guardian angel program

Guardian Angel Program An opportunity for you to make a donation in honor of the caregiver(s) who made a difference in your care at Phelps County Regional Medical Center. PHELPS REGIONAL HEALTH CARE FOUNDATION Through our Guardian Angel Program we are seeking community partners – individuals, businesses and organizations, to help us support excellence in health care. Your contribution will enable us to enhance the quality of patient care, and quality of life, of individuals in all PCRMC communities. Our Mission: To serve as the philanthropic organization that facilitates charitable donations to support and assist the mission of PCRMC in providing for the health care needs of the communities it serves. PO BOX 261 · ROLLA, MISSOURI 65402 (573) 458-7648 Who’s touched your life today? Is there a doctor, nurse, other staff member or volunteer that made a difference in the care you or your loved one received while at Phelps County Regional Medical Center? If you know someone who cares without limits and gives without reservation, contact us through the information listed in this brochure to give recognition.

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Page 1: Guardian Angel Program

Guardian Angel

ProgramAn opportunity for you to make a donation in honor of the caregiver(s) who made a di�erence in your care at

Phelps County Regional Medical Center.


Through our Guardian Angel Program we are seeking community partners – individuals,

businesses and organizations, to help us support excellence in health care.

Your contribution will enable us to enhance the quality of patient care, and quality of life,

of individuals in all PCRMC communities.

Our Mission:To serve as the philanthropic organization

that facilitates charitable donations to support and assist the mission of PCRMC in

providing for the health care needs of the communities it serves.

PO BOX 261 · ROLLA, MISSOURI 65402(573) 458-7648

Who’s touched your life today?

Is there a doctor, nurse, other sta� member or volunteer that made a di�erence in the care you or your

loved one received while at Phelps County Regional Medical Center? If you know someone who cares without limits and gives without reservation, contact us through

the information listed in this brochure to give recognition.

Page 2: Guardian Angel Program

Recognize your Guardian AngelThe Guardian Angel Program provides a philanthropic opportunity for grateful patients and their loved ones to recognize a special caregiver who they believe made a di�erence during their visit at PCRMC. By making a contribution on behalf of your special caregiver, you will honor someone who has touched your life in an extraordinary way.

When you make a gift honoring your special caregiver,

• we will send a note of appreciation informing him or her of your generosity

• without specifying the amount of your gift, your special caregiver will receive a custom-crafted lapel pin to wear proudly on their uniform.

Yes, I am Grateful! Enclosed, please �nd my gift of $____________________

Contact Information (please print)Name: __________________________________________Address: ________________________________________City: _________________ State: ______ Zip: ___________Telephone: ______________________________________Email: __________________________________________

Please direct my gift to: Greatest Need Fund Abbie Darnell Fund Baby Steps Fund Breast Center Mammography Fund Delbert Day Cancer Institute Heart-2Heart Fund Recognize a special caregiver or a Team of Angels: ______________________________________________

Please let us know why your Guardian Angel is so special to you.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Giving Options Online at Check payable to Phelps Regional Health Care Foundation in the amount of $____________ Please charge $__________ to my credit card ____MC ____VISA ____DISC ____AMEXCard # __________________________________________Expiration: ______________________________________Signature: _______________________________________

To learn more about ways to donate to PCRMC, contact the Foundation sta� by calling or writing to us at:

Phelps Regional Health Care FoundationPO Box 261Rolla, Missouri 458-7946 or (573) 458-7648

Phelps Regional Health Care Foundation and PCRMC are committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. We do not rent, sell or trade donor lists. You can be removed from our mailing list at any time by calling (573) 458-7648.

Abbie Darnell Fund supports patients experiencing loss of movement or nerve functions.

Baby Steps Fund o�ers new parent support, breast feeding essentials to working mothers and fetal demise bereavement services.

Breast Center Mammography Fund o�ers lifesaving mammograms at no cost for women who �nancially qualify.

Delbert Day Cancer Institute provides comprehensive, coordinated, compassionate and cutting edge cancer care.

Greatest Need Fund helps supplement existing funds and supports capital priorities of PCRMC.

Heart-2-Heart Fund o�ers free heart-health screenings, educational materials, and cardiac rehabilitation assistance.

Hospice helps meet the needs identi�ed by Phelps Regional Homecare.

Jay Crump, D.O. Scholarship Fund promotes retention of quality, long-term physicians to our community.

Joy of Caring Cancer Fund provides �nancial assistance for cancer patients who may have di�culty managing their daily activities and capital needs related to cancer services.

Nurses are Special Fund supports the needs of nurses.

Patient Transportation Program purchases and maintains vans to support the program.

Pediatric Dental Fund helps support on-going costs and services associated with providing dental care to area youth between the ages of one and eighteen.

Joy of Caring Cancer FundNurses are Special Fund


Pediatric Dental FundPatient Transportation Fund

Jay Crump, D.O. Medical Scholarship Fund