guide for postgraduate students

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Post on 22-May-2015




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This is a brief guide for PhD or MSc students.



2. By: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimapBy: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimap 2/14 3. By: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimapBy: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimap 3/14 SUPERVISOR EXPECTATIONS students to be independent students to produce legible written work. students to seek advice and comments on their work from others to have regular meetings with their postgraduate students research students to honest when reporting on their progress students to follow the advice that they give, when the supervisors has given that advice at the request of the postgraduate students students to be excited about their work their students to be able to surprise them students to be fun to be with 4. By: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimapBy: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimap 4/14 RESEARCH PROPOSAL CONSISTS OF: BACKGROUND TO THE PROBLEM GROUND FOR CONCERN IMPORTANCE OF THE PROBLEM IMPLICATIONS OF THE STUDY PURPOSE OF THE STUDY MAJOR QUESTIONS TO BE ADDRESSED BY THE STUDY HYPOTHESES ASSUMPTIONS LIMITATIONS DELIMITATIONS OVERVIEW OF METHODOLOGY DEFINITION OF TERMS (OPTIONAL) 5. By: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimapBy: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimap 5/14 REQUIREMENTS OF A Ph.D THESIS The important requirements examiners look for in your thesis are: A distinct contribution to knowledge Evidence of the discovery of new facts or new facts or the exercise of independent judgment Literary presentation Original work of merit worthy of publication Competence in independent work experimentation Understanding of the appropriate techniques Critical use of published work and source materials 6. By: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimapBy: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimap 6/14 GUIDE TO THESIS WRITING LEARN TO USE WORD PROCESSING PRESENTATION, STYLE, PAGE NUMBERING AND ORGANIZATION EVERY WORD, EVERY PARAGRAPH MUST BE CAREFULLY THOUGHT OUT AND CONTINUNITY MUST BE CONSISTENT AND MAINTAINED THROUGH OUT YOUR WRITING BEFORE SUBMISSION EVEN DRAFTS MAKE SURE THE TEXT/CHAPTERS HAVE BEEN ENGLISH EDITED REFER TO PROPER CITATION ALL DIAGRAMS MUST BE LABELED WITH PROPER TITLING AND SUBTITLING USE OTHER THESIS AT YOUR UNIVERSITY AS EXAMPLES IF YOU ARE USING SHORT FORM WORDS MAKE SURE TO INTRODUCE AT THE LONG VERSION OF WORDS. USE DIFFERENT PARAGRAPHS TO EXPRESS YOUR IDEAS. 7. By: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimapBy: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimap 7/14 CHAPTERS OF YOUR THESIS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION CHAPTER II: BACKGROUND CHAPTER III: LITERATURE REVIEW CHAPTER IV: METHODOLOGY CHAPTER V: ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS CHAPTER VI: SUMMARY 8. By: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimapBy: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimap 8/14 THESIS WRITING For a thesis to be completed within a reasonable time, one has to plan the programme of: Reading Research Writing 9. By: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimapBy: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimap 9/14 THESIS WRITING Reading: to acquire a through knowledge of what work has been done in a field before a new contribution can be adequately planned involves the construction of an adequate bibliography carefully combing registers of abstracts and other guides to research in progress a systematic review of the professional journals careful reading of the relevant books and monographs 10. By: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimapBy: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimap 10/14 THESIS WRITING Research: generating hypotheses data collection data analysis Findings 11. By: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimapBy: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimap 11/14 Writing: The transition from research to writing is never an abrupt one A good supervisor will insist upon a formal start, marked by the approval of a final detailed thesis plan The preparation of a complete draft has to be given priority over other task Each draft chapter (complete with footnotes) should be given to the supervisor as soon as it is ready THESIS WRITING Once the entire first draft has been finished, the student can deal with minor research tasks needed to fill gaps of information The second draft should be a complete reconsideration of the first draft, and not a scissors-and-paste job. (Should normally take no more than 6-8 weeks to complete) Check for facts, references, typing errors, clarity of writing Temptation to use obscure words and complicated forms of expressions, so as to demonstrate a knowledge and command of abstruse jargon and complex literary structures, should be resisted 12. By: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimapBy: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimap 12/14 A CHECK-LIST FOR STUDENTS Have you tried to plan your work satisfactorily? Have you identified the major difficulties? Do you understand to relevant references? Are your records in good order and could you answer a question on something you did six months ago? Have you drafted the first version of any portion of the work that has been completed? Do other people find your written English difficult to understand? Are there any tables, figures or other matters which could usefully be prepared at an early stage? 13. By: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimapBy: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimap 13/14 14. By: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimapBy: Prof. RB Ahmad @unimap 14/14