group 1

People ask me what my story is. The truth is that I haven’t got much of a story, in fact I haven’t got much of anything at all. I couldn’t believe my luck. I still have a house .Here I am with nice food in my belly; I better not take this for granted I may not get this opportunity again. I’m in a room with a fire burning and plenty more logs so it won’t just die out like mine at home. I have two sisters and no brothers. My dad has died. I wish I had a brother. This is MY STORY. Excited, frozen and starving, not caring about his red, snobby nose and his frozen, blue numb feet, Jim Jarvis dashed down the street eager for a hot meal to fill his rumbling stomach. The shilling sat as scorching hot as a lump of coal in his pocket waiting to be pulled out. For someone so short and feeble looking, Jim was incredibly nimble on his feet and sprinted down the road like a cheetah. CHAPTER 1:

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Page 1: Group 1

People ask me what my story is. The truth is that I haven’t got much of a story, in fact I haven’t got much of anything at all. I

couldn’t believe my luck. I still have a house .Here I am with nice food in my belly; I better not take this for granted I may not get this opportunity again. I’m in a room with a fire burning and

plenty more logs so it won’t just die out like mine at home. I have two sisters and no brothers. My dad has died. I wish I had

a brother. This is MY STORY. 

Excited, frozen and starving, not caring about his red, snobby nose and his frozen, blue numb feet, Jim Jarvis dashed down the

street eager for a hot meal to fill his rumbling stomach. The shilling sat as scorching hot as a lump of coal in his pocket waiting to be pulled out. For someone so short and feeble

looking, Jim was incredibly nimble on his feet and sprinted down the road like a cheetah.


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To be honest the shilling didn’t belong to Jim. He found the coin yesterday, concealed on the snow covered pavement as

he was meandering home empty handed from a day of begging, wondering how he would help to feed his starving

family that night. Immediately he scrambled over to the coin and grabbed it. He stuffed it into his pocket before a passerby

saw what he had found. Of course any normal desperate person would pick it up and would spend it on themselves. Fortunately though, Jim wasn’t a selfish boy- one thing for

sure was that Jim and his family didn’t have enough food to eat so he decided to get them a special treat to raise their

weary spirits.Deep in the overcrowded city, set back in the street laid Mrs.

Hodder’s pie shop. About two years ago there stood a stunning, immaculate shop with beautiful flowers on the

outside, standing bright and vivid. But these days it’s not much to look at with its thatched roof and its dinty little windows. On the outside there was an intimidating group of growling dogs

and skinny boys waiting like a pack of wolves, staring and glaring at every morsel of food they could find. Taking a deep

breath, Jim cautiously crept passed and opened the heavy door, making sure that he clutched his shilling tightly behind his



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Jim swiped the delicious Mince and Gravy Pie from Mrs. Hodders grip and rapidly made a dash through the busy

crowds back to his house.

As soon as he arrived he saw his two elfin, older sisters and his poorly mom, who had curly brown hair, outside

on the street grasping the few tatty belongings they still owned and hadn’t sold. Shocked and confused Jim ran towards them while thinking frantically of what could

have happened. But then Jim saw the crocked stickman (their cruel and merciless landlord) right behind them

and he suddenly knew for sure….

“You’ve got 10 minutes to get off my property,” shouted the stick man, “otherwise I will be forced to call the

police.” Shocked and devastated, bewildered and upset Jim packed his belongings and set off to Rosie’s house. Rosie was an old family friend and was the only chance

they had to find a place to shelter. However, she lived on the far side of the city and it would be a terrible journey

in their weary state.  


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They began the long journey. Jim didn’t think he could go any further. His legs felt like pieces of wood- heavy and stiff. He

could barely put one foot in front of the other and he groaned with every small step. He was gasping for breath and longed for some water. Swallowing hard, he flicked his tongue round his lips; trying to draw some moisture to his

mouth to ease his parched throat. By the time they arrived Jim’s tiny feet were throbbing. He hadn’t walked so far his

life. Ma said to the shy girls to go to the grand house where they could work as maids. Jim couldn’t understand what was

happening. He was bewildered as he tearfully bid them farewell.

The next thing Jim knew was that he was heading towards the workhouse with his Ma…

 Taking a deep breath, he entered the devastating, merciless ivy covered workhouse. As he entered a loud squeaky voice

met Jim’s ears. “How old are you boy?” a said a straight- backed lady with stumpy little legs.” Looks like we’ve got one for the school and one for the informatory. Said another voice. And before

Jim could even blink they took him the school and he was permanently segregated from his Ma.

Ma, Ma, MAAAAAAAAAA!!!” Jim screeched as loud as he could but everyone just ignored him.


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 A damp yellow fog hung over the twisted trees next to the workhouse. The fog crept up on the house like

a ghostly serpent, slid along the window, flicked it tongue into the corners of the house, and waited a moment and then the slipped back along the path.

The wind was ferocious. It screamed over the house and beat like a fist against the thatched roof.

 Life was terrible for Jim from that moment on. He

was treated worse than a slave. Every waking second is spent using machines, cleaning the yard

and making clothes. Life was devastating. After one tortuous whole year in the workhouse Jim couldn’t

take it any longer. He had to escape!

And he was going tonight…He had three choices for how to exit this miserable

place. Should he escape via:  

Chimney sweeping launder basket Or Carpet beating


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Jim’s belly rumbled like a volcano ready to erupt. His nostrils were filled with a sweet aroma as the smell of

steak and onion pie wafted up and curled around his nose. It took his every strength not to take a huge chunk for

himself on his way home. The hectic town was a warren of tunnels narrow, twisting alleys, and a maze of buildings. Jim strode on as the last rays of the sun painted the city

with hazy colors until the stars and the moon glittered like a diamond necklace in the black, velvet sky.

The city center was circled by a busy carriageway carrying streams of horse carts belching out noise. Suddenly Jim became disorientated. He wasn’t sure which way to turn

and pivoted on the spot like a confused ballet dancer. Finally he thought he recognized a tall rooftop in the

distance, and scurried as fast as he could down the road before running down a winding, dim alley way. However, when he emerged from the alleyway and realized he still

had no idea of which direction to head in, he slowly slithered to a halt. He was so exhausted he could hardly

walk, but he kept on moving, dragging his feet across the ground, shoulders stooped and barely able to keep his

eyes open. Jim’s dark brown eyes filled with grief and his lips started to tremble. His face shadowed with sorrow as

he stared unblinking at the ground in front of him. Exhausted, and drenched in a sticky sweat, he slumped down into a heap, gasping for breath. He knew he was

lost… How would he ever get home?


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Jim dragged himself off the ground and perched against a damp wall. The icy floor was hard with black frost that seeped

through his sodden boots and spread icy blasts up into every limb. As Jim stared down at the ground he remembered the pie he bought for his family. He dug into his pocket and took out the soggy brown paper bag which contained a small slice of heaven. But before he had a chance to eat some he saw an

imposing figure heading towards him. Too startled to run, Jim lifted his head to see who was approaching.

“Hey you,” a stern voice cried out “What are you doing down here and where did you get that pie from?” “I found it sir” Jim

stammered “Well I don’t believe you. You’re

coming with me!” The policeman demanded, and with that Jim was grasped by the arm and shoved into a locked carriage. He wasn’t the only one, there were five suspected criminals inside the cramped carriage. Jim stared at them, they stared back at

him unblinking. “Where are we going?-“

He was so exhausted he could hardly walk, but he kept on moving, dragging his feet across the ground, shoulders

stooped and barely able to keep his eyes open. Jim’s dark brown eyes filled with grief and his lips started to tremble. His

face shadowed with sorrow as he stared unblinking at the ground in front of him. Exhausted, and drenched in a sticky sweat, he slumped down into a heap, gasping for breath. He

knew he was lost… How would he ever get home?


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But it was too late for the answer was already was already in front of them. The workhouse, with its barred windows and secure fence, appeared on the other side

of the road.Jim boldly walked through the gates and up the

sweeping drive which was flanked by two enormous plaques saying ‘’God is good, God is life’’. Jim tried to

confidently lifted the heavy brass knocker and tapped as hard as he could. (Inside, however he was trembling with fear as his heart was pounding so loudly it was

deafening.)Once inside, Jim walked into a long corridor left then

right and into the biggest room he had ever seen is his life. The ground was so thick with rats that seemed to be

covered in a carpet of writhing hair, It’s windows were dirty and smeared with a layer of crawling damp and

mould, and only a gloomy light could filter the enter the room.

Jim was immediately assigned a break-backing job. Which job was he given?



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Jim finally made up his mind. “I’ll have a pork pie miss and make it with lots of gravy,” Jim replied dancing up and down with anticipation. Breathing in deeply, Jim savoured the scent of the delectable pork pie aroma

which filled the small shop. Mrs Hodder passed Jim the scrumptious, mouth watering pie with a smile on her

face. (However inside, she felt like throwing scruffy Jim out of the shop like a doll and couldn’t wait to get rid of

him). Jim dashed out of the shop, but he was so tempted to devour the pie for himself because the mouth watering

scent attracted him. He was proud of himself for managing to resist. But his daydreaming suddenly got

him lost. The wind whipped and howled through his mind; his heart was pounding in his rib cage.


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Then Jim heard a snarling noise which sounded like a German shepherd roaring, about to pounce on him and steal his

delectable pie. Exhausted and worried, cold and fatigued, Jim tightly clutched his pie against his skinny chest. But then he

could see a giant figure heading towards him. It was a policeman. “What are you doing walking alone young man at this time of night? Also where did you get that pie from?” demanded the policeman. Agitated,

Jim finally spoke. “Um, um, I found a shilling on the floor so I decided to buy a pie,” stammered Jim.

“You cabbaged the pie didn’t you!. You’re coming with me to the station young man, I don’t believe you” ordered the

policeman. As Jim walked through the station his heart was pounding like a hammer banging a giant nail.

“I think we should take the boy to the workhouse don’t you think,” the police officer asked his colleague. The workhouse

had thick ivy covering it like a blanket. Jim boldly walked towards the gates. (Inside, however he was trembling with fear

and his heart was pounding in his rib cage.) The matron opened the door her wrinkles had deep ridges and her face was

long and pointed like a bird. “You must be the new boy,” snarled the matron revealing a row of crumbling tombstone

teeth which had turned black. As Jim entered the workhouse he was assigned one

of three jobs. Which job did he choose?Chimney sweeping Laundry carpet beating


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Jim couldn’t decide what job he should take. He stood for several minutes pondering but still couldn’t decide on an option.

Suddenly an idea popped in Jims head. He knew exactly what to do. It was chimney sweeping. He was so scrawny that it was the

perfect job for him.He managed to find a job quickly. He was soon faced with his first chimney cleaning job. Jim was trying to appear as brave as a lion but really he was as timid as a mouse. As soon as he entered the

gloomy, cramped chimney he climbed painfully to the top.He lifted himself on the top of the roof. On the

outside the young boy looked fine. (Inside, however, he was shaking with fear). He heard groaning coming

from the chimney he had left. They were trying to chase him. He rooted to the spot, hands trembling

and his face ashen and drenched in sweat. He initially darted off and he jumped in the next

chimney he saw.Jim had no idea where he was. Luckily the log fire was off so he didn’t burn himself. His mouth was

twisted in a scream that never came out.Jim coiled himself into a small ball as he didn’t know

what else to do. There was a slam and the door clicked. Jim’s jaw swung right open. It was a maid...


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“What do we have here,?” asked the maid “ don’t you have a home.”

“No, I don’t but can I stay here? I’ll do anything as long as you feed me.”

replied Jim anxiously.For the next year he was fed but he

had to work. However the work at this mansion was nowhere near as back

breaking and laborious as it was in the dreaded workhouse. Jim had very mixed feelings he looked joyful

however he could never stop thinking and worrying about his sisters. He was aware that he could either Run away or Stay there or go to find his sisters.


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Jim chose the laundry basket as he thought this seemed to be the easiest job to do in the world. But when he

started he found out that it wasn’t as straightforward at all. The laundry beating was a back breaking chore that left Jim extremely exhausted. Jim knew it was time to

escape at any opportunity and this was the perfect time to leave right away.

 Jim blurted out a little laugh as the thought of hiding in the laundry basket crossed his mind. He had to nibble at

his lower lip to hold back the laughter that was threatening to erupt.

Hiding in the laundry basket Jim began to flutter his eyes. Excited, enthusiastic, hot and sweaty, sick with fear, Jim began to bubble up, his hands were shaking.

Butterflies fluttered in his heart and stomach. His tongue was thick and fuzzy and his throat as dry as the desert. But then a horrible thought crawled up behind his mind. What was he going to do? What if the family

didn’t want him there? Fear chocked him with its murderous hands. It gripped at his throat and strangled his breath into short, shallow gasps. He was struck dead

with terror; his heart was beating painfully fast and banging against his ribs. He would just have to plead to

them for him to stay.


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Jim’s thoughts disappeared as the carriage stopped as the doors opened. Too scared to

open his eyes Jim squeezed his fingers whispering to himself saying not to open his eyes (However, on the inside his mind was

desperate screaming out for him to open his eyes) The basket suddenly started to be

picked up and carried into the rich house. Jim peeked his eyes open he couldn’t resist a

beautiful, warm, sweet smelling house. The fragrance of freshly mown grass and tree blossom drifted towards him. As Jim was

carried in the basket he heard certain voices. Two children, one woman and one man. They

must be a lovely family. Jim thought, the workhouse helper mumbled something and

dropped the basket. stay Runaway Find his sisters


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Jim chose carpet beating but as he entered the carpet beating area he knew that this wasn’t going to be a good experience for himself. So Jim thought of a cunning plan to escape the terrifying workhouse. While he was beating

the dusty carpets he was coughing and choking because the dust was surrounding

him. As one of the workers in the workhouse rolled a carpet, Jim crawled into the damp and

decaying carpet. As the workers from the workhouse took the

carpets in to the carriages in the warm, gentle breeze it stirred their hair and caressed their

faces. Jim’s eyes were itching mad and his face was full of black dust. Then suddenly the cart

stopped, Jim wasn’t sure where they had stopped, his heart pounded as he waited

eagerly to see if the cart was going to carry on moving. But it didn’t…


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As the carpets rolled out of the cart Jim knew that he had to think of an idea quick. Jim was excited but he didn’t

know what to do when they roll out the carpets and what would happen to him when he gets found. Would he get kicked out of the rich house or would they let Jim stay at the house? It was too late for thinking time because he

was already found, but what choice would they take (kick Jim out or let him stay there). But the wealthy people who lived in the rich house were extremely generous so they

let poor Jim stay at their house. Jim was buzzing with excitement and couldn’t help breaking into a wide grin at

the thought that he will be living in a wealthy, colossal house.

The house was a relaxing haven, furnished with comfy, deep leather couches and large floor cushions. Jim was

light hearted when he entered his own room. Jim was in a broad grin because he has never ever in his whole life had his own bedroom. “You need to be cleaned young man,”

said the butler. “Okay then sir,” replied Jim. While Jim was following the butler he was confused because Jim thought that he would need a bucket and that’s it. The bathroom looked spotless it was so shiny. After Jim had a shower he

said, “What is a shower?” “You have just had a shower sir,” said the butler. “That’s a shower?” said Jim in a

confused way. But Jim then remembered his mom and his sisters. What

should he do? Jim had three choices.Run away Stay at the house Find sisters


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Jim decided to run away from the rich house. He thought it would be best to go after night had fallen and a blanket of darkness covered

the workhouse. That night the fog blanketed everything like a padded quilt. The night was pitch-black and silent; Jim could only hear the galloping of horses far away in the distance if he listened

carefully. He stealthily hid behind the carriages trying not to be seen. The last thing he wanted was to be taken away to the

workhouse. He cautiously crept from behind the carriage and checked to see if the coast was clear. The trunks of the trees were framed against the moonlight like bars of a prison. “If only I can

make it to the edge of the city I will be free,” Jim thought to himself.


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He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, his heart pounding as fast as a drum. His throat became dry and he needed to stop and catch his breath. Somewhere beside him he could hear the bubble and trickle of the Thames as it danced away from the city. The air was filled with an eerie silence. He followed the

soft murmuring sound of the water until Jim finally came to the large river. Scooping the water with his bony fingers Jim finally

took a gulp of the water. Alongside the river bank was a rickety old boat. Exhausted and worried, cold and hungry, Jim did not know how much further

he could go without food. He clambered into the boat and huddled into a ball, to keep him warm and drifted off to sleep

in the peaceful knowledge that he was finally free. As the warm gentle breeze brushed Jim’s face at dawn, the sun

beamed with a glorious smile. Jim staggered back and forth, side to side struggling to stay on his feet. Jim felt light headed

and dizzy. He fell to his knees with a thump. “What’s happening to me?” Jim gasped. Jim didn’t realise it, but the

water he had gulped down from the Thames was diseased, all thought drained out of him, as the pain tore through his head and left him bent double and writhing in agony. Every nerve in his body screamed at him, as the pain gripped his head like a clenched fist. He could feel his last breath being taken away.

This was it. Jim Jarvis died on that very boat of cholera.


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Jim swiftly packed his supplies in his back pack. He stuffed his clothes and enough food to keep him energy

up ready for the journey. He also packed some extra food for his probably famished sisters.

He said farewell to every single person in the rich house, not forgetting the cat even though he was

planning on returning.He set off. He didn’t know which way to go. He followed

his instincts. He still couldn’t tell where he was but things were starting to get familiar. The houses and streets were bigger; (and Rosie’s house was big). He

meandered from street to street trying to find the house with the white door. He found it. Gasping for a

breath he knocked on the door… No answer… He knocked again… Finally he heard footsteps getting

closer, someone was coming.“Well hello there, little boy,” said a voice that sounded

familiar “what do you want?”


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“Does Rosie live here” Jim replied.“Well yes come in I’ll take you to her” said the old, goofy-

teethed lady.Jim followed the lady into a tiny room and there stood Rosie, Lizzie and Emily. Jim was crying, he never in his

wildest dreams thought that he would see them again. He ran and hugged his sisters really tightly and gave them

some delectable, delicious food. “Lizzie, Emily come on lets go to the rich house I work

there” Said Jim, wiping his tear.“Wow how’d you get into the rich house and more

importantly how did you get a job there?” questioned Lizzie.

“It’s a long story but anyway where’s Ma?”Asked Jim.“Oh don’t you know,” Emily muttered “Well I sorry to tell

you this but… Ma has died.”“What, how?” whimpered Jim.

“She was drinking dirty water and she died.” Emily sobbed her eyes full of tears.

As they were walking to the rich house no one said a word. They went back to the rich house and lived happily

ever after working and being treated delightful.


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Jim jumped out of the basket like a wild animal. H e stared at the small living room.

The living room the room was a relaxing haven furnished with a comfy, deep leather coaches and a large floor cushion. Jim s thoughts were interrupted

by the young man who Jim thought would be the father of the house.

“Hello young man you ought to startle people” “Oh, sorry about that sir I didn’t mean -“

“Never mind you look like a jolly little lad where you heading” The man asked

Jim looked miserably at the ground. “I don’t know” he muttered as a sob welled up his throat as the pain of loss spread through his chest like a dull



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Jim tried not to cry but floods poured from his eyes uncontrollably.

“Calm down lad its ok you can stay with us lad until you want to leave, this is James, Rebecca and Mrs Smith”That night Jim looked out of the windows in James and

Rebecca’s room he thought of how he could stay. “I could runaway or find Lizzie and Emily” but before Jim

could say another word he drifted off to sleep wondering how good it would have been hoping they would allow

him to stay.Next day the young man came up to Jim whispering

“have you made up your mind yet leave or stay?”

“Stay , sir can I call you dad” Jim pleaded

“The young man smiled and said “my pleasure.”Jim smiled as they walked back holding hands with his

new dad and what a pleasure it was for Jim….
