guide fiori

8/10/2019 Guide fiori 1/28 SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP ERP Application PP SAP SE Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 69190 Walldorf Germany How to implement defined Fiori apps on top of the SAP est Pra!ti!es aseline pa!"a#es$ ased on the e%ample of &S aseline '($60) How-to G*ide+ '1$00

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SAP Fiori Apps for theSAP ERP Application PP

SAP SEDietmar-Hopp-Allee 1669190 Walldorf Germany

How to implement defined Fiori apps on top of theSAP est Pra!ti!es aseline pa!"a#es$

ased on the e%ample of &S aseline '($60)

How-to G*ide+ '1$00

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP


.01/ SAP SE or an SAP affiliate !ompany$ All ri#hts resered$

o part of this p*2li!ation may 2e reprod*!ed or transmitted in any form or for any p*rpose witho*t thee%press permission of SAP SE or an SAP affiliate !ompany$

SAP and other SAP prod*!ts and seri!es mentioned herein as well as their respe!tie lo#os aretrademar"s or re#istered trademar"s of SAP SE 3or an SAP affiliate !ompany4 in Germany and other!o*ntries$ Please see http+55#lo2al$sap$!om5!orporate-en5le#al5!opyri#ht5inde%$ep%trademar" for additionaltrademar" information and noti!es$

Some software prod*!ts mar"eted 2y SAP SE and its distri2*tors !ontain proprietary software !omponentsof other software endors$

ational prod*!t spe!ifi!ations may ary$

7hese materials are proided 2y SAP SE or an SAP affiliate !ompany for informational p*rposes only8witho*t representation or warranty of any "ind8 and SAP SE or its affiliated !ompanies shall not 2e lia2le forerrors or omissions with respe!t to the materials$ 7he only warranties for SAP SE or SAP affiliate !ompany

prod*!ts and seri!es are those that are set forth in the e%press warranty statements a!!ompanyin# s*!hprod*!ts and seri!es8 if any$ othin# herein sho*ld 2e !onstr*ed as !onstit*tin# an additional warranty$

n parti!*lar8 SAP SE or its affiliated !ompanies hae no o2li#ation to p*rs*e any !o*rse of 2*siness o*tlinedin this do!*ment or any related presentation8 or to deelop or release any f*n!tionality mentioned therein$7his do!*ment8 or any related presentation8 and SAP SE:s or its affiliated !ompanies: strate#y and possi2lef*t*re deelopments8 prod*!ts8 and5or platform dire!tions and f*n!tionality are all s*2;e!t to !han#e andmay 2e !han#ed 2y SAP SE or its affiliated !ompanies at any time for any reason witho*t noti!e$ 7heinformation in this do!*ment is not a !ommitment8 promise8 or le#al o2li#ation to delier any material8 !ode8or f*n!tionality$ All forward-loo"in# statements are s*2;e!t to ario*s ris"s and *n!ertainties that !o*ld !a*sea!t*al res*lts to differ materially from e%pe!tations$ ,eaders are !a*tioned not to pla!e *nd*e relian!e onthese forward-loo"in# statements8 whi!h spea" only as of their dates8 and they sho*ld not 2e relied *pon inma"in# p*r!hasin# de!isions$

SAP SE Pa#e . of .<

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP


Icon Meaning






Typographic Conventions

Type Style Description

Example text  Words or !hara!ters that appear on the s!reen$ 7hese in!l*de fieldnames8 s!reen titles8 p*sh2*ttons as well as men* names8 paths andoptions$

=ross-referen!es to other do!*mentation$

Example text Emphasi>ed words or phrases in 2ody te%t8 titles of #raphi!s andta2les$

E?A@PE 7E?7 ames of elements in the system$ 7hese in!l*de report names8

pro#ram names8 transa!tion !odes8 ta2le names8 and indiid*al "eywords of a pro#rammin# lan#*a#e8 when s*rro*nded 2y 2ody te%t8 fore%ample8 SEE=7 and =&DE$

E%ample te%t S!reen o*tp*t$ 7his in!l*des file and dire!tory names and their paths8messa#es8 so*r!e !ode8 names of aria2les and parameters as well asnames of installation8 *p#rade and data2ase tools$

E?A@PE 7E?7 Beys on the "ey2oard8 for e%ample8 f*n!tion "eys 3s*!h as F.4 or theE7E, "ey$

Example text E%a!t *ser entry$ 7hese are words or !hara!ters that yo* enter in thesystem e%a!tly as they appear in the do!*mentation$

 <Example text>  'aria2le *ser entry$ Pointed 2ra!"ets indi!ate that yo* repla!e these

words and !hara!ters with appropriate entries$

SAP SE Pa#e ( of .<

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

<$1$. ai#ation 7ar#ets$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ .)

<$1$( 7ransa!tions$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ .)

<$1$/ 7e!hni!al ,e*irements$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.)

<$1$ 7e!hni!al Data$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ .<

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

SAP Fiori Apps for ERP Baseline – Application PP

1 Prpose of SAP FioriSAP Fiori is a !olle!tion of apps that represent the new SAP *ser e%perien!e$ SAP Fiori appshae a consistent design language and ma"e *se of a common technical infrastructure$ 7heyproide a consistent end-to-end user experience and !an 2e *sed a!ross all dei!e types witho*t!reatin# additional implementation effort$

r#ani>ed 2y *ser role8 the SAP Fiori la*n!hpad is the !entral entry h*2 to all Fiori apps where*sers a!!ess apps ia tiles$ 7he la*n!hpad has seri!es for nai#ation8 personali>ation8 sin#lesi#n-on8 and sear!h$ 7he la*n!hpad and the tiles are fle%i2le and !an 2e adapted to yo*r needs$o* !an *se the sear!h in the SAP Fiori la*n!hpad to perform a !ross-entity sear!h thro*#h !oreSAP *siness S*ite appli!ations$ 7he sear!h *ses the SAP etWeaer Embedded Search te!hnolo#y on a SAP HAA data2ase$ ew SAP HAA-ena2led sear!h models are deliered for!ore 2*siness o2;e!ts$

7he Fiori apps fo!*s on !riti!al and !ommon a!tiities and are desi#ned aro*nd how people wor"+

• Role-based: Fiori apps de!ompose !omple% appli!ations into a tas"-2ased e%perien!e with

one !entral entry point for ea!h *ser$

• Responsive: Fiori apps adapt to all si>es8 dei!es8 ersions8 and !hannels to proide a

!ommon *ser e%perien!e a!ross all !hannels$

• Simple: Fiori apps follow the 1-1-( e%perien!e 31 *ser8 1 s!enario8 ( s!reens4$ 7hey "now and

proide the ri#ht !onte%t and meanin#f*l data inte#ration$

• Coherent  *ser e%perien!e with apps that spea" the same desi#n lan#*a#e$ 7his implies

!oheren!e for !ommon a!tiities as well as !oheren!e for yo*r 2rand$

• Instant value with a low 2arrier to adoption8 ena2lin# !*stomers to adapt and *sers to


• ntera!tie on des"top8 ta2let8 and mo2ile platforms

 All &s are 2*ilt *sin# state-of-the-art te!hnolo#y s*!h as H7@ and SAP & mo2ile$ Fiori appsallow yo* to a!!ess the most re!ent ersion of yo*r 2a!"-end data ia Data seri!es$ 7hro*#hpreio*sly defined roles and a*thori>ations8 yo* !an spe!ify whi!h apps and whi!h data a *ser isallowed to a!!ess$

7he p*rpose of this do!*ment is to #ie the *ser all ne!essary information aro*nd the SAP Fioriapps for PP to 2e a2le to r*n them on top of the SAP est Pra!ti!es @@ pro!esses$

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

! "vervie# Matri$ for PP Fiori Apps7he followin# matri% shows the e%istin# Fiori roles aaila2le within the @@ appli!ation and theassi#ned Fiori apps$

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

Fiori Role Fiori App Short Description Mapping to ScopeIte%&Baseline ScopeIte%' IDs


SAP (A)AMan*atory

@aterial,e*irementsPlanner - *yS!enarios nly


o* !an monitor material shorta#es in a sele!ted area ofresponsi2ility$ o* !an spe!ify a shorta#e definition and a timehori>on to determine whi!h materials yo* want to !he!"$ o* !anspe!ify a shorta#e definition and a time hori>on to determinewhi!h materials yo* want to !he!"$

@a"e-to-Sto!"Prod*!tion -Dis!rete nd*stry3@7S4 31/4

7ransa!tional o



o* !an !he!" the !oera#e of yo*r materials 2ased on the

settin#s yo* made in the Monitor Material Shortages app$ 7ohelp yo* sole yo*r shorta#es8 the system proposes differentsol*tions$ o* !an sim*late the sol*tion to preiew its effe!tsand yo* !an apply the sol*tion that 2est soles yo*r iss*e$


Prod*!tion -Dis!rete nd*stry3@7S4 31/4

7ransa!tional o


o* !an monitor the *n!oered re*irements ori#inatin# fromsales orders and sto!" transport orders in a sele!ted area ofresponsi2ility$ o* !an spe!ify a shorta#e definition and a timehori>on to determine whi!h *n!oered e%ternal re*irementsyo* want to !he!"$

@a"e-to-Sto!"Prod*!tion -Dis!rete nd*stry3@7S4 31/4

7ransa!tional o


o* !an !he!" yo*r *n!oered and delayed items 2ased on thesettin#s yo* made in the Monitor External Requirements app$ 7ohelp yo* !oer yo*r e%ternal re*irements8 the system proposesdifferent sol*tions$ o* !an sim*late the sol*tion to preiew itseffe!ts and yo* !an apply the sol*tion that 2est soles yo*riss*e$

@a"e-to-Sto!"Prod*!tion -Dis!rete nd*stry3@7S4 31/4

7ransa!tional o

SAP Prod*!tionPlannin# I=ontrol


 A prod*!tion wor"er !an perform partial or final !onfirmations forprod*!tion orders thro*#h a simplified and int*itie &$ 7he appproides fast order inp*t and simplified order !onfirmationpro!ed*res that are aaila2le for des"top8 ta2let8 and mo2ile$

@a"e-to-Sto!"Prod*!tion -Dis!rete nd*stry3@7S4 31/4

7ransa!tional o


Prod*!tion wor"ers !an iew and !onfirm order operationsreleased to their wor" !enters$ 7hey !an sear!h for the ne%torder operation that they want to !onfirm 2y its n*m2er or!onfirmation n*m2er$ 7hey !an *se ario*s sortin# and filterin#options that speed *p and simplify the sear!h for an orderoperation that they want to !onfirm$ Prod*!tion wor"ers !an

@a"e-to-Sto!"Prod*!tion -Dis!rete nd*stry3@7S4 31/4

7ransa!tional o

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

Fiori Role Fiori App Short Description Mapping to ScopeIte%&Baseline ScopeIte%' IDs


SAP (A)AMan*atory

partially or finally !onfirm a prod*!tion order operation anytimeand from any pla!e *sin# ario*s mo2ile dei!es$



Prod*!tion s*perisors !an release prod*!tion orders *sin# ahi#hly int*itie and *ser-friendly appli!ation$ 7he 2rowser 2asedappli!ation s*pports des"top8 ta2let and mo2ile dei!es$

@a"e-to-Sto!"Prod*!tion -Dis!rete nd*stry3@7S4 31/4

7ransa!tional o


7his fa!t sheet displays !onte%t*al information a2o*t theProd*!tion rder$ o* !an nai#ate to its related entities andyo* !an a!!ess related transa!tions in operational systems$

@a"e-to-Sto!"Prod*!tion -Dis!rete nd*stry3@7S4 31/4

Fa!t sheet o

Planned rder 7his fa!t sheet displays !onte%t*al information a2o*t thePlanned rder$ o* !an nai#ate to its related entities and yo*!an a!!ess related transa!tions in operational systems8 or yo*!an nai#ate to related transa!tional appli!ations$

@a"e-to-Sto!"Prod*!tion -Dis!rete nd*stry3@7S4 31/4

Fa!t sheet o

Pro!ess rder 7his fa!t sheet displays !onte%t*al information a2o*t the pro!essorder$ o* !an nai#ate to its related entities and yo* !ana!!ess related transa!tions in operational systems8 or yo* !annai#ate to related transa!tional appli!ations$

@a"e-to-Sto!"Prod*!tion CPro!ess nd*stry31/64

Fa!t sheet o

,eso*r!e 7his fa!t sheet displays !onte%t*al information a2o*t thereso*r!e$ o* !an nai#ate to its related entities and yo* !ana!!ess related transa!tions in operational systems8 or yo* !an

nai#ate to related transa!tional appli!ations$

@a"e-to-Sto!"Prod*!tion -Dis!rete nd*stry

3@7S4 31/4@a"e-to-Sto!"Prod*!tion CPro!ess nd*stry31/64

Fa!t sheet o

Wor" =enter 7his fa!t sheet displays !onte%t*al information a2o*t the wor"!enter$ o* !an nai#ate to its related entities and yo* !ana!!ess related transa!tions in operational systems8 or yo* !an

@a"e-to-Sto!"Prod*!tion -Dis!rete nd*stry

Fa!t sheet o

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

Fiori Role Fiori App Short Description Mapping to ScopeIte%&Baseline ScopeIte%' IDs


SAP (A)AMan*atory

nai#ate to related transa!tional appli!ations$ 3@7S4 31/4

@a"e-to-Sto!"Prod*!tion CPro!ess nd*stry31/64

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

For Wae .8 the @,P Fiori apps are !apa2le to mana#e e%ternal pro!*rements s*!h asp*r!hase orders or p*r!hase re*isitions$ All s!ope items *sin# pro!*red materials 3raw or semi-finished4 !an *se these Fiori Apps$

• Pro!*rement witho*t J@ 31(04

• Sto!" 7ransfer with Deliery 3@,P r*n re*ires 1(04 31(/4

• @a"e-to-Sto!" Prod*!tion C Dis!rete nd*stry 3@7S4 31/4

• @a"e-to-Sto!" Prod*!tion C Pro!ess nd*stry 31/64

+ Rea*y,to,Activate - Flly,Activate* .ersionFor the ,eady-to-A!tiate ersion8 the !omplete !ontent des!ri2ed in this do!*ment is releant$

For the ,eady-to-Demo ersion8 yo* !an s"ip all the !hapters whi!h treat !onfi#*ration topi!s$7he followin# s*2!hapters are releant for ea!h Fiori appli!ation+

• Des!ription

• Bey Feat*res

• *siness p*rpose

• Pro!ed*re

/ Technical-Syste% Prere0isites forTransactional Apps

7he prere*isite for *sin# the SAP Fiori transa!tional apps is implementin# the releantappli!ation independent parts proided 2y the SAP Fiori apps rapid-deployment sol*tion$ 7hisersion of SAP Fiori apps rapid-deployment sol*tion in!l*des new SAP Fiori apps and ena2lesthe implementation of SAP etWeaer Gateway8 SAP & and any of the SAP Fiori transa!tionalapps$ n #eneral8 it is ne!essary to set *p the SAP Fiori system lands!ape$

7he sol*tion in!l*des a des!ription of the #eneral !onfi#*ration steps re*ired to man*ally set *pthe !onfi#*ration within the system lands!ape and information a2o*t the software installation$ Wehae three s!enarios for Fiori+ transa!tional apps8 analyti!al apps and fa!t sheets$ Ea!h s!enariohas its spe!ifi! systems or software that need to 2e installed$ y readin# thro*#h the referen!eddo!*ments8 yo* sho*ld 2e a2le to set *p yo*r own Fiori lands!ape 2ased on yo*r e%istin# systemenironment$

7he pa!"a#e deliers a des!ription of the SAP Fiori related se!*rity !onfi#*ration$ When r*nnin#yo*r SAP *siness S*ite system8 yo* m*st ens*re that yo*r data and pro!esses s*pport yo*r2*siness needs witho*t allowin# *na*thori>ed a!!ess to !riti!al information$ 7his do!*mentproides the networ" safety related system !omponents settin#s8 and 2ased on SA@.$08 SS.and ?$098 a sin#le point of Sin#le Si#n-on a*thenti!ation !onfi#*ration$

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

7he SAP Fiori la*n!hpad is the entry point to SAP Fiori apps on mo2ile or des"top dei!es andthe a*n!hpad Desi#ner is the standard tool for !onfi#*rin# the la*n!hpad$ 7he !onfi#*ration#*ide proides the information for the set*p and also e%plains how to add the different types ofapps to the la*n!hpad$

For detailed information on the te!hni!al implementation of the a2oe mentioned prere*isites8refer to the SA !iori Apps rapid-deplo"ment solution on the SAP Seri!e @ar"etpla!e 3dire!t

a!!ess to the pa#e+ http+55seri!e$sap$!om5rds-fiori-apps4$

Transactional PP Apps

21 3eneral Configration

n the followin# the ne!essary !onfi#*ration steps for the a!tiation and *sa#e of the app arementioned in a short !he!"list$ Details are des!ri2ed in the releant !onfi#*ration #*ides for theSAP Fiori Apps rapid-deployment sol*tion8 SAP HAA ie rapid-deployment sol*tion and SAPFiori nfrastr*!t*re rapid-deployment sol*tion$

2! Re0ire* SAP )otesFor @onitor @aterial Shorta#es8 the followin# SAP otes m*st 2e implemented+

Bac4,En*-Front,En* Server SAP )ote )%5er Description

a!"-end and front-endserers

19.<9 ,elease nformation ote for SAP Fiori Apps for @aterial ,e*irementsPlannin#

19(1.) Fiori-App+ K,elease Prod*!tion rdersL!orre!tions

1<9()<< =onersions in SAP etWeaerGateway Framewor"

2+ Technical Data7he followin# ta2les list te!hni!al o2;e!ts spe!ifi! to the apps in the prod*!tion enironment$

2+21 Bac4,En* Co%ponents

"Data Service App Athori6ation Role &PFC3 Role'

PPM@,PM==BP7MS,' 314 @onitor @aterialShorta#es


@ana#e @aterialShorta#es


@onitor E%ternal,e*irements


@ana#e E%ternal,e*irements


PPMP,D,DE,M,EEASEMS,' ,eleaseProd*!tionorders


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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

"Data Service App Athori6ation Role &PFC3 Role'

PPMP,DPSM=F,@MS,' =onfirmProd*!tionperations


PPMP,D,DM=F,@ =onfirm




Fa!t Sheet forProd*!tionrder 


2+2! Front,En* Co%ponents7 8I Application

Co%ponent App Technical )a%e

& Appli!ation @onitor @aterialShorta#es


@ana#e @aterialShorta#es


@onitor E%ternal,e*irements


@ana#e E%ternal,e*irements


,elease Prod*!tionrders


=onfirm Prod*!tionperations


=onfirm Prod*!tionrders


2+2+ Front,En* Server7 SAP Fiori 9anchpa* Co%ponents

App Co%ponent Technical )a%e

@,P *siness ,ole SAPMPPM=,M@,P=ontroller  

*siness =atalo# SAPMPPM=M@,P=ontroller 

*siness =atalo# Gro*p SAPMPPM=GM@,P=ontroller 

7e!hni!al ,ole SAPMPPM7=,M7

7e!hni!al =atalo# SAPMPPM7=M7

PDM=&S7 ,ole &APPP01

PDM=&S7 nstan!e 7,ASA=7A

Prod*!tion rder *siness ,ole SAPMPPM=,MWor"er  

*siness =atalo# SAPMPPM=MWor"er 

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

App Co%ponent Technical )a%e

*siness =atalo# Gro*p SAPMPPM=GMWor"er 

2+2/ Technical Re0ire%ents

7he followin# software prod*!ts m*st 2e aaila2le in yo*r system lands!ape+

• a!"-end system 32*siness data4

• ,e*ired prod*!t release+ SAP enhan!ement pa!"a#e ) for SAP E,P 6$0 SP0(

• ,e*ired software !omponents+ SAPMAPP 61)

• & add-on 3front-end !omponents4

• ,e*ired prod*!t release+ & for EHP) for SAP E,P 6$0

• ,e*ired software !omponents+ &EAAP01 SP01

7he SAP HAA data2ase is mandatory for wor"in# with SAP Fiori apps for @,P$ All restri!tions!on!ernin# the handlin# of materials on an SAP HAA data2ase are also alid for the @,P apps$For more information a2o*t restri!tions8 see ,estri!tions$

@o2ile dei!es with small displays are not s*pported 2y the @,P apps d*e to *sa2ility iss*es$Small displays re*ire !ondensin# the !omple% @,P data and releant information to s*!h ade#ree that it is no lon#er possi2le to wor" with the @,P apps effi!iently$ For more information8see SAP ote 19.<9$

2+2 Configration an* App I%ple%entation for BaselineProcesses

efore implementin# the apps8 yo* m*st ens*re the followin#+

• o* hae !onfi#*red the @aterial ,e*irements Plannin# !omponent in the 2a!"-end system$

For more information8 see the =*stomi>in# roduction # Material Requirements lanning$

• o* hae installed and !onfi#*red the app-spe!ifi! !onfi#*rations as des!ri2ed in the !hapters


• o* hae assi#ned the a*thori>ations that are re*ired for !han#in# and !reatin# re*isitions

or orders to the 2*siness *sers in the 2a!"end system$

• o* hae !onfi#*red the ,F= !onne!tion SAP_ERP_PP with !onne!tion type H and !hosen

Trusted Relationship as the o#on Pro!ed*re$ 7his ,F= !onne!tion is *sed for

nai#atin# to the 2a!"-end system to iew the sto!"5re*irements list or !han#e material data$f yo* *se a different name for the ,F= !onne!tion8 yo* hae to !han#e the system alias forthe entries Stoc% Requirements ist and Change Material  in transa!tion LPD_CUST for role

&APPP01 and instan!e 7,ASA=7A$

2+2: Assign 8ser Roles in the Bac4,En* Syste%

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

 Assi#n the ne!essary 2a!"end role for the @onitor @aterial Shorta#es app in the E,P system tothe *ser *sed for the la*n!hpad lo#on$


1$ A!!ess the a!tiity *sin# one of the followin# nai#ation options+

IM3 Men &ools # Administration # 'ser Maintenance # Role Administration # Roles

Transaction Co*e   PFC

.$ n the Role Maintenance s!reen8 enter the role as mentioned in the ta2le 2elow8 and then!hoose Change$

Fiori App )a%e Role )a%e

@onitor @aterialShorta#es


@ana#e @aterialShorta#es


@onitor E%ternal,e*irements


@ana#e E%ternal,e*irements


,elease Prod*!tionorders


=onfirm Prod*!tionperations


=onfirm Prod*!tionrders


Fa!t Sheet for Prod*!tionrder 


($ n the Change Roles s!reen8 ma"e s*re that there is a #reen li#ht on the Authori(ation ta2pa#e$

/$ =hoose the 'ser  ta2 pa#e8 enter the &ser D as 2a!"end *ser$

$ Sae yo*r entries$

2+2; Activation of 3ate#ay Service in the SAP 3ate#ay Server

#ith Transaction


Data =hannel implementations retriee the data from an SAP 2*siness system8 that is8 a2a!"end system$

n!e a seri!e has 2een defined in the 2a!"end system8 the seri!e m*st 2e re#istered ora!tiated in the SAP etWeaer Gateway system$

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7his is a #eneri! step that yo* m*st only !arry o*t on!e an SAP Fiori app shall 2ea!tiated that is not yet part of this rapid-deployment sol*tion$ n this !ase8 the na%eof the service %st 5e 4no#n8 and the seri!e !an 2e a!tiated as stated 2elow$

n !ase the apps are !onfi#*red as part of this pa!"a#e8 s"ip this step$ 7he app-

spe!ifi! seri!e to 2e a!tiated will 2e mentioned in the app-spe!ifi! !onfi#*ration#*ide$


)$  A!!ess the a!tiity *sin# the followin# nai#ation options+

Transaction Co*e   !"#F$D!%A"$T_SER&"CE

IM3 Men SA *et+eaver N ,atea"# ./ata Channel # Administration# ,eneral Settings # Activate and Maintain Services

0$ =hoose Add Service$

1$ n the Add Service s!reen8 enter the System Alias and !hoose Enter $ A list of seri!es is


Fiel* )a%e Entry .ale

S"stem Alias  <S'STE% AL"AS o( ERP> 

2$ =hoose ,et Services$

3$ =hoose the 7e!hni!al Seri!e ames$

Fiel* )a%e Entry .ale

&echnical Service *ame PPM@,PM==BP7MS,' 314





nly seri!es that are not yet a!tiated are displayed in this list$ 7o find the &echnicalService *ame to 2e a!tiated8 perform a wild !ard sear!h in the &echnical Service*ame field with the Service *ame proided in the app-spe!ifi! !onfi#*ration #*ide in!hapter Activation of ,atea" Service in SA *et+eaver ,atea"$

E%ample+ Sear!h for S,A00)MEEF7SMS,' $ 7he system sear!hes for the&echnical Service *ame whi!h may in!l*de additional namespa!e information 2*tin!l*des the External Service *ame$

4$ Enter the name of the pa!"a#e 2ein# *sed$

5$ Sele!t Standard Mode in the IC! *ode se!tion$

6$ Sele!t the Set current client as default client in IC!  node$

7$ =hoose Continue 8Enter9$  Assi#n yo*r Wor"2en!h and =*stomi>in# ,e*ests and !onfirm the displayed messa#es$

)$ =onfirm the information messa#e that the metadata was loaded s*!!essf*lly$

))$ =hoose ;ac%$

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

)0$ Sele!t the re!ord yo* hae ;*st !reated in the list$

)1$ =hoose ,atea" Client $

)2$ =hoose Execute 8!69$ 

7he H77P response is displayed and an ?@ file appears in the lower ri#ht !orner$ 7hisindi!ates that the we2 seri!e has 2een !onfi#*red properly$

7o r*n an SAP Fiori app8 it is re*ired that in addition to the a2oe mentionedseri!es8 at least two app-spe!ifi! seri!es are a!tiated per app$ ne seri!eproides the re*ired & !omponents and the other seri!e esta2lishes a !onne!tionto the 2a!"end and proides the re*ired 2a!"end data$ Whi!h seri!es are re*iredin this !ase is des!ri2ed in detail in the app-spe!ifi! !onfi#*ration #*ides$

For we2 seri!e !alls8 yo* m*st maintain a*thori>ation o2;e!t SMSE,'=E$ o* thenassi#n the we2 seri!e operations to a role in transa!tion PF=G$

Find more information8 see Definin# peration-Spe!ifi! Se!*rity A*thori>ations forWe2 Seri!es in the SAP Help Portal$

n !ase an error messa#e o!!*rs indi!atin# that the http re*est failed8 !he!" thefollowin#+

Does the tr*sted ,F= !onne!tion wor" properlyO

=he!" in the &rust Manager 3transa!tions tr*st4 if the SS !ertifi!ates are set *pproperly so the #ateway system !an !omm*ni!ate properly with the respe!tie2a!"end system$

2/ Material Re0ire%ents Planning

2/21 Bsiness Prpose for Material Re0ire%ents Planning

n Material Requirements lanning 8 one of the main tas"s of an @,P !ontroller is to monitor thematerial shorta#e sit*ation and sole any iss*es in time$ Another main tas" is to ens*re thats*ffi!ient s*pplies hae 2een planned to !oer yo*r e%ternal re*irements whether from salesorders or sto!" transfer orders8 for e%ample$ 7he #oal is to ens*re that 2oth !*stomer andprod*!tion demand are aaila2le on time and to aoid any disr*ptions d*e to missin# parts$ 7oena2le the @,P !ontroller to f*lfil these #oals8 yo* !an define a material shorta#e profile and

material shorta#e definitions in the =*stomi>in#$ 7hese =*stomi>in# settin#s proide sets of r*lesthat the system *ses for !al!*latin# material shorta#es and *n!oered demands 3or *n!oerede%ternal re*irements4$ 7hese r*les define the s!ope of the shorta#e !al!*lation meanin# thes*pply and demand elements to 2e !onsidered8 the !onditions that hae to 2e met to 2e areleant shorta#e8 or the priority of the demand elements$

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

2/2! Monitor Material Shortages

2/2!21 Bsiness Prpose for Monitor Material Shortages

With the @onitor @aterial Shorta#es transa!tional app8 yo* !an monitor material shorta#es in asele!ted area of responsi2ility$ o* !an spe!ify a shorta#e definition and a time hori>on to

determine whi!h materials yo* want to !he!"$7he @aterial ,eso*r!e Planner !alls the app to monitor the aaila2ility for p*r!hased materialsand rea!t on possi2le *nderdelieries for sales orders !a*sed 2y missin# inp*t materials$

2/2!2! <ey Featres

With the @onitor @aterial Shorta#es app8 yo* !an do the followin#+

• Sele!t an area of responsi2ility

• Sele!t a shorta#e definition and spe!ify a time hori>on to determine whi!h materials yo* want

to monitor 

• arrow down the s!ope of the material list 2y *sin# fa!et f ilters

• 'iew a material list a!!ordin# to the sele!ted shorta#e definition as well as other sele!tion


• Personali>e the ta2le 2y !hoosin# whi!h ta2le !ol*mns are shown and how ta2le entries are


• Display a !hart showin# the sto!" aaila2ility of a sele!ted material oer the ne%t .1 days

• 7ailor the app to yo*r needs and sae the !om2ination of shorta#e definition8 time hori>on8

and filters as a ariant

• Sae yo*r personali>ed ariants as tiles on yo*r home pa#e from whi!h yo* !an dire!tly

nai#ate to the @ana#e @aterial Shorta#es app

• 'iew details of the sele!ted materials and !he!" different sol*tions in the @ana#e @aterial

Shorta#e app

2/2!2+ Prere0isites for Configration

efore implementin# the app8 yo* m*st ens*re the followin#+

Defa*lt !onfi#*ration settin#s are proided for this app in the =*stomi>in# for roduction #Material Requirements lanning # Apps for Material Requirements lanning # ,eneralSettings$ =he!" if the SAP standard !onfi#*ration settin#s in the followin# =*stomi>in# a!tiitiesmeet yo*r 2*siness re*irements$ f this is the !ase8 no f*rther !han#es are ne!essary$

therwise8 yo* !an tailor the followin# =*stomi>in# settin#s to yo*r needs+

• /efine Suppl" and /emand rofiles+

n this a!tiity8 yo* !an !reate yo*r own s*pply and demand profiles$ Here8 yo* or#ani>e yo*rs*pply and demand elements into #ro*ps that yo* assi#n to the material shorta#e definitionsin a later =*stomi>in# step$ 7his filters the s*pply and demand elements to 2e *sed for the!al!*lations$

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• /efine Material Shortage rofiles+

n this a!tiity8 yo* !an !reate yo*r own material shorta#e profile$ 7he material shorta#eprofile !ontains the indiid*al material shorta#e definitions that yo* !an sele!t in the app inthe Shortage /efinition drop-down 2o%$ 7he shorta#e definition !ontains the spe!ifi! set ofr*les for !al!*latin# the material shorta#e or *n!oered demand$

•  Assign Material Shortage rofile to 'sers+

n this a!tiity8 yo* !an assi#n the material shorta#e profile to yo*r *sers$ 7his !ontrols thematerial shorta#e definitions the *ser !an !hoose from in the app$ f yo* ma"e no !han#eshere8 the system a*tomati!ally *ses the SAP standard material shorta#e profile for all *sers$

2/2+ Manage Material Shortages

2/2+21 Bsiness Prpose for Manage Material Shortages

With the @ana#e @aterial Shorta#es transa!tional app8 yo* !an !he!" the !oera#e of yo*rmaterials 2ased on the settin#s yo* made in the @onitor @aterial Shorta#es app$ 7o help yo*sole yo*r shorta#es8 the system proposes different sol*tions$ o* !an sim*late the sol*tion to

preiew its effe!ts and yo* !an apply the sol*tion that 2est soles yo*r iss*e$

2/2+2! <ey Featres

With the @ana#e @aterial Shorta#es app8 yo* !an do the followin#+

• 'iew a list of yo*r materials with shorta#es

• 'iew details of material shorta#es as a ta2le or a !hart

• 'iew additional @,P information

• ai#ate to the 2a!"-end system to iew the sto!"5re*irements list or !han#e material data

Sele!t a shorta#e to !he!" the different sol*tions proposed 2y the system

• Preiew the effe!ts of the proposed sol*tions as a ta2le or a !hart

• =hoose a sol*tion to apply the !han#es

2/2+2+ Prere0isites for Configration

efore implementin# the app8 yo* m*st ens*re the followin#+

• o* hae !onfi#*red the @aterial ,e*irements Plannin# !omponent in the 2a!"-end system$

For more information8 see =*stomi>in# for roduction  # Material Requirements lanning$

• o* hae installed and !onfi#*red the @onitor @aterial Shorta#es app$ For more information8see App mplementation+ @onitor @aterial Shorta#es$

• o* hae assi#ned the a*thori>ations that are re*ired for !han#in# and !reatin# re*isitions

or orders to the 2*siness *sers8 in the 2a!"-end system$

• o* hae a!tiated the Gateway seri!e PPM@,PM==BP7MS,' 0001 3'ersion 14 in the

Gateway system$

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

• o* hae !onfi#*red the ,F= !onne!tion SAP_ERP_PP with !onne!tion type H and !hosen

Trusted Relationship as the o#on Pro!ed*re$ 7his ,F= !onne!tion is *sed for

nai#atin# to the 2a!"-end system to iew the sto!"5re*irements list or !han#e material data$f yo* *se a different name for the ,F= !onne!tion8 yo* hae to !han#e the system alias forthe entries Stoc% Requirements <ist  and Change Material  in transa!tion LPD_CUST for role

&APPP01 and instan!e 7,ASA=7A$

2/2/ Monitor E$ternal Re0ire%ents

2/2/21 Bsiness Prpose for Monitor Material Shortages

With Monitor External Requirements8 yo* !an monitor the *n!oered re*irements ori#inatin#from sales orders and sto!" transport orders in a sele!ted area of responsi2ility$ o* !an spe!ify ashorta#e definition and a time hori>on to determine whi!h *n!oered e%ternal re*irements yo*want to !he!"$

2/2/2! <ey Featres

With the @ana#e @aterial Shorta#es app8 yo* !an do the followin#+

• Sele!t an area of responsi2ility$

• Sele!t a shorta#e definition and spe!ify a time hori>on to determine the s!ope of the

*n!oered e%ternal re*irements yo* want to !he!"$

• arrow down the s!ope of the re*irements list 2y *sin# fa!et filters$

• 'iew a ta2le of sales orders and sto!" transport orders a!!ordin# to the sele!ted shorta#e

definition as well as other sele!tion !riteria$

• Personali>e the ta2le 2y !hoosin# whi!h ta2le !ol*mns are shown and how ta2le entries are


• 7ailor the app to yo*r needs and sae the !om2ination of shorta#e definition8 time hori>on8

and filters as a ariant$

• Sae yo*r personali>ed ariants as tiles on yo*r home pa#e from whi!h yo* !an nai#ate

dire!tly to the @ana#e E%ternal ,e*irements app$

• 'iew details of sele!ted materials and !he!" different sol*tions on the @ana#e E%ternal

,e*irements app$

2/2/2+ Prere*isites for =onfi#*ration

efore implementin# the app8 yo* m*st ens*re the followin#+

• o* hae !onfi#*red the @aterial ,e*irements Plannin# !omponent in the 2a!"-end system$

For more information8 see =*stomi>in# roduction # Material Requirements lanning$

• o* hae assi#ned the a*thori>ations that are re*ired for displayin# the Stoc%=Requirements

<ist 3transa!tion %D)*4 to the 2*siness *sers8 in the 2a!"-end system$

• Defa*lt !onfi#*ration settin#s are proided for this app in the =*stomi>in# roduction #

Material Requirements lanning  N Apps for Material Requirements lanning  N ,eneral

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

Settings$ =he!" if the SAP standard !onfi#*ration settin#s in the followin# =*stomi>in#a!tiities meet yo*r 2*siness re*irements$ f this is the !ase8 no f*rther !han#es arene!essary$

therwise8 yo* !an tailor the followin# =*stomi>in# settin#s to yo*r needs+

• /efine Suppl" and /emand rofiles:

n this a!tiity8 yo* !an !reate yo*r own s*pply and demand profiles$ Here8 yo* or#ani>eyo*r s*pply and demand elements into #ro*ps that yo* assi#n to the material shorta#edefinitions in a later =*stomi>in# step$ 7his filters the s*pply and demand elements to 2e*sed for the !al!*lations$

• /efine Material Shortage rofiles:

n this a!tiity8 yo* !an !reate yo*r own material shorta#e profile$ 7he material shorta#eprofile !ontains the indiid*al material shorta#e definitions that yo* !an sele!t in the appin the Shorta#e Definition drop-down 2o%$ 7he shorta#e definition !ontains the spe!ifi!set of r*les for !al!*latin# the material shorta#e or *n!oered demand$

•  Assign Material Shortage rofile to 'sers:

n this a!tiity8 yo* !an assi#n the material shorta#e profile to yo*r *sers$ 7his !ontrolsthe material shorta#e definitions the *ser !an !hoose from in the app$ f yo* ma"e no!han#es here8 the system a*tomati!ally *ses the SAP standard material shorta#e profilefor all *sers$

2/2 Manage E$ternal Re0ire%ents

2/221 Bsiness Prpose for Monitor Material Shortages

With Manage External Requirements8 yo* !an !he!" yo*r *n!oered and delayed items 2asedon the settin#s yo* made in the @onitor E%ternal ,e*irements app$ 7o help yo* !oer yo*re%ternal re*irements8 the system proposes different sol*tions$ o* !an sim*late the sol*tion topreiew its effe!ts and yo* !an apply the sol*tion that 2est soles yo*r iss*e$

2/22! <ey Featres

With the @ana#e @aterial Shorta#es app8 yo* !an do the followin#+

• 'iew a list of yo*r *n!oered and late e%ternal re*irements$

• 'iew details of e%ternal re*irements as a ta2le or as a !hart$

• 'iew additional @,P information$

• ai#ate to the 2a!"-end system to iew the sto!"5re*irements list or !han#e material data$

• Sele!t an *n!oered item to !he!" the different sol*tions proposed 2y the system$

• Preiew the effe!ts of the proposed sol*tions as a ta2le or a !hart$

• =hoose a sol*tion to apply the !han#es$

2/22+ Prere0isites for Configration

efore implementin# the app8 yo* m*st ens*re the followin#+

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

• o* hae !onfi#*red the @aterial ,e*irements Plannin# !omponent in the 2a!"-end system$

For more information8 see the =*stomi>in# roduction # @aterial Requirements lanning$

• o* hae installed and !onfi#*red the @onitor E%ternal ,e*irements app$ For more

information8 see App mplementation+ @onitor E%ternal ,e*irements$

• o* hae assi#ned the a*thori>ations that are re*ired for !han#in# and !reatin# re*isitions

or orders to the 2*siness *sers8 in the 2a!"-end system$

• 7o implement the app8 yo* m*st spe!ify whi!h !onta!t person f*n!tion is releant for this app$

o* ma"e this settin# in the =*stomi>in# roduction # Material Requirements lanning # Apps for Material Requirements lanning # ,eneral Settings # Specif" !unctions of >endor Contact erson$ o* !an then iew data for the !onta!t person with the f*n!tion yo* haespe!ified when openin# a sol*tion !ard in the app$

2/2: Spporte* Scope Ite%s

7he transa!tional apps for @aterial ,eso*r!e Plannin# !an s*pport the s!ope item Ma%e-to-Stoc% roduction 8)239$ o* !an ma"e *se of the followin# materials$

Material Type ,AW

Prchasing "rg 1000

Prchasing 3rop 100

.en*or  (00000

Plant 1000

MRP Controller  101

Material ,1(8 ,1/8 ,16Q ,.)

Material Type ,AW

Prchasing "rg 1000

Prchasing 3rop 10(

.en*or  (00000

Plant 1000

MRP Controller  101

Material ,1)

Material Type ,AW

Prchasing "rg 1000

Prchasing 3rop 10.

.en*or  (000018 (0000

MRP Controller  101

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Material Type ,AW

Plant 1000

Material ,1<

Material Type ,AW

Prchasing "rg 1000

Prchasing 3rop 101

.en*or  (00000

MRP Controller  101

Plant 1000

Material ,.08 ,1..8 ,1.<

Material Type ,AWPrchasing "rg 1000

Prchasing 3rop 101

.en*or  (000018 (0000(8 ,(0000<

MRP Controller  101

Plant 1000

Material ,1.0

2 Pro*ction "r*er (an*ling

221 Bsiness Prpose for Pro*ction "r*er (an*ling

With Release roduction .rders8 prod*!tion s*perisors !an release prod*!tion orders *sin# ahi#hly int*itie and *ser-friendly appli!ation$ 7he 2rowser 2ased appli!ation s*pports des"top8ta2let and mo2ile dei!es$ 7he !onfirmation of the prod*!tion !an 2e similarly done 2y the shopfloor wor"er either on header or operations leel$

22! Pro*ction "r*er Release

22!21 Bsiness Prpose for Pro*ction "r*er Release

With ,elease Prod*!tion rders8 prod*!tion s*perisors !an release prod*!tion orders *sin# ahi#hly int*itie and *ser-friendly appli!ation$ 7he 2rowser 2ased appli!ation s*pports des"top8ta2let and mo2ile dei!es$ 7he !onfirmation of the prod*!tion !an 2e similarly done 2y the shopfloor wor"er either on header or operations leel$

22!2! <ey Featres

7he Prod*!tion rder related apps hae the followin# !apa2ilities+

• Proide an oeriew of prod*!tion orders to 2e released 2ased on indiid*al ariants

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

• Gie end-*sers immediate oeriew of missin# parts

• Detailed s!reen that proides end *sers with de!ision-!riti!al information 3date and time8

system and *ser stat*s8 releant wor" !enters8 missin# part information for operations8 and soon4

• Sear!h en#ine to identify and filter prod*!tion orders

• Proides the a2ility to perform the material aaila2ility !he!" on one or more prod*!tion


• ai#ation to the sto!" re*irement list from the material des!ription from the detail s!reen or

from the missin# parts oeriew s!reens

• =ol*mns in the oeriew ta2le !an 2e sorted in as!endin# or des!endin# order 

•  Aaila2ility !he!" !an 2e performed to find missin# parts that is displayed with an alert 2o%

displayin# the n*m2er of missin# parts

22!2+ Prere0isites for Configration

efore implementin# the app8 yo* m*st ens*re the followin#+

• o* hae !reated one or seeral ariants in the 2a!"-end *sin# transa!tion =reate >ariant for 

roduction .rder Selection 3RPSP+R,4$

• 7he ariants m*st 2e assi#ned to a *ser in transa!tion Assi#n 'ariant for Prod*!tion .rder

Selection to 'ser  3RPSP+R-4$

22+ Confir% Pro*ction "perations

22+21 Bsiness Prpose for Confir% Pro*ction "perations

With Confirm roduction .perations8 prod*!tion wor"ers !an iew and !onfirm order operationsreleased to their wor" !enters$ 7hey !an sear!h for the ne%t order operation that they want to!onfirm 2y its n*m2er or !onfirmation n*m2er$ 7hey !an *se ario*s sortin# and filterin# optionsthat speed *p and simplify the sear!h for an order operation that they want to !onfirm$ Prod*!tionwor"ers !an partially or finally !onfirm a prod*!tion order operation anytime and from any pla!e*sin# ario*s mo2ile dei!es$

22+2! <ey Featres

7he =onfirm Prod*!tion perations app has the followin# !apa2ilities+

• Displays order operation released to the *ser:s wor" !enter 

• Ena2les sear!h for a prod*!tion order operation 2y its n*m2er or !onfirmation n*m2er 

•  Allows to partially or finally !onfirm an order operation

• Proides a!!ess to #oods moement information d*rin# !onfirmation

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

•  Allows to sort and filter the list of order operation 2y stat*s and time frame

•  Also allows to sort and filter 2y operations defined as milestone in the SAP E,P 2a!"-end


• Proides #raphi!al pro#ress 2ar to iew !onfirmed *antities

• ,*ns on SAP HAA8 as well as on any other data2ase

• s a we2-2ased appli!ation that !an 2e easily enhan!ed *sin# H7@

• Ena2les dire!t nai#ation to @aterial fa!t sheet

• ffers an int*itie and *ser-friendly nai#ation

22+2+ Prere0isites for Configration

efore implementin# the app8 yo* m*st ens*re the followin#+

• Personnel n*m2er is entered *nder H*man ,eso*r!es$

7o do this8 on the SA Eas" Access s!reen8 !hoose ?uman Resources # ersonnelManagement # Administration # ?R Master /ata # ersonnel Actions$ o* !an also *setransa!tion PA*) to !reate a personnel n*m2er$

• SAP name is assi#ned to the personnel n*m2er$

7o do this8 on the SA Eas" Access s!reen8 !hoose ?uman Resources N ersonnel  Management  N Administration N ?R Master /ata N Maintain$ n the /irect Selection se!tion8 in the Infot"pe field8 enter ,).8 and in the S&"  field enter ))), as the s*2type$

• Personnel n*m2er is assi#ned to wor" !enter *nder <ogistics$

7o do this8 from the SAP Easy A!!ess s!reen8 !hoose <ogistics # roduction # Master /ata# +or% Centers$ o* !an also *se transa!tion CR), to !reate a wor" !enter or transa!tion

CR)- to !han#e a wor" !enter$

 After yo* hae !reated or !han#ed a wor" !enter8 !hoose ;asic /ata ?RMS to assi#n thepersonnel n*m2er to the wor" !enter$

• Prod*!tion orders e%ist and are released in SAP E,P$

22/ Confir% Pro*ction "r*ers

22/21 Bsiness Prpose for Monitor Material Shortages

With the Confirm roduction .rders8 a prod*!tion wor"er !an perform partial or final!onfirmations for prod*!tion orders thro*#h a simplified and int*itie &$ 7he app proides fastorder inp*t and simplified order !onfirmation pro!ed*res that are aaila2le for des"top8 ta2let8 andmo2ile$

22/2! <ey Featres

7he =onfirm Prod*!tion rders app has the followin# !apa2ilities+

• Sear!h for a prod*!tion order 2y its n*m2er 

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

• Display a list of orders 2ased on the ariant !onfi#*red for the prod*!tion order and assi#ned

to the *ser in SAP E,P

• Perform partial or final !onfirmation for a prod*!tion order 

•  A!!ess #oods moement information d*rin# !onfirmation

• Proides #raphi!al pro#ress 2ar to iew planned and !onfirmed *antities

• ,*ns on SAP HAA as well as on any other data2ase

• s a we2-2ased appli!ation that !an 2e easily enhan!ed *sin# H7@

• Dire!t nai#ation to @aterial fa!t sheet

• ffers an int*itie and *ser-friendly nai#ation

22/2+ Prere0isites for Configration

efore implementin# the app8 yo* m*st ens*re the followin#+

• Prod*!tion order ariant is !reated in SAP E,P 3transa!tion !ode RP#P+RDC,4

• Prod*!tion order ariant is assi#ned to the *ser 3transa!tion !ode RP#P+RDC-4

• Prod*!tion orders e%ist and are released in SAP E,P

22 Spporte* Scope Ite%s

7he transa!tional apps for @aterial ,eso*r!e Plannin# !an s*pport the s!ope item Ma%e-to-Stoc% roduction 8)239$ o* !an ma"e *se of the followin# materials$

Master - "rg2 Data .ale Master - "rg2 Data Details

@aterial F1.6 Finished Good @7S

S.1 Semi-finished Good ,epetitie @an*f$

S.. Semi-finished Good Phantom

S.( Semi-finished Good S*2!ontra!tin#

S. Semi-finished Good E%t$ Pro!*rement

S1./ Semi-finished Good S*2assem2ly

Plant 1000 Plant 1 - Prod*!tion Plant

Stora#e o!ation 10.0 Prod*!tion stora#e lo!ation

10(0 Shippin# Stora#e lo!ation

100 Stores Stora#e lo!ation

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

: Technical-Syste% Prere0isites for SAP S%artBsiness Apps

7he prere*isite for *sin# the SAP Smart *siness for Sales rder F*lfillment is implementin#the SAP Fiori Desi#n nfrastr*!t*re rapid-deployment sol*tion$ 7his sol*tion ena2les SAP

!*stomers and partners to deploy8 !onfi#*re8 and alidate the lands!ape !omponents re*ired for the ena2lement of SAP Fiori desi#ns on top of SAP *siness S*ite powered 2y SAP HAA$ 7hesol*tion deliers deployment and !onfi#*ration #*idelines whi!h are releant for all SAP Fioriapps or for a spe!ifi! SAP Fiori ar!hetype s*!h as the SAP Smart *siness apps$ t fo!*ses onSAP Fiori lands!ape8 se!*rity and networ"in# settin#s8 la*n!hpad set*p8 personali>ation topi!s8BP framewor" set*p8 BP @odeler and sear!h models !onfi#*ration$

; Technical-Syste% Prere0isites for FactSheets

SAP Fiori has three app types8 ea!h distin#*ished 2y their fo!*s and infrastr*!t*re re*irements$7he 2elow mentioned do!*ment is to des!ri2e #eneri! ena2lement !onfi#*ration a!tiities for

ea!h App 7ype$ 7he do!*ment also des!ri2es the !onfi#*ration for fa!t sheets$

7hese fa!t sheets display !onte%t*al information a2o*t !entral o2;e!ts *sed in yo*r 2*sinessoperations$ 7hey are desi#ned to 2e int*itie and harmoni>ed fa!t sheets and allow nai#ationfrom one fa!t sheet to other related fa!t sheets$ For e%ample8 yo* !an nai#ate from master datali"e !*stomer or material to related do!*ments li"e sales order8 deliery8 2illin# do!*ment or i!eersa$

Fa!t sheets r*n only on an SAP HAA data2ase and re*ire an AAP sta!"$

= Fact Sheets for PP

=21 Fact Sheet for Pro*ction "r*er 

=2121 Description

7his fa!t sheet displays !onte%t*al information a2o*t the Prod*!tion rder$ o* !an nai#ate torelated entities and a!!ess related transa!tions in operational systems$

=212! )avigation Targets

o* !an nai#ate to the followin# apps8 for e%ample+

• ,elease Prod*!tion rder 

• =onfirm Prod*!tion rder 

• Sales rder 

• @aterial

• =*stomer 

• WS Element

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  SAP Fiori Apps for the SAP E,P Appli!ation PP

• Wor" =enter 

=212+ Transactions

o* !an a!!ess the followin# transa!tions8 for e%ample+

• Display Prod*!tion rder 

• Pe##ed ,e*irements Prod*!tion rder 

=212/ Technical Re0ire%ents

7he te!hni!al re*irements are+

• SAP enhan!ement pa!"a#e ) for SAP E,P 6$0 SP0.

• & for EHP) for SAP E,P 6$0

=212 Technical Data

Front-End =omponents

Co%ponent Technical )a%e

& Appli!ation =SMP,D&=7,DE,MA$?@

*siness ,ole SAPMPPM=,MP,DS&PE,'S,

*siness =atalo# SAPMPPM=MP,D&=7S&PE,'S,

*siness =atalo# Gro*p -