16and17.pd (last visited 15/10/2012).61

    Accession kits have been published or the New York Convention, the United Nations Con-vention on Contracts or the International Sale o Goods (Vienna, 1980), the UNCITRAL Model

    Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985) and the Hamburg Rules.62United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 330, No. 4739, p. 3.63United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 484, No. 7041, p. 349. See also Ofcial Records o the

    General Assembly, Twenty-eighth Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/9017) (1973), para. 85.
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    Basc facs ab h un Nans Cmmssn n inrnanal tra Law 25

    the International Rules or the Interpretation o Trade Terms (Incoterms),64 Inco-

    terms 200065 and Incoterms 2010;66 the Uniorm Customs and Practice or Docu-

    mentary Credits (UCP 400, 500 and 600);67 the Rules on International Standby

    Practices (ISP98); the Uniorm Rules or Contract Bonds;68 and the 2010 revisiono the Uniorm Rules or Demand Guarantees (URDG 758).69 It has also recom-

    mended the use o the 2004 and 2010 UNIDROIT Principles o International

    Commercial Contracts.70 A number o other organizations have recommended

    and endorsed the adoption o UNCITRAL texts.

    E. UNCITRALs position within the United Nations system

    67. As the core legal body in the United Nations system in the eld o inter-

    national trade law, UNCITRAL is an integral part o the United Nations system

    and its work is relevant to the broader United Nations agenda in a number o

    elds, including rule o law, legal empowerment o the poor, business and human

    rights and the Millennium Development Goals.

    64Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Twenty-ourth Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/7618)

    (1969), para. 60 (subpara. 3). See also Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Forty-sixth Session,

    Supplement No. 17 (A/46/17) (1991), paras. 350-352. The INCOTERMS 1990 are reproduced in

    the annex to document A/CN.9/348.65See Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Fity-fth Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/55/17)

    (2000), paras. 428-434. The INCOTERMS 2000 are reproduced in annex II to the report o the

    Secretary-General on ICC INCOTERMS 2000 (A/CN.9/479). The text is also available rom the

    International Chamber o Commerce in publication No. 560.66See Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Sixty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/67/17)

    (2012), paras. 141-144. The text is available rom the International Chamber o Commerce in

    publication No. 715.67

    See Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Thirtieth Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/10017)(1975), para. 41; Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Thirty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 17

    (A/39/17) (1984), para. 129; Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Forty-ninth Session, Supplement

    No. 17 (A/49/17) (1994), paras. 230 and 231; report o the Secretary-General on uniorm customs

    and practice or documentary credits (A/CN.9/395); Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Sixty-

    ourth Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/64/17) (2009), paras. 356-357.68See Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Fity-fth Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/55/17)

    (2000), paras. 428-434; report o the Secretary-General on International Standby Practices (ISP98)

    (A/CN.9/477); report o the Secretary-General on Uniorm Rules or Contract Bonds (URCB) (A/


    See Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/66/17),(2011), paras. 247-249.

    70 See Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/62/17)

    (2007), paras. 209-213; Ofcial Records o the General Assembly, Sixty-seventh Session, Supplement

    No. 17 (A/67/17) (2012), paras. 137-140. The text is available rom the Unidroit website, http://

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    26 A Guide to uNCitRAL

    68. Since 2008, in the rule o law context or example, the Commission has

    expressed it conviction that the promotion o the rule o law in commercial

    relations should be an integral part o the broader agenda o the United Nations

    to promote the rule o law at the national and international levels. In 2011, theCommission emphasized the relevance o the instruments and resources o the

    Commission or creating an environment o sustainable economic activity con-

    ducive to post-confict reconstruction and preventing societies rom sliding back

    into confict. It called or innovative ways or the instruments and other tools

    o the Commission to be engaged at an early stage in the post-confict recovery

    operations o the United Nations and other donors, and or increased awareness

    about the work o UNCITRAL throughout the United Nations system and beyond.

    Direct involvement by the UNCITRAL Secretariat in relevant inter-agency coor-

    dination and cooperation mechanisms has been an eective way to achieve results

    and ensure the wider recognition o UNCITRAL instruments and their use in

    relevant programmes (e.g. the United Nations Inter-agency Cluster on Trade and

    Productive Capacity71).

    F. Technical cooperation and assistance to law reorm

    1. tchncal cpran an asssanc acvs

    69. UNCITRAL undertakes a range o technical cooperation and assistance

    activities to promote its work and the use and adoption o the legislative and

    non-legislative texts it has developed. The adoption and eective use o uniorm

    texts urthers the progressive harmonization and modernization o international

    trade law. These activities include organizing brieng missions and participating

    in seminars and conerences, organized at both national and regional levels;

    assisting countries in assessing their trade law reorm needs, including by review-ing existing legislation; assisting with the drating o national legislation to imple-

    ment UNCITRAL texts; assisting bilateral and multilateral development agencies

    to use UNCITRAL texts in their law reorm activities and projects; providing

    advice and assistance to international and other organizations, such as proes-

    sional associations, organizations o attorneys, chambers o commerce and arbi-

    tration centres, on the use o UNCITRAL texts; and organizing training activities

    to acilitate the implementation and interpretation o legislation based on

    UNCITRAL texts by judges and legal practitioners.

    71See, or example, Note by the Secretariat: Coordination Activities (A/CN.9/749, para. 9),

    prepared or the orty-th session o the Commission (2012).

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    70. Technical cooperation and assistance activities ocus on regional approaches,

    including in cooperation with regional economic integration organizations, to

    promote newly adopted treaties, with a view to ostering their early adoption

    and the universal adoption o texts considered undamental to the developmento a ramework or international trade. Initiatives to urther these strategies com-

    plement technical cooperation and assistance eorts undertaken in reaction to

    requests or technical assistance that traditionally have been received rom Gov-

    ernments and permanent missions to the United Nations, as well as rom inter-

    national and regional organizations and a range o commercial and proessional


    71. The CLOUT system and digests o case law, as well as teaching and other

    technical materials prepared by UNCITRAL, are useul in technical assistanceactivities, as well as to practitioners, academics and other users o the texts.

    72. A report on technical cooperation and assistance activities conducted in the

    previous 12 months is provided to UNCITRAL at each annual session.72

    73. The demand or UNCITRAL technical assistance has grown dramatically in

    recent years. Because the regular budget does not include unds or such activi-

    ties, these activities can only be conducted i unds can be obtained rom other

    sources. UNCITRAL has established a trust und to acilitate its response to these

    requests and the Commission and the General Assembly have made repeated

    appeals or contributions. The Commission welcomes the nancial support o

    States, organizations and individuals. Contributions may be made or general

    technical assistance activities or or specic projects.73

    2. Regional centres

    74. At its orty-ourth session in 2011, the Commission approved the establish-

    ment o the UNCITRAL Regional Centre or Asia and the Pacic in Incheon,

    Republic o Korea. The main objectives o the Regional Centre will be to enhance

    international trade and development in the Asia-Pacic region by promoting

    certainty in international commercial transactions through the dissemination o

    72See, or example, Note by the Secretariat: Technical cooperation and assistance (A/CN.9/753),

    prepared or the orty-th session o the Commission (2012).73Contributions, making specic reerence to the Trust Fund or UNCITRAL Symposia, may

    be made to:

    J. P. Morgan Chase, International Agencies Banking, 277 Park Avenue, 23rd Floor, New York,

    NY, 10172-0003, USA, United Nations General Trust Fund, Account Number 485-001969,

    ABA Number 021-000-021, Swit Code CHASUS33.

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    28 A Guide to uNCitRAL

    international trade norms and standards, in particular those elaborated by

    UNCITRAL; to provide bilateral and multilateral technical assistance to States

    with respect to the adoption and uniorm interpretation o UNCITRAL texts

    through workshops and seminars; to engage in coordination activities with inter-national and regional organizations active in trade law reorm projects in the

    region; and to unction as a channel o communication between States in the

    region and UNCITRAL. The Centre was ofcially opened in January 2012.74

    G. Special events

    75. UNCITRAL has organized a number o special events relating to dierent

    aspects o international trade law.75 In the context o the United Nations Decade

    o International Law, or example, a congress on international trade law was held

    in May 1992 during the twenty-fth session o UNCITRAL. The Congress con-

    sidered accomplishments in the progressive unifcation and harmonization o

    international trade law during the previous 25 years and the needs that could

    be oreseen or the next 25 years.76 In 1998, at its thirtieth session, UNCITRAL

    celebrated the ortieth anniversary o the Convention on the Recognition and

    Enorcement o Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958) with a symposium

    devoted to arbitration issues.77

    A Uniorm Commercial Law Colloquium on cur-rent and potential topics o work in the areas o electronic commerce, privately

    fnanced inrastructure projects, receivables fnancing and cross-border insolvency

    ollowed the symposium. In 2007, a Congress, Modern Law or Glo