group transaction

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Post on 09-Apr-2018




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  • 8/8/2019 Group Transaction


    Transactions among group members

    Realizing the importance of indiual participation in the group , every

    member used to be alloted a topic and pre task before every group

    meeting. Further it was insured that everyone was given a turn to

    speak uninterrupted to present his/ her ideas and explain thierthoughts. This step insured that everyone stays connected with the

    group and contribute to the group task, This step also provided

    confidence to some members to come up with thier ideas ,as they

    were enough time to draft thier words, and contributed beautifully to

    group task. ( Like Ankita who prefers to be silent otherwise, used to

    contribute significally in the group meetings)

    Some basic personality triats of each members were recognised and

    positives of thier personalities, and thier roles and impact on the group

    were communicated repeatidly to increase each members affective

    component towards group. It was also ensured that negaitves of eachmember were also communicated to each member, although this was

    always done in lighter mode.

    Every member borught in some positive points to groups. Ankit Gupta ,

    was a socializer who used to communicate much easier with everyone

    and was a common good friend of every group member. Aritra Munshi

    appreciated information based desicion over intuitive , and used to

    consider lots of information and time for decsion making. Ananya on

    the other hand , was very particular about time and provided pace

    element to group. Ankit Joshi, often in natural child mode, used to

    bring fun element in the group , chilling our nerves whenever needed.

    Anurag Anand acted more often like group maintainer, focused on

    interpersonal relationships and a conflict-averse, ensuring prpoer flow

    of communication. Aditya was like a Director of the group, mainting

    pace and motivation of groups, well focussed to keep non work related

    settings out of th group, which ensured stabilty of our focus

    Any conflicts in the group were then and only solved with efforts of all

    groups members. On every conflict it was reminded that we have to

    work for benifit of group and hence decsions were taken on group poll.

    It was ensured that group meeting should end only after having some

    friendly casual talk so that any negativity that could have formed

    against group gets diluted.

    Roles and tasks were assigned on random bases so that different

    personality types of each members were tested. Following our group

    norms , each member used to explain his descions and work properely

  • 8/8/2019 Group Transaction


    to each member befor pushing the final button. This practice

    prevented social loafing also.