guide to hair loss & hair transplants · if your system is lacking or not absorbing enough...

Guide to Hair Loss & Hair Transplants

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Page 1: Guide to Hair Loss & Hair Transplants · If your system is lacking or not absorbing enough nutrients, excessive shedding can be triggered. Even minor nutrient deficiencies can cause

Guide to Hair Loss & Hair Transplants

Page 2: Guide to Hair Loss & Hair Transplants · If your system is lacking or not absorbing enough nutrients, excessive shedding can be triggered. Even minor nutrient deficiencies can cause

Confidence is an incredibly powerful emotion. Having confidence can mean the difference between landing that job or deal you have been working towards. And first impressions count. Your hair style is one of the first things that people will see and make a judgement on. Being confident in your hair and being able to present an impeccable version of yourself can pay-off.

Physically, hair plays an important role in protecting our scalp from the sun and helping to maintain body temperature. Emotionally, your hair is part of who you are, how you see yourself and how others see you.

This guide has been created to help answer any questions you might have about hair loss and whether a hair transplant could be the right procedure for you.

Table of Contents

You can click on the links below or scroll through the guide.

› What Is Hair & How Does It Grow? 3

› Overview of Hair Loss 4

› Causes of Hair Loss 5

› What Causes Hair Loss In Women? 9

› The Psychological Effects of Hair Loss 10

› FUT, FUE, DHI - Hair Transplant Differences Explained 11

› Why Is The DHI Technique Considered Superior? 13

› What Makes A Suitable Candidate For A Hair Transplant? 14

› Science Behind Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) 15

› The DHI Difference 16

› What To Expect 17

› DHI Results – Before & After 20

› Frequently Asked Questions 21

› Cost 22

› Risks & Complications 23

› Conclusion 28

Page 3: Guide to Hair Loss & Hair Transplants · If your system is lacking or not absorbing enough nutrients, excessive shedding can be triggered. Even minor nutrient deficiencies can cause

What Is Hair & How Does It Grow?

Hair is composed of two structures. The hair shaft, which is the hair you see on your scalp, and the

follicle, a narrow tube in the skin through which the hair shaft grows. A good analogy is a pot plant,

where the hair shaft is the plant and the follicle is the pot of soil that the plant grows from. The hair shaft begins to grow from cells at the base of the follicle. As the cells multiply, they grow upwards inside the tube. By the time the growing hair pushes out of the skin, the cells have died and are a hard protein called keratin.

Hair growth occurs in 3 stages:

Anagen: is the active phase of new hair formation and growth. The rapidly growing hair pushes

the old hair in the follicle out as it grows. Hair on your scalp stays in anagen for 2-5 years. Most of your hair follicles (80-90%) are in anagen at any given time.

Catagen: is a transitional phase where growth stops and the outer root sheath shrinks away from

the follicle wall and attaches to the root of the hair shaft. This phase lasts for 2-3 weeks and about 3% of all hair follicles are in this phase at any given time.

Telogen: is the resting phase and lasts for about 100 days for scalp hair. The follicle is resting during this phase and it is during this time that hair can be either pulled out or shed. Around 10-

15% of hair follicles are in telogen at any one time.

Anagen Catagen Telogen Early Anagen

Page 4: Guide to Hair Loss & Hair Transplants · If your system is lacking or not absorbing enough nutrients, excessive shedding can be triggered. Even minor nutrient deficiencies can cause

Overview of Hair Loss

There is an important distinction to make between shedding, which occurs as part of the normal

cycle of hair growth, and hair loss. It is quite normal to shed 50-100 hairs a day, through brushing or washing your hair, or as the old hair is pushed out by new hair growth. As we age, some of the hair follicles stop producing new hair, or the anagen phase gets progressively shorter and the hair is shed at a faster rate.

Hair loss occurs through other factors that either effect the health of the hair follicle or disrupt the

normal cycle of hair growth. Some of these effects are reversible and normal hair growth returns once the trigger is removed. Other factors can’t be reversed without medical help.

› Everybody sheds 50-100 hairs daily as part

of a normal hair growth cycle

› 55% of men have noticeable hair loss by the age of 40

› 95% of all hair loss types are genetic

› The same hormone (DHT) that causes hair loss is also responsible for acne and oily skin

The hair follicle is programmed to perform between 25 and 30 cycles, throughout life. When one

suffers from baldness (or androgenetic alopecia), the cycles of the hair accelerate. Initially, it is due

to the hormones that attack as a poison and accelerate the pace of the growth phase. The hair is forced to go into rest phase (telogen) faster, not leaving the hair follicle enough time to make good

quality keratin (what hair is made of).

It is then a vicious circle, the cycles are shorter and shorter, the hair of lesser and lesser quality. In

the long run, the cycles are exhausted... and the hair does not grow again.

Page 5: Guide to Hair Loss & Hair Transplants · If your system is lacking or not absorbing enough nutrients, excessive shedding can be triggered. Even minor nutrient deficiencies can cause

Causes of Hair Loss

Both men and women experience hair loss, although it is more frequent and perhaps more noticeable in men.

Androgenetic Alopecia

By far the most common reason for hair loss and baldness is genetics. For about 90% of men and

women who experience hair loss, the cause is related to changing hormone levels (‘Andro’), a trait that is inherited from your parents (‘genetic’). The hormones involved in androgenetic alopecia are called androgens. Increased levels of androgen shorten the growth phase (anagen) of the hair and

delays the start of new hair growth if you carry a genetic marker / trait. At the same time, a proportion of the follicles shrink in size and produce vellus hairs – barely visible hairs with no


In androgenetic alopecia, hair loss occurs in a distinctive pattern (also known as male and female

pattern hair loss or male pattern baldness) that can begin any time after puberty and becomes progressively more noticeable with age.

Hair loss may also be a temporary reaction to a trigger that improves once the trigger is removed and hair growth returns to its normal pattern. Some triggers can’t be reversed without medical help. The temporary increase in shedding occurs 2-4 months after the trigger event and may last for several months or can be ongoing.

Reversible hair loss triggers include:

1. Stress causes a range of health problems, but often one of the first symptoms of stress is hair loss. Unfortunately, losing your hair can often be a cause of stress and can make the problem worse.

2. A poor diet lacking essential nutrients supporting optimal hair growth may also result in hair loss. A diet lacking sufficient protein, the main component of hair can inhibit follicle growth.

3. Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen and increases the level of carbon monoxide in the blood supply to the scalp, causing damage to the hair follicle.

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4. Hormonal imbalances can trigger temporary hair loss. Thyroid hormone imbalances cause hair loss and in women, hair loss before and after childbirth and menopause is due to dropping estrogen

levels. 5. Diseases or infections causing fever, anemia or damage to the skin (eczema, skin infections, trauma) can also contribute to hair loss.

What Can I Do If My Hair Is Falling Out?

Improving your general health is a good start in reducing hair loss. If you can reduce stress,

improve your diet and stop smoking, you may be able to reverse your hair loss without further treatment, or improve the success of any treatment you may need.

A correct diagnosis is really important to determine if you would benefit from one of the many treatment options available. Over two-thirds of men and women suffering hair loss get some form

of treatment without a proper medical diagnosis and then spend a fortune on lotions and shampoos that don’t work.

At DHI Scotland, treatment options are personalised to individual requirements, based on sound medical knowledge and experience. If you are worried about losing your hair, or have been thinking about getting

treatment for hair loss, DHI can give you an accurate diagnosis and answer any questions you might have about what treatment options are right for you.

Page 7: Guide to Hair Loss & Hair Transplants · If your system is lacking or not absorbing enough nutrients, excessive shedding can be triggered. Even minor nutrient deficiencies can cause

Telogen Effluvium

Leading Trichologists (hair specialists) are seeing an increase in the frequency of reactive hair loss, also known as telogen effluvium. Thinning hair is a natural part of ageing, however younger people suffering from excessive shedding is becoming much more common. The excessive shedding

occurs as a result of more follicles going into the telogen (resting) phase of the hair growth cycle, usually following some type of “shock” to the follicles.

As more and more consumers move towards narrower diets, and as social and professional stress

levels seem to be greater than ever before, the frequency in the number of cases of thinning hair is increasing. We explain telogen effluvium, explain its causes and how you can prevent and treat the


Telogen Effluvium (TE) appears as thinning hair, typically on the top of the scalp and is one of the

most common hair concerns for women. The thinning appearance is due to more follicles going into the resting phase of the hair growth cycle which then leads to excessive shedding. This reduction in the number of follicles in the hair growth phase can be caused by a range of factors.

What makes this condition even more challenging to diagnose is that the onset of noticeable shedding usually happens several months after the significant event (loss of a loved one or job loss for example) or change in diet. Fad diets, along with the increase in veganism and vegetarianism are

leading causes for excess shedding in young women. The hair needs nutrients, minerals and protein to grow and stay healthy. When the body is lacking in essential nutrients and protein, the hair suffers as it is not an essential tissue. The follicles are starved of what they need to grow, hence they are

forced into the resting and then shedding phase. This cycle takes approximately 2-4 months, which explains why the hair loss is noticed much later than the actual cause.

Page 8: Guide to Hair Loss & Hair Transplants · If your system is lacking or not absorbing enough nutrients, excessive shedding can be triggered. Even minor nutrient deficiencies can cause

Key reasons people suffer from Telogen Effluvium include:

• Stress • Fad diet

• Diet lacking adequate protein • Diet lacking essential nutrients and minerals, such as iron

• Illness or fever • Emotional shock

If you are suffering from hair loss, think about what event happened approximately 3 months prior. Were you grieving or did you endure another very stressful event? Did you go on a juice fast? Or perhaps you were ill.

How Can I Treat or Prevent Telogen Effluvium?

Ensuring your diet includes enough nutrients and protein is important. If your system is lacking or not absorbing enough nutrients, excessive shedding can be triggered. Even minor nutrient

deficiencies can cause your body to withhold nutrients from the hair as the body can survive without it. Many people seeking advice for excessive shedding can otherwise appear fit and healthy.

Reducing stress levels, living a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and looking after yourself will also help to reverse TE.

The critical point is to ensure you have a correct diagnosis.

Never assume that you have telogen effluvium. Seek specialist advice as a medical diagnosis is imperative to rule out any other causal factors.

Page 9: Guide to Hair Loss & Hair Transplants · If your system is lacking or not absorbing enough nutrients, excessive shedding can be triggered. Even minor nutrient deficiencies can cause

What Causes Hair Loss In Women?

As a woman, when you become aware that you are losing hair, it’s concerning to ponder if the loss is

going to be temporary or permanent. Events such as pregnancy or illness are associated with hair thinning. In today’s ever-busy environment, when high standards are expected, stress-related loss

of hair is becoming more and more common. The additional stress caused by thinning hair can in turn feed the initial cause of the loss and the cycle continues until stress levels are addressed and managed.

The most likely cause of scalp hair loss in women, just as in men, is androgenetic alopecia – an inherited sensitivity to the effects of androgens (male hormones) on scalp hair follicles. However, women with loss due to this cause usually do not develop true baldness in the patterns that occur in men. Patterns of female androgenetic alopecia can vary considerably in appearance.

Women tend to have less obvious “patterns” of loss than men, and non-pattern types are more

frequent in women than in men. If you are concerned about thinning hair, you should seek professional advice from a hair loss specialist. In most cases, female hair loss can be effectively treated, however self-diagnosis is not recommended. It is important to note that female pattern

loss can begin as early as the late teens to early twenties in women who have experienced early puberty. If left untreated, the loss of hair associated with early puberty can progress to more

advanced loss in the future.

Patterns of Female Hair Loss

The “patterns” or areas of thinning that women are most

likely to notice are as follows:

• Diffuse thinning of hair over the entire scalp, often with more noticeable thinning toward the back of the scalp. • Diffuse thinning over the entire scalp, with more noticeable thinning toward the front of the scalp but not involving the hairline. • Diffuse thinning over the entire scalp, with more noticeable thinning toward the front of the scalp, involving and sometimes breaching the hairline.

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Unlike the case for men, thinning scalp hair in women due to androgenetic alopecia does not uniformly grow smaller in diameter (miniaturise). Women with loss due to androgenetic alopecia

tend to have miniaturising hairs of variable diameter throughout the affected areas of the scalp. While miniaturising hairs are a feature of androgenetic alopecia, miniaturisation may also be associated with other causes and is not in itself a diagnostic feature of androgenetic alopecia. In

post-menopausal women, for example, hair may begin to miniaturise and become difficult to style. The precise diagnosis should be made by a hair restoration specialist.

The Psychological Effects of Hair Loss

Until you start losing your hair, you probably don’t appreciate how much it contributes to your

sense of self. In today’s ‘selfie society’ we are constantly reminded of our appearance and are bombarded by pictures of young, fit and good looking people. If what you see in the mirror every

morning reminds you that you aren’t as young as you used to be, it can be pretty devastating.

We know that the majority of men who experience hair loss suffer from negative psychological

effects, such as loss of confidence and self-esteem. Many report becoming socially withdrawn because they are embarrassed about their appearance. A lot of men associate having a full head of hair with masculinity and virility, and so to feel that you are becoming less masculine because your hair is thinning has some fairly profound consequences.

Men suffering from hair loss report higher than normal levels of depression, anxiety and aggressiveness. Unfortunately, stress is a common trigger for hair loss and may make the condition worse. The psychological impacts of hair loss on self-image can also have wider implications on social relationships. In one study, 40% of women reported problems in their marriage and 63% of men reported career-related difficulties.

The good news is that those who sought treatment reported feeling more positive and had

increased self-esteem after treatment. That’s a pretty good reason to come and talk to us about treatment options for your hair loss.

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FUT, FUE, DHI - Hair Transplant Differences Explained

A hair transplant without careful consideration can have grave consequences for a number of reasons. The result can be unnatural looking, you may have a low follicle survival rate and worse still, so much damage can be done to the donor area that corrective surgery may not be a


Making the right decision on your hair transplant provider from the beginning is so important – to get a natural looking result and to protect the donor area from trauma. We explain the difference

between FUT, FUE and the DHI methods and why DHI is the most delicate hair transplant technique.

Different Methods Explained

A hair transplant involves taking healthy hair (donor) follicles from an area resistant to balding, such as low on the back of the head, and implanting them into the treatment area. Both the extraction phase and implantation phase are equally important.

Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) is one traditional technique where a long thin strip of scalp is removed, typically from lower down on the back of the head. The hair follicles are then divided

into single units under a microscope. The scalp from where the strip was removed is then sewn back together. It is a cheaper form of hair transplant as the extraction phase is quicker than

alternative techniques, however it leaves a significant scar that can be seen under short hair and if you are prone to keloid scarring, it can cause a very noticeable scar where the strip was removed.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is another traditional technique where a punch is used to make a small circular cut in the skin around a hair follicle or group of follicles, removing them from the scalp, leaving a small open hole. The process is repeated until there are enough follicles to cover the

treatment area. Extraction can be done either manually (by a doctor or technician), or motorised (by a robot or machine). The manual method causes less trauma to the skin than motorised.

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The holes heal to tiny white scars throughout the donor area and can be undetectable depending

on the skill of the doctor / technician. These scars heal quicker and are less visible than FUT, generally taking around 2 weeks to heal.

With both the FUT and FUE options, follicles are implanted the same way, by creating reception holes in the treatment area and placing the hair follicles into the holes with forceps, allowing little

control over the angle, direction and depth. Implantation is normally done by technicians, not by a doctor. With these traditional techniques, the focus is on how many follicles are extracted and little

or no emphasis on follicle survival rate after implantation, which is crucial.

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) - DHI extraction could be referred to as a micro-FUE as it doesn’t involve cutting into patients’ skin and only punches with diameter of 1mm or less are used to extract

hairs one by one from the donor area. This minimally invasive DHI extraction is always performed by a DHI Certified Doctor from start to finish, ensuring consistency and high quality.

The follicles are extracted with a specialised tool designed to minimise damage to the hair follicle and surrounding scalp tissue. Individual follicles are kept in a growth solution called

HypoThermosolTM at a constant temperature to ensure optimum development and growth after

placement. HypoThermosolTM is generally used in major organ transplant procedures and results in

maximised hair survival rate. Hair follicles are implanted using another specialised tool, the DHI implanter, that allows the DHI Certified Doctor to precisely control depth, direction and angle of

placement, giving you a natural result. There is also no need to create recipient holes in the treatment area with the DHI method. This allows the

Doctor to obtain higher hair density when necessary.

The DHI hair transplant technique is a tested and standardised

method, which takes the best approach in every step of the

procedure to ensure maximum patient comfort, no scarring and

100% natural looking results, guaranteed.

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Why Is The DHI Technique Considered Superior?

1) Procedures are done by a DHI Certified Doctor, not technicians

• on-going training and certification through London Hair Restoration Academy ensures consistency and


2) Minimum handling of hair follicles results in high survival rate

• achieving constantly over 95% survival rate vs industry rates that fluctuate between 50-90%

• less donor hairs needed - this is important as only the surviving hair is worth paying for

• body hair corrections and scar tissue corrections can be performed

3) Patented technique - the most delicate hair transplant method

• no scalpels

• no stitches

• virtually pain free

• no detectable scarring

• short recovery time, you may even return to work the next day and signs of the treatment are undetectable

within a week. You may also have the option of not having to shave your head for treatment.

4) HypothermosolTM

• While hair follicles are out of patients’ body, they are kept in special preservative solution

(HypothermosolTM) that is commonly used in organ transplants. This is important for consistency in the hair

survival rate from patient to patient.

• DHI are the only hair restoration clinics in Scotland that use HypothermosolTM in hair transplants. This

sustains the survival rate of the hairs up to 100%.

5) Natural results GUARANTEED

• implantation of the hair follicles happens with a special tool, the DHI Implanter, which allows our specialist

DHI Doctor to control the angle, direction and depth of the implanted hair unlike any other technique.

• your results are guaranteed to look natural.

Page 14: Guide to Hair Loss & Hair Transplants · If your system is lacking or not absorbing enough nutrients, excessive shedding can be triggered. Even minor nutrient deficiencies can cause

What Makes A Suitable Candidate For A Hair Transplant?

A correct diagnosis is the first step in determining if hair transplant surgery is right for you. We know that over two-thirds of men and women suffering hair loss get some form of treatment without

a proper medical diagnosis and then spend a fortune on lotions and shampoos that don’t work. Our treatment options are personalised to individual requirements, based on sound medical

knowledge and experience.

Hair transplants are suitable if you are in good general health and your hair loss is affecting your self-confidence and self-esteem. You may not be a suitable candidate for hair transplants if:

• You don’t have enough hair in the donor area to get sufficient donor follicles • The recipient/ transplant area isn’t able to support the donor graft

• You have unrealistic expectations about what hair transplant can achieve • You are unable or unwilling to undergo the procedure and follow post-operative care instructions

Alternative treatments include:

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Treatment can thicken hair and stimulate new hair growth. A small amount

of blood is taken and the blood cells removed to leave behind the plasma, containing growth factors and nutrients that stimulate follicle activity. The plasma is injected into the scalp where hair loss is

occurring to improve hair growth.

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Science Behind Direct Hair Implantation (DHI)

DHI have been treating hair loss internationally for over four decades. We pioneered the FUE

method, but were unhappy with the survival rates of the implanted hairs mainly due to excessive

handling of hair follicles. Because a high proportion of follicles didn’t survive, many more follicles had to be implanted to achieve the desired density of hair growth. There were several factors at

play: how the follicles were extracted, how they were treated while waiting for transplant and how they were implanted.

We designed new tools with smaller diameters (less than 1mm) to help reduce the damage to the

follicles during extraction and implantation. This means the follicles are more likely to ‘take’ in their new location due to a tighter fit in the skin. We also keep the follicles in a special growth solution

(HypoThermosolTM), at a constant temperature of 4°C, to keep them healthy while they are waiting to be re-implanted.

In reducing how much the follicles are manipulated between extraction and implantation, and providing optimum conditions for survival outside the body, we have increased our follicle survival rate to an exceptionally high level. Some studies by universities have found hair survival rates as high as 97% with DHI procedures.

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The DHI Difference

Diagnosis - we recognise that the correct diagnosis is the basis for successful and permanent

treatment. We treat everyone as an individual. Your treatment needs will be determined by four different factors:

• Psychological • Medical

• Artistic/aesthetic • Mathematical (ratio of available donor follicles to area needing treatment)

Attention to detail - hair doesn’t naturally grow straight out of your head, it grows at different

angles and directions. Our specially designed DHI Implanter allows the specialist DHI Doctor to control the depth, angle and direction of implant, so your new hair growth looks completely


Quality - only DHI Certified Doctors perform the Direct Hair Implantation procedure from start to finish, not nurses or technicians. We have strict quality control procedures to ensure that no matter

which clinic you visit, they are all of an equally high standard – everyone attends the London Hair Restoration Academy for the best training available.

Survival vs Success - success can be measured by the survival rate of the transplant. We routinely achieve over 95% survival of the transplanted hairs with every patient - the industry range is 50-90%. This means we don’t need to remove and transplant as many follicles because a greater number of them survive. This also preserves more donor follicles available for transplant in the future.

No stiches, no scars – smaller diameter tools mean less pain, less trauma and faster healing.

Permanent Solutions - we use donor follicles from areas of the hair where hair loss is rare, so the follicles are genetically programmed for survival. Your new hair will continue to grow in a natural way

for the rest of your life.

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What To Expect

During your initial consultation, the DHI doctor or consultant will perform an examination to make a

diagnosis of your hair loss type and discuss your expectations and the options for treatment. If you are a good candidate for hair transplant, you and your doctor will discuss and decide on where and how much hair will be transplanted. If you are not a good candidate for hair transplant, we can

discuss other options with you.

Before a treatment

As with any surgical procedure, good preparation will help reduce the risk of complications, such

as infection, excessive bleeding, poor healing or scarring, and reactions to the anaesthetic. These risks can be minimised if you are in good general health, with no pre-existing medical conditions and

you follow your clinic’s pre and post- operative instructions.

Some of the instructions include:

• Full Medical history will be required in written and if needed we might request for a blood test to

be taken (HIV, Hepatitis, blood clotting and general health) before the procedure. If you are over 45

or have known heart problems you will require an ECG. The test results should be provided to the clinic at least 2 days before your procedure.

• Stop using Minoxidil, taking vitamins and steroids 7 days before the procedure. • It is advised to stop smoking 2 weeks prior

• You will need to stop any medicine that thins your blood (warfarin, heparin or aspirin). Please

speak to your GP before you stop taking any medication.

You could also consider dyeing your hair a dark colour 2 days before the procedure if you have light or grey hair, so that the hairs are easier to see and use an anti-dandruff shampoo for the week before your treatment. Don’t shave your head in the 10 days before your procedure.

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During a treatment

You will be given a local anaesthetic to numb the scalp before the treatment begins and you will be lying down, or lying back for the procedure. The doctor will mark out the treatment area and once

the anaesthetic starts to work, the procedure can begin.

The first phase is the follicle extraction. The follicles are removed one by one and placed in the

growth solution at 4°C until transplant. Up to 4500 hairs can be transplanted per session. Sessions typically last from 6 hours to 2 days.

When all the follicles are collected, the surgeon implants them in the marked areas using the specialised DHI implanter tool. The implanter tool controls the depth, direction and angle of the placement so that the hair blends in naturally with those around it.

To see what to expect during a Direct Hair Implantation procedure, simply click below

to watch a treatment video.

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After a treatment

To make sure that you get the best results from your treatment, it’s important that you follow the instructions provided by the clinic. We will provide you with a post-operative pack containing sterile saline (salty water) to keep the area moist and some medication to reduce inflammation and the risk

of infection (antibiotics). You won’t be able to consume alcohol for 7 days post-treatment.

Don’t sleep on the treated area for the first 2 nights to avoid the graft rubbing on your pillow. You will need to avoid sun exposure (wear loose-fitting hats) and swimming for 2 weeks, and intense exercise (like weights) for a month.

15 days after your treatment, you may start applying Minoxidil (5%) foam twice a day onto a dry scalp. You should avoid any other chemicals on your scalp - such as hair products or anti-dandruff

shampoo for a month post-treatment. You can colour your hair 30 days after treatment.

You will need to visit the clinic for follow-up over the next 12 months. If you can’t get back to the clinic, we can do the appointment via Skype or telephone. However, if you have any questions, or you notice anything unexpected, don’t hesitate to contact us immediately for advice.

You will see the hairs growing the first month and then you might notice some shedding which is

normal, the hairs fall and then they grow back. The first 6 months you will have up to 50% of growth and the complete results anywhere from 9 months to a year post op.

The healing stage requires patience, and following the instructions carefully will make sure you get

the best results and a quick recovery. The support of friends and family will help as your

transformation progresses. This may be an emotional time and if you would like to speak to someone about how you feel after your procedure, please contact us.

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DHI Results - Before & After

For full before and after photos and actual DHI results, please click to the DHI Results - Before & After

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Frequently Asked Questions

We answer our most commonly asked questions below, however if you have other questions, or would like personalised information, come in for a consultation.

1. Will I have to shave my head before treatment?

No. Our protocol does not require you to shave your head. In fact, we ask that you don’t shave your

head in the 10 days prior to the procedure.

2. How long will I need before going back to work?

In most cases, you will be able to return to work the following day, provided you are able to maintain your post-operative routine. Many of our clients choose to take the following week off.

3. How long will it take to see results?

You will start noticing improvement within 3-4 months, but the complete results take up to a year.

4. Is the DHI procedure suitable for women too?


5. How long do I have to wait before I exercise?

You can return to cardio and swimming 2 weeks after your procedure, but wait a month before resuming intense exercise (e.g weights)

6. Can you still perform DHI if I have lost a lot of hair already?

If there is not enough hair for donor extraction, we can sometimes use facial and body hair. There

may be other treatment options available. It is best to come in for a consultation to discuss your

options in detail.

7. Will I still have to take medication?

The implanted hair will keep cycling through its normal phases of growth and regeneration, so

there is no need to take long-term medication. However, we do recommend application of Minoxidil to prevent thinning or hair loss of existing hair.

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A key consideration for anything in life is, “How much does it cost?” The answer to this question is

often so much more than just a number. It is an indicator for quality, experience, latest technology, desired results plus much more. With hindsight, we’ve probably all experienced the

disappointment of a poor quality product or service because the cheapest price has been the deciding factor. Some of us have even felt the sting of having to pay twice, the first time for an inferior or poor quality product or service, and the second to fix up or replace it.

We explain the main components that make up cost in a hair transplant so you can decide for yourself what a hair transplant is worth. At the end of this article we will give you examples of DHI

hair transplants and the cost for each procedure.

Cost Components of a Hair Transplant

When it comes to hair transplants, many people assume that they should base cost on the number of grafts (hair follicles) to be extracted and implanted. The larger the number of grafts, the better

value for money, right? Wrong. Older style hair transplant techniques require more of your precious donor hair follicles to be harvested. Using the correct technique allows for fewer follicles

needed to achieve the desired result and caring for the donor area to allow for a future transplant if required is the priority. Too frequently, we have seen patients come to DHI Scotland following a

botched procedure with little to no option for a remedial procedure due to the damage inflicted or the “over harvesting” of the donor area.

Method of Follicle Extraction & Implantation

Traditionally, healthy hair (donor) follicles were extracted in two main ways: FUT and FUE. Both of

these methods result with scarring to the donor site, impact follicle survival rate and can leave an unnatural “doll like” final appearance. Research and development, along with decades of expertise

lead to the DHI extraction and implantation method that leaves no scarring and no visible trace of a hair transplant, just 100% natural results.

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Risks & Complications

All surgery carries some risks or potential for complications, such as infection, excessive bleeding, poor wound healing or scarring. These risks can be minimised if you are in good general health,

with no pre-existing medical conditions and you follow your surgeon’s pre and post-operative instructions.

What would it mean if you receive a bad hair transplant?... Hair standing straight up on end, poor hair follicle survival rate, scarring, pain, damage to the donor area ruining the possibility of a future

transplant… the list goes on.

The motivating reason for getting a hair transplant is to look good, improve confidence and self-

esteem. So don’t risk having a cheap procedure when so much relies on achieving an aesthetically pleasing and natural looking result. The most important step is to first speak to a hair loss expert for a

diagnosis, learn the cause of your hair loss and to discuss the various treatment options available to you.

Warning Signs To Look Out For

When researching your hair restoration options, there are some things that you need to prioritise to

ensure the best result. Here are some points to be mindful of when doing your research:


A bad transplant can look just as bad as a bad wig. To save cost, some clinics use technicians rather than doctors and even worse, they can use two technicians to do the implantation so you end up

with half a head of hair on one angle and the other half on a slightly different angle.

Care of the Follicles

Taking the utmost of care of the follicles during extraction and implantation affects the survival rate. There should be minimal handling of the follicles and they should be stored in a growth solution whilst waiting for implantation.

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Care of the Donor Area

Scarring in the donor area poses two significant issues; 1) the scar may be visible under short hair, and 2) the damage may result in inadequate follicles being available for use if a second transplant is needed in the future.

What’s Different About DHI?

• Procedures are done from start to finish by a DHI Certified Doctor, not technicians, to ensure consistency and quality.

• Minimum handling of hair follicles results in high survival rate, consistently over 90%, and less donor hairs are needed. DHI are the only hair restoration clinics in Scotland that use

HypothermosolTM in hair transplants. This sustains the survival rate of the hairs up to 100%.

• Patented technique - the most delicate hair transplant method. No scalpels, no stitches, virtually pain free, no detectable scarring, short recovery time.

• Natural results GUARANTEED.

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Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is considered as the most advanced and delicate technique,

meaning no scalpels, no stitches, no detectable scarring and it is a very comfortable procedure.

The follicles are extracted with a specialised tool, less than 1mm in diameter, designed to

delicately extract the hair follicle so that the scalp heals with no detectable scarring.

DHI are the only hair transplant clinics in Scotland to store the grafts in a growth solution called

HypoThermosolTM which sustains the survival rate of the hairs by up to 100%. The grafts are implanted using another specialised tool, the DHI implanter, that allows the DHI Certified Doctor to

precisely control the density, angle, depth and direction of each and every hair, ensuring you a completely natural result.

Experience and Qualifications

Hair transplants can be performed by technicians (skill and experience varies dramatically depending on what part of the world you are in), robots (extraction only), or doctors. Each and every patient is an individual and therefore every hair transplant must adapt and be customised for each patient.

DHI procedures are performed by a DHI Certified Doctor from start to finish. DHI Certified Doctors undergo stringent testing and certification through the London Hair Restoration Academy with ongoing training to ensure skills, knowledge and experience are cutting-edge. The first step to successful hair restoration is a hair loss diagnosis.


DHI use patented techniques and tools to ensure optimum results. Extensive research and development has been invested in to achieve the most delicate hair transplant method that delivers the most natural results.

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Natural Results

DHI Scotland are the only hair restoration clinic in Scotland to GUARANTEE natural results.

Facilities and Patient Care

From the time you first contact DHI Scotland, to the time that you have your last follow- up appointment, you will feel comfortable and in good hands. DHI facilities are second to none and

patient care is our number one priority.

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Length of Surgery

The actual procedure can take up to 8 hours in one sitting. We work efficiently, but we don’t rush it to ensure the precise implantation of every hair, guaranteeing natural results.

Questions You Need To Ask

A hair transplant is designed to provide life-long results. Your decision should not rely solely on price as that may be the cause of a decision you regret and may be a costly mistake in the long-

term. When making the important decision between hair transplant clinics, you should ask the following questions.

• What is the total cost? E.g. Will I need another hair transplant? Are there any additional fees? Do

you charge for follow up appointments?

• Do you guarantee natural results?

• Who will be performing the procedure (robot, technician, doctor) and what are their qualifications and experience, can I see before and after photos from the person who will be doing my procedure?

• What is the post-surgery procedure and how long will I need to take off work? • Will I have a scar?

For a personalised quote and hair loss diagnosis, book in for a consultation at our clinic in


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You’re probably familiar with Aristotle’s quote, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

This quote and the concept of synergy certainly holds true with Direct Hair Implantation. Essentially, the parts to a hair transplant include the hair, the hair follicle, the graft, the scalp (and of

course the patient and a highly skilled hair restoration expert), however the true result means so much more.

The end product or “the whole” of a hair transplant or hairline redesign is not only the aesthetic

outcome of the procedure, it can have a profound impact on a person. This solution for hair loss can result in improved self-esteem, greater confidence, a younger appearance and being able to style your hair the way you want to.

Hair transplants have come a long way in the last decade. The DHI technique is low risk, painless, leaves no scars and provides a permanent solution to hair loss. We have over four decades of

experience in hair restoration with over 75 clinics globally.

If your hair loss is stopping you from enjoying life, we have the solution. Come in for a consultation and see the incredible, natural results we have been able to achieve. We can help you be yourself again, with a little help from science.

Call us today on 01413321745 to book your hair loss diagnosis and

speak with a DHI hair restoration specialist.