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MEMBERS GUIDE AIESEC LC Belgrade EF Members Guide May, 2013 Introduction Hi, there! work will you experience the best of it. And remember, the path of learning and development is not always easy, but don’t be afraid to take a leap into the unknown, challenge yourself over and over again and you will have our here. We will travel to many different corners of the world, gain lots of knowledge about ourselves and the world We wish you all the best and looking forward to working with you! AIESEC LC Belgrade EF, 2013

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May, 2013


Hi, there!

work will you experience the best of it. And remember, the path of learning and development is not always easy, but

don’t be afraid to take a leap into the unknown, challenge yourself over and over again and you will have our

here. We will travel to many different corners of the world, gain lots of knowledge about ourselves and the world

We wish you all the best and looking forward to working with you!

AIESEC LC Belgrade EF, 2013

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AIESEC Globally AIESEC was founded in 1948 by students

from Belgium, Denmark, France, Finland,

Norway, Sweden and The Netherlands as

a response to the cultural insensitivity of

the World War II.

AIESEC is a French acronym for ‘Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales’. Today, we no longer use it as our membership has grown to encompass a much wider range of disciplines than only economics and commerce.

AIESEC , the world’s largest student-run organisation, is an international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential to have a positive impact on society. With a focus on building personal networks and exploring the direction and ambition of their future, AIESEC has an innovative approach to engaging and developing young people into the leaders needed today and tomorrow.


Most Democratic Workplace

in the World Voted by Worldblu

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AIESEC has its own unique

approach of making an impact.

The AIESEC Way is not only a

description of the manner we

aim to make a positive impact

on society, but also describes

the road we are taking to

achieve what we envision.

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AIESEC 2015 is the mid-term ambition defined by AIESEC globally during International Conference 2010 in India. The midterm ambition is composed by vision statements that came from 600 delegates present at the conference with the virtual support of members and alumni.

Since the creation of the AIESEC Way, our organisation keeps this essence as our main compass that connects our vision - Peace and Ful lment of Humankind’s Potential - to our evolution throughout the years.

In order to advance, we need to maintain the essence of the organisation, but, at the same time, allow innovation and progress. It’s not one versus the other, but one complementing the other! That’s why AIESEC2015 is about improving our current programmes - exchange, leadership and global learning environment - while inventing new ones.

BHAG – BHAG stands for Big, Hairy, Audacious, and Goal . It’s a hope that drives organizational accomplishments by setting a focal point of efforts for organizational alignment. The BHAG is used for pointing a motivational direction that pushes us closer to our vision.

The statements of AIESEC 2015 tell us what AIESEC will look

like in 2015, the first step to achieving our BHAG. It is through

these statements that AIESEC is able to design the activities

it will deliver in 2015:


Be the pulse of the World

Twitter’s BHAG

AIESEC’s BHAG for 2015 is to

‘Engage and develop every young person in the world’

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The AIESEC Experience

All AIESEC members are encouraged to create their own AIESEC Experience through the choices they make about their involvement in

the organization and how they can best develop their abilities. AIESEC Experience is comprised of three key elements: Life-long

Connection, Engagement with AIESEC and Experiential Leadership Development. Engagement with AIESEC In this phase, young people are

introduced to the world of AIESEC

through different engagement

channels. They learn about WHY,

HOW and WHAT of AIESEC and it

empowers them to pick the path to

kick start their AIESEC Experience.

Experiential Leadership Development The main programs of the

organization are delivered here. This is

the Leadership Development Centre

where the members can learn and

gain everything from the global

leadership network of AIESEC.

Life -Long Connection A life-long connection will ensure

positive change throughout an

AIESEC member’s life. In this way,

AIESEC presents each of its alumni a

platform for continuous growth,

enabling them to make a constant

positive impact on society.

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Experiential Leadership Development


Team Member Programme : Here you start your path towards Leadership Development. In this phase you are introduced to a practical team experience, gain access to a global network and engage in practical hard skills development.

Team Leader Programme This experience culminates in personal and professional development of AIESEC members through the concept of team building and management. You get to experience leading other members and guiding them in their work, thus becoming a crucial part of their development.

Global Community


Programme : This Programme

encompasses cross-cultural

positive impact through

working abroad for social

and community

development projects that

lead to self-development

and skill enhancement for

the member undertaking

the programme.

Global Internship

Programme : This programme offers

international internships

that contribute to the

professional development

of our members and assist

them to specialise in a

certain field of work. They

are normally long-term in

nature and involve

working on diverse

business projects.


196 TLP and TMP Experiences have been delivered in Serbia in 2012

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AIESEC - Organizational Structure AI

MC AIESEC on a global level is a three-layer organization LC

AIESEC International AIESEC International (AI) is based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Their responsibility is to coordinate the work of AIESEC all over the World. AI consists of the President of AIESEC International

(PAI) and approximately 25 other

employees responsible for different

functions and also coaching different

parts of the world.

Member Committees Every member country has a national executive board called the Member Committee (MC). Generally role of MC is to co-ordinate the work of the Local Committees (LC) and be leaders of the direction and strategy of AIESEC in particular country.

Local Comm ittees Local Committees (LCs) are situated at

universities all over the World. Each LC has an

executive board (EB), which is elected for one

year (term). EB consists of LCP and his/her VPs.

Role of EB is to manage and lead the activities

and members in the LC. It is at this local level that

most activities of AIESEC take place, which is why

the LCs are the most important units of the

organization. It is also in the LCs that all the

exchange and other activities are happening.

There are roles to be filled in areas like finance, student relations, people development, external relations, and exchange.

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Opportunities in AIESEC 8

Intern (GO ON EXCHANGE!) 1. Live the AIESEC Experience and the Product yourself 2. get a unique opportunity and experience living, working and having fun abroad 3. put your knowledge and skills into practice and get new experience from work 4. make friends from all over the world 5. be actively involved into AIESEC there


X+L Premium Product that AIESEC has to offer!

Team Member

1. work on project, organize conference or other events in team of 4-8 members which is led by TL 2. learn about cooperation within team members and with other teams 3. manage your time 4. get useful experience in particular area of your interest 5. get an network of organizations you approach 6. understanding and insight into the pool

Team Leader

1. lead a team of 4-8 members working in a department 2. learn about how to lead and motivate members of your team 3. manage your time and time of others 4. get useful experience in area of your interest 5. get an network of organizations you approach 6. understanding and insight into the pool

Local Committee Vice Pre sident (LC VP) 1. be a member of Executive Body of your Local Committee which is led by Local Committee President (LCP) 2. be a part of a team which is leading AIESEC in your University and moving it forward 3. learn, develop and get into action international and national strategies in AIESEC Serbia 4. work in area of your interest (finance, incoming exchange, outgoing exchange, people development

(human resources), or communications 5. attend international conferences

Local Committee President (LCP) 1. lead a team of brightest young minds in your city 2. be the main responsible for the future of AIESEC in you LC 3. together with your team move AIESEC in your LC forward 4. be the main representative of AIESEC in your LC externally and also internally within AIESEC 5. be the main representative of AIESEC in your LC on national and international level 6. be a part of the international community of LCPs which is sharing ideas and strategies – give inputs and be

actively involved in discussions

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7. bring & implement international strategies in AIESEC Serbia 8. with your team and the Member Committee create & implement national strategies in AIESEC India 9. attend national and international conferences


1. Go abroad to another AIESEC committee. Duration: 2 weeks to 6 months 2. bring ideas to new LC and help them in the area they need 3. learn and bring new ideas to your LC 4. have a great experience of living and working in another country and another LC with totally different

reality OC member abroad

1. go and become a member of organizing committee of national or international conference abroad 2. it’s a great opportunity to learn and experience how things are working in foreign country 3. you will make a lot of friends from different countries

Facilitator at conference

1. at local, national or international conferences/events, both home and abroad 2. great opportunity to experience your facilitation, presentation, communication skills at the


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Growth Network (GN) All AIESEC countries are divided into 6 GNs. Those countries are divided according to geographic position, spoken language or AIESEC´s and external reality. Main reasons for dividing countries into GNs are better cooperation among countries and better management from AIESEC International. Africa AP – Asia Pacific CEE – Central and Eastern Europe MENA-Middle East and North Africa

WENA – Western Europe and North America

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Dragi AIESEC-ovci,

Kompanija iDEA je u prethodnim godinama imala priliku da sarađuje sa

studentskom organizacijom AIESEC i učestvuje na njihovim projektima.

Kroz dosadašnju saradnju imali smo priliku da radimo sa mladim ljudima koji su

vrlo proaktivni, željni informacija i novih iskustava i želje da napreduju i menjaju

sebe i svet oko sebe. Imali smo priliku da budemo svedoci njihove dobre

organizacije, da pregovaramo sa ljudima dobrih pregovaračkih osobina, da

razmenjujemo ideje sa ljudima željnim novih znanja i inovacija. Delili smo sa vama

pozitivnu energiju! Kao strateški partner lokalne kancelarije Ekonomskog faktulteta, iDEA želi da se

približi vama i vama približi sebe, da podeli svoje znanje, a dobije pozitivni duh i

nove ideje...

Dosadašnje pozitivno iskustvo u radu sa vama, želimo da pretvorimo u stalnu

praksu iz koje ćemo svi izaći bogatiji!

Znanje + Energija = iDEAlni AIESECovac

Vaša iDEA!

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Abbreviations used in AIESEC

A @ The most common abbreviation for AIESEC internally in the organization AI AIESEC International. Head office of AIESEC located in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. AIESEC’s world database, which we use in our daily work. Alumni A former member who has been active in AIESEC and has now finished studying. He is still actively supporting Africa GN Africa Growth Network. AP GN Asia Pacific Growth Network. @XP AIESEC Experience


BOA Board of Advisors Buddy

A member who is the contact person responsible for the well being of an intern during his or her stay in the country.


CEED Exchange of AIESEC members between two LCs. AIESEC members can work for a period of time in a LC abroad doing AIESEC work. Usually takes from 1 week to 6 months. CEE GN Central and Eastern Europe Growth Network. CY

AIESEC code for “Country”.


Delegate Participant in a conference or seminar. Follows the complete agenda.

E EB Executive Board EwA Engagement with AIESEC Elect Name for an executive board member from the time when he or she is elected and up to the time where they take over. ET Type of internship – Educational Internship.

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GN Growth Network – AIESEC countries are divided into 5 growth networks (WENA, SS, CEE, Africa and AP). GCM Global Competency Model GCDP Global Community Development Program GIP

Global Internship Program


IC International Congress. All members of MCEBs in AIESEC attend. Usually starts in the late August. In-kind Products provided for free as a sponsorship. IPM International President Meeting. An international congress for all MCPs in AIESEC. Usually in February. MYAIESEC.NET AIESEC international on-line system for matching students and companies for internships. Intern Student going on internship abroad ICX Incoming exchange


LC Local Committee. The local branches of AIESEC at universities and business schools. LCEB Local Committee Executive Board. The administrative body which manages the LC on a day to day basis. LCP Local Committee President. Head of the local executive board. LCVP Local Committee Vice President. Member of the local executive board. LCong Local Congress LN

Learning network (HIV/AIDS, Child Rights, Technology, CSR, Education) LLDS Local Leadership Development Seminar LST

Local Support Team

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MC Member Committee. The national board of AIESEC in Serbia. MCP Member Committee President. President of AIESEC in India and head of the MCEB. MCVP Member Committee Vice President. MT Type of internship – Management internship Matched Status for company or student in They found suitable match and now are in process of preparing everything for intern’s arrival.


NatCo National Congress NSC National Strategic Conference NLDS National Leadership Development Seminar NST National Support Team NTT National Train the Trainers Team

O OC Organising Committee. A group of people who is arranging a p-box, seminar or conference. OCP Organising Committee President OGX

Outgoing Exchange


PAI President of AIESEC International. P-BoX Project Based on Exchange. Exchange

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Realized Status for company or student in Intern already arrived to country for internship and is doing his job in company.


TN Traineeship Nominee. A company receiving an international member for an internship. TM Talent Management TD Talent Development TtT Train the Trainers TMP Team Member Program TLP Team Leader Program Trainee Name for intern in receiving country Traineeship The same meaning as international internship


Vice President


WENA GN Western Europe and Northern America Growth Network


The most common symbol for exchange.

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Contact Information of the Executive Board of AIESEC LC Belgrade EF

Name Position Contact Number Email

Dušan Ilić LCP +381 62 80 30 818 [email protected]

Jovana Milić VPi ICX GCDP +381 62 803 08 34 [email protected]

Jelena Stevanović VPi OGP GIP +381 62 80 83 903 [email protected]

Mia Meleghi VP OGP GCDP +381 62 80 30 816 mia.meleghi

Nemanja Trninić VP TM +381 62 254 219 nemanja.trninic

Anita Živković VP TD +381 62 803 0845 anita.zivkovic

Jakov Božović VP ER +381 62 803 0854 jakov.bozovic

Marija Nikolić VP ICX GIP +381 62 254 517 [email protected]

Jana Luković VP Marketing & PR +381 62 803 0859 jana.lukovic

Đorđe Vasiljević VP F +381 62 254 521 [email protected]

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