grid computing at yahoo! sameer paranjpye mahadev konar yahoo!

Grid Computing at Yahoo! Sameer Paranjpye Mahadev Konar Yahoo!

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Page 1: Grid Computing at Yahoo! Sameer Paranjpye Mahadev Konar Yahoo!

Grid Computing at Yahoo!

Sameer Paranjpye

Mahadev Konar


Page 2: Grid Computing at Yahoo! Sameer Paranjpye Mahadev Konar Yahoo!

Condor Week 2007


• Introduction– What do we mean by ‘Grid’?– Technology Overview

• Technologies– HDFS– Hadoop Map-Reduce– Hadoop on Demand

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Page 4: Grid Computing at Yahoo! Sameer Paranjpye Mahadev Konar Yahoo!

Condor Week 2007

What do we mean by ‘Grid’?

• Computing platform that can support many distributed applications– Runs on dedicated clusters of commodity PCs (a Grid)– Hardware can be dynamically allocated to a “job”– Plan to support many applications per Grid

• Good for Batch data processing– Log Processing– Document Analysis and Indexing– Web Graphs and Crawling

• Large scale a primary design goal– 10,000 PCs / Grid a design goal (working @ 1000 now)– Very large data (10 Petabyte storage a design goal)

• 100+ TB inputs to a single job• Bandwidth to data is a significant design driver

• Large production deployments – Number of CPUs that can be applied gates what you can do– Several clusters of 1000s of nodes

Page 5: Grid Computing at Yahoo! Sameer Paranjpye Mahadev Konar Yahoo!

Condor Week 2007

Technology Overview

• Hadoop (Our primary Grid project)– An open source apache project, started by Doug Cutting – HDFS, a distributed file system– Implementation of Map-Reduce programming model–

• HOD (Hadoop-on-Demand)– Adaptor that runs Hadoop tools on batch systems– Hadoop expressed as a parallel job– Manages setup, startup, shutdown and cleanup of Hadoop– Currently supports Condor and Torque

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Page 7: Grid Computing at Yahoo! Sameer Paranjpye Mahadev Konar Yahoo!

Condor Week 2007

HDFS - Hadoop Distributed FS

• Very Large Distributed File System– We plan to support 10k nodes and 10 PB data– Current deployment of 1k+ nodes, 1PB data

• Assumes commodity hardware that fails– Files are replicated to handle hardware failure– Checksums for corruption detection and recovery– Continues operation as nodes / racks added / removed

• Optimized for fast batch processing– Data location exposed to allow computes to move to data– Stores data in chunks on every node in the cluster– Provides VERY high aggregate bandwidth

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Condor Week 2007

Hadoop DFS Architecture




Metadata (Name, replicas, …):/home/sameerp/foo, 3, …

/home/sameerp/docs, 4, …



Rack 1 Rack 2

Metadata ops

Page 9: Grid Computing at Yahoo! Sameer Paranjpye Mahadev Konar Yahoo!

Condor Week 2007

Hadoop Map-Reduce

• Implementation of the Map-Reduce programming model– Framework for distributed processing of large data sets

– Resilient to nodes failing and joining during a job

– Great for web data and log processing

• Pluggable user code runs in generic reusable framework– Input records are transformed, sorted and combined to produce a

new output

– All actions plugable / configurable

• A reusable design patternInput | Map | Shuffle | Reduce | Output


cat * | grep | sort | unique -c > file

Page 10: Grid Computing at Yahoo! Sameer Paranjpye Mahadev Konar Yahoo!

Condor Week 2007

HOD (Hadoop on Demand)

• Adaptor that enables Hadoop use with batch schedulers– Provisions Hadoop clusters on demand

– Scheduling is handled by resource managers like Condor– Requests N nodes from a resource manager and provisions them

with a Hadoop cluster

• Condor interaction– User specifies: number of nodes, workload to launch– HOD generates class-ads for Hadoop master and slaves and

submits them as Condor jobs– Cluster comes up when the jobs start running– HOD launches workload

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Condor Week 2007

HOD (Hadoop on Demand)

• HOD shell– User interface to HOD is a command shell– Workloads are specified as command lines– Example:% bin/hod -c hodconf -n 100

>> run hadoop-streaming.jar –mapper ‘grep condor’ -reducer ‘uniq -c’

-input /user/sameerp/data –output /user/sameerp/condor

• Work in progress– Data affinity for workloads– Implementation of elastic workloads– Software distribution via BitTorrent

Page 12: Grid Computing at Yahoo! Sameer Paranjpye Mahadev Konar Yahoo!

Condor Week 2007

Hadoop on Condor

• Clients launch jobs• Condor dynamically

allocates clusters• HOD used to start Hadoop

Map-Reduce on cluster• Map-Reduce Reads/Writes

Data from the HDFS• When done

– Results are stored in HDFS and/or returned to the client

– Condor reclaims nodes



Dynamic Hadoop Map-Reduce


Dynamic Hadoop Map-Reduce Cluster

Client 1 Client 2

Page 13: Grid Computing at Yahoo! Sameer Paranjpye Mahadev Konar Yahoo!

Condor Week 2007

Other things in the works

• Record I/O– Define a structure once, use it in C, Java, Python… – Export it in a binary or XML format

• Streaming– A simple way to use existing Unix filters and / or stdin/out

programs in any language with Map-Reduce

• Pig - Y! Research– Higher level data manipulation language, uses Hadoop– Data analysis tasks expressed as queries, in the style of

SQL or Relational Algebra–

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Condor Week 2007

The end