greetings april/may 2013

1 GREETINGS Greetings greetings greetings Greenacres Congregational Church In this issue..... Page 5 ‘Five minutes with ‘Neil Page 6/7 ‘Children's page’ Page 8/9/10 Church notices and diary April 2013 greetings greetings

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Bi-Monthly Magazine of Greenacres Congregational Church


Page 1: Greetings April/May 2013




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gs Greenacres



In this issue..... Page 5 ‘Five minutes with ‘Neil

Page 6/7 ‘Children's page’

Page 8/9/10 Church notices and diary

April 2013



Page 2: Greetings April/May 2013


Church membership Church membership is a very important part of the life of

a Congregational Church. We at Greenacres value the commitment that is expressed through Church

Membership, devotion and service. If you would like more details about becoming a Church Member, we have an

information pack you may find interesting and


Please ask our Minister or one of the Deacons for a copy.

Weekly activities Sunday 10.45am Morning Service Communion follows the morning service on the first Sunday in the month

Tuesday 8.00pm Tuesday Club (Alternative weeks)

Tuesday 6.30 pm Karate classes Wednesday 6.30pm Beavers, Cubs and Scouts

Thursday 8.00pm Choir

Friday 7.30pm Youth Club (Alternate weeks)

Page 3: Greetings April/May 2013


Greetings to each other, all our neighbours—and

everybody whose eye this leaflet meets

Dear Friends,

A couple of weeks ago in Church I told the children a story from

Aesop’s Fables. As I write my letter today I’m reminded of another of

Aesop’s wonderful tales, The Four Oxen and the Lion. It has perhaps

one of the most memorable of all morals that Aesop penned – United

we stand, divided we fall.

The reason that moral comes to mind is because this past week has

seen both the inauguration of Pope Francis I and the enthronement of

Rev Justin Welby as Archbishop of Canterbury and there is a sense of

a renewed hope in the World Wide Church. With Palm Sunday and

Holy Week following on the Church is definitely on something of a high

at the moment.

Whilst this may all seem a million miles from us at Greenacres we are

affected because we are part of the body of Christ, his Church. There

is interest in the Church and we can find opportunities to witness to

God’s love for our community. The month of May especially will be an

opportunity for us as we celebrate our 341st Church Anniversary and

take part in our Whit Sunday celebrations with our neighbouring


Paul says in Ephesians 4:

“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the

calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be

patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep

the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body

and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were

called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all,

who is over all and through all and in all.”

Following our February Church Meeting there is a renewed sense of

optimism that the body of Christ is being built (a phrase Paul used in

the verses following that quote) as we engage ourselves in

considering how God is calling us to work and witness. The challenge

to each one of us is to play our part in the construction work of God’s


Wishing you God’s richest blessing,

Neil Chappell

Page 4: Greetings April/May 2013



Pentecost is the great festival that marks the birth of the Christian church by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pentecost

means "fiftieth day" and is celebrated fifty days after Easter.


Ten days after Jesus ascended into heaven, the twelve apostles, Jesus' mother and family, and many other of His disciples gathered together in Jerusalem for the Jewish

harvest festival that was celebrated on the fiftieth day after Passover. While they were indoors praying, a sound like that

of a rushing wind filled the house and tongues of fire descended and rested over each of their heads. This was the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on human flesh promised by God

through the prophet Joel (Joel 2:28-29). The disciples were suddenly empowered to proclaim the gospel of the risen

Christ. They went out into the streets of Jerusalem and began preaching to the crowds gathered for the festival. Not only did the disciples preach with boldness and vigour, but by a

miracle of the Holy Spirit they spoke in the native languages of the people present, many who had come from all corners of

the Roman Empire. This created a sensation. The apostle Peter seized the moment and addressed the crowd, preaching to them about Jesus' death and resurrection for the

forgiveness of sins. The result was that about three thousand converts were baptized that day. (You can read the Biblical

account of Pentecost in Acts 2:1-41).


A tradition of some churches in ancient times was to baptize

adult converts to the faith on Pentecost. The newly baptized catechumens would wear white robes on that day, so

Pentecost was often called "Whitsunday" or "White Sunday" after these white baptismal garments. Many Christian

calendars, liturgies, and hymnals (particularly those from the

Episcopal/Anglican tradition) still use this term.

Page 5: Greetings April/May 2013


Most prized possession:

My gold money clip, I had it as a wedding gift from Sandra instead of a wedding ring, it reminds me of what a great day we

had. Why do you come to Greenacres Church? It is my hour of the week where I feel relaxed and welcome by

everyone; I say a prayer to my mum and pray for anything that troubles me.

Favourite words of inspiration: "Treat people how you expect to be treated yourself” Try it? It really works and you get more out of people.

Saddest moment of your life: Definitely visiting my mum in the Chapel of Rest, nothing has

ever hurt me like that before; I just wanted to shake her hand to wake her up. Happiest moment of your life:

The birth of my daughter Yasmin, I really wanted a girl after having a son first, I held her first and said her name, I said

“Yasmin I will love you forever”, (though she tests me at this at times)

A figure in history who you'd like to have afternoon tea with: Not really History but going back to the 1999 Manchester

United treble, what did Ole Gunnar Solskjaer feel like when he put that ball in the back of German net. I’d love to meet him

and ask him, I will never forget that moment. Person in your life who has influenced you the most. Both my parents have been a big influence on me, my dad

worked hard all his working life though my mum was really good with the pennies, I have adopted both these attributes in

my life. Piece of wisdom you would pass on: “Good times and bad times neither lasts forever”

Your philosophy in life: "Live every day like it's your last because one day it will be”

Which film could you watch again and again? ‘A Good Year’, with Russell Crowe, I like to think there is a bit of me in this film.

5 minutes with Neil Roebuck

Page 6: Greetings April/May 2013


Strange and Miraculous!

The Story of Pentecost, adapted for children.

Tara was looking at the calendar in great anticipation. She was so excited because her birthday was coming up soon, and she just couldn't wait. "One . . .two . . .three . . .four . . . ONLY FOUR MORE DAYS!" she squealed with glee. Then she saw a strange word she had never noticed before. "Pen . . . Pen . . . Pen - te - cost," she slowly pronounced the word. "Hey, Mum. What is this funny word?" she asked, sounding it out again slowly. "The word is 'Pentecost,'" she explained. "It is the day the Holy Spirit came upon the first Christians, and it is celebrated as the birthday of the church." Her mother lovingly took her by the hand, led her to their favourite chair, picked up the Bible, and began to tell her the story of Pentecost. * * * After Jesus arose from the dead that very first Easter Sunday, He spent forty days walking and talking with his closest friends and followers. They were thrilled that Jesus was alive again, and they listened very carefully to every word as He taught them more about the kingdom of God. One of Jesus' favourite places was on top of a mountain. He would go there often to be alone and talk to God. His friends loved Him so much and didn't want to leave Him. One day some of them followed Him to the top of the mountain. On the way up, Jesus told them that the Holy Spirit would come to give them power to teach people all over the world about Him. When Jesus finished talking about the Holy Spirit, a very strange, miraculous thing happened. They watched in amazement as a cloud appeared out of heaven. It surrounded Jesus and lifted him up. He disappeared out of their sight. They had never seen anything like that, and they couldn't believe their eyes! They just stood there staring up into the sky! And that isn't all . . . Two ANGELS appeared right beside them, asking why they were just standing there. The angels explained that Jesus had been taken up to heaven, but He would someday come back to earth. They were certainly glad to hear that, but they still didn't know what to make of it all. This was all quite puzzling, and they weren't exactly sure about what they should do next. One of them remembered the words of Jesus telling them to stay in Jerusalem, so they walked down the mountain and down the dusty road into the city, talking excitedly about the event that had just taken place.* All the disciples and other friends of Jesus gathered in a big room to hear the story of Jesus being taken away in the cloud. They enjoyed each other's company and had meals together. They discussed the things Jesus had told them while He was with them. And most importantly, they prayed together.

Page 7: Greetings April/May 2013


It was during one of these prayer meetings that ANOTHER strange and wonderful event occurred. SUDDENLY, from out of nowhere, came the sound of a rushing mighty wind. It sounded like a huge tornado was right in the room with them! And that isn't all . . . They saw something that looked like two flames of fire resting just above each person's head! And that still isn't all . . . They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they all began to speak in other languages which they had never learned! The noise from the wind, and from the praying, and from all the people speaking at the same time was so loud that people outside on the street down below were beginning to wonder what in the world was happening up there in that room! People came from all around to find out what all the commotion was about. They were amazed and thought it was marvellous that they were hearing people speaking in their own language, because they knew that the people in the room were all from Galilee and didn't know any other language except their own. Some people were thrilled to be hearing about the wonderful works of God. Other people didn't understand and thought the people in the room were just drunk. Peter stood up and started to preach to all the people standing outside. He explained that no one in the room was drunk and that what they were seeing and hearing was the power of the Holy Spirit. He preached to them about some of the prophecies in the Old Testament. He preached to them about the teachings of Jesus. He preached that Jesus was truly the Son of God and they needed to accept Him. He preached that they needed to say sorry for the things they had done wrong and be baptized. And he preached that if they turned away from their sins and accepted Jesus Christ, they too could receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. On that ONE DAY, THREE THOUSAND PEOPLE became believers in Jesus! HALLELUJAH! * * * REMEMBER: The gift of the Holy Spirit is for EVERYONE! CAN YOU FIND THIS STORY IN THE BIBLE? Acts 1:1-14 and Acts 2:1-41

Page 8: Greetings April/May 2013


A number of people from church have lost a good friend,

neighbour and family member recently. We pray that you

will take some comfort knowing that you are all in our

thoughts and prayers at this time. We think especially of

Frank Johnson

Peter Shaw

Peter Fletcher

William Radcliffe Turner

Page 9: Greetings April/May 2013


Diary April Sunday 7th – 10.45am – Family Worship and Holy Communion

Tuesday 9th – 7.30pm – Deacons Meeting Sunday 14th – 10.45am – Family Worship

Tuesday 16th – 7.30pm – Peace & Quiet Time Tuesday 16th – Tuesday Club Meal

Sunday 21st – 10.45am – Family Worship Friday 26th – 7.30pm – Musical Friends Concert

Sunday 28th – 10.45am – Family Worship Tuesday 30th – 8.00pm – Tuesday Club AGM


Sunday 5th – 10.45am – Family Worship and

Holy Communion Tuesday 7th – 7.30pm – Deacons Meeting

Sunday 12th – 10.45am – Family Worship – 341st Church Anniversary

Preacher Rev David Ireland – Followed by Faith Lunch Sunday 19th – 10.45am – Family Worship – Whit Sunday

2.00pm—Joint service of Witness and Walk from St Barnabas Church, led by Dobcross Silver Band

Tuesday 21st – 7.30pm – Church Meeting Sunday 26th – 10.45am – Family Worship

Page 10: Greetings April/May 2013


Greetings, to infinity and beyond! We are now able to put an electronic copy of Greetings on the

Church Website. If you would like to be informed

when this happens please send your email details to

[email protected]. Thank you.

Church Anniversary

Sunday May 12th – 10.45am

This year we will be celebrating our 341st Anniversary!

The morning service will be conducted by the Rev. David Ireland, Minister of Union St URC, and Chief Executive of

Francis House Children’s Hospice.

We hope for a wonderful turnout for this special service which will be followed by a faith lunch

February 2013

3rd February £263.10

10th February £222.50

17th February £391.41

24th February £209.14

March 2013

3rd March £333.70

10th March £282.61

17th March £233.20

24th March £233.55.

31st March £ 212.51


Page 11: Greetings April/May 2013












Crossword solution for the last edition of Greetings

Musical friends Concert Friday 26th April, 7.30pm

(including refreshments) (Please see Margaret Fowler for details)

Christian Aid week 12-18th May


Page 12: Greetings April/May 2013


Kenny Karate Kenny Karate is a part of Yanagi Kai Karate Association. It

practices Shukokai and Shito Ryu Styles of karate which are two of the main styles practiced around the world.

Kenny Karate is based in Oldham and was opened in 2010 by Sensei Ashleigh Kenny who is a Fourth Dan black belt

and has been a qualified instructor for 6 years. Ashleigh has competed at an international level for 10 years and has

competed all around the world. She has 10 English titles and 8 British titles. She is also Commonwealth Champion, &

European Cup Champion. Kenny Karate is a family orientated club and is open to

anyone over the age of 5. All instructors at Kenny Karate hold a national recognized coaching qualification and are

CRB checked and also first aid qualified. Kenny Karate has got bigger and bigger since 2010 and is

still growing. We now have a mixture of all ages, grades and abilities.

Karate is a disciplined sport and is great if you want to increase fitness levels, become more confident and build self esteem. So if you are looking for any of these please don’t hesitate to come along to one of our lessons and give us a

try!! Contact Ashleigh or Denis on 0161 301 1840 or 07703842156.

Page 13: Greetings April/May 2013


And finally... Blue Bird Sale of Work

In ‘Greetings’, 75 years ago, we learnt of a fund raising event

called a ‘Blue Bird sale of work. Their aim was to raise £250,

though it is reported that some thought that amount was too

ambitious! In the end they raised £281! - a truly marvellous

result, surpassing even last year’s figure, when we made a very

special effort. Just as notable was the fine spirit of fellowship

which pervaded the whole event.

The scheme of decoration was delicate and lovely, with the Blue

Bird motif running throughout the cafe downstairs and the stage

in the main hall. The stalls were lavishly stocked with good

saleable articles at fair prices. We are told the cafe was

splendidly managed and staffed and the cuisine was richly varied

and of the very best. They also had a fair ground, ‘a pleasant

novelty’, and the lounge with it’s milk-bar.

The concerts were indescribably jolly, and the puppet-show

quaintly attractive. The children loved the bran tub, and the

palmist told the ladies-and a few gentlemen-lots!

The most abiding memory is of a whole community, most ably

led, working together with fine enthusiasm for one end, and

achieving that end. With that spirit all things are possible

Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!


75 years ago the Church planned a morning programme with a

walk and a band (and the banner!), to a service at Waterhead,

with coffee and buns in the school afterwards. A committee was

appointed to fix up a band and pick hymns! Usually they then

went up to the ‘Rec’ for the afternoon with the band, but this

year they elected to engage the band for only half a day. It was

then intended to try a new venture and give the children a half-

day outing some Saturday afternoon in the summer.

Page 14: Greetings April/May 2013



1. Son of Zephaniah (Zechariah 6:14)

2. Where grapes grow

3. Known for his furious driving

4. Condition of eyes (Lamentations 5:17)

5. Christians are to rejoice with those who rejoice, and ___ with

those who ___

8. Anak's father

9. Skill or handicraft

11. The language of the New Testament

13. The apostle John was told (Revelation 1:11) to “___ in a book”

the things that God was going to tell him

14. Creator of all things

15. Was said by Paul to have forsaken him, having loved this present


16. Solomon was said to be wiser than this man who was in the

group of the wisest men

18. Ham and Japheth’s brother

Across 6. Moses was of this tribe

7. High Priest who had Samuel as a student

8. He offered a more-excellent sacrifice

10. Son of Reu

12. The number of thieves crucified alongside Christ

14. Jacob's seventh son, first-born of Zilpah

17. A bad type of prophet

19. The first home of Adam and Eve

20. Cliff mentioned in 2 Chronicles 20:16

21. "Therefore let him who thinks he stands take ____ lest he fall"

22. According to Acts 20:7, Christians are to partake of the Lord’s


on the first day of every ___

23. Brother of Rebekah, father of Rachel and Leah

24. Book before Nehemiah

29. "Thus Noah did, according to all that God commanded him, ____



30. Samson was one

33. “Awake, awake, Deborah! Sing a ____”

34. The Dead Sea has much of this

35. Part of the body on which Samson smote the Philistines

36. One of David's Mighty Men

37. The feet of the statue in King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream were

Page 15: Greetings April/May 2013


22. Paul said in Acts 20:31 that for three years he did not cease to

“___ people, both day and night”

25. Another name for Jerusalem

26. Paul admitted in Acts 22:4 that before he was a Christian, he had

persecuted “The ___”

27. Sister of Moses and Aaron

28. The “medium” whom King Saul sought out in Endor is often

referred to as one of these

29. Fear not those who kill the body but cannot kill the ____

31. One of two sons of Aaron who died because he did not obey


32. Joseph's uncle

Page 16: Greetings April/May 2013


Greenacres Congregational Church, Contacts and Organisations.

Minister Rev. Neil Chappell BA Home 0161 624 6337

53 Redgrave St. Church office 0161 626 2018

Oldham OL4 2DY

[email protected]

Secretary Mrs Joy Dean Tel no: 01274 81 4689

7 Fieldfare Drive,

Clayton Heights, Bradford BD6 3XL

[email protected]

Treasurers Mrs Rowena Bairstow Tel no: 01422 884559

Redacre Barn, Mytholmroyd, HX 5DG

Miss Margaret J Fowler Tel no: 0161 633 1914

238 Greenacres Rd, Oldham, OL4 3ET

Greetings Mr Steve Sinclair Tel no: 0161 627 4175

Editor 4 Cranberry St.

Oldham, OL4 1AT

[email protected]

Deacons: Joy Dean Gail Waterhouse

Ian Bairstow Margaret Fowler Audrey Whiteman

Muriel Booth David Hopkins Pam Wild

Peter Butler ([email protected]) Joyce Ogden

Organist Choirmaster Miss Margaret Fowler Mr David Hopkins

Tel:0161 633 1914 0161 626 1291

Ladies Tuesday Club Freewill envelope distributor

Gift Aid Mr Gordon Bell

Mrs Audrey Whiteman 0161 678 7114

Tel: 01706 846445

Greetings Subscriptions Postal Greetings

Mrs Muriel Booth Mrs Olive Shuttleworth

Tel: 01457 870084 0161 287 1051

28, Summershades lane 4, Jowett St

Grasscroft Oldham