guidance for schools administering the ssln

Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy (SSLN) SSLN 2011 (Numeracy) Guidance for schools Administering the SSLN in schools More copies of this booklet can be downloaded from the SSLN Support Area on SQA Academy at

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Guidance for schools administering the SSLN


Page 1: Guidance for schools administering the SSLN

Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy (SSLN) SSLN 2011 (Numeracy) Guidance for schools Administering the SSLN in schools

More copies of this booklet can be downloaded from the SSLN Support Area on SQA Academy at

Page 2: Guidance for schools administering the SSLN

SSLN 2011 - Action points for nominated school SSLN Coordinator

Timing SSLN Coordinator SSLN Coordinator/ Class Teacher Class Teacher

Inform staff of school's involvement in the 2011 SSLN.

SG letter

Finalise list of participating pupils.NB Retain note of leavers/withdrawals for later completion of Pupil Record Form.

Issue letters to parents/carers of pupils taking part and note any requests by parents/carers to withdraw their child.

Plan for administering assessments and questionnaires.

Liaise with relevant teachers and consider timetable, accommodation, supervision and support.

Receive assessment materials.Receive pupil and teacher questionnaires.

Section 1#

Check contents of box/package. Contact SSLN helpline* with any queries.Check list for teacher questionnaires and adjust for leavers/non-S2 teachers according to guidance provided.

Pass assessment booklets, questionnaires and School Assessment Allocation list to relevant teachers. Share the Guidance on administering written assessments and pupil questionnaires.Advise teachers selected to complete a questionnaire where to find information on the use of the data.

Administer assessments and pupil questionnaires according to the guidance provided.

Complete teacher questionnaires.

Section 1/Section2 Section 2/Section 3 Section 2/Section 3

Collect all SSLN materials from teachers (including any blank assessment booklets and questionnaires).

Pass all assessment booklets and completed questionnaires to SSLN Coordinator.

Note any absent pupils/pupils who have been withdrawn during the survey.

Section 3 Section 3

Ensure that the pupil record is completed. Retain a copy in school in case of enquiries.

Section 4

Return all SSLN materials according to instructions provided.Retain pupil list in case of enquiries - do not include in package.

Section 4




further copies may be downloaded from


By 2 May



Section numbers refer to the Guidance Document

By 14 June

Receive the list of survey sample pupils (by 18 March). Note any pupils who have left the school. Receive list of teachers selected to complete a questionnaire.

Review the list of pupils and consider which pupils may need additional support or should not participate.

Contact the SSLN Helpline at [email protected] or telephone 0131 561 6908


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Contents Introduction

Section 1 Receiving and checking written assessment materials Page

Receiving and checking the SSLN materials Materials in the medium of Gaelic Support for schools

Allocating assessments and questionnaires

4 4 4 5 - 6

Section 2 Administering the SSLN Page

8 8 8 9

Arranging the provision of additional support, where appropriate Absent pupils

Administering pupil questionnaires

Administering teacher questionnaires

Section 3 Guidance on conducting the assessments Page

General guidance on conducting the assessments

Guidance for teachers on explaining the SSLN to pupils Organising and conducting the written assessments

Organising and conducting the pupil/teacher interaction

12 - 13 14 15 15 - 16

Section 4 Completing Pupil Records and returning assessment materials

Page 18 18-19

Completing the Pupil Records

Return of assessment booklets and questionnaires

Section 5 The use of Teacher Questionnaire Data Page

Teacher Questionnaires and data protection

22 - 23

Section 6 Feedback from schools Page

Evaluation Questionnaire 26

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Introduction The purpose of this booklet is to provide guidance to staff organising and administering the SSLN in schools. It follows on from the leaflet ’Preparing for the SSLN’ which was enclosed with a letter to schools on 7 March. We anticipate that schools will have completed the following actions in preparation for the SSLN by the end of April:

• received the pupil sample and identified pupils taking part • received a list of teachers selected at random to complete a questionnaire • informed parents/carers of pupils selected to take part • finalised the list of pupils participating having taken account of leavers and

withdrawals. However, schools have until 3 June to carry out the survey which means that there is time for schools to catch up if they haven’t reached this stage yet.

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Section 1 Receiving and checking the SSLN materials

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Section 1 Receiving and checking the SSLN materials The package containing your school’s SSLN materials should contain the items listed on the following table. If any items are missing, please contact the SSLN Helpline immediately at [email protected] or telephone 0131 561 6908. Items Received

Assessment materials and questionnaires

2 written assessment booklets for each pupil taking part

Materials for the teacher/pupil interaction – one set for each pupil

A pupil questionnaire for each pupil taking part

Teacher questionnaires


A guidance sheet to help teachers explain the SSLN to pupils

A Pupil Record form for each stage involved in the SSLN at your school

A School Assessment Allocation sheet for each stage involved in the SSLN at your school (this lists the assessments assigned to each pupil)

Prepaid envelopes for the return of materials.

Materials in the medium of Gaelic Where schools have requested materials in the medium of Gaelic, assessments and pupil questionnaires have been supplied in both Gaelic and English. Support for schools Schools are provided with support in the administration of the SSLN in the following ways. SQA Academy SQA Academy will provide advice, interactive demonstrations, and a discussion forum. Filmed exemplification of the one-to-one numeracy assessments and electronic copies of all documentation will be available on this web area. The SQA Academy website address is If you are new to the SQA Academy you will need to set up an account. Please email the SSLN Helpline for instructions on how to do this. SSLN Helpline You can contact staff on the SSLN Helpline at [email protected] or on 0131 561 6908.

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Allocating assessments and questionnaires The School Assessment Allocation sheet lists the allocation of booklets to your pupils. There is one sheet per stage. To ensure anonymity, none of the assessment materials include pupil names. Please transfer the pupil names from your pupil sample to the allocation sheet(s) taking care to match the SSLN Pupil ID. The name of one substitute pupil per stage has been included in the pupil sample to replace a pupil who has left or been withdrawn from the survey. Booklets have not been allocated to the substitute pupil. If you have to use the substitute pupil please

• assign that pupil the booklets that have been allocated to the missing pupil (see example below).

• change the SSLN Pupil ID printed on the front cover of the booklets and questionnaire to that of the substitute.

(Note: the substitute pupil should always be allocated the booklets for the first person on the list who is unavailable.) Please see the example given below.

SSLN 2011 School Assessment Allocation This lists all the assessment materials for your school. Please ensure that pupils receive the booklets allocated to them, as indicated below. Thank you.

School: Inverkeith SSLN School Number: 3210

Authority: Angus Stage: P4

SSLN Pupil


(school use only) Written Booklet 1

Written Booklet 2

One to one

Booklet Name

1 Jack - Left N01A N02B P05A

2 Alana N03B N04A P06B

3 Craig SUB N01A



The pupil number

Space to add names

Booklet codes of the

assessments allocated to each pupil

SUB indicates the substitute pupil


Pupil/ teacher


Please pass a copy of the allocation sheet to the member of staff administering each SSLN session to ensure that pupils receive the booklets allocated to them. Ask them to note any absent pupils or pupils withdrawn during the SSLN on the sheet before returning it to you. Information on absences or withdrawals will be required for the completion of the Pupil Record Form (see page 18).

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Identification label School ID 3210 Pupil ID 2 Pupil stage P4 Booklet 1

Written assessment booklets All pupils in the sample have each been allocated a set of two numeracy written booklets. Each booklet is accompanied by a colour source leaflet. The booklet covers are colour-coded by stage (P4 – yellow, P7 – light green and S2 – light blue). Used in conjunction with the Assessment Allocation sheet, the identification label on the front of each booklet contains specific information to help you to give the correct booklet to each pupil. An example of an Identification label is shown on the right. The label shows the information on the first booklet to be completed by pupil number 2. Materials for the teacher/pupil interaction The protocol and materials for the teacher carrying out this activity are contained in a third booklet. As with the written assessment booklets, the booklet covers are colour coded and have an identification label showing the school and pupil information. Pupil questionnaires There is a questionnaire for every pupil taking part. These questionnaires are also allocated to individual pupils with the school and pupil number printed on the front of each questionnaire. Teacher questionnaires Primary schools Primary schools are allocated questionnaires for only one stage, either P4 or P7 teachers. Please check the contents of your pack to find out the stage allocated to your school. Secondary schools Separate questionnaires are provided for mathematics and non-mathematics teachers. Each secondary school has been provided with questionnaires for completion by 10 teachers. Please see Section 2 for further information the distribution of the questionnaires. Section 5 includes information for teachers completing a questionnaire. This also explains how the data will be used. Please draw this information to the attention of teachers who have been selected to complete a questionnaire.

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Section 2 Administering the SSLN

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Section 2 Administering the SSLN The following table shows the approximate pupil time required for each survey element.

Survey element Approximate time needed

two written assessment booklets P4 40 minutes per booklet

P7/S2 50-60 minutes per booklet

a third assessment in the form of a teacher/ pupil interaction 15 minutes per pupil

a questionnaire 15-30 minutes

It is important that pupils attempt all assessments and complete the questionnaire. If a pupil is unduly stressed by taking part in the survey they may be withdrawn. Arranging the provision of additional support, where appropriate You will be able to judge whether additional support is necessary for any of the pupils involved in the SSLN. Pupils may be given the level of support that they would normally have for assessment in class. For example, a pupil who usually has a scribe can have a scribe, or the school may photographically enlarge assessments if that is normally done for a pupil. Absent pupils It is important for the sampled pupils to attempt all assessments allocated to them. We ask you to try to re-schedule a time for any absent pupils to complete any assessment missed. If this is not possible, please submit any SSLN materials that they have completed and put a tick in the ‘Absent (all or part)’ column of the Pupil Record. If you are unable to re-schedule an assessment period for any absent pupils or it is clear that a pupil is likely to be absent throughout the entire survey period, you should use the substitute provided. Please do not replace an absent pupil with any pupil other than the substitute provided. Administering the written and interactive assessments Please see Section 3 for detailed guidance for this element of the survey. Administering pupil questionnaires All pupils in the SSLN will be asked to complete a questionnaire. You can arrange for pupils to complete the questionnaire at any convenient time, although we do ask that they are returned with the rest of the assessment materials. If younger pupils need some help completing the questionnaires (eg reading the question or the response options), this can be given. The response must, however, be the pupil’s own.

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Administering teacher questionnaires The participation of teachers is voluntary and their contribution in completing a questionnaire is greatly valued. Please be reassured that no data on individual teachers or schools will be released and that the questions are not designed to evaluate teachers’ ability or teaching style. Please see Section 5 for information on how the teacher questionnaire data is used. Primary schools Primary schools are allocated teacher questionnaires for only one stage, either P4 or P7 teachers. Please ask each teacher in the school at the relevant stage (either P4 or P7 as provided) to complete a questionnaire. Teachers with a composite class that includes the stage allocated to your school should also complete a questionnaire. Secondary schools Each secondary school has been provided with questionnaires for completion by 10 teachers. Separate questionnaires are provided for mathematics and non-mathematics teachers. All teachers completing the questionnaire should be currently teaching S2 classes. Ideally, participating teachers in each school should include:

• two maths teachers • two support for learning teachers, and • six teachers from other areas of the curriculum.

Secondary schools should have received a list of teachers selected at random to complete a questionnaire. This information was sent in an email from local authority ScotXed coordinators. Please contact your ScotXed Coordinator if you have not received this list. Please note that Independent Schools should contact Scottish Government’s Education Analytical Services directly at [email protected] if they have any questions regarding the process of selecting their teacher sample. If a teacher selected to complete a questionnaire does not teach at S2 or has left the school, please select the next teacher alphabetically (by surname) from your current staff list who does teach at S2 in that subject.

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Section 3 Guidance on conducting the assessments

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Section 3 Guidance on conducting the assessments The assessment tasks The development of high quality literacy and numeracy skills has a central place within the Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) programme. Extensive trials were conducted in May 2010 and further pre-testing was carried out in November 2010 to help inform the choice of materials and procedures used in the 2011 numeracy survey and beyond to ensure this alignment is effective.

Each pupil taking part in the survey is allocated

o 2 written assessment booklets o 1 pupil/teacher interactive assessment o 1 questionnaire

The written assessments The written assessment booklets are composed of three sections: A, B and C. Sections A and C comprise a number of short answer questions which assess pupils’ knowledge and understanding of numeracy appropriate to the three survey stages: P4, P7 and S2. In section B, pupils are required to complete a multi-item task by referring to a coloured source included in the booklet. The purpose to this task is to assess how well pupils can use their numeracy skills in different contexts, for example to buy goods and services, to plan a journey or to extract and interpret information from a set of data. There are twenty different assessment booklets at each stage. This means that a large number of different assessment items can be used in order create as detailed a picture as possible of numeracy skills in Scotland. At P4 each written assessment has 24 items – 8 in sections A and C and 6 in the multi-item task. At P7 and S2 pupils the booklets have 28 items with 10 in each of the first and last sections and 8 in section B. The pupil/teacher interaction In addition to the two written assessment booklets, each pupil selected for the survey in your school has been assigned one of ten different interactive assessment packages. Each ‘package’ takes the form of a one-to-one interaction with a teacher. There are different packages used at each stage, appropriate for the three survey stages: P4, P7 and S2. In the pupil/teacher interaction the teacher uses a protocol to ask the pupil a number of questions and to record and classify their responses. Each assessment package comprises:

o 4 mental calculations, two of which are presented orally and two written o 2 multi-part tasks conducted in interview format. one of the tasks will focus on estimation. The estimation part of the interview

focuses on pupils using and explaining their understanding of estimation in different contexts.

the other task will relate to the outcome of money or measure or ideas of chance and uncertainty.

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Not every pupil will cover all these outcomes in their assigned assessment. The purpose of the assessments is to cover as wide a range of topics and contexts across the entire cohort of sampled pupils, while keeping the demand on individual pupils to a minimum, consistent with obtaining robust and reliable information from the survey results. Exemplar written tasks and filmed exemplification of pupil/teacher interactions can be viewed on the SQA Academy website: Use of calculators Pupils at all stages may not use a calculator either for the written booklets or for the interactive tasks. The one exception to this is the interactive S2 task ‘Broadband Offers’ and this is clearly stated in the materials. Provision of additional support You will be able to judge whether additional support is necessary for any of the pupils involved in the survey. Pupils can be given the level of support that they would normally have in class for assessment purposes. For example, a pupil who usually has a scribe can have a scribe, or the school can photographically enlarge assessments if that is normally done for a pupil. Most pupils will be able to complete the written assessment booklets independently. Assistance may be given with individual words or phrases, the text of questions can be read out and question instructions explained. It is, however, important that the work is the pupil’s own. For the multi-item task (Section B in the written booklets) the source leaflet must not be read to the pupils, as their ability to access the information is part of what is being assessed. Resources For the written booklets, pupils will require a pencil or a pen. Pupils at P4 should also be provided with a cm ruler. For the pupil/teacher interaction, pupils should be provided with a pencil and paper to make jottings. Any other resources required for a specific task are indicated in the relevant booklet. Carrying out the assessments The assessment tasks should be administered in booklet order i.e. booklet 1 then booklet 2 followed by the interactive task and the pupil questionnaire. Please note that the assessments are not timed examinations and you should give the pupils as long as you feel they need to complete the assessment booklets. It is important that pupils complete both written assessment booklets and the pupil/teacher interaction. We advise that pupils should have a break between the different assessment booklets, or they could do the assessment booklets on different days. Before pupils attempt any of the assessment tasks, please explain the SSLN to pupils taking part. (see below).

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Guidance for teachers on explaining the SSLN to pupils The following texts have been provided to help you explain the SSLN to pupils taking part. They are intended to reassure and inform pupils and to explain why their involvement is valuable. Please feel free to adapt the text to suit the needs of your pupils. Additional copies will be included in the package of materials so that you can give them to each member of staff involved in administering the SSLN. Suggested text to use with pupils Younger pupils You have been chosen to take part in a survey about how children in Scotland are able to use numbers (note: Teachers may want to explain what a survey is.) It is called the Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy and it is trying to find out what pupils from all over Scotland know and what they can do. You will be asked to answer questions to show how you can use numbers in lots of different ways. If you can’t answer a question, don’t worry, some questions are harder than others so just move on to the next question and see if you can do that one. This is not a test, but we do want you to do your best work. Children in every school in Scotland have been asked to take part too, and all the answers will be collected to help us find out what young people in Scotland know and can do in numeracy (number work). Older pupils The Scottish Government is responsible for the education of all young people in Scotland and because of this, it needs to find out how well young people in Scotland are learning. Every year pupils from every school in Scotland are selected to take part in a survey which will give the Government a picture of what school pupils know. This survey is called the Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy. This year the survey is focusing on numeracy. You will be asked to answer different questions about understanding and using numbers. If you come across a question you can’t answer, move on to the next one and see if you can do that one. The survey is not testing you individually but we do want you to do your best because the overall results will be important. The survey is just as interested in what young people find difficult, as in the things they can do easily. In that way it can show what young people know and what they are learning. This information is needed to make sure pupils like you continue to receive the best education possible. When you take part in this survey, you are helping the Scottish Government to decide what it needs to do to make things better.

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Organising and conducting the written assessments Each school is free to organise the written assessments in the way which best suits their individual situation. 1. Ensure that pupils understand why they are being asked to take part in the SSLN,

either using the suggested text provided (above) or adapted.

2. At the start of each assessment, go through the instructions printed on the first page of each assessment booklet and ensure that the pupils understand what they are required to do.

3. Check that each pupil has a pencil and, for P4 pupils, a cm ruler. No other resources are required. Calculators are not allowed.

4. Encourage pupils to do their best.

5. If at any point a pupil becomes distressed or upset, you are free to end the assessment.

Organising and conducting the pupil/teacher interaction Each school is free to organise the one-to-one sessions in the way which best suits their individual situation. 1. Decide who is going to carry out the assessments. Normally this will be the class

teacher of the pupils involved, but other members of staff or management may be involved.

2. Teacher-assessors should familiarise themselves fully with the assessment activities before attempting to carry them out with pupils selected for the survey.

3. It is important to check if any of the tasks you are administering require additional resources such as a ruler or dice. In addition, all pupils should be provided with a pencil and paper for making jottings.

4. It is strongly recommended that teachers view the filmed exemplification on SQA Academy [Please note that the particular tasks which you will be administering may be different from those used in the exemplification.]

5. It is important that pupils do NOT have sight of the assessment activity prior to attempting the task. There are ten different assessment packages at each stage. This means that in secondary schools more than one pupil will be assigned the same assessment package. In primary schools each pupil will be assigned a different package.

Timing Teachers should allow up to 15 minutes for each interview. Additional time may be required to check through the recording protocol after the interview.

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Conducting the interview Before carrying out any interviews with the survey pupils please make sure you are familiar with the assessment materials and assessment protocol. We strongly recommend you access SQA academy to view filmed exemplification of an assessment being conducted. 1. Put the pupil at ease.

2. Take the pupil through each task.

3. Follow the written protocol closely, and adhere to any time limits. Hand pupil the prompt cards at the point indicated in the protocol.

4. Record the pupil’s response in the space provided. Match the pupil response to one of the coding options for that question. [This may be completed after the interview.] For questions where pupils are asked to give an explanation, try to jot down the pupil’s explanation as they talk and match it to a response option later.

5. Pupils may make jottings only where indicated on the protocol.

6. If a pupil is struggling with a particular question, move on to the next question. If the pupil becomes at all distressed at any time you are free to end the activity.

7. After the interview is complete, check that a response option has been clearly indicated for each question.

8. This activity should take no longer than fifteen minutes – including the discussion.

Resources Each assessment pack comprises:

o an assessment booklet. This is for the teacher’s use only. It contains the detailed protocol to be followed and completed during the interview.

o prompt cards for the pupil. These will be presented to the pupil at different points in the interview, as indicated in the assessment protocol. There will be three prompt cards - one for each of the three assessment tasks.

o some tasks also include a worksheet for the pupil to use as part of the task Additional resources required:

o each pupil should be provided with a pencil and paper to allow them to make jottings during the interview; the protocol will indicate where these are permitted

o a calculator should not be used for any task, (there is one exception to this rule. Pupils may use a calculator for the S2 task ‘Broadband offers’. This will be indicated in the protocol.)

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Section 4 Completing pupil records and returning assessment materials

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Section 4 Completing pupil records and returning assessment materials Completing the pupil records Pupil records should be completed and returned with the assessment materials by 14 June. There is a pupil record for each stage involved in your school which lists the SSLN pupil identifiers for all the pupils involved in the SSLN. Please do not write pupil names on this record. If you make a working copy of the pupil records, please ensure only the original is returned to SQA. Please retain a photocopy of the completed pupil records so that if we contact you later with any queries you will have a copy to hand. Use the comments column to record, for example the reason why a pupil was withdrawn. Example of a completed pupil record

SSLN 2011 Pupil Record

School: Inverkeith SSLN School Number: 3210

Authority: Angus Stage: P4

Please tick as appropriate SSLN Pupil

ID Left school Withdrawn by parent

Withdrawn by school

Withdrawn during survey

Absent (all or part) Comments



SUB 3 Return of assessment materials The return package(s) should be despatched to arrive at SQA by 14 June. It is important that materials are returned on time as the processing of the assessment materials begins within a few days of this date. all assessment materials, including any booklets and questionnaires not attempted,

must be returned please do not return the School Assessment Allocation sheets - especially if you have

written pupil names on them.

Poly-envelopes are supplied for the return of materials. These have pre-paid labels so you will not have to pay postage costs.

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Check list for return package:

Items Packed

Three completed assessment booklets for each pupil who took part, including all source leaflets, prompt cards and any unused booklets.

A completed pupil questionnaire for every pupil who took part and any unused questionnaires.

Completed teacher questionnaires and any unused questionnaires.

A completed pupil record for each stage involved at your school.

Once all the materials are in the package(s) you should:

Take the package(s) to your local Post Office. To find your nearest Post Office branch log on to the Parcelforce website and enter your post code. Please see the link below:

This link can also be accessed from the SQA Academy site.

The return package(s) should be despatched to arrive at SQA by 14 June 2010.

If you have any queries or difficulties about the return arrangements, please contact the SSLN Helpline at [email protected] or telephone 0131 561 6908. Please remember to quote your school SSLN number in all communications.

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Section 5 The use of Teacher Questionnaire Data

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Section 5 The use of Teacher Questionnaire Data The participation of teachers is voluntary and their contribution in completing a questionnaire is greatly valued. Please be reassured that no data on individual teachers or schools will be released and that the questions are not designed to evaluate an individual teacher’s ability or teaching style. Why do we need information about you? In order to make the best decisions about how to improve our education service, the Scottish Government need accurate, up-to-date information about our teachers’ attitudes and experiences of teaching and learning. We are keen to give support to all our stakeholders and to help all our teachers work to the same high standards. Accurate and up-to-date data allows us to meet the following objectives:

o plan and deliver better policies for the benefit of all pupils, teachers and schools o plan and deliver better policies for the benefit of specific groups of pupils o better understand some of the factors which influence pupil attainment and

achievement o share good practice o target resources better

What data about you is collected and transferred? Information is collected for statistical and research purposes only. Your name and address are not collected as part of the SSLN. An SSLN school number acts as an identifier on the questionnaire that teachers complete. In order to better meet the objectives of the SSLN and to minimise the data we collect about you in the SSLN, the data will be linked with other statistical sources, none of which will allow identification of an individual. All data is held securely and no information on individuals or schools will be published. The data collected on teachers is not designed to judge individual teaching standards. It is used to create summary information on teaching practices across Scotland as a whole. Your data protection rights The collection, transfer, processing and sharing of SSLN data is done in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998). We also comply with the National Statistics Code of Practice requirements and other legislation related to safeguarding the confidentiality of data. The Data Protection Act gives you the right to know how we will use your data. This message can give only a brief description of how we use data.

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The Scottish Government works with a range of partners including HM Inspectorate of Education, the Scottish Qualifications Authority and Learning and Teaching Scotland to improve education in Scotland. On occasion, we may make anonymised data available for specific pieces of research or statistical analysis in order to help us meet our objectives set out above. In addition we will provide our partners with information they need in order to fulfil their official responsibilities. In all cases, the data which is shared will be anonymous and will not allow the identification of an individual. Any sharing of data will be done under the strict control of statisticians within the Government, which will ensure that no individual data will be made public and that this data will not be used to take any action in respect of an individual. The Scottish Government will retain responsibility for the sharing and use of the data collected through the SSLN and will take all decisions on sharing data based on the need to maintain the anonymity of those taking part in the SSLN. Concerns If you have any concerns about the Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy data collections you can contact: [email protected] Want more information? If you require more information about the Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy please refer to:

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Section 6 Evaluation Questionnaire

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Section 6 Evaluation Questionnaire You will be given the opportunity to give your feedback on your school’s experience of participating in the SSLN. An evaluation questionnaire will be issued electronically to schools before the end of the summer term. Your contribution to this evaluation would be appreciated as the results will feed into the future planning and administration of the SSLN. An email containing a link to the online evaluation questionnaire will be sent out to all schools by 3 May. Please access this link and submit your evaluation by 24 June. If you do not receive the link to the evaluation questionnaire by 6 May 2011 then please contact the SSLN Helpline at [email protected] or telephone 0131 561 6908 and we will arrange for it to be re-sent. Please remember to quote your school SSLN number in all communications.

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