group leaders guide 01-21-2010

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  • 8/8/2019 Group Leaders Guide 01-21-2010


    2421 Aztec Road NE

    Albuquerque, NM 87107-4224


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    E-mail: [email protected]

    Life Group Study

    Leaders GuideLeaders GuideLeaders GuideLeaders Guide

  • 8/8/2019 Group Leaders Guide 01-21-2010


    Special thanks to

    Grace Point Church in San Antonio, Texas

    for providing us with these materials.

    Immersion: Go Deeperis a 40-day group

    study designed to compliment a New

    Testament listening experience. The lis-

    tening experience is facilitated by media

    and material developed by Faith Comes

    by Hearings Youve Got The Time Bible

    listening program.


    Closing Remarks

    Hopefully this journey has had a profound impact on each person

    in this group and their walk with Jesus Christ. The prophet Isaiah

    gives us the promise that the Word of God will not return void

    and we are called to write it upon our hearts. Now that we have

    heard the entire New Testament, let us not stop therehow do we

    continue to wrestle, learn, grow, and apply?

    As a leader, facilitate some discussion about what next for your

    group. Perhaps another week or two is needed to wrap up loose

    ends and discuss. Make sure everyone understands the global

    need for poor and illiterate people around the world to hear theBible in their own language.

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  • 8/8/2019 Group Leaders Guide 01-21-2010


  • 8/8/2019 Group Leaders Guide 01-21-2010



    (2) James talks about pure religion, faith, works, and a number

    of real issues we all wrestle with. How do the teachings in

    James create tension with what you heard in Romans and

    other epistles?

    Close in Prayer

    Introduction WeekIntroduction WeekIntroduction WeekIntroduction WeekIntroduction WeekIntroduction WeekIntroduction WeekIntroduction Week

    Leader Notes

    This week is an optional, but recommended kick-off session for the

    Immersion study. Depending upon which day of the week your

    group meets, the members of your group may not have covered

    very much ground in the listening journey. This week is intended

    to set the stage for the rest of the journey.

    Look over the elements of this session and determine what will

    work best for your group context. Since the next few weeks will

    focus more on facilitation than any new teaching element, it is

    also a great opportunity to share leadership responsibilities with

    others in your group. Consider rotating each week during this

    study for an added sense of togetherness in the listening experi-


    Checking In

    Coming into this group time, what big things from this

    past week are still distracting youwhether positive or


    Describe what your relationship with God has lookedlike at key periods in the pastwhen you first ex-

    changed your life? early years of faith? The past

    year? The past month?

    Pray over any of the things from this past week that are

    distracting people, and pray for this time that it would

    be clear and free for everyone to experience

    community while seeking God together.


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    Diving In

    (1) How much of the Bible have you read prior to this?

    (2) What has your experience been reading and understanding

    the Bible before this program? Good/bad? Challenges?

    (3) Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17. How have you experienced Gods

    Word in teaching, correcting and training you?

    (4) What do you hope to gain from this listening experience over

    the next 40 days?

    (5) Is there anything that intimidates you about the idea of

    listening to the entire New Testament?

    (6) What challenges do you anticipate? How can this group

    help encourage you in overcoming any challenges during

    the next 40 days?

    Dive Deeper (optional)

    Divide up and have different people read these passages: He-

    brews 4:12; Psalm 119:105; Ephesians 6:17, Luke 24:25, and Luke

    8:11-15. Discuss what insights these passages offer about what

    we can expect and should seek from understanding the Bible.

    Close in Prayer

    Confess fears or concerns to God, share excitement and desires

    pertaining to this journey, invite God to transform each person

    by the renewing of their mind as everyone is immersed in truth

    during the coming week.


    (3) What personal lessons and lessons for our group/church can we

    draw from Pauls writings?

    (4) The letters to the Colossians and Ephesians talk a lot about the

    relationship between the local church/believers and Jesus

    Christ. Share some of the relationships Paul describes and what

    the implications are for believers according to those passages.

    You may want to go back and glance at the first chapter of

    both books to see some of the powerful language Paul uses.

    (5) How would you describe the attitude and tone of the author of

    Hebrews? What issues are being addressed?

    (6) What are the major themes of James? Discuss how the talk

    about faith, works, true religion, and actions are addressed in


    (7) How can you apply what you have heard this week in your life?

    Dive Deeper (optional)

    (1) In 2 Corinthians 12, Paul talks of his thorn in the flesh, some-

    thing that helped to keep him humble, and that served to

    remind him of his own weaknessprobably some type of temp-

    tation or chronic illness. Have you had persistent struggles that

    served to keep you in check and dependent upon God?

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  • 8/8/2019 Group Leaders Guide 01-21-2010



    Diving In

    (1) How was the first week of listening? Surprises? Share about

    the initial experience of hearing Gods Word.

    (2) Was there a story you particularly identified with or that

    stands out to you from this past week? What does it reveal

    about Jesus or God? Your life as a Christ-follower?

    (3) What are some of the common themes in Matthew and

    Mark? Major stories or statements that were new to you?

    (4) Matthew contains some of Christs most famous teachings,

    and his longest sermon, the Sermon on the Mount. What

    does He emphasize in this section? Why do you think Jesus

    repeats and emphasizes certain points in His talks?

    (5) Can you identify the key difference in Matthews Gospel

    from what you have heard so far in Mark? Why would these

    differences exist?

    (6) Are there any phrases or figures of speech, that have caught

    your attention because we are hearing the Word? Why?

    (7) How has hearing the Gospel rather than reading been

    different? Is it easier? Harder? Why?

    (8) How can you apply what you have heard into your life?

    Please give some concrete examples.


    Dive Deeper (optional)

    (1) Romans is one of the great explanations of fallen mans sin, our

    need for mercy and grace, and Gods salvation plan by

    sending a Savior. What section struck you the most? Why? Any

    part that you want/need more information and/or have ques-

    tions about? Who in the group can do some more digging onthese questions and bring back some insights for next week?

    (2) Read and discuss Romans 6:1-12. This is a defining passage for

    Christian theology and life. Discuss as a group what is most

    powerful and what is most difficult about this passage.

    (3) Read Romans 10:14-17. Begin discussing how your group will

    respond to the missions challenge of taking the Word of God toother people groups in the world.

    (4) Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-31. Discuss what things about God,

    Jesus, and the Bible you have struggled with and what insights

    youve gained so far from the listening experience.

    Close in Prayer

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    (3) As we are now halfway through the New Testament, what

    stands out to you as core or central to the overall mes-

    sage so far?

    (4) In the latter part of Acts, we heard about Pauls suffering and

    persecution. What lessons can we learn from how Paul han-

    dled these experiences and the way he spoke truth to the rul-ers/crowds?

    (5) Romans is a powerful book - it used to be required reading for

    law students at Harvard because of how thoroughly it

    addresses law, grace, righteousness, and Gods system of

    truth. How does Paul describe the role of grace and

    righteousness compared to law and works?

    (6) After hearing Romans and 1 & 2 Corinthians, how would you

    describe Pauls tone and themes of writing? What is Paul

    passionate about?

    (7) What is Pauls attitude toward the Corinthians? What issues

    are they experiencing? Do we still have those same issues in

    our churches today?

    (8) How can you apply what you have heard into your life?

    (9) You came up with ways in previous weeks to apply the

    teachings youve been hearing. How is that going? Have

    you initiated any changes? Are you seeing a difference in

    your life?


    Dive Deeper (optional)

    (1) The book of Matthew started out with the genealogy of Jesus.

    Why do you think this would be considered so important?

    (2) In the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), Jesus gives His

    final earthly words to a crowd of followers. Make disciples isthe primary command. Why would making disciples be so im-

    portant that Christs final words would tell us to do this?

    (3) Why do you think that the Gospels (Matthew and Mark in par-

    ticular) quote a lot of Old Testament Scriptures so much?

    (4) Jesus said the words Woe to you a lot in these Gospels. What

    Woe to you statements would apply in your life, this group,

    our church?

    Close in Prayer

    *Questions will likely arise that are unexpected or not easily answered

    during group time. Encourage different members of the group to tackle

    digging further into those and bringing back their findings next week. If

    issues do arise that seem to bog the group down, write them down and

    reach out for insight/direction for the following week. Diligently keep the

    group time forward-focused.

  • 8/8/2019 Group Leaders Guide 01-21-2010


    Week TwoWeek TwoWeek TwoWeek TwoWeek TwoWeek TwoWeek TwoWeek Two


    Leader Notes

    This past week represents the last full week of Gospel listening.

    For some, the listening experience may begin to drag at this

    point as the repetitive nature of the life of Jesus and parable

    teachings play out. Emphasize the value of hearing the different

    perspectives of each Gospel, the need we have for reinforcedclarity on the life, words, and mission of Jesus and to stay the


    Checking In

    How did the listening go this week?

    Describe how your relationship with God has looked

    and/or changed this past week.

    Pray over distracting, competing, and challenging

    factors of the past week that have hindered the

    listening experience for group members

    Did you have any major ah-ha moments during this

    past weeks listening?

    Diving In(1) What were the major themes from this weeks listening? Any

    new stories, statements, or elements you heard?

    (2) Matthew, Mark, and Luke are synoptic Gospels because

    they are parallel. What differences and commonalities did

    you notice about the three perspectives so far?

    (3) Create a Top 10 Issues & Teachings List of things Jesus talks

    about. Share which teachings were new or surprising to you.

    Week FourWeek FourWeek FourWeek FourWeek FourWeek FourWeek FourWeek Four


    Leader Notes

    This past week listeners heard parts of the New Testament that

    contain some pretty heavy theologyall of Romans and

    1 Corinthians. Hopefully the discussion will hit upon some of the

    fundamental elements of the Christian life; but the discussion may

    get bogged down in theological debate and lines of questionsthat go on endlessly. Be diligent to keep the discussion moving for-

    ward and fruitfully focused on insights into truth and application.

    Checking In

    How did the listening go this week?

    Describe what your relationship with God has lookedlike this week. What adjectives would you use to

    describe it?

    Pray over distracting, competing, and challenging

    factors of the past week that have hindered the

    listening experience for group members

    Did you have any major ah-ha moments during this

    past weeks listening?

    Diving In

    (1) Thinking back to previous weeks, what were the top 3-5 themes

    of the Gospels? What were central elements of the message

    Jesus proclaimed?

    (2) What major themes do you recall from Acts?

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    Dive Deeper (continued)

    (2) Before Stephen is stoned, he recounts a total history of the

    Bible, weaving the meta-history of Gods actions with

    mankind. Why is this so important? How have the trends of

    that history continued into the present?

    (3) Luke wrote both his Gospel and Acts as a letter to a friend,

    Theophilus, potentially a high-ranking government official.

    (Luke 1:4; Acts 1:1) Does Luke accomplish the purpose he

    declares at the beginning of these letters?

    (4) Acts 8:9-25 tells a story about someone who tried to use the

    power of God for personal gain. Have you ever wrestled

    with trying to use God apart from abiding in Jesus (John 14:6,John 15:5)? What are the risks and hazards of this?

    (5) In Acts 20, Paul says farewell to the leaders of Ephesus and

    claims confidence from knowing he did everything he was

    called to. Do you have confidence you are living in full

    obedience to Gods will for your current season of life?

    Close in Prayer


    (4) Was there a story you particularly identified with or that stands

    out to you from this past week? What does it reveal about Je-

    sus or God? Your life as a Christ-follower?

    (5) What differences in tone and emphasis have you noticed from

    the beginning of Johns Gospel so far?

    (6) What is something you can do to apply or integrate what you

    heard this past week into the week ahead? How can the

    group pray and encourage you in this?

    Dive Deeper (optional)

    (1) In Luke 3, there is another genealogy of Jesus. How is it different

    from Matthews account? Why? What is significant about thedifferences?

    (2) Jesus parables are a famous element of the Gospels. How has

    hearing rather than reading them been different? Do you have

    any new insights into how to apply their principles in your life?

    Which parable impacted you most?

    (3) In Mark 16, there is a slightly different version of the Great

    Commission. How is it similar and different to Matthew 28:18-20?

    (4) John 3:16, one of the most famous verses in the Bible is some-

    times called the Bible in one verse. It is placed within the

    context of Jesus visit with Nicodemus. Discuss the impact of

    such a statement with a first century Jew, especially a Pharisee.

    Also, discuss the impact of the often overlooked verses of

    John 3:17-21.

    Close in Prayer

  • 8/8/2019 Group Leaders Guide 01-21-2010


    Week ThreeWeek ThreeWeek ThreeWeek ThreeWeek ThreeWeek ThreeWeek ThreeWeek Three


    Leader Notes

    This week everyone should have transitioned from the repetitive

    Gospels into the rapid sequence of missionary events in Acts.

    Acts represents stories of early Christ-followers living out faithful

    obedience and willingness to be used by God in the world

    around them. There are powerful parallels and questions to beasked of what this means for a group of Christ-followerslike

    your group! Embrace these opportunities to discover, reflect,

    and turn intrigue into so what do we do with that? moments.

    Checking In

    How did the listening go this week?

    Describe how your relationship with God has lookedand/or changed this past week.

    Pray over distracting, competing, and challenging

    factors of the past week that have hindered the

    listening experience for group members

    Did you have any major ah-ha moments during this

    past weeks listening?

    Diving In

    (1) In John, we find the most explicit references to Christ as the

    Son of God and His divinity. What do you recall hearing this

    week that makes Jesus divinity undeniable?


    (2) Was there a story you particularly identified with or that stands

    out to you from this past week? What does it reveal about Je-

    sus or God? Your life as a Christ-follower?

    (3) In what ways was Johns Gospel different than Matthew, Mark,

    and Luke?

    (4) The Book of Acts captures the story of the earliest churches and

    missionary journeys. What were the common themes of the

    early church and missionary activities? What does it tell us

    about the heart of what the Church is all about?

    (5) Which missionary and/or story from Acts stood out to you most

    this past week?

    (6) Has hearing, rather than reading, the Gospels and the begin-

    ning of Acts been insightful? Is it easier? Harder? Has your opin-

    ion changed since last week?

    (7) How can you apply what you have heard in your life?

    (8) You came up with ways in the last couple of weeks in which

    you can apply this teaching. How is that going? Have you

    initiated any changes?

    Dive Deeper (optional)

    (1) In Acts, we see that the Church had to wrestle through change

    as different types of people and backgrounds melted together

    under the banner of Jesus. What lessons do you see for us in

    navigating similar struggles in local churches with diversecultures?