greg gibson

Magazine R531 Q & A Greg Gibson Greg Gibson grew up in Canberra, Australia, and did his undergraduate degree in Biology at the University of Sydney. He moved to Basel, Switzerland, for his PhD on the specificity of homeotic genes in Drosophila, and then to Stanford for post- doctoral research, where his interests turned to the quantitative genetics of development in flies. After a year at Duke University he took up a junior faculty position at the University of Michigan, where he received a David and Lucille Packard Foundation fellowship that was the key to establishing his research program. He moved to the Genetics Department at North Carolina State University, also as an Assistant Professor, in 1998, where he adopted genomics approaches to quantitative evolutionary genetics. Together with Spencer Muse, he wrote ‘A Primer of Genome Science’, published by Sinauer Associates, now in its second edition. He is currently conducting research on association studies and quantitative transcription profiling in relation to morphogenesis and physiology on Drosophila, with a growing interested in canine genomics as well. How did you become interested in genetics? Well, both of my parents were biologists, so naturally I didn’t want to have anything to do with biology in high school. At Sydney Uni, I was studying science and law together, struggling with the mendacity of torts. My father gave me a book on genetics to read. By the time I finished chapter 3 I’d decided to make solving the genetic code my life’s work; then I discovered in chapter 5 that the problem was solved. But I was hooked. If not the genetic code, then what hooked you? Pattern formation. The next year we were introduced to transdetermination — the change in fate of Drosophila imaginal discs from, say, antenna to leg, when you culture them for a long time in larvae. Walter Gehring, who did much of that work, happened to be on a tour of Australia, just at the time his lab was cloning the Drosophila Antennapedia complex. This complex encodes a series of genes that, when mutated, change antenna into leg, for example. He gave a seminar on the homeobox, and it was just amazing to learn that this little bit of a gene holds a key to the evolution and development of the body plan. The next thing you know I was on the plane to Switzerland for a PhD. Who else have been your greatest influences? I’ve been very lucky to have been mentored by a series of extraordinary scientists, who approached science very differently but all respected the essential need for individual exploration. At a critical juncture as a post-doc, while I was deciding, without really realizing it, to switch from developmental to quantitative genetics, I went to a workshop at Stanford. One senior geneticist told me straight up that I was naïve and misguided. Technically he was right, but luckily Andy Clark was also there and he immediately offered support and encouragement. One chance encounter can change the course of a career. What advice would you give young scientists? Be passionate, find your niche, and let the environment around you make you better. I think it is important to work with someone whose work inspires you, but most of the time you are going to be learning more from all of the other colleagues and peers around you. The other important thing is to be open- minded to diverse approaches. For example, coming to North Carolina State University was novel for me, because there is definitely a different atmosphere in land grant universities. After a while, I realized that people working on pigs and maize are asking basically the same questions as Drosophilists and Arabidopsans. Genomics enables us all to talk together now, so there is great potential for cross- fertilization. Hence your new interest in canine genomics? Yes, dogs are obviously a wonderful system for studying developmental and behavioral evolution, but they are also emerging as a very useful model for toxicology and parasitology. For example, one quarter of the world’s population is infected with intestinal hookworms that contribute to enormous loss of human potential, yet they receive little attention, so we have done some work on canine hookworm as a model. What are the big questions all biologists are asking, then? I’m not so sure if we’re really asking them! I guess consciousness and the origin of biological complexity are two areas where we are pretty much clueless. The latter is closest to my research interests: I’m probably best known for my work on canalization, which is the evolution of the buffering of development. When you perturb genetic systems, you don’t just change the mean value of a trait, you also usually increase its variability. I suspect this phenomenon has something to do with the epidemic nature of what we tend to think of as genetic diseases, like diabetes, depression and asthma. In the modern environment we may just be exposing much more ‘cryptic’ genetic variation. Solving this riddle also has implications for understanding how novel biochemical, physiological and developmental genetic networks arise and evolve. These are all genetic questions, what about other sciences? Actually, I think our biggest issues are educational and cultural. If biology is going to be the science of the 21 st century, we really have to pay attention to the social upheaval this is feeding. I think people are afraid of genetics at some level, because they do not understand it and it butts up against beliefs and value systems (which is something that I do not

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Magazine R531

Q & A

Greg GibsonGreg Gibson grew up in Canberra,Australia, and did hisundergraduate degree in Biologyat the University of Sydney. Hemoved to Basel, Switzerland, forhis PhD on the specificity ofhomeotic genes in Drosophila,and then to Stanford for post-doctoral research, where hisinterests turned to the quantitativegenetics of development in flies.After a year at Duke University hetook up a junior faculty position atthe University of Michigan, wherehe received a David and LucillePackard Foundation fellowshipthat was the key to establishinghis research program. He movedto the Genetics Department atNorth Carolina State University,also as an Assistant Professor, in1998, where he adopted genomicsapproaches to quantitativeevolutionary genetics. Togetherwith Spencer Muse, he wrote ‘APrimer of Genome Science’,published by Sinauer Associates,now in its second edition. He iscurrently conducting research onassociation studies andquantitative transcription profilingin relation to morphogenesis andphysiology on Drosophila, with agrowing interested in caninegenomics as well.

How did you become interestedin genetics? Well, both of myparents were biologists, sonaturally I didn’t want to haveanything to do with biology in highschool. At Sydney Uni, I wasstudying science and lawtogether, struggling with themendacity of torts. My father gaveme a book on genetics to read. Bythe time I finished chapter 3 I’ddecided to make solving thegenetic code my life’s work; then Idiscovered in chapter 5 that theproblem was solved. But I washooked.

If not the genetic code, thenwhat hooked you? Patternformation. The next year we wereintroduced to transdetermination— the change in fate of Drosophila

imaginal discs from, say, antennato leg, when you culture them fora long time in larvae. WalterGehring, who did much of thatwork, happened to be on a tour ofAustralia, just at the time his labwas cloning the DrosophilaAntennapedia complex. Thiscomplex encodes a series ofgenes that, when mutated, changeantenna into leg, for example. Hegave a seminar on the homeobox,and it was just amazing to learnthat this little bit of a gene holds akey to the evolution anddevelopment of the body plan.The next thing you know I was onthe plane to Switzerland for aPhD.

Who else have been yourgreatest influences? I’ve beenvery lucky to have been mentoredby a series of extraordinaryscientists, who approachedscience very differently but allrespected the essential need forindividual exploration. At a criticaljuncture as a post-doc, while Iwas deciding, without reallyrealizing it, to switch fromdevelopmental to quantitativegenetics, I went to a workshop atStanford. One senior geneticisttold me straight up that I wasnaïve and misguided. Technicallyhe was right, but luckily AndyClark was also there and heimmediately offered support andencouragement. One chanceencounter can change the courseof a career.

What advice would you giveyoung scientists? Be passionate,find your niche, and let theenvironment around you make youbetter. I think it is important towork with someone whose workinspires you, but most of the timeyou are going to be learning morefrom all of the other colleaguesand peers around you. The otherimportant thing is to be open-minded to diverse approaches.For example, coming to NorthCarolina State University wasnovel for me, because there isdefinitely a different atmospherein land grant universities. After awhile, I realized that peopleworking on pigs and maize areasking basically the samequestions as Drosophilists and

Arabidopsans. Genomics enablesus all to talk together now, sothere is great potential for cross-fertilization.

Hence your new interest incanine genomics? Yes, dogs areobviously a wonderful system forstudying developmental andbehavioral evolution, but they arealso emerging as a very usefulmodel for toxicology andparasitology. For example, onequarter of the world’s populationis infected with intestinalhookworms that contribute toenormous loss of human potential,yet they receive little attention, sowe have done some work oncanine hookworm as a model.

What are the big questions allbiologists are asking, then? I’mnot so sure if we’re really askingthem! I guess consciousness andthe origin of biological complexityare two areas where we are prettymuch clueless. The latter isclosest to my research interests:I’m probably best known for mywork on canalization, which is theevolution of the buffering ofdevelopment. When you perturbgenetic systems, you don’t justchange the mean value of a trait,you also usually increase itsvariability. I suspect thisphenomenon has something to dowith the epidemic nature of whatwe tend to think of as geneticdiseases, like diabetes,depression and asthma. In themodern environment we may justbe exposing much more ‘cryptic’genetic variation. Solving thisriddle also has implications forunderstanding how novelbiochemical, physiological anddevelopmental genetic networksarise and evolve.

These are all genetic questions,what about other sciences?Actually, I think our biggest issuesare educational and cultural. Ifbiology is going to be the scienceof the 21st century, we really haveto pay attention to the socialupheaval this is feeding. I thinkpeople are afraid of genetics atsome level, because they do notunderstand it and it butts upagainst beliefs and value systems(which is something that I do not

understand). Biologists andtheologians are going to have towork together to counterbalancethe extreme fundamentalistattitudes that threaten pluralismand rationalism.

Are you saying that religion isalso something that geneticistsshould be studying? No, not atall. Every individual has to findtheir own accommodationbetween their spirituality and theirscientific knowledge. For mepersonally, there is no need for agod, and a secular world view ismuch richer and more hopeful,but obviously there are millions ofChristians and Jews and Hindusand others who have no problemintegrating faith into theirscientific worldview. The tragedyis that there is a strong echo-chamber out there that equates‘belief’ in evolution withimmorality. I suspect we haveourselves partly to blame,arrogantly proclaiming threateningideas from selfish genes throughsociobiology to social Darwinismas if they are some higher truth.

What is the educationalchallenge then? To help peopleto understand genetics, which likeit or not is going to play a biggerand bigger role in everyone’s lives,without being threatened.Approaching half of all Americancollege students, includingprobably over a quarter of allbiology majors, now regardintelligent design and evolution asequally valid explanations for theorigin of life on Earth. Anotherquarter reject evolution altogether.That isn’t a problem in itself,except that it tends to come with awhole package of anti-intellectualstuff. If the fraction approachesfifty percent, I worry that we willenter a social phase transition thatstarts to reject rational enquiryitself. I guess we need to stopcasting evolution in opposition toreligion, and start seeing these astwo arms of the quest tounderstand human nature, workingtogether and building on acommon tradition of enquiry.

Department of Genetics, North CarolinaState University, Gardner Hall, Raleigh,North Carolina 27695-7614, USA.

Current Biology Vol 15 No 14R532

The females of bird species thatchoose mates on the basis ofmale traits are often presentedwith an impressive array. Theplumage of some males showmultiple colourful and showyaspects often accompanied bycomplex songs or dances. Andamongst the bowerbirds, malesfurther dazzle with theirconstruction skills and a display ofdecorations and ‘painting’ of thebower. So what is a discerningfemale to make of all this? What isthat makes the difference andleads to a female mating with amale?

New work by Timothy Robsonand colleagues at the University of

Queensland reported in the RoyalSociety’s Biology Letters(published online) has looked intothis issue. They have looked at themating choices of female satinbowerbirds in rainforest clearingsadjoining the Bunya MountainsNational Park in Queensland.

The team trapped, colour-banded and measured a total of561 bowerbirds and their strategywas then to video record a total of21 different males’ bowers overthree consecutive breedingseasons. The team monitored 14bowers each year out of the 35–50present in the area. They chosebowers most likely to be visited byfemales, based on previous

Signal issues: female satin bowerbirds are faced with a wide range of signals frommales when choosing a mate. (Picture: Michael Fogden/Oxford Scientific)

The focus of desire