grúas jib

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  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib





    Moving on up.crane systems

    The complete range of pillar and wall jib cranes for

    loads up to 6.3 tonnes.

  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib



    ABUS Jib Cranes in actionAn everyday demonstration of productive teamwork

  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib


    3Moving on up.crane systems

  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib



    ABUS Pillar Jib CranesEffortlessness put into motion

    Performing work in teams unites

    the potentials of individuals to form

    a strong company. ABUS jib cranes

    a re efficient pa rtners performing

    their tas ks relia bly and ea sing the

    loa d on the people who use them.

    With its co mprehens ive p rod uct line

    of jib cranes, ABUS offers flexible

    and cos t efficient ma terial ha ndling

    solutions for any job in the work-


    ABUS jib cranes ca n be individually

    tailored from the type o f mounting

    or hoist to optional configurations

    for pa rticular req uirements a ll

    produc ed to ABUS high levels o f


    With the touch of a button, they

    ca n handle loa ds up to 6.3 tonnes

    precisely a nd effortless ly w hether

    mounted on their own pillars or on

    wa lls or co lumns. For load ing

    mac hines, cha nging hea vy tools o r

    lifting wo rkpiece s onto ta bles for

    proce ss ing w ith ABUS jib cranes ,

    the lifting is e a sier, m ore e fficient

    and sa fer.

  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib



    P. 2022 Op tio na l c o nfig ura t io ns

    P. 23 AB US ho is ts , inte gra l pa rts of the s ys te m

    P. 24 AB US cra ne s ys tems , a ll produc ts

    P. 25 Enq uiry form

    Take a look at our brochure:

    P. 6/7 Quic k o vervie w/s ta nd a rd mo de ls

    P. 811 AB US J ib cra nes in d eta il

    P. 12/13 Added value so lutions c learly expla ined

    P. 1417 J ib c ra ne s us e d b y o ur c us to me rs

    P. 18/19 Mo unting s o lutio ns

    Moving on up.crane systems

    ABUS Wall Jib CranesHelping to ease the load

  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib











    180 *The effective s lewing

    range depends on the

    installation position;

    it may be greater or

    less than 180.

    ABUS Jib cranesThe crane finder









    Des ig n C apa city J ib




    Cra ne type Hois t Movement



    O pe ra t io n Mo un tin g

    (a cc ording to ca pa city/jib length)

    to1 t

    to7 m


    chain hoistpush-pull

    via pendant

    from hoist

    Foundation block with anchor


    Dowe l plate with floor do wels

    Intermediate plate with floor



    0.5 t


    7 m270


    chain hoist




    push-pullvia pendant

    from hoist

    Foundation block with anchor


    Dowe l plate with floor do wels

    Intermediate plate with floor



    4 t


    10 mn x 360


    chain hoist

    P ush-pull

    or powered

    via pendant

    from hoist

    alt. mobile



    Foundation block with anchor


    Intermediate plate with floor


    to6.3 t

    to10 m

    n x 360


    wire rope






    Foundation block with anchor


    Intermediate plate with floor



    1 t


    7 m180 *


    chain hoistpush-pull

    via pendant

    from hoist

    Wall bracket o n s teel support

    Brac ket on building support


    Weld-on pla te on b uilding

    co lumn/wa ll

    Wall bracket mo unted on

    reinforced concrete wall

    to0.5 t

    to7 m

    180 *Electric

    chain hoistp ow ered p ush -p ull

    via pendant

    from hoist

    Wall bracket o n s teel support

    Brac ket on building support


    Weld-on pla te on b uilding

    co lumn/wa ll

    Wall bracket mo unted on

    reinforced concrete wall


    4 t

    to5 t


    10 m

    to10 m

    180 *

    180 *


    chain hoist


    wire rope


    P ush-pull

    or powered


    via pendant

    from hoist

    alt. mobile






    Wall mounting on steel support

    Brac ket on building support


    Weld-on pla te on b uilding

    co lumn/wa ll

    Wall bracket mo unted on

    reinforced concrete wall

    Wall mounting on steel support

    Brac ket on building support


    Weld-on pla te on b uilding

    co lumn/wa ll

    Wall bracket mo unted on

    reinforced concrete wall

  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib


  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib



    3 m 5 m 6 m 7 m

    80 kg

    125 kg

    250 kg

    500 kg

    1000 kg

    3 m 5 m 6 m 7 m

    80 kg

    125 kg

    250 kg

    500 kg

    1000 kg

    Capacity: to 1 tJib length: to 7 m

    Ratedslewing range

    to 180with electric chain hoist

    lightw eight de sign

    (DIN 15018 H2/B 2)

    jib arm made of sturdy, hollow

    steel sections

    sta ndard wa ll bracket

    trolley with easy roll plastic


    Capacity: to 1 t

    Jib length: to 7 m

    Ratedslewing range

    to 270with electric chain hoist

    lightw eight de sign

    (DIN 15018 H2/B 2)

    jib arm made of sturdy, hollow

    steel sections

    sa fety a nchoring with ribb ed pillar

    b a s e

    trolley with easy roll plastic


    sq uare c rane pillars

    ABUS Pillar jib crane LSMaking work easier

    ABUS Wall jib crane LWFor ergonomic relief of strain





  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib



    4 m 6 m 7 m

    125 kg

    250 kg

    500 kg

    4 m 6 m 7 m

    125 kg

    250 kg

    500 kg

    Capacity: to 0.5 tJib length: to 7 m

    Capacity: to 0.5 t

    Jib length: to 7 m

    Ratedslewing range

    to 180

    Ratedslewing range

    to 270with electric chain hoist

    lightw eight d esign

    (DIN 15018 H2/B 2)

    sturdy, s teel cons truction w ith

    low -build profile se ction jib a rm

    for optimised hook height

    easy roll jib mounting

    sa fety a nchoring w ith ribb ed pillar


    easy installation of hoist trolley

    due to remova ble jib end p la te

    and adjustable clamping buffers

    with electric chain hoist

    lightw eight de sign c onforming to

    DIN 15018 H2/B2)

    sturdy, with low-build profile

    section jib arm for optimised

    hook height

    standard wall bracket

    easy installation of hoist trolley

    due to remova ble jib end p la te

    and adjustable clamping buffers

    Moving on up.crane systems

    ABUS Pillar jib crane LSXExtra lift height when you need it

    ABUS Wall jib crane LWXThe master of assembly





  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib



    5m 7 m 8 m 9m 10m

    125 kg250 kg

    500 kg

    1000 kg

    1600 kg

    2000 kg

    2500 kg

    3200 kg

    4000 kg

    5m 7 m 8 m 9m 10m

    125 kg

    250 kg

    500 kg

    1000 kg

    1600 kg

    2000 kg

    2500 kg

    3200 kg

    4000 kg

    Capacity: to 4 tJib length: to 10 m


    VS with optional configu-

    rations (electric slewing

    gear and mobile controlunit)

    with electric chain hoist

    light heavyweight design

    (DIN 15018 H2/B 3)

    sturdy, with low-build profile

    section jib arm for optimised

    hook height

    easy installation of hoist trolley

    due to remova ble jib e nd plate

    and adjustable clamping buffers

    Capacity: to 4 t

    Jib length: to 10 m


    VS with optional configu-

    rations (electric slewing

    gear and mobile control


    with electric chain hoist

    light heavyweight design

    (DIN 15018 H2/B 3)

    sturdy, s teel cons truction w ith

    low-build profile se ct ion jib a rm

    for optimised hook height

    safety anchoring with heavy-duty

    ribb ed pillar b a se

    easy installation of hoist trolley

    due to remova ble jib e nd plate

    and adjustable clamping buffers

    electrica l sys tem incl. s lip-rings

    ABUS Pillar jib crane VSAn all-around performer

    ABUS Wall jib crane VWKeeping the floor clear

    Ratedslewing range

    to 180

    Ratedslewing range

    infinite x 360





  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib



    5 m 7m 8 m 9m 10m

    1000 kg

    1600 kg

    2000 kg

    2500 kg

    3200 kg

    4000 kg

    5000 kg

    5 m 7m 8 m 9m 10m

    1000 kg

    1600 kg

    2000 kg

    2500 kg

    3200 kg

    4000 kg

    5000 kg

    6300 kg

    Moving on up.

    Capacity: to 5 tJib length: to 10 m

    Capacity: to 6.3 t

    Jib length: to 10 m

    Ratedslewing range

    to 180

    Ratedslewing range

    infinite x 360with electric wire rope hoist

    light heavyweight design

    (DIN 15018 H2/B 3)

    sturdy, s teel co nstruction w ith

    low -build profile se ction jib a rm

    for optimised hook height

    safety anchoring with heavy-duty

    ribb ed pilla r ba se

    ea sy insta llation of w ire rope ho ist

    trolley due to removable jib end

    plate and adjustable clamping


    electrica l sys tem incl. s lip-ring s

    powered trolley, 2-speed

    powered slewing, 2-speed

    mobile pendant control runs

    length of jib

    with electric wire rope hoist

    light heavyweight design

    (DIN 15018 H2/B 3)

    sturdy, with low-build profile

    section jib arm for optimised

    hook height

    ea sy insta llation of w ire rope ho ist

    trolley due to removable jib end

    plate and adjustable clamping


    powered trolley, 2-speed

    powered slewing, 2-speed

    mobile pendant control runs

    length of jib





    crane systems

  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib



    1 3






    A typical ABUS featureAdded-value solutions from a single source

  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib












    13Moving on up.crane systems

    If you plan a jib crane with ABUS,

    there are really no limits. Everything

    you need to turn a s ingle crane into

    a convenient complete s olution is

    available from a single supplier.

    This ma kes planning ea sier and

    helps cut costs not only when

    buying your crane b ut also in the

    yea rs which follow.


    Power supply via slip-rings for

    infinite 360 slewing.

    Plug connectors

    Equipped exclusively with plug

    connectors designed for rapid,

    trouble-free connection when instal-

    ling a nd s ervicing. This sa ves time

    and ensures greater safety.

    Bolted end connection plate

    For rapid mounting of the trolley

    without prior d isa ss embly.

    Powered trolley

    The e lect ric a lly d riven trolley m ove s

    at the push of a button.

    Powered slewing gear

    Elec trica lly d riven slew ing for

    smooth travel.

    ABUS electric chain hoist

    For relia ble lifting

    from 80 kg to 4 t.

    Safety pillar base

    The sp ec ially des igned pilla r ba se

    with precisely we lded ribs a nd inter-

    nal support ring ensures safety and


    Because the whole is simply worth

    more than the sum of its parts,

    it also pays to ta ke a c lose look at

    the performance features and cos t

    advantages of ABUS extras, com-

    ponents a nd a ccess ories.

  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib



    The p illar jib c ran e LS is typ ica lly

    used for lifting ta sks that a re mo stly

    in the lower capacity range.

    As show n here in the examp le of

    transmission and engine manufac-

    ture, the load can be quickly and

    safely raised and e.g . set dow n on

    a pa llet. The high lifting sp eed of

    12 m/min with the electric c ha in

    hoist a lso co ntributes to efficientwo rk performanc e. The c rane is

    mounted on the existing base plate

    by mea ns of a n intermediate steel


    The w a ll jib c rane LW is a n unobt ru-

    sive and reliab le a id w hen it co mes

    to moving lighter loa ds by ha nd. Its

    lightw eight des ign a llow s it a nd its

    load to be guided quickly and preci-

    se ly even a t longe r jib leng ths . This

    is an effective a id to da ily ope ration

    as in this ca se in the picking a reafor packaging ma chines.

    This c rane is mounte d w ith a b rak-

    ket on the building support column.

    The bra ckets fit around the s up-

    ports, even those with large cross-

    sections, to bring the crane to the

    des ired height.

    ABUS Jib CranesDaily in action

    Capacity: 100 kgJib length: 3 m

    Overall height: 3.5 m

    Pillar jib crane LSwith electric chain hoistABUCompact GM2

    Capacity: 250 kg

    Jib length: 7 m

    Lift height: 3.1 m

    Wall jib crane LWwith electric chain hoistABUCompact GM2

  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib



    The a dva nta g es of the pilla r jib

    crane LSX are evident in workpla-

    ces with restricted room heights, as

    can be seen here in the measuring

    room for components of machine

    tools. Due to its special construc-

    tion w ith the raise d jib a rm, a g ood

    lift height c an b e reac hed e ven with

    low ceilings . J ib a rm and hoist a re

    loca ted at a sa fe distance aw ayfrom the a rea in which the operato r

    moves . The crane is mo unted b y

    means of a steel dowel plate with

    spe cial floor do we ls conforming to

    the permissible dynamic loads.

    Low ceilings and additional required

    floor c lea ranc e a re typ ica l criteria

    for selecting the LWX wall jib crane.

    Its low s pac e requirements a nd

    practicable lift height make a strong

    argument in its favour.

    The co ntinuous ly co ntrolla ble

    ABUCompact GMC provides parti-cularly delicate lifting and setting

    dow n of the loa d a t this a ss embly


    The w a ll brac ket included in the

    delivery is used to mo unt the crane

    on a stee l support in the rooms


    Moving on up.crane systems

    Capacity: 500 kgJib length: 3.2 m

    Overall height: 3.4 m

    Pillar jib crane LSXwith electric chain hoistABUCompact GM2

    Capacity: 100 kg

    Jib length: 3 m

    Lift height: 2.5 m

    Wall jib crane LWXwith electric chain hoistABUCompact GMC

  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib



    Used in the ass embly of roa d c on-

    struction machines, this VS pillar

    jib crane moves larger load s tha t

    ca n no longer be sa fely and c on-

    veniently moved by hand.

    The c rane is the refore eq uippe d

    with electric, 2-speed drives for the

    trolley and slewing. Operation is

    indepe ndent of the load pos ition

    with mobile pend ant c ontrols thatmove pa rallel to the jib a rm, simpli-

    fing ha ndling a nd ens uring s a fer


    The c rane is s ecurely a nchored to a

    ba se foundation.

    This cra ne is req uired in ta nk and

    conta iner cons truction for trans port

    of loa ds betw een w ork levels of dif-

    ferent heig hts. The d es ign o f the

    wall jib crane VW enables the given

    building dimensions to b e use d to

    the fulles t, so that the tra nsfer of

    the load is achieved at the highestpos sible lift height. The c rane ha s

    elec tric, 2-spe ed trolley and

    slewing d rives, without which the

    desired movements of the load

    wo uld be practica lly imposs ible.

    Weld-on plates are use d to mount

    the crane directly on the s teel

    supports of the building.

    Pillar jib crane VSwith electric chain hoistABUCompact GM8

    ABUS Jib CranesDaily in action

    Capacity: 2 tJib length: 7 m

    Overall height: 6 m

    Capacity: 1 t

    Jib length: 5 m

    Lift height: 5.3 m

    Wall jib crane VWwith electric chain hoistABUCompact GM4

  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib



    Plates and steel components of

    varying s ize a nd w eighing up to 5 t

    are required in mould and die pro-

    duct ion. With the pillar jib cra ne VS,

    these can be reliably moved.

    With elec tric, 2-spee d trolley a nd

    slewing d rives eq uipped a s sta n-

    da rd, the crane ca n be ea sily ope-

    rated via the freely movab le c ontrol

    unit w ith the pe nda nt co ntrols.The c one -sha ped pilla r tip a llow s

    the sma llest poss ible approach

    dimension to the the pillar even

    with high load s.

    The c rane is s olidly mounted on a

    large-sized base foundation with

    anchor rods .

    Tig ht insta lla tion co nditions , high

    loa d ca pac ities a nd a precise

    movement of the load into the

    tool mac hine c haracterise this

    a pplica tion examp le. The optimisa -

    tion of the lift height a t 3.2 t is

    achieved through the use of an

    ABUS electric wire rope hoist.Two -spee d co ntrol of e lec trica lly

    driven movements in all directions

    enables delicate handling of work-

    piece s a nd e q uipment. The c rane is

    mounted with weld-on plates at the

    back on the additionally placed

    support structure.

    Moving on up.crane systems

    Capacity: 5 tJib length: 7 m

    Overall height: 5 m

    Pillar jib crane VSwith electric wire rope hoistGM 1000

    Capacity: 3.2 t

    Jib length: 5 m

    Lift height: 3 m

    Wall jib crane VWwith electric wire rope hoistGM 800

  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib



    Mountings for Pillar Jib CranesA question of standpoint

    Intermediate plate on a concrete floor

    Using a sq uare intermediate plate, the c rane ca n be

    mounted on a suitable existing concrete floor. After the

    floor pla te ha s bee n drilled a nd c hiselled out, a nchors

    are inserted a nd c a st. ABUS delivers the intermedia te

    plate and, on request, the appropriate floor anchors.

    Foundation block with anchor bolts

    The c urrently mos t reg ula rly reque s ted type o f moun-

    ting fo r pilla r jib c ranes use s a ncho r rods . Thes e a re

    pos itioned within a conc rete founda tion b loc k.ABUS delivers the anchors and a steel template for

    positioning and aligning the anchor box as well as the

    required information for pouring a foundation with

    reinforcement in accordance with DIN 1045-1.

    Foundation with ABUS ideal anchors

    ABUS ideal anchors offer an intelligent mounting alter-

    native whenever the later site of the cra ne is to remain

    free ly w a lkab le a nd d riva ble for the time be ing. The

    two-part anchor rods are connected to ea ch other with

    sleeve s. The sleeve s a re flush w ith the floo r surfac e

    and a re protected b y cover ca ps.

    To mo unt the crane, threade d b olts a re s crewed into

    the sleeves.

    Intermediate plate on a concrete suspended ceiling

    Alternatively, the intermediate p la te c a n b e m ounted to

    a suitable co ncrete ce iling with through-wa ll anchors.

    ABUS delivers the intermediate plate a nd, on req uest,

    the a ppropria te through-wa ll ancho rs.

    Dowel plate on a concrete floor/a concrete ceiling

    LS and LSX cranes are particularly efficient with our

    dow el mounting s yste m. This s ystem uses Fisc her

    dowels, especially developed for dynamic loads, which

    are fitted into the c ountersunk holes of the round do we l

    plate during install. ABUS delivers the dowel plate,

    the req uired dow els as we ll a s a mould ring for the


    Alignment and underpouring

    Sa fety while working requires the ca reful alignment of a cra ne prior to initial opera tion. The existing floors a re not alwa ys level enoug h to ens ure

    this. All mounting systems of our pillar jib cranes therefore offer the neces sa ry room for adjustment through a n a sse mbly ga p. The sub seq uentgrouting of the crane ensures stability.

  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib




    Structural inspection of the building

    J ib cra nes transfer forces a nd torque to the building and supporting structures. S afe crane o peration depends entirely on the adeq uate c hecking ofthe support structure by a structural engineer.

    Moving on up.crane systems

    On reinforced concrete walls or supports using weld-on plates

    Co ncrete wa lls or supports c a n be prepa red for the mo unting o f wa ll jib

    cranes on weld-on plates through suitable mounting plates with grouted

    a nchoring a s a subs tructure. When performing this co nstruction w ork,

    ca re s hould b e ta ken that the mounting plates lie exa ctly flush a nd exhibit

    plumb-vertica l connection surfa ces . The w eld-on plates are w elded to the

    sub structure. The w all brac ket or the wa ll mountings of the c rane a re

    bo lted o nto the w eld-on plates . ABUS delivers the we ld-on pla tes with the

    req uired mounting s crews .

    On steel supports using weld-on plates

    Weld-on plates ca n be we lde d d irectly onto s teel supports or loa d-bea ring

    steel structures providing holes will not or cannot be drilled through them.

    (not pictured )

    On reinforced concrete supports using brackets

    On s tructurally s uitab le, sq uare or recta ngula r reinforce d co ncrete s upports

    which can be freely enveloped, wall jib cranes can be mounted with

    brac kets. The required tension forces ca n be a pplied through thread ed

    rods to hold the crane securely to the support at the desired height.

    The s upport mus t ha ve the required minimum w idth for this. AB US de livers

    brac kets de signed for the s upport dimensions, to ge ther with the req uired

    mounting material.

    On steel supports using wall bracket/mounting

    The s implest typ e of mo unting o f wa ll jib c ranes is the bo lting o nto existing

    stee l supports. For this, the s upports must be of s tructurally s ufficient size

    (they ma y need to b e reinforced ) a nd e xhibit a sufficiently w ide co nnectionsurface. All ABUS wall jib cranes include this mounting option in the scope

    of delivery of standard equipment. For types LW and LWX this is provided

    through the wall bracket and for type VW through direct bolting on of both

    wa ll mountings .

    On reinforced walls using wall brackets and through-wall anchors

    For mounting on reinforced concrete walls of adequate load-bearing

    ca pa city, w a ll bra ckets are use d. For the types LW a nd LWX, the wa ll

    bra cket is included in the s co pe o f de livery. For the typ e VW, it is a va ila ble

    a s optional equipment. The w a ll bra ckets are mounted on the w a ll with ties

    and counterplates. Included in the ABUS scope of delivery are the anchor

    rods, counterplates and the required mounting materials, all adapted for

    the respec tive w all thickness .

    Mountings for Wall Jib CranesAdapted flexibility

  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib



    Optional ConfigurationsSound individual solutions

    Powered trolley (Fig. 1) Powered slewing (Fig. 2)

    Slewing limit stops, adjustable (Fig. 5) Slewing limit switch, VS (Fig. 6)

    Powered slewing (Fig. 3) Slewing limit stop bumper rod (Fig. 4)

  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib



    Slewing limit switch, VW (Fig. 7) Limit switch for trolley travel (Fig. 8)

    Mobile pendant control unit (Fig. 11) Remote control (Fig. 12)

    Adjustable brake (Fig. 9) Slewing resistance control (Fig. 10)

  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib




    X X X X 1

    X X 2 / 3

    X X X X 4

    X 5

    X X 6 / 7

    X X X X 8

    X X X X X X

    X X 9 /10

    X X 11

    X X X X X X

    X X X X X X 12

    X X X X X X

    X X X X

    X X X X X X

    X X

    X X X X X X 13

    X X X X X X

    X X X X X X 14

    Optional configuration supply overview*

    Re co mm en da t io n (R )/No te (N) Fig .



    Sa fety load hooks

    Hours in opera tion c ounter

    3/N/P E c onnec tion plug for a uxiliary d evice

    Infinitely variable hoist trolley and slew drive


    Infinitely variable hoist speed

    via frequenc y co nverter

    Electronic control/co nta cto r control, 48V

    trolley trav el/slew ing

    Electronic control/co nta cto r control, 48V

    electric chain hoist




    chain hoist

    Travel limiters

    Remote control

    Controls on load hook

    Mobile control unit runs length of jib

    Adjusta ble brake/slewing resista nce co ntrol

    Limit switch for electric chain hoist

    Trolley tra vel limit sw itch

    Adjustable slewing limit stops

    Electric slewing gear, 2-speed(R) loads of 500 kg or more and

    jib lengths longer than 6 m

    (N) on-s ite limit s to p req uiredSlewing limit stop a s b umper rod

    Electric drives

    Electric trolley, 2-spee d,5/20 m/min

    (R) loads of 500 kg or more andjib lengths longer than 4 m

    Slewing limit switch(N) braking or shutdown function,

    braking and shutdown function

    (N) only with direct control

    lift/low er

    (N) observe regulations for safety


    (N) lift/lower only, ma x. 250 kg,1-fall hoist

    (R) for electric trolleys a nd slewing

    (N) not with electrically driven


    (N) braking or shutdown function,

    braking and shutdown function

    (N) programmable upper and

    lower switch-off positionvia tea ch-in function

    Function/Optional configuration

    Functional unit

    Moving on up.crane systems

    * Some combinationsof optional compo-

    nent configurations

    may not be com-

    patible. Advice

    freely available

    upon request.

    Jib crane with additional power socket and plug on hoist (Fig. 13) Safety load hooks (Fig. 14)

    (N) for particularly delicate

    moving of the loa d

    (N) for particularly delicate

    lifting and lowering of the load

  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib



    ABUS HoistsPowerhouses for more than just jib cranes

    ABUS electric wire rope hoists GM

    The ABUS electric w ire rope hoists

    GM cover the essential load range

    from 1 to 100 tonnes. Five basic

    mode ls a re a vaila ble, all with main

    and prec ision lifting s peed s a s

    sta ndard eq uipment.

    ABUS electric chain hoists

    Among the powerhouses of the

    ABUS jib c ranes are the ABUS

    electric chain hoists ABUCompact.

    The hoists of the AB US cha in hoist

    generation ABUCompact are distin-

    guished b y a fresh de sign and co n-

    vincing te chnica l features. In co n-

    nection with jib c ra nes, the cha in

    hoists GM2, GM4, GM6 and GM8

    with 3 P h/400 V offer relia ble po w er

    packs for load capacities to 4 t in a

    pa rticularly low hea droom d esign

    for optimum utilisation of space.

    They a lso bo a st a precision lifting

    function for careful raising and

    lowering of sensitive goods.

    The s ma ller GMC round s o ut the

    ABUC ompa ct se ries . A continuous

    lift speed for 100 or 200 kg, a nd the

    fac t that it is delivered rea dy for

    connection to a 230 V soc ket,

    makes it the idea l chain hoist for

    flexible application in lifting lighter


    The mod ula r co nstruction of moto r

    and g ear units opens the sta ge for

    a comprehensive range of products

    with lift s pee ds of up to 20 m/min

    or FEM class ifica tions to 4 m a t a

    persuas ive price.

    In addition, there are advantages

    that are especially appreciated in

    practice: minima l maintena nce

    wo rk req uired due to e spe cially

    durab le b rake linings (in norma l

    cases, 1 million full load brakings

    until the first readjustment), lifetime

    lubrication of precision gear units,

    adjustable slipping clutch, specially

    hardened low -wea ring c hain, plug

    connectors for safe mounting or

    inspection, and much more.

    For more information, please refer

    to o ur produc t brochure ABUS

    Elec tric Cha in Hoists .

    ABUS Electric wire rope hoist

    design E

    monorail trolley

    And these units are compact.

    All compone nts feature enduranc e

    from motors to wire ropes, from

    gear units to brakes, from power

    systems to electronic circuitry.

    For more information, please refer

    to o ur produc t brochure ABUS

    Wire Rope Hoists.

    ABUCompact GMC

    Capacity: to 200 kg

    Lifting speeds: to 12 m/min

    ABUCompact GM2

    Capacity: to 630 kg

    Lifting speeds: to 20 m/min

    ABUCompact GM8

    Capacity: to 4,000 kg

    Lifting speeds: to 20 m/min

    ABUCompact GM4 (not pictured)

    Capacity: to 1,250 kg

    Lifting speeds: to 20 m/min

    ABUCompact GM6 (not pictured)

    Capacity: to 2,500 kg

    Lifting speeds: to 16 m/min

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    ABUS Cranesystems andcomponents:

    ABUS has specialised in floor-free

    lifting a nd c onveying technology to

    100 t de liberate ly. Not only

    bec ause this load rang e represents

    the the vas t ma jority of a pplica ti-

    ons, but also in order to pass

    onto you the economic benefits of

    prod uct s tand a rdisa tion to the full.

    ABUS offers a comprehensive

    rang e of e conomica l and immedia-

    tely available materials handling

    so lutions: overhead cranes , jib

    cranes, light crane s ystems,

    lightw eight mob ile g antries , mo no-

    rail hoists, electric wire rope hoists,

    electric chain hoists and a wide

    variety o f co mponents . The rang e

    thus extend s from s olutions for

    extra ordinary a pplica tions to the

    implementa tion of c omplete

    material handling systems.

    Overhead cranes

    Jib cranes

    Light cranesystems

    Lightweight mobilegantries

    Electric wire ropehoists

    Electric chainhoists


    ABUS Crane SystemsOverall plans outlined in detail

    Add to this the spe cial self-concep-

    tion of ABUS:

    When w e offer something, w e offer

    it based on advice that focuses on

    practical use, with assured quality,

    with individual user support and

    co mprehensive, fas t a nd relia ble

    s ervice w ith 24-hour a vaila bility.

  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib


    25Moving on up.crane systems

    clea r build ing height mm

    height of lowe r ed ge of jib ________________ mm

    jib leng th mm

    ca pa city kg

    highes t hook pos ition mm

    Implementation time frame:

    Pillar jib crane data:





    on reinforced co ncrete c eilingon founda tion w ith a nchor bolts

    on reinforced concrete floor plate

    Type of mounting required: (please tick as appropriate)


    clea r build ing height mm

    height of lowe r ed ge of jib ________________ mmca pa city kg

    Wall jib crane data:




    on reinforced concrete

    supporton s teel support

    Type of mounting required: (please tick as appropriate)


    Slewing gear:

    pow ered pus h-pull



    ABUS service

    Who will install the crane?

    cus tomer short term

    long term (investme nt planning)

    medium term

    on reinforced concrete wall








    rmThe first step to your ABUS jib crane








    P os tal b ox/street


    P os tal cod e/city

    Telep hone

    Fa x

    Copy this form a nd se nd it bac k to us filled o ut.

    We w ill prompt ly send you a n offer without ob liga tion.

    Or would like a c onsultation? If so, pleas e se nd us your contac t

    information and we will call you back shortly.

    jib leng th mm

    highes t hook pos ition mm

  • 8/12/2019 Gras Jib




