gribe fveuin mimeji€¦ · washington wednesday november g 1901 pjuce oxe cent gribe fveuin mimeji...

WASHINGTON WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER G 1901 PJUCE OXE CENT Gribe fveuin mimeJi NUMBER 1957 THE DEFEAT Of TiUMiHY Lows Plurality for Mayftr f New York 2fiSldIK- ftiwtilMtM Gct Kvcry Imitftstaitt Of lice IH he Ity JITHJHO RBHB- Alientt if ItU Ticket Crokcr Hlnm- od f r Ov rl vl nI c Itwwt I AViyrwniMM IHrce A I5ej ort TbHt Will He Jfixjiclletl Unlesw- Me Uelrc frHUt the OrprHHi Kti M NEW YORK Nov Complete revised returns show that Seth Low has been elected Mayor oC New York by a plurali ty f M He carried aft tbe counties in thy except Queens which he lost by only te votes Low beat Sbepard ta Manhattan and the Bronx by tMI ran dead of Sbenard te Brooklyn XJ3 His ptttralRy in Ricbmond was 771 The great vote for Low IP Manhattan ami the Bronx te a har blow for Tammany These two Imraogk constituting New York county usanlly Kin a normal Tammany major ity of feet t MMH Tile ynstontete captured every IMport ant aMce in the city Croker had claimed New York county by at least 4MH and he lost It together with all the other cowttfe except Queens where Ute local cciaHtlons prevented Fusion at the very beginning of the campaign But when- ever Tammany succeeded to saving a can- didate U wee by trittlng pluralities Tbe treat antiTammany vote in New York county enabled the Republicans to gate three assemblymen Tammany elect- ing enly twentyfive of the thirtylive One of the most interesting and re- markable features of the election was the fact Unit Justice Jerome the Fusion can- didate for District Attorney in New York county and the yuan who wee marked by Tammany for slaughter ran 3J6S votes aMM sf Low Hi total vote wee KS tt- 1MW for Urger bin Tammany rive Femes Fttafon candidate for President of Ua Iteard of Aldermen had a plural ity air it ta Manhattan and the Bronx 1OM S vote to B17SI for Van Ho S n Hoesen ran bebted tick ct 47 T and Fomee ran behind only Kl- Tl pUH kie ta MaabattaN and the raax f the three Fusion candidates on tIN city ticket completed are as follows i Qt Grout 14681 and Fornes SM4 Haw well Democrats sapoorted Fusion JoXaabattan borough to seen by the fact that Cantor for borough prewtdent re eeKnnl a plurality of W4SK Cantor was by the Ofeater 3 w Tork Dnnocraey of which John C Sbeehan is leader Can- tors fun vote was 139a against 1 8237 for From me Tammany carried Bronx Borough hy a plurality of 14 v for Haffen for borough prosMent Hn fen rrceived VtJHt votes to tot WeHM The Fasten candidate for presMent of the Brooklyn Borough Swanstrom re- ceived MMM votes a plurality of 1XW over Urteg In Richmond Borottah CromwMI Fusion candMsie for president received 1st phi i elected Democratic camiMaCt for presMent by 3JK plurality Tammany elected all six coroners ta Manhattan cod the Bronx Queens elected two Fusion Coroners Richmond elected one Democratic and out Fusion coroner The overwhelming defeat of Van Wyek for the Supreme Court beach was due to his connection with the Ice Trust which attempted to monopoltee the city supply and t the antagonism of the Bar Asso- ciation which publicly denounced him as taiissJeiniiirty unit for the oOfce Four good men have been sent to the Supreme Court bench They are M J OBrien who ran on both tickets J A Blanchard J P Clarke and Samuel Otcenbaum The defeat of Tammany to one of the worst it has suffered in its history It is drives out of the city and county office and many political reputations and go down to oblivion in its The mon of the organization who will suffer by this defeat are today intensely bitter The rank and Ale as welt as the district leaner of Tammany say that Croker shun Is to blame for defeat It is also openly threatened that unless he retires when the committees meet ta December to reorganize his name will be dropped from membership which would be equiv- alent to forcible expulsion TIle practical politicians of Tammany today say frankly enough that public optaioa would no longer tolerate Devery lees by which is meant the career of Wil- liam S Devery as deputy police commis- sioner and could not endure the attempt to put Van Wyek on the bench of the Supreme Court but Croker put them into power and sustained them against the protest of the best politicians ta the or ganisation He has lived in England until be to no longer in touch with public tlment la tbte city Ftw nun In the or ganteation dared to tell him the truth and those who spoke plainly were rebuff- ed The men who nattered him were the favored and today every practical poli- tician ta Tammany says that Croker alone is respocMMe for the crushing defeat of yesterday running further behind hte ticket than any other man ever nominated for otnce by Tammany In IMS when Mayor Van Wyek removed two Republican police coin inlsslns era in order to pave the way for tbe elevation of Devery to the elliot of chief of police he made a speech In Ida sMIce predicting that when he ran for Jadietal ofnee be would be eIected by n 9 majority Instead he ran tar be hind hto ticket and was snowed under by SM votes In Kings county the regular ocganlia lies dominated by Hugh Mclaughlin will tar two years June no patronage in the city or the borough TIM most hopeful Tammany men e only trouble ahead for the next two years The organisation will not only be without patronage hut will be powerless In the next State convention The CrokerMc- IjiufthlinMurphy combination that was ta mroi of Ute Demoeiatlc State Com nUtUe crumbled like a house of cards in the detest of ycnierday It lit predicted tbat DVM B Hill will promptly resume the JSiaU leadership of the party and will control the next State convention TOPEKA Ka Nw Republi- cans were generally successful through- out Kansas yesterday The elections were for county eommlssionrrs and minor of- fices and only a light vote was polled IlymiN HuMliicMN College Sib uiul 1C- SborttewA TrpewrHiiic a nuc t Wwl nude at Ctii j N V t aw I flue Cite II the 11 Her Va WIt for place on the Ucket JI Caw ca- reen sea Ia9I the reeDell fully UcpulJliealiN lii lear lInsferliig Luilas I d aat ved Low reeeeaded a nfl Van Wyek mad of 1 iiunsns The NMsse 1nllis l7 Lii < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SENATOR PLATT HSRE lie IiI jBs c the C m Tammany Hulls Srnator Platt mine to Washington last night t ittend the wedding of General Corbin today He is highly pleased with the result of the elcetlon in New York and although not jurprised that Low won th Senator save that be had no idea the majority would be so large organization of Greater New York he saM It came to the beto of the Lord against the mighty with a great solid phalanx of votes Asked cs to the cause of the political upheaval the Senator said In a word Croker by the arbitrary use of the great power conferred upon hint four years ago aroused the people to righteous anger His Insistence upon Ute retention of Dtvery hia insistence that none except his own followers and hench- men should be giVeR office and bbs many other impolitic actions brought about Ms downfall and that of the organization of which he head Crofcer ad mhilntratior gave no incentive or expec- tation of anything to he was a Croker Democrat It aroused the people to wrath end when the people are aroused something is sure to happen The election demonstrates the great in- dependence of the of New York when once they are thoroughly aroused and in this connection too much praise cannot be given the prom of Greater New York that almost without exception gave a splendid aid to the cause of I believe Seth Low will glee to the people a good honest businesslike ad- ministration and if he does this sail is judicious in the disposal of th patronage- it ought to be possible to keep Tammany Han out of power for a longer period than two years 1 have no doubt that had Mr Shrpard been elected he would have removed Devery ami cleared out the objec- tionable Tammany officials I jo not think he would have been a tool of Croker But the tact that he allowed himself to accept a nomination front Croker con- demned hai with the people I have no doubt that Mr Low will treat the Republican organisation fairly The Republican leaders sir assured me a ago that they would pull true for Low and they did Senator Platt was asked what he thought of Mr Jeromes attack upon him in his speech at Iakvilte last night O I dont care anything about him replied the Senator contemptuously I dont want to talk about it MB LOW DELIGHTED- The 3InyurICI K JH a Trip to NEW YORK Nov C Seth Low was up early this morning and In a very happy frame of mind When seen at Us 3N East Sixtyfourth Street be said I am naturally very much delighted with the result It could not have been expect- ed that th result could have been other- wise I am especially delighted with the election of Justice Jerome lie a gallant fight and he deserves Ute success he has won New York has a mag- nificent showing Asked regarding his health he said I feel splendid I have suffered no ill eXerts from my week in the campaign Xr Low said that h would give out a formal statement later in the day Mr Low arranged to leave for Great Harrington Mass at 3 oclock this after- noon accompanied by Mm Low He ex- pects to return on Tuesday Next hut MM plans are not yet definitely decided lie had a doien visitors this morning before 9 oclock Of the scores of telegrams and cable messages of congratulation Mr Low tins been able to answer only a few They came front all parts of the country from Canada and England The following tele- gram was received from the President m Washington 1 congratutetQ the city even more triumph of the forces THBODORE ROOSEVELT ME CHOKER PERTURBED The Tniiitittiiiy ciitlvr ItcfiiH- DixMi K lila Future Course NEW YORK Nov C Richard Croker when seen at the Democratic Club this morning appeared to I very angry over the reports that he night formally abdicated the leadership of Tammany Halt in favor of John F CarrolL lie said that the newspapers had not reported him correctly and that the words which were attributed to latin were not uttered by Mm No conversation took place said Mr Croker with some asperity It is true that I went across t Enms restaurant in company with Senator Sullivan and some others after we saw that the re- turns had geese against as hot I said nothing about abdicating I reZone to say what was the subject of our conversa- tion Is It true Unit you intend to return to England soon and to renaia there he was asked I refuse to reply to saclt questions What do you think of the result of the election r I have nothing mac to say about Ute election AN I wtok to My I said last night Then you are sot solas la give tp the leadership of Tammany JJmm are I have nothing further to say for pub libation THE NEW YORK STATE RESULT n i iibliciiu Sure of nt I IIH Xinvty KMCIllllIyillCl- lBINGHAMTON X Y Nov CThe Chairman of the State R publican Com- mittee George W Dunn when Interview rd in regard to the sweeping victory for the fusion ticket in New York and the Assembly results throughout the State It is a glorious victory one that will completely overwhelm Tammany la- the matter of Assembly elections It ia hard to say anything at present In view of the Incomplete returns I have here- a telegram which states that Erastus C Knight has been elected Mayor of the Democratic city of Buffalo by major- ity and that we have carried six of the Assembly districts in that city when we only counted upon three Gains of this kind teem to have been made all over the State and in the rural districts the party and the people have seemed to be in accord with Governor OdeUs wise policy and have shown their appreciation of his effort in their behalf by electing strong Republican majority in the Assembly We were sure of electing Ml hut from present indications we have elected nearer 100 Republican Assemblymen TIme llemilt In Iloclicxter ROCHESTER Nov lRodenbeck Re- publican was chosen Mayor f this city by seventysix plurality winning hi the most acrimonious municipal campaign ever wa d here The Republicans re- gain control of the council 11 to 9 and of the board of supervisor by 3 to JC- Kloorlnu only r tier 1OO ft and aU dot width Vile frjrd i l u Defeat I am iroud of the work of the lathe anyone ref- orm moat week Made lu taint you Lad I I LiLt of Repub- lican The sakes vote is to1ia lzincI nsetts home made than I do you the overwhelming t said 5esc j ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < THE RESET IN MARYLAND Incomplete Ketivms Indicate a Democratic Victory Seven Precincts Yet to lie Heard Vvttw Kcsrlfilalnrc Prnlin till SRfo ItCHHlillcaiiM Slake n- CICHH Sivcc in City of IlaltiHiorv BALTIMORE Nov ilie new Kloc tion law passed at the special session of the Legislature has delayed the count on the State election so that at noon today all precincts were not to Seven were still to be heard from Reports indicate that Ute State te Dem- ocratic and that the Democrats wfB have a clean working majority Joint ballot in the Legislature in which event exSen ator Arthur P Gorman wilt be returned to the United States Senate to aocee4 Mr Wellington The estimate saw to Democratic dele- gates elected Remiblicans M Democratic Senators elected Repob- ncats X This leaves lime Senators and seven delegates In doubt There are ten holdover Democratic Senators and three Republicans The Republicans made a dean sweep ta this city They carried it for State Comp- troller and Clerk of the Court of Appeals by tbout They elected the city court clerks and surveyor The Democrats elected George Warfleld for sheriff over Sam Davis by 5 The Republican elected sixteen out of the eighteen to the General Assem- My fnm this city and may have the other two when the returns are complete BEI AIR Md Nov t A full vote was polled throughout Harford county Both parties lost OR defective ballots the Re publicans suffering the heaviest loss The vote on the constitutional amendment is very light and te about evenly divided The returns point to the election of the entire Democratic ticket The majority will approximate 5W The State ticket will have a majority of about the aame- KLL1COTT CITY Md Nov Re- turns from Howard county Indicate a Democratic plurality of 275 The Demo eiatic Legislative ticket is apparently elected by 3 and William 11 Thomas for judge will get a many or more votes FREDERICK Md Nov CThe cIte tiou passed off very quietly and peacefully in Frederick city and county In Fred- erick city out of a registered vote of there was polled 256 This ratio obtain ed throughout the county The Republicans had rooms te the neighborhood of each precinct and the negroes were allowed to go to the polls they were taken into the room and required to mark their ballots to show that they were competent It Is claim- ed that they were fairly successful Before they allowed them to go however they wee all required to make out several ballots A number of prominent citins destroy- ed their first ballot and had to be forn tiered many iHterates ballots will be thrown out Republicans data that they have carried Frederick county toy 3ui- ClTtfBERLAND Md Nov C There were heavy Democratic gains te Allegany county It to believed that the Demo- cratic Senator Delegates leek and county commissioners have been elect SNOW HILL Md Nov the Judgment of Governor Smith Worcester has given an unusually large Democratic majority U1DGJSLY Md Nov Tile indica- tions are in favor of the election of the entire Democratic ticket in Caro- lina rounty- ROCKVILI E M1 Nov Montgom- ery county lane gone There was a large number of sta athomes and e Itgures are not yet accurately known ANNAPOLIS Md Nov Dr Wash Igloo G Tuck chairman of the Anne Aruniel Republican Central Committee says Anne Arundel has gone Democratic by a large plurality HAGKKSiOVVX Md Nov t In all portability Washington will give the JtepubllcanB about majority The I roocrat are honerut B Frank their cannidate for sheriff who ran considerably ahead of his ticket will be OAKLAND Md Nov tThe election in Garrett county was quiet The vote the lightest in years The H ublKan plurality is between IOta and PAGAN DEFEATS SMITH Kluvtetl Mayor of fcrjicy City 1 y About SOO Vote JERSEY CITY N J Nov fcMark M Fagan has been elected Mayor of Jersey City by a majority of about SW votes He defeated George T Smith Eastern Agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company Mr Fagan has proved unique as a cam- paigner Ills methods have been abso- lutely novel From the morning following his nomination October 19 until midnight on Monday he spent his days and nights in conducting a personal canvass He would start out early ta the morning and mapping out a section of the city would canvass It systematically and talk with as many men as he could meet lIe would enter stores and with the permission of employers would enter workshops and factories and talk with the men lIe covered the principal factories the rail road yards and the docks He asked no man to vote for him but he talked to all on the issues at stake in the campaign and merely asked that the voters con Hider well the quallncatlons of tint two and as they thought best for the interests if the taxpayers SURPRISES IN CONNECTICUT Denimrat AVIii In Several luipo- 3Iunlciiml Content NEW HAVEN Conn Nov C Returns from all tine towrn in the State were re- ceived today and it was learcod that of the M la the State 1st chose Republican delfg tes to the State CorsUtutionsI Con- vention 41 selected Democrats and 14 selected Citizen and nonpartisan camel dates There were three surprises In Water bury W Kellogg Republican who for ninny years has repeatedly fath- ered all attempts to revise the constitu- tion was defeated by his Democratic op imnent and thus deprived of participation- in the working out of the new constitu- tion which he has so persistently held to be necessary In Anrotiia a Democrat defeated Chart s Krocker the Republican National C mmitt eman for Connecticut while in Ilridgeport Dankl Davenport Ailei W Paige one of the most widely kiowa of the Republican leaders in Falr ttfld county Two cities of the State Aa M nla and IJrWgcport weld elections and riirprtses developed in both eases In AK- Konla Stephen Charters candidate of the and was chos n mayor by an unusual majority IH Bridgeport the Democrats also scored a- notartle in the city content crt Mulvihill being elected mayor IlonrtlM if 1 15 per lint SM tit be- fore I limbed tile second it Is be raE tIn JROcTatk Winder t estimated candidates ote Stephen I Labor Hen Norfolk teJlnboat Co nupUvI tri 110 p m foot tt to Old Joist Norfolk and port Central Ticket C6loe- Bille lith at S y aYe 1JloM 2Ci- GUrtucd nnunnn let L t4fll ok ev hit an li t delegates conreluetly itt WaS a F defeated t Vniililiiatoa dslly st iro- th Virylab esc ew News sad 2x1 JiLtey > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > MR MONTAGUES MAJORITY Late FlKiire Fail to Cnrtull the Dcmucrntlc Vtt Isi Virginia RICHMOND Va Nov Advices re- ceived at the bpttdqnrtent of the State Democratic Committee ia this city today show that the Democrato have carried the State by no smaller majority than that indicated in the statement given out by the committees chairman J Tayicr- Kllyson late last night Montagues ma- jority will not be less than MJW and may reach the 460W mark Richmond was today the seat of con- viviality and enthucmssx growing out of yesterdays election Mr Montague the Governorelect lied a public reception in his offices in the State Library Building throughout the morwtea He to the pres- ent Attcrncy General of Virginia and is one of the few mea m this State who have ascended from that once to that Governor Mr Montaaiw remarked to- day that his majority over Tire was even larger than he hail expected it would be It is claimed several Cities and eoua tie that the negroes not vote for the reason Utat they believed their ballets would nC he counted Es- pecially is this claimed m Appomattox and the counties nomi msjg what hi known s the Black Belt IN Petersburg Montague polled 1318 votes while there were cast for Hogs KL Tim city of Pe- tersburg and DtawWdie cwuaty elected to the General Assembly W B Mcllwaine for the Senate and R B Davis and C T Laaeiter Democrats for tile House Din widdie county also U the House A M Morgan DemocrtC whose majority is about 5W Colonel Hoge the Ke aUlican nominee for Governor had claimWI that be would carry the city and county of Roanoke in which city he had resided for many years but he failed to do so by HO votes Alex- andria In which city lIege recently made- a stirring speech incrimtnatHtg the Demo- cratic party in Virginia gave Montague a majorty of 7 In Cutpeper Madison Orange and Rappahanaoelc counties the Democratic ticket was elected toy a large majority although there Was a slight re- duction of the vote in of the in the latter county A peculiar feature in with the election in Prince Edw rd county the home of exGovernor Hef enney was the absence 01 the nearo lenin the polls Prince Edward i in the heart of the Black Belt Orange county gave the Democrat- ic ticket a mtiHrfity of while even Wlnchetrt went Democratic by a safe majority le pite the urge ailing off in the It has teamed today that lieges majority in Rockingham i aiy is teas than SO This Bounty lain m Republi- can stronghold At the seat of the Inlversity of JTMrsAiia there appears to be a decreawd Democratic majority Montague carrW tke vlty by 28 as compared with 3 T ler four years ago ThIs i nrroqnMif ter by rea- son of an interest and rnthnsi ama among the negroes tide place to vote the Republican ticket The most signal fact ia connection with the Virginia election of is that Montague carried his own b a ma- jority of lflM out of a total Tote of 1W At Lyncbburg the DemocrAa won by 812 majority while at XeWM ri vWws Mon- tague had a ma jot Ity of Ss R pub- licans succeeded in carryMkr ockhrktge and Buena Vista State Kginta live tickets by a iaJortay of 100 Two disturbances occurred Wefcllriage yes- terday in which three men JBBSC injured none seriously however smnandoah with several precincts to fed heard from has given hinge a Sf 75S while m Suffolk the Democratic bt than for many years The rat In WeM county was gY liege 30 with to from which will nilg lead THE FUSIOlflSTSDBiREIATED- PH1IADEIPHIA Nov R formrs in this city are obliged tn seek coM ola tim in rtadingr the repeats vo4 in New York In Philadelphia Fusiontets were defeated by majurtti from 250W to and in the Ifitte at Urge the Republican ticket w stfcrough hy about the game majorities The Demo- cratic party practically Hs i d from the State and city In Pfctfajetpfcia the Democrats only polled 70 K of the 2C W votes cast The iiwemt In the election is shown by the l that the total vote in this city aM greater than ever before even ia sylr mti ciitial year The Fusion newrpafwrt jisjtlsaate that 3SMO illegal votes were t tL hi PMadlel phia They declare that JK i Jet ton was a carnival of fraud OHIO STRONGLY RETlfJELICAKT- Vanh Itcctecteil liy- COLIMBVS Ohio Nov Governor Nash is reelected Hy apii uateuitely Wt W majority an Increase in riaaX numbers of more than h reoei f two years ago Republican gains are in ev- ery county in the State wMi the excep- tion of Franklin Demo- cratic counties an Mercer 4etby and Seneca Joined in the story Democratic losses and every county Ajanved doubt- ful as to legislative has Joined the Republican column TlnVjaaJority on Joint ballot will not be ilk than nfty votes thus insuring the ittum of Sena- tor J B Foraker The Detawfratie chair- man Mr Dougherty lssue a statement conceding the reelection oCXasfc by not less than 5MOO majority The Republican majority in Hamilton county te above the 1O mark in spite of the claim that Nash w M be badly cut on account of hi attKsMte on the prteenght iue ti n and entire Re- publican legislative ticket tb tins even- a larger majority In Luoatr eonnty an- other supposed core tfar Uoverncr Nash the Republicans won 2i ah carry- Ing the county and the entftr Midstetivc ticket In Cuy hosa county t e Demo- crats have elected the eat legislative ticket Inlvenwl und Uraw Republican gains are the story of the cov- ering every Section of the where causes contributed t the emorul htatkm ELECTED TO CONGRESS Charles 1 Kimni ln the Tiren- tyruiirth AVW York IlKirlv WATERTOWN N Y NoW Charles U Knapp Republican of Lswvllle 1 elected Representative ta the Twenty fourth Congressional dlstrtet 0ver Col W II Powell Democrat by the usual Republican majority of the Matrfct James F Pappa ItewubMcan to elected mayor of this city by a majority of 222 over Robert Landing Democrat after one of the most hotly contested campaigns for the mayoralty ever cond this city Mr Pappa aiutMrned mayoralty upon the death of WIther f Porter last May A DEMOCRATIC VICTORY IatricU J Jlynn Itlocteil Inyor of Itllznlicth X J ELIZABETH N J Nov lPatrick J Ryan Ute Democratic candidate has been electeu mayor of this city hy a plu rality of 7S2 The council will re- main Democratic yH to Is Dr Victor RcanfcUcsn was defeated for Alderman in a Strong Demo- cratic ward by 1 vow The ifctwrna show strong Democratic gates in this city 1X12 IlrlKht lidiirdM Still 91RO ncr 1 Q It lulu deed 6th rd N Y ate ttf In Repub- licans I teen Increased va The both and l land MI cue Reliulleaiis Make H SWJ q I3jJi W t Such ca returns the tit rav two 4k yester- day senile favor tenjunetlen seay vote Chareinille yesterday wn g e pueco bear tntrease Clcn In- lhlludeljihls of the the tpruzlinatehy- io000 3lujsrIt B5 P sawn the simi Slate Wins ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Expresses S itIsihcti N Over lUpKl- Jie n Victories lej civ f Callers R the AVhite- GovcrHwr Ijiys K The President today received a large number of callers who visited tbe Whit Rouse to congratulate him on the results of yesterdays election To all Mr Roose- velt expressed his satIsfaction over the general Republican victories throughout tbe country He was especially gratMed- at the of election ta New York TIle President left tile White Hanae at a few minutes before K t attend Ute Cr- binPatten wedding Senator Depew was among Ute early callers at the White house today He exchanged congratulations with tile Pres- ident upon the great Fnahm victory ta Yew York Senator Depew saM tbat be- came to Wanwingtoa to attend the Cor MnPatteit wedding The Senator added that the result of tile election ia Greater New York yesterday could not be re- garded as a potttleal victory bat was the overthrow f misrule by forces which have been gatbering for years It was Senator Depews opinion that nearly all of the members of be police and fire departments of New York voted the Democratic ticket on account of the coercion or persecution of the rank and lilt by tile petty BBIctia those higher in authority One thing which contributed largely to the Fume triumph said Senator De pew was the revelation made by the Committee of Fifteen which exposed Ute crooked method of the city administra- tion to an extent acre r before known ta history Then there was another revolt because favorites secured MOt tile city work There was practically tried All the good things went to a single architect- or a single builder The campaign was comparatively cheap when the results at- tained are eonnkkred the women raised fund for the siwort of the Fusion Joseph H Cboate tile States Ambassador to Great Britain and Secre- tary Hay were the Presidents guests at luncheon today Afterward these conferred with the President for a considerable time presumably In regard- to the Isthmian canal treaty Senator Platt of New York will prob- ably confer with the President tonight with regard to Federal appointments in- stated that be would net consider the Inited States appointments until after the election It to understood that he is now ready to give the matter attention Governor Stone of PVnncylvaate paid his respects to President Roosevelt thic morning and conversed with him about the election The result te Philadelphia and Pennnylvaaia wa expected until Governor Stone who appeared gratified The city PbUadetpsJhi te ji- wellgoverned rity and the Keyatoa C sn7- moawealtb is a wellgoverred tAte and the people of the State know H More ships now being built in this country than ever before said Senator Foster of Washington as be left the White Hacse today I aotit krjov that there wIll necessarily be seat for employ ascnt of the subsidy Idea Senator Foster wW be vtroalincnil iden- tified with the shipping bttt trgtebuion at the coming session of CongrcitK It he lor advocate a subsidy sthtme it will be in ties form of a bill provMitis for cargo tonnage bounties which Till receive his support Two aonreservatten Navajo Indians from Arizona were presented to the Pres- ident teday by W R Johnson an Indian missionary Their names are TeetCaec Netal SLd DanaWasa David J Leahy of Raton N M a for- mer oaVer of the Rough Riders called on the President this morning and en cloned the candidacy of Governor Otero for reappoiatment as Territorial Gov- ernor of New Mexico Representative Growvenor and 3 Warren Keller of Ohio called at tbe White House today to ray their respects to the President Generals Gruevenor and Keifer were Jubilant over result of yesterdays elections ta the Buckeye State Among others who called at the House today were Senator Pritcbard of North Carolina Charles Bryan of Illinois and Representative Jones Washington A3T EKOR1COTJS PLURALITY DES MOINES la Nov Late cite than returns snow that Iowa went Re- publican yesterday by the highest plurali- ty in the history of tile State probably 0 This was in the face of a light vote A B Cwwmtos and the entire State ticket was elected The State Legislature- is overwhelmingly Republican in both branches The State ticket elected Is as follows Governor Albert B Cummins Lieutenant Governor John Herriott Supreme Judge- S M Weaver Railroad Oommbndomr- E C Brown Superiiittndent of Schools R C Barrett THE ELECTION IN UTAH IleinililitHHH AlulorloiiH AH Prin- cljial Iolnto In the State SALT LAKE CITY Utah Nov CTbo entire Republican ticket in this city bead- ed by Ezra Thompson for mayor was elected yesterday by majorities of from M to 151 Throughout the State the Republicans were victorious at all rincipal points THE DOWNFALL OF CROKER Ills Political llcfcat CHHMC liHthtiM- iaMii In Ioutloii LONDON Nov Th news of the de mild sensation among tbe Englishmen in 14 nd n where the gigantic nature of the Tammany nan organisation is ony faintly uitdertttootl outside of newspaper circles Farseeing people are inclined to New York on the removal of the Old Man of the S a Interest in the however Is gra lnally growing and the evening papers give considerable prominence to the rtsult LONDON Nov In court today Sir Frederick George Milner was awarded a verdict of and costs against the Messrs Lumtey the auctioneerf let Ms to a Mm Brady without maktag certain eiHiuiries as to her The afterward natiaed Sir Frederick that Bmdy had teased the house with the object of introducing two wealthy Americans to society Jour 91 cacti AVliItt Plate 1 1 lu ainaily painted Libliej It Co THE PRESIDENT PLEASED Senator unit Lent laRRec lIftwsc fcec- ecal ret result the of teresa gUM York u Ike President Ut s lbs hite v Iowa CRrrled tli by- 41tHt UtIOOtJ at teat of Croktmm In New York caused a tnt A Lit or hag to Stone ills N Still SublIies ned Even gentle- men New liouis p gh1y bee Gin Page lii IIeliulhICaikM con- gratulate Verdict AgaInst the Imiiiileya house char- acter Mrs ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ LI HUNG CHAM DYBR2L State DcpartmeHt X tIHe4 That the Unit In Ilwarly JCxfteeteti The State Department has received a from K H Conger Minister to China conftrmtag the repc t that Lt Hsms- Cmug to dying and that ie end to ex- pected every barr The oMMat despatches fir several have reported U Ifang Clt ag aa- ly Ml with trouble hoc not MM this morning was there any weBfomMl 4 belief that he would not recover Mr Congers despatch shows that a sudden change for the worse has taken place THE SULTAX DBFIAXT Not AVllllHsr to Yield IH All Points the French PARIS Nov t Through curve spcndent at Vienna the Echo d Paris has learned that the Sultan presided urea the sexdon of the Turkish Council which was held on Monday The Vienna corre- spondents advice from Constantinople state that It Is considered certain in oM- efati circle there that the Snttaa will not give satisfaction on all the potato de- manded by the French t- It to Mated that Abdul Unsaid wilt to give guarantees for the paymewt rind and wilt also that X Con Mans the former Frencli Ambassador to Twit y shall sot return to Constanti- nople A Toulon despatch to the Maim says the French Mediterranean squadron the Levant whither Admiral CaJnardTs squadron has gone at the shortest no- tice MR BRODRICK REPLIES- An ISxiilanatloa of the Afrlea Detention CHIIIII LONDON Bmtrtefc Sec- retary of War writing to the Bishop of Rochester In regard to the mortality ta the refugee camps in South Africa states tbat certain recommendations of the La- dies Conmttesten which was Wilt there to Investigate tbe matter have been adopted Mr Broarfck say the teas of life has been mainly due to enema Incident to the war Many families were Hidad and snort of food before they came in and unable to combat disease when they were at- tacked thing possible Js being done for tbe reIn secure the citation when a small number of d prate men are sparing no means to rvwd r it un habitable TO DBH OUNCE THE BRITISH Cull UH H L Hh era n Clersry 4 t COLOGNE Nov t At n nureb confer decided to eaU apcn the entire Luthera- eiergy to the of the British in South AfekA and the alan deroue utterances of Chamber lain the British Colonial rcr ary te- t 0e similar actloti The White Star IlH r fHke Her Pastett URn NKW YORK The great White from Uverpool sitS Qwe nat wn having made the run acr in the b tit tim Use steamer ever made ftnt 4x ivlfc ti hours and lIly mmutrA tier dar w re 7 9K 4M C 31 MX raid 9M total distance 27H knots Her speedy run was without avail for a tier arrival at Quarantine Dr XMty detained the ship in order to clearly inspect the crew and steerage passengers because of the existence of bubonic plague at Uvern L The New York Central Railroad R CaOoway met the UcvaMc at Qnmr amine and took off W K VaaderbtU and his friend W S Ilort TIM steamer will probably be released hetare noon Hon Mm George KeiH l on tile Oceanic because r husband K iii of scarlet fever Among the other passen- gers were Right lion the Karl f Aibe merle August BeLmont Alexander Brown Robert H Senor Don Segundo Mei lex ftlr harks KMH and George W Smailey AN ACCIDENT AT RICHMOND Men Fatally ori by H Fall RICHMOND Va v LancMand Paterson William Johnson and two eel seed men were b n th a taPing ceaffold at the building the VirginIa Carolina Chemical Company this morning Mr Paterson and Mr hay s reeetved fractures of the skull and cannot recover The colored men had I gs and arms broken WILLIAMS INQUEST TOMORROW Date of the Late llttok Merchant Funeral Aot let Ifixcd The re iue t in the laM of Ablert K Williams who was killed by a car on the Metropolitan line at the corner of Ninth and K Streets tawt night win be held tomorrow morning at 11 at the New Jersey Avenue police station By permission of the Coroner the body was this morning removed to the establishment of Course V Wise SJM U Street northwest where It was prepared for burial Funeral arrangement have not as yet been completed bwt it i likely that the funeral will take place Friday from the late residence of Mr Williama bill Tenth Street northwest Mr Williams was six tyf teht years of age and years had been one of the most prominent heeL merchants in the city THE SHOOTING JT7STIPIABLE- liiK of a Nasal Hoard Secretary Long has approved the find- ing of the board appointed to enquire into the shooting of Seaman Miner an escaping by Private Kdward r Hurley United States Marine Carps which occurred OH the OM Dominsna Line wharf New York on September JR held lug that the killing of Miner was justi- fiable homicide Hurley who baa beei under Imprison Meat at Norfolk will b released by or- der of the Secretary of the Navy WON BY THE REPUBLICANS They Curry Colorado by 9imtll M- ajority DENVER CoL Nov Late election returns show that Colorado as a whole has gone Republican by a small majority although several of contain- ing big are Democratic Arapahoe county Is pruiMbty 3M Demo- cratic Teller county te Pemocratle by a small plurality Pueblo Kl Paso and Lake eountie are safely Republican IICNt IatU ICIIu lined lAW u t iua l I 1 b i Cir to Its of Ut Lorando claim within a axed lie which Is at that port is ready to for Nov I Mr TIle War Secretory that every Nt no f1IIMtIIt ran Inhabitants of a i j A CuafcreRcoc she tit care held at k denounce luC n oIdIor Oiat B OO O star liner arrin this tiI TIM ii urjy J Two h H Inc S KffJoI I crushed 4 I northwest o clock fur Secretary tkt Find bars Prisoner It Ute Ca- blegram days erieun bowel re- fuse demand mU South were stale s gets country from Gladhiek yesterday was Jon ph rud The aerman uItevaltie AIvALeP Rev Oceanic morning tug- S tinned len Mia their under- taking 1ong Aiipriaves counties cities per < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < ¬ ¬ ¬ > Cfcfef CmiiMe ftw Scklcj Muk Pithy Keferc eacd to by the Commander of the PlytnK- S t a Ir n Did III Duty JSttcotlvcly- ami C itherlne Sarcasm for LIeutenant Ilrlxtwl tke Court of Enquiry It wnw a re- markable iJuss finvectal and logical He attends by the Oovrt amt a ecwwA- f speetatora He bad MM Hw time the Court nwjswrned for a 1 oclock and When the beginning where be bad aUpp id ynt r day afternoon taking an ainia 9 M- m the precept Honor for the Brooklyn- In discussing the of tbe Broaf- clyas tern he said ing south are aU mocmsbrm baa bees here untqaJvotsliy that nbe want south Of course she went smaSh JUmr- cooM it be otherwise whoa was la Ute conrse cf her turn Now then tile battle to on Tb Brooklyn steaming toward the enemy to hWMen from her own friends by a saM of smoke Here are four of Ute enemy ships attempting to sink our great embv- cn But fortunately the Spaniards knew nat low to shoot It was urovMuatml Had they known how to snoot Cammsilarj- SchKy would not now be before a te this He would aot have lived to teU this lie would bate died on the God There was no apparent support K at this time Suddenly through tbat wall of smoke there appeared the white bows of a ship A little Utter the sate herself appears Then tbe wvrate Mug front mouth That to the God bless her Ah well could these gal tent nmttors have said God Oregon the witnesses here all tell story about this turn What is tile sane f diseaasing such testimony as that Is a unanimity of testimony from Use men who saw what Brooklyn did that day lbs man who Hd not know the moa wise bad that of smoke between them and tbe Brooklyn have made suggestions ae- eratser There to one thing to which my learned friend on the other aide baa m and that is the writing of the lyns log The man wrote It it here before MS In exactly the orm be lIBel written It How can Captain nkytar or Captain anybody else who was five miles away tell as what the Stash lyn did How futile It Is to get oMnin to swear who baa worn that one of the Saanteb na- tatea hint it was the parnant nf Ae- TAc M Attttn Cellaqw 2 aw ossnta the safcjtct of 0w- sy batwreea the naimaisnj- Hodgson I really feel ashamed anything about tt I believe as tile modore has said that hfr Hodavon Mss Meant to tell the truth But he ha laid a different story every time be ban ed his mouth In co tbe reported colloquy He q Hrocally that it did not oecav If It ROt occur then what to tIM a making a detailed denial He saya It 4U not occur That conversation never have occurred If It bad Hodgaoa irnulil have gone down front the bring ta the hatches on the instant I do not know how this a story of a colloquy between a ate executive relation to the f tbe T yon will read the log of the captain af that ship and his public statements all questions you will come to taw that there was only ut on that day I mean the bow off another ana raked nnVa You would naturally suppose tbat a everyone of them Yea ItesM was danger of a collision The captains own statement shows that there was get of a collision Captain Clark teattttotl to that The Iowa came near runnig Into the Texas Continuing Captain Parker brought out a new thought tending to show that It was in reality the Iowa Instead of tke Brooklyn which came near colttdtag wWi the Texas and he said tile only way IfcJ could account for Hodgsons this matter was that te an the teKc two incidents mixed He then the testimony of Admiral Evans shuiutei that that officer had said his navteatab bad called attention to the danger of the battle In conclusion Captain Parker said Now that brings me to the close and have but one word more to Admiral Schly You alt know whet R is and what It has been There te not on man wi h the exception of this ed Potts who contradict his own In respect to had tbe em here and suggest one word to ttet- aertfanent of Admiral Schleys rhararttr We know you know the country Iras urn what the character of Admiral Sebtey baa been You know that devotion to deny has been his guiding principle naaer a circumstances and everywhere and T to say of what be said in dosing bte evidence about tIN officers and men his command which of himself be of coarse could not say that on that nay you were Impressed with the fact that ba with the oMeerii and men who were in that struggle futaUed te lbs and noblest degree the of the American As soon aa Captain Parker MIll ed Contain Lrmly amnmnctil that MR- K yaer would follow Mr RaynerN OpcntHK Mr Rayner prefaced his renaatfks by crt for making any argnsaeajfc at said be could not enlighten C upon tile issues of tbe case thought he might lighten Ute the Court H until purpose ant ba and would be to abide closely by sneciflcatlons of such points as would the Court from the trouble of going over tbe great of testimony in tbe case He paM n rat to Mr Hanna upon the he hud presented kin argvsaent and expressed his thanks to the with which he had treated te the ease He said that they lead tonaarttnt the ease with Judicious impartiality lie then that t did that the speed was ten knot think that settles it Attention has been called to the fact by my learned heather that the Iowa made tatter that she arrived at In snorter ttetef after living Key Went than tha- wtnadrtir btt the Iowa went apanml tb northern coast of Cuba and Aitesteat- Schley encountered the oppoaMc of the Calf Stream 1 shall DOt take an these ht regular order I will eon Xe 1 Va Flooring Stilt 2 100 L I 1 Jik LiLU X CO HAYR1 IWQUlKT S1 lilt Declarations Court ee lCRftalr ma Large AtlJRe lIe lCaphnai e hew Mr Rayner this morning We- ia behalf of Admiral Sekieg to willa harps the at expects opened this Captain Father his bject stories about tllle It- t case He would In a mary t they did not know how to Brooklyn from the rest of tile Cook t to those who were on buard w were ave miles there any danger TIle t to sink the That put 1 1 subject Mr Hodpon a pt laM r rouSt story teaM have Vt up except Ia one way Is aoR ramming It present Usa it was be wlllo shot the stern GE t the r which followed the battle rest rem Into the Texas at the tIIIat Is In regard to the general Itwho think we can with e1 to yea that e owed an IIIL lie the t his which and for the n I will not dwell on the journey Kt West to It not tt0a8 of the and ewa I think Ute point an fltk lon ue- tfr Captain bin tel tinsony In to a M tinder full to the best of his they r time Mtn BIll J per J If PA Fsreefitl Argwent the busty ba ix- gameat be- fore icz wa listened rhud core of- ten opedlicadons if prempe at asosne io coneinde seaMan r continued asgnsainIt and Theae snshlyn abe be soldiers grave spot soei ibselt the dust blem iii- ow Thee the red placed away fratu- Whirt was squadron fleaklyn has beeg In ugqmopt iit ist uai cem ogen e- nte mnke del saM er of a vessel and In un eon chaste wmisai 055 destroyed don bq had run- ning beg1ng at say and character 1 man an es in- come safety lab 4ar en- gaged highest saying apoi Is the ho sr the the precept aelt save mass ama ma- in judge ad- vocate assLtant Inims began from Ciemifuegu Is in irecept nt- it una testimony upon abs settles about men Higginton says in amwcr question yea proceed speed Cianfesgen did ent ¬ < < > >

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Page 1: Gribe fveuin mimeJi€¦ · WASHINGTON WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER G 1901 PJUCE OXE CENT Gribe fveuin mimeJi NUMBER 1957 THE DEFEAT Of TiUMiHY Lows Plurality for Mayftr fNew York 2fiSldIK-


Gribe fveuin mimeJiNUMBER 1957


Lows Plurality for Mayftr f NewYork 2fiSldIK-

ftiwtilMtM Gct Kvcry Imitftstaitt Oflice IH he Ity JITHJHO RBHB-

Alientt if ItU Ticket Crokcr Hlnm-od f r Ov rl vl nI c Itwwt I

AViyrwniMM IHrce A I5ej ortTbHt Will He Jfixjiclletl Unlesw-Me Uelrc frHUt the OrprHHi Kti M

NEW YORK Nov Complete revisedreturns show that Seth Low has beenelected Mayor oC New York by a plurality f M He carried aft tbe counties in

thy except Queens which he lost byonly te votes

Low beat Sbepard ta Manhattan andthe Bronx by tMI ran dead ofSbenard te Brooklyn XJ3 His ptttralRyin Ricbmond was 771 The great vote forLow IP Manhattan ami the Bronx te ahar blow for Tammany These twoImraogk constituting New York countyusanlly Kin a normal Tammany majority of feet t MMH

Tile ynstontete captured every IMportant aMce in the city Croker had claimedNew York county by at least 4MH andhe lost It together with all the othercowttfe except Queens where Ute localcciaHtlons prevented Fusion at the verybeginning of the campaign But when-

ever Tammany succeeded to saving a can-

didate U wee by trittlng pluralitiesTbe treat antiTammany vote in New

York county enabled the Republicans togate three assemblymen Tammany elect-

ing enly twentyfive of the thirtyliveOne of the most interesting and re-

markable features of the election was thefact Unit Justice Jerome the Fusion can-

didate for District Attorney in New Yorkcounty and the yuan who wee marked byTammany for slaughter ran 3J6S votesaMM sf Low Hi total vote wee KS tt-

1MW for Urger bin Tammanyrive

Femes Fttafon candidate for Presidentof Ua Iteard of Aldermen had a plurality air it ta Manhattan and the Bronx

1OM S vote to B17SI for VanHo S n Hoesen ran bebted tickct 47 T and Fomee ran behind only Kl-

Tl pUH kie ta MaabattaN and theraax f the three Fusion candidates on

tIN city ticket completed are as follows

i Qt Grout 14681 and Fornes SM4

Haw well Democrats sapoorted FusionJoXaabattan borough to seen by the factthat Cantor for borough prewtdent reeeKnnl a plurality of W4SK Cantor was

by the Ofeater 3 w Tork Dnnocraey ofwhich John C Sbeehan is leader Can-tors fun vote was 139a against 1 8237for From me

Tammany carried Bronx Borough hy aplurality of 14 v for Haffen for boroughprosMent Hn fen rrceived VtJHt votes to

tot WeHMThe Fasten candidate for presMent of

the Brooklyn Borough Swanstrom re-ceived MMM votes a plurality of 1XWover Urteg

In Richmond Borottah CromwMI FusioncandMsie for president received 1st phi

i elected DemocraticcamiMaCt for presMent by 3JK plurality

Tammany elected all six coroners taManhattan cod the Bronx Queens electedtwo Fusion Coroners Richmond electedone Democratic and out Fusion coroner

The overwhelming defeat of Van Wyekfor the Supreme Court beach was due tohis connection with the Ice Trust which

attempted to monopoltee the city supplyand t the antagonism of the Bar Asso-ciation which publicly denounced him astaiissJeiniiirty unit for the oOfceFour good men have been sent to the

Supreme Court bench They are M JOBrien who ran on both tickets J ABlanchard J P Clarke and SamuelOtcenbaum

The defeat of Tammany to one of theworst it has suffered in its history It isdrives out of the city and county officeand many political reputations and

go down to oblivion in its Themon of the organization who will sufferby this defeat are today intensely bitter

The rank and Ale as welt as the districtleaner of Tammany say that Crokershun Is to blame for defeat It is alsoopenly threatened that unless he retireswhen the committees meet ta Decemberto reorganize his name will be droppedfrom membership which would be equiv-

alent to forcible expulsionTIle practical politicians of Tammany

today say frankly enough that publicoptaioa would no longer tolerate Deverylees by which is meant the career of Wil-

liam S Devery as deputy police commis-sioner and could not endure the attemptto put Van Wyek on the bench of theSupreme Court but Croker put them intopower and sustained them against theprotest of the best politicians ta the organisation He has lived in England untilbe to no longer in touch with publictlment la tbte city Ftw nun In the organteation dared to tell him the truthand those who spoke plainly were rebuff-ed The men who nattered him were thefavored and today every practical poli-

tician ta Tammany says that Croker aloneis respocMMe for the crushing defeat ofyesterday

running further behind hte ticket thanany other man ever nominated for otnceby Tammany In IMS when Mayor VanWyek removed two Republican policecoin inlsslns era in order to pave the wayfor tbe elevation of Devery to the elliotof chief of police he made a speech InIda sMIce predicting that when he ranfor Jadietal ofnee be would be eIected byn 9 majority Instead he ran tar behind hto ticket and was snowed under by

SM votesIn Kings county the regular ocganlia

lies dominated by Hugh Mclaughlinwill tar two years June no patronage inthe city or the borough

TIM most hopeful Tammany men e

only trouble ahead for the next two yearsThe organisation will not only be withoutpatronage hut will be powerless In thenext State convention The CrokerMc-IjiufthlinMurphy combination that wasta mroi of Ute Demoeiatlc State ComnUtUe crumbled like a house of cards inthe detest of ycnierday It lit predictedtbat DVM B Hill will promptly resumethe JSiaU leadership of the party and willcontrol the next State convention

TOPEKA Ka Nw Republi-cans were generally successful through-out Kansas yesterday The elections werefor county eommlssionrrs and minor of-

fices and only a light vote was polled

IlymiN HuMliicMN College Sib uiul 1C-

SborttewA TrpewrHiiic a

nuc t Wwl nude at Ctii j N V t aw

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lie IiI jBs c the C m TammanyHulls

Srnator Platt mine to Washington lastnight t ittend the wedding of GeneralCorbin today He is highly pleased withthe result of the elcetlon in New Yorkand although not jurprised that Lowwon th Senator save that be had noidea the majority would be so large

organization of Greater New Yorkhe saM It came to the beto of theLord against the mighty with a greatsolid phalanx of votes

Asked cs to the cause of the politicalupheaval the Senator said

In a word Croker by the arbitrary useof the great power conferred upon hintfour years ago aroused the people torighteous anger His Insistence upon Uteretention of Dtvery hia insistence thatnone except his own followers and hench-men should be giVeR office and bbs manyother impolitic actions brought about Msdownfall and that of the organizationof which he head Crofcer admhilntratior gave no incentive or expec-tation of anything to hewas a Croker Democrat It aroused thepeople to wrath end when the people arearoused something is sure to happenThe election demonstrates the great in-dependence of the of New Yorkwhen once they are thoroughly arousedand in this connection too much praisecannot be given the prom of Greater NewYork that almost without exceptiongave a splendid aid to the cause of

I believe Seth Low will glee to thepeople a good honest businesslike ad-ministration and if he does this sail isjudicious in the disposal of th patronage-it ought to be possible to keep TammanyHan out of power for a longer period thantwo years

1 have no doubt that had Mr Shrpardbeen elected he would have removedDevery ami cleared out the objec-tionable Tammany officials I jo notthink he would have been a tool of CrokerBut the tact that he allowed himself toaccept a nomination front Croker con-demned hai with the people

I have no doubt that Mr Low willtreat the Republican organisation fairlyThe Republican leaders sir assured me a

ago that they would pull true forLow and they did

Senator Platt was asked what hethought of Mr Jeromes attack upon himin his speech at Iakvilte last night OI dont care anything about him repliedthe Senator contemptuously I dontwant to talk about it


The 3InyurICI K JH a Trip to

NEW YORK Nov C Seth Low was upearly this morning and In a very happyframe of mind When seen at Us3N East Sixtyfourth Street be said Iam naturally very much delighted withthe result It could not have been expect-ed that th result could have been other-wise I am especially delighted with theelection of Justice Jerome lie agallant fight and he deserves Ute successhe has won New York has a mag-nificent showing

Asked regarding his health he saidI feel splendid I have suffered no ill

eXerts from my week in the campaignXr Low said that h would give out aformal statement later in the day

Mr Low arranged to leave for GreatHarrington Mass at 3 oclock this after-noon accompanied by Mm Low He ex-pects to return on Tuesday Next hut MMplans are not yet definitely decided liehad a doien visitors this morning before9 oclock

Of the scores of telegrams and cablemessages of congratulation Mr Low tinsbeen able to answer only a few Theycame front all parts of the country fromCanada and England The following tele-gram was received from the President mWashington

1 congratutetQ the city even moretriumph of the forces


ME CHOKER PERTURBEDThe Tniiitittiiiy ciitlvr ItcfiiH-

DixMi K lila Future CourseNEW YORK Nov C Richard Croker

when seen at the Democratic Club thismorning appeared to I very angry overthe reports that he night formallyabdicated the leadership of TammanyHalt in favor of John F CarrolL lie saidthat the newspapers had not reported himcorrectly and that the words which wereattributed to latin were not uttered byMm

No conversation took place said MrCroker with some asperity It is truethat I went across t Enms restaurantin company with Senator Sullivan andsome others after we saw that the re-

turns had geese against as hot I saidnothing about abdicating I reZone to saywhat was the subject of our conversa-tion

Is It true Unit you intend to returnto England soon and to renaia therehe was asked

I refuse to reply to saclt questionsWhat do you think of the result of the

election rI have nothing mac to say about Ute

election AN I wtok to My I said lastnight

Then you are sot solas la give tpthe leadership of Tammany JJmm are

I have nothing further to say for publibation

THE NEW YORK STATE RESULTn i iibliciiu Sure of nt I IIH Xinvty


lBINGHAMTON X Y Nov CTheChairman of the State R publican Com-mittee George W Dunn when Interviewrd in regard to the sweeping victory forthe fusion ticket in New York and theAssembly results throughout the State

It is a glorious victory one thatwill completely overwhelm Tammany la-the matter of Assembly elections It iahard to say anything at present In viewof the Incomplete returns I have here-a telegram which states that Erastus CKnight has been elected Mayor of theDemocratic city of Buffalo by major-ity and that we have carried six of theAssembly districts in that city when weonly counted upon three Gains of thiskind teem to have been made all overthe State and in the rural districts theparty and the people have seemed to be inaccord with Governor OdeUs wise policyand have shown their appreciation of hiseffort in their behalf by electing strongRepublican majority in the Assembly

We were sure of electing Ml hut frompresent indications we have electednearer 100 Republican Assemblymen

TIme llemilt In IloclicxterROCHESTER Nov lRodenbeck Re-

publican was chosen Mayor f this cityby seventysix plurality winning hi themost acrimonious municipal campaignever wa d here The Republicans re-gain control of the council 11 to9 and of the board of supervisor by 3to JC-

Kloorlnu only r tier 1OO ft andaU dot width Vile frjrd i l u


I am iroud of the work of the

















vote is

to1ialzincI nsetts



than I do you the overwhelming



























Incomplete Ketivms Indicate aDemocratic Victory

Seven Precincts Yet to lie HeardVvttw Kcsrlfilalnrc Prnlintill SRfo ItCHHlillcaiiM Slake n-

CICHH Sivcc in City of IlaltiHiorvBALTIMORE Nov ilie new Kloc

tion law passed at the special session ofthe Legislature has delayed the count onthe State election so that at noon todayall precincts were not to Seven werestill to be heard from

Reports indicate that Ute State te Dem-

ocratic and that the Democrats wfB havea clean working majority Joint ballotin the Legislature in which event exSenator Arthur P Gorman wilt be returnedto the United States Senate to aocee4Mr Wellington

The estimate saw to Democratic dele-gates elected Remiblicans M

Democratic Senators elected Repob-ncats X This leaves lime Senators andseven delegates In doubt There are tenholdover Democratic Senators and threeRepublicans

The Republicans made a dean sweep tathis city They carried it for State Comp-troller and Clerk of the Court of Appealsby tbout They elected the city courtclerks and surveyor

The Democrats elected George Warfleldfor sheriff over Sam Davis by 5 TheRepublican elected sixteen out of theeighteen to the General Assem-My fnm this city and may have theother two when the returns are complete

BEI AIR Md Nov t A full vote waspolled throughout Harford county Bothparties lost OR defective ballots the Republicans suffering the heaviest loss Thevote on the constitutional amendment isvery light and te about evenly dividedThe returns point to the election of theentire Democratic ticket The majoritywill approximate 5W The State ticketwill have a majority of about the aame-

KLL1COTT CITY Md Nov Re-turns from Howard county Indicate aDemocratic plurality of 275 The Demoeiatic Legislative ticket is apparentlyelected by 3 and William 11 Thomasfor judge will get a many or more votes

FREDERICK Md Nov CThe cItetiou passed off very quietly and peacefullyin Frederick city and county In Fred-erick city out of a registered vote ofthere was polled 256 This ratio obtained throughout the county

The Republicans had rooms te theneighborhood of each precinct and

the negroes were allowed to go tothe polls they were taken into the roomand required to mark their ballots to showthat they were competent It Is claim-ed that they were fairly successful Beforethey allowed them to go however theywee all required to make out severalballots

A number of prominent citins destroy-ed their first ballot and had to be forn

tiered many iHterates ballots will bethrown out

Republicans data that they havecarried Frederick county toy 3ui-

ClTtfBERLAND Md Nov C Therewere heavy Democratic gains te Alleganycounty It to believed that the Demo-cratic Senator Delegates leek andcounty commissioners have been elect

SNOW HILL Md Nov theJudgment of Governor Smith Worcesterhas given an unusually large Democraticmajority

U1DGJSLY Md Nov Tile indica-tions are in favor of the electionof the entire Democratic ticket in Caro-lina rounty-

ROCKVILI E M1 Nov Montgom-ery county lane gone Therewas a large number of sta athomes ande Itgures are not yet accurately known

ANNAPOLIS Md Nov Dr WashIgloo G Tuck chairman of the AnneAruniel Republican Central Committeesays Anne Arundel has gone Democraticby a large plurality

HAGKKSiOVVX Md Nov t In allportability Washington will givethe JtepubllcanB about majority TheI roocrat are honerut B Franktheir cannidate for sheriff whoran considerably ahead of his ticket willbe

OAKLAND Md Nov tThe electionin Garrett county was quiet The vote

the lightest in years TheH ublKan plurality is between IOta and

PAGAN DEFEATS SMITHKluvtetl Mayor of fcrjicy City 1 y

About SOO VoteJERSEY CITY N J Nov fcMark M

Fagan has been elected Mayor of JerseyCity by a majority of about SW votes Hedefeated George T Smith Eastern Agentof the Pennsylvania Railroad Company

Mr Fagan has proved unique as a cam-paigner Ills methods have been abso-lutely novel From the morning followinghis nomination October 19 until midnighton Monday he spent his days and nightsin conducting a personal canvass Hewould start out early ta the morning andmapping out a section of the city wouldcanvass It systematically and talk withas many men as he could meet lIe wouldenter stores and with the permission ofemployers would enter workshops andfactories and talk with the men lIecovered the principal factories the railroad yards and the docks He asked noman to vote for him but he talked to allon the issues at stake in the campaignand merely asked that the voters conHider well the quallncatlons of tint two

and as they thought bestfor the interests if the taxpayers


Denimrat AVIii In Several luipo-3Iunlciiml Content

NEW HAVEN Conn Nov C Returnsfrom all tine towrn in the State were re-ceived today and it was learcod that ofthe M la the State 1st chose Republicandelfg tes to the State CorsUtutionsI Con-vention 41 selected Democrats and 14

selected Citizen and nonpartisan cameldates

There were three surprises In Waterbury W Kellogg Republicanwho for ninny years has repeatedly fath-ered all attempts to revise the constitu-tion was defeated by his Democratic opimnent and thus deprived of participation-in the working out of the new constitu-tion which he has so persistently held tobe necessary

In Anrotiia a Democrat defeated Chart sKrocker the Republican National

C mmitt eman for Connecticut while inIlridgeport Dankl DavenportAilei W Paige one of the most widelykiowa of the Republican leaders in Falrttfld county Two cities of the State AaM nla and IJrWgcport weld elections andriirprtses developed in both eases In AK-Konla Stephen Charters candidate of the

and was chosn mayor by an unusual majority IH

Bridgeport the Democrats also scored a-

notartle in the city contentcrt Mulvihill being elected mayor

IlonrtlM if 1 15 per





I limbed tile second it Is be






candidates ote


I Labor


Norfolk teJlnboat ConupUvI tri 110 p m foot

tt to Old Joist Norfolkand port Central Ticket C6loe-Bille lith at S y aYe 1JloM 2Ci-

GUrtucd nnunnnlet L t4fll ok ev











t Vniililiiatoadslly st iro-

th Virylab escew News


2x1 JiLtey























Late FlKiire Fail to Cnrtull theDcmucrntlc Vtt Isi Virginia

RICHMOND Va Nov Advices re-

ceived at the bpttdqnrtent of the StateDemocratic Committee ia this city todayshow that the Democrato have carriedthe State by no smaller majority thanthat indicated in the statement given outby the committees chairman J Tayicr-Kllyson late last night Montagues ma-jority will not be less than MJW and mayreach the 460W mark

Richmond was today the seat of con-viviality and enthucmssx growing out ofyesterdays election Mr Montague theGovernorelect lied a public reception inhis offices in the State Library Buildingthroughout the morwtea He to the pres-ent Attcrncy General of Virginia and isone of the few mea m this State whohave ascended from that once to thatGovernor Mr Montaaiw remarked to-day that his majority over Tire was evenlarger than he hail expected it would be

It is claimed several Cities and eouatie that the negroes not vote

for the reason Utat they believedtheir ballets would nC he counted Es-pecially is this claimed m Appomattoxand the counties nomi msjg what hiknown s the Black Belt IN PetersburgMontague polled 1318 votes while therewere cast for Hogs KL Tim city of Pe-tersburg and DtawWdie cwuaty elected tothe General Assembly W B Mcllwainefor the Senate and R B Davis and C TLaaeiter Democrats for tile House Dinwiddie county also U the HouseA M Morgan DemocrtC whose majorityis about 5W

Colonel Hoge the Ke aUlican nomineefor Governor had claimWI that be wouldcarry the city and county of Roanoke inwhich city he had resided for many yearsbut he failed to do so by HO votes Alex-andria In which city lIege recently made-a stirring speech incrimtnatHtg the Demo-cratic party in Virginia gave Montaguea majorty of 7 In Cutpeper MadisonOrange and Rappahanaoelc counties theDemocratic ticket was elected toy a largemajority although there Was a slight re-

duction of the vote in of thein the latter county

A peculiar feature in withthe election in Prince Edw rd county thehome of exGovernor Hef enney wasthe absence 01 the nearo lenin the pollsPrince Edward i in the heart of the BlackBelt Orange county gave the Democrat-ic ticket a mtiHrfity of whileeven Wlnchetrt went Democratic by asafe majority le pite the urge ailingoff in the

It has teamed today that liegesmajority in Rockingham i aiy is teasthan SO This Bounty lain m Republi-can stronghold At theseat of the Inlversity of JTMrsAiia thereappears to be a decreawd Democraticmajority Montague carrW tke vlty by28 as compared with 3 T ler fouryears ago ThIs i nrroqnMif ter by rea-son of an interest and rnthnsiama among the negroes tide place tovote the Republican ticket

The most signal fact ia connection withthe Virginia election of is thatMontague carried his own b a ma-jority of lflM out of a total Tote of 1WAt Lyncbburg the DemocrAa won by 812majority while at XeWM ri vWws Mon-tague had a ma jot Ity of Ss R pub-licans succeeded in carryMkr ockhrktgeand Buena Vista State Kgintalive tickets by a iaJortay of 100 Twodisturbances occurred Wefcllriage yes-terday in which three men JBBSC injurednone seriously however smnandoahwith several precincts to fed heard fromhas given hinge a Sf 75S while mSuffolk the Democratic btthan for many years The rat In WeM

county was gYliege 30 with tofrom which will nilg



PH1IADEIPHIA Nov R formrsin this city are obliged tn seek coM olatim in rtadingr the repeats vo4 inNew York In Philadelphia Fusiontetswere defeated by majurtti from250W to and in the Ifitte at Urgethe Republican ticket w stfcrough hyabout the game majorities The Demo-cratic party practically Hs i d fromthe State and city In Pfctfajetpfcia theDemocrats only polled 70 K of the2C W votes cast The iiwemt In theelection is shown by the l that thetotal vote in this city aM greaterthan ever before even ia sylr mti ciitialyear

The Fusion newrpafwrt jisjtlsaate that3SMO illegal votes were t tL hi PMadlelphia They declare that JK i Jetton wasa carnival of fraud


Vanh Itcctecteil liy-

COLIMBVS Ohio Nov GovernorNash is reelected Hy apii uateuitely Wt W

majority an Increase in riaaX numbersof more than h reoei f two yearsago Republican gains are in ev-ery county in the State wMi the excep-tion of Franklin Demo-cratic counties an Mercer 4etby andSeneca Joined in the story Democraticlosses and every county Ajanved doubt-ful as to legislative has Joinedthe Republican column TlnVjaaJority onJoint ballot will not be ilk than nftyvotes thus insuring the ittum of Sena-tor J B Foraker The Detawfratie chair-man Mr Dougherty lssue a statementconceding the reelection oCXasfc by notless than 5MOO majority

The Republican majority in Hamiltoncounty te above the 1O mark in spiteof the claim that Nash w M be badlycut on account of hi attKsMte on theprteenght iue ti n and entire Re-publican legislative ticket tb tins even-a larger majority In Luoatr eonnty an-other supposed core tfar UoverncrNash the Republicans won 2i ah carry-Ing the county and the entftr Midstetivcticket In Cuy hosa county t e Demo-crats have elected the eat legislativeticket Inlvenwl und Uraw Republicangains are the story of the cov-ering every Section of the wherecauses contributed t the emorulhtatkm


Charles 1 Kimni ln the Tiren-tyruiirth AVW York IlKirlv

WATERTOWN N Y NoW CharlesU Knapp Republican of Lswvllle 1

elected Representative ta the Twentyfourth Congressional dlstrtet 0ver ColW II Powell Democrat by the usualRepublican majority of the Matrfct

James F Pappa ItewubMcan to electedmayor of this city by a majority of 222over Robert Landing Democrat after oneof the most hotly contested campaigns forthe mayoralty ever cond thiscity Mr Pappa aiutMrned mayoraltyupon the death of WIther f Porter lastMay


IatricU J Jlynn Itlocteil Inyor ofItllznlicth X J

ELIZABETH N J Nov lPatrickJ Ryan Ute Democratic candidate hasbeen electeu mayor of this city hy a plurality of 7S2 The council will re-

main Democratic y H to IsDr Victor RcanfcUcsn was

defeated for Alderman in a Strong Demo-cratic ward by 1 vow The ifctwrna showstrong Democratic gates in this city

1X12 IlrlKht lidiirdM Still 91RO ncr1 Q It lulu deed 6th rd N Y ate







Theboth and


land MI


Reliulleaiis Make H SWJ










4k yester-day









epueco beartntrease

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of thethe

tpruzlinatehy-io000 3lujsrIt

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Expresses S itIsihcti N Over lUpKl-

Jie n Victories

lej civf Callers R the AVhite-GovcrHwr Ijiys K

The President today received a largenumber of callers who visited tbe WhitRouse to congratulate him on the resultsof yesterdays election To all Mr Roose-velt expressed his satIsfaction over thegeneral Republican victories throughouttbe country He was especially gratMed-

at the of election ta New YorkTIle President left tile White Hanae at

a few minutes before K t attend Ute Cr-binPatten wedding

Senator Depew was among Ute earlycallers at the White house today Heexchanged congratulations with tile Pres-ident upon the great Fnahm victory taYew York Senator Depew saM tbat be-

came to Wanwingtoa to attend the CorMnPatteit wedding The Senator addedthat the result of tile election ia GreaterNew York yesterday could not be re-

garded as a potttleal victory bat was theoverthrow f misrule by forces whichhave been gatbering for years

It was Senator Depews opinion thatnearly all of the members of be policeand fire departments of New York votedthe Democratic ticket on account of thecoercion or persecution of the rank andlilt by tile petty BBIctia those higherin authority

One thing which contributed largelyto the Fume triumph said Senator Depew was the revelation made by theCommittee of Fifteen which exposed Utecrooked method of the city administra-tion to an extent acre r before known tahistory Then there was another revoltbecause favorites secured MOt tile citywork There was practically tried Allthe good things went to a single architect-or a single builder The campaign wascomparatively cheap when the results at-tained are eonnkkred the womenraised fund for the siwort of the Fusion

Joseph H Cboate tile StatesAmbassador to Great Britain and Secre-tary Hay were the Presidents guests atluncheon today Afterward these

conferred with the President for aconsiderable time presumably In regard-to the Isthmian canal treaty

Senator Platt of New York will prob-ably confer with the President tonightwith regard to Federal appointments in-

stated that be would net consider theInited States appointments until afterthe election It to understood that he isnow ready to give the matter attention

Governor Stone of PVnncylvaate paidhis respects to President Roosevelt thicmorning and conversed with him aboutthe election The result te Philadelphiaand Pennnylvaaia wa expected untilGovernor Stone who appearedgratified The city PbUadetpsJhi teji-wellgoverned rity and the Keyatoa C sn7-

moawealtb is a wellgoverred tAte andthe people of the State know H

More ships now being built in thiscountry than ever before said SenatorFoster of Washington as be left theWhite Hacse today I aotit krjov thatthere wIll necessarily be seat for employascnt of the subsidy Idea

Senator Foster wW be vtroalincnil iden-tified with the shipping bttt trgtebuion atthe coming session of CongrcitK It helor advocate a subsidy sthtme it will

be in ties form of a bill provMitis for cargotonnage bounties which Till receive hissupport

Two aonreservatten Navajo Indiansfrom Arizona were presented to the Pres-ident teday by W R Johnson an Indianmissionary Their names are TeetCaecNetal SLd DanaWasa

David J Leahy of Raton N M a for-mer oaVer of the Rough Riders calledon the President this morning and encloned the candidacy of Governor Oterofor reappoiatment as Territorial Gov-ernor of New Mexico

Representative Growvenor and 3Warren Keller of Ohio called at tbeWhite House today to ray their respectsto the President Generals Gruevenor andKeifer were Jubilant over result ofyesterdays elections ta the BuckeyeState

Among others who called at theHouse today were Senator Pritcbard ofNorth Carolina Charles Bryan ofIllinois and Representative JonesWashington


DES MOINES la Nov Late citethan returns snow that Iowa went Re-publican yesterday by the highest plurali-ty in the history of tile State probably

0 This was in the face of a lightvote

A B Cwwmtos and the entire Stateticket was elected The State Legislature-is overwhelmingly Republican in bothbranches

The State ticket elected Is as followsGovernor Albert B Cummins LieutenantGovernor John Herriott Supreme Judge-S M Weaver Railroad Oommbndomr-E C Brown Superiiittndent of SchoolsR C Barrett


IleinililitHHH AlulorloiiH AH Prin-cljial Iolnto In the State

SALT LAKE CITY Utah Nov CTboentire Republican ticket in this city bead-ed by Ezra Thompson for mayor waselected yesterday by majorities of fromM to 151

Throughout the State the Republicanswere victorious at all rincipal points


Ills Political llcfcat CHHMC liHthtiM-iaMii In Ioutloii

LONDON Nov Th news of the de

mild sensation among tbe Englishmen in14 nd n where the gigantic nature ofthe Tammany nan organisation is onyfaintly uitdertttootl outside of newspapercirclesFarseeing people are inclined to

New York on the removal ofthe Old Man of the S a Interest inthe however Is gra lnally growingand the evening papers give considerableprominence to the rtsult

LONDON Nov In court today SirFrederick George Milner was awarded averdict of and costs against theMessrs Lumtey the auctioneerf let

Ms to a Mm Brady withoutmaktag certain eiHiuiries as to her

The afterward natiaedSir Frederick that Bmdy had teasedthe house with the object of introducingtwo wealthy Americans to society

Jour 91 cacti AVliItt Plate 1 1 luainaily painted Libliej It Co


Senator unit Lent laRReclIftwsc

fcec-ecal ret

result the



York u Ike President






Iowa CRrrled tli by-41tHt UtIOOtJ


teat of Croktmm In New York caused a





Stone illsN Still SublIies




New liouis p





lii IIeliulhICaikM


Verdict AgaInst the Imiiiileya
















State DcpartmeHt X tIHe4 That theUnit In Ilwarly JCxfteeteti

The State Department has received afrom K H Conger Minister to

China conftrmtag the repc t that Lt Hsms-Cmug to dying and that ie end to ex-

pected every barrThe oMMat despatches fir several

have reported U Ifang Clt ag aa-

ly Ml with trouble hoc not MMthis morning was there any weBfomMl4 belief that he would not recover Mr

Congers despatch shows that a suddenchange for the worse has taken place


Not AVllllHsr to Yield IH All Pointsthe French

PARIS Nov t Through curvespcndent at Vienna the Echo d Parishas learned that the Sultan presided ureathe sexdon of the Turkish Council whichwas held on Monday The Vienna corre-spondents advice from Constantinoplestate that It Is considered certain in oM-

efati circle there that the Snttaa will notgive satisfaction on all the potato de-manded by the French t-

It to Mated that Abdul Unsaid wiltto give guarantees for the paymewt

rind and wilt also that X ConMans the former Frencli Ambassador toTwit y shall sot return to Constanti-nople

A Toulon despatch to the Maim saysthe French Mediterranean squadron

the Levant whither Admiral CaJnardTssquadron has gone at the shortest no-tice


An ISxiilanatloa of the AfrleaDetention CHIIIII

LONDON Bmtrtefc Sec-retary of War writing to the Bishop ofRochester In regard to the mortality tathe refugee camps in South Africa statestbat certain recommendations of the La-dies Conmttesten which was Wilt there toInvestigate tbe matter have been adoptedMr Broarfck say the teas of life has beenmainly due to enema Incident to the warMany families were Hidad and snort offood before they came in and unableto combat disease when they were at-tacked

thing possible Js being done for tbe reInsecure the

citationwhen a small number of d prate menare sparing no means to rvwd r it unhabitable


Cull UH H L Hhera n Clersry 4 t

COLOGNE Nov t At n nureb confer

decided to eaU apcn the entire Luthera-eiergy to the of theBritish in South AfekA and the alanderoue utterances of Chamberlain the British Colonial rcr ary te-

t 0e

similar actloti

The White Star IlH r fHke HerPastett URn

NKW YORK The great White

from Uverpool sitS Qwe nat wn havingmade the run acr in the b tit tim Usesteamer ever made ftnt 4x ivlfc tihours and lIly mmutrA tier darw re 7 9K 4M C 31 MX raid 9Mtotal distance 27H knots Her speedyrun was without avail for a tier arrivalat Quarantine Dr XMty detained theship in order to clearly inspect the crewand steerage passengers because of theexistence of bubonic plague at Uvern L

The New York Central RailroadR CaOoway met the UcvaMc at Qnmr

amine and took off W K VaaderbtU andhis friend W S Ilort TIM steamer willprobably be released hetare noonHon Mm George KeiH l on tileOceanic because r husband K iii ofscarlet fever Among the other passen-gers were Right lion the Karl f Aibemerle August BeLmont AlexanderBrown Robert H Senor DonSegundo Mei lex ftlr harks KMH andGeorge W Smailey


Men Fatally ori by H Fall

RICHMOND Va v LancMandPaterson William Johnson and two eelseed men were b n th a taPingceaffold at the building the VirginIaCarolina Chemical Company this morning

Mr Paterson and Mr hay s reeetvedfractures of the skull and cannot recover

The colored men had I gs and armsbroken


Date of the Late llttok MerchantFuneral Aot let Ifixcd

The re iue t in the laM of Ablert KWilliams who was killed by a car on theMetropolitan line at the corner of Ninthand K Streets tawt night winbe held tomorrow morning at 11

at the New Jersey Avenue police stationBy permission of the Coroner the bodywas this morning removed to the

establishment of Course V WiseSJM U Street northwest where It wasprepared for burial

Funeral arrangement have not as yetbeen completed bwt it i likely that thefuneral will take place Friday from thelate residence of Mr Williama bill TenthStreet northwest Mr Williams was sixtyf teht years of age and years hadbeen one of the most prominent heeLmerchants in the city


liiK of a Nasal HoardSecretary Long has approved the find-

ing of the board appointed to enquire intothe shooting of Seaman Mineran escaping by Private Kdwardr Hurley United States Marine Carpswhich occurred OH the OM Dominsna Linewharf New York on September JR heldlug that the killing of Miner was justi-fiable homicide

Hurley who baa beei under ImprisonMeat at Norfolk will b released by or-der of the Secretary of the Navy


They Curry Colorado by 9imtll M-ajority

DENVER CoL Nov Late electionreturns show that Colorado as a wholehas gone Republican by a small majorityalthough several of contain-ing big are Democratic

Arapahoe county Is pruiMbty 3M Demo-cratic Teller county te Pemocratle bya small plurality Pueblo Kl Paso andLake eountie are safely Republican

IICNt IatU ICIIu linedlAW u t iua l I 1 b i Cir



of Ut Lorando claim within a axed lie

which Is at that port is ready to for

Nov I Mr

TIle War Secretory that every

Nt no f1IIMtIIt ranInhabitants of a i


A CuafcreRcoc shetit

care held at kdenounce luC

n oIdIorOiat


star liner arrin this





Two h H

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crushed4 I

northwesto clock


Secretary tkt Find














stale s

getscountry from

Gladhiek yesterday was

Jon ph

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RevOceanic morning






1ong Aiipriaves
















Cfcfef CmiiMe ftw Scklcj Muk

Pithy Keferceacd to by

the Commander of the PlytnK-S t a Ir n Did III Duty JSttcotlvcly-ami C itherlneSarcasm for LIeutenant Ilrlxtwl

tke Court of Enquiry It wnw a re-

markable iJuss finvectal andlogical Heattends by the Oovrt amt a ecwwA-

f speetatora He bad MM Hw

time the Court nwjswrned for a1 oclock and

When the

beginning where be bad aUpp id ynt rday afternoon taking an ainia 9 M-

m the preceptHonor for the Brooklyn-

In discussing the of tbe Broaf-clyas tern he said

ing south are aU mocmsbrm baa beeshere untqaJvotsliy that nbe want

south Of course she went smaSh JUmr-cooM it be otherwise whoa was laUte conrse cf her turn

Now then tile battle to on TbBrooklyn steaming toward the enemyto hWMen from her own friends by a saMof smoke Here are four of Ute enemyships attempting to sink our great embv-cn But fortunately the Spaniards knewnat low to shoot It was urovMuatmlHad they known how to snoot Cammsilarj-SchKy would not now be before a te this

He would aot have lived to teU thislie would bate died on the

God There was no apparent support K

at this time Suddenly through tbatwall of smoke there appeared the whitebows of a ship A little Utter the sateherself appears Then tbe wvrate Mugfront mouth That to theGod bless her Ah well could these galtent nmttors have said GodOregon

the witnesses here all tellstory about this turn What is tile sane fdiseaasing such testimony as thatIs a unanimity of testimony from Use menwho saw what Brooklyn did that daylbs man who Hd not know the moa wisebad that of smoke between them andtbe Brooklyn have made suggestions ae-

eratser There to one thing to which mylearned friend on the other aide baa m

and that is the writing of thelyns log The man wrote Itit here before MS In exactly theorm be lIBel written It How can Captainnkytar or Captain anybody else who wasfive miles away tell as what the Stashlyn did How futile It Is to get oMninto swear who

baa worn that one of the Saanteb na-tatea hint it was the parnant nf Ae-

TAc M Attttn Cellaqw2 aw ossnta the safcjtct of 0w-

sy batwreea the naimaisnj-Hodgson I really feel ashamedanything about tt I believe as tilemodore has said that hfr Hodavon MssMeant to tell the truth But he ha laida different story every time be baned his mouth In co

tbe reported colloquy Heq Hrocally that it did not oecav If It

ROt occur then what to tIM amaking a detailed denial He saya It 4Unot occur That conversation neverhave occurred If It bad Hodgaoa irnulilhave gone down front the bring ta thehatches on the instant

I do not know how thisa story of a colloquy between a

ate executiverelation to the f tbe Tyon will read the log of the captain afthat ship and his public statementsall questions you will come to taw

that there was only uton that day I mean

the bow off another ana raked nnVaYou would naturally suppose tbat a

everyone of them Yea ItesMwas danger of a collision The captainsown statement shows that there wasget of a collision Captain Clark teattttotlto that The Iowa came near runnig Intothe Texas

Continuing Captain Parker brought outa new thought tending to show that Itwas in reality the Iowa Instead of tkeBrooklyn which came near colttdtag wWithe Texas and he said tile only way IfcJcould account for Hodgsons

this matter was that te an the teKc

two incidents mixed He thenthe testimony of Admiral Evans shuiuteithat that officer had said his navteatabbad called attention to the danger ofthe battle

In conclusion Captain Parker saidNow that brings me to the close and

have but one word more to

Admiral Schly You alt know whet Ris and what It has been There te not onman wi h the exception of thised Potts who contradict his ownIn respect to had tbe em

here and suggest one word to ttet-aertfanent of Admiral Schleys rhararttrWe know you know the country Iras urnwhat the character of Admiral Sebtey baabeen You know that devotion to denyhas been his guiding principle naaer acircumstances and everywhere and T

to say of what be said in dosing bteevidence about tIN officers and menhis command which of himself be ofcoarse could not say that on that nayyou were Impressed with the fact that bawith the oMeerii and men who were

in that struggle futaUed te lbsand noblest degree the

of the AmericanAs soon aa Captain Parker MIll

ed Contain Lrmly amnmnctil that MR-K yaer would follow

Mr RaynerN OpcntHKMr Rayner prefaced his renaatfks by

crt for making any argnsaeajfc atsaid be could not enlighten C

upon tile issues of tbe casethought he might lighten Utethe Court H until purpose ant baand would be to abide closely bysneciflcatlons ofsuch points as would the Court fromthe trouble of going over tbe greatof testimony in tbe case He paM n

rat to Mr Hanna upon thehe hud presented kin argvsaent

and expressed his thanks to the

with which he had treated te theease He said that they lead tonaarttntthe ease with Judicious impartiality liethen

that tdid that the speed was ten knotthink that settles it Attention has beencalled to the fact by my learned heatherthat the Iowa made tatter that shearrived at In snorter ttetefafter living Key Went than tha-wtnadrtir btt the Iowa went apanml tbnorthern coast of Cuba and Aitesteat-Schley encountered the oppoaMcof the Calf Stream

1 shall DOt take an theseht regular order I will eon

Xe 1 Va Flooring Stilt 2 100L I 1 Jik LiLU X CO



lilt DeclarationsCourt ee lCRftalr ma

Large AtlJRe lIe lCaphnai ehew

Mr Rayner this morning We-

ia behalf of Admiral Sekieg

to willaharps


expectsopened this

Captain Father his


stories about tllleIt-


case He would In amary

tthey did not know how to

Brooklyn from the rest of tile


tto those who were on buard


were ave milesthere any danger TIle

tto sink the

That put

1 1

subject Mr Hodpon apt laM


story teaMhave Vt up except Ia one way Is

aoRramming It

present Usa itwas be wlllo shot the stern GE tthe


which followed the battlerest rem

Into the Texas at the

tIIIatIs In regard to the general


think we can with e1 to yea

that e owed anIIIL

lie thethis


and for then

I will not dwell on the journeyKt West to It not

tt0a8 of the and ewaI think Ute

point an fltk lon ue-tfr Captain bin teltinsony In to a Mtinder full to

the best of his theyrtime


BIll J




Fsreefitl Argwent



ba ix-gameat be-


iczwa listened rhud

core of-ten opedlicadons if prempe at

asosneio coneinde

seaMan rcontinued asgnsainIt


Theae snshlyn


be soldiers grave

spotsoei ibselt

the dust

blem iii-





away fratu-Whirt was

squadron fleaklynhas beeg In ugqmopt

iit istuai



nte mnke delsaM

er of a vessel and In


chaste wmisai




bq had

run-ning beg1ng at

say andcharacter 1

man anes





saying apoi Is the


thethe precept aeltsave



judge ad-vocate assLtant Inims


Ciemifuegu Is inirecept nt-

it una testimony upon abssettles about men

Higginton says inamwcr question yea

proceed speed Cianfesgen






