group presentation

Developing Virtuousness (Behaving Ethically)

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Post on 19-Jun-2015




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Developing Virtuousness

(Behaving Ethically)

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A. Takes reality (facts) seriously

B. Thinks long range

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HonestyA. Refusal to fake reality

B. Dishonesty can be illegal

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IntegrityA. Loyalty to one's rational convictions

B. Sticking with one's principles

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IndependenceA. Free thinking

B. Do not rely too heavily on others for help

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ProductivityA. Creating through trade the materials your life requires.

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JusticeA. Looking at the facts of the character and achievements of others

B. Operating business fairly

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ForgivenessA. Acknowledging a breech in morality and moving past.

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PrideA. Perfecting one's character

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10 Benifits of Managing Ethics in the Workplace

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1. Attention to business ethics has substantially imporved society

2. Ethics programs help maintain a moral course in turbulent times

3. Ethics programs cultivate strong teamwork and productivity

4. Ethics programs support employee growth and meaning

5. Ethics programs are an insurance policy-they help ensure politics are legal

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6. Ethics programs help avoid crimnial acts "of omission" and can lower fines.

7. Ethics programs help manage values associated with quality management, strategic planning, and diversity managment

8. Ethics programs promote a strong image

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9. Managing ethical values in the workplace legitimizes managerial actions, strengthens the orgnization's culture, improves trust, supports greater consistency in standards and qualities of products and you get a greater sensitivity to the impact of the enterprises values and messages

10. Last and most- formal attention to ethics in the workplace is the right thing to do.

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Illegally Copying Software

35% of applications used by businesses are illegal

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Treating People Unfairly

- Give equal rewards for accomplishing equal amounts of work

- Don't judge on gender, race, or age

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Sexually Harassing Coworkers

- Ask yourself, "Would I want a loved one to be treated this way?"

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Facing a Conflict of Interest

- Occurs when your judgment of objectivity is compromised

-Enron was considered a conflict of interest

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Dealing with Confidential Information

- An ethical person can be trusted by others not to divulge confidential information unless the welfare of others is at stake

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Misrepresenting Employment History

- George O' Leary, Notre

Dame Football coach for five

days claimed to have a Master's

Degree in Education and to have played three years of

college football

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Using Corporate Resources

- It is unethical to use company computers for personal use


To drop a company name after your own

(Jake Petro, Manufacturing Technician, Ford Motor Company)

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Ethically Violating Computers and IT

- Fairness of tracking websites an employee visits and makes purchases from

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Utilitarian Predisposition

- A belief that the value of an acts outcome should

determine whether it is moral

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Two edge sword-Ethic Platinum Rule:

Treat people the way you wish to be treated

Life Golden Rule:

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

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Is having a bag of potato chips during

your lunch at a Kidney Dialysis Center ethical,

or on the edge of immoral?

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Excerpt from, Nothing But the Truth

Q: What is your advice on how to recgonize the truth when there are many perspectives from which to consider important events or issues?

A: Try to follow the Greek Philosopher Plato's advice: Base your beliefs on your own experience, rather than what you are simply told or taught.

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Developing Strong relationships with Work Associates

•People that have close ties to eachother are likely to behave ethically to each other on the job.

• If a weak professional relationship exists between two individuals, either party is more likely to engage in an unethical relationship.

•Building stronger relationships with people is likely to enhance ethical behavior

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Using Corporate Ethics Programs

- Ethics hotlines

- Code of Conduct and Ethics Training

Designed to create an

atmosphere in which

unethical behavior is

discouraged and reported

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Being Enviormentally Conscious

- Be "green" or do your job in helping sustain the physical enviorment. It is moral responsibility to protect the enviornment

Take as many steps as you can individually:

- Carry reusable grocery bags to the store

- Don't litter and use less plastic

Be an advocate for the enviorment!

- Mention its importance at work

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Following an Applicable Professional Code of Conduct

1. Maintain an appropriate level of professional competence by ongoing development of their knowledge and skills.

2. Refrain from disclosing confidential information acquired in the course of their work and monitor their activities to assure the maintenance of that confidentiality.

3. Actual or apparent conflicts of interest and advise all parties of any potential conflict.

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Be ready to Exert Upward Leadership

Upward Ethical Leadership: leadership displayed by individuals who take action to maintain ethical standards although higher-ups engage in questionable moral behaviors.

• An attempt to resolve the problem before "whistle blowing".

•Problem solving and communication skills paired with conflict resolution skills