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The Calamity of Characterization at its finest… By: Amy Johnson Christian Johnson Kristen Martin

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The Calamity of Characterization at its finest…

By:Amy Johnson

Christian JohnsonKristen Martin

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Recitatif… Coming Into One’s Own…Roberta

Main/Major Character


Flat/Static Character in beginning of story


Round/Dynamic transformation near end

Twyla Main/Major Character


Round/Foil Character in beginning of story


Round/Dynamic transformation near end

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So Close…Yet so Far Away… (a little explaining…)

Roberta Beginning: Is more of an observer/spectator to her

surroundings early on

Next: Begins to break out of her shell and explore the ever changing world around her

Midway: Has come into her own and become a functioning, contributing member of society

Conclusion: Becomes an outspoken member in the fight against adversity

Twyla Beginning: Tells the story from her perspective (POV)-

portrays leadership of sorts

Next: Becomes more passive in her personality- would rather blend in than stand out

Midway: Remains content with her “normal” lifestyle and existence

Conclusion: Twyla re-demonstrates her once outward personality and

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A Brief Synopsis… Two young girls with very different backgrounds find themselves with similar fates in the hands that life has dealt to them. Both Roberta and Twyla were placed in the state’s care while both of their mother’s were evaluated and helped for their own issues. The story, “Recitatif” revolves around both the contrasts and comparisons that each of these girls face as they come into adulthood. The girls bonded during the trauma of being displaced, and focused very little, if any on the actual obvious differences between them (race).

In the next segment of Ms. Morrison’s tale, we see that the girls have now begun to progress into adulthood- each taking different turns. Twyla has found her nice in a small town diner and is settled in her mediocre life. Twyla seems to want to become a person who is not anything at all like her mother. While Roberta on the other hand has branched and chosen to embrace life in an uninhibited manner. She chooses to dress with the times and travel about following her spirit.

At the pivotal turning point, both ladies ironically find themselves residing in the same small town. Here is where we find Twyla, once again teetering within her complacent world, married with a young son. And, now, Roberta seems to have come into her own, developing into a well established and cultured woman. The reader can not help but notice the stark differences in how each character has chosen to follow their life paths. Twyla- timid and reserved not wanting to rock any boat as long as she is doing good enough”. Roberta has seemingly taken what has been given to her and truly made the most of it, blossoming into a fighter who grew opposition defiant in her fight to break cycles.

Upon the conclusion of “Recitatif”, Twyla and Roberta have a final “face off”. At this point in time, everything they have encountered thus far can be considered null and void. The true differences they possessed the entire story comes to surface. They both become strong, proud, outspoken members in support of their separate races and choose to fight for what each of them feel is right within their hearts and minds.

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Why I live at the P.O… Family Feuds at their Finest…

Sister Main/Major Character


Dynamic/Round Portrayal


Stella Rondo Main/Major Character


Dynamic/Round Portrayal

*Static *Anti-hero

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Family Ties…Mama

Minor Character


Flat Character


Uncle Rondo Minor Character


Flat Character


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…And so are the days of Our Lives…Sister

Story is told from Sister’s Point of View (POV)

Beginning: Sister portrays a jealous demeanor upon the return of her sister, Stella Rondo

In the Midst: Sister continues her derogatory thoughts and actions toward Stella Rondo

Conclusion: Sister ultimately decides that she no longer has a fair place at home and in defiance moves to the P.O where she works

Stella Rondo Stella Rondo is typical birth order youngest child

Beginning: Stella Rondo returns home after her attempt to leave small town life fails miserably

In the Midst: Stella Rondo depicts herself in an ”innocent” fashion- placing blame on sister for any faults

Conclusion: Stella Rondo continues the games she has grown accustomed to denying any acceptance of personal responsibility

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…To Sum It Up…“Why I live at the P.O.” by Eudora Welty is a funny story in a sad sort of way. The piece is told in first person point of view, by sister. Sister seems to be considered the glue that helps hold the family together as she has maintained her presence in both home and town in order to do so. We have to be careful when reading, as Sister is not likely to be considered a reliable narrator due to the fact that her feelings have been hurt and she harbors jealousy toward her Stella. It seems as though the relationship between the siblings has been almost frozen in time as they banter back and forth unmercifully, tattling and lying just as if they were children. It doesn’t seem to help matters for anyone that both Mama and Uncle Rondo partake in the antics fueling both sides of the fire.

Sister feels justified in her feelings because Stella Rondo ran off to marry Mr. Whitaker who had been her suitor originally. Not only did Stella steal her boyfriend, she also had the chance to make it out of small town life. When Stella Rondo returns with a baby who resembles Whitaker, yet she refuses to accept reality and instead conjures up a lie stating the child was adopted floors Sister to no avail. That in addition to her Mama and Uncle Rondo ignoring the obvious and taking sides (as usual) with Stella defeats Sister’s morale even more so.

Stella Rondo- the girl that refuses to “grow up” has more issues than most. She returns to the comfort of “home” seeking the doting nature of her family with the exception of Sister’s. Perhaps Mama, Papa-Daddy and Uncle Rondo realize the fragile state of Stella Rondo and coddle her to avoid potential tragedy. Either way, they aid to the creation of a dysfunctional family dynamics that many of us can sympathize with in one way or another.

In a family chock full of their own individual issues, Sister chooses to seek refuge and breaks away from the monotonous life she has always lived, when she realizes that things are not going to get better- only worse. Ms. Welty paints a vivid picture of famiy involvement and creates characters that the reader can identify with easily.

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Works Cited“Baddest Mother Ever.” Baddest Mother Ever. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar.2014

“Bookish Nerd.” Bookish Nerd. N.p., Web. 17 Mar. 2014.

“Jimaxtell.” Jimaxtell. N.p., Web. 19 Mar. 2014.

Mays, Kelly J. he Norton Introduction to Literature. 11th ed. New York: Norton, 201. Print.

“Teacher Lingo.” Teacher Lingo. N.p., Web. 18 Mar. 2014