gta v - rock radio

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  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    Game: Grand Theft Auto V

    Designer: Rockstar Games/Rockstar North

    Platform(s) PS! "#o$ %&! PS' (uture)

    Title: os Santos Rock Radio Guide

    Ta#le of *ontents

    + +ntroduction

    A, The Game

    -, The Station

    *, .h Did + .rite This Guide0

    D, ormat

    ++ The Songs

    A, Sim1le 2inds! 3All The Things She Said4

    -, Gerr Raffert! 3-aker Street4

    *, Ro#ert Plant 3-ig og4

    D, oreigner 3Dirt .hite -o4

    5, Don 6ohnson! 37eart#eat4

    , Ste8e .in9ood! 37igher o8e4

    G, -o# Seger and The Sil8er -ullet -and! 37oll9ood Nights

    7, Ste8ie Nicks! 3+ *ant .ait4

    +, Phil *ollins! 3+ Dont *are Anmore4

    6, The Alan Parsons Pro;ect! 3+ .ouldnt .ant to #e ike

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    .hat do 9e kno90 Rockstar has done it again, The made a master1iece9hich 9as

    3GTA +V done #etter,4 2ore cars! more to e$1lore! more things to do! andmost

    im1ortantl! more good musicC

    -, The Station

    os Santos Rock Radio is the classic rock radio station of the osSantos

    metro1olitan area, 58er metro1olis has one! so 9h 9ould os Santos notha8e

    one0 The station 1las classic hits from the late E%&s! to the midEF&s! and

    =enn oggins hosts it, 7eck! +gg Po1 hosted RR in GTA +V! so this 9asa

    good choice + sa,

    *, .h Did + .rite This Guide0

    + noticed that in 1re8ious GTA games! 1eo1le ha8e contri#uted lricguides to

    the songs found in the games radio stations, +8e #een on Gamefa>s alot

    latel! and realised that no one has cared to contri#ute a guide to thisgame

    (GTA V)! so + thought 9h 9ould + not do it mself0

    D, ormat

    -efore e8er song! there 9ill #e a #o$ listing the artist! song title!al#um

    (if kno9n)! and the ear of release, Please note that the al#um and ear9ill

    #e of the songs ?R+G+NA a11earance, (Some songs ma a11ear on li8eand/or

    greatest hits 1ackages! #ut to make it sim1le! + 9ill ;ust 1ut the de#ut

    a11earance), + ma ha8e some remarks on some of the songs! so + 9ill 1utthem

    if + ha11en to ha8e an, These could #e a little tri8ia! or other


    So 9ithout further ado! shall 9e #egin0

    Artist: Sim1le 2inds! Song Title! 3All the Things She Said!4 Al#um: 0

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    An9here ou go! ou kno9 +ll still #e 9aiting,

    All the things she said! she said,

    58er#od close our ees, Therell #e no com1romising,

    ?f all the things she said! she said,

    Thre9 to the street 9here the heart#eats #eating (its #eating to anodd


    Peaceful re8olution and a 1erfect 9edge surround me,

    Tell me B#out the ocean mo8ing in slo9 motion,

    + see a glitter in the sun that is freeHing in the moonlight,

    Ne8er look #ack! ne8er look #ack! ne8er look #ack,

    .here8er ou 9ant to go! + 9ill still #e 9aiting,

    All the things she said! she said,

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    She said this is our time,

    She said this is our 1lace,

    This is a s1ace m heart 9ants to #e near,

    58er#od close our ees, Therell #e no com1romising,

    All the things she said! she said,

    Artist: Gerr Raffert! Song Title: 3-aker Street!4 Al#um: 3Night ?9l!4

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    -ut ou kno9 hell al9as kee1 mo8in,

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    ?h the free9a and the coming of nighttime,

    2 lo8e is in league 9ith the free9a,

    Artist: oreigner! Song Title: 3Dirt .hite -o!4 Al#um: 37ead Games!4

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    Dirt 9hite #o,

    *ome on! cmon #o (dirt 9hite #o),

    7e! 9hite #o (dirt 9hite #o),

    +m a dirt 9hite #o,

    Dirt 9hite #o,

    +m ;ust a dirt 9hite #o (dirt 9hite #o),

    Dirt 9hite #o (dirt 9hite #o),

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    +m lookin for lo8e like mine,

    The tell me its so hard to find,

    .ell + feel it in the rhthm! m heart#eat in the street,

    +n the street,

    7eart#eat! +m lookin for a heart#eat,

    7eart#eat! +m lookin for a heart#eat,

    -eating like mine,

    -eating like mine,

    Tell me is it real no90

    .e get a heart#eat,Tell me is it real no90

    .e get a heart#eat! heart#eat,

    Guitar solo

    7eart#eat! +m lookin for a heart#eat,

    7eart#eat! +m lookin for a heart#eat! heart#eat,

    7eart#eat! +m lookin for a heart#eat,

    7eart#eat! +m lookin for a heart#eat! heart#eat,

    Artist: Ste8e .in9ood! Song Title: 37igher o8e!4 Al#um: 0

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    .orlds are turning and 9ere ;ust hanging on,

    acing our fear and standing out there alone,

    A earning! and its real to me,

    There must #e someone 9hos feeling for me,

    Things look so #ad e8er9here,

    +n this 9hole 9orld! 9hat is fair0

    .e 9alk #lind and 9e tr to see,

    alling #ehind in 9hat could #e,

    -ring me a higher lo8e,

    -ring me a higher lo8e! oh,

    -ring me a higher lo8e,

    .heres that higher lo8e + kee1 thinking of0

    -ring me a higher lo8e,

    -ring me a higher lo8e,

    -ring #e a higher lo8e,

    + could rise a#o8e on a higher lo8e,

    + 9ill 9ait for it,

    +m not too late for it,

    ntil then! +ll sing m song,

    To cheer the night along,

    -ring it,,,oh #ring it,,,

    + could light the night u1 9ith m soul on fire,

    + could make the sun shine from 1ure desire,

    et me feel that lo8e come o8er me,et me feel ho9 strong it could #e,

    -ring me a higher lo8e,

    -ring me a higher lo8e oh,

    -ring me a higher lo8e,

    .heres that higher lo8e + kee1 thinking of0

    Artist: -o# Seger and The Sil8er -ullet -and! Song Title: 37oll9oodNights!4

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    Al#um: Stranger in To9n!4

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    .ondering if he could e8er go home,

    +n those 7oll9ood nights,

    +n those 7oll9ood hills,

    She 9as looking so right,

    +n her diamonds and thrills,

    All those #ig cit lights,

    And those highKrolling hills,

    A#o8e all the lights,

    .ith a 1assionate kill,

    7oll9ood nights,7oll9ood hills,

    A#o8e all the lights,

    7oll9ood nights,

    7oll9ood nights,

    7oll9ood hills,

    A#o8e all the lights,

    7oll9ood nights,

    Artist: Ste8ie Nicks! Song Title! 3+ *ant .ait!4 Al#um: 0

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    + cant 9ait + cant 9ait,

    .ell + kno9 ou8e #een out of touch,

    .ell + cant 9ait! + cant 9ait,

    + cant 9ait,

    .hat can + do 9hen +m craH for ou #a#0

    She 9onders ho9 man more hours her heart 9ill feel #roken,

    +n secret she sas she needs to see him! #ut no 9ords are s1oken,

    .ell she dances around in a circle and shes got that feeling no9,

    -lame it on something at first sight,

    Put the #lame on me if ou 9ant to,To #e continued,

    + cant 9ait + cant 9ait,

    Am + 9asting m time if ou cant make u1 our mind0

    .ell + cant 9ait! + cant 9ait,

    No9 + get to kno9 9hen + can see ou again,

    + cant 9ait + cant 9ait,

    .ell + kno9 ou8e #een out of touch,

    .ell + cant 9ait! + cant 9ait,

    + cant 9ait,

    .hat can + do 9hen +m craH for ou #a#0

    + cant 9ait! + cant 9ait,

    Am + 9asting m time0 2ake u1 our mind #a#,

    + lo8e ou,

    + lo8e ou,

    7o9 9ill 9e feel L& ears from no90

    7o9 9ill 9e feel L& ears from no90

    7o9 9ill 9e feel L& ears from no90

    7o9 9ill 9e feel L& ears from no90

    7o9 9ill 9e feel L& ears from no90

    7o9 9ill 9e feel L& ears from no90

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    7o9 9ill 9e feel L& ears from no90

    7o9 9ill 9e feel L& ears from no90

    .ell + cant 9ait! + cant 9ait,

    +f +m 9asting m time 9hile ou make u1 our mind! #a#,

    + cant 9ait! + cant 9ait,

    And + got to kno9 9hen + can see ou again,

    + cant 9ait! + cant 9ait,

    No! no time 9ill! make u1 our mind! #a#,

    + cant 9ait! + cant 9ait,

    + lo8e ou! + lo8e ou,

    Artist: Phil *ollins! Song Title: 3+ Dont *are Anmore!4 Al#um: 37ello!+

    2ust #e GoingC4

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    + 9ont #e there no more, Get out of m 9aC

    et me # + got #etter things to do 9ith m time,

    + dont care anmore,

    + dont care anmore,

    + dont care anmore,

    + dont care anmore,

    .ell + dont care no9 9hat ou sa,

    *ause e8erda +m feeling fine 9ith mself,

    And + dont care no9 9hat ou sa,

    +ll do all right # mself as + kno9,

    *ause + remem#er all the times + tried so hard,

    And ou left m face cause ou held the cards,

    + dont care anmore,

    And + reall aint #othered 9hat ou think of me,

    All + 9ant from ou is ;ust to let me #e,

    + dont care anmoreC

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    + 9ouldnt 9ant to #e like ou,


  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    Artist: =enn oggins! Song Title 3+m ree (7ea8en 7el1s the 2an)!4Al#um: 0

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    +m freeC

    7ea8en hel1s the man 9ho fights his fears,

    o8es the onl thing that kee1s me here,

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    Red lights! green lights! sto1 and go dri8e,

    7eadlines! deadlines ;ammin our mind,

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    Tight 1ants! 1oints! o8er and out,

    She 9as #lackKhaired #eaut 9ith dark ees,

    And 1oints of her o9n sittin 9a u1 high,

    .a u1 firm and high,

    ?ut 1ast the cornfields 9here the 9inds kinda hea8,

    ?ut in the #ackseat of m %& *he8,

    .orkin on msteries 9ithout an clues,

    .orkin on the night mo8es,

    Trin to make some frontK1age! dri8eKin ne9s,

    .orking on the night mo8es,

    +n the summertime,

    +n the s9eet summertime,

    .e 9erent in lo8e oh no far from it,

    .e 9erent searching for some 1ieKinKtheKskKsummit,

    .e 9ere ;ust oung! and restless! and #ored,

    i8in # the s9ord,

    And 9ed steal a9a e8er chance 9e good,

    To #athrooms! and alles! and trusted 9oods,

    + used her! she used me! #ut neither one cared,

    .e 9ere getting our share,

    .orking on the night mo8es,

    Tring to lose some a9k9ard teenage #lues,

    .orking on the night mo8es,

    And it 9as summer time,

    ?ooh! oooh, +n the s9eet summertime! summertime,

    No 9onder,

    elt the lightning! and 9aited on the thunder,

    .aited on the thunder,

    + 9oke last night to sound of thunder,

    37o9 far off04 + sat and 9ondered,

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    Starting humming a song from E%L,

    unn ho9 the night mo8es,

    .hen ou ;ust dont seem to ha8e as much to lose,

    Strange ho9 the night mo8es,

    .ith autumn closing in,


    Night mo8es,


    (Night mo8es) night mo8es

    (Night mo8es) eah

    (Night mo8es) Remem#er(Night mo8es) + surel remem#er

    (Night mo8es) Aint it funn ho9 ou remem#er0

    (Night mo8es) unn ho9 ou remem#er,

    (Night mo8es) + remem#er! + remem#er! + remem#er! + remem#er

    (Night mo8es) ?h! oh oh,

    (Night mo8es) .e 9ere 9orking

    (Night mo8es) .orking and 1racticing

    (Night mo8es) .orking and 1racticing on the night mo8es,

    (Night mo8es) ?7 + remem#er,

    (Night mo8es)

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    Got a 1hotogra1h! 1icture of,

    Passion thriller look too much,

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    ?h, ook 9hat ou8e done,

    + gotta ha8e ou,

    (Photogra1h) + dont 9ant our,

    (Photogra1h) + dont need our,

    (Photogra1h) All +8e got is a 1hotogra1h,

    + 9anna touch,

    (Photogra1h) ?h our 1hotogra1h,

    (Photogra1h) + need onl our

    (Photogra1h) +m outta luck,

    (Photogra1h) +m outta lo8e,

    (Photogra1h) +m outta lust,(Photogra1h)

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    All 9e hear is radio gaKga,

    Radio #lahK#lah,

    Radio 9hats ne90 Someone still lo8es ou,

    .e 9atch the sho9s K 9e 9atch the stars,

    ?n 8ideos for hours and hours,

    .e hardl need to use our ears,

    7o9 music changes through the ears,

    etOs ho1e ou ne8er lea8e old friend,

    ike all good things on ou 9e de1end,

    so stick around cause 9e might miss ou,

    .hen 9e gro9 tired of all this 8isual,

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    7ot stick scenes! ou kno9 9hat + mean,

    ike a desert sun that #urns m skin,

    +O8e #een 9aiting for her for so long,

    ?1en the sk and let her come do9n,

    7ere comes the rain,

    7ere comes the rain,

    7ere she comes again,

    7ere comes the rain,

    + lo8e the rain,

    + lo8e the rain,

    7ere she comes again,

    7ere comes the rain,?h! rain,




    ?h! here comes the rain,

    + lo8e the rain,.ell! + lo8e the rain,

    7ere she comes again,

    + lo8e the rain,




    Artist: Ste8e 2iller -and! Song Title: 3Rockn 2e!4 Al#um: 3l ike an


  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    -ut m 9oman is a friend of mine,

    And + kno9 that its true that all the things that + do,

    .ill come #ack to me in m s9eet time,

    =ee1 on rockn me #a#,

    =ee1 on rockn me #a#,

    =ee1 on rockn me #a#,

    =ee1 on rockn me #a#,

    + 9ent from Phoeni$! AriHona all the 9a to Tacoma,

    Philadel1hia! Atlanta! ,A,

    Northern *alifornia 9here the girls are 9arm,

    So + could #e 9ith m true #a# a,

    So kee1 on rockn me #a#,

    =ee1 on rockn me #a#,

    =ee1 on rockn me #a#,

    =ee1 on rockn me #a#,

    -a#! #a#! #a# kee1 on rockn,

    Rockn me #a#,

    =ee1 on rockn! rockn me #a#,

    ?oooooooooooooohKooh oh eah,

    Dont get sus1icious no9 dont #e sus1icious,

    .hen ou kno9 ou are a friend of mine,

    And ou kno9 that its true that all the things that ou do,

    Are gonna come #ack to ou in our s9eet time,

    + 9ent from Phoeni$! AriHona all the 9a to Tacoma,

    Philadel1hia! Atlanta! ,A,

    Northern *alifornia 9here the girls are 9arm! so + could 1lease me s9eet#a#


    =ee1 on rockn me #a#,

    =ee1 on rockn me #a#,

    =ee1 on rockn me #a#,=ee1 on rockn me #a#,

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    -a#! #a#! #a#,

    =ee1 on rockn me #a#,

    =ee1 on rockn me #a#,

    =ee1 on rockn me #a#,

    =ee1 on rockn me #a#,

    Artist: 5lton 6ohn! Song Title: 3Saturda Nights Alright (orighting)4

    Al#um: 3Dont Shoot 2e +m 6ust The Piano Plaer!4

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    Dont get us none of our aggra8ation 9e8e had it 9ith the disci1line,

    Saturda nights alright for fightin, Get a little action hereC

    Get us oilier than a diesel train 9ere gonna set this dance alight,

    Saturda nights the night + like! Saturda nights all right,

    All right! all right,



    Dont get us none of our aggra8ation 9e8e had it 9ith the disci1line,

    Saturda nights alright for fightin, Get a little action hereCGet us oilier than a diesel train 9ere gonna set this dance alight,

    Saturda nights the night + like! Saturda nights all right,

    All right! all right,


    Saturda! Saturda! Saturda

    Saturda! Saturda! Saturda

    Saturda! Saturda

    Saturda nights alright,

    Saturda! Saturda! Saturda

    Saturda! Saturda! Saturda

    Saturda! Saturda

    Saturda nights alright,


    Artist: Greg =ihn -and! Song Title: 3-reaku1 Song (The Dont .riteB5m)!4

    Al#um: 0!

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    +t 9as the same old song 9ith a mello9 kind of sound ah! ah! ah! ah ahah ah


    The dont 9rite Bem like that anmore,The ;ust dont 9rite Bem like that anmore,

    .ed #een li8ing together for a million ears ah! ah! ah! ah ah! ah! ah!ah,

    And no9 it feels so strange in the atmos1heres ah! ah! ah! ah ah! ah!ah! ah,

    And then the ;uke#o$ 1las a song + used to kno9 ah! ah! ah! ah ah! ah!ah!


    No9 +m staring at the #odies as there dancing so slo9 ah! ah! ah! ahah!

    ah! ah! ah,

    -ut the dont 9rite Bem like that anmore,

    The ;ust dont 9rite Bem like that anmore,

    No9 +m not staring at an em1t glass ah! ah! ah! ah ah! ah! ah! ah,

    *ause its so eas to sa that oull forget our 1ast ah! ah! ah! ahah! ah!

    ah! ah,

    The dont 9rite Bem like that anmore,

    No! the ;ust dont 9rite Bem like that anmore,

    The dont 9rite Bem like that anmore,

    The ;ust dont 9rite Bem like that anmore,

    The ;ust dont

    No the dont

    No! no! uh! uh,

    Artist: 6ulian ennon! Song Title: 3Too ate or Good#e!4 Al#um:3Valotte!4

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    -ut +ts much too late for good#e,

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    7e ne8er made her think t9ice,

    As he rises to her a1olog an#od else 9ould surel kno9,

    7es 9atching her go,

    -ut 9hat a fool #elie8es he sees,

    No 9ise mean hs the 1o9er to reason a9a,

    .hat seems to #e is al9as #etter than nothing,

    And nothing at all,

    =ee1s sending him some9here #ack in her long ago,

    .here he could still #elie8e theres a 1lace in her life,

    Someda! someho9 she 9ill return,

    She had a 1lace in his life,

    7e ne8er made her think t9ice,

    As he rises to her a1olog an#od else 9ould surel kno9,

    7es 9atching her go,

    -ut 9hat a fool #elie8es he sees,

    No 9ise man has the 1o9er (9ho got the 1o9er),

    To reason a9a,

    .hat seems to #e is al9as #etter than nothing,

    And nothing at all,

    Theres nothing at all #ut 9hat a fool #elie8es he sees,

    +++ Disclaimer

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    J Song corrections (+ kno9 most if not all of these songs # heart#ut

    9ould still a11reciate it),

    J @uestions

    J Additional +nfo (al#um titles much a11reciated if ou kno9 the?R+G+NA

    al#um (not an li8e or greatest hits 1ackages 1lease),

    J *omments on ho9 to make this guide #etter,

    D? N?T email me for the follo9ing reasons,

    J Asking for a com1lete scri1t of 9hat the D6 sas, Since GTA:SA!radio

    station #roadcasts are no longer loo1ed! so to that 9ould mean sitting

    9ith m PS on a lot tring to follo9 ;ust 9hat =enn oggins sas 9hen,

    Things tend to change and 9hat he sas 9ill differ! es1eciall 9ith thetime of da, urthermore! since its hot no9! lea8ing m PS on 9ould

    heat u1 m room a#ru1tl, 58en so! its ;ust too much 9ork,

    J Asking for ne9s re1ortsKsame reason as a#o8e, The often 8arde1ending

    on ho9 far along ou are in the game and there not all that

    interesting an9a, A Google search 9ill find ou the ne9s #roadcasts!

    so feel free to do a guide on them on our o9n if ou reall 9ant to,

    J Reasons other than a#out the guide (dont ask on ho9 to do a

    s1ecificmission), There are 1lent other guides to hel1 ou 9ith this! and

    s(dot com) can ha8e this guide, +f ou ha11en to search andfind

    it some9here else! 1lease let me kno9 immediatel, +n the future! + maallo9

    other sites to use it and 9ill u1date the guide accordingl! #ut forright

    no9! onl the aforementioned site 1lease,

    .hats included in this guide is for our 1ersonal use ?N

  • 7/24/2019 GTA V - Rock Radio


    something like this as + 9ont grant it, uences,

    +V *redits

    Rockstar Games for de8elo1ing et another killer game in the GTA series,

    Various s for #eing a great site on 9hich to host guides like mine,

    An#od else 9ho uses! or #enefits from this information

    No9 if the had onl included something from the 5agles hereM